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tv   News  RT  July 15, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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the the, the, yeah, the blame games in full swing and following the assassination attendant on us presidential candidate, donald trump. many said the main street media help to people's, i hate the narrative that is put out that about from by the liberals that oppose it is the 2nd allstate is sell on pleasant things. how it is t, as i've also already olds, again with crowds of punish citizens gather for the on bailing of a monument to all of the victims of the world war 2 volley and musket. the head of the ukrainian diasporas slams pulling it published your students in
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millions over london is heading to the polls to elect the new president. choosing between incumbent lead a pull to go. i mean known as mister africa and the opposition which says the country needs and you've faced our multi polar world sectors of power. it bulge developing tides with friendly nations is of the utmost importance that on more on top of our exclusive interview with the rog, foreign ministry, suppose the world countries are fed up with the funeral lateral policies of the west. that is why our stride towards multilateralism has been extensively and widely welcomed across the globe. the when it's or so could i have you with us for this i was program for most go to international is live and world wide, but it's been on the top story now for the past $24.00 plus hours the attempted assassination of donald trump, of course it was at
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a riley and pennsylvania. it did leave one by stand a dead and 2 others wounded. the day off to the blame game has begun with the me. the now in the cross has friends fighting the violence the, the right the comfortable hasn't been seen there. you are the main stream media blaming them for it. and so i think hatred and violence. and since trouble the 1st through is had in the room was become president. back in 2016, the usual suspects published damning headlines against him. demonizing the for my president and ripping his policies for reform you case nigel for raj has some choice. was for those refills at behind the n. c. trump rhetoric, mainstream media narrative i, i'm afraid, is very, very one side is, are we thought mr. a lot of it you does programs already and. ready recently said,
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the best way for the democrats to do with trump is to have him shop. now, he says, now that was a job, but so i do think main street meet your i do think liberally. intolerance is increasingly a part of this problem in a narrative. that he's put out there about from, by these liberals that oppose him is, is, so, you know, state is someone pleasant. but i think it also encourages this type of iris. the following such accusations as some media outlets are trying to say face, suggesting what to confuse quote, rhetoric with action and the following sky news present. that basically goes school by trumps. for my deputy presidential aid there's still quite a gap between rest rich and action. i appreciate your questionnaire. you're saying these are facts, but in reality, you'll stating an opinion that seems to connect one thing to another. we oh and by the way we've done this of us and we don't know. we do not know the motivation of
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the person responsible. this is, is mine toms relevant to the grace of the said right? is does copied tile in the communist manifesto. all those just totally equal tools, or do they lead to the death of a 100000000 people in the last 100 years? don't be up to whoever you are. rhetoric leads to action. if you deny that you are in a co invest sales, as well. meanwhile, the mag faithfulness agent raleigh's across america support is in new york in california, holding donnas shopping slogans for the republican presidential candidates. and those who gather mid trump power and the big apple claim, a quote. democratic on the state had, could be involved in the the the,
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i remember when obama used to come to the city, you cannot see obama space or body anywhere. used to come into the city. these to have like tunnels. and you would never comes out of that building every time you even ever seen his face in new york city in those 4 years. so i know that the secret service, i know some secret service agents personally, and i know they don't like the fact that trump takes so many where they kill forces around to kill drugs. i almost got lucky yesterday. warmongers the warmongers or doors. meantime, the by the campaign and the election campaign they've even shifted on removed pro loads of all about bashing. trump is certainly seems that we're afraid to go off to
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him right now. and while i drove by the side of the oval office, he suggested that political differences need to be settled with was not with taken out. opponents, politics must never be a little battle from a god from good. can we feel, i believe politics ought to be in a read for peaceful debate? well, that's a bit closer to reality. following of the presidents of the address when he failed to call the assassination attempt to exactly what it was i don't know enough to i, i've seen you, but i don't have any fax. so i want to make sure we have all the facts before i make some comments. any more comments? thank you. to witness an assassination attempt nelson assassination attempts. it seems that many western leaders are struggling to use the word, despite to clear over time on the form of us president donald trump's life when he was shot out during the campaign, ruddy on us news organizations performed logical some results. when describing the
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attack, a cool thing, the guy use of the world's media finance wasn't an option. but many western leaders issued to similar identical statements as if they had called the nice that responses. a u foreign policy chief joseph bureau was among those moved to comment, shocked by the news of the attack on president trump, which i strongly condemn. once again, we are witnessing unacceptable acts of violence against political representatives. and what was essentially a copy and paste job books, the identical to his condemnation of the recent attempt to assassinate slugs that prime minister robot feats. uh, so halted response. but when it comes to admission from cab, that's the plan several assassination attempts, like a russian president vladimir purse and they have been attempts to assassinate puts in. but as you can see, they have been unsuccessful so far, well, his control will say function didn't seem to work, i mean, suddenly signed and from the west. last year for the irish liter leah,
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veronica went as far as the site audit wouldn't even offer. condolences it proved him was to die. in fact, as american social media posts, not as a jackson hankle pointed out. many of those who advocate for pace and ukraine, find themselves with the targets on that back. something which started being president, alexander boot church agrees with the assassination attempt on fits. so and the assassination attempt on trump. what a surprise. it's always those who were accused of alleged violence and who knows what else. this is a pure act of hatred and freedom loving movements around the world, and their struggle for their position and opinion will prevail in the future. more and more freedom loving leaders who oppose the narrative and attempts to make a world that's in unison without differences, will become targets. when someone has their own different position, it is better that he does not exist. my niece is face at himself, also reacted saying the assassination attempt was
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a bit to silence. trump and they're trying to shut, jump up. and when that doesn't like it, business, the public golf so much that somebody who's a picks up a gun and now we shall witness pages about the need for a conciliation, a basement and forgiveness. and also his recent paste mission, which drew a hysterical reaction from the west. i'm davion prime minister victor hold on. must surely be one of those. i'm just looking over his shoulder. now, no one can doubt that we leave in the cool world peace, solving politicians on l facing assassination because of the opinions and positions . this is a warning sign from however, remains defined as vile to far i told him, the victory from intends to withdraw the united states and nato, and the trump intends to bring the war in your brain to an end. trump intends to pursue reconciliation with russia. so now on top of this is his attempt to improve relation to russia. trump has made a lot of promises and just because of the, the,
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these characters of the, of the i c, i a, the deep said the old intelligence abroad just because they are afraid, the trump is going to do all of those things. that doesn't mean trump will actually do them, but there's none the less. while irrational tara trump is going to shake up the uh, the, the foreign policy making. when it comes to other assassinations or attempted kennings . the wisdom responds as being no less restrained. in saying some political violence for that is okay. as long as it targets opponents of the west form of us, secretary of state, hillary clinton famously celebrate to the demise of libyan leader. move them, i'll get that for you. we came, we saw, died, the killing of a rainy in general, comes through demonte in a drug strike. baghdad. international airport was met with a lack of sympathy from western leaders and condolences. the united states and the europeans have a rich history assassinating iranian liter. as of murdering iranian scientists,
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and the, and when things happen in the united states, such as the current apparent attack on a trump. no one has any sympathy for trump, no one has any sympathy for abiding either. here doesn't really make a difference to you. ronnie ends whether it's from fighting or harris. the problem is that the regime in washington is an aggressive and dangerous regime that has been threatening us and has destroyed so much of our region. numerous attempts to coven is white and president nicholas madura. well met with blankets on it from the west. people tried him as a brutal dictator, refused to recognize him as a confused, legitimate president that blocked or c 2 or so many leaders were extending their condolences to donald trump, but they never extended condolences to nicolai's mother little it's a hugo chavez. how many assessment is 8 assessing agent attempts today? survive if we were to look at from patrice limone, but uh,
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how many different leaders who the united states has organized cruise again as an assassin needed for more of those double standards. we're becoming a custom thing from the west. if not happens, you may not be going to come to the resume or to the way that you should, you know, statements up on the same bus one to the ones that have been selected sanctions. i goodness the back, but you do look i'm like the guy replace the one brack linux in the us. it so it didn't sanctions on anybody level of land during the in the excellence insomnia. with many questions on onset, lots of finger pointing there is pursuing a different line from the west and war machine will be watching developments with interest. the potent has erected a monument to the victims of the volume, the master code, which claim tens of thousands of publish lives in the 2nd world war. however, the president of the ukrainian diaspora in poland wasted no time in,
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slamming them in. the ukraine currently has no time for arguments about history because they're much more important dishes, this monument will be considered yet another example of polished affinity. reopen income is just 3 days off of the polish national day of remembrance of vast bicycle . the killing came with the hands of the so called ukrainian insurgent army during the 2nd world war, the clay and the lives of roughly 50000 people. published politician has called for a national response to the statement made by the leader of the ukrainian community and potent brazen woods from the president of the union of ukraine and poland. for him, the memory and historical truth expressed in pitching skis, touching, folded, masika monument, about hundreds of thousands of muddy poles for whom ukraine does not apologize. is one more example of polish stupidity. those brazen was, should be met with the reaction from the all star t's. we spoke with
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a full about posters from judge about the significance of the monument of the statement that was made. he says the public officials were actually reluctant to commemorate the massacre, and the 1st by is usually called your 1st goal. well, as far as the polish authorities are concerned, there was no initiative on the part of the government to commemorate this historical event. and it was a very important event when the band writes the ukranian nationalists, to very many civilians whose women, children, they massacred them in a very brutal way. and this memory, the national memory should be preserves, the initiative to open to create this monuments came from below. there was a public initiative. it was blocked by the authorities, both at the national and local level. such an attitude is probably not found in any other country, only in poland. can it happened that the government, that the authorities do not contribute to the preservation of the memory of such
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historical offense to the preservation of the historical memory of their people. so this is a very important event for all polish patriots. it is stupid of ukrainian side to erect monuments, to read dera, and to have it. it is enough to go to western ukraine where i have been many times, there was a monument to have which hadn't been gera, and almost every large city. so there are streets named after sure, have its embed. they're all for every polish patriot. these people, the band writes, are war criminals. they are criminals. collaborators collaborated with the fascists and ask for historical memory. everyone is entitled to its notes. the ukraine has still not agreed to assume the civilian victims, and it was just a matter of picking up the remains from these nameless pets and burying them. ukrainian authorities have still not agreed to this. the question is, why?
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because everyone would see that's the lensky and the band rights have perverted history if their lives were exposed, it would turn out that they are common war criminals. if they started digging of thousands of bones of people, women and children's, they do it on purpose to sean say, because the idea has once again hit a number of refuge, he comes across gaza report saying that a you, when school in central garza was attacked, killing 17 and then the north and south of the stripes of pain, the lives of over a 140 gardens and just 24 hours. whatever the idea upset is it only targets military infrastructure in the in clay. but we'll know by now that's not entirely true, but open out to the west bank where palestinians continue to wind up behind bars. it seems the more the merrier these days. local media reporting study arrested over the weekend. while these areas help protests against these really attacks on gaza. so just for a moment, let's have a look at the figures of palestinians at all stuff behind is ready boss these days
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because it's one over $9000.00 palestinians to be put in jail since october last year with nearly a 3rd of those still not charged with any crime, at least $200.00 kids and lots of women are behind those bonds. it's all according to the palestinian prisoners club, a non governmental watchdog organization. those are reports of prisoners are being mistreated. it's something we've heard about when we spoke to the next man who was recently released of my health, i'm the i was arrested on november 16th at the security checkpoint. there were no security charges against me. i was just an ordinary citizen, walking with my family. my daughter even fainted from the crowd. so i had to layer on the ground while carrying her. she's 12 years old. they called out to me, took me along with to my brothers stripped a silver close until we were completely naked. they made us turn around a couple times before dressing this up and boxers and taking a stand for interrogation. they had kept our hands behind our backs and blindfolded
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us and then they took us to the interrogation room and use the most brutal techniques, the 1st method to involve bringing in the person and firing and 3 shots. they fired 3 shots, and one of them made a sound pretending the person had been killed. they said, all right, he didn't confess. we killed them. next. they brought me and made me sit down, asked me a few questions like where the resistance members were or how mosse was where the prisoners were. i told them, how would i know i'm a citizen in a farmer. i told them you called me to come to the security checkpoint in the south to the safe area. you take me to the safe area in prison, me and treat me like this. they used gunshots, putting a bullet next to my ear, and causing my ear drum to rupture. employee and i still can't hear from that a year. after that we were arrested. it's been transferred to the barracks that said that to man, we stayed there for a while. the conditions were for risk with complete neglect of health, people who are brought in injure from the sheath, a hospital, and left to die in front of us without any medical intervention. when you
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ask about the torture, i'll tell you it's the most brutal in the world. they would set you on a chair, cuff, your hands and feet to it, strip you naked, and then beat you with a plastic strap about a meter or a meter and a half long. i'm sensitive areas. i have wounds and scars on my sensitive areas that are still visible over to africa. now with 5 people have been killed and 20 wounded. and what's being called a tara bomb attacked in the capitol of somalia, explosion the code, and there were a restaurant where the euro 2024 final match was being shown. local police report that a parked car was packed with explosives just outside the bar to other one to know what millions are costing dollars to elect the next president . a 3 days of voting, wrapping up inside 24 hours with the final results to be announced. just later this month, the incoming leader of the east african nation polk a gummy is contested by the very same opponents. he beat back in 2017 if he will,
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details now with all correspond with his normal voice congress, the one that is the heading to the poles relates a new presence incumbents. polk, i've been considered the fact to one that since the end of the 1994 genocide was supposed to meet it as the cab since president in 2000 and we'll face the same rivals he did 7 years ago. the lead off the a position, democratic cream party, frank, happiness and former tenant is freely paid by money is running as an independent gotten me is why can you create a took the steering with the country to record the economy growth in recent years. it has improves the countries infrastructure and is turn the country into regional business hub. some see him as the rates of living. african v dot has both a sign which really corruption fee, nation of products, citizens from the ashes of the $199014.00 assigning. but right now, it takes a, the success of companies who have come at the expense of human rights in the country and up to see of being in the latest
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a long line off the retail food is in africa. so they say, and you need is needed. i think that there has been for over 2 years because then the work, what we think that uh it's 10 know for me pressing the button to the integration and i'm the one that fails to be the function of the basic solutions for both the gentleman to speak to mr. nicks today, who wasted in criticism. it goes back to off the opposition. gotten his, extend it to the of, for example, splits opinion both at home and in the west. the all those we insist that he should have step down when he's sick and to expired in 2017 and others who say the last single one to me is divisive politics and a no holds upon grab of paula. some claims him as much to africa, articulating and implementing the country and entire continents desires. but over the years i've gotten that has, i'm apologetically put wisdom authorities in the
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a place said false speak, holding out injustices. gaze africa. what claiming that the waste and those little above the continent, the idea of sometimes this is the one to talk to the tells us human service wants to move on to them on the phone and finding values. i want to, to this case, clear those from the noise or to is a suit with the c comes from florida is see this fis on the risk out for each of leaving these days. we have we have one enough, one that has long been favored by the huge eastern part. so because of washington felt guilty for looking the other way to bring the mind to mind for genocide, latrice and things that have 2 sons. that divided administration is wanting that
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one president to stop supporting the empty city and apple group, a small view is since cvc is as even put to hold an american a to, to the one that the united states condemns. rhonda support for the am to 9 to 3 on through append calls on rhonda to immediately withdrawal on the defense force personnel from the d. i see the company is provoked, a backlash from the one does that repeatedly said that the c was financing assigned to it. is a full 2 rebel group. the democratic forces for the liberation of, for one that saying it was complicit in the 1994 genocide president of the d. s. the felix to security, as compared to guide me to adult law. and i'll give that to the one that president has expansionist aids, and that he has, his eyes sits on the minimal walls of the d. c. and forgotten me up. he is determined to protect one that it's people and the games made over the past. the 2 years so much so that he has made of clear that she's country is really to go to
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what is called that he's the but if somebody saying that and in this kind of situation, what was going on, you may think this person is in blushing or he has nothing that is to say of them that but at the same time, given only a situation that experience and history would want to take anything for granted. we added that. we are not afraid of any c, monday's elections. we'll see what people are for one to one to change and hold for the position candidates a promising. oh, was the africa familiar stables with an iron fist? earlier on sunday, over london citizens living abroad were able to cost a boat to the country's diplomatic missions. and the nations high commission to south africa told us a bit more about the, the one the volumes, the voices of our citizens. whatever. yeah. and of course we know that every citizen of the one that dissolves a chance to custody on for so we make sure that uh,
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what about one of them. so i mean, we put together or does logistics needed for them to access any other sporting search for something as vital as nationally election? we have as we speak um 6 sporting stations. uh we have 3 in south africa in pretoria here in cape town and devon, i'm in another country, it's definitely of a serial. so house in masula, we have a forwarding station in rushes, dawn, and another one. you might have guessed the tunnel is quite impressive, to be honest. and to restart the video in the morning at 7 in then the numbers are still growing and we will be causing elections by 3 people. but whoever would be affording session where the soft, not the cutoff, when they closed it gets after jim. but everybody who inside and besides, until the last person, as far as the new government, all the
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a rod is on his way to be officially established. we had a chance to speak with the country's foreign ministry spokesperson in an exclusive interview. he discussed is our nation's foreign policy relations with russia and china and the west. well, so highlighting the new powers of the multi polar world. but you can watch the interview all day long here at all to you, but for right now it's a very short pre of the this will be a to you see the responsibility for the coverage, the state of affairs in around us relations rest with the us administration, ever since the victory of the economic revolution in the stomach republic about on the united states, governments have not sped any effort to take on a hostile to an intervention. this approach towards iran. they did not even live up to a commitment. an international agreement was only thing for multi life for diplomacy, namely the joint comprehensive plan of action, and they all know awfully,
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and illegally withdrew from it. i trust that around us relations will undergo shifts only when the united states of america decides to make a change in its hostile policies toward wrong. even if a new government is in place, it is in find the united states of america that will have to take on a new approach, improved to the region and to a wrong that they are willing to retreat from the pos wrong behavior. and that they are committed to writing the rooms they have festival committed to. it is needless to say, it is no so you need your stomach, republicans around that is subjected to the wrong policies of the united states. in fact, the very many regional countries that this content with the wrong hostile and intervention is policies of the united states to was, well, countries are fed up with the unilateral policies of the west parties, wind out joint stride towards multiculturalism, and the creation of it environments for the development of well countries that has been extensively in why the welcome to buying well countries. the this is austin,
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international i, for most of them all the 3055 is a baffling, a blaze that erupt on saturday in rushes across. no dollar region, according to the emergency ministry, at least 2 people had been injured, but over 500 had been evacuated as the frames are encroaching on various nearby homes, about southern region, by the way, very well known for its beach results and wineries. we heard from this official for an i'm just let me see if one of those are the appealing model firefighters of administrative emergency situations of russia continue their continuous work to eliminate a natural fire. even at night. we do not stop actions to prevent fire from reaching the settlement as we see what we stand with all our might to protect the population of our city. fire extinguishing is complicated by dry and hot weather, difficult terrain, and wind loads. the thing of the sudden yeah, it's a simple it is. yeah, we are constantly updating that story right now and i'll ask you to a comment on what across all telegram channels in odyssey and so on and so forth.
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so when it 5 for you to find your news on the filter from the meantime, i said to any us, we on the the hello and welcome to the cost of full board. here we discussed some real in the
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i'm action or can see and we'll go back to going underground broadcasting all around the world from the u. a in the past few days is really media has confirmed what going on the grounds and others have said for months is riley forces killed their own on october the 7th. meanwhile, one of the world's pre eminent medical journals, alonzo, it's in the u. k. has often an estimate of more than 186000 killed by the british. you and us weapons pouring onto gaza, you, and special roplenger on the right, the food michael factory has already declared. matthews riley salvation of children assignment because of u. k. u. s a u armed israel on the pretext of october, the 7th. joining me from london in the u. k. his former palestinian diplomat. f e stuff. yeah, he was be a little representative to holland, the u. k. the vatike in the us and russia. he's being deputy had of the piano delegation in geneva and to the un about to thank you so much for coming on every hour. the soldier continues. could israel.


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