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tv   Documentary  RT  July 15, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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a so sort of the, the, the ship letter special that if somebody else's came over the next, i'm not sure that the pick up, but just to continue this color because i have on the, on the, on the seems to me the way just to get the hands on you're paying the additional benefit of the get the or the push the problem for the delay. yeah, i didn't catch people like the flushing. they said us to move us know for the information, if i used them to send them over this. but you are in my research for you said there's seats available and simply as the most of the interest with
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mushroom for young to the teachers just fell asleep. and they still filled up with the pieces to go here and you crushed them, newton, carefully, if the beautiful gosh to live in china and $14.00 a pot of 4th kind of the customer that has all these options and receive all the
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question just once i strongly agree with you and if i should talk to interest, i'm still quantity of a dose of 7. and i'm wondering where the compulsion is just towards them. just to look in the stuff the modem issue, especially cuz lots of thoughts on this which are pretty low for kind of pushing tools just to kind of should actually anymore which is to restore it. the
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thing is setting and caustic learning custodial changing interpretation to mobile, your shift scope of school kids on email, which is sort of a place to store the store for sure. okay. and i've been showing them a lot and work on it, and i've got to decide when i get an instructor for, i'm in the front, but a me portion number on is not a corporate be since, you know, it doesn't do most to boys carports that are thrown into those slots of dosh come talk to expect for in the class. she was looking at those are which could bring us not all of this from the finance towards doing the storage room is done
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the is the is trimble awesome. it's got a new issue, date of truthful, patricia the, you know, some of the console just stuck. and i mean, you have pushed the notion tests until this now decided to disk usage. you could see the
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literally them this, you scan their guy, you globally, them a good day, but you may go book or, and you the the, the, the
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a good sized stone sugar. yes, i'm sure that's beautiful. so is cookie foods is me. yeah. it's a function of controlling across the chips and it was what i should ask them why i was reading even the dishes. thank you much, much in school, the
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go you go to school that especially this is going to the purchase of other people's problem hopefully by go to school. so because don't know what is the most of the go to just give like the similar to the prevent they've so the, the,
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the mumble just so funny. let's check on the progressive the to produce i it condition in the us it is a very good thing is i don't think you mean typically hold on. look i turned on those today. i think it's just not. 6 because it is the amount of the school district, i'm not sure what the closing is, trust me. i leave with those of in total for that to me at the end. there's any way
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that's pretty fast because he's wanting to fit just so he was calling you on for just communicating with them by one that's less, that's a popular training which was way about the the zip codes in georgia. talk up with you much more from just getting into and that'll harness or to find, you know, supervisors to family, watch them, and you go to see them. you that the show their park on the condition of the command, the spelling residential model in your range. the rest of the job so you produce to do it to pick them up, which is great is the oh yes,
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i show your solution. ready ready ready gonzalez, still getting on the bus the same and yet the. ready the little quite, and i'm sure coordinator here got an affiliation with us. oh no. i says, no toner, support. issue identification here. so it's good to go to the connection because listen, you know, just because they are not wasting anything and choose and that which, you know, that's the place to the district in the, the phone to the currently in the door. and i'm just in the same sense and my im dental vision and the decision that took my minutes of shooting is now for the dying of funds would come to class, which is $310.00 ish your full chance of making it to the business or financial thinking for club bedroom listening to the game and then they took the younger,
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exclusively toys, toys team on the, the lowest, the pets in the notes, and use not much the new potato, the name to go to laguna and susan is yet to see are pursuing a good deal if she could voice your thoughts every bit. i to see, cuz i was thinking of the 1st guy to them participated extenders to slums. and they know what the, what shows it belongs to woodson professor and you're the only 41 percent of us adults have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of many call that in
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america. we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . the simplest way, like explain the basic income, is that is like social security. for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached. as long as i have, i would like them maybe i don't know. i just don't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then just that virtue of your being here on the toner between the guns in one or 2 gloomy. this one is that also the reserves and
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generally you can send it along to the correct email addresses when you bundle screen or soon as we already have the telephone or is it on the my phone here? unfortunately, check over to play as clear on previously. the number for the one for something says, going come up. they ask, let's go with your phone was affected by you. so to close, as i mentioned with the feature was shown by you are the ones cause on this. it has to come to the youngest one who needs to be on because of some of the it needs to be new. did some yes. able to screw up so doesn't a shelter that go to some of the young. if i don't, if i look to show what that study discharge is star firestone from beach, with the to the now go to schools, it does show a nice, simple, easy to do to die. you can go ahead and finish up some slides to the thought in position with not to join them as soon as you too bye to what the some lunch and go to the book store 3 is to me. yeah, of course the notes that
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this would allow in themselves to much cool younger thing and when your student i'm going to turn on one orange book on your machine is i need because most deal with an assessment just showing up on their own clerical. so model, it's just new of which new york's been going to get things. so i mean for the most good question, but then your own clinical goal is to have shipped by judgment with a different civil form of the knowledge of smell, which i have your own providing that to uh yes it when you put it just by the us yep, i searched young movers, bring it to the phone on it at the store. so the shuttle stops typically will
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display is yep. local news. that's true. i small little small and spitting w need inches in data for you to that's and to have to example says joining smoke some of the weaknesses, handbooks, instruct, which lot, much useful unless you go because you don't list unless cool. you understand me. when you, when use on the different mesh, the supplies in your opinion, entering your, answering it to the fact which try it. but the smaller show brushing. that's pretty hard to distribute to bring up for us on the ship as a stroke. and of course, excuse me, outside of the check for data. sure. loose open hours so that you will see them closer to what i do financially because it's products, but a 6 mile. sure there's,
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i don't know if it's, i don't want to be, it's it, it was a smart through the post up and they want it done and then go on and if need. mm hm . we'll use that as a partners through when you go to the website for them, but beach virginia to see dealers and people get older, but the sooner you come out that's organization steward mobility. bush, the basic over on the finishing of any of the most english storage minimum electric to start next week, except for an enlightened score card on board the lift job today. if you're comfortable with the little jacob, inevitably going on board, if i couldn't get the billing account, i knew the main thing. i'm a housing to the for the, from the invalid. so that's not particularly difficult. there's a lot,
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that's good. but those are the it's what it, what didn't score well they have the see me any of the students who, who it should always immediately pick out a lot. and lucy thoughts, i think the the, the, we have, uh, so what's the, what's the, what's the, what's those guys, what's been the addition of them? and i will let them know what the tools with us give away is either
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to for, to how do you need this done to me is i will go into for you see a window. they were just shipping the, the, the, that the good thing and do more for purpose than you can look for. so still hoping you will know what, let me go to. so a silver thorn. yes it broke over in the florida shipment. so pretty much assume not so glad to source that,
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utilizing your specialist gladto to store signature for cash kamesia here. so to restore the show for you or to in the sense that even though it is no product, a commercial motion, but fortunate that i'm going to put them to the use of the then the pushing it to show it to the student which bush continued to research some especially with a question for the key to see a change in george started to bet somebody does owe you a toilet to invest and they need to go to the front of told me to go for visual 12 in the area to
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see if it was like getting covered or using a the, a cobalt meaning that going to the dentist get it because like any bother somebody else you. c tv, the the, the, see the okay, so the,
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the, the sensors medium still in terms of what i'm trying x covered, i'm just jumping into the some general that the, the scott at the pitch of course that you have navy children. yeah. it should them to come out. that's the thing. most nights you've got to go. there's just one year old to strong. come there have been yes. good. his renewal career search. now, for the tours, quite a to the reason i ask this visit except search and signal for most of them don't know, some of them janet conducted pretty much the things you wish to develop. the final thoughts you've done, those are very new jumped fund. i'm interested to come with those that are nice pieces that they hear just the typical bias wills that smashing a shade or still move has no are going to cause a to the publish it by using put send them
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the services. yeah, sure, the thought and i'm losing that all the cars, like, you know, it's good. it's all i feel like and so by the 1st a new and you placed with us to, to the good entire to joshua by which you would be should be. she loves frontier should've moved florida to the initial she had coverage search to show that i need it for which i just
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wanted to see which one is she big and what was the finances she came up with a quick beach not to come put too much much pretentious chair, restricted on that, on the, on or after you know, period. there are no investigative bookkeeping, even though got them going. it was that though, we demonstrate our with them and they weren't spicy, but as of right, yes. with me on this just by mid day. now, my niece told me to do is to show it to the class and the dish cuts loose. there's a piece smoke i thought i should do to i need to say if you can provide us with those the need for margaret wish if i so so that leaves spinning my name's ritual
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and usage eliza and be able to show unless just that and then be able to, she will not, shouldn't just to personally scenarios and what's going on. but show that, you know, somebody is investigating the name of things natural. nobody ever showed us this much space bush level, but as we learn bunch of on page it. but the only thing is it will show the dot org or, you know, on the corner. somebody actually amazing welcome to the area a for us to start with this to the provide says on the top target eligible for styles says on the done, well talk about the, the most neutral and the credit for damages and rep shit. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the with the,
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of the single to in the literature and i saw it on the, the floors assume i didn't know at the moment, but most of those in general, the as far as
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the name of the commercial, almost as soon as you go to it as a full good standing room, blue sky, normal go brush to try to get him. i use to hit those for that the here, this kind of bad, the concert then they yours but them page show, but i think she's in the shores chairs. the story is 2000 and submit the could i 1st the really and that saves me from one village so clear on last week. and he questions gateway or to, to, towards the shy to them, to give away a financial blush, funding and simple and heavy. to
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see my grandpa's the the
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the the, the hello and welcome defrost of full force. here we discuss the wheel in
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the one with the approval, so it's normal. so for that's not the only thing but it's on. so the ground squared. now on this like little you push away walks dealer words, which isn't it is a, it's a nice one of the windshield and liberal stock. you sent him a function was still bucking. you will have near when you push the issue of the guys even warming up. so i need to ensure the good, the more books they might done, the more private store, know the us, and we nimble is, i don't know little but not the things that i knew on the slide east that i know the unbox move up is to move it over to you as mysterious and when you go out in front


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