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tv   News  RT  July 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the, the african countries and you'll see people supporting body, what kind of intellectual process is behind these kinds of activities. but here you stop deep, somebody is crying foul as moscow all plays the block in africa. he's, as people on the continent would need to be quote reprogrammed if we take it for granted from the indian side towards america outside a lot of defense. since i was trying to help this relationship, as washington sends, it makes mastic saying it's ready for a defensive bites to keep its relations with india off the problem. and it's a moody's woman raised with a lot of it put in in moscow. you lot mosque says that the,
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you offered him a quote illegal, so should build the blogger key. this is the social network of you needing to comply with european law the what, this is our team to national routine. you live from my new center in moscow. i have mike on the bottom of the field is not just about tags and guns, but it's about a week. busy or on my, on people's minds the don't to follow the west. the narrative and africans are on the cross has back. according to e, you stopped diploma. joseph brazzel, who evidently can't drop his head around why anyone would support russia. you see when you go to someone's isaac on countries and you'll see people supporting voting supporting what putting these doing and don't pass saying putting has saved
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on bus now for you would have come to off it and save us. what kind of intellect to process is behind these kind of the active duty. while a lot of people invading the networks, a lot of people the same, anything that lies, a lot of people go to nice in their mind to do those elders. then how do you resist against that unit, that different kinds of army you need. people are watching the networks you need people explaining, seeing the way they are con, to programming the you for in the policy chief, joseph role has really once again made an arrow going to college, should use africans that support russia and the support please in purchasing that i think in countries language and people that support our children not to let them pretend is waiting on bus is ok to is basically is something else which is also supporting present, which is a do think that the on to the, to the, to get for doing that just for some strange reason,
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the year is still surprised that the african states are completely, i'm willing to take the waste has called is a very releases with the bosco. in fact, it's not a single applicant. country has been put sanctions on russia even spoke against russia and that despite christian from the waste and that's on its own, but speak to you and speed is the been speaking pieces. this, the whole region is a prime example. even just recently, we saw my lease, we did cartoon, the deed is the saying that it's a waste that continues to, to arrive as a couple of sources. this isn't pretty obvious. nope, that's one of those imperialists consider that we belong to them and a wealth also belongs to them. they think that they're the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our states to africa. our continent that suffered so much because of the perio is this arrow is gone forever. our resources will remain for us in our populations to ask because a certain be open to deepening release has been a nation,
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as it can be. does have made it clear that that whole lot comes at the expense of, of getting times. right? yeah, this is the realities that you did that to you whole, but has to not, what do you realize that and see me lucky and i the time, which is why most people continue to have an advantage over the western africa and russia as long as this is solved as indeed cool, and then i'm, i'm not just a combined to present put to test it was the point is that this is so called golden 1000000000 has been practically a parasite on other nations. for centuries, 500 years, they've been tearing apart the poor peoples of africa. they've been explaining latin america and they've been exploiting the countries of asia. and they certainly haven't forgotten that having the feeling that it is not even the leadership of these countries. although it is very important, but the ordinary citizens of these countries feel in their hearts what is happening . they associate our struggle for their independence and true sovereignty with
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their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development. but this is compounded by the fact that the desire to freeze the existing unjust state of affairs and international affairs is very strong in western. at least, they are used to feeling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money for centuries. but they must realize that the vampire ball is ending you has a difficulty to tell him to. ready the reputation that forgot the exodus you're seeing in this house, who's that as well as rather than behaving in a humble man down to actually try, continues to, you know, come to see the met, nobody meeting comment. see that? i think cuz i'm not one of the boss enough to understand the fees. well, the model of building us are a founding member of the african legacy farm says that the continent does not want to be ordered around by the west. because africans remember how they were mistreated during the colonial era. if you're doing on the lines movements,
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we work with the companies that are willing to work with us on a fair basis. and we do not want to be dictated on how we should govern ourselves. uh, what our fiscal policies should be, or who we should talk to and who we should support and who we should. we should not support. this is, this is not the way this is still the mentality of the past. it's a new york on addition, if you're the dispute, this mentality, if, if they are thinking it's either the russia or the west, young audience has, they're still thinking with this mentality, it just sticks on a new for we uh, we have long been jumping of a long support to the online movement to work with whoever is willing to work with us on a trailer basis on a mutual interest basis. and this is the way it should be if we go back to 2011
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libya, for example, which is a country in, in africa and libya was there a lot of was mobilized within 2 weeks by new to which you also mentioned that naples is not going to happen to go, well, what am i was mobilized by an adult to enter libya during the time of mama to defeat in less than 2 weeks a. so the machine was mobilized, but it's, or if you're talking about the, the, the, the fight of the mind or the about the mind or this, whether this, the own translated into uh, the mobilization of the loading machine over need to, in less than 2 weeks to enter libya, just like that. so we, we do not forget this. we do not have a memory unless we, we know very well um what, uh, what they are capable, capable of. so, so the, it's not
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a matter of, we have standing here or there we, we know we have a past, we understand that we would like to move forward with, uh, a drawing as the continent is concrete in dealing with all the countries of the world on a mutual interstates dot india is a relationship with the u. s. is deeper that needs advert bean, but it can be taken for granted about the sentiment is according to the u, as in baset to india. and it comes on the heels of indian prime minister movies visit to russia. it's important for us as americans, as indians to remember, the more we put into this relationship, the more we will get out. the more we insist on kind of cynical calculation in a place of trust in relationship, the less we will get. but as i also remind my indian friends while it is wide and it is deeper than it's ever bent, it is not yet deep enough. that if we take it for granted from the indian side
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towards america, outside a lot of defense and titles, trying to help with this relationship ahead. i don't see in the being much he to what eric gar, safety be with him as a door to new delhi. i've had to see because this kind of a reaction from the west and lead or the sort of reaction from the western press has been on the expected lines, the sort of meltdown that we've seen in the west. and for us, as far as the wizard of the indian prime minister to russia is concerned now simply because the timing of the particular was it 9 of july. when the lido is what can meaning in washington dc. even need to need us for the nato summit. perhaps they wanted those features to be dominant for the, for it shows that really what dominant were pictures of the prime minister of the was largest democracy. how can you list within well, mr. within the symbol of the, at the, as the president saw a dot chart here in, in law school. well,
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both the leaders reading classes. so the, the significance here are also the speeches in men's. and you can truly don't believe that. and that's what he saw. so during that sound, like we've also heard from the ukranian president using a harsh words for india and sort of so you will see the positive look we've made clear back to every country in the world, including the india that have fit on the rush as a long term reliable partner is not a good. and that's especially true in our view for india, when you spoke about moody and privilege and having what was a very warm embrace. and i think it was more than one the reaction in europe, but particularly in america, what was one to all of i think they they, they was resented moody coming to most good to me. but pretty well why. why do you think that sentiment was in there? is no getting away from the timing of this particular was it what we've been given to understand and wouldn't support. so suggesting is that they would also
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specialize in the near to change the timing of this and when somebody that mr. moody was here for, and in fact, this has been a tradition, the annual summit between new delhi and most school for what, while from 2000 october, 2000. and this summer just happened after 3 years. there's been a bit of an eye is given the fact that there was a go with dynamic and then the war. but anyway, this was, it was extremely significant given the timing here. and interestingly, when the, the western leaders were trying to send out the message that rushes isolated, we saw 100, you can do movie standing shoulder to shoulder with stuff with the present part of the, again, when indians hear the word, russia, the 1st words that's come to the minds are in the companion in happiness, uninstalled, me on the line yard, that relationship between india in the west in the past few months have been somewhat stream given the fact tom, especially with the issue of the call to sony separate, is who into in canada,
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who's opening, leaving, threatening india and do need to shift. so this wizard also needs to be looked at from that perspective with what india giving a message out. and so this doesn't your messaging. your perhaps not the messaging that's bill leaders in the world. the western countries warranty? yeah, there was, it was almost, i mean that perhaps maybe i'm over shooting ahead, but that i think there was almost a sense of jealousy coming out of washington. you know, to the staging this big nato summit just wrapped up, but they wanted moody to be in washington not to be in moscow, hugging fruits and, and at the end of the day, you will, that in the kremlin, in the hallowed halls of the kremlin, you are right, they would put in body, you are part of us special coverage for the injured 5 minutes. this was a peer to india. i mean, let me ask you to engine, how did it go? i would say it was a successful one, but let me point out to you all that why the relationship between new deleon most school has always been warm has always been very strong and sony. but it's been more of a political relationship that we've seen for the decade. spot often to warn you.
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queens started on the subsequent sanctions. we've seen the trade go off the oil that india has been consuming the, the influence they've gone up. what some 20 times higher than what you've seen before, the conflict a new queen of started. so in fact, the tree, it has been about $10000000000.00 from some $10000000.00 to now we're talking about a $100000000000.00. so this really was a successful with it, in that sense all those friday in box, the final day of the breaks, parliamentary forum being held in since petersburg the event is focused on international politics and relations as well as economic and cultural interactions . 400 delegates from across the world are in attendance with representatives from all of the brakes member nations, and as well as a number of representative from the come on. well, to be independent states, taking part in the event hosted by russia on the sidelines of the forum, r d had
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a chance to sit down for an exclusive interview with the speaker of the iranians holly. but you can watch the full version on our website. but here is a ronnie and speaker state on breaks, but i see some yvonne and more of these lumnick republicans here on the u. e. u. c . ok, and egypt were added. this is important and serious for the life of bricks because it has created expectations in the international community regarding the philosophy behind bricks and why it has been expanding so rapidly. we can refer to, for example, the 21st century. and after the end of the cold war and that bipolar world, the us actually follow this approach along with several of its allies to adopt a unilateral approach. and unfortunately, this has been accelerating since that time, by the us and its allies because they focused on themselves and their allies as the foundation of what they are doing. and the apex of this kind of approach was the
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time that the us and its allies tried to utilize and exploit international tools in order to advance their own interest while neglecting others. for example, in the areas of security and defense or economics does not pay attention to others in terms of interference in various regions of the world, especially in the asia pacific west asia in north africa, we are witnessing the interference of the us in security affairs of other countries, this approach has led to other countries, paying attention to bricks, bricks was formed by emerging economies, and now they have brought about great development and transformation the. and today, the asian continent, both in terms of gdp production and in terms of consumption, actually constitute more than 60 percent of the global economy. bricks has been able to play a key role in this regard. and other institutions have been developing their own tools. like in terms of messengers into banking and political and economic
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relations because of these approaches that we mentioned, other countries to try to find common interest and common enemies and common objectives. today, iran and russians bilateral relations have been effected by the same approach. now we have the same common interest, and of course, the same enemies in the ration region. we can see that iran and russia are 2 important countries. there are very deep bonds between the 2 countries. in my previous trip to russia, i delivered a written message by our supreme leader, i told the community to mr. food and we have a kind of a long term agreement between the 2 countries which is very comprehensive. it encompasses various aspects like social, cultural, political, security, and defense areas. bricks has provided a very important opportunity for us in terms of di dollarization, all the transactions between iran and russia are being conducted without the dollar . and all this is because of the wrong approach adopted by the us in terms of its unilateralism and nato has provided this kind of environment which has led to the
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formation of other institutions, such as the shanghai cooperation organization and bricks. these organizations and institutes are growing rapidly crush, and even the war between russia and ukraine. we can say that it is deeply rooted in the wrong approach taken by the us. the law mosque expose as a quote, illegals tense. i should be lawford to head and bother you. he says he refused, and that's south of the block and choose his social network of failing to comply with european law. to day we issued for the 1st time, preliminary findings under the digital services act. and our view acts does not comply with a d. s a in key transparency areas by using dog patterns and best misleading users by state and to provide an adequate ad repository. and by blocking access to data for the searchers, the d. s a has transparency edits very core,
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and we had to tell them in to ensure that all platforms, including acts comply with you legislation. the routine commission offered acts an illegal secret deal. if we quietly sunset speech without telling anyone they would not find us. the other platforms except that the deal acts did not. so we have the digital commission of the european union that is saying that the social media site x, which is owned by alon mazda, is a haven for this information and illegal contacts. uh, and they are looking to take action against the social media outlet. now a long mosque is coming forward and saying that they offered a back room deal in order to avoid this legal showdown. however, we have the european union coming forward and insisting that no such offer was made that this isn't the case. there has never been and will never be any secret deal
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with anyone. the d a site provides x and any large platform with the possibility to offer commitments to settle a case. see you in court or not. the preliminary findings of the european union's digital commission, specifically focused on balloon checks that verified accounts on acts that have blue checks. and they argue that this was misleading because those blue checks with ought to be trustworthy. in some cases, when they were not, here's what was said. back in the day, blue checks used to mean trustworthy sources of information. now with x, our preliminary view is that they deceive users and infringe on the dsa. we also consider that x is ads, repository, and conditions for data access by researchers are not in line with the dsa, transparency requirements x has now the right of defense. but if our view was confirmed, we will impose fines and require significant changes. now the fire brand c o is
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ready to throw down and take this to court. he said as well, we expect to have a fully public court battle, so the europeans can know the truth. now the company will have the opportunity to review the findings in detail and submit a formal response. they are accused of infringements of the digital services act, which is a new piece of legislation from the european union that regulates social media as activities. now, if the conduction goes forward, acts could be forced to pay roughly 6 percent of its global revenue in fines, not a small amount of money. now, the digital service act was intended to protect users from extreme content and was to impose binds and suspensions in order to make that clear, that the idea is that acts along with meta and google would be regulated to make
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sure they were engaging in a proper exchange of information and not spreading this information, etc. now, all of the major social media outlets and digital corporations were given a timeframe to comply with the new laws. but it was made clear by you legislators that there were, they were not going to be exempted from the laws. they may get a time to adjust, but there would be no exemptions. and what was made clear in the initial statements of the digital commission was that acts as been the platform with the highest ratio of this information of all the large social media platforms. now, they are not the only social media platform to have been targeted by an investigation. apparently ali express meadows, facebook, instagram, and tick tock are also being investigated. and his face al allegations of insufficient consumer protection or a deep do of algorithms that affect users inappropriately. are not good for their
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mental health. so the e u is taking aim at many different social media platforms. but it seems that x is the one that they say is their primary target that they find to be in the most violation of their new rules. your honest presidency, legs has appointed an advisor to help determine the all the members of his cabinet from a foreign minister mohammed vod zachary's has the name to be onto the post as handled the transitional. cancel all the correspondent use of july the half a story. we all know how much it was already from his days as there was for the surgery. the wrong here is rich and that includes the, the 2015 clear to you with walk hours. now he has with charge of the i'll see is appointed by president to like, muscles as a, she on has the head of the transition period in 2014 going right. he's a, he's responsible for coordinating the final line of business jones cabinets,
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which will be covered as well as the last comment. sorry, for advice, media outlets to refraining from maybe convictions about the cabinet part before then. the use will be page particular, very frustrated with us every time. so finally, be on the what is this for mr. to finish? what do you live incomplete during this for you said you're a master suite for me daily. you're deal even if this is not the case. here's part of the position that ministration is we have for you to the stage signals. there was right as far we've done a lot over the revival of your deal after tensions escalated in the way go for us for the dental chops. decision to withdraw from you told me for each one of your trust me, one of the big close to all the time. but for the freshman had invested in trying
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to fix. and then i'll be close to the escalation with the western block during his time in the office jobs that we've trusted on like the u. s. everyone in russia are committed to piece of stability in the middle east. southern you've also described the problem russian relations asked for teachers and slammed the europeans for not fulfilling their commitments under rejoiced, comprehensive plan of action known as the j. c. po, way. very fine. china for supporting you. run into difficulties created by the foreign sanctions. i called both moscow and visions to halls for us and it's for intentions with the us over the white house is unilateral move in announcing the return of all previously terminated un sanctions on 11 east lot. do you want us to cannot? or i guess the warning people, i mean we would send shirts criticizing washington 1st empty just for duty, lateralism and seeking to impose its demands on others. the question now is whether or sorry for the fall of this thing that somebody has to do for or she has learned to use less. this focused prior experience with united states now what types
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of civilians like these don't make the headlines for weston view as who are flooded with pro ukrainian news. but the ronald gaudia, who is an american volunteer and russia, has his eyes wide open to all of it. and he spoke about america's role in escalating the conflict in an interview. the art is more, i guess the of you can watch the full version here at all to you on that website. but for now, here is the highlight. my feelings have gotten stronger, especially as the united states. it continues to escalate its involvement in ukraine. i think that the united states and the other western countries continue while the specialty of the other western countries just do with the united states. says, you know, so i consider that the entire ukraine war to be 100 percent. the fault of the united states. and when things like what happened the other day and uh, some basketball happen. it just,
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it just makes me even angrier actually because i consider, i consider what happened. and so they asked for a direct attack of the united states against russia. we were actually on, on the receiving end bugs in here. so. uh huh. hi, mazda nissan. impacted about 70 is this way. the hotel we, we was staying at almost flattened the flu. so people being in the new military there's, there's no one in the unit for me with a gun in, in the hotel at the top. so suddenly i know i'm pleasant experience, but you want to go to the new. that's correct. i've been there before, right. i possibly could go back again as just an observer and what would you do? so we would you blog. oh, feel uh probably i thought about going back in just doing volunteer work there's. there's a lot of volunteer work that needs to be done. what about as a volunteer you use for the army?
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now that i also considered, in fact, i did submit my application to join the russian army. any response i haven't. no, i haven't heard back from you was 63. yeah, that's the best i mean, you've kept good. kept good. yeah. that's. that's one of the big problems. yeah, the problem is i don't speak russian very well. so yeah, i don't know if they'll call me, but i, i thought that i could be of some use to them. i mean i, i can certainly drive a truck. i can't say i, i would look forward to being on the front lines. i don't think anybody's bright mind would look forward to having that experience, right. but if i'm called on to do it, i'll do it. and especially the, i'll, especially if the united states or the west gets involved directly. how do you feel? knowing that the united states government has sent americans to die in the title, i feel how would you feel? i feel angry. i would feel angry. i feel angry now i would feel even more angry then because like i said,
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they do not belong there. they've got enough problems in their home country. they've spent how many trillions on these wars in the last 30 years. what could they have done with that money? it's money. they don't have by the way, they have to print it. so they're stealing from their kids. this money that they're printing, they could have done, who knows what with, with high speed rails and solar panels on every roof, they could have done this whole green new deal. they could have put it and free health care for everybody. but instead, what does the united states do? the united states goes around the world, destroying people and killing things. that's what they do. there's one thing that i hope, by the end of my career, i will have convey the people of this how terrible, how terrible will is it is. yeah that. and they put in months at ease of the last resort, right? the last resort. right. every effort must be made. every effort must be made to avoid coming to what we have come to. do you have any optimism
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that that will be in a way, can mean that you know, people would come to the senses of the west and decide that you to it is better to agree. it is better to negotiate to come to a mutual settlements even if it does involve compromises on both sides. i'm not optimistic. i'm sorry, i'm not optimistic about it. i. i have a feeling that it's the only way it's ever gonna stop is if is if they actually feel some pain, one way or another. so it's unfortunately, i think the way things are going. now if i'm wrong, but i think this is going to escalate into a much wider war drive. that's the update this out. he can get the details of all the stories we are following on r t dot com by now the,
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