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tv   News  RT  July 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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of the idea of attacking against it, it is still not absolutely certain whether our goals were achieved. the 90 people are killed in an id of like on gaza. but these are the problem minister says he's not certain whether the attacker t that's gold staging slobs of washington to resolve the bet ox that bite inside into law. say you drove lead to passive, find the fast. i may be a trigger for retaliation measures. i didn't national color up of a terrorist attacked ross as slums within the decision to stop the inquiry into the nodes. freedom, the pipeline, sample size and
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a rod message to the world. president elect monsoon to pack this can says if he's committed to expanding ties with moscow in beijing while taking a bike, washington to escalate intends. and this with this nation, the what, this is our team to national reaching you live from by new center with moscow. i a michael question now these roles prime minister netanyahu says he's on the 2nd whether the idea of achieve its goals with a devastating strive on this phase building solvent guys, in which at least 90 people were killed. the main thing that you saw and then thoughts the state of israel through the idea of finishing that today attacked the gather street in order to collect. and while i'm a deep and he's deputy rough us telling me it is still not absolutely certain whether both of those goals were cheap. but i want to assure you that one way or
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another we will reach all of some of his territory. submit the from us all the latest attack. tom. it'd be all milwaukee refugee camp west of con eunice in the south will be in place a place which the idea of had previously declared the safe zone for those displays a wanting the following images by the disturbing the, according to locals. 5 missiles made lun for the attendance. i know what the distillation center. as thousands of people had been sheltering in the area, the number of casualties is expected to go. medics at the nearby nasa hospital which has been taking in many of the victims save other facilities. overwhelmed and parents received any more patients about us t and on void 2. but u. k. last out of this is role for another biding by decisions made by the un
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security council and the international court of justice. this is the israel's response to the i, c j rolling for months to go to the u. n. a. see more than a month ago and to the ongoing sci fi tullocks, and they have to know who wants permanent address and, and permanent occupation to this on verifies footage circulating online, published at least shows the bodies of new era as victims of the idea of strikes these are the ami clinton's to have positive be area because of the to senior have back to mind as we're hiding among civilians have minds. how about says those allegations on falls and i barely an attempt to cover up the fall roughly scale of the mass of got as many care a group say that hundreds of thousands of displays, palestinians may be sheltering in that area. were heard from a local journalist to get more detail. one of the heaviest, advanced, and most area used to target in the area that day is that for me there's in got around 1000000 inside the spending. and after the displacement from dropbox,
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from the by the sooner to a different stress, to have the ones who are ended and to clear the ones or could. and they ended up also being targeted by there's any progression versus the fire that's resulted from that, from budman led to the looks of loading of the guys selling those in that area which the extra number of interest people who are. and that was going to affect the area of ours to see and assess the damage that has been closed. including the identifying the ones who entered and, and had been cleared them and extend, has been cancelled. them was shocked by the american mitchell with all the facts and was shocked by the number of people who look and which keeps said, i think we would have to work. but apparently this incident is a larger scale one after and see the number of part of the thing has been done individually. explain the spouses, the onset of the watering gas or the idea of has been relentlessly targeting densely populated areas of these ready ami claims. its main goals are to complete
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and total eradication, optimize and the rescue of hostages from the enclave. but back in may, the idea of targeted the solvent city of rafa, where at least 45 people were killed, including women and children. at the idea said the illuminated to a mazda many times in the tag. but a minute then. yeah. who claim that the config. yeah, and that's what a tragic mistake. but i feel about being, you know, in rough up we have already evacuated about a 1000000 money involved residence. and despite the best effort not to handle non involved, unfortunately, the tragic mistake happened last night. go down, let's the idea of maiden. now the fatal error back in april when for an age walk, as we killed and the idea of flight 7 humanitarian volunteers part of the world. the central kitchen organization were killed in central gazda while performing the duties by let's cross now live to build battery
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at one apollo stephen bridge is on the list and why the editor in chief or the right all your them, it's nice to have you join me right now, i bill that we've seen on many occasions how the idea of come, it's quote, tragic mistakes. why do you think we'll see re license taking against useful? i believe it was a mistake. i believe actually that is that a plan that very well, you know, this policy area supposed to be a free zone, supposed to be a safe zone that human zone. and those that i need knows that very well. so they actually, but they use the us as a nation of the tube. how, how much leader, especially the bahama, the base, the head of the, how much military when they use this, they use their prison to justify or as alex accuse on to the bomb, those people, the, i'm up there, the i'm up and then over the, over the ground the on the ground,
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and this is not the 1st time there is that i really committed must have goes on all the, just the by these kind of us tax and say the somebody was that us in law who's been either by mazda of guys or was there or, and they're the leader of the military. we was the mohammed of late. so i believe it is a, it's accused to try to justify what to what they did, you know, and, and this area about the 100 people working. most of them children and women, and also $300.00 with and just so that i did the same thing and the say it up which is about the same to, to meet as from the news that they killed both of them a 300 people and they tried to release the postage as with the, with the so, and, you know, i think it is really, it is really a huge lives by the government, by mister beth and the alarm. so when he was saying this, it was a mistake, you know, does that is very, is but his phone only
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a 150 square miles. so how can you make a mistake there? and you are there that they have all the most a boss, you know, across on big time, extra support that and so on the ground to all right. i in 2 days or time 9. so people have been confirmed, so fond you have been killed by these riley, a prime minister says he's on sutton, whether the idea of goals where i cheat, what does that tell us about the possible true goals? so these really leadership, as you know, i believe that the now is not very difficult position, you know, who has a huge id. the difficulty is to convince the american that what he's doing is that i think the other big goal. so the peaceful all the through still between how much time there i'm there is really and direct one change completely because he doesn't want to stop this war of adult. and so he says that the war of genocide in gaza
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is continuing. it is now 9 months and we are in think the 10 month old this decides . so nothing you know said asked me to the 13 and you guys are paying to destroy my mouse and remove it from the about this page completely to impose a set of in the, by the other as of the other. this isn't, this isn't smooth with. so i believe he is a frustrated and he expressed this frustration by to like a map. uh, you know, um children and live in the program is 0 bit as bill us. but those i'm older to quote with 300 and, and people who are injured by this war. this is the problem. there is no medicine, there is no hosted with those. there is no anti i new equipment switch actually called l am saving those people. this is the of the, of the top of the, i'm the, i'm from dropbox. i am from does off the top of the people. they say you started
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patient, the sort of starvation started to stop it and, and, and guns on the 6 ball. the processing 7 pulled up per se between garza and as i and the all of them are most completely. there is no human is a oh, so i'm afraid, you know, people, if they don't die because of that aids and put it, they will die because of that as thought of asian, which is a thing that goes to about to now in amelia reports, these ready prime minister says that even if the tide calling out of milwaukee safe zone did not succeed in that fascinating top of mazda officials, it is still beneficial to use well, what do you interpret of that? how can i guess? but the question i have, this is the 1st time in my life. i envy that you know, but if it's just the whole, we all have contributed to our communities, human being too often. but people who are actually styled,
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you are killing people who actually displeased about the 4 times i'm the parent does are moving to a new is moving and back to have news. so this is the situation that so said can people is actually beneficial, beneficial to that is really or beneficial to egypt or beneficial to anybody. not. this is a joke. to be honest. no, this is up a genocide. this is estimate lives a. this is, you know, kinds. so i believe i'm surprised that unless our community is silent, why they don't appear well, well the american human rights value is, was the i, we look setting the mouth all the time. i am really surprised as i stared again. i am pro garza, i lost the most of them, 60 people of my family, and i don't know how many people are killed now because of this is that i live at a. so i have, i have time in the umbrella, i have come in and did it, but i have somebody who can use. so this is, this is the problem we are to. so, you know, people are, you know,
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must have got and then the technician community is absolutely silent as they know they come up for those that i need. so i'm, i'm, i'm really frustrated. oh, i one can really understand the pains here. bill barry twana published by the student british on the list invite to thank you so much for your insight into and decided now badging has slammed the washington so named resolved to bet act of the chinese foreign ministry says that the move is pure into veterans into the countries, the intent of the fast, the so called from a resolution to the, to about china dispute act, grossly to see us in china is domestic affairs on demise. china's interest the small, small to implement the act. if the u. s. continues down the wrong path, china will take the rest of the mass, just assume that defend the sovereignty. secuity and development interest not statement came off to us president to abide in, signed the bill into law on friday,
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a document 6 to pass a b ging into coming back to the negotiating table with 2 beds on lead us to discuss the regional autonomy my time i had to pose the accents he was 1st introduced, calling it the destabilizing measure, are to contribute to call josh as the us actions consenting to bet, contradictory and into fact with china's into the fast. which i'm not active as you would, because this is a re infringement. upon and chime is sovereignty. joe biden, as at the same time, he signed this act into boston, he also made a public statement. say you'd then you'd, i, smell states continue to recognize too bad as part of china. this is solved, contradictory. if united states recognize to bed as part of china, then this is a internal chinese affair. us has no right 18 through periods 5 as domestic affairs
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. countries like china and russia, that can say no to us. this is why politicians and us right now are seeking a return curve to the cold war because they think that they have one cold where one died. oh, so they think they know how this will play out. but right now is 2024, and china is the factory of the world. much of the world economy depends on china. just united states is not going to win this. when this we're, all you can do is to see just let china phone we've been by encouraging separatism . the controversial issues such as tibet or tie what that china has got. i acted very publicly against much of the us publication in the past. because china tried to maintain the sides of friendly relations with us, but we're not at this point. uh, there's no point even try to make a pretense,
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there is anything but and the co uh, like i saw style relations, certainly exists between china and united states. i've been to boston to cover up the public terrorist attack. that's how the russian foreign ministry spokesman bobby, as i thought over commented about sweden's decision to close the investigation into the north street in pipeline stop with us in 6 months haven't passed. yes. and sweden has repeated what it announced in february that the investigation into the north stream explosions is closed and stuck home can not identify the perpetrators . let me remind you that the crime was committed in a special economic zone of sweden. and the reason for such legal apathy is the main beneficiary of the terrace, of that is the bite and administration which did not hide it's relevant plans. stockholm has neither the right nor the will to object to the u. s. in fact,
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we're talking about an international conspiracy to conceal a serious crime, a terrorist attack, and still calm has a corresponding role in this circle of responsibility. according to this, with his prime minister investigations were unable to determine, knew who shall be charged with subadvise. only last week, the german newspaper developed planes of the attack may have been planning to buy ukraine more than a decade ago, long before the coverage conflicts. however, that contradicts revelations, by the award winning us jointly, they say more hash, who concluded following a months long investigation that the explosions were carried out by us special services in collaboration with no way in an effort to maintain dominance over europe. now, mainstream media outlets appear to be shifting the blame to ukraine, and this columns of the russian president, again has one of the west will simply use the zaleski government that escaped goes
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before bad hunting is at the end. the junior jesse, which doesn't mean the west does not want to replace them. now the time is not right, because i think it's obvious to anyone. they will hang all the unpopular decisions on him and that's it. then they will change him. i think it will happen sometime in the 1st half of next year when you're doing your business. lia, tops took place in the baltic sea back in september 2022, 3 out of the 4 pipes were disabled by the blasts with sweden soon confirming the attack was deliberate. later traces of explosives were also found on the yacht suspected to have shipped the bombs. soon after the incident of western countries, a key was moscow, subadvising its own pipelines. it came dismissed by russia, which accuse the u. s. u. k. and ukraine of complicity and the incident, i've been independent political research to greg somebody the set of sweden apps only in accordance with washington's position. the weight of his suited for ease,
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all sweeping down the gulf of and a lack of boring forfeiture. an account with us when it comes to exp. busy easily inconvenient. busy things and this is very inconvenient because if we mobile sweden's trajectory gets pain a minute, are getting off the 21st century vessel stage of the us and now it's recommended the client side. so it's more start to betray us master suite and there was a, so the hold on to the us. so it is gonna withhold any evidence that supports the us sabotage. i mean, i can share with generally, because generally is the exactly the side. a situation is wait and by the bathrooms going on the client side, and i will not be dry the the burial soon. so
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well, let's head to your rod now as presidency. let's assume that this guy and the wage to be not the rate of, of the end of the month. his release, the self titled document cold, messy. so the new weld explaining his bands on the host of foreign policy issues, his promise to pay special attention to the playing friendly relations with china and russia. china and russia have consistently stood by us during challenging times . we deeply valued this friendship. russia is a value strategic ally enabled to around i will continue to prioritize biological until actual cooperation with russia, particularly within the framework such as brakes just on high corporation organization and the you raise your economic union. the president elect has highlighted his intention to develop mutually beneficial relations with states in the global south regarding the watering gazda, as this can said, his new government will take measures to stop the genocide occupation of the war
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crimes that he also stretched. his readiness to actively support the initiatives a that achieving piece and the training and conflict. and other key point was relations with the united states after the collapse of a new k a deal. he noted that you run into the door and comprehensive plan of action in good faith and fully methods obligations. how about the us withdrew from that agreement, reportedly costing hundreds of billions of dollars in damage to the radi and the economy. business can criticize the us for deliberately escalating pen since we could run over the support of ease. well, he does refuse to sign the nuclear non proliferation treaty and the lincoln the possessing a new castle. the new good deal was signed in 2015 off the years of consult patients between the 5 permanent un security council member states plus iran and germany to ensure that to ron would use atomic energy peacefully. however,
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in 2018 then us president donald trump unit lots early read through from the treaty and reimpose functions on iran, all the participants of a deal ross and you run tried to restore the agreement, but we're unable to. we spoke with high ranking iranian officials, he said that the ronnie and president elect position is clear to develop a more multiple world. so the us can no longer apply its unilateral restrictions on independent countries. to do can be if i starting to reduce it as a manifestation of the final policy often makes cover and then talk to you on that . so he wanted to say that this new or new word can reach a new word for there. he's being shaped in reach to the west is not the only and even the major for the anymore. and we call it sounds like freaks as seo and other politicians are gaining momentum and gaining significance. that's it. ward. one
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thing is clear if you want to win against the americans, you any truancies on your right policy and you're right position. and that's what you want. he's going to do a beat, the maximum pressure campaign. and the only prevailing sanction is that the good to done that you want. and i've given other countries that price on, for example, and they have fam to achieve. they've been res, wants to actually, to cooper and down the country because americans are not trustworthy. and in 2016 with the dad who signed the j secure a. and we actually implemented on the card commitments. but they did not follow episode we darn it clearly. if he knows that he can not trust the americans and they were saying there's anymore. so because of that, actually he's not going to bow down to any pressures. now if a us mess, salis fired from europe towards russia,
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the country from why it is lowest, would be targeted in response. the crumbling issue that's done one, a has made 2 ponds to space and long range. american weapons in germany, a need a company in the us continues to earn money as europe is in the science of ama solves on our country is in the sites of us themselves located in europe. we have already been through this, but it does happen before we have enough potential to count to those my sounds, but the capital was of these countries, the composite potential victims manufacturing this. i made this some a media reports say that the country is preparing for war. apparently the german defends ministry has already made contingency plans in case of an armed conflict against russia. one report said that pacified planned for so 800000 nato soldiers and 200000 military vehicles, being maneuvered across the german territory for a potential bottle. according to government officials, now the country will not only play a role as nato's logistical hopping case of
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a fight against russia, but would also need to establish a large scale cam for president as a war. and as pensions are growing, so is the number of promises. nato has flags to take on the broad a role in coordinating trading and equipment donations. the trade a new international coordination center has already been set up at the us military base. and the german town of these button, it is fast with locating and providing equipment and weapons from all the use states. i could feel feel the needs of youth drains will reference a while. a german military gets ready to host us myself and the crate and troops off of and published it's christine reba and says that regular people in germany do not want to direct war with russia. just kind of, as i'm to stick with the german population for the most part, rejects the day of the board with russia. they don't want war with russia. i think
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the population is simply not informed about the command center and best buy me about how important it is. first of all, if i take the german tradition, it is a completely term doing a willy brands to embracing this policy of common security in europe. they proceeded from the prim instead of security as common. this was the position that the russians with this and perhaps on sunday, but states of western europe and nato. try your wife towards the fact that in order to make these one must be prepared for war. because a set back for many generations, what contributed to your asperity will be destroyed by arms production. however, coordinating of the supply arms due to queen and the training of ukrainian soldiers on german soil means germany, according to the war, the center. some of the located in this body is headed by 2 star general, who in turn reports directly to the commander in chief of nita forces in europe and says, the founding of need are there has always been americans with that decision. the 1st being twice is an hour now booming sounds
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actually from the front lines could evoke tara, or in this case, unity. now several russian rubber bands of come together to deliver a message. they want to unite like minded musicians who support their fellow countrymen. i say it doesn't matter what language they sing in as long as they stand on the right side of history. check out on new documentary rocking for the s m o r t dot com. but here's a quick preview. the why do we play music like this? it's awesome. and resonates with us. grand squared around the bringing all the came off to the city and started selling. you're going to be neutral. now, if not for the special military operation would have been destroyed and haines that have to be know the most see the
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stand for them. but for the people who own russians living together in the unit, you know, want to tell them what to do or what language speed. yeah, post. i simply support my government. i'm an ordinary citizen. could i play american music and speak english isn't related to my political views. i'm sure i'm doing the right thing for my country. these things are attached to a drones and fly up in the air. but you will have to do, especially why did these people stay here for say to every single western tools and festivals, causing that time to behave with a whole lot with the people on the all me, despite the west to slot that i put down for the
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music calls for getting into that, and that's the update this time to see you again with more stories of the top of we are by now the the
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when i was here position i was suggesting we bought val. great. i was suggesting that we send american pilots in an blow up the bridges on the drain. i was suggesting we take out his oral supply. i was suggesting very specific action the law was suggesting we take out his oral supply. the
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each of the leading deja is $64.00. he was with the work crew that cleared the danbury off to the city of india was bombed in 1999. it wasn't, it was very striking. definitely cynthia williams. cells, we use his work mates. old died later of cancer. he is the of the survivor. some of these, some of them, all 3 of them fit with their score, 10 patel, him a to or not for quality and us till that clear fitness 1st collect appear in there . so set them dollar for the sum gulfport dancer sam was a good day i.


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