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tv   Documentary  RT  July 13, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT

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thing donald trump, as he falls, which is very interesting interpretation of the video that we have all seen now on . no stop. what is your thoughts on how cnn, one of the biggest outlets in the us can cause the attempted assassination. as an alleged full yeah, it's absolutely incredible. i'll give you one even bigger than that, the president of the united states job i didn't just spoke the final question of the news conference. and when she was speaking a reporter asked, was this an assassination attempt? and he refused to call it an assassination attempt. instead saying, i don't have enough information. i don't have the facts and he walked off the stage . excuse me, there is a former president, your political arrival who was on the stage, turned his head shot in the ear, which, which simply means that you really think about this. he was centimeters away from being shot directly in the face or in the head, which would have been a kill shot. that's essentially what took place here. it's very clear this was an
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assassination attempt. there's no doubt about it. and by the way, some of the reporting that's now coming out appears that the shooter wasn't even inside the rally. it appears that the shooter may have in the evidence seems to be pointing to the idea that the shooter was laying on top of a roof outside of the rally and fired a long gun in order to try to kill him. if this is not this as an agent attempt, what is so the fact that the news organizations and we, we use that term loosely like cnn, would refuse to use the term assassination attempt is, frankly, pretty disgusting. it's interesting because obviously we know that 2 individuals lost that life, the best riley, we understand that one of those individuals industry typically the she to who missed as a president of a former president at from 5 centimeters at did managed to kill a member of the will didn't, so the riley know some cool is the trump arrangements syndrome. this was a slang. that was a new fault from pages. and essentially that's what you could suggest we're seeing
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. but um, what i want to ask you about is the hysteria that we have seen has developed in terms of the hatred, particularly from the left for donald trump. is this chest because he looks like it's so clear that he could try him in november's election as well. i think, you know, caleb talked about this and so when he was saying right now can protect referrals and interview, which is that when you watch what's been happening. but the truck, as he continues to move towards what looks more, more or like another term. and by the way, this has only happened one other time in american history that a former president who then loses his re election bid comes back and runs again. and when it's only happened one other time, and so the fact that this might happen never happened in modern history. there is a, an absolute level of not just vitriol, but penance on the part of not just the left, but the establishment. washington, the deep state in this country, the military industrial complex. they are all terrified to the idea that trump
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would get back in because here's the problem, but trump poses for them. they did not like his policies the 1st time around until they attempted to destroy him as a human being. they tried to bankrupt him. he is facing unbelievable penalties, financial penalties as a result of these lawsuits in the hundreds of millions of dollars. they've attempted to lock him in prison. they've been, they've gone after him and ways that have been entirely unprecedented. if a trumpet does get re elected, i believe that his 2nd term will be completely different than his 1st because there is nothing more dangerous than a wounded person and that's what they've done to him financially, in terms of his life and his freedom. and now wounded physically by bullets as they attempted to kill him. and i say they, we don't know much about the shooter at this point. really anything about the shooter at this point. it but enough to say that there is absolute terror of the idea that this man may become president again, because i believe that he will dismantle a bunch of the permanent geography and much of the american kind of
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a permanent state people dismantle. a lot of that, as he said he was the 1st time this time, i think he actually will, we would just hearing from a couple of guests, including media and legal analyst, lionel, who was saying that an event like this. normally you get tens of thousands of people turning up to hear trump speed to. this is unlikely to the, to those cool voters. in fact, it could invigorates and see even more people tonight for come, for trump rallies in the future. do you think that's likely that we will see even more people swelling around the former president's? i do a good listen if when when trump was indicted, his popularity went up tremendously. because many republicans who didn't really like him at the end of his 1st term, they feel like he hadn't done a whole lot. trump did not run a very good campaign in 2020 wasn't a very exciting candidate. they, he, lot of people have kind of lost passion for him, even though he would be receive
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a huge number of boats by the way. um, but there was a lack of enthusiasm. and when you begin to be persecuted, americans live in under dog and, and they hate bullies and a lot of americans see him as being bullied. and so there were a lot of republicans who were kind of on the fence about it and a lot of independence, but to watch him in died, it was a rallying call for a lot of people who said, you know, well we see what's happening here. trump is actually seen his popularity among minority communities, black americans, hispanic americans go up since being indicted because they feel that he's being targeted and he's being wrong, fully attacked. so that was already taking place, but the idea now that he is so hated and so fear that his political opponents would want him dead rather than in the white house. again, there is something about that is a, that is powerful and, and believe that trump is, is the master of trinity any moment into his brand. the audio, i think that it's important to think about audio when, when trump is 41st pulled up and he say, no,
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let me get my shoes. i think of my shoes. the secret service was trying to take him off the state, and trump refused to leave the stage without a shoot. that's not accidental. that's him knowing he's going to walk off. he's not going to walk off in a week. wait, you can you hear him say in the audio? hold on, wait a minute, wait a minute. he says, look. and then he begins to companies based in new york blood across his face is and is this in the air and he's now being out the word spiked fight quite as he's going off the stage. this is the kind of thing that will draw a lot of americans to him because they'll say this and if he's willing to fight and he really is the target of these forces, there must be something that he stands for, that they don't like. and the fact is, this country's not going in the right direction. it hasn't been for a long time. and a lot of people feel that. but they want an advocate moments like this big trump, the ultimate advocate for those people. yeah, you're right, he's very politically a state obviously knowing exactly in the moment what he needs to do to reassure his face. i know it was the project that incredibly strong image,
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which is now an image that i think we're going to see over and over in the next few months used as a post full guessing trumps campaign. like we going know that i think it needs as much energy you get from what we've seen. we've fine to know the last 3 weeks. but i just go back to, you mentioned the sounds of the shooting. and you suggested that there's evidence now that the pulse of the this was a shooter up on a roof rather than some of the inside the raleigh. right. the ship shots, one very quiet, at least from the audio. it was not paul paul, paul. and it's being repeatedly called again in the media in the united states. so this was about loud noise in popping noise saying that's despite the fact that we have information that they was a shoot it and the lead shooter has apparently been neutralized. why is the me during the us so and certain about what took place? oh, they're not in certain about what took place at all. they are afraid of the mirror
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and then with that goes with it. but, but the media and what they needed was for this thing to happen to present by that right of visit happen to president biden. and, and you would heard those noises. you would see the headlines of shots ring out attempted murder of, of present and bite in that trumps rhetoric causes. i'll bet you by tomorrow if you want to make a little bit here. i'll bet you by tomorrow you're going to see headlines in this country. let's say that it is trump's rhetoric that caused that it is trumps of vitriol, the trumpets of device. but he is the reason that this happens. i can almost guarantee that those headlines will, will show up in this country because the problem that mainstream media has right now is the hate, the idea of truck being the victim, or trump, again, being able to rally people to himself for sympathetic reason. now there had been, as we've been talking about in his interview, a myriad of sympathetic reasons and reasons why people are now sympathetic towards this former president, but vis trumps them all to use the term. but it trumps to them all. there is
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nothing they could have happened that would make trump more sympathetic to 2 millions of americans who were on the fence. then the fact that there was an attempt on his life. and again, the imagery so important here. shots were now in the crowd. the secret service dives on top of trump and he walks off the stage. that's not a powerful image. the powerful image is the fact that he was struck. the fact that the boy actually could hit grazed his ear. the fact that took place and there's blood across his face means that it is truly and i don't say that slightly. it is a miracle. the trump was not killed today. it is by a miracle that he did not die on that stage. his face was apparently turned toward the shooter. at that moment he was referencing up a chart that was on the screen trying to show how the country's become worse under body than under him. and he had his face turned that way when the shot was fired. now, um, obviously, and i don't know what to speculate on this too much, but by turning his head it became a smaller target from a different certainly if it, if the shooter again as we mentioned,
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we're on the top of the rooftop outside of the rally. it's a smaller target, but the fact that even the year was grace it's. it is an absolute miracle, but he is not dead tonight. i know we're not doing a completely different story about the fact that donald trump is no longer alive and able to run for president. so the judge that happened has destroyed the narrative, the media go ahead, it is a whole button. thank you very much for joining us. i think marco rivers said, but i'm going to say the trunk, but i know that there's been a lot onto it. the hash tag phrased it from so a lot of people thinking pretty much on the same lines. it's either this could have been a very different story tonight. they've been sworn investigative journalists and found the of the truth and media and absolute pleasure to speak to. thank you. well, joe biden, to address the nation in response to the assassination attempt on donald from just stop listening to what he had to say. have been thoroughly brave my all the agencies of the federal government has some situation based on what we know now. i
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have tried to get ahold of donald is versus doctors they apparently he's doing well . i plan on talking now shortly. i hope when i get back to the telephone book, there's no place in america with this kind of violets. it's sick. it sick? it's one of the reason why we have to unite this country. we cannot allow for this to be happening. we cannot be like this. we cannot condone this. and so, and i want to thank the secret service and all the ages, including the state agencies that have been gauge and making sure that the people who and we have more detail become relative to the other end or other people may be injured in the audience. i don't have all that detail will make that available to you. i may be able to come back later tonight, but we'll put out of statement if we don't, if i'm not able to give it for if it's not convenient for you all. but the bottom line is that the trump rally rally that he should have been able to can be
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conducted peacefully without any problem. but the idea, the idea that there's political violence or violence in america like this is just on part of just not appropriate. and we, everybody, everybody must condemn it. everybody, i'll keep you informed and if i am able to speak to the, to donald, i'll let you know that as well. so far it appears he's doing well. number one, number 2, that there's thoroughly investigating what happened to anyone else in the audience i have. we have some reports, but not final reports. and every agency, the federal government. and i'm going back to, to my phone, to speak with the federal agencies that are being put together again to give me an update to pre peters and i, they happen. they learn the more in the last couple hours. that was the presidency united states. uh joe biden, speaking uh, just a couple of minutes. go making that statement off the best attempted assassination of donald trump. the full price of this is going to cost life now to show in stone,
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a political analyst filmmaker and screen like that. so thanks very much for joining us. i did ask you, you've heard what job i didn't have to say and it was a glaring omission. some of the suggested foam not statement, but he didn't cool based on this fascination. what are your thoughts on what by didn't have to say so yeah, that's a good point that he did not call it in this as a nation attempt and certainly. ready i think the biggest thing that i would raise it seems that shooter is a, has been identified as someone that is part of mtv, which for years. but basically the f, b i, the establishment has tried to downplay as a, as what it is as potentially terrorist organization that violent organization a lot of the violence that we still on 2020 press down from, from numbers of 90 bucks. and so, you know,
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the fact that the left is basically tried to make n t fund to this sort of benevolent group as opposed to potentially weaponized or something. the key weaponized to, to create a terror events and the destination attempts like this. i think the this is the glaring omission that was made in that speech. so shown, i just want to go back to something that was said on july, the 8th. this was a private cool. the bite and made is being widely reported. he said it's reported it's time to put trump in new bows. so i how do you think that conversation now looks in retrospect with what's happened over the last few hours? i mean is it, it's lives in the left loves to say that trump is, is instigating violence that is rallies and it's like you look at the rhetoric of the left from 2020 and before when joe biden said you want to take trump behind the locker, and punch him the nero wanting to need a trump, how many,
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how many people have said, you know, they, they wanted to kill and blow up the white house? i mean, okay, the, the left, the less rhetoric has been in the hands of the last 8 years, but since trump came on the scene, well i'm finding is mega. i don't know, we'd go read hoffman. netflix qu find of said, and i quote, i wish, but i had made from an actual monta. again, i just want to bring in know, done cuz all like a regular guess terminology in 2 days. i'm done. you know, what are your thoughts or your comments on those quotes that we've had from those mega donors that i wish i had made from an actual moss or again well, i mean that's a very scary thing for people to be saying. i mean, the 1st and that comes to mind, it's frankly, the us, i think, is unique certainly in the, in the industrialized world for political violence. right. you have john f. kennedy,
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bobby kennedy, martin luther king, malcolm x killed there were assassination attempts against gerald for ronald reagan . now donald trump, i mean, you just don't see this in other again, industrialized countries like this other countries in the west, the claim to be democracies. it's, it's a country, certainly since world war 2 and, and other times as well. but it's just been marked by this sort of political violence and you say the rhetoric of both sides can be very violent and can seem to incite and, and, and beg for violence again on both sides of the aisle. and it's that it really calls into question the state of american democracy, which i think is not healthy. i think that's kind of obvious. i think the world has seen that how really unhealthy it is. so down i just wanna ask you what we're
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seeing political assassination attempts now where they feel to be coming in a bit of us flurry. we have slip, i can probably minutes the robot feet. so had an attempt to made on him just a couple of months ago. we've seen this now attempt on a former president, trump, i don't know whether maybe i'm a bit going to less field head, but there's something that those 2 individuals definitely have in common. and that is that position on the russia, ukraine conflict. we know that, but fate. so who said he wants that into the conflict and that he has suggested that nato should be supplying the weapons. that is, his country doesn't want to supply weapons, doesn't want to be used as a call to do it. there is a suggestion that trump has applying to and this conflict within 24 hours. um, how much do you think perhaps this is plague into it? well, it's a good question. first of all, i have to say it's too early to say we will,
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you know who this person was. what is intentions were that we might have been working for what we will know and the fullness of time. however, you know, obviously some people are reacting by saying, hey, if you want peace, this is what you get. they try to kill you. and of course i mentioned john and kennedy bobby kennedy to politicians that did want peace wanted peace. including with russia, the soviet union, at that time, is there a coincidence between all these i, you know, i don't know, but obviously there seems to be a pattern. so if this guy was part of in tisa, which is shawn said there, there are some reports. he was a lot of us have wondered whether n t for itself is some sort of intelligence operation. you know. so again, that's just speculation, but we have to consider these things,
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of course. so let's try to bring you in on this seems like it's very dangerous times. do think we're headed down to very don't grow, give them that we're seeing these assassination attempts on politicians. i mean, in the us, i think there's not been in the south nation attempt since one will reagan in 1981 did that. you can call the deeds they know the elements that are basically trying to keep trump out of power in jail. i think there was an expectation that they would try to kill him. i think so if anything, this is actually a good sign that they were not successful or the shooter or if it was just one shooter. but if it was an actual number of that forces behind it, then we are very lucky that it was not successful. that's actually a very good sign. okay. um and what role will show, i'm just talking about some of the issues of being pulled up. do you think that the
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media coverage has necessarily played in the incident that we saw playing out in front of us live on tv in the states? sure, sure. well, i mean again, i mean if i could, i don't count on my i couldn't, i couldn't count on my, my 2 hands high people have said that they want to see trump killed, right. or they would love to shoot. and i mean, this is not, this is like part of the rhetoric of these last 8 years because we've been living through a psychological operations. the media has been appointments and america. they have literally pushed in lies from you know, from, from, even before he was president, that he was a russian agent. that he's, you know, that he's pushing racism, that he, you know, that he's all these things that basically whatever they want to put out there as an information operation implant that narrative. you never saw a media treat any president before trump. the wasn't the for the drop. you never saw the media to basically belittle him, just merge him. why about him? so it goes to show you there's been a concerted effort by mocking bird media and media if you want to call it that,
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to essentially turn a half the country vehemently against the president. not just like, hey, i don't like the president literally, the place that i said people are literally happy to see you must ask them to. that's what media has done the last 8 years. and i just want to talk about some of the headlines that we seeing from the us. they seem to be really reckless. and to describe this as an attempted assassination. really softening it down. i'm not talking about a stream to talking about poll pulps that were head and the crowd on loud noise is to think that there is this rec distance from a big media outlets. and us to cool this. what exactly seems to be and not soon attempted assassination. yeah, and of course cnn. one of their headlines which people are pointing to said see, a secret service removes trump battery, bel, me just somehow fail. know it's incredible. um, it's the same media, frankly,
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that's been covering up for bite is a metal you know, and electrical capacity a deficit for you for. so um this is all politically motivated. you know? yeah, yeah, the headline that says the trump merely fell or there may have been shots or you know, they don't even say he was shot when he clearly was you watched the videos, bleeding is fairly shot. um, they're politically motivated. they don't want to make trump into here. oh they, you know, these, the, the price that you're referring to are anti trump. they prob i didn't, and they don't hide it. i mean, they will depress it one time, at least try to pretend to be neutral. now they don't even pretend they're, they're very partisan. you know, pretty much, yeah. most of the price and biden's gap, fox news on the other. that's how on how it kind of lines up and uh they're,
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they're not neutral and they're not fair. and they're not balanced. in their coverage, despite what they claim to be and it's, it's really, it's really disappointing. people see it that they're saying it, they're pointing to it and they're not believing the mainstream press anymore for that reason because they see with their own eyes what's happening and they're being told something else is happening. i'm done, i just want to ask you how do you think this will affect perhaps in general atmosphere? raleigh's. over the next few months it's been suggested that we'll see a bigger configuration and bigger base of people coming out to support from. but i assume they'll be fos strict security measures in place. yes. well that's for sure. that's absolutely for sure. they may even have some sort of bullet proof glass in front of them if he allows it. i mean, he obviously kinda thrives on is sort of thing as do is it does his base. i mean the yeah, they will come out in full force now. i think you'll see more,
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you know. yeah, i think you'll see bigger crowds but definitely more secure. so one way or another more secure when you see how this was configured, this raley, which looked like it was out, and it pretty much, it opened via some buildings in the background with that guy was able to hide. i think they will be very reluctant to have it in that sort of atmosphere. they're going to have in a much more controlled atmosphere. i would guess to prevent this from happening again and so on. i just want to ask you how do you think this will perhaps impact the strategies of from political opponents? i mean, there is a suggestion that this will move the narrative potentially away from a bite and, and his capacity that we've been discussing so much. no, i mean there's nothing but there's something positive for bite and coming out of, of an assassination attempt that fails. right. i mean, the biggest point about the timing, if you look at it is next week is the r and c. so we didn't know at this point who
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trump was gonna choose for vice president, right? if he was, if he was dead, all of a sudden you have a vacuum in terms of who takes over once he makes this decision next week on his vice president. hopefully someone like a tulsa gab or someone very strong now takes away the power of killing him because all of a sudden you have it, his choice would be to follow him. so that's why this moment actually was really important for the attempt. and they failed. so i don't see how they can, i don't see how i don't know where the democratic spring can go. i think that the deep in the deep stage is behind this. they just shows you that we're only in july . how much crazier will it get before november? okay, well thanks very much for joining us. that was show starting political on less feel make and screen right. and also done cuz i like human rights. so i have very much appreciate you both joining us on the program and talking through all of that. that incident with donald trump was the attempted assassination of his life while he was
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a raleigh in pennsylvania. thank you. thank you. well, that's it for most of this time, but we will be back and then does a few minutes with the updates on this breaking news story. we'll be covering this throughout the night. hey, on, on the see. do hope that you can stay with us a the russian stage never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the same assistance to progress be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin mission, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz phone, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request which is the after the end of world war 2, great britain decided to make up for his losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies. the plundering of the occupied territories. 8 my la, devastated as a result of the decades loan fighting extremely hard, changing,
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grew ended. 1948. the colonial administration was forced to declare a state of emergency in response patriots. united him to the malay in people's liberation army and began a guerrilla war, london decided to suppress resistance, georgia, and as the board agents executions of civilians as brain of chemicals, scale being and cutting off ads. these were the barbaric methods the british used trying to keep my la within their empire. the massacre in the village of baton gully committed by the scots guards against the arm, especially because that particular stir, the entire male population became victims. trying to suppress the gorilla movement, the occupiers relocated 500000 people to concentration camps. for roses, drill de boer, it's fruit. the patriots were scattered. however, the british experienced the strength of the malay resistance to the full extent.
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the british army losses in low le, were the largest since the end of world war 2. in 1957, the british empire was forced to recognize my la and independence. the resilience of them a late people put an end to the history of british colonialism in southeast asia, for them being called to do when it comes to getting more than defend, to the issue that a just to counter russian. and i think this innovation countries are very, very aware of the fact, and they tried to use that uh, notion for data on the
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the take a look at what happened the shots, the funded the gold from raleigh. the president leads beside the with a loving it and holds up his face pumping. its been defiant, local authorities say that to people in creating an, a powered shooter on dead following the assassination attend joe biden. the us president failed to cool the incident fast. i don't know enough to i i've seen you but i don't have any fact.


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