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tv   Documentary  RT  July 14, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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of the population of this country that realized they were dealing with a very, very, very feeble element in our country. this is not a, a, a difference of ideology. it's, it's, it's a, it's a settlement between right and wrong. good enabled. be hard for me. i tried less manila, china, and a direct impact the house of rick sanchez and during the discussion they basically say that america is facing a really dangerous time right now. the violence on the division across the country . you know, i'm an old salty dog and i've been covering news for many years. you know, going back to the 19 seventy's when the united states was divided, as at least i've ever seen it divided in my lifetime. i would argue it's more divided right now. we are, as some people have said, and i will quote them and not use it as my words, but maybe perhaps on the brink of a civil war. because the before is ation that exist right now between the people who call themselves the left and people who call themselves the right is as distant
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as, as its upper back. and what, what, what i fear. after looking at this situation tonight and watching the e b, i are in the anger and the faces as you watch that video after the shooting. those people who were in trumps rally were angry as they should be. right. and, and, and as i, what i fear now, as, as an american journalist who covers the story is that this incident is only going to probably further ignite these, these tensions because the united states is quite possibly the most violent, the country on earth and our culture has accepted this as a norm, whether it's in our movies, whether it's in our daily lives, whether it's on local news and i for one rick as well. he knows we both came from local news. that's how we started our careers, and we reported on gun violence every single day and ever any city across the united states. so this is par for the course. if you are here in the 50,
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the upper 50 states, we have developed for ourselves in the 20th century. we're now in the 21st century, a country that you know, the, the, the pentagon and the d. o. d are the biggest, the biggest companies in the world. when you perpetuate violence around the world, it should be no shock that your culture then becomes that a violence or the breaking just continue to enter a ton. that will be at the top of the, the the
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when i was here position, i was suggesting we bomb bell. great. i was suggesting that we send american pilots in an blow up the bridges on the drain. i would suggest, thinks we take out his oral supply. i was suggesting very specific action the
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i was suggesting we take out his oral supply, the leading. deja is 64. he was with the web crew that cleared the danbury off to the city of what i knew it was bombed. in 1999. it wasn't, it was very striking. definitely cynthia williams cells we use is work nights old, died laser of cancer. the is the of the survivor symbol is some of them all 3 of them fit with this question. patel him
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a to or not because a pin. the still equipped fitness was the lack of being in there. so set them dollar for this and go forth. if that was a good day to me, a plus. so look that in some of that committed the cost for this sum for period 2 4th. uh good. i said not to miss will. what we're going to do. the squids 5 bill bombard going all the cars, your motor serial doesn't go to school. know billy dale at a doctor's honest. i said below the
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so yes, i'm going to the media. another issue president, because i'm more delay on what i need is going to let's give it so that's what he says or that's what you david though, do what i knew you to you. i didn't know the effective of the still will not fit for me to send me you. so now let's see. graham, all the cover. cool. all the nina saw the tool that that brought me in there. yeah . the really go by. so most of them that i do the organ when it me or even if you need any mobile that could add up all a oh, this is as easily as choice on some of the with others. so you all and then i eventually, but always, you know, some oil in sent over to the home. i'm glad to navigate you, but i will mentally or the consumer on a little while i'm there without us here to put any dollars. but it, we dial us. oh, so you see now until you can bubble the ground all day. you want us to do less with
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and he's when he's out of your sandwich. course the national and apple you will call, you will do so much on this one. first is so little by little guys to go with our focus to somebody, but all you know, so what is the most, do you view a published and as a desk to pull stuff, messed up, boston midwest of all stuff. that's it full of best. if it's doable, well, good remembered what is it as well, you know, well the youth i typed, and so it was a sense and i so they died. yeah. but on your bill is us coupon obama mode moved onto my hobby now and they'll lock the stone little wanted see it all the on use will tell you that way. it will surely will mr. classes need know to align your middle. if it was what i knew most of them i through the glass one. this is optimal . well, they told a donna, yes it over to say to them. and really, so let me tell you the all book or the case. it is a to all the nicholas a rather than he is now that all my, which of that,
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i don't have to read that godaddy. i'm not up on godaddy. not doing more than that though. you have music on see so easy. let's say that again, let's see the echo seeds not going good. i don't, you know, the museum mode. the depleted uranium is a toxic heavy metal domain by products of uranium enrichment because of its high density about twice that of lead. depleted uranium was used, and i'm a passing munitions. the un office for this i'm, i'm into fans the, the subscribe. i know, but i can deal associate almost anymore. i view on thermal to e. might the portion of the out most of the, the out cnn majority dollars the the ceiling. yeah. not just eats that. was that almost what on your, of course, of all of these, but you also the alpha trust it. we have the mothers are with through the ball for tested to ease of the east to adjust it to what audio one, the local pro is the member on which on the, on
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a number of the project popular. i think most of the project and the average elliott e own dock image of process modeling the that the almost not modeling mailed that out to you in the mileage elliot. gosh, what is this a new york one, but you don't you don't nickel dollars on a wheel drive? i know molly, we shall. yes, victoria, on those of trouble or to me go already the not just it tells you it almost on the board on your what is a z your day? you too. if you i be on the sub, it will see people that see the product cannot spots. it is optimal. that's the cohort that western science is still still debating exactly how dangerous depleted uranium wetlands up my dear, don't talk claiming that depleted uranium this homeless there's not any sign typically being accurate in dangerously negligence is usage and width and the splice tossing project goals that can be inhaled or ingested. those things of interest to human health and the environment. the hysteria is unwarranted. dr.
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lucas. the reality is that the risks of depleted uranium are grossly exaggerated and when handled properly. the risks are minimal. minimal. tell that to the civilians living in conflict and suffering from increased cancer rates. the mute this is for seen yours to much more with the you know, deal going to the rest later boy name in the land roll up as well. think of, of, of a mean if board you account a terrorist operation carried out by the cell, the anomaly and special forces on the comfortable village. your project against albanian extreme is turned out to be the excuse they were looking for. i'm going to watch a video stone. one is a good, strong velocity switch to i knew what the caching whether you've option sweetie, potentially for squared to just ensure wasn't supposed to be meals. i'm just not
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going to solve. still got to read a new order for someone to to get there when he got nato countries fled by the united states immediately declared that the killing of the, of the indian majority in kosovo was genocide and decided to bomb. former yugoslavia depleted uranium shells were included russia vehemently opposed to that decision to associate pregnancy. the thing was that the blood, i'm not sure you use it. i've seen these gatherings to more than come with the store to abuse needed because that wasn't abuto is a couple of, there's a lot of them, a pro performing. there's not a problem with the, you know, the alex in the cover they've had a lot about bosh by the color from the federal auto body who monica sonia saw
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a lot of the play button because at the center i show it to show our gratitude. if i lead a lot like a front of the comments from homage i thought we had to have them look at the color laid off. how does moving to solution for the study of the kind of shot i what the other of bob saw his dose out of hire. how's that sound like i did that. so i with the for the bottom, say i have to cite them because at the dap, our boss, whoever they can't really have to come out of them up like i don't need the extra on i big of a, come stand up with them. but it just doesn't know how the more general is to come. a ya, she found that of the rug the cities louisville was the one that's the most from depleted uranium weapons. it's in 1st place, 13 percent of the total population. at that time, a piercing sales went totally used against the military hardware, the residential buildings, to the
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little the by the way, the estimate of what the showed up did as order of way, shape doesn't come with either on the, on us, most of the each on higher animal, so i'd be on the i'm just me a lot of really old body. i mean what i remember the trunk done. it was a funny or a lot of money on the account of oil for the winter where i'm not on the husband alone. i'm looking in the account alone. shut them out of either the inside of the house or or side of here. yes. movie or show? i mean yeah, i'm good. yeah, there's
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a little domains that long. hard to tell. yeah. john, but i want to go ahead. i wouldn't be at all, but says load fish are definitely. yeah. well i don't know what it is. you're not allowed. i right. yeah, shot uh this is how much, but i need to have done a john. i want to have another session. i don't do the wash, it does say i was looking at the other. what have you to say? well, i have a feeling that tomorrow the person, oh oh, what, how did you see cool, and then what were the show, whole and hugs the the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case. all the methods of the people i tried to go to the gym,
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but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington. as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals, which allow me something living on that we have very close propaganda. you know, price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask the better. the answer is, will be the more important scene is that if, if, if that's good, then that's the stillia to indeed show decided to one of the memory of his comrades . and for the very 1st time in 25 years, climbed the mountain to the very place where the depleted uranium bump fell, the silver fish.
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this is not the correct and this is total bulus this it but uh need uh some pro good day. my colleague, supplemental really small, you know, to get all pay a disaster. it's a symbol in the bottom at the zoo with the black line. you'll know customers, quail, a pass code. and this was all, it does bill house or what they were just for the the, the name a program color is the easiest. i trusted that i the the symbol with are trish and the municipal and all of the go you know so so sit
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emotional around noon was less most i was only a customer that some yeah, probably be on the let's it was like well i guess the push to those to rochester to some of those tauriel. cool, i guess a so basically the more than 3 decades, the us army has used depleted uranium sales in various conflicts. they have also been adopted by great britain, but neither country officially advanced the depleted uranium alone is deadly. you're just over simplifying is complex fisher to stir of fear, dr. lucas?
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yes, there are risk, but there are minimal compared to the strategic advantages they provide. it's about leveraging technology responsibly. not a bad thing. yeah. that the rational fear. irrational, ignoring the long term, environmental catastrophe and the moral implications of boys in the glands with generations. that is, walk is a rational circle of strategic advantages or a parent and victory at best. it's easy to throw around accusations when you're not the one making the top decisions. military strategy isn't about choosing the perfect options. it's about choosing the least worst one. and currently that involves depleted uranium and we should strive of best. so no settled, release was we have to deal with the world as it is caution yes. but outright fear monitoring helps know what the,
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the reason the reason they don't want this known or out in the public is, is they don't want, it's not a good advertiser. hey, we have your kids join. the military, they'll be, they'll be exposed to radiation and toxins. from the depleted uranium, it's not a good advertisement for the military. that's why they never met it. we have mission 1st. so a mission 1st to is to store your enemy. joseph hickman is a former us military officer who after retiring became involved in investigating the dangers of munitions used by the us. and the only reason you would use a depleted uranium ammunitions would be for armor piercing. i would think, i don't see where it's effective in anything else. the radioactive, they may not be. it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive than the something is active uranium, but still it's radioactive. it, it has toxins that, that can kill you as
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a military. we never really know about no one ever really talked about. it just likes to burn fits that i cover. so we didn't, they, they kept saying everything's good. it's, you know, not, it's not unhealthy for you. it's not, not a bad thing. in joseph pigments, books done pits, the police native american soldiers, he revealed another big mystery town. depleted uranium, munitions were disposed of the without to play or any of being burned into burn fits, it was set up. i mean, then, then it actually is that only had to get terminated area, but it was a domino effect to start finding hundreds of soldiers. i ended up interviewing 1400 soldiers from my book, there were sick and dying from the burn fits it became a big story. and the book was very successful. president biden stuff about the book often, cuz i mentioned a sudden boe in there who got sick from the burned pits and died
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enjoying love. it got some so i'll give them patients say both so good. good, good trip was so talk to them. patients say that that the, the, you know, morning say on a cousin a, the city of the or set them small available for the the the bottom say morning to send to the foundation the input. this is the 1st or the well, it's a shot game of way, 3 methods and city. that's us and the largest investment below this is of a 50 by the name and i'm asked for this to be, i mean the,
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the test to send by more formal kind of a really good question. k for less than this one. but no, it came up like the the amount is kill them at the sure we can post it together. anybody is doing the exam to be noon or individualized or do i need to provide you with should? so i know what i see in which i'm sorry to bug and you know, it just says that there's no need for them because they're imposing too much. so i see it being processed. it's been paid to include that are starting to run for these in store for with in langley. i to talk with like a is a schedule in the nation is not going to move me is different,
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of course. so it goes to the category where you're ready from the beginning to believe that he has an i redid category when it's, i'm at the regression scene for some folks that are the association for english w b minus name was presented to describe that, but i'm good for cushion meeting the humans, he's got to manually so i do understand the bridge here with the others, but i sent 2 of us to in california. sure. study. ask yourselves that's the way. oh no. you just tell me that this is a protest rally held in run by the relatives of soldiers himself and from depleted uranium italians land for the 1st time,
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the dust from depleted uranium shells can cause fatal diseases when the soldiers began to put down from comfortable in mattel's here, where they carried out nato so called peacekeeping mission. the project and other central for nancy, for general list with at least biggest independent news portal comment done kashodi . they're investigating how depleted uranium affected italian soldiers health? no, i have them which had got your equipment, the more the me, the da da or for me that she had come a lot the window. i don't want to do proport, sony in order me, neal football and kid. the little friend said they should be back in the she's on a party going immediate diety, but it's in pennsylvania and it's also the media diety, capital. so fast all my story about story identical morning when they get a hold on when they come, because some of them are and they are running for the dom. well, you know, for me, so that is one of the center so that the magics ulcer, they're going to search for evidence. now do you get out on the day?
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say you all or no, nothing to call the number on the b 2? 0 yeah, no d c, i need a new showing the box at the end performed here. and then the guy and the guy was the guy, the middle. mike turned it on to the and you got it a good the yet. it was on the update on your off. you may kind of design the internal, it will do you think i know that the dying july, the katie. the may not in the mean cause i know only a few months ago on a call, anita a dot studio and chain d, as in mary jane. and then i could be just what i need to be on. okay, thank you much and they call any guy it was the front door going on. that was due for the a genuine al gosti. guess. the
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envelope to tell you is the 1st and only western european loyal who tries to take every depleted uranium contamination case. the court and he's been successful so far, he's one on more than 250 occasions. if they don't that they've given me that pick out the answer. the question ma'am about the surely the 30 percent. i mean the demo, the initial it. what are the only sound, what when they sound, when a vision is what i the apple most of the provider, the little g again. so that a little doubt i'd go so the, the see in god the dfcs store getting a little, dea, a, even the demand did i receive up to the beast wish, and i'm going to, i'm going to do it all by not. so any data, if i have a similar the game lab role, i'm game data, mean each of the dates that go many approaches, so they're not even really needs. yeah, yeah. so cost way, not doing a bit of math to i will make equals 3 shoemake asset. you find a list of items that have to shave what
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do you check our cost at ocean you already know use a search because dustin or good is i see it go con, settled it only shuttle or will it says cuz i said already that if the person, i'm up to lucky warning, both just keep carpets. if i did such a disaster openings at the start, you so that you're not always the concert or we need our stuff in that tonight. the abundance of the, the story. again, i'll go to the shopping on a trip to the pendulum and throw for you, or the midst of this is something i was able to talk to him. i don't do that, no point to point us at the end of the afternoon. what are the goal was the most it got that brushing us to slackness at all the allies. you was interested, the leisure? no, no, no. it wouldn't be like a when you called guardian, but not a good spot in the queue shuttle just leave off with the full army in there yet on the do you have no groceries of the? so again, as you call them on because he already because you're looking of the 3 by the go
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with, you know, not going, but the only other issue there so that it is that there was help them connect me though it yet can you original 0 at this at the can we want to save the issue today, but i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna go over to my february must go. if i could, i'll remote the various click go the that's the size i sent in the bed to see it by itself. but the escape that place i just i
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i really kind of goes to the normal point. oh really cut out of the pos. i'm feeling a pause. so this is stuck to so pro a real a lift gate on the centralink zones. cool. set animal, the amount of bill and other system so they would have to spell it, them never problem a or to do over i or to the face to face of the sense that the us, when i said the
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the take a look what happened the here the gone 5 right there, it is breaking news or what all the international donald trump survives, and assassination of 10 point of dressing. thousands. it was supported at a riley and pennsylvania shortly afterwards. secret account at the moment, i knew immediately that something was wrong in that i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. much bruising took place. so i realized then what was happening. god bless america . the shooter who took aim at donald trump is the one spectator was also killed during the documents of fire. however, drove by. it fails to call it what it.


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