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tv   News  RT  July 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the, the, the idea that the guy has to eat is still not absolutely certain whether our goals were achieved. the 92 people are killed in an id of icon, gaza, or that you do any problem minister says he's not sutton, whether the attack achieved the goal. be james from the washington to resolve to bed acts that bite inside into law. say you drove me into fast with finance, internal affairs, maybe a check out for retaliation, measures the and international color of a terrorist attack ross,
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us not as we do the decision to stop the inquiry into the north street. the pipeline sympathized new ron's method to the new world president into lag says that he's committed 2 weeks finding ties with moscow with a g file taking a look washington for escalating passions with this nation. the that is, is archie international reaching you live for my new center with moscow? i have mike appointed by you as well as prime minister. netanyahu says he's on 2nd, whether the idea of achieve its goals with a devastating strike on the safe zone in solving gaza. in which at least 90 people, wakefield, the main thing that you saw and then thoughts the state of israel through the idea . and this thing that i talked together today with the game we're starting, we'll have a deep and his deputy refers telling me there's still no absolute certainty that
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the 2 have been eliminated. but i want to assure you that one way or another we will reach the top of some us. so now there's later time to plug it to the my. why c refugee camp west? so can you, this in the south will be enclave a place which the idea of had previously declared a saved zone for those displaced a warning. the following images may be disturbing. the according to locals of 5 missiles, made land for the attendance and the what the destination unit us thousands of people that have been sheltering in the area. a number of casualties is expected to grow. the medics of the nearby and not soft hospital, which has been taking in many of the victims say that the facilities are both well and can receive any more patients. apollo, cnn,
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and void to the u. k. last out of these are all for not abiding by decisions made by the un security council and the international court of justice. this is this rules response to the i c, j rolling for months to go to the see more than a month ago and to the ongoing sci fi talks. and that's in the, a whole once permanent addressing and permanent occupation to now this, on verified. so to just like you, they thing online puppet, at least shows the bodies of numerous victims of idea of stride. are these really all me claims to have targeted the area because to seem to have my eyes combined as we're hiding among civilians? how much, how best as those allegations are falls. and i'm mainly and attempts to cover up the power of big scale of massacre. too many terry on group say that hundreds of thousands of displays depaula students may be sheltering in that area. we've heard from a local journalist to get more details. one of the heaviest denson and most area
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used to find one is targeting the area that is that for me there think i found one medium sized experience of the displacement from dropbox by the scene. and so in defense stress to have the ones who are ended and to clear the ones who are killed and they ended up on. so being targeted by there's any suppression versus the fire that's resulted from that from budman. let's do the looks of low didn't or because tell in those in that area which the extra number of injured people who are and it was going to affect the area of ours to see and assess the damage that has been closed. including identifying the ones who entered and condemned had been player never had extend, has been canceled english by the american mitchell with all the facts. and was shocked by the number of people who can, which came said, i think we would have to work. but apparently this incident is a larger scale one after actually the number of part of the thing has been done individually explain the specimens, the onset of the water, a gas of the idea of has been relentlessly targeting densely populated areas. are
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these where the all me claims its main goals are the complete and total eradication of a mas and the rescue of hostages from the enclave. a bucket may the idea of target to the solver, the city of rafa where are at least 4 to 5 people. wakefield, including women and children, or the id upsets either eliminated to have mas militants in that time. a big a minute then. yeah. who claims that the civilian debts were a tragic mistake about financial, even rough uh we have already evacuated about a $1000000.00 money involved residents. and despite the best efforts not to harm to none involved. unfortunately, the tragic mistake happened last night. go to the idea of made another faithful. busy back in april when foreign aid was we killed in an idea of twice 7 humanitarian violently as part of the wealth central kitchen organization were
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killed in central guides, a while performing the duties that were heard from my bill. bar eod, one apollo's palace tina in british analyst and the writer. he suspects that he's where the government is lying about its intended goal is to justify mass killings of palestinian civilians. a based on velocity, i suppose to be a 3 zone, supposed to be a safe zone that human zoom. and that is what i need news that very well. so they actually, they use the us as a nation of the tool, how, how much data, especially about how much the base of the head of the, how much military when they use this, they use their presence to justify or, as alex accuse on to the bottom those people, the, i'm up there down up and over the grounds, all over to get on the, on the ground. and this is not the 1st time that i really committed must have cuz i'm old enough to justify these kind of attacks and say the somebody was that today
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is that a bit the same thing and the say it up which is about the then to, to meet it is from the news that they killed most of them as a $300.00 people on they try to release the port hostages with the web. the so, and you know, i think it is really, it is really a huge lives by the government. by mister beth and the alarm. so when he has said this, it was a mistake at the time. and now the gene has slammed the washington so name to resolve to bed. at the time these foreign ministry says that the move is pure defense into the country. is internal affairs, the so called from the resolution to the to about china dispute act, grossly to see us in china is domestic affairs on demise. china's interest the small, small to implement the act. if the us continues down the wrong path, china will take the rest of the mass, just assume that you found the silver and the security and development. interest to
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that statement came off to us. president joe biden signed the bill into law on friday of the document seeks to pass a b g into coming back to the negotiating table with the bed and lead us to discuss the regional autonomy sign. i had to pose the ad since it was 1st introduced calling it the destabilizing measure, are to contribute to call. josh says that the us actions good setting to bed up could fill a contradictory and into fact with china's internal affairs. in a china attitude actually would, because this is a reading frenchman upon china sovereignty, joe biden, as at the same time, he signed this act into law. he also made a public statement. say, you guys, states continue to recognize too bad as part of china. this is solved, contradictory if united states recognize to bed as part of china, then this is a internal chinese affair. us has no right 18 through here in travis domestic
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affairs, countries like china and russia is that can say no to us. this is a wide politician, seen us right. and are seeking a re hurts to the cold war because they think that they have one cold were one died . oh so they think they know how this will play out. but right now is 2024, and china is the factory of the world. much of the world economy depends on china. it's, it's united states is not going to win this windows were all you can do is to see just let china phone with them by encouraging separate isn't even controversial issues such as tibet or tie what that china has got. i acted very publicly against much of the us publication in the past because china tried to maintain the sides of friendly relations with us, but we're not at this point. uh, there's no point even try to make
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a pretense. there is anything but amicable. uh, like i saw style relations certainly exists between china and united states. i've been to national a cover up of a terrorist attack. that's how the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman mar as a car over commented about suite, his decision to close the investigation into the north stream. pipeline, sabotage in 6 months haven't passed. yes. and sweden has repeated what it announced in february that the investigation into the north stream explosions is closed and stuck home can not identify the perpetrators. let me remind you that the crime was committed in a special economic zone of sweden. and the reason for such legal apathy is that the main beneficiary of the terrorist attack is the bite and administration which did not hide it's relevant plans. stockholm has neither the right nor the will to
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object to the u. s. in fact, we're talking about an international conspiracy to conceal a serious crime, a terrorist attack, and still calm has a corresponding role in this circle of responsibility. according to this, with a said prime minister investigations were unable to determine who shall be charged with some with us. only last week, german newspaper developed planes of the attack may have been planned by ukraine more than a decade ago, long before the current conflict. however, that contradicts revelations, by the award winning us john list, say more hoss who concluded following a months long investigation that explosions were carried out by us special services in collaboration with no way in an effort to maintain dominance over europe. now, mainstream media outlets appear to be shifting the blame to ukraine, and this comes as a russian president to get has said on wants that the west will simply use the
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zaleski government that's escaped, goes before abandoning it at the end. you know that but junior jesse, which doesn't mean the west does not want to replace them. now the time is not right, because i think it's obvious to anyone. they will hang all the unpopular decisions on him and that's it. then they will change him. i think it will happen sometime in the 1st half of next year when you're doing your business. all the attacks took place in the baltic sea back in september 2022, 3 also before pipes were disabled by the blasts. with within the soon confirming the attack was deliberate, later traces of explosives were also found on the yachts suspected to have the ship the bombs. soon after the incident, western countries accused moscow subadvising its old pipelines, a claim dismissed by russia, which accused the u. s. u. k. and ukraine of complicity in the incident on independence boulevard research, a greg simmons at the sweden asked only in accordance with washington's position,
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played with his suit of trees, all sweeping down to the golf woods and a lack of boring forfeiture. an account with us when it comes to expire, usually an inconvenience. busy things and this is very inconvenient because if we mobile sweden's trajectory gets pain a minute, are getting off the 21st century vessel stage of the us and now it's recommended w a client site. so it's not start to betray us master suite. and there was that, so the hold on to the us, so it is gonna withhold any evidence that supports the us sabotage. i mean, i can share with generally, because generally is the exactly the side, a situation this way, the best ones going on the client sides and they will not be try the,
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the variables them. so to or rod now as president elected masoud possess scanned awaits to be no great at the end of the month, he has released the self titled document, cold message to the new weld. explaining is done on the host of foreign policy issues. he's promised to pay special attention to deepening friendly relations with china and russia. china and russia have consistently stood by us during challenging times. we deeply valued this friendship. russia is a value strategic ally enabled to around i will continue to prioritize biological and multilateral cooperation with russia, particularly within the framework such as brakes just on high corporation organization and the you raise your economic union. of the president elect has highlighted his intention to develop mutually beneficial relations of states in the global south regarding the war in gaza. as a scan said,
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his new government will take measures to stop the genocide occupation of the war crimes that he also stretched. his readiness to actively support initiatives, aid of a tubing piece in the ukranian complex. now the key point was relations with the united states after the collapse of a new deal. he noted that he run into the joint comprehensive plan of action in good faith and fully met his obligations. however, the us withdrew from the agreement, reportedly costing hundreds of billions of dollars in damage to the great income economy. i possess scan, criticizing us for deliberately escalating tensions with you run over the support of useful which has refused to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and the make of the possessing a nuclear arsenal to the new good deal was signed in 2015 after years of consultations between the 5 permanent un security council member states plus and
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you run and jump me to ensure that to ron was use atomic energy peacefully, hava in 2018. then you as president, donald trump, unilaterally withdrew from the treaty and reimpose functions on the run. all the participants, all the deal, russia and the ron tried to restore the agreement, was, were unable to. we spoke with high ranking your radi and official. he said that you run in president. he likes position is clear. and that is to develop a more multiple, a weld, so the us can no longer apply. it's, you know, logical restrictions on independent countries. he can be an extra introverted as a manifestation of the find policy off the next cover. and then top of your on the so he wanted to say that this new or new word and reach a new word for there he's being shaped in reach to the west is not the only and even the major today anymore. i mean, we call me sions like freaks as seo and other politicians are gaining momentum and
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gaining significant tests. and it ward, one thing is clear. if you want to win against the americans, you anything sees on your rights policy and your right position. and that's what you are going to do, a beat, the maximum pressure campaign on the only cree building sanction is that be good to done that you want. and i've given other countries across. so for example, and they have fam to achieve, they've been response to equity to cooper and down the country because americans are not trustworthy. and in 2016 with the data we signed the jcp, right. and we actually implemented when we got on commitments. but they did not fall into so you don't really get any nose and you cannot trust the americans and they were saying there's anymore. so because of that, i sleep is not going to bow down to any pressures.
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now if a us may sell is fired from europe towards russia, the country from where it is launched will be targeted in response, the crumbling issue that started warning as major plants to station in long range, american weapons. in germany. i need a company in the us continues to earn money as you represent the science of i'm it solves on our country is in the sites of us miss owls located in europe. we have already been through this. it has happened before we have enough potential to count of those myself, but the capital was of these countries all the potential victims. i made this job my media report say the country is preparing for war. apparently, the german defense ministry has already made contingency plans in case of an armed conflict against russia. one reports that the classified planned for so 800000 data soldiers and 200000 military vehicles, being maneuvered across germany, a jump in territory for a potential bottle. according to a german officials,
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the country will not only play a role that nato is logistic hobbin case of a fight against russia, but would also need to establish a large scale camp for a present us of war. and i started to involve growing. so is the number of promises . nato has pledged to take on board, a rolling, coordinating training and equipment donations for ukraine. at new international coordination center has already been set up at the us military base. and the german town of these by the aid is passed with locating and providing new equipment and weapons from all the easiest states they could feel, feel the needs of ukraine's war reference to. now while the german admitted t gets ready to host us muscles and ukraine trips also in public safety increased in re mindset. the regular people in germany did not want to direct war with russia . just kind of, as i'm just the before the german population for the most part,
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rejects the day of the board with russia. they don't want war with russia. i think the population is simply not informed about the command center. and this, by me about how important it is. first of all, if i take the german tradition, it is a completely charm doing a willy brands to embracing this policy of common security in europe. they proceeded from the premise that security is common. this is the position that the russians with this and perhaps on the day bud states of western europe in nato, trying to want to push the fact that in order to make these one must be prepared for war. design a set back for many generations. what contributed to europe, prosperity will be destroyed by arms production. however, coordinating the supply of arms to ukraine and the training of ukrainian soldiers under mon soil makes germany according to the war the centre. some of the located vist button, but is headed by 2 star general, who in turn reports directly to the commander in chief of native horses in europe. and since the founding of need there has always been americans in that position.
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the 1st being dwight is an hour to friends now cala bruni. sup, close the form, a simple model and the why for from us the french president equal us. that causey has been charged with witness tampering and conspiracy to commit for. prosecutors have relied, she played a role in covering up claims that has been skim. payne was financed by the lead. me been lead to warm. i get daffy. all the corresponding. charlotte dimansky has more on that with a reminder of how events all folded back then in 2011 the chip things are really coming home to wrist for the sa cozies. not only is phones is full the president due to face troll next to about allegations he took money from the late libyan need . mom look at the fee to fund his election campaign. now his wife, the former model call a bruni, has been charged with witness timeframe in relation to that case. so cozy is alleged to pay can $50000000.00 yours from
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a row. we have to break into that now with this news just reaching us now it says the shots have been fired at the right where the almost from has been given. your speech in pennsylvania or the politician interrupted. he sleeps and left the side that he was seen with a bloody year that will secondly, keep you on data as we find out more and here's what actually happened. and then and then the worst president to the history of our country took over at look what happened to our country. probably 20000000 people. and you know, that's a little bit all that's your, that's your, it's a couple of months old. and if you want to really see something this said, take a look, what happens of the
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this is the moment that's uh, the incident to place a level blessings, a set that you said send that stuff nation attempt on donald trump. awesome. now we don't know as investigations have been opened into this, recall that donald trump is the presidential candidate of the republican party the united states, as he's meant to stand against the current president joel bite. and this is a political raleigh going ahead in the state of pennsylvania will secondly, bring you updates of the ongoing incidence live there. now let's take you back to our story in front where we told you about the call out brittany, supposedly from us, of the model and the wife of from
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a french president. nicholas, i suppose he has been charged with witness tampering and conspiracy to commit fraud by persecutors of the legs. she played a role in covering up claims that her husband campaign was financed by the lead libyan leader of mama get duffy out. the crew was put in shallow dimansky has more than that with a reminder of how events on folded back then in 2011. the chickens are really coming home to rest for the soccer disease. not only is phones is full the president due to face troll next to about allegations. he took money from the late libby. indeed mom look at duffy to fund his election campaign. now his wife, the former model call a bruni, has been charged with witness timeframe in relation to that case. so cozy is alleged to take and 50000000 euros problem get down if he's been to win from says 2007 presidential race. that was more than double the legal limit at that point
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that violated french little against foreign campaign funding. but less than 4 years later relations between soc, cosy and good duffy, what ofa and phones led by so cozy was driving the international military intervention that ended get daffy's rain. plunging libya into a civil war. why? just 2 days before nato bolton's dropped daffy was reported saying this, my dear friend, sir, cuz he has a mental disorder. it's me who made him come to baldwin and france. he gave up the necessary funding so that he could win the elections in his country. in early 2011 and protest began erupting in libya over several issues, including political corruption. as the mood of the, our spring swept across much of north africa, cities began demanding re to freedoms. this escalated didn't soon, a full out civil war, a going by social media was spitting libya apart, so cozy,
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allegedly. so here's opportunity. i'm took it with phones needing the charge against get that fee. the nature operation was spun as being necessary to defend people of libya, so cozy, failed to mention that the supposed motorist madman was previously sending him bags of cash. but his election campaign, but they were other concerns about the death fee. he was an african leader that understood the power he could wield and won't be daffy visualized was a strong african continent. i am satisfied that africa is going along this historic and right throat. we are approaching the formation of the african authority. and each time we solve african problems and also move in the direction of peace and
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unity, we deal with problems step by step. we're continuing to do that just 2 years before that french lead nature operation conduct. we had proposed african nations adult, a single currency, the only there was to transition africa away, not just from the us dollar, but also the central african frank colonial currency controlled spilled to this day by fonts. us, right? that could be a good bronze, was with this thing that does these very big and genuine project separation for the time constant bronze. so i just asked me was give me a think phone. i depend and actually california he was sticking him up from scratch. b s. we've got the only 5 on me. i'm the organization for not sure his thoughts in the evening was the process
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of the link. i see i clicked on samsung fund, supported by the us. we can go, yeah, which gives us the quote, the nathan with us we can come to russian donna and as i was using regions of the consumer dusting was a very good issue. we don't need 5 us, we can go back not doing that big conference. all of these broad j o ration would have made them they, you just change the function would have made this very hot well from the west, from power. it's right. and let's see, will from us is yeah, i would have a pill printing and i have the fact were
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genuine feed them genuine depend i yes, this is from the. busy loan of 2003000, or until the year 2011, when the west and put very well. but did that, he was going to have to be a project of when you cation the last day, you're getting them of 2011, a separate and press and if yeah, to push this up well in your should or would and supply. but then the lucky for me, right? so they want you to give that. so he's a freak on the ration. daffy had a price on his head and it wasn't blowing off to that she was killed, wasting me, just try him for it. and he said, now democracy could take see didn't libya, we hope that after decades of dictatorship, the people of libya can now begin
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a new peaceful and democratic chapter for their country. we stand by the new libya on its path to a better peaceful and democratic future. so how does that go? how is libby is transformation going to the dogs. the civil war has ranged on for years long off to the west, like by fonts most that hands all that hundreds of thousands of refugees found themselves without the economic opportunities that libya had previously offered. instead, they looked across the waters to europe, libya, a country that had had a thriving economy, essentially became an open slave market with human profit goods and smugglers. taking advantage of those refugees, terror groups operating in libya, groups that were involved and by the lack of strong leadership since get duffy's for a nation, that was one switching oil and that's some 50000000 you are a serious row.


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