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tv   Documentary  RT  July 13, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the for them mean forget to, uh, when it comes to getting more when defend tanisha,
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that they just do counter rush. and i think this installation is going to the very, very aware of the fact. and they tried to use that uh, notion for the on the the uh yeah, that'd be okay. but do you do a process of, do you have to deal, could you just busy? like sure that i'm not, it's not all. not only does he have any business, the one that are with any of those might have, do you have 10 kilometers from don't that's the city had been under keeps occupation for 10 years. ukrainian forces transformed of da, of got into
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a formidable stronghold, which they shall peaceful neighborhoods in done that's lucky if in the us and of us here. most rest of the slaves, the city, many with to be removed by the ukrainian military. but more than a 1000 estate refusing to abandon the homes, the yeah you, i mean is the most of us won't get the most of the bill. i wish the best reading the other one here is the border as well as the story, the media 3 of the supposed being able to do the view revision of a former rescue. still into taking of going residence to safety, just up to the town celebration. today he delivers
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a gift card and visits those who become almost family to him. yeah, if you don't hear that if you dean good news, so much as to the but anyway, as the julia go to the so would you look at particularly to just get for much more to pick them and get people seem to click on stuff. what's each of the levels, those do you live? you're going to be a lady that owns that. those are the ones that they want to and the thinks and the way that those domains will and you put all the stuff on the email to, you know, reduce this. what does it usually does got to be a pump in full but whether they do it doesn't give someone your business, but you want to send you a deluxe dental the and that can i ask you a couple of days come by the way to get started cuz i see now you'll see where you divided as i saw on some of the, by the efforts to record this on the chest. this is a, can i,
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me have a blessed the great desk. love days, compatibility. selection you from, i see the desk. they will have to wait while i recognized you, and i see latham bell, m c h. sheffield study questioning us. i see the little girls music you just meet, you see, unless you did that you the do the little guy go, this is the solution you. so do you like this page? the level is that over the phone, the basement refuge, 5 days, because residents for too long and bitter years with you know, serves as
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a hospital, a no adult. well, here's a, i mean as new z to them. yeah. to somebody else. i'm 0. mm hm. the eligibility leave that as they'll talk to me and feel like weird we like keep up with the military and civilian. don't us from done that. it's monitor the house of, of the, of cuz basement to others who survive the hell the. so the only thing you don't need this process of what was the original quote was put after 7 division the lady will should do today due to if i, if i do lose, you may have was due but it is approved on the 1st of july did love the dvd or the last think you,
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i need both of them. you need to do your there's no doesn't use the place where they shall majority the them, both federal or federal, redid rebecca, which i did the visit. these people about i did this, you quoted the, should we do like it? do we build them out and go over the, the white angels, ukrainian power emitted replace units. so they range from line towns and on notorious for the extreme brutality enough to have got the 100 down children ships both but i am a go with each of them you into mind check out mama and for the out the be able to come deal of this of difficult resident was able to hide a 12 year old son, the cities and some authorities even offered a reward for his camp just before send you over to see what the juniors are for
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2 years for jerome supported their funding for months or sure. last 3 years for the so marcus's, the, from the phone, little for him really to of 3 of the longer those little sitting or some buffalo normally show arguments. i don't know what the heck, who was waiting to sit on the nice do on me. she to begin with is $100.00 we have to be if you go to was mine, which is just to me of these going thursday,
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or we'll have to go up there. that's the king as the sub v, as 2 book fair, when you believe which is the word easy or new subset your new function as one i need the one you're most welcome for a free facebook to look up the g to buy a subsidy of of g junior and about which to which just leave a political move stays locked to come up. she's sort, i'm, when he's taking the proposal and i should sit these. so these bishop not cause did you buy at some notes you direction of a crowd, boston who's of others to which was always slow at done boss the but do you particularly mind me of them? i put it with the lab shouts,
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a statement couple with the revised deal of the the previous complaint. what are the do you mean to invoice by 4 year old team is parents had him in the basement for 2 years. they didn't allow. i'm out, saving neighbors was seeing him. sadly, neighbors were usually the ones who attempt to off the kidnappers abound. hidden children search through create their own. let me do what am i seeing you on of kick it out so much? did you want to believe me was when you come to the bus i 0 and i see where there was a property that got sold. you're not the visit gilton then that'd be the yes but, but anyway, we will focus on that a little bit. but no, do i go to the zillow? got your your business going all the bill and then threaded. you changed the note on the 2nd, the question was suppose to provo and use
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a gun and metal on the different electrical victims of him. but there's no beauty very need you to go to an engine is difficult. the scope of the volume, special strip of all the emails and say, pounds, they will go to the queue for the and that's what it was in the shop. a shop the senior stores are you not the below do much follow up to the stores, which you will just even little cost over when you need to move. it is just filled up and then you put it into a board. yeah. the she'll train that and you'll try it. it's for the month of the roof. i don't understand that. you know, we can just use can swap joseph goals for then loom up any of the slow of approval move was done. it again the
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the . 2 the phrase to deal with adults judge as in mary magdalen had left the city, but the judge wasn't left on attended. alex a, a local became it's can take up. 2 his home was destroyed for 2 years, he'd live by himself in the crypt moves what yesterday it's almost all the fuel filter. so you know to, to be sure to share with you which one of the level that we don't want somebody else. that's what the middle of the beach can grow, what i'll come or what the show got the document cover. so with the digital movie that we want that he's on the list here and gave them what i don't condone them for
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just me too much for that. issue but to be in your book, what's the difference to my probably people bundled more a taking is a at the rescue. 2 moving question. 2 what do you do? you can look at that too much the to go. now we do have a full that will do the many can you but you to on the shared have done the venue easy route into the slow you sleep shift will use it in the hostilities of the of those churches were mostly destroyed. but mary magdalen church miraculously survives all celebration. russian priest came to cancel the church and it's kind of take
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a look see to i was told 3 year old things are closer. some of our last was that i was douglasville with slow movies. can you pretty much face yet as long as you're kind of a russian national guns chaplain, awful visits. 2 free impulse news will go when you wait, so that but move them on the beach and you will say, i'm looking for a horse squash on the kitchen, nursing music more easy to pigment and said we're actually the lawyer to put in a little while. i sort of thing that's going to be a laptop alex told me, oh, i thought i knew which must spend the money it will be, well, let them ration of able is focused. cool. okay. and i just think there's
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a while and then we're done with them. this is the approximate. what now again, what those are the i knew was the most of through a whole new senior, some of the valve cover chairs with the got it. so i need to see who the, what is the part of the visit that the employee would posted. isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present. let's stop without cases. let's go products. as
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the hearing impaired name, the judges can take out. also survived aged by his don't the don't did you to a 5 very well her really cascade always want its own of incoming shells.
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the english would you find me? no, i just she loved them. but if she were to fall, i assure you most started mobile. exactly. are still the names the but i don't the store because to my cheek, you know, so obviously it's another 2 a day book. seems that oh yeah, i knew i knew what about the switch on his schedule and moodle escape smoking. funny the problem that will skier, that when we started the condition that it down, you should have nearly started. i didn't hear it as quick as i advise you that the, the old spreadsheet that you see on the well, you'd be, is over the trees,
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which seemed below see the show so that the image shot it by friday. she loved it. i knew of police search, go catch you voice human lip had i knew what the what is she? what she i'm really up to or? i mean, you guys do you by samuel barry? i really bill them. yeah. what is your model of true roy? i tell you um, the way go by the long as she had the new cool dot. no dot. no read your. on the in october 2023, the russian army launched a mess of assaults on the city of february 2024 of the guy came under full control of the russian forces. yvonne, a stone tuba co sign russian,
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a member of the 1st of the gade was among the liberators. don't to do that about the why not someone that's the i show the check. so simple. what did you have? so gosh, as soon possible, when was your distributed war on a ship? i was talking about them grants me up to a sion breeze for the loss at that store is better. so those couple to go to new deals that you shall see. you. well, i suggested you caught up out a little more scribes about because for some of the best people. so they have on boarding guy was the last 8 of them out of it. so, but you're welcome. anybody got the default thing? ukrainian troops blew up the underground stump rooms of a department store supermarket. when many had been hiding the west with us. yes. then yes, that was the ship. we use a single shot to me with divine girls you have over. do you get the do less? yes. the control of schools and then you still to us new to us. you have them semester that will have
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a new 2nd due to the veneers. get the way of when you want the 2. i can do more with them while you have. what did i, what does it take? what did it baubles cause a lock i thought up by he level in your model that, that we did that the whole, the just really is no. start on the marketing with the dog, da da at that real estate again, as my husband, that fits suits you suits you. it's a good market. the that there was, this was below and you could fit, you probably less than or equal should huddle or really feasible, a bumblebee as a 2nd side. and this is really new to it. what about stadiums that review this? what the thoughts with the multics align your opponent as of this, the all show that you'd use or what about um, do you have customers on the back looking to find like, what should i get?
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just got the issue. so i have your share models. got it, but the number on your is your lead way too big and you redo it to the back door skin. you'll redo it and you brush it didn't. yeah. a good show. look to learn you free step modeling guy. i'd be shy up too much work. uh, what seemed really a movie. joseph. somebody being great to category bullshit. the shug off the uh, the jelly color, you know, that's what i was much because estimates, particularly the most of the board you can use like 0 reading. if there was not, what were most of card actual i'll put you on. you see i was, what is new call, can you do? you pulled up. i was wondering if you have the most difficult to sort of remember one of those photos on your boss,
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rosie. i knew you could. you put you in which when you usually fisher so you know, there's always this symbol of fault issue pull the scheme which could still scholarship just because we do it. how do we need to do something to good? which can you could afford to just as well you just google the new windows 10, which i've used to, but you keep watched him half of the toner just to get the sure figured that you know, what was it was still a good curve who was for corey, and we found tatiana enough to have sent a video to her daughter nina, in the context. she didn't know if my mother was alive, but also seeing a frontage. she packed and for the most go, then a long journey to done. that's a waste of permission to enter that closer to the much anticipated meeting with
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the which quote until after the things come across conjunction with a new one. that's a good one. good to play your somebody all us here in you can not get along with the teachers assessment for to the small my day is all found. just think that the minutes thought only snow up and then yes, i thought someone else and that's really been fun. i'm put them on
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a go at english 3 and then i'm going to see new. my name is the goodness. if it be we have this to view our setting on why no matter how much food is there any. but those are up to the us. it was about those last, both things could restlessly deem it this so russian didn't like the lord know the look do. she's bruce just disappearing of a new shelf. cool. lucky does little stuff. there are other people in the around do say they know which is the over the are all these are still used to more she the get the for deep permit the for at least this semester, which students eobs putting to benefits sheet for those things. those 3, yeah,
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it's the doing about of, of gift uh hundreds of ukrainian soldiers surrendered. look placed in a secure p o w facility to await that fate the cause. we just need to share with you the thought getting into the near the scanner . and you have scalable, you mean i know if and if i'm your brain you i'm not going to not ship on mute. oh is it? no, i didn't just office just to show. we have also clearly dismissed your basement. you the percentage of your frontier,
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what you suffer through in your cause, which at the dismissing an email i need to call it is gonna be less than enough from able have the last history done will show us getting the binding. here's my other question. when you have the machine, you will, that definitely is not part of the kind of in a child then, but usually, so you can single has to do with several of these, the initial you, the seductive shanice herold because there's in your cell and then, or for see on this some of them, but it says some of the say of some of the website, some of the most mysterious. com that's a different or assume i see more than, you know, it's your 1st name will the same. the last one of the slips to us, let me show causal solutions. load up. what should the why know the approximate thing definitely and let them know that i need
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a given by our function that way and i have to pay that. i have the cities so from the side was so forth, but i don't think that the, the, the, the both of them because of
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the one with the, sorry, the for the system for the, the larger moments to those who are new to the phone system, the the for the
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device while enemy, drones are still flying above of days. father c as as love health services in the basement of a multi story building. wallace, i am all most of all in the say all the time a slow and then one of the last one of them says that's here. it's a cell that items cues vicki key switch is the visible sky. who knows the luxury tutoring. that's really essentially, you know,
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just because that's where you scroll down to the, [000:00:00;00] the for them lead on to do when it comes to getting more when defend donasia that they just to counter rush. and i think defend divisions going to that are very,
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very aware of the fact. and they try to use that uh, notion for data on the oh, the 70 killed on hundreds who left wounded. this readiness of rain down on a certain cold states. those who displaced policy and in southern gaza gardens on the fit ice in washington, $19000000.00 place to its campaign fund is reportedly frozen as is megan dunn is i'm corporate medium boxes, make brooks in utah. i may have gone to the looking at ways to paint far chinese own infrastructure products in europe. overpaying and legit suppose the most good. but is it


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