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tv   Documentary  RT  July 14, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EDT

1:30 am
as we discussed the shooting with a host of $360.00 view school, he shoes and she says, had the shots been faithful for trump, the us today will be waking up to auto calles. this is going to change not only the security, but it's also going to change the dynamic and all of the conversations that are happening from not only outside what's going on with in the convention center, but also the opposite. good. now, america is, is focus on americans are focus on what exactly happened and you have to realize, i think everyone by their republican or democrat recognize it. so we were just an inch away from complete, may have taken over this country. if that shot would have gone off and been in been state or to donald j trump, we would be living in a very chaotic state in america today. even so there are still lots of questions about how this is going to play out politically. both for republicans as well as for joe biden, who yes, you did make a statement, but it took him several hours to do so. and those that might be saying, well,
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this could be potentially something that targeting the republican and the democratic candidate, make no mistake, make no mistake. political attentions are high right now and it takes the, it's taking it. this is going to make americans have to pause and recognize it has a separate have they become too emotionally involved with this presidential campaign with this present to a race and did that one of the reasons i drove this principle of potentially assassination on the us presidential candidate, what we're finding out potentially about the shooter is obviously they don't have any direct political involvement with the democratic campaign or joe biden. sand paint. however, that is the type of rhetoric that has been continuing to increase against donald j trump. the last 4 to 6 years, that is very dangerous for americans today and to it. and i think the result of tonight is an absolute reaction to a lot of the rhetoric that's been going on both in the public, as well as in the private i over the past 3 years. you know, if you go back and check your american history, there's actually be no shortage of assassinations or assassination attempts on us
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presidents. i'm just the name of a few j, f, k, ronald reagan, of course, abraham lincoln. but don't forget, it was donald trump, who said not that long ago quote, in the end, then not coming off the meeting that coming off to you. and i'm just standing in their way. make sure your question more is hasanti international the, the uh yeah, that'd be okay. but you will proceed as well. do you have to deal? could you do is you know, i can ship that, i'm not, and that will not make it seem to be as low as the one that are within, you know,
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some of do you have 10 kilometers from don't that's the city had been under keeps occupation for 10 years ukrainian forces transformed up, do you have got into a formidable stronghold, which they shall peaceful neighborhoods in done that's lucky if and yes in of us. yeah. most residents left the city many with forcibly removed by the ukrainian military, but more than a 1000, the state refusing to abandon the homes. the yeah you, i'm using the most of us won't get the best of the bill. i wish the best out of the, of that one year is the quarter, as well as the story, the media 3 of the supposed to being able to do the view revision
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of a former rescue still into taking of good residents to safety. just up to the town celebration. today he delivers a to of difficult and visits those who become almost family to him. you don't, you go to include in the good news so much as to the, by the way the children were a little dated. so would you global good particularly to just get for my share most to pick them and get people seem to click on stuff? what's each of the examples as delivery is going to be a video that those is that those are the ones that they want to on thursday night. them with the take them with those as the domain and you pro, stuff on the email to, you know, reduce before just using the receive task. got to be a public pool. but well, it does, gives you a one year business, but you will continue to mazda do the integration
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of days compared to wiley, cuz you got studied quite see major, see what you're dividing. is us on some of the, by the 1st of august on the chest. this is a, can i me have a blessed the great desk. love days compared to wiley. selecting it for me, i see the desk. they both got to wait while i recognized you, and i see latham bell. i'm sweet. you struggled study questioning us. i see the little girls music. it just means you see little, you did the the, the so do the little guy go the search,
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the solution. you slow. do you know why they face the level? is that old and yeah, well the basement refuge, 5. do you because residents for too long and bit 2 years now serves as a hospital a know at the drum or it hit the snooze, each of them. yeah. to somebody else, i'm 0 me, the eligibility leave that as they'll talk to me. and so it's like we have, we like keep up with the military and civilian doctors from done that. it's monitor the house of, of the, of cuz basement to others who survive the hell the . so the only thing you can just put, i'll just say, what was the original quote for the was put out to say the vision. the
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video should the utilize by you for new fluid you may have was do, but it is up over in the most, most of the lab is web, the dvd with the test lab. think you, i need both of them. you need to do you. there's no doesn't use the with a, with asian like so it's just the, the them both federal or federal redid rebecca, which i did the business people i bought, i did the photos the ship. we just do like it didn't build them out and go over the the white angels, ukrainian power emitted replace units. so they re frontline towns and on notorious for the extreme brutality enough to have got the 100 down children ships. but i am so glad each cmu in mind took up mamma me for the bill to come deal of this of the of go resident was able to hide
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a 12 year old son, a decision using some authorities even offered a reward for his camp. jeff buford, send you over to new jersey. torture on order for your order for monday, for their funding on your control, your last 2 years each and every corner of this emergency room for the for the, for the, for the village of 3 of the longer those little sitting or so i'm definitely normally show argument, i don't know what the heck, who was waiting human with i can still sit on the dream machine 2
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was 100. we have to be if you go through his mind, which is just to me of is going thursday or we'll have to go up there to the juniors. the subsea is to brook for 20 years. and which is the word easy or new subset. your new function is what i need. the one you're mostly perfect facebook to do to buy a subsidy of teaching human about which to which he will click on which sees what does come of say sort. i'm when he's taking referrals and i should cities. so these bishop not cause did you buy at some notes, you the russian of a crowd, boston who was of others to which was always slow at done by the but do you that may have
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particularly many of them a but it would do for their lab shouts a statement about the z. o. i believe it's a previous complaint. what are the do you mean to invoice by 4 year old team is parents had him in the basement for 2 years. they didn't allow him out. feeling neighbors would see him. sadly, neighbors were usually the ones who tipped off the kidnappers about hidden children . search that will create your own. let me do what am i seeing you on kick it out so much? did you want to believe me? was it? when you kindly by says the word yeah. positive that god. so you probably know this the deal to the yes, but anyway we will focus on that a little bit. but no, do i go to the school?
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well, the zillow got through if she what is going on with it, the bill and then threatened to change the note on the 2nd, the ocean was pushed to providing as i've done in metal native electrical potential . him. but this becomes then no fear to very need you to go to an engine is difficult, the scope of the volume, special strip of all the emails they found, they will go to the queue for the and actually it was to the shop shop, continue for stores and you're not the below do much follow up about the storage it you would just need a little cost when you need to move it. just hold up and then you put it into sports. yeah. the, she'll train that in. you'll try it. it's a for the month of period with her to let us to let you know, we can do that as soon as gets walk, uses like google assistant in bloom up. any of those love approval move has done it
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again the the . 2 the priest of dealing with adults judge as in mary magdalen had to have the city puts a judge wasn't left on the attended. alex a, a local became it's can take up. 2 his home was destroyed for 2 years, did live by himself in the crypt moves what yesterday it was horrible feeling so yes to to be sure to share with you which one of the level that we're doing with somebody else that's what the middle of speech good
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good, what i'll come on, what the show got the lock and i'm gonna show with the digital movie that we want, that it sounds a steering thing from what i'm doing because of them who were just new too much for that issue. but the media and about what the if and when we're talking about losing the proper thoughts more a taking is a at the new for us you. 2 moving question. 2 what do you do? you have to look at them too much to to learn. yeah. we do have a tool that will do the strongly can you, but you want me to share it on the venue easily built into the place where you should use it in the hostilities of do you have those churches were
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mostly destroyed, but mary magdalen church, miraculously survive off and they've ration russian priest came to cancel the church and it's kind of take a look see to i was told 3 year old things are closer. some of us do the douglas always slow this. keep you pretty much face yet as long as you're kind of a russian national guns champion, often visits the free impulse news will go any way to load up and move them on. so each each bill, so i'm looking for a horse squash on the kitchen nurse immediately at the pigment and said we actually the lawyer to put in a little while. i sort of clean that it'd be
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a laptop but it's still barely booked. and which last spring, and then yeah, it will be a while. let them ration of the email is focused. cool. okay. let me just bring this report for zillow and then we're done with them. this is the approximate. what now do you want to start on the walk through? you can use some of the valve cover channel with the quick. so that's beside the let's see who the hearing impaired name. the judges can take out. also survived aged by his dog, the dog. crud. yeah, auction or a 5 very well really cascade always warned its own of incoming shells.
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the english would you find me? no, i generally will receive of them, but is she aware where to fall? i assure you might start mobile. exactly or store the news, the product to store because of my checking, i'm sure. and the spirits in the to
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a day book seems that, oh yeah, i knew i knew what about the switch on the schedule and moodle, steve, smoking. i knew the problem that old skew at that time we started our 1st initial letter that it down. you said nearly started out the here it is quick of move. i was just on the wireless mode spreadsheet, but the see on the to the street, let's see the notes to the show. so that name was shot it by friday. should it's liberating. yeah. but it's so it's gonna catch you voice. kimberly upset. i knew what the, what is she, what she i'm really up to or? i mean you guys do you by samuel barry? i really bill them. yeah. and what is your model of choose roy? i'll tell you um, i'm way go by the alone said the la nichol dot, dot newly jo.
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the in october 2023, the russian army launched a mess of assaults on the city. february 2024 of the guy came under full control of russian forces. yvonne, a storm tuba, co signed russian, a member of the 1st navigate was among the liberators. it's going to do that about the why not someone that's the i show the check so soon by the rooms did you want to go so soon? positive one was your distributed one. i should live, but i will start talking about them grants me up. touching breeza for the last without storms bureau says, company got a new deals that you shall see. what suggested you quite a fella fluid. it's going to provide bigger. this special deals with that. sure, boy. so they have authority and guy was your last 8 of them have coverage. so what would you like me to go to this whole thing ukrainian troops blew up the
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underground stump. rooms of a department store, a supermarket, when many had been hiding the width of the yes and yes to expose the ship. we use a single shot to me. what would you like or you have of do you get the do less? yes. the control of schools and then you still to us new to us. you have them semester. the need for you to will not have to have been us get the said is the 2 i can go more with it than while you have. what did i, what do it take? what did it baubles because a lot that brought up a huge level in your model that they will well did that the code that just really is no start on the market. the dog does not at that will a seat again as my husband of sits city city. so good market the that there was this was below and you could fix probably less than or equal should huddle or really feasible, a bumblebee as a chef inside. and this is really what it,
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what it was that again, was that review this with losing my thoughts with some of the children you're building this of this in the show that you do. so what about um, do you have customers on the back with you to find like what is related to discuss the issues? try a jury share to scott be, but the number on your is your lead way too big in your georgia, the bad those january, georgia knew. but of course you didn't. yeah. did show i like to letting you free stuff. marlene guys, i be shy up too much. were like uh, what say really? yeah. well maybe josephs plugging going to category bullshit. shut off
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the uh put you on a new car. you know, that's what i was much because estimates, particularly the most of the board. you can use like zillow waiting, if there was the mastercard as well, i'll put you on. you see what this new call can you do? you have the personal in your, in your opinion. the most difficult to sort of to start on your book as soon as i find you, you, you put you in control when you usually fisher. so, you know, there's always this symbol fault issue pull the scheme which could still scholarship just cuz like, you know, he just didn't tell me to get books can, you could afford to just a chill. coase where you just google the sandwich, but it's cheaper to keep watch to have dish of touring is closer
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to the sure figured that's just what was it was still a good curve or sparkling. we found tatiana enough to have sent a video to her daughter nina. and yeah, cause she didn't know if i'm other ones that live, but also seeing uh frontage she packed and for the most go then a long journey to done. that's a waste of permission to enter the closer to the much anticipated meeting with the which quote until after the teams come across the information on the new one. that's good, i'm good to play. you're somebody else. a key role here in
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the 1st thing in the us, it's been a long window of just assessment, but to the small my days off, i'm just doing that though. i mean, it's totally single. i've been doing it. i bet someone else. and that's really been the fund fund them on a good english 3. and then here let me see new. my name is the goodness. if you have this to view our sectioning on why you know, my love was for you. is there any, what are those are up to the those knowledge, the whole thing? good rest of the game. it is a sluggish or game. like the lord know the
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look do. she's bruce, just disappearing of a new or just clue like you does little stuff. there are other people around to say they know which is yours. the, the, there are, these are still used to more she the get the for deep permit the, for at least this semester it's still the 3 of you guys fighting to benefit cheaper . those things, those 3, yet the doing about of, of gift uh hundreds of ukrainian soldiers surrendered and looked, placed in a secure p o w facility to await that fate the
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cause. we just need to share with you the thought getting into the near the screen . and you have severely believe me, not knowing if i'm near bringing. i'm not going to not ship on mute movies in a given. y'all still face just to show we have also clearly this we still are missing to the post the country. so pennsylvania coverage at the dismissing an email i need to call it is on the phone label where they should be done. well, shes gotten binding. here's my other question, was the openness in yuma that definitely does not apply to any kind of in a child. then foreclosure, so you can see them, i see the, whichever one is the initial and you, the she did have shown is so confusing yourself the press see on there some of them
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. but it says some of the say of some of the websites on the most mysterious tongue, most of this and are assuming that single moist now, you know, it's your 1st name. what was, what was one of the slips, doors, unusual causal solutions load up. you know, what should the, why know the approximate thing definitely and let them know that i need to get by our furniture that way and i have to talk to him with the payment and they have the
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lease from the sign was stuff for the the, the the, the both of them, because of the one with the, sorry the, this is for the
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a large moment to close your home search for the for the what? the device you're while enemy, drones are still flying above of days. father, she has us love health services in the basement of a multi story building, wallace. i am all, most of the initial time, a slow and then one of the last, one of them says that's here. it's a self out items q, so they keep keep wait for 15 seconds and is up
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a visible sky. who knows much tutoring. that's really essentially the mortgage because that's where you your school. yeah. and we're getting to the
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the take a look what happened the it is breaking news here with off the international. donald trump survives an assassination attempt while addressing thousands of support that are riley in pennsylvania. shortly after uber account at the moment. i knew immediately that something was wrong in that i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin, much bleeding took place. so i realized then what was happening. and god bless america. who took aim at donald trump? is that the secret service, i think today inspect.


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