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tv   News  RT  July 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the take a look what happened the following, developing story, donald psalms, divide on that approximation of 10, while addressing thousands of supporters at the raleigh in pennsylvania shortly out to your account as the most we saw yesterday, our constitutional republic come within a breath of the delta, a significant blow within the year killing near assassination of donald trump. support as of the former us president gavin, you have at some time in new york city to express the backing for the targeted politician the
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and 10 past flyer off to the field. assassination. attend regular folks with using the us mainstream media staring up possibility against the drum leading up to this point, the while you're watching our team to national, reaching you from the russian capital i a michael portrait. or now we continue without breaking news from the united states. this our gun man attempts to take
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donald trump's life, while the former president now released gauge. and you know, that's a little bit all that chart that she likes a couple of months old. and if you want to really see something, this said, take a look what happened? tom speech was stopped and it's got just older and minutes after he took the stage of the subs gals and he was his secret service ra stated to surround him, filed machine, gun toting trips to, to describe this page to secure the see it took a bit of time forward from to recover agents brought him to his feet, but instead of rushing away, america's 55th president raised his fist in defiance and shouted, fight, fight, fight. before heading down to says, the republican national committee has condemned the attempt on tom's life. we
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saw yesterday, our constitutional republic come within a breath of being delta, a significant blow with the near killing near assassination of donald trump. we almost lost everything because we cannot have our electrical concepts, but simply for the highest and the land. the president of the united states be determined by a board be determined by violence. we, the people get to choose our leaders, and that is why it's so important for us to come together as a nation, as a state, as a city, as a borrow and say this was wrong. this can never happen. whether it was donald trump or joe biden, or the junior or any other candidate for any office in the land. the art is kinda bought the ports and all the latest updates from the trump towel. i new york as well. i'm here at trent tower. uh, just outside of the building, i own the iconic sites of the all of the former president john correct black runner
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in the presidential election here. the space in the crowd has been small way throughout the day. i've been growing. it's a festive atmosphere out here. folks are saying that this is a moment where donald trump is appearing to be unbeatable. they say the fact that the us as, as bullet uh, stopped short, appealing donald trump, but only went to the gear. they're seeing that there's nothing short on the intervention of almighty god. we have the opportunity to speak to some of the trump supporters. they're out here at trump tower, and one is turning into a celebratory atmosphere. here people are celebrating that the former president would probably confront runner uh for the pregnancy, and the upcoming election is still a lot no down the i remember when obama used to come to the city,
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you cannot see obama space or body anywhere. used to come into the city, they used to have like tunnels and you would never try comes out of that building every time you you've never seen his face in new york city in those 4 years. so i know that's a secret service. i know some secret service agents personally, and i know they don't like the fact that trump takes so many where they kill forces around to kill drugs. i almost got lucky yesterday. warmongers there warmongers. during while the shooter as an identified, his name was thomas matthew flicks. it was 20 years old. he had an a r 15 rifle and explosives were discovered at his home after the r in his vehicle after the shooting took place. afternoon time for this afternoon and now it's important that
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danny are working on asking why was it that someone was able to get so close on these? the shooter was outside of the perimeter of the in that but yeah, and how is he able to get his sites? so i was just able to have it before i've seen that question at this point. some eye witnesses have given their version and on the ground and something and somebody just started the plan and ran a headlines. thing from who was injured on a truck with the other truck fail is, you know, and frozen joe biden refused to call this sort of fascination of that. uh, you know, when he told us, you would call it in a fascination to have what?
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so my lease by the brand, um, if it was the information in town and many of the drug supporter and they're saying that in the very least, the heated rhetoric against donald berry and i don't, people are calling him a nazi linking him to project 2025 which he has to now. and so they're saying that that's a very created on address here and which should emerge here is some of some supporters . i see man saying they blame the media for what took place the so donald trump campaign is going to continue as scheduled. he as an injury on the top of his ride year. but other than that, he will continue people here at trump tower,
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or jubilant. they view this as divine intervention, and they see this as a sign that he's on softball video. so the living in the white house wants to. yeah . all right, let's take a look at the location of the conservation attempt right here as with zoomed into the, the area of business, the aerial view of the entire location. now some was standing just about 150 meters away from the the gun lands position just right here. looking at the state, some would normally be facing the front of the mine was lying on the roof of the building. just if the rights of the former president's right hand right here, if you look at the position from there. now, all the time of the shipping from had just turn to the lights. and then 5 shots rang with one bullet hitting oak, raising his ear. now if he had been looking right, it seems that the side of his head would have been would have taken the direct tech
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. and he would have been devastated. now in the days of proceeding, the assassination attempt us officials including present and by the end and 4 months on the secretary of state victor annual. and it should provo okay. table warnings that may have foreshadowed the imminent danger. we can't waste any more time be distracted. i have one job and that's to beat donald trump. i'm absolutely certain i'm the best person to be able to do that. so we're done talking about the debate. it's time to put trump in a bull's eye. this man is a felon. he is a liar. he is not a supporter of basic us democratic freedoms and principles. so i don't think that donald trump is going to be president. so if that's what pollutants bedding on, he's going to get a unhappy surprise. i think i spend, while moscow has condemned the assassination attempt against donald trump, despite ross and the united states have been long being at odds. the crumbling
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spokes best instead of the sun. but drums life was in danger. has been obvious for quite a while. but after numerous attempts to remove candidate from from the political arena 1st through legal incidents, cold prosecutors attempts to politically discredit and compromise. the candidate is obvious to own outside observers the, his life was in danger. russia has always condemned and we strongly condemn that any manifestations of violence doing political races by similar sentiments was expressed last here within the us as john list protocols and predict the assassination attempt against drum. he said the constant attacks on trumps image would sooner or later be pad with physical force, a former us democratic congresswoman until they've got bad, also struck at the issue of lone wolf terrorism. the thing that really bothered me the most about kegan's office and many others who continue to warn the country that
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donald trump is going to be like a modern day. hitler is that they are also the kinds of people who and we hear this all the time. people say, gosh, if back in the day, if only one person had the courage to stop hitler to take him out, right for he rose to power, then we would have save millions of lives. well, this is what their essential is. the mother inviting violence. it's talked to, you're saying there and driving through, i want to take a shot at trump. this is what is it rises there. they're sending a message to a rogue. after a lone wolf saying, hey, we need someone to save our country from this modern day. hitler like person. alright, let's cross now live to know our products, vague co director of the midwest and max institute for mag this theory and political analyst analysis. no, i'm good to have you join me now. now the us main streaming media and democratic party leaders have long been demo lising from one role. if any could that have had
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in this assassination attempt. you're right. they've been demonizing him since even before he begin right? running for office. but here's the thing. this isn't just the, on the 4th of the liberal mainstream media, but oh, main stream media, the entire media outlets, fear in the us exist to create, to increasingly ridiculous cartoonish sites within america to pick people against each other. and as the escalating lead of a certain cleaning fees, the next it we're using not to use a fascist escalate. how could it not have an effect on the people hearing it constantly, every day and every night. i would also add the, the fox news in the opponents and see and then do the same thing. so that's right. now we're at this moment of tension where we're beginning to see it
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boil over. in terrifying ways in the media should be a shame at the complete lack of a relationship with the truth that it finds itself in today. all right, now break it down for how deep of a political divide is the in the, in the america right now. and how concerning is this latest act of valid? well, it ties into exactly what i was just talking about, right? uh, this nation once had a war against itself, were certain states split up and were just as pull arise now as we were then, if not more so long, political likes, uh, the leaks in our country and the institutions they control, such as the media, the academy things like that seem to be help, but on keeping the american people divided. and i think this is only, you know,
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one outcome among many we've had mass shootings going on. um the standard of living is declining shorts, more and more rapidly every day. and i really mean over half of america struggle paycheck to paycheck, right now when people are in a situation where they're looking at a future list, future in the future of low wage medial service labor and crushing that to have these institutions like treating them against each other is absolutely terrifying. now, how can the shooting influence a influence drums, popularity ratings? because the point days a lot of people, i say, oh, we didn't know. he was dining for america all the while. he has become the symbol of the nation right now. but unpack this for us. yeah, i, i think that the, the sort of liberal establishment that trump,
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uh, it least portrays himself as standing against bundle a minute. fundamentally fails to comprehend why people like it. why he's so popular . it is precisely because he stands against them, or at least says he does, right. when he got in all these e e sort of ran things a lot like obama did. and like biting doesn't tell you the truth. the one big difference is that he's against the escalating tensions in into world war 3 with russia. right. um, i think though that this can only make him more popular. i mean, you have that iconic image that's already all over the internet of him standing up after he gets shot, growing up based into the air and same mike. now that strikes a chord with americans, i don't care where you're from. a regular working class guy myself,
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that strong core with me. and i've never been a trump. well that, that image of him with the face. we understand like you say, it's all about the incident. in fact, we understand t shirts i've been made and all of the kinds of souvenirs i've been made already, and these really does what it all is of of, of the incident. now, some has faced an array of legal trouble. manual for support is saying that these cases against him were meant to keep him out of this election. now, why don't you think about that? i think a good the deliveries completely fail to comprehend why he's popular is precisely because they are continually attacking him. in such matters to try to keep him out of the race. the people like him, it is only gaining support. the day after his trial, he went up 6 points in a and i think it was a daily,
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these polls. 6 points after going on trial. they there at least 30 years behind the times. and frankly, i think there was a reason why trump is going to win the election a ride. how essentially all wait until the day. know i've tried to big co director of the midwest mags institute for mattress fury and political analysis. thank you so much for your time. thank you. great. now the well condemns the assassination attempt, as many leaders express guide gets consented to donald trump. the attempted assassination of the president donald j. trump, is a stark reminder of the dangers of political extremism and intolerance. we on equivalently denounced his political violence and earnestly hope that the citizens and leaders of america will have the fortitude and sagacity to reject violence and seek peaceful solutions. china is following the shooting incident at the campaign.
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riley, a former us president donald trump president. she jen paying has expressed sympathies to form a president. trump deeply concerned by the attack on my friend, former president donald trump, strongly condemn the incident. violence has no place in politics, and democracies wish him speedy recovery. now a little bit and uh, how about the okay direct to all the business graduate school at the university of somebody. i said that if softer and a substitution attempt happened in the african nation, the us would be the 1st to call about the country on democratic and imposed sanctions against it. this is the usa pas raised the interests you months ago because uh for the normal time i think i used uh not to having fiance actions on the very easy days. but uh the way to do that,
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i've been waiting on it all for a lunch. is monassa the cool awesome, cuz i know, at least that's, i been doing, you know, there was an attempt to a delightful 5 embrace of one data. you know, in the, in the regulations and do a lot of people, you know, the laptop. if not happens to be my last week, i'm going to the resume or to the way to issues. you know, statements up one day means assume bus 12, and they will not have insulated sanctions. i get is the back, but you do a country later, for example, you replace the one bradley election. the us is waiting functions on anybody. luckily enjoying the actions amazon. yeah. why don't watching the r t international the, with the failed assassination attempt against donald trump dominating headlines. we've got all the major stories compet for you, hold the right back, half of a short break states you'd. the
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russian states never saw one of the most sense community best to him. then i'll send send up the send, the 6595 and speed. what else suppose question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say steven? twist, which is the
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you'll watching a r t international that in another story that shape this week. we had been following india's broad minister and there under moody arrived at moscow for his 1st visit to russia since 2019 and met with president bush. and during the 2 days of pulse of the lead. as agreed to increase cooperation in various sectors ranging from nuclear power to ship building. and that's as 5 between the 2 nations are rapidly developing. our 2 recalls that lawn log visit of the well, the leads of the world's most populous country has officially flown and to meet the leader of the world's largest country and surprise me between these to your joints . there is an insult not to discuss. we are here from our special covered studio hi,
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in the russian sky, trying to make a little sense of what might be set obviously, you know, she has our strategy partner and a very good friend. you know, we are allies, they support us diplomatically that she has a very special place in the hearts of and, and i love and highlight good. yeah. be on the right track. you could say that is very special. while the indian prime minister has indeed chosen a roster as the us destination for his bi lateral visit since re election back in june mosca, how is definitely put on as best why the rifle of the indian premier he has a right to quote for an accent pack to day, the
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flush, you have your own ideas, you are a very energetic person and you know how to get results in the interest of india and the indian people. my principal is reform, perform and transform. i believe that during my 3rd term, i'm going to work 3 times as hard. obviously, there's so many topics on the agenda, whether that is a trade in finance, where the indian nationalism front line space, a new to the editor, you really you name it. they cooperate the
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while, it was a trip that really did habit or color full flags that dont thing hugs ts thrown around the garden. a spin on an electric gulf body, a visit to the stables, big deals and continued co operation. the bus y. as in frank, easy do drugs, the
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the see i have forged profound ties with russia and with you personally over the past 2 and a half decades. this is my 6th visit to russia. i can confidently say, based on our past experience, that we will work and strengthen our cooperation and deepen all aspects of our partnership and achieve new goals. while a partnership marked by lead to lead trust, quite unique on the global stage. the damage is just a different awarding you with the order of saint andrew. the apostle a reflects the sincere gratitude of the russian side for the significant contribution that you make to strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between states and peoples. this order is not only mine, it is an honor that was bestowed upon the 1400000000 people of india. around 3 and
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a half hours, they spent behind play stools discussing everything defense space, agriculture infrastructure projects, joints event says, of pools, energy security to and then moody was headed straight to one of the most of those apples, bolted into one and flew on to vienna. lorenzo moody and vladimir putin have met for the slots time into yes. and the message is clear, we have ties that bind on. no one is going to cost them this long standing on time test is partnership between new tally and most so is clearly had to stay allies that they want and allies. they will remain now west and politicians and the main street and media had
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a meltdown about moody and put in strengthening that ties with washington expressing explicit coincide. and this has been the time being coincided with a native summit. my colleagues task at taylor spoke with said of gay markov a member of the russian civic chamber. he said, the west and attends twice so that russia has filled a person comes and wants to test to as i told you to put them. but they collapse it to do it. what are the most of most, why don't you go? i'd some all that's clear now who are now and as a stage, not just idea it was always within the archive, didn't call out. but the idea i know to kind of also cause a landscape horrible subject with that as well, or perhaps or also it is that way that nobody believes that it's always dick. and is that why would it do sense? stop the dog or real me concerned about that piece. but any decisions about need to say, sorry about that piece. it's uh, was the exact as
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a goal of my boss up order button and more than and also, but it is a good 36. when some politician who want to say i'm an defender, i swear to our nation, you to just take your position, you both immediately to so this is a go to moscow is a good one. because con good became as a chair, a temporary, a couple of the chat. what was it going to be in union? just center and about a i said, i don't owe people not to the uh, but also keeps. that's why i'm go to moscow. marty use say drugs that i see is that president said to go to moscow and send it to washington. no, you are not. my master indian people, mind myself now all but to be done. yes. republic. now the rich russian
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ministry has announced that its forces of capital, this particularly important settlement in the region are to corresponded more arrived as d of has details on this of the russian ministry of defenses announced officially the capture of what i was writing that which is a relatively small village of about a 1000 situated between the nits and zapata was yet regions alone. a vital attacks which he boldly violates the capture of rush. i nay's important because it opens up a password for russian forces to push to push further. specially important because this was every 4 to 5 area volume gradient troops. postage, we've seen from the by 4 showed. so russian forces opening up with a tremendous bar. osh protection potentially moving a 100 rockets impacting the china almost simultaneously with those then so a so troops on the bikes as well as an infantry infant,
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you fighting vehicles storming through right. what else? right in their job through ukrainian position, seemingly unopposed, perhaps because they'll be off as i mentioned bars. but again, without sign that was one of the locations the ukraine captain during its failed counter offensive loss, did made a big show that he was one of the few few things that you paid had to show of the expenditure for the waste all for the depths of tens of thousands of its troops during that counts were offensive. but again, the loss of what i was writing is a double blow for u. k. they made a huge show of capturing it. one of the few successes of it failed 2022 towns were offensive and now with its losses along with the losses of villages and settlements right and left. it is.


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