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tv   Documentary  RT  July 14, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

11:30 pm
the american it, uh you may have something right now like where is it like more, more for somebody. i'm gonna try it again. i thought was more than i got that. i lose them. uh, i lose my food near 500. anybody? somebody was. but i made it so the fish are actually on the other. the other one, but i'm assuming that little man, oh yeah. the see what when they tried to which was where the lower digits the
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but the little. yeah. and like, oh yeah. they didn't send in what they did, something at the moment show, found them. yeah. so i don't have the money, the job which aspects inside of it and i but i, you know, i live in a little while now listening showing your cash there. yeah. just for the government, which is the,
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the god is discuss stuff. well, excellent. does it, it's still been off to reproduce and may have for the, for the uh your, by the office of the virus. no way you can use it. do we need some way of doing? might suppose that i need something wrong? is that in this kitchen? little guy lives in what's going to wait isn't slowing, but you saw this not somebody to them, but as for the invoice that, that i didn't get and we're not going to require included or did we requested it? wait a minute more than select waiting. so the task a little more than a methodist helps us so that would it did as very familiar to them. where did you
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meet face to meet with the board? you provided either really my 1st sorry there can be supported with them. can use nice to catch up with the them like cost the component, the for all of it. that's it. but any one of the so in your policy associates, the reason it's not. the reason i'm typing it keeps a multi number is to create the share which you can i give you samantha would be in peace and reputation and no. yeah. so next issue of steps that you might have involve up sort of plan noise unable. i'm just gonna see if there's an issue that i've just made it to me and this will settle it. the printers look like we have the most approval. so do you mean on the some of the, the complete shows up in the,
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the toyota on the, uh, the filter on the front end of the ground. skate on nice. can me ask you the weight splits or am uh, currently on the for the cisco, for as well for goodness and you have a pretty much interest cash for him. the but the city i get to as long as mean. yeah. then, but when we, when you decide to do that, if that i will just assist you in for the special condition to sing and all of the positive things reporting, this is the ship like this. and when they get a breakfast with from thinking about the lamp,
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and one of the thing is give those to me to them right now. and i'm assuming that i have somebody this machine is the only pull out actual supply, vs got you for the move. see of shift, i'm a former of, i'm not sure if he's in to the doctor, i'll just go out of the, the little flotilla loving him and you put us down somewhere for them. if i do not still let me slip accumulation of putting it over by their people, so most of the masa, one of the things i'm on some work from the visual shuttle issues. i'm work, i'm sorry for sugar with the fuel to stay on here. so we knew that the waste, the less combine in the village and using good combining when actually if i decide you still consider, i will change the color of copyright and i need to follow, give using and put it on with you in a defined, assigned me for them to quote you buffet for an effective skin wasn't here. i think i am story for the if, unless something like that i missed the cut over. but i bought this notion, i can find the funny food in the quote, the list of a little little bit, affordability them, any of the defense might be in the area where he is or not. but it was a, this was
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a squint commission when, when i am going to usual and to push it was, well, 1st thing in the uh, oil change with the fulls to actually schedule that. i've looked at you thought we have some less like 15 though the bit better. watch it. okay. so just now probably now yes. foot boarding this deal with sale, but yeah, it's much similar to no, no, no, yeah. with my board and quite a simple signal that's out of my gates point,
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but i'd like for a follow stuff shape range, the very same what i'm hearing loss of them. yeah. yeah. but it makes it so it's possible inside sales that are dealing with always there. so can you buy that? you go with that from what even that computer i didn't do it or they're walk here which minute and yeah, but often do you i've shifted almost the last minute. it's about that i didn't, there's a lot of, i don't think that could it be possible that i can distribute it there, cuz it's convinced that all you got the word use on some of the co chairs are asking you what i see. i can stay on that saturday. yeah, i've gotta get out of the spoke out. so now i'm gonna go to a send a copy of the screen if it's in the morning. if there's somebody i don't need nothing less than that, but it's gonna be a couple issues. so you'll see that on the phone with me, when you get them to send me some of the flu,
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they'll 1st most thing with sales stuff. i must get before to check it out with them. is that why they couldn't stay with that? they stumbled dark stall. yeah. for you also for some of it in the when you buy your yeah, they just ask for the green shooting out to give us it looks good. yeah. but there's somebody to sell it to you guys at the most of the bottom line here, typically. well, some of the videos mostly on the there's all the furniture in the back. and i was even what i to me before to get it the to see if
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anybody other where is it produce going to be though i put the model 3, use this as a paid off. you have with, i suppose, to push them out and look a minute, but look forward to speaking in the future and the possibility just to me, it doesn't mean that it doesn't, you need to step right in my super flemming. cool, little go on now much so i'm still a little bit don't sit one more of them and you up on your most. there was in the way we do search there for going to direction of the machine. and then you know, the little up center with the bottom that they're listed on with the gap. a lot of them will look online since computer. so now the bottom of the all and i have pretty much them goes to pacific union. i assure you they can, so they're still most good. this is i shall moisten on the last move my are, but it's even some of you that should have corporate your stuff. they bring it in. yeah. and later on, a simple way since the last moment to continue to go with the wish that they must be in 2 months and just continue to put them under the 2 musket the
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of the window porch, little for cattle useful. if i had the little things i have just a little bit like it looks to $1000.00 up to 10 boxes and i can either way i see what the course solves ranges. i mean, but it's a lot more that somebody will just bucks more than what they're going to do as well as before that that. com. so the new to just bear with me that i have to explain it to you. and if i'm alive along with in the room, but then you like them the general about the money and the isn't that both? like i'm yeah. what was the portfolio? the
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issues of, i don't know, let's just, you know, the little, uh is it the stuff on the, on the window in front, is there a way that we would think that just came in once it wasn't, it was left. i didn't like the ice and it was like the what's the last name is also worth and i need for this give sale for some of our use for, for the balance digital stream really by you that it was the young college. interesting for both of them. i phoenix so repetitive a lot or did a beautiful little ring and we'll start more 2nd your season of voices for the 1st to him is whether or not then you go through that,
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then naturally the hello and welcome to the cost of boulevard. here we discussed the wheel and the one with the for wonderful, those little and so forth. us national, move the images on some ground squared amount. and that's why little you plus show us the dealer words the which isn't going to, is the nearest. when i go and still able to stop you just dealing with dumpster and the stove box at the bottom near when you push the issue of the, of the model and move up this to move. it will easy live,
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mysterious. and when you go out in front of the deal is make up the cell. i don't know what else to buy. the other was like, if i use the yeah, i'm just thinking and then you slice that, i mean 58 and i maybe cause it please go ahead and always communicate that. me me through to go up. nothing like mine but it just those we have the we have such all push mojitos to yeah, you're losing a deal in space, but i don't think he will definitely states for little each of the but you move because they want to spend these nice pretty big or you see, i'm saying is up with them, you've got thrown them, is the one, and then the other will be missing the done thing. and some list of worst of movies is always in my you know, it's not old on the side of me. things like that, and as i put down for the of the
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movie, it doesn't have to be the only one i showed it to the nearest one was but you're still someone who used to also slow and you almost got that also the most as to most of the on so what do you use? i'm on the phone and you have to finish last week . what's that the you know, what did you see? what kind of sauce knowing what sex dual credit. yeah. this was the,
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[000:00:00;00] the big show anything with the flu wednesday he receives the yellow shows the points, the book, the new system with a really simple way over it. but i didn't the customer really. so what was i say? so they built a new website. can you go, i think so chose to get across, but was hoping to get something for you and i will just send you the profile. i
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normally that was the ones that are going to do any reason no later than unless po, change them throw my recorded or do you mind if it was the reason um, uh, but it's just kind of additional most of the need for so you know, there's no, no, no, it's definitely sugarland. is that a mess? i will i get frustrated level sydney. well they'll follow no sort of luck. she needs to be on the sport total. i chose the name of those 3 boy. the luxury was the name on sir. uh so i was in your book, uh now what was the most of the guys that come on, the punk, unable to which okay, failed to those itself. the option were soon with you to the va. uh so total is daniel vertical. go a mr. troy,
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you need it sent to you and you have to put it goes to the task that's up to one point and that's all you have any good up to date to initial . but other than significant that i would even use the best way to be able to visit some of his goals and everything. that's what's wrong with the the, the new water. let him also dig, i'm digging and get out because i've never liked even though, but it is also uh, quote, the limit on many of the yes, mostly i'm with close the, the of
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the see really up on this for puzzle to pull up every single single solution from lunar personally to the system for reading and more pledging knowledge and by showing on what as soon as students to william thoughts upon here to say that it's not willing to be the cripple socialized. so sniffling, what's going on for me? it was the ultimate symbol, of course. it's pretty much the news flash sale and i still just give us the formal kind of well for, to install the button on the books listing uh for flushing and flows and your thoughts. and i think along the more real goals right now here, somebody's really special finalize papers for english language and watch display or
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deal with it and just send some info from you just so i wasn't sure if anybody implemented if an ocean to look it up and they get the new modem shown with the modem. uh so i would need for both sides. both that i told me that i should be possible. way of knowing how long you're gonna stay and what also more personally, what's the zip code you're moving in? yeah, we'll just follow the present with big o knox. those are in your name to stay, ma'am. so system is it? yes. why? i don't think, you know, reason is the reason i understand i understand. believe me. i mean if it something like a lot lower the bill diabetic. um my yeah. so avoid yeah. my own wants to
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go, but a scale that i don't know i didn't yet got more your campbell. so using the less than what they would do for the nearby, you know, i deal the nobody at them literally is a boy sickle cell phone, so i don't see why. so my own last last year at the credit, the, the job done to also now near the money and that will go on say, and so we were giving a but i'm still not effective. my thing, you know, i thought that was what i get. i'm giving you which and i don't really need your what the hold on, let me on. that's why what i can do for you always get a little better with that. it's something that all scaling is that you know,
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even the most of them. but i'm sure you have those colors. those who is a senior will come up with the new city and he comes and we just don't deal with the district. i go to thought i see schema. once you put this either we know what kind of system most of these were them process little could ok, and then a couple of those down. so if there's a fee, the pollution, if i knew what i'm so that was more than was to use the cost on the initial sir. so basically the functions to deal with, um, so then you started going to be put in the category as long as the user will business. and here's what was most of the above was reason with us to yeah, never noticed that on the other one says that you want us to come on see this. and so of course, doing that, i suppose want to try it of one of the more visually edge of this course troll answer, the sort of multiple we should have given that. and it says it's not showing me me
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says can use to put in the protocol, does say to shoot you a process, a stomach bug and was put in there. but they didn't have any kind of choice which it is of, but it was finished. and even here she was the restore to the school. so when you look someone should of course boys on. so this here doesn't look good. i see most of these little bit of the for the city. now it says that this, let's just stay on the phone just leaving. it says, all those people in the coming couple of those the buying is doing on your store avoiding you even don't produce waymire and couple chileya depot. so pretty true. the suspend line. he said that was the last number is 4, is the way to cut of that amount. this measurements and like the scale gave me doing the inch. cool,
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cool. let me put it on the ocean ocean view, which is still showing us no one on that, but it was cool. the cool, cool. well talk to me. she was normal. know, showing you always somewhere somewhere. it's not letting you when they're watching them, but that's, that's an opinion. what the thing is, this is just a total of a day to get the show know itself. i was just wondering, progressing, didn't seem got basel photo gallery. i'm yeah for the for him low if you want to. but what if i didn't let me the name of if you're not gonna find me escape one most of a whole some noise there's nothing is possible. yeah. when you put a simple supposed to me, just put them in the mail visual demolish mean as i go with that point, i'm still in the loop so fast hold on, let me reduce it and put them in about those kinds of a great show with them all but i'll see if i'm one of the but under contract next.
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so i'm going to show a little less. so for me and you know, 6 of them is almost beside the assumption that all those i'm not like where they mean exactly where that was. i was still available when you know what i can put on them and do those kind of still most of the i could also, and i'm just now there will be x of it and you're supposed to do the of the blue. i certainly doesn't know the venue would work to have them flipping up some of the most of the most of us and lots of them and have the off that are. so you have extra time
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the, the 5 years and you have to hold on for sort of us a lot of money. i think i was like early, so my neck and when, if i cancel my wife the solution, if it was a point 9 and go, it was a go away. is fluid plus the what the heck myself can use the the move to send in. you just didn't like to me to the problem. so i'm going to say natalie up and it's the most surprising park. most of them are going to it's yeah, with them think the new now may have been just over the internet like it was like them with the didn't was made it was is fully. so one thing that was, i mean, i'm black, i'm the person, but i move that and just doing it and just thoughts it just let us know oregon. i mean, yeah. so she shouldn't have somebody. i can move an instrument in beside the,
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not it with the bathroom window is selling when the the so that a so that right? so the, at the lack of a, an aspect like this is in way as my symbol there, silas, the middle of this month. but if i'm interested in money into it or not, doesn't really matter which inside that i'm going to, i don't get to see what people are saying as in, you know, it's something we get them to adult friends. so i love to know in a different system that i know in your class that you back today is around the for most of us on friday, the may have to be, i'm gonna have to force you to text them, which only obviously, you videos play
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a partial opening, so if i tell, i'm sure there's you're over there. if you're more than others, we always have to do it. you layer for the more no. hold on. so natalie. for the most the job is i review. yeah,
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you bundle the the the,
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i think it will save you and it shows the position unix but then you put the willingness by the coupled or appreciate what are you doing your dose, but then you would just give them a shot the the level so so got you so so, so that's where you and them view them. step is just the fluid. so no controllers, the sensor only is a visual of the yeah, i do have to make sure that all of the levels what's so frustrated with as much, it's gonna get to play the show you a different level may assist you my when you do it on different shifts and which the technology you can throwing up at the let's just sponsor, excuse me, just go out. i don't believe the wife was a go or you don't wish to just go in and put in the see if it gets done with this or fix it on this one was self employed. so sort of all
12:00 am
the more you ever shifted a specialist. if somebody else's name over the next, i'm not sure that the adult, but just to help me because color shame because i have on your on the seems to me the way just to get the hands on. you pay the additional benefits on the get, the, or the push the dealer, you know, netscape like the flush. they see it as the lumens. no, to provide for the ship. if i use them to send them over just butchering my research for you. so there's 2 simply as the most of the


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