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tv   News  RT  July 13, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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there on the 17 killed and a 100 people that flew the size, rang down on a certain code said, so put this appraised palestinians in southern gaza. beijing. so i will, i think this is the result to act that by and signed into law saying rooms the input phase with china's internal affairs. i may be filled up with termination, measure the message to the new world president and events. so this can says he's committed to expanding tides with most of the invasion, all taking aim at a washington with an s good intentions with his nation the
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day. it's just the one to 5 pm here in the russian cap. so welcome, wherever we'll cashing the news up on today. this is all we saw. it was gaza. where on is really stripe, has claimed at least 70 lives leaving over 200 or more wounded according to garza's health ministry. now the latest attack targeted the on the wasi refugee camp west of the farm. eunice in the south of the enclave. a place which the idea of had previously declared the safe subs for those despised of the, according to locals, 5 minutes of hate to new times and they will to this nation unit. as thousands have
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been sheltering in the air, the number of casualties isn't springs. it's a good met exactly not sign of hospital which has been taking in most of the they didn't say the presidency is overwhelmed and cock receive any more patients as a rough also to the same state of the fed easily and reported list some of the wounded have been transferred the idea of the claims to have targeted the area because to senior, how much come on the hidden amongst the billions from us however, says loans, all these obligations are full and are merely a way to cover up the mess. cuz a roofing scale, according to the u. m, the milwaukee area in may now hold up to 1000000 displaced policy ins. we heard from a local journalist to get more details. one of the heaviest, advanced, and most area used to target in the area that is that from a days in depth, round one medium size experience off the displacement from dropbox by the scene.
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and so in defense distress, the ones who are injured and to clear the ones who are killed and they ended up also being targeted by there is any progression versus the fire that's resulted from that from budman. let's go to an old because tell him, does in that area which the extra number of injures people who are in the vicinity in that area versus lucy and assess the damage that has been including identifying the ones who are injured and, and had been cleared and then the extent that has been cancelled english by the american and was shocked by the number of people who look in, which kids said, i think we would have to work. but apparently this incident is a, not just a one. i also don't see the number, but the thing is good then individually explain the. so that was the last thing. now what is reading defense polls is i hope things such as push palestinians of the land and take control of the time in 3 middle east bureau to with the motion to
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speak for the locals. about the pressure there on the houses. had a new checks to see whether there is new damage to his farm and property. so this is the fed that they destroyed 2 days ago when they have brought to like that issue that a she but i mean the supplies she brought in, but also the cutting down the grapes. so you can see about the on handed it 20 grapes, g hospice leaves the village of up to one in the west bank surrounded by do supplements, but twilight, international lows and outposts the default of israel's legislation. the community stands at the full front of his really aspirations to expend into palestinian territory one morning half as woke up to discover this look i was supposed in his back yard, within his really flag on it. the settlers use it as a base to a new way, the locals, coming and going as they please. and there is nothing the power steering family can
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do about it. a settlers bring their herds onto palestinian farm lands. they use a harm, the farmers, walter infrastructure, the cott approved the trees, with the ultimate aim of uprooting the low, tow palestinians. the main goal of all or what's happening around is the status of a scene and land is to mix up at a scene and like tired of being on the land by like the physical attacks, by the instruction of their fields by the just throwing them there 3 is what they, but you know, they won't like to for step of this thing is to leave the sometimes the settlers come on in military uniforms to make their intentions clearer. no, no, no, no, no. we've been wrong. so these rules, most right, tween government, do settlers are in the finest moment of receiving unlimited support?
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no october 7th, when guys are based, palestinian militant groups attacked israel. the power of the sufferers searched to unprecedented levels. 2 and then i go, sometimes i don't know that i've done that much. so since the, the, the didn't like for coordination between those, such a lot of i'm the military here because the simply end of the, the, some of the top up total is the area, the sub to of the sets, those who used to affect to the store you know, they are running everything they are coming with the military. oh, uniform, autumn, everything armed and ready to use. they don't use here's hospices, nivia showed in his stomach in broad daylight with many people watching. and filming, including the army. we see a soldier approaching the shooter with no intention of stopping or disarming him
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another day. a settler, accompanied by the army, he se mail activist in her head and then went away and punished design in good order. but a scene is like the if they live like an executive and see it all the time. you know, all the scenes the unsafe, even in the homes, you know, and deadline, you know, whatever big goal is the on safe on the, i'm going like, you know, the duration we made tough is just a couple of days after he was arrested. he called these really police when the settlers came close to his house and he ended up being detained. he was released hours later as there was new evidence supporting charges, but half his goals fake. before you know, we use like the feed does like from some know both through the police, but now it's gone through the odds of supporting the suck loves everything very, give them like okay, to take the even below and their home half is his son was arrested with him and a,
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it's a visa thoughts on those frequently. they had been almost every weekend, sometimes every day in i feel they happen a lot. so how do i feel, should i feel that everything needs to stop? could get to con, continue like they need to ask the landing green like there was a deep seated and got boiling inside me. what can i say? i honest cough is and he's boy is if the subtler is, could succeed in squeezing palestinians out of the land. they all have the same answer. never, never, ever, you know, we'll stay on our land. you know what the, the sacrifices is. um. yeah. even if its life, if its life, you know what the boy, you know, maria, functional r t revolting from a to one village in the west bank. as it was present,
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i liked my suit. this kid awaits to be an old way to the the end of the month. his release. he's released a self titled message to the new world, explaining his thoughts on a host of farm policy issues that he's problem is to pay special attention to deepening funding relations with china and russia. china and russia have consistently stood by us during challenging times. we deeply valued this friendship . russia is a value strategic ally enable to around i will continue to prioritize biological and multilateral cooperation with russia, particularly within the framework such as brakes just on high corporation organization and the you raise your economic union for the presidents. i liked, has highlighted his entire sent to develop mutually beneficial relations with the states in the global south. regarding the warning, gaza business can said his new governor will take measures to stop the genocide, occupation,
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add new crimes. the use of the services are running those to act so being support initiative aimed achieving piece may include an income another key blade was relations with the us. solve for the collapse. so the nuclear deal, he noticed the iran entered the joint comprehensive plan of action known as the j. c, p. o, a in good faith and fully met. it's all big ages. however, the us with drew from the re months, we pulled the, the closing hundreds of billions of dollars in damage to the iranian economy. the scanner will cause the size, the us for the liberty escalating passions where they've gone over to support them as well, which has refused to sign. then you can non proliferation treaty and immediately possesses a nuclear also. now the good deal was assigned in 2015 of the use of consultations between the 5 permanent un security council member states plus iran and germany. so
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let's say who i would use atomic energy peacefully. however, in 2018, then the us present dog tom unilaterally. it withdrew from the treaty and reimpose sanctions on the wrong, of the participants of the deep name in russia and the wrong try to restore the good, but were unable to part as close live now to say who general the asian may, is forum deputy for international affairs and the tax on the subject of the problem is, is uh, homes. uh, that was good to see. so thanks for taking the time to join us here on, on the international uh hundreds. if i may still do what, what do you think uh, the really impressive legs off simple. i mean, it was tied to the message to the new well, what kind of new world is he told me about to thank you very much for having me. is always a pleasure to be an archie. you know, it can be excellent. introduce it as
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a manifestation of the funding policy off the next government top of your on and a small guy strongly it combination of the foreign policy. okay, isn't right. you see him, for example, on that. so he wanted to say that this new or new word and reach a new word for there is being shaped in reach. the west is not the only and even the major today anymore, which called nations like freaks as ceo and other politicians are gaining momentum and gaining significance. their ward and where countries like russia, china drove us house and, and other countries and there in our region. i sort of became more and more important and becoming and significant today years in international politics in the some ward, you know, one is going to read the fine extra on each one and policy by adhering to improvement of relations with the countries in the east with the neighbors and with
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the countries in the region reemphasize thing actually on the importance of at says the same neighborhood can piece in our region from the region and within the region, not by outside is like united states or europe and countries. and also corporation . we probably sent this piece. yeah, i mean, you uh, we talked a little bit about how it wrong. so iran talked about should i say, is cooperation with russia and china. we already know that it's a, at a very high level. but what, what all this is the country is, can perhaps work on further, or the, one of the most significant things that has happened between a runner and russia is the bank transactions that is going to be actually somebody . and they probably can't use the force of the in a, in a very short time in
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a farm that's wrong in late august. and so these means a significance, the in the done, the right vision of the relation between your own on russia and us and mama. and that can be happen with other countries. and if i'm not strong and you're also he's doing this thing, we are the countries as well. so these, these examples are significant steps in and fighting against the dominance. so you're still in there and how the americans are rubbing noise in their currency. right? with the sanctions, i'm countries not here on our washer, on the, on it there's. so the corporation that the 2 countries have had in case of a for the, the sanctions and against design since the game or you cancel or the worse. and that's how we've done that is a great example enrolled him on that for further and further corporation between the 2 countries. we have done at last in economics relations. and we have a lot more to actually explore in the army board. you have a lot to do in terms of
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a tourism, for example, which is the connection of the nature nations to one another. and these parts of the sustainable development for countries and also on many other areas like the rear engine on issues. we have had a great experience in syria going to be working together to fight against terrorism in that country after isn't more prizes. and eh, these can happen actually more and more. so assess corporations in different areas of social constant are the economy and military and political issues is something that the 2 countries have a lot more to actually explore and achieve in different. that's right. and they, as it says, to study very interesting how the world is changing and the dominance of the us is no longer viable. but let me look a little bit about the j. c. p. o, a. now you, and i've talked about this before. i know, but present a light. uh,
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because this scans paid special attention to the new video with us new room is that i say sweating about 4 months waiting for him is that if returning to that post, i mean, he broke the deal originally as, as i remember. but do you think that the nuclear deal will be revived, or are we not inspecting the us sites to come back to that table? it is very likely to have misses that. he's back to that position. it is more likely to appease for me to choose, he missed that off key of the top runner for front of ministry. i think that the message that he would be in another position may be like a deputy vice president for only a vice president for part of the dakota 1st. but the point is that it would be in the background, he would actually raise and guide to the front front. but the case of j. c. p o, a. the problem is not the case. i do want,
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thanks to our need to west some countries or announce advising by it and they are against that. so it is not in anyone's actually decision to revive the judge if you're a. the one is open to the other or sign has expressed in is expressing interest in reestablishing it. or the point is that the u. p. ends and the americans are not ready to get back to me. and it depends on them whether as the letter says, actually the article says if they designed to get back to the table in a, in an ink one situation with a mutual respect, then a wrong with x. when you get back to it's coming to minutes space sunday. yeah, i'm practically, i see. and don't think that the americans and the europeans are that's ready to get back 3 very soon. i especially with the upcoming directions in the not the space that mr. trump has a kind of a chance to win the what was actually, and he's the very person to create the deal as you just mentioned. and so it is not
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very likely that we can have a negotiation to get back to the case if you're a, if he wins there. and that's and then gets to the office in january and the euro can on that independent actors in this regard. and we can see a very a that's a significant steps from them to saw, not strongly and strong or binding the disgrace of the steps and to take a serious actions and responsible defeat against any regular with regard to the j. c. pure and nuclear tops. yeah, well at the end of the day, who needs the j. scipio? anyway, let's move on. one last question. if you the mind i'm, it is always good to see that it wrong is present a night to strives to please of the countries international prestige on the all set themselves. and that's what he said. so what challenges and threats should i say,
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are a ron currently facing the most challenge that he has, it could be studies the domestic issue because of the bad economy. as you know, we witnessed a low turn out in the election space running the 1st round of the break potential election, which was a records no, actually. and so what he needs to do is to improve the economy and to unite the nation. more am or more than before because we have uh some uh lets say um is nothing for their eyes society yet. and we cannot say to us any long, but it is moving towards that organization. so he needs to prevent that. and by increasing the domestic power and the domestic support of the nation, he can have a better position in its in madison area as well. so it is a, a, a significant points for him. he is a crazy. com challenge that he needs to address or to trying to move that the funds
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to support his policies. and actually the things that he has done in recent days after that when the election have been significant and positive signals to the nation. a meeting with arrows during the election a i mean the after the elections that drivers that he has it for the election. yeah, it's matt and mess with them. and he has participating several events or a gatherings when he paid a visit to the house of the lights imprisoned, the right you see and, and you for, he's actually a pregnancy from a different capital f, i think on a street. so by showing this respect to the right bones and to the other side of the on, it has been trying to show that he's a government lens cabinet, is going to be more about the unit t off the whole nation. that's just a for the to call and, and parts design and cabinets. and it, it seems to be so far seems to be very successful,
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i guess. and there are some rumors that some of the positions like some, some of these, there's, are some worst presidents are going to be picked from the previous government. and for a government of the survey, you see, and also from the other people from the other side of the stream, i mean to means a police or the conservative um or the stations. and to show these, these gifts turn off a unity governance. yeah, certainly very interesting times i had for the global south here on the ricks the see a very exciting times in days. but after the with that how much it was, one of them is audit always a pleasure. the 2nd feet general, all the asian may, is forum, i mean, the deputies international lopez and the municipality of with the sizes that affects. again, thank you. are the right. the aging has slammed the washington a so named resolve to but right now the tie is,
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pharmacy says the move is pure interference into the countries internal affairs, the so called promote a resolution to the, to about china dispute act, grossly to see us in china is domestic affairs on demise, china's interest the small, small to implement the act. if the u. s. continues down the wrong path, china will take the rest of the mass. just assume that the found the silver and c secuity development interest. that statement came off the us present jo button, find the bill into law on friday. the document 6 pressure basie to coming back to negotiating table with the best of the leaders to discuss religion would totally sign up as opposed to the accident. it was 1st introduced calling it a destabilizing measure, all the st. contribute that causes us as the us actions concerning to, but contradictory, and interfere with china is in time of us. so try not attitude as you
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would because this is a reading frenchman. upon and chime is sovereignty. joe biden, as at the same time he signed this act into bosses. he also made a public statement. say you'd then you'd, i smell states when continued to recognize too bad as part of china. this is solved, contradictory. if united states recognize to bed as part of china, then this is a internal chinese affair. us has no right. 18000000000 chive as domestic affairs countries like china and russia, that can say no to us. this is why politicians and us right now are seeking a return curve to the cold war because they think that they have one cold war one died. oh, so they think they know how this will play out, but right now is 2024, and china is the factory of the world. much of the world economy depends on
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china. this. united states is not going to wind this window this way. all you can do is to seat this lid china phone. we've been by encouraging separatism. the central virtual issues such as tibet or tie what that china has got. i acted very publicly against much of the us publication in the past. because china tried to maintain the sides of friendly relations with us, but we're not at this point. uh, there is no point. even try to make a pretence. there is anything but amicable uh, but, but soft style relations certainly exists between china and united states. and the visually go hand um car is on the use of godaddy with a sky high report button button g. john, being a hundreds of meters from one of the tools buildings in iran,
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the the control you don't watch this, but while the adrenaline junky is will thrive on defying gravity, miller tower, one of the tallest structures of the world has recently unveiled and richard city bungee jumping platform, charged high above the viper city of toronto, middle of the tower, now posts the highest bungee jumping spot in the world. suspended hat, counting 280 meters above ground level produce more attraction has already attracted daredevils from far and wide. fear of the beast, so from the last tower, excitement fills the air as adventures gear up to take the plunge from one of the finest highest bungee jumping platforms. let's dive in and see what they're doing for i thought i'd see just a handful of their doubles ready to test their limits and there was taller
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structure. but i was thinking of back why the long line of through seekers eagerly waiting their turn. even witnessing others hurt himself. some such disney cards sent shivers down my spine. the rush of adrenalin is tangible as the fruitful before the bungee cord springs them back into the sky. anywhere besides this time i was more scared than my 1st job. it was hard for me to face it again, but in the end i did it and i'm feeling okay now. great. i don't. let's go ahead and do the students course. i'm afraid to tell me basically everybody has a belief that things are feeling well. i think the front of it is worth it. although it's kind of my 1st time i'm nervous. my brain's like telling me don't do it. something's bad going to happen. and, but it's like 280 meters, but i are coming to to everyone. it's worth it for those concerned about safety. rest assured that every precaution has been taken here. the shots are say, every single equipment including the bungee cord and the safety harness undergo
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rigorous checks. so there are no excuses for missing out on this funds. you job aid as born g. safety is guaranteed to strep, secure your shoulders, and to secure your legs and lower body. there are additional strategies, and altogether that would stand 8 times. the expected pressure was therefore 30 in terms of safety, cdc, per se. so high study mitsy news . now it's my turn to embrace the 12 1st had i can't believe that. i'm going to take the lead from 280 meters above ground. goodness, i don't feel the vertigo group at the end. the vertigo creeping in. wait a minute. can i back out right now? why am i doing this? let's go. i'm ready to die. was the was
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initially every 5 do if my being screamed against the sleep, but as i watched fear disappeared, replaced by a pure sensation of flight that i wish would never end mad. i can't believe i did this. jumping from 280 meters above the ground. unbelievable. it's an incredible experience watching the captain a tough ron from this vantage point is really amazing. its sheer excitement. i really liked to stay here forever in mid air. please don't call me on the time where says, go. bungee jumping platform was built as part of an amusement park that offers all kinds of cooling activities, including what they call sky walking. in the i'm the side from bungee jumping.
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there are other freelance items available at the tower. visitors can experience kind of walking on the edge of the tower outside the safety fence, wellbeing protected by safety gear as it was 32 meters. additionally, there is control sky diving, where visitors are slowly lowered from a height of 280 meters down to 40 meters before being suspended for a couple of minutes to fully experience the excitement before being pulled back up . there is also a glass box or the room with glass floors and walls or the alone visitors to experience this sensation of beings, 280 meters height and weight, or divide from hold on. uh, everywhere. i never price when i oh, i live in uh, trying to is it the highest building? so this point was obvious for me that i need to see. i never try bind it down. i prefer sky diving needs must safer. i have much lower control during the flights down on sky diving, so sort of the top still east left me
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a lot of our hubble waves drawn visitors with their panoramic views of the bustling capital and surrounding landscape. now with the additional dis, adrenaline pumping activity. the towering structure has joined the range, so the highest bungee jumping platforms such as the couch hour in china, and new zealand, snippy spongy. so again, whether you're seeking a bridge, i view of different or an unforgettable swill, you know, tower has it all recording from milan tower. i'm use of generally for r t. while i certainly wouldn't do that, i don't have that problem. some of this, it is our points, this have been comfortable that they don't have the intend maximum blue bracket that will be out due to the lake. so is that the .


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