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tv   Documentary  RT  July 14, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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vital looking continually weak and tired and exasperated. i don't think it gives the nation a lot of confidence about him continuing his campaign. at this point, we've seen the intra party fighting at this point. what i've done the clooney cool, if you will, who is you know, george clooney is the, the perfect space to deliver such a brutal attack within his own party to say it's time to step down. and now that we hear from donald trump continuing to be strong and defiant even moment after, at the moment that he was injured not long ago, i think it's july. 8th is a phone call. the bite in may just being widely reported and which he is apparently supposed to have said, it's truck time to put a trump in a bullseye. is that no instigating political violence himself found? you know, um here's what i think. i don't think joe biden knows what he's talking about
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literally, and i don't mean that as a political statement. i mean that more in terms of almost like a health statement or medical statement. i think uh, whatever he read tonight was something that was handed to him, written by a team of his uh, public relations handlers. and i think it was that they went over it, his staff did, and then he read it. i think half of the things that he says these days, he's not quite sure what he's saying. so i in the spirit of fairness, i think we should be real careful about giving too much credence to any words that come out of vice president the truck president biden's, mouth at this point. but i will tell you this, and i think this is important. and i hope this doesn't get lost in the story. well . busy really, really important that we're talking about, you know, the past president of the united states and how they shift this attack might be,
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you know, here's the numbers that i just looked up, that we should be sharing with our viewers around the world. if you live in the united states of america, you are $26.00 times more likely to be shot and killed. then if you are a citizen of any other countries in the world, especially the developed countries. and here's another one low to that you're going to. but i think we should share with your viewers up 327. people are shocked in the united states every single day. let me say that again. 327 people are shocked in the united states every single day. so when we talk about violence, and in this particular conversation that we're having, we're talking about the political assassination of the president of the united states or an attempted assassination. perhaps i should say, you know, let's, let's, let's not let this be last that we know i'm not talking to you right now, are living and by far the most dangerous country in the world, when it comes to weaponry. and when it comes to people who are shop, and when i,
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when i, when i saw this story and i saw the president get shot and go to the ground and i heard the shots fired people screaming. i thought to myself, this is making news today because it happens to be donald trump, but this thing happens in the united states every single day. in fact, it happens so much the media doesn't even cover anymore. and that should be a part of this conversation. i think as well. yeah, and those are very strong statistics and let's not forget as well. but one audience member was apparently killed in not shooting to manila and in light of the political violence. there's also comments that came out. this is from the mega dumbness abide and who is from netflix. this is read hoffman, who just said i wish i had made from an actual mall to again in light of what we have seen in the last few hours it. is it acceptable? the comments like bass of being made. oh, an old as well. yeah. well i will absolutely steal
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a uh, a phrase, a turn of phrase used by hillary clinton here. isn't that a deplorable thing to say? i'm coming from read hoffman. this is where we're at in the united states and, and i mean, perhaps it's quite apropos, but he is a chief executive at netflix who makes films and movies and violent films and movies at that that. but this isn't a movie. this is a real life. these are real people love or hate donald trump love or hate joe biden . there's humanity here. and unfortunately, to rick's point, because the united states is quite possibly the most violent, the country on earth and our culture has accepted this as a norm. whether it's in our movies, whether it's in our daily lives, whether it's on local news and i for one rick as well. he knows we both came from
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local news. that's how we started our careers. and we reported on gun violence every single day in ever any city across the united states. so this is par for the course if you are here in the 50, the upper 50 states. um, so to have an executive of an entertainment firm makes such a rude and disgusting remarks. he should be condemned for that. and again, i will credit the, by the administration and perhaps there comes team for putting out these statements . but calling for peace and for for, for saying that political, any kind of violence should not be acceptable. and i think i agree with that. and mr. hoffman should be condemned for those statements because this is perpetuating this ongoing cycle of violence that we have in this american culture. that is the 1st thing that needs to be fixed here in the us. and it's, it's only heightened, as rick said, because this is donald trump. obviously he's a significant character on the world landscape and obviously running for president
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again. so this just goes to highlight what is oddly and why with culture we have developed for ourselves in the 20th century. we're now in the 21st century, a country that you know, the, the, the pentagon and the d o. d are the biggest, the biggest companies in the world. when you perpetuate violence around the world, it should be no shock that your culture then becomes that a violent rick. i can see it so many other bits and getting on this. what are your thoughts on that? so i think the thing that we should probably be addressing now, and if, if, if you know, we, we have the good fortune of being on our tea. and, you know, we're probably even at this early hour around the world being seen by millions of people and i think that it's incumbent upon us to help them understand what is the political undercurrent in the united states right now. um, you know,
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i'm an old salty dog and i've been covering news for many years. you know, going back to the 19 seventy's when the united states was divided, as at least i've ever seen it divide it in my lifetime. i would argue it's more divided right now. we are, as some people have said, and i will quote them and not use it as my words, but maybe perhaps on the brink of a civil war. because the polarization that exist right now between the people who call themselves the left and people who call themselves the right, is as distant as, as it's ever been, you know, low to and what, what, what i fear. after looking at this situation tonight and watching the, the, the, the, i are in the anger on the faces as you watch that video after the shooting. those people who were in trumps rally were angry as they should be. right. and, and, and as i, what i see here now as, as an american journalist who covers the story is that this incident is only going
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to probably further ignite these, these tensions, you know, the people who love trump and there are certainly many of them are going to love him even more and they're going to be more app now to perhaps act on it. and the people who hate trump, you know, are probably gonna say stupid things like we just heard from uh, from, from the netflix, uh, executive a little while ago. and this kind of thing. it's not good. and, and i'm not sure what, what the answer is to it. but i think for on the precipice of something that can get really ugly in this country. and, you know, it's, it's another one of those. uh, you know, what we try to do on our show direct impact is we, we, we look at trends, we look at where things are going. and this is one of the things that we've been paying a lot of attention to over the last year. and i, and i only seen this situation tonight, not making it better obviously,
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but pop perhaps making it worse and maybe even making it more dangerous, more dangerous and more escal atory. well, we've also been discussing this story with international attorney, klein to preston, according to him. trump had asked for additional protection, but it'd been didn't know if that the fact that the sooner got within range for president trump was able to take far off like 4 shots is what are on the video at all. there's a, there's no way that should have a card the way that they try to. now, the reaction is the secret service. those brave agents lose both male and female junction phone form. present shots are due to the brown and you know, went into their defensive mode. was look for row, can a great job, but the fact that you know, the shots are even fired from the a rooftop. it appears nice with the ports 10 say now from
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a personal rooftop nearby. that's a total food. and the head of the secret service kim cheated. who's not 20 by present bottom of report. so i don't know they're going to be lot of questions that the trump campaign has been asking for additional security for some time and that they've been denied that additional security. it could have been just an issue might have resources or, well, they're all. but keep in mind, also the presidential candidate, robert kennedy's been denied, secret service direction at all, as it can both be is father rand is awful worse last night and he is present, was a presidential camp. and robert kennedy has no secret service protection expensive the matter. i mean, how can we have the same source, denied protection from
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a man such as present, trying to, you know, have to come through a secure way. we've left this countries in a very precarious situation because were very divided and to have a presidential candidate. so she's present, talk through that. so for uh to be assassinated would result in a and i believe it will result in bloodshed here. it's a couple of more and you know, so one rationally so sure said the last 4 and he has a lot of people that are trying to keep him from the water. they've been by his name in 4 different cases and you know, they and pasting twice on nothing. and so they've tried everything. i'm not strong this, to be perfectly candid. i'm bruce fries that this is the 1st real attempt on his life. and i will be 30, she probably didn't want the last uh uh,
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i'll take the test this, you know very well the, just the beginning. well just a recap of the latest on this attempt on donald trump's life that has taken place in the usa. this is while he was a political rally and pennsylvania, he narrowly escaped. and you know, that's a little bit all that chart that she likes a couple of months old. and if you want to really see something, this said, take a look what happened. some speed through stopped and it's track and he was instantly surrounded by his secret service. detail of blood from the show. the pace is a was then covering the right side of his face. no. so partially across his month, his mouth not from then held up a face thing defiance punching it to the eye before allowing the security guards. escrowed him off the stage as he shouted, fight, fight,
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fight us secret service. as a former president is now safe and has been released from a medical facility where he was given a once over the us congress is now set the date of july 22nd, to hold hearings on the matter. when the shooter was then located and was killed by law enforcement, he has not been identified as a 20 year old man from pennsylvania. this is new information just coming out now, a state police official saying that they are quote, not taking some ground said that this was a lone wolf attack. one inspect change and the crowd was killed and 2 others with 4 sickly, injured and not shooting. well trump has, as i mentioned, already, departed from the hospital where he was being given a check over his medicaid scene, had just driving away. he then went on social media on his 1st social media account
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to give his own understanding of what had taken place. it's incredible that such an act can take place in our country. i was shot with a boy at the pierce, the upper part of my right ear. i knew immediately that something was wrong in that i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin, much bleeding took place. so i realized then what was happening. well, meanwhile, joe biden, to address the us nation in response to that attack on donald trump, and he failed our rights we've when he was pressed on this to call it an assassination attempt. i don't know enough to i, i'll tell you, but i don't have any facts. so i want to make sure we have all the facts before i make some comment. any more comments? thank you. well, we've been discussing the shooting with a panel of guests full. my pennsylvania state senator and lawyer bri smocks and
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also legal and media list line. no, just have a listen to what they have to say on this. i don't know anything yet. in 1981, president reagan was shot and it looked like he was great that he was terrific and he found out later on he was shot and it was far greater than anything anybody had anticipated. that's number one. number 2, we've got to stop asking questions as to why i know this is important for many people, but why wasn't motivated? it wasn't social media, was it trump arrangements? and just all of that is spreading around once that is figured out and we try to figure out what happened. we try to figure out who exactly was responsible for this, that picture. and i hate to be political about this. and i'm saying this assuming in the whole thing that the president just fine that says that he is unscathed and that there is nothing we're going to find out later on. assuming that is so that
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moment that res, fist fight, fight bite. but grazed by a bullet, who stands up after the other, but does in power stand up? turns to the audience, extensively his shoulder and yells fight. this is, this is and again i'm, i'm not trying to bring a hollywood into this. this was an attempted murder. and but for the grace of god in one centimeter off the good, a bit of the other story and they're going to be more individuals hurt. and we don't know the full impact or the toll on, on the audience members. but that moment. now this is going to be a car and nation. this is, this is again i'm, i'm saying this and i'm also saying i don't mean to, i'm not bloating, but it was incredible. also, i am
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a former prosecutor. i have been involved in murder cases, murder, shootings, or not. what you see on tv, they watch the audience as this is happening. understanding they're looking as though they're watching a tv show. nobody's heading to that. nobody is know. but when you see the secret service run on stage, just cover the president with, with, with automatic weapons pulled, look at the audience. many of them are just looking at this like how about that? it's never what you think it is. and it's never people don't read out because it's until later on that it occurs to you. it's interesting to see right now that every political operative, every official, including president bite and president trump, a obama and others are part of you with their condolences. that is right now as we speak. now i've got to get brutal. ok. now i'm going to say people are going to say,
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how do we pivot this? do we bring a gun control to read? to bring this up? do we say, what, what do you want to call this white nationalism? right? we, it's just from ostensibly, and i don't want to do this and somebody from the last and, and, and that doesn't work in the narrative. it doesn't work. and of course, i'm going to say this, everybody's going to say this here, come the conspiracy. well, let me tell you something. conspiracy is a legitimate criminal consideration. it's not a fantasy. there's a, there's a can spirit. there's a conspiracy theorist. and the biggest barrier is the analyst that's coming in as well. they're going to be looking right now for once, the identifying who this person is they're going to go through. so she'll be going to try to find what made this person do this. and they're going to publish his name, and this is something which i am in this country. we should never publish names. don't put pictures,
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don't glorify the next lunatic who wants to make it big. that's one thing that we do. we do crying all kinds of shooting, but yet we log in, i use them and we want to know who were they? let's talk to their neighbors. lowly man kept to himself, but all i'm saying is right now is thank god, as we speak right now, that president trump is okay. i re that there is nothing that we don't know anybody i, i hope there is nothing else there, but i want to say this again. the narrow it is going to be instead of the coloring heating the debt covering his head. he stood up, faced his a cute, the shooter or shooter is charged a little bit, so the 5, the normal reaction pump is best. bye, bye bye. what person other than some warrior does, it is how many people would have had the the where was all because you realize a amount of read too much face every single day that we know nothing about that.
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i'm sure his family members are say, why are you doing this? get behind a bubble or do something during the there's no security that could possibly keep you safe from this, but he says, no, i'm going to do this. i'm going to fight on. i just want to talk about the, the narrative here in the media and what's been spawn in the last few months leading up to what's happening. whether that possibly has had any impact as to why we've seen this shooting. because just let me take you back to something we saw in europe a couple of months ago. we had the need of slovakia, and there was an attempt to assess nation on him. he asked of that said, this is old to do with the narrative, but we continue to see this file against politicians like trump in the media. so how much of that is playing into this? and not finding very hesitant to speculate as to the motive. the person who
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attempted to assassinate president trump today, i'm about a half hour from butler. as you noted, i'm from pennsylvania. i have a lot of friends who are at the rally today. there was a coffee, it was just a shocking development. and to think of the president, it is safe and, and it's going to be fine. but it's hard to say that that zip code to blame the media for this. there's of course, no doubt, many people, some of them here, but obviously others who have president trump and it's just a terrible tragedy of our all most tragedy that there was an attempt to assassinate him. but until the secret service and the others can identify or to make public the name of the person who was the shooter and the circumstances. i just don't think it's a good idea to speculate. i just think we have to be thankful that the president is safe. he was very brave and the way that he handled it is the prior guest noted. it
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does appear that he, that a, that, that the bullet may have a grazed him because the video show that there was blood. but are you familiar with the go to the hospital and that the and all reports are part of that? he's fine. president biden. well, i know saying that political violence has no place in politics in america. that is something we've been hearing from across the political divide in the last few hours . what do you make of stop statement by a precedent by them? was it strong enough? was it condemning enough of what's happened? well, 1st of all, i want to commend president biden. that was an excellent reaction. i think it was harm selves what the country need. of course, political violence is age is disliked, then there's a disdainful that as this model was, as, as crime as, as is this, this is, this is the thing and, and i'm sorry, but my message might be anything but sensation or really is something i said before
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it, there's 333000000 of us. this is the rarest of occasion. donald trump has appeared before millions of people throughout his career with not so much as a, as a bloody nose or a bruce neil on the part of any participants. no knock on wood. if anything else we don't know whether or not there are a social media reports. and by the way, god bless social media because they get on it. some of it right. some of it's not. but it's amazing the immediacy, depending upon how this shooter or shoot her, or situated was this a sniper with this in the crowd. depending upon that, the 1st thing we're going to ask about it is, what about security? not only for president trump, but anybody and his goal for anything concert, any kind of any kind of a rally and the like, look, this is going to, i hope, do one thing which is very important. and every side is guilty of this. there is
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this rancor and is hatred and it's not just from derangement, st. drum. it's just this derangement syndrome and social media squared arms. and i'm not blame you. social media. i love it. but when you put enough people together, it's like, it's like having a, a tight room passing out, drinks getting everybody mad, and then everybody starts to escalate this, this rancor and this, this victory all. and i think it's, it's not necessarily anybody to blame or the times are needed, that it's kind of the way we are right now. everything is turned to 11. everything as louder. because what happens if you go on television? if you go onto it, because you want to get clicks, you want to get metrics and you're not going to go out and get any kind of traffic or a trash or if you sound rational. but if you're on the and i don't want to pick up, i'm not going to make any shows. but if you're on a 80 a talk show or a chat show, and you can say something that is our ranges and your comments go viral, your going to go up in terms of your,
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your stature. so that feeds and breeds and encourages in countenances, more lunatic behavior. so it's, this is weird psycho logo, re a scrum that we're in. right. and i was like, the day we'll move a psych ward. but how do you stop that? you can't, because you got to ask yourself, do you want free speech or not? are there problems free speech? yes. are there are consequences? yes. to great easy people say crazy things. yes. but i promise you the reason why that has happened is because somebody is not crazy, but you might want to call it evil homicide. oh, it's rare, it's happened before. then it will remain where and this is not going to in any way disrupt the president. speaking, this is not going to disrupt rallies. in fact, his next attendance is next. riley is going to make one lot of woodstock looked like uh like a uh you know, a social t. yeah. in date. um, so states that it's
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a very small ox, uh, just want to get your reaction to what president biden said, particularly the fact that he said he had opinions about what happened. but he said he didn't have enough fights. what do you think really is the situation now in terms of what this will mean for the repercussions? lajna was that just saying that this isn't going to stop trump? we've heard him in the past and the 2016 campaign, he was wearing a bullet proof vests back then. that was after an incident in ohio. do you think we're going to see the security? i ramped up at all events and see that the 2 candidates really, maybe mostly called and i do think that you're going to see increased security particularly evolving president trump. i'm leaving to go to milwaukee. uh, next week i'll be obviously a to republican national convention. we'll see the type of security that will have that will be in milwaukee. uh, president trump will be there. i think he's arriving on tuesday. he'll be there.
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obviously speaking on thursday. do accept the republican nomination. but this isn't going to stop donald trump. i mean, he's the, the criminal proceedings to the, the against in which i know they have no basis happened, stopped him. this unfortunate shooting is not going to stop him. he's going to be back on the campaign trail. he has rallies and i'm in america. and like nobody has had before, he gets 203040000 people. if these outdoor rallies, the i'm in pennsylvania, which is a, you know, critical state in the election. it's one of the 6 states. it's going to decide things, and we're going to see a lot of president trump. we're going to say a lot of his supporters out here for him from his nomination next week through the election in november. and i think he's going to be on the campaign trail on all of the states and he's going to speak his mind. and of course, it certainly looks like he's in a great position to, to, to win the election, particularly because of the catastrophic events. you know,
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the president by didn't had at the, at the last debate. this is all teens nationally and be watching live breaking news about coverage of the attempted assassination of donald trump in pennsylvania. that's it for me, but very associate will be in the whole states and a few minutes bringing you up to date information. as we guess, it's about everything that happened, including that new information that it was a 20 year old pennsylvania local who was behind that attempted assassination. i hope you can join him in a few minutes time. oh, the only way not comfortable with the brother. printer was or up at one of the sons of this. so basically of course,
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we need the last name was needed, read it almost. and when we used to live, imagine we have some more by us or someone who was this, we would show new people to the, the the the
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take a look what happens the it is breaking news here with off the international. donald trump surviving an assassination attempt to follow, addressing thousands of a supporters at a raleigh in pennsylvania. shortly after he recounted the mind, i knew immediately that something was wrong in that i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. much pleasing took place, so i realized then what was happening. god bless america, the shooter who took a mate, donald trump is dead. the secret service adds that a speck tighter, also lost his life during the hail of gunfire.


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