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tv   News  RT  July 15, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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or the, the blame game is in full swing following the assassination attendant on us presidential candidates, donald trump many say the main stream media of fuel, the hatred that led to the maga leda barely escaping with his life. millions all through london is heading to the poles to elect a new president. that's as incumbent lead a pull can gummy face has the same opponents. he beat back in 2017 and as multiple the world centers of power in the developing ties with friends of nations to take on western policies is of vital importance of thought on top in our exclusive interview with the wrong foreign ministry spoke. will companies are fed
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up with the unilateral policies of the west? proxies wind, our joint stride towards multiculturalism, and the creation of what environments for the development of world countries has been extensively. and why the welcome to find well countries the all right, monday morning at 8 am shop here at most go all to use live and worldwide. thanks for joining us from wherever you may be today. what are the top story for the past 24 hours? the attempted assassination of donald trump at a raleigh in pennsylvania. it left one bystander killed 2 others wounded as a republican presidential candidate, not really messed to being killed by about an inch of the day after the blame game has begun with the media. now, in the process for inciting violence, the the, the,
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yeah, right, the comfortable it is it wrapped it in fury against the mainstream media taking a biased news outlets, but we'll sputtering the gun to fire. i'll send the drum 1st through as having the ring to become president. back in 2016, the usual suspects published dining headlines, one after another for his end table positions on his anti illegal immigration stops . not following such accusations as a media, i tried to say face suggesting not to confuse, quote, rhetoric with action, but there's still quite a gap between rest rich and action. i appreciate your questionnaire. you're saying these are facts, but in reality you'll spacing an opinion that seems to connect one thing to another . we and by the way, we done this, the best thing we don't know. we do not know the motivation of the person responsible. this is, is mine, toms relevant to the grace of the said right? is does copied tile in the communist manifesto. all those just totally equal tools
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or do they lead to the death of a 100000000 people in the last 100 years? don't be up to whoever you are. rhetoric leads to action. if you deny that you are in a co, imbeciles. meanwhile, the back of faithfulness staging rallies across america. protesters in new york and california, held by those and shouted slogans to express the support for the republican presidential candidates. those we've got that need, trump power and the big apple claim a quote. democratic can beep state, could be behind the the note down the, the i remember when obama used to come to the city, you cannot see obama's face or body anywhere. come into the city,
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these to have like tunnels. you would never use truck comes out of that building every time you've never seen his face in new york city in those 4 years. and so i know that the secret service, i know some secret service agents personally, and i know they don't like the fact that trump pick so many forces around to kill val drop. i always got lucky yesterday. there's warmongers, there warmongers toward the bottom. the election campaign is even shifted and removed promos that were all about bashing trump. well, joe biden himself condemned the assassination attempt and caused the unity. the politics must never be a little battle from a god forbid. kellyville, i believe politics ought to be in a reading for peaceful debate or the commission of what took place for the
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president out of your address when he failed to call about what a play ones i don't know enough to i, i'll tell you, but i don't have any facts, so i want to make sure we have all the facts before i make some comment. any more comments. thank you. to witness an assassination attempt nelson assassination attempts. it seems that many western leaders are struggling to use the word response. a clever attempt on forming us president donald trump's life when he was shot out during the campaign, ruddy on us news organizations, performed logical some results when describing the attack. a cool thing the guy use of the world's media finance wasn't an option. but many western leaders, it should similar identical statements as if they had called the nice that responses. you foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, was among those moved to comment. shocked by the news of the attack on president trump, which i strongly condemn. once again,
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we are witnessing unacceptable acts of violence against political representatives and what was essentially a copy and paste job books. the identical to his condemnation of the recent attempt to assassinate slugs that problem. and it's a robot feet to so a halted response. but when it comes to admission from, can have such a plan, several assassination attempts, like a russian president vladimir police and they have been attempts to assassinate puts in. but as you can see, that had been unsuccessful so far, well, his control will say function didn't seem to work. i mean, suddenly signed us from the west. last year for the irish liter leah, veronica went as far as the site audit wouldn't even also can don't see they've put in with the dye. in fact, as american social media posts, not as a jackson hankle pointed out, many of those who advocate for peace and ukraine, find themselves with a targets on their back. something which started being president, alexander boot church agrees with the assassination attempt on fits. so,
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and the assassination attempt on trump, what a surprise, it's always those who were accused of alleged violence and who knows what else. this is a pure act of hatred, freedom loving movements around the world, and their struggle for their position and opinion will prevail in the future. more and more freedom loving leaders who oppose the narrative and attempts to make a world that's in unison without differences, will become targets. when someone has their own different position, it is better that he does not exist. feel free to himself also reacted saying the assassination attempt was a bit to silence. trump and they're trying to shut, jump up. and when that doesn't like it, business, the public golf so much that somebody who's a picks up a gun and now we shall witness be visible, the need for a conciliation, a basement and forgiveness. and also his recent paste mission, which drew a hysterical reaction from the west. i'm gabriel prime minister victor oberon must
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surely be one of those. i'm just looking over his shoulder. now. no one can doubt that really in the cool world in a well, the hoss just means i use the gays to pay to all the politicians who advocate for peace because of the opinions and positions piece involving politicians on all facing assassination. this is a warning sign when it comes to other assassinations or attempted kennings, the wisdom responds as being no less restrained. it seems some political violence for that is okay. as long as it targets opponents of the west form of us equity of states, hillary clinton famously celebrate to the demise of libyan leader. moving market. that being 3 came, we saw died. the killing of a rainy in general comes through demonte in a drug store. i could find that international apple was met with a lack of sympathy from western leaders and condolences. the united states and the europeans have a rich history assassinating iranian leaders of murdering iranian scientists.
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and is when things happen in the united states, such as the current apparent attack on a trump? no one has any sympathy for trump, no one has any sympathy for binding either. here doesn't really make a difference to you. ryan's, whether it's from bite in or harris. the problem is that the, the regime in washington is an aggressive and dangerous regime that has been threatening us and has destroyed so much of our region. numerous attempts to kelvin is white and president nicholas my dear, i met with blankets on it from the west. people fight him as a brutal dictator. refused to recognize him as a complete, legitimate president, the blocker c to so many leaders or extending their condolences to donald trump, but they never extended condolences to nicolai's mother little it's a hugo chavez. how many assessment is 8 assessing agent attempts today? survive if we were to look at from patrice limone, but uh,
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how many different leaders who the united states has organized cruise again as an assassin aided for more of those double standards. we're becoming a custom thing from the west. if not happens to be my last week on guns, you the resume by the way, that you should, you know, statements up on the same bus one to the state, the sanctions. i goodness the particular country like the guy with the one, bradley relations, the u. s. a slate and socials on anybody lane doing the excellence insomnia, with many questions on offset. a lot of finger pointing, though, just pursuing a different line from the west and war machine will be watching developments with interest from however, remains defiant as vile to fights on to victory. that has been, any norm is wild terrified. he's syria
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and among american policy making circles, the trump intends to withdraw the united states on nato, and the trump intends to bring the war and you break zone, and trump intends to pursue reconciliation with russia. so now on top of this, he did his attempt to improve relation of the russia. that's the fear that he's going to betray ukraine. and the feeling that somehow he's going to uh, withdrawal from nato. now, as you say, trump has made a lot of promises and just because of the, that these characters of the, of the i see how have the deep said the old intelligence abroad, just because they are afraid, the trump is going to do all of those things that doesn't mean trump will actually do them, but there's none the less. while irrational, tara, the trump is going to shake up the of the foreign policy making as to africa now, where millions open, who london is a costing balance to elect the next president of 3 days of voting. wrapping up in
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about 24 hours with the final results to be announced later this month. the incumbent leader of the east african nation pull to gummy is contested by the very same opponents. he beat back in 2017, but to take a closer look for the correspond with his noted volume. cook, the one that is the heading to the poles, relates a new present incumbents. polk i've been considered the fact to us since the end of the 1994 genocide was supposed to meet it as the kind since president in 2000 and we'll face the same rivals he did 7 years ago. the lead off the a position, democratic cream party, frank, happiness, and full, much in it is freely paid by money is running as an independent got me is why can you create it? took for steering the country to recreate the economy, growth in recent years. it has improves the countries infrastructure and is turn the country into regional business hub. some see him as the rates of living african v dot has goals a sign which really corruption for the nation of proud citizens from the ashes of
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the 199014 assigned to other se he whose with an i in 1st and will prove no defense . but right now, put takes a, the success of cookies who have come at the expense of human rights in the country, and accused of being in the latest long line, all 3 children who lives in africa. so they say, and you need is needed. i think that there has been cut off for over 20 years. has done the work, but we think that it's 10, no, for me pressing the button to the integration. and i'm the one that sales to be note attempted to be function. but we have the basic functions with the 4 full pallets here. i don't see too much that makes me who wasted in criticism. it goes back to off the opposition because i'm is extend it to me or for example, splits opinion both at home and in the west. the all those we insist that he should have slipped down when he's sick and to expired in 2017. and others to say the last single one to needs is device of politics and a no holds upon grab of power. some
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a claim him as much to africa, articulating and implementing the country, and entire continents desires. but over the years i've gotten that has, i'm apologetically put wisdom authorities in the a place said false p, quoting out injustice those days africa, well claiming that the waste and those little up also continents. i need to talk about sometimes this is one to talk to the tells us human service wants to move on to them on the put in. what would you find you want to, to this case, keep those from the noise or to is a suit you comes from florida is see the face of the risk out for you to make a mistake smoke. we have letters to one
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or one that has long been favored by the eastern part because washington felt guilty for looking the other way to ring the mind to mind for genocide, latrice and things that have 2 sons. that divided administration is wanting that one president to stop supporting the, into the city and apple group a small the u. s. and previously is as even put to hold an american a to, to one, died cold on the come see to immediately will, to order if it's military personnel from the seats and remove it surface to a missile systems. the united states condemns. rhonda support for the am to 9 to 3 on through append calls on rhonda to immediately withdrawal on the defense force personnel from the d. i see we called them to call them until the d. c. to continue to support the confidence building measures, including seizing cultivation with f, t a l all and alms group named as a negative force by reason of bodies. and the governments of the d. c, which exposes the civilian population to risk. the company is provoked,
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a backlash from the one does that repeatedly said that the c was financing and find 2 days a full to rebel group. the democratic forces for the liberation of, for one to see it was complicit the night tonight to for genocide or the one that's for in the phase of industry says the us statement distorts the reality of the situation. and that's one, the reserves, the right to self defense against the d. s. his actions in the area which it claims select. and so the one security and advocacy issues and contact diseases continue to fly. the credibility of the united states as a piece mediator was called into question by one day to characterize this genocidal and terrorist outfit nearly as an armed group named as a negative force by regional bodies. and the governments of the d. r. c is a shocking and cynical act of real politic which calls into question the ability of the united states to serve as a credible mediator in the region. presidents off the d. s. the phoenix to security
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as compared to guide me to adult law. and i'll give that to the one of them president has expansionist aids, and that he has his eyes suits on the middle of a wealth of the d. c. and forgotten me up. he is determined to protect one that it's people and the games made over the past 2 years. so much so that he has made it clear that she's country is really to go to what is called and he's the but if somebody saying that and in this kind of situation, what was going on, you may think this person isn't blushing or he has nothing else to say other than that. but at the same time, given the only situation and experience and the history, we're going to take anything for granted. we added that. we are not afraid of literacy. mondays elections will see what people are for one to one to change and hope for the opposition candidates a promising. oh, was the advocate familiar? stable with an iron fist?
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so as the new government of iran is on its way to be officially established, we had a chance to speak with the country's foreign ministry spokes person in an exclusive interview. a discussing, for example, the nation is foreign policy relations with rusher and certain western countries. but also highlighting the new powers of the multi polar world over now it's policies are supposed to be a taylor how wide ranging top with no sort of konami is the missed enough economy. thanks very much for your time. will introduce your cost of the head of the center for public diplomacy, but also the spokes tossing of the foreign ministry of the islamic republic of around. we appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule. the 1st thing i have to ask you last week, the radians elected a new president performance masoud possessed john, if you could just give us an insight into what changes if any,
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a weight the country onto this new leadership. and also maybe outline any times put her on foreign policy in the coming. yes, this is the one that he might have been the name of god. so most benefits and the most, most of them allow me 1st and foremost to also thank you for having provided me this opportunity to be able to talk to the views of your channel during the nation, almost 50 days into the death of the late president and his companions in a place, ideation access, elected the next president. the organization of a nationwide election in the matter of 50 days, reflects the depth of democracy and commitments of public participation in the political administration of the stomach, public of iran, and its commitment to the right. so is people to self determination to be popular voting and the new governments, which is due to a see what fits in about a months time will constitute the 14th governments of the islamic republic of iran . after the victory of this nomic revolution, from the general policies of a runs, foreign policy followed closely off to the general policies of the establishment.
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the stipulations and principles of the republic of around constitutions on the fundamental approaches are set forth by the supreme leader of the islamic republic of a run. the general fundamental policies are on changing. however, the approach is the programs on the tactics might differ from government to government. and we have on site to the development of times with all countries that are also equally waiting to establish relations with the wrong. based on the print tools of mutual respect, equality on equal grounds. this means we look forward to the further roads of constructive relations and strengthening of friendly tied to the old countries in old space. running the gamut from the political front to economy, trade, culture, and even people to people relations and to notes that were published in the re new media is excellent. so you don't to possess. can these allow me republic of a runs, president elect elaborated on his views, a bouncer runs foreign policy and communicate to them to the writing and people until own world countries and peoples. i have no intention on speaking on behalf of
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the incoming government of the islamic republic of a run. that being said, i am convinced that the incoming governments will continue to develop its relations with other countries. premised upon the principle of creating a best, it will prove constructive co operation for collective security within the same framework given priority to relations with neighboring and regional countries. undoubtedly the region will constitute a serious and effective part of the 14th government when it comes to the agenda that wishes to involves regional and international security. bring about development for all the of all of you mentioned the dialogue on constructive cooperation with numerous countries. can we expect any shifts when it comes to us? iran relations, especially of course, considering that the american presidential administration might change off to the nose on the elections with donald trump potentially returning to the white house,
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limited muscle, the, the, you see the responsibility for the coverage, the state of affairs in around us relations rest with the us administration, massuce the victory of the economic revolution in the stomach republic about on the united states, governments have not sped, any effort to take on a hostile to an intervention. this approach towards iran. they did not even live up to a commitment an international agreement resulting from moulton left for diplomacy, namely the joint comm pants upon functions locally and illegally withdrew from its high trust that around us relations will undergo shift only when the united states of america decides to make a change in its hostile policies toward around the, even if a new government is in place, it is in front of the united states of america that will have to take on a new approach improve to the region and to a wrong that they are willing to retreat from the pos wrong behavior, and that they are committed to writing the rooms they have thus far committed. needless to say, it is no certainly the stomach republic of around that is subjected to the wrong
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policies of the united states. in fact, the very many regional countries that this content with a room hostile and intervention is policies of the united states to was at the 45 year long history of this allow me republic of iran has very well proven that it wrong will not be able to pressure raw that it will propulsion the respond to the correct and respectful behavior before anything the incumbent us administration will still the incoming us administration is expected to prove that practical commitment to the joint comprehensive plan of action by returning to it. and by implementing their commitments under the deal, you raised audio, of course, the very untimely and tragic tests of present, right? you see um, well, millions of radians took to the streets morning by the csc to we saw at the same time, west of media outlets and officials alike actually celebrate and saying it was a very sharp contrast. what was your reaction about the baby need?
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the, you see, the night president of the economic republic around was highly popular. this level of popularity inside the country was one attested by millions taken to the streets to participate in his funeral procession. but this was no to even the regional and international level. he was also a very well respected figure out in the approximately 3 years the late president rise. he was president, we went this great part rigorous and have relations with neighboring countries and other countries in the room for outputs of 60 countries participated in the ceremonial, paying tribute to the right president on his companions, intent on at different levels. kings presidents, prime ministers speak is upon them. it's forum analysis, as well as other various ministers. we receive hundreds of messages of sympathy and condolences from different countries in the off the most of his desk. among them were a number of messages from you are paying countries, expressing sympathy with the republic of around his government. and people are united nations general assembly meeting, as well as other international meetings,
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observed a minutes of silence to pay tribute to the right president's service by charles. so our number of official was a foreign countries. so number of which does not exceed the fingers on one hand, uncertain media outlets have expressed pleasure in the policy of the president. tissue proved nothing but the moral decline of the official was a media or in question. given we all of a see here in moscow, i have to ask you, if you could share your view on relations with russia, what direction all day moving on all tide's going to deepen father, the, the, the, you see russia around relations as we speak are also historic best, we have found a constructive, a mutually beneficial cooperation, both by naturally and regionally. the 2 sides have chosen to join the cooperate in order to create much better circumstances across the region. what was the name of this region is in need of constructive cooperation between iran and russia. further strengthening the bilateral relations and political economic, concise ways will,
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without a shred of doubt, be in the interest of those peoples, the 13th government, putting focus, the furtherance of relations with neighboring countries. on this will, without a doubt continue into the forty's government, and the russian federation is a very important neighbor in the region. over the course of recent years, we have seen a friend in need of one another. in order for us to further our economic relations with on thoughts on a number of joints strategic projects that will have to continue into the future in order to come to regional terrorism around and must have cooperated any gauge and strategic partnership in order to secure peace and stability in the region. the region continues to meet a runs and rushes co operation and strategic partnership. this is reflected in the statements made by the supreme leader or the slumber revolution officer, the death of like president and the iran russian relations will robustly continue into the future. do you remember that in the media? they emphasized the possibility of relations with neighbors. it's one of the main
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priorities of the government. the president elect in the notes that he published in the media, wrote that strengthening the relations with neighboring countries will constitute a major priority of the faulty government p. i'm the school that around russia relations will continue concrete in to the future. therefore, i believe that in the face of new opportunities we on the rush, it will strengthen bilateral relations to show the wellbeing of the people supporting the development of the region and promote peace and security. and so i'm convinced that we will still have a world of opportunities before us for strengthening our relations for the benefit of securing the mutual interests of iran in russia to bring about regional development and to ensure the consolidation of peace, stability, and security across the region. in fact, the 1st 10 of phone conversation is excellence. the doctor possessed young. the president select received from a formal sourcing, was that telephone conversation with his excellency mister vladimir putin. the
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owner will president of the russian federation. this alone is it telling signal that the constructive and friendly relations between iran and russia will continue into the future on the issues of um, yet sleep beneficial fences in boston or waiting and cooperation. um, a financial agreement was recently signed and shortly afterwards, tyrone proposed into connecting the national payment systems of bricks come for it . could you just total costs through how you think this could affect both economic and political ties within the blog. but of course, globally, what kind of impact that, how do we need the problem we hold with us? so if you see, distressing as it is over the course of long years and even more so in recent years, the united states has instrumental as a daughter in order to exert to accumulate through a gemini on nations of the world. this totalitarianism unimpaired as an exercise for the united states and the pressure that they applied on silver and independent
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states using the us dollar as an instrument to leave was pressure on them. in fact, led to the solver and independent states of the world. to turn to the local national coverage, ease of use that mean cross border trade within the framework of the existing co operation on further run. so they couldn't make trade on financial transaction. co operation around in russia reached a good new agreement, the stipulation use of national currencies for trade. the republic of iran has proposed at the same mechanism be remote over to the level of the break streets of nation for trade financial. i'm fine, congratulations and transactions. the brakes has a very potent potential to be able to advance multilateralism versus the oppressive unilateralism of the west. make sure that multilateralism will prevail and also need the region, but also throughout the world to choose the totals. well, companies are fed up with the unilateral policies of the west. that is why i would joint stride towards multiculturalism, and the creation of environments for the development of well countries has been extensively in why the welcome to buying well,
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countries around in russia are both members of the brakes. and this to provide an opportunity for further and so by natural and multi lateral cooperation. this year, the russian federation is the presidents of the brakes. and they have organized and implemented a large number of 250 pulse programs within the framework of the brakes. this is commendable and con, consolidate the constructive multilateral corporation between the bricks, members, just expanding or not abuse of the us dollar in the name of washington's 2 political goals. russia and iran are 2 of the most heavily sanctioned nations in the world. and yet they both continue to grow economically and innovative technology military too. of course, what does that say about the west attempts to isolate the to mean is the p c m.


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