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tv   News  RT  July 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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it's not that it's less than that text, i'm putting notes under that the 9 p killed and hundreds more or less one that has is really a mess of rain down in the so poll safe zone for displays, policy, the end of the solvent. gov, the aging slums of washington is resolved to back to acts that body and slide into law saying and grossly into fact with find that internal affairs may be a trick that for retaliation and a wrong message to the new world president to let some muscle that this can save his committed 2 weeks, finding ties with moscow in b g, while taking in a lot, washington voice, collating tensions with his nation,
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the rubber continuing on coverage of the latest dread, shaping the world right now. this is our team to national i a michael watching that we start with guys off where on the east, where the strike is claimed. at least 2990 lives, leaving over 200 others. when did, according to guys, a health ministry. this latest the top target at the out of milwaukee refugee camp west, they'll come eunice in the south will be in grave a place which the idea of had previously declared the safe zone for those displays . a warning, the best story contains disturbing images. the, according to locals of 5, my cells made land full. he attends, i know what
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a distillation unit. as thousands of people had been sheltering in the area, the number of casualties is expected to grow. medics of the nearby nasa hospital, which has been taking in many of the victims say that the facilities overwhelmed and can't receive anymore patients. apollo cnn envoy to b u. k. last out of the easy role for not abiding by decisions made by the un security council and the international court of justice. this is israel's response to the ice and j rolling 4 months to go to the u. n. a. see more than a month ago. and to the ongoing ceasefire adults and the whole once permanent address and, and permanent occupation the this on verified footage the circulating online stuff with at least shows that the bodies of numerous victims of the idea of trying these really all me claims to have targeted the area because to city, oh, humble commanders were hiding among civilians. advise however,
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says that those allegations off falls merrily and attempts to cover up the however, if it scale of the mass across you, many different groups say that hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians, they be sheltering in the area. and then we've heard from a local journalist to get more details. one of the heaviest, advanced, and most area used to find one is targeting the area that is that for me to think i found one medium size experience. i started this placement from dropbox by the sooner and so in different distress, to have the ones who i entered and to clear the ones or could and they ended up also being targeted by there's any correlation versus the fire that's resulted from that from budman led to the looks of loading of the guys selling those in that area which the extra number of interest people who are and that was going to affect the area of ours to see and assess the damage that has been closed. including identifying the ones who entered and condemned had been cleared them and extend has
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been cancelled. them was shocked by the american mitchell with all the facts and were shocked by the number of people who look and which keeps it. i think we would have to work, but apparently this incident is a larger scale one after actually the number of part of the thing has been done and it is extremely hot. let's cross the live to. so i'd be more a professor of political science at the base that university professor is good to have you join me now. not less funded this way. the idea of pains a pocket to to have mass combined as in this recent attack have the abi, has not specified whether it was successful or eliminating them or not. but let's speculates share a little, let's say, a floating sense though, right? killed. that would mean the 2 targets were taken out of the expense of 90 smith. again, that's in the hundreds or more when they have any russian all be explained. if you can, that'd be a russian opportunity to defend such
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a trade off. even play the devil's advocate seems on, on some mountable challenge here. how do we explain this? ok, good evening to you and or you spell that you said the last name. i don't think that any action against guys uh, is the russian or no the g. c. are going to once is when they are doing new symbols, as you said, somebody, they the one speech high get it for leaders. i'm us and the 2nd, but there was just there's that does not just define the height number of words. i wouldn't be able to jump to inject as the dictation of the there's a g, g count or can which these are awesome versus me go there was this area and see what we've got to change the, the, the war. let's see. i think that's going to go do
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a mass going to go get the advantages of crumbling. no kidding up saying that you need when. busy how old is it? so from the very beginning, this was going to get the, the, there's a mass. then later on this, i'm going to give you a beach, let's really, they are sure that there was there or not. so it's a, this is my 2nd that day with that because they don't think then the people did, you did, the 1st thing you sent me was messed up. she stated the beginning floor. so would be when we say and so i say there's a jewel side, it is urgent besides, because we don't care about the people in any way. i say i'm going to say this
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get to the doctor to the beach because it's not, it's got to get this not to be so however, that was the inspection of their stories or maybe we didn't, you know, advocates where, where there was that some meetings between the and the defense with mr. as with the chief of staff and the chief of the visions and the meeting. also lovejoy i do for the whole research because they know the size of the price for me did. and they tried to find that kind of situation and they came out with the story which moving that was we really, each one was the on the back. i just wasn't sure. did you was there or not? so neither damn it is, you know, exactly what's the, what the,
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what dated was the using american bones. and we went on the beach and they, you know, told there's the port where don't you go to that crazy, sick. these we are talking about 800000 people who are living here. use the roof. i'm from the area and considering this area from missouri most viewed is a safe or area used to i actually there is no say these are in, in the guys that especially with an army like the army, which is on the event. she goes as no legal and it's up to be committed the crimes every day. all right, now prefer the mondays a policy the and on voice as of the ease ready, prime minister netanyahu has no interest in peace talks only permanent aggression. i wonder what your thoughts are here. why want to nip in?
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yeah. who wants just that? given that he's facing so much criticism at home, it was yes, there is a huge issue to just the whole cause. now everyone is known as these are even though it the know in that case the dispute is the name as even to explain it. busy quite clearly there's, there's are reasons for that. one's important use of that, you know, like to wish for me as much as the call is waiting for the people to the uh, to uh, address that. busy 24 months in washington, and the city is old. who's the speech? maybe after that deal with however, we are talking about disease. yeah. american deals the chair by 2 and he said this is these are 81 and the best thing ever. existence for sure. yeah,
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can we do that for framework of this? uh uh do you understand the discussion now? what are they looking for new conditions which is. busy the framework and stuff is the your, how many are going to do with those elizabeth, the work he's talking about. that's what we out does or yeah, i'll be from, let's say we the area known issues and images, guys and splitting guessing uses more from the dc area as well for the door and the listing. this is what i've also ensued that we have the right the, the war with the, even after latrice, which is supposed to go for $42.00 days, a do leasing. so there's, there's quite often that is really the,
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was it easy speech with a bit of a peaceful conditions he should drear to be that we would do or risk in this stage? he's as much like all the resumes. all right. as much as which means that he knows that he's going to sacrifice there is an all right, we have to leave you here now. so odd name or professor a political signs at the base at university. thank you so much for your insight here. now and over to the west bank now where he's really defense force is helping subclass boost fall experience all their land and taking control. busy of the territory middle east bureau chief, my f in austin. i speaks with locals about the pressure that they are on the hospice, had a new checks to see whether there is new damage to his farm and property. so this is the fed that they destroyed 2 days ago when they have brought to like that issue
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that a she but i mean the supply that she brought in, but also the cutting down the grapes. so you can see is about 120 grapes g hospice leaves the village of a to wanting in the west bank. surrounded by do supplements the twilight international lows and outposts the default of israel's and legislation. the community stands at the forefront of his really aspirations to expend into palestinian territory one morning half as woke up to discover this look outpost in his back yard with an as really flag on it. drew settlers use it as a base to enjoy the locals, coming and going as they please. and there is nothing the palestinian family can do about it. settlers bring their herds onto palestinian farmland, they use a harm. the farmers, walter infrastructure, the cott approved the trees. with the ultimate aim of uprooting the low,
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tow palestinians. the main goal of all or what's happening around is the status of a scene in line, is to mix up at a scene and like tired of being on the line by like the physical attacks by the instruction of their fields by the just throwing them there 3 is what they, but you know, they won't like to for step of this thing is to leave the sometimes the settlers come armed in military uniforms to make their intentions clearer. no, no, no, no, no, with the rawlings of israel's most right. tween government, do settlers are in the finest moment receiving unlimited support? no. after october 7th, when guys are based, palestinian militant groups attacked israel. the power of the sufferers searched to unprecedented levels the go. so the
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slug. no. the didn't look for coordination between those, such a lot of i'm the military here because the defense, the end of the, the civil hooked up up total is the area, the sub 2 of the sets. those who used to attack to the store, you know, they are running everything they are coming with the military. oh, uniform, autumn, everything armed and ready to use. the guns, here's hospices nephew showed in his stomach in broad daylight. we've many people watching and filming, including the army. we see a soldier approaching the shooter with no intention of stopping or disarming him another day, a settler, accompanied by the army heat, a female activist in her head. and then went away and punished design in good order. but a scene is like the if they live,
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it likes edit exam and see it all the time. and it was up in the cna's, they're unsafe, even in the homes and deadline. you know, whatever big goal is the on safe on the, i'm going like, you know, the situation. we me tough is just a couple of days after he was arrested. he called these really police when the settlers came close to his house and he ended up being detained. he was released hours later as there was no evidence supporting charges, but half as goals fake. before you know, we use like the feels like from some little boys through the police, but now it's gone through the arts of supporting the suck, loves everything very, give them like, okay, to take the even the low and didn't have half is his son was arrested with him and a, it's a visa thoughts on those frequencies. they happen almost every week. sometimes every day they happen to a lot. how do i feel? i feel that everything needs to stop for it to con,
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continue like this. he was still angry. like there was a deep seated anger boiling inside me. what can i say? all his classes and his boys, if the settlers could succeed in squeezing palestinians out of the land, they all give the same answer. never, never, ever, you know, we'll stay on our land. you know what the, the sacrifice is. um yeah. even if it's life, if it's life, you know what the boy, you know, maria, an option of r t reporting from a to one village in the west bank. let's head to a ron now where president elect masood depends. this can wage to be longer rate at the end of the month, he is really the self titled document, cold message to the new world, explaining who stands on a host of foreign policy issues. and he's promised to pay special attention to
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deepening friendly relations with china and russia. china and russia have consistently stood by us shooting challenging times. we deeply valued this friendship. russia is a value strategic ally enable to around. i will continue to prioritize biological and multilateral cooperation with russia, particularly within the framework such as brakes just on high corporation organization and the you raise your economic union. as the president elect has highlighted his intention to develop mutually beneficial relations with states in the global south regarding the watering gaza, as i scan has said, his new government will take measures to stop the genocide occupation of the world crimes that he also stressed. his readiness to actively support the initiative a that achieving piece in the ukranian complex. and another key point was relations with the united states officer, the collapse of the nuclear deal. he had noticed that you run into the joined
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comprehensive plan of a known of action. no, that's the jesse po, a good faith and fully met its obligations. how about the us withdrew from that agreement report to be causing hundreds of billions of dollars in damage to the iranian economy. by the scan, criticize the us for deliberately escalating pensions with the vine over its support. the result which has refused to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and illegally possessing a nuclear arsenal. to now the new k. a deal was signed in 2015 after years of consultations between the 5 permanent view and security council member states. plus you run and jump me to and show that to ron would use atomic energy peacefully. however, in 2018. then you as president, donald trump, you lots really withdrew from the treaty and reimpose sanctions on a ron. all the participants of the do, the daily russia and the ron tried to restore the agreement,
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but were unable to. we spoke with high ranking you, ronnie, and all 1st of all that he said that the ronnie and presidency likes position is clear to develop a more. busy to pull a weld so that the us can no longer apply its unilateral restrictions to independent countries. the can be an extra incorporated as a manifestation of the funding policy off the next cover. and then top of your on the so he wanted to say this new or new word you reach a new word for there is being shaped in reach to the west is not the only and even the major today anymore. i mean wage calling. sions launch freaks, s c, o, and other politicians are gaining momentum and gaining significant task in the ward . one thing is clear, if you want to guess it in there, you can do any truancies on your right policy and you're right position. and that's what you want, he's going to do a beat,
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the maximum pressure campaign on the only pre building sanction is that the good to done that you want. and i've given other countries across how, for example, and they have failed to achieve. they've been res, wants to actually to group and down the country because americans are not trustworthy. and in 2016 with the dad who signed the j. c. p, or a and we actually implemented on the con commitments. but they did not follow episode we darn it clearly here. he knows that he can not trust the americans and they were saying there's anymore or so, because of that, actually, that is not going to bow down to any pressures and the china now where be gene has slumber washington. so what so named resolve t bed act of the tiny as for a ministry said the move is pure with the veterans into the countries in tunnel the fast the so called from a resolution to the, to about china dispute act,
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grossly to see us in china's domestic affairs on demise, china's interest the small small to implement the act. if the u. s. continues down the wrong path, china will take the rest of the mass. just assume that defend the silver and see security and development. interest of that statement came off to us. president joe biden signed the build into law on friday. the document speaks to pass a beating into coming back to the negotiating table with the bed on the lead us to discuss the regional autonomy. time that had to pose the accent and see was 1st introduced calling it a destabilizing measure. are to contribute to college offsets, but the us options concerning 2 bed contrib decree, added to fat with china's internal affairs. which i not add to actually would because this has to be infringement upon and chime is sovereignty. joe biden, as at the same time, he signed this act into boston. he also made a public statement, say,
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united states continued to recognize too bad as part of china. this is solve contradictory. if united states recognize to bed as part of china, then this is a internal chinese affair. us has no right 18 here in travis domestic affairs, countries like china and russia, that can say no to us. this is a wide politician, seen us right and are seeking a return heard to the cold war because they think that they have one cold were one died. oh so they think they know how this will play out. but right now is 2024, and china is the factory of the world. much of the world economy depends on china. it's united states is not going to win this. when this we're, all you can do is to see just let china phone we've been by encouraging separatism in control, virtual issues such as tibet or tie. what about china has died. i acted very uh,
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publicly against much of the us publication in the past. because china tried to maintain the flip side of friendly relations with us, but we're not at this point. uh, there's no point even try to make a pretence. there is anything but amicable. uh yeah. but, but soft style relations certainly exists between china and united states. other crumley and a has denied back evasion that the russia applied to us tested in a be see all the german arms make. a hind metal must go. said cro dates old, presented in the style of another fig story. the 4 sides ripped, which cannot be taking seriously. the so called explicit report appeared on cnn's website. so i think a number of anonymous us officials of the news outlet provides new evidence just. busy saying it happened at bull anonymous quote,
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confirmation the german officials with. busy and by washington of the american broadcast, as continue to say, the russia is using proxy forces by hiring local. i'm a just to bogged down the shopping center as an all the rights of the acts. the outlet describes as pets, the vandalism, to further its efforts in the crate in conflict. now the job money cannot make situation a sense. the ukrainian conflict breakouts has blown down to stop lation. i best honestly say that the bullying joining the anti moscow samsung crowd has been the main driver forwards g to be taking a hit. but for high metal business is booming for the largest military manufacturer in germany. last year the company posted another year, revenue increases, and in 2024 sales are expected to fly off the chart and reach nearly 10 beaten euros. and i will discuss all this with a pair of guests to,
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to get the tapes on the my, to a jew to the situation a job and that the majority of the general people, they don't agree with the, and deliveries to you frame. they are criticizing the job in whether an industry or not state and it's not only best as the actors but his voice was and christian act us as well. i'm crazy sized companies like ryan because like i have done calls like how small 5 it's poured weapons in to config region since a long time. the criticism is holding on things a long time. so i think there's no shall be done kind of green washing all the time with which as well was involved in the 2nd law in false claim. a moment, 4000 people loved that. mostly from the east european countries and jewish people. and many of them died in the concentration kind of nearby,
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and i can dazzle full where they have been transformed into the to be false labor. so the chevy kind of green washing because there is a plan even to make the job my own life and industry big. oh yeah, it is, isn't disclosed. and we have created comments. of course, these are attempts to create a general plan that is opinion where russia is a great baby man, which is responsible for problems of the west. i think that's the fall fish that's i'm afraid. that's what probably got probably got lost. they leave the story whether it's evidence based or not. and then they went to retain the image of objectivity. but they who say these stories are based in the newspapers they pub today to and they will have the desired effect,
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the schools. but with some parts of the population, there's the, he reads the media, your whole or with the media a emphasizing the same story with no data. some people will start eating it. now if a us mess all is fired from euro towards russia, the country from where it is launched will be targeted in response, the crumbling issue that's done wanting as need to apply this to space and long range american weapons in gemini. i need a couple in the us continues to earn money as europe is in the science of ama solves on our country is in the science of us. missile is located in europe. we have already been through this. it has happened before we have enough potential to counter those my sounds, but the capital was of these countries and all the potential victims i made, there's a jump on the media reports that a country is preparing for war. apparently, the job of defense ministry has already made contingency plans in case of an armed
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conflict against russia. one reports that of the classified plan for so 8 100000. they to a soldiers and 200000 military vehicles, being the maneuvered across the german territory for a potential a battle. according to the german officials, the country was not only play a role less nato's logistical hopping case of a fight against russia. but would also need to establish a large scale camp for prisoners of war. as tensions are growing. so if the number of promises data has pledged to take on the broad a role in coordinating trading training and equipment donations to ukraine. a new international coordination center has already been set up. so you as many tree base in the job in town or these by them. it is the tasks with locating in providing equipment and weapons from all the e u space, but good feel,
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feel the needs of ukraine's war efforts us. now while the german military gets ready to host us, mess cells and you create in troops another offer up on publicists increased in the rate band. besides the regular people in germany do not want to direct war against russia. just kind of as i'm just the before the german population for the most part rejects today, they often board with russia. they don't want war with russia. i think the population is simply not informed about the command center and best buy me about how important it is. first of all, if i take the german tradition, it is a completely term doing the willie pranced and version of this policy of common security in europe. they proceeded from the premise that the security is common. this is the position that the russians witness and perhaps most of the day, but states of western europe and need. so try and you want to push the fact that in order to make these one must be prepared for war. this is a setback for many generations. what contributed to your asperity will be destroyed
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by arms production. however, coordinating the supply of arms to ukraine and the training of ukrainian soldiers on german soil means germany, according to the war, the center. some of the located vist button is headed by 2 star general, who in turn reports directly to the commander in chief of native horses in europe. and so is the founding of needed. there has always been americans in that position . the 1st being twice is a our 1st and that's a line up a story this time. see you again with more stories of the top of the by down the the
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