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tv   Documentary  RT  July 15, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

12:30 am
the one with it, i have to pull one of those little stuff. one that's not the only thing, but it's on. so the ground squared. now on this like little you push away walks dealer with the windows and it is a, it's a nice one of the windshield and liberal stuff. you see the function is still bucking. you will have near when you push the issue of the guys even warming up. so i need to make sure they get the most they might done to move right into the store, not the us. and we nimble, is that all normal but not based on the, on the site east that i know the unbox will not move up is to move 0. you as mysterious. and when, when you go out in front of the deal is like a convicted of bell, i don't yeah. post the by the other so by you. so yeah,
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i'm just thinking and then use ways that i mean could i maybe cause it please go ahead and i'll just communicate that and you may think couple of national mind police are still the other you have such all push mojitos thing and you will lose a deal with this place, but i don't think it will definitely stays a little in each of the picture. me cause you spell is, is putting a big new service in is up. but let me just throw, let me just throw it in there. it'll be listed via and see some list of course the movies vis. throwing in a is not old on the side of me, and you just want to end this up and that sort of the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the women who are doing so what was bothering him potentially on this plan. your 1st for the one is there any by 0 is not set up with what i see them one disappeared with a wish at all this them way so the year clear. so when you move concept and yeah, percent comes out of the same stuff on that was this of when they 1st get the interview, that person's getting the pricing and go out into that on. yeah, i did go to bed. she was initially it was found on find out that elizabeth for political you know. yeah, it was fine yours before i knew it fits it in my face. i did it on as a concept that the yellow style forgot. yeah. so they'll get open. mean faith, us fully agree that the voice is it up. i'm going to do
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the most likely have to look at any see relation to you. bring them 1st thing to be live, the phone call for you that on was on the side of the, let's see who is a little chip that group i gave them the us, my little buckley, that, that's the problem is if you will be limited, you mean if that's a student association to the
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what else example of the most comfortable to build some with them was a lot. busy look at that, possibly some way to them. would you comfortable something to me as of bluish and you're still surprised and some will depend on the color of the 1st element. push them up. you look at, you always look with the business deal with even the buy they tell me what's the zip i'm getting up the list because as opposed to some stuff that i was still a sure combined. yeah. i've never nice the yeah, a typical solution live now, so no good. i yeah, you could, that'd be the feller glowered they should blah, blah, blah blah. but the people nicely to the app. uh. even if they're complete, just the what i knew, i just wish you'd be to them. we will be able to just have the basic diet when you guys think would be for him, or was there a little issue or similar cash, or were you a fidget brokerage opinions? this was a,
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is the good news that those are the just the, the, by the deal with the supplement russell to see when you grab a little basket was i've thrown up, then you've got a little about the school. my phone cut us down the phone with y, as in zebra, like zoo voids and 0 for zillow. so but yeah,
12:36 am
just was just move with you look at the the, the clothes you wish to minneapolis just simply as go the level of the circle that the miller's ocean w. trusting be this of the one. does he have something here where you can the with a was a kid with a seen him, you could actually be us and you called for the motion as i did so, but that's the one that i assume the other as a substitute. even use the use use the make through the right. so the the when the ocean photos, voltage funding goes good. by the way. yeah. that sounds good for you to have like a yeah. post to buy euro's so by your stuff. yeah. we think it and then use face, but i mean, talk to you a good. i mean it goes, come up with, i'm good and i'll just communicate that. you made a couple of motion, a claim for that. you're still to be of service because this is almost a, me, a 1st name is or least know, but that much to me. but we can do this because i never would have just done it the but it's just as way somebody opens you up,
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but i used them so. so i used to go to the, at the beginning of the school to practice because they have them to do so. so to me, so let's go to the best opinion last to let them go, does it? and you go to the nimble guidance of virginia. those can you present go to the, wasn't just go to the store that the fuel could i, you know, a year it was bill which and each now it's almost of no, you have to bring you mostly to meet that. yes i was you. yes, i'm rules the as nice, but them of those keywords, you just shut the cost to you because this was the level and you mean, should you have that additional good which will cost less money as well. but also what that goes to, to purchase this isn't the efficient dependent, that equipment, that's not a load you have any threat because it's only to buy, which has a pre own what this may mean cost. you mean through is because i moved me with the nice window. was there was, you know, this, those on the, i just the sure. what's the result? that's what i would just do. i did this plan for the bus we were state and if the is just not pushing us to ensure,
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we know that the schedule is pretty cool. let me just so many little shades that i have the other one of the think you will do a solution. so it's a little each of the family's tuition was ok, does it used to was it was dishes. i wanted a couple days from food for the publish them and i don't do anything to show them just lot, but the they also have any what that shuttle yep. so there's no way to see a eulu move video is very strongly that those lights from any of my on one of those to look up the pushing the funniest cameras close to him. but i got all the music you the stuff that goes to bit across was literally for the shuttle would bring us to poison. for us, the one of the used to be more contact that he met companies and forces the new people splitting the splitting on the solution. i still nothing a solution i missed. i have see examples to contact information for. the parties
12:39 am
concealed that you know, some of you knew of the issue over there was new blanketing deal was that, you know, i specialty. so all the people who are getting expensive over sort of the of the room to get the most of us know what thank you with no shift immunization to george bush. just as soon as we get to the bus hilton horse or something, he was pretty up to date. that's besides the longest music. yellows pushes me a little thought i was kick. i notice of some sort of opinion. well, just 3 flogger then. yes, good is probably a good i see. who else could? it's really funny if the video news was through the world low the world for his guys. while i'm looking for that much
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stretch of moving video to the are you on the phone? people for that or we're, we're no longer let's assume that full. so this think of what the trust is sending out. we're in the office of just less. i'm a little the will give us the spinning. i'm going to do the grass car man on this like little do you actually watch the dealer or sleep with your daughter the is i just slipped the what service with the close lawyer, but it looks almost as an option to live. so it was not easily exploring, you know, as much of the sort of i'm how to do it that you would your question on the amount of the physically as though he made of the simulator avenue sort of
12:41 am
a level. sure. since the 1st one of the ones that are on the face screen, you see a section where you are funny, the month of the world come to learn your sort of thing and you do ask is throwing a couple. so basically it's a financial aluminum, or is this a nice a but also the are a little boom with a thing to utilize these parts of it all. things with you the bonus room, greg, is there anything you can do at all? so i thought the course the most likely to do all the water, the gonna spend one point to m yes, then sure which are september plus through in the course on the side of the console . and that was a little bit of fun going with you. and you know, you was the sooner you knew the
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which is 2 levels anymore, sir, because i'm supposed to put you on the phone, but others when it me for storage and for the whole. but i'd say almost, i didn't find somebody put a thought on us. we'll use use them from sky vision. the company itself escaped and one glad visionaire up to skip the one with it up to one of those little ones and stuff like that. it's not the only thing that is on. so yeah, we have to pay for something new prescription with us and she doesn't have sort of a push because it to my music most of the smaller, most of the levels are 50. we're calling you this digital style is very versatile in this when you close in your and your billing, which isn't it, is a solo was i say it's a video and obviously it's on the way to put in for the store on waste through. this is the dresser,
12:43 am
so replacing value. so for the day is not clicking with options so many in here pretty much use the need as well. one of the windshield, a liberal stuff with smell is i need, you know, issues dealing with i'm sure i'm still booking the room to colorado. most places, especially to the issue couple of assessing it though it is a little bit of with the somewhat pleasant when you complete the phone. when you problem with me more than just watching the russian state never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up the in the 65 with the keys 195 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will bend in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians to day and split the ortiz full. even our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube. 72 question, did you even closer to the the what is part of the black the employee would post good isn't the defense you of us and that in the word or is it something deeper or complex might be present? let's stop without glitches. let's go out of
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speed to start in the guy's name was on the able to to to get us view the the uh the, the, the got got your the across doing the the new get cut on the vehicle were being asked to put done buskie, wiley lanier, charlotte booker, i need to put a load on the thing. is some public school system built equity for me to deal with . got you or the machine of liberty to literacy, and how much is not industry standards to really use. i 90 of the order of a great and i sure daniels get aboard at that. i'll be with the police. that's the mean. yeah. so i a pretty, she only aside each in a show the good the most in my dining room on friday to the store, not the us. and we nimble is, i don't know little but nice things that i am a slice that i am. yes,
12:46 am
the use but not the one to sing the used in time with the buzzing. so it was the point of the some way i was leaving the is my do fairly sort of the issue, but it was in a blue a by years. so it is d as give a line to ask him to add them, but could have done. daniel's get his for when it gets no, i wouldn't even speak to them. that's what i need to do with them. we believe they're all shave and it goes on the board of these updates and that one, it was really when you get to the else is that only the button some of the business . i keep that like you can sort of nice because i'd be fine. you taking premium, even a mortgage getting into this and go to because otherwise it is not, but i'm going to be seeing these. the bigger asked me out of these. i mean, it could be sign in hilton jones. now go this way. what i see it on the be,
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so let me check with me be, is there a little bitty cold? but i was told to get a patient in the battle because of some of the issue i broke up totally on the board. it was will drug or the little, you know, 0 with abuse and i guess i'll see the dx. and i came over the age of the vps to ensure i have done my business and will actually with of speak the, the that i get those. yeah. when you beautiful what, but it wasn't that he is. then you have to go to look you do you buy some of the ask them when you want but a little in the by sort of dunbar. but it wasn't the double story because i came up with the reading it and you thought was nice to meet. so come out of mind me shift . so the way is leasing
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the which of these deals night? i was at the get you right? yeah. at the, at that sir, we have usually just on bus, i see just looping glass seem to get t. as i said, we must close. i can take what we've done today, but it, that's the by doing this because i already showed things on said this touch team is it did to sales people able to swing your guns,
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least of the details on the cover from business though i to day. but either in a joke and your last name is b as and when you punch of or something, if i feel as, as i'd say, the wilton lives on the title. uh, passcode that will uh, almost look around you and you talk about, you know, when things fit, you know, the annual v as in my, you get both of the day if any of the dealers deal with me on the godaddy. i don't, i don't i'm way more them to be able to see if i'm gonna do, you know, now the most vehicle that we've got kind of the modeling the block the is on us of fuck when the slowing your thumb most, what shows worthless was get and they can bully me and then why the shooting and
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the concept to see just give so you don't really know i just position and you get brought some ideas. they will usually do things. i always show where you're at times and left the store, the keep that was that i see is a is, i know the bullet can, i need to have both michelle, them do i need and then we have on sales here. so when you pull up, what's it shows like somebody else? and i saw a little bit keith, i guess the small but the key is that too late? what's the thing? yeah. no fish. come to visit with you. sure. those are you most girls, most most fella. so am i supposed to be at a look at the summer wash? no. there's the blue concept that nothing has changed from you on
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the way of the tv with us though, right now, cuz it sounds like a good time was okay. unless i someones graham was like now, no real deal with the stock as a sign in, i'm asking the move up is to move 0. you missed this and we meet, then you go and have seen the deal with my gums and get them go. i know it's unique, there's new when years old a and i've got them now because i feel great and they used to, but i knew the not of my locals can with my soon as you know, it is more than one grand. you've and you quickly lined the left, you're going to be nimble. the mean able,
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joe looks like him was legs level. that's what his beautiful is. but i think i put the visual so, but at least even with the condition, but i wouldn't his issue was resolved on this because, oh i look i what's covered against which i just, i'm not very good. i have to, when the cause of cool you for sure with this it just will keep approaching again. once we chose addition close to the guy that it goes, come over to be set to go get it blue. i mean, it goes, could was, could you just, you have to go get ready to go school people, could you just shut the door to get an idea of somebody to sure to give you shout, think of it. then you may take up a lot that she needs somebody me only when you get by you send me to go school, go. what's the customer's name? i'm going with the post, the,
12:53 am
the updates that on the on the low noise put is skills and the sick, but he is, of course i'm with him. some level from us can we see or something like you spell him else come out of this political, frustrated with of so this was to be able to come to settle this. going to look, i mean, we have to for when years ago anyway, if shame says that a little work on something, you could, you know that there's still a lot of interest to you and your music industry wants to move. i'm going to send it over to them and invest in them, and you're good on the,
12:54 am
the last but let's, let's see what, what sort of english information from the, with the leading of them is. uh, what's the quality is it and what computer foremost, what's good ways of what's going on with them? i was the point i'm so when i just must have thought she had other room for those was the the,
12:55 am
the just you just have in there what those to do on the, on the lead by surface almost the physical novel, the news that you have to deal with but i seem to get the full size of
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the the phone that was my name was covered by 1st if the filter goes down cause cause as simple as that the, i don't know what i'm asking for. an easy to see if i could. so i guess the part is where it is significant, pretty much the thing about the sample side with confidence that got the formal financial, the the
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the . yeah. was who was it the most? yeah. we, we went to the gym to not 5 years, with the presto of lots and one with, with the car. i was new cars and somebody to be asked the what that the zip code on the downgrade vision is that on the fall, no, not altogether in gordon. and you said the last name seems to pay for the most difficult are supposed to use. but the group owed, i see it got the both things would love to buy on the one that's below uh my show option that i had to solve. could you, could you go through, but it's almost like with the yeah. i mean they use those. yeah. use just the,
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the all she is not familiar with would be if i needed to talk about it as a way of motion to $100.00. i'm of shows. do you not only thing it and you have to do with your simple as a need deal, which to because it doesn't what looks like you got away from last couldn't figure the one us use option east coast velocity. yeah. you just nice to look into all the the, or take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians
12:59 am
fixtures, design to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the,
1:00 am
[000:00:00;00] the, the blame game is in full swing following the assassination attendant on us presidential candidates. donald trump many say the mainstream media fuel, the hatred that led to the mag a lead, a fairly escaping with his life. millions all through london is heading to the poles to elect a new president. something comes on lead a poor can gummy face, has the same opponents. he beat back in 2017 and as multiple the world centers of power in the developing ties with friends of nations to take on western policies


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