tv Moscow Mules RT July 15, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT
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and i'm actually interested in seeing, we'll go back to going underground rule, got a single around the world from the u. a in the past few days is really media has confirmed what going on the grounds and others have said for months is riley forces killed their own on october the 7th. meanwhile, one of the world's pre eminent medical journals, alonzo, it's in the u. k. has often an estimate of more than 186000 killed by the british. you and us weapons pouring onto gaza, you, in special rapids here on the right to food. michael factory has already declared masses riley salvation of children assignment because of u. k. u. s a u armed israel on the pretext of october, the 7th. joining me from london in the u. k. his former palestinian diplomat. f e stuff. yeah. he was below representative to holland the okay. the vatican, the us and russia. he's being deputy had of the piano delegation in geneva and to the un about to thank you so much for coming on every hour. the soldier continues. could israel continued to commit genocide without britain where you are the united
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states, the, your opinion supplying the weapons? you know, often commentators have said that this the thing. yeah, was shot this time, him sense in the foot. and it seemed to me that's nothing him seems to have many more than 2 feet to shoot out people's up to now he gets, it keeps getting away with it. and it's unfortunate because in international relations, the international and when should we should proceed on the emission and when the only person or capricious when i personally believe that he's at the using the international, the system. and i believe that he has an interest in prolonging the slow to the cottage because his police, the curtain survivors depends on it. and because he's either info or elizabeth or he's in june because so with respect to charge respect, i've asked that i wasn't asking about that. the of it was asking whether the genocide could continue without britain the united states and the european union
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nations are coming at yahoo, you know, the united states personally, i consider that they are responsible for the self inflicted impotence of the international competing. you know, the u. s. of installation has been cost of the shipping isn't, are in the united nations veto. you can get, you end result roll shows of even 0 over the total concerning the ceasefire. and nothing here has succeeded so far in several times. you can get the engine delay you get the u. k. good news might be coming soon because the new government, the left of the if you days ago, is reviewing that british aptitude visa view, the international criminal court. the previous conservative government to the venue sheepishly, thoughts these may be added to it has challenged the international clinton and quote and says it has no jurisdiction to indict image stuff, nothing. you know, by the way, good news was the thing you know, with the distinction they liked to states at the end of this month, to speak in the congress. i said that you would not make
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a stop over in europe because he really feels that europeans might find the cottage of apprehending him to deliver to him for judgment and the type you know, of the internet to your full power to do i 2nd, but just on this britain you mentioned britain, this awakening. ok. okay. you mentioned britain, your optimism about brenton, i mean, fan, there's no one really cares about the international criminal court and you believe they've given the so long for the genocide to continue. sexiest. um, oh, i have met that on a bbc program actually said israel has the right to withhold power and water from palestinian civilians. he's the new prime minister of the country where you're in right now is also said the, your flag, you a palestinian flag may encourage attacks on british jews. maybe it shouldn't even be allowed on the streets of london. why do you have this optimism about suitcase tom? o is just appointed a cabinet of people funded by his randy. nobody asked it's
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a very cautious optimism. but does it tell you, sir, i personally believe that we have room to end over with a labor government in london much more than we had with the conservative government . forget not that a very high proportion of the labor and peas and elect, but it's a very pro palestinian historically for the last 2 decades. number 2 of the unions which are many the foundation and the supporters of the neighbor buffy. all the unit is the head being quoting for the ceasefire, continuing funding the you a the on while, which is on wants to consider as a terrorist organization can you imagine? so i believe we have needs to pressure to the government, illegal to government much more than we had means to persuade the conservative government. but this cautious cautious optimism. i'm of the mistake or sorry about that. you do realize it as i guess, but i'm
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a kick. jeremy coleman out of the party for being in a dc might consider is anyone who talks about zionism, i noticed in a week with just in the past few days, matter of the big facebook silicon valley for him. it said, using the word sign isn't the george of really is a to be banned on facebook and who knows, maybe uh, what is the problem with the p l. o you have this cautious optimism and now you are hated organization across the world. it my friends, i think you should be aware of the same love to defend or sort of keeps stiver. but as i told you, we have friends within the labor party that i close enough to be assets. number 2, i think that he knows how wonderful he is because of the rest of the strategy in the u. k. no, that's. he has a sweeping majority environment, but there wasn't a landslide in the election of it. he got 3000000 volts less than what germany called, been bought in 2017 by the way. and they all know that the most of the seats where
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there is a substantial it up. and most of them community is that was a bit in the whole thing for the labor of at least 20 percent. so i believe that during the last elections, the palestinian, the add up at the most in community has shown more maturity than in previous evictions. they have more sense 6 i was to or the police. a good part is that the events as part of the is mission or the tissue. and i believe that the we will be exploring the potential of the concept of multiculturalism, multiculturalism. zinser is a very important concept in the european at email. it allows minorities to maintain and reserve their identity and at the same time works to filter very degrees, an identity and integration of no more incompatible. so you wouldn't be heating
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more of the, at a community. do you pay? for example, we have looked at that in the house of rhodes. every possible minority in the u. k . is represented in the house of north except the out of the bridge community. and i believe visual beauty, home guys busy and i believe that the big jump popped is through the accept that the entering the house of lords is easier than entering the house of commons because is by no means i think labor somewhere has to be. i'm always off the road. yeah, i think now somebody needs i think the house of lords needs to be abolished. that was really labor management as well. i'm a grab this, you know? no, no, that's the check answer from you. as long as it's exist, the reality is that data breaches community is the only one i'm gonna be presented and as long as it exists, we should be more than think that and if you members of that community, i recognize and intervene to the house of lords which is not unimportant in the british policy, consist of okay, well enough about britain for has the current level um yeah, i think you know,
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we have enough for enough fluids. uh, give me what do you think about the fact that um, every time anyone talks about the genocide in gauze or at the state department press briefings, the statesman does say, 12 and smokes personal. how do they blink? and we'll say, you know, we can, i desperately about the children of guys whose heads up being sliced off, of course by the thousands with these us weapons. and british weapons by they did withdrawal a shipment of a 2000 pound m k. before but i'm shipment to famously used to mass kill civilians in vietnam. why do you think he paused one shipment of 2000 pound bombs used to mass slaughter people in terms of personnel missed to make it look good for the administration responsible for the genocide taking place in front of our eyes. they in and they out as i really think that by doing it has already
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paid the price because he was shown to be extremely vulnerable if he must dance his candidacy because he has drugs, many supporters within the youth. and my not, it is in the u. s a and i believe that besides his physical pregnancy and etc, it says the attitude of sheepish alignment on the is raising precedence. even sometimes contrary to the national interest today, you are unaware that the liability in the global south is at its lowest. and that's because of their position and that the 2, these are be disruptive and the cotton is taking place. so i personally believe that it was end up with a bite, then withdrawing his candidacy and blinking is a success to be hosted to is made your color as any way he position seems as, as designed as term, the very beginning. and he almost fits instructions from nothing. yeah, well,
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after each of these visits but doesn't think that the english is now taking place, has turned into a fox and nothing happens. many predicting everybody. and everybody is the who is that where the thing? yeah. who is my think the end of this, and this is the results and he goes to congress in defiance, by the way to, by doing and the democratic administration. interesting, the, historically, isabel was captivating the prose raise, you know, be in washington as a bi partisan about this. and they couldn't, it was both democrats and republicans, but nothing you know, for several years now, has shown a preference for republicans to win all types of elections and nothing you know about it is waiting for trump to enter the white house again, which would be a disaster for the american society and the american preferences. how can i get any worse? that was, how can i get any was on the trump, then it was under joe bite and then blinking,
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and sullivan kind of get any worse than it is already for the people regardless, it's really bad, my friends, but i don't think that the word moves from bad to boot and to back to them if can defend turn worse and the anyway, if the democrats otherwise the they were the river another can't do, did they still have 4 months? it's may be late, but not too late and i hope it all democratic contenders. i find is right next to them. and that they have many people who might be likes to but, but the buyer about. yeah. who, who in the democrats, the whole, who in the democrats does not support the sending of weapons to israel human, the squad has supported sending americans in reference to the play american partnerships on this program. but i personally believe that the set that are the voices with the race and the motor diamond the same as the democrats. i'm not trying to cope with you from that, but it's send it to like
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a mr. van hogan. if any distinguish senator who is not going to be proactive or prob, i just didn't you and have more of the grandma's and the have problems with those with is there's interest 1st the presented in discussions and hearings, the nation or dignity that has been lacking in the debates or quoting on cap, he told him, you know, to drop the capstone who is another, is radio a few by 33 is the need one day to be belated. if ever you want to have even handled the american party subtract. oh, the job. you know, the joe, that's why doesn't this really want to become, this is the 1st state. and the answer is that they would have to content themselves then with only to send that there's ways not, they can rely on $95.00. and it says that to because of the power of a back end, the financial assistance of a passed through many politicians and in the states. anyway, i believe that history is i know the process of the things are moving,
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things are changing. and one of the factors that have changing is within the i'm open jewish community. you've seen demonstrations in washington and new york where many thousands of drawers were taking 5, sitting up in our name, passing that master. i have all the stuff here. investor for yourself here, i'll stop you. the more from the former deputy head of the fellow delegation geneva ends of you and after this break the oh, what else seemed wrong? just don't see how it comes to advocates and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the
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the one with the for loop of those little and so forth. let us know some of the images on some ground squared amount on this one will do you actually watch the dealer words which isn't going to do with me as well when i go and still able to start using the thumbs here in a still bucket and you will have near when you push the issue of the unbox remodeled and move up is to move 0 easy lives, mysterious. and when you go out in front of the deal is make up the cell. i don't know what else to buy. the other was. so, but i use the yeah, i'm just thinking and then use slice, but i mean 50 a good. i maybe cause it please go ahead and i'll just communicate that. maybe we can pull up national minds, but it just of the other we have such a push mojitos to ya. you're losing a deal in space,
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but i don't think you will just discuss those funds. will really tell me what you mean if you want to spend these these you particularly see i'm saying is up with an invest thrown in, this is the one and then the other be missing. the guns thing is some list of worth of movies is. so it in my hands, not old on the side of me, it's a lot that was up and then for us the welcome back to going underground. i'm still here. it would be full of a palestinian diplomat, a master piece of you and baset or i interrupted to you and you were talking about the infamous is really low be and how it fails to prevent the jews in the united states. demonstrating for palestine is increasingly due, but to the policy, the authority you spend so much of your life representing the yellow around the
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world in your career. it's of course bankrolled by israel. is it very, increasingly difficult and impossible for the piano for a flat to criticize the united states, given that it's cash comes from the us. fire is ro it. i think you're using the word bank, roared in a very comfortable position. and the question of a mentor, and the co pays though is, is this, is that rubbing the palestinians from their own money? you know, in the purchase agreement after the us? no, i codes izard receives the receives on our behalf of the taxes of our import and export and they give it back to us the doctor, 3 percent for the administrative role. now with the new government of the mr. nothing here. who was smart, rich, as finance minister, they had been with or did any more than 3 quarters of this amount of money. so
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using the word bank road from your side is a question of a way of addressing the issue of the comfortability is road is trying to stuff ok. if i just didn't you authority, i believe what they are doing is genocide in gaza and the out of doing it for the the side in the west bank against the palestinian authority in guns up the strategy from the very beginning has been the following. they want to make because i've talked to the liver to force the population to leave the font, somebody to my great s way into egypt. they had hoped, but the egypt is rocking good. thanks. that's where the or anywhere ends and they want the geography without the demography that has to be in the game. and this reminds us of what happened in the that's about 1948 when we get the israel level to the ground, they now might do the $518.00 villages. can you imagine that so that the
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palestinian refugees come up to exercise their right to return to their homes and home towns and the end villages has as you know and bass, this sufficient pull the process of rendering guns the i'm even happy to but hoping the menu and choose these raiders and i don't see mentor, they use the word a bottom to the migration. what's will not do the about it after they had to be investigated with those 2000 pounds. but that they got generously from the americans. and the british has, you know, invested in that kind of a truthful history is banned defacto in the nato, propaganda, or media or in any case. so let's just go to the resistance. well as important as it is. and as, as valuable information is that is what about reconciliation? to unify the resistance under the 10s of un security council resolutions like to for, to why his time us and the p l. o. in fact, i have not all made friends again, despite attempts from the united. i remember it's where i'm speaking to you from
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saudi arabia, russia, china of jerry, i don't know how many countries have tried to put you together. why is it that is supposed to be? the 1st thing in the public opinion is very angry against the policy could establish both of how much and for that, whether they love i'm us according to reason both of us and sat there for not having achieved reconciliation. i believe that if not now, when we are having the method for our existence and our survivor, and it's no more thought, i better to tell everybody to tolerate this split that exists and diabetes. we need to open up the piano. so that's how much and you had this, lenny joining in the leadership of the piano as i believe that with a national consensus, we should have a government that enjoys the support of all defections. what do we need to? the palestinians is domestic, leisure, tennessee, and international acceptability. and i believe that for domestically she gave me
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the c. we need the agreement with teams that they have having us and for international acceptability. i think you must need some wisdom in knowing how to be discrete and accept the idea of it. take no credit government for a year or 2 before we can hold mission or election. so what are the sticky? i mean, if someone like you have solid like you who represent, if someone like you who represented the piano around the world, can say what you just said. what are the sticking points i wasn't doing that would be for the tools here or in most go for those tools. i know that country to what you said i'm us is getting more and more popular actually, according to recent polls, they want mahmoud abbas out daily according to the palestinians, end of a policy and survey research polling. so what was the sticking point for my boss is a people in the yellow and 5 to, to not have a unified resistance. as you've just outlined,
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is the favorable option. it is. so i, i see that to be say, and the, and the objective one has to put the blame on the political establishment and the need to ship the entire need to ship and not on the on without bass. and so that's number one. number 2 said, i believe that popularity is something fluid. indications show that, for example, the how may i spoke with entity inc, as a, has been, yes, it has written it and it isn't in the west bank, it's cetera. and by this thing, as we've had this difficult, difficult to go highlight isn't, does. the 1st thing is when i'd be more or less than the discussion once they've guns, have been silenced through the ceasefire. and i believe in rest, united community, i believe that's how much is aware that what we need to achieve is if i just didn't state to withdraw them as it's kathy the ends on both wings of the palestinian 33
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in the west bank and gaza. i believe that for the has been on saturday through decides to, to, to use, to as being the 1st to discover what is the seating of the possible and the permissible. and for that was much more mature than others in discovering what this desire. but what is possible and what is acceptable? and i believe the chemist. unfortunately they said with that is as though they are ashamed of that acceptance of the that see being of the possible. we need statesmanship and majority and on both sides, but to have him as were be blamed by the sorry you have an on. so what the sticking point? because the more of the mountain view, you have an ounce of what possibly could be the sticking point from foss as side has to a unified resistance. i don't just i think that at certain topics that should be left to us. the others have been silenced and that we are a society if i typed in 4 hours, the existence answered by the surviving let's the certain topics for discussion is
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the corruption. is it correct? but i mean edward side, if he was alive, i don't know what he would think that i'm us and he was a friend of mine, my friend a i understand that it, we match in him in a world where hamas was so much more populated than the hated 5 to the hated p, a low all across the west bank. i don't, you know, it was presumably corruption of the piano and the fact that movement that has created this situation said no, no fund of the underlying principles of how boss had obviously how, how is it come to this? and when will mahmoud abbas resign? my friend that do you think that you have the conditions today for elections in defense the and the think that's what they said is that's what they said 2 years ago. look, there are reports that m yahoo nothing. you know, he says he could consider the fact and the p l. o ruling gaza off to this.
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what's left of of gaza. i mean proof in what those reports say that then yeah. who would favor a fast run guys? uh, uh no, nothing. yeah. well, does not say that one of my friends being very biased and you already have your own prejudices, but i think you are taking too much liberty and explain it was in the times of israel published the june of this. no, no, i'm sorry. you're expressing that are you, i mean, types of through your opinion as to your place now. i have no opinion that you didn't just say the times of israel said that that's the whole. as i told you, i accuse him of probably decide he wants to ex, the better send you an end to do whatever it is. and there he will. he doesn't save the return of the palestinian authority in gaza. and if i really how much support to him, by the way, that's the wisest course of action, very close to the issue was but the, and the by the sitting, your less than the administrator tomorrow. the,
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the last 3. do you know how many videos that would be needed to be built because uh, do you think that the categories add up and the others would be getting money if ever, how much is still in power? that by doing, oh, well, as well as apple per day, as long as it's democratically elected the published in, you know, as long as it's a democratically elected government, they are, you know, at the moment people are friends with the taliban. they were the shooting. i corporation, organization meeting in the style, the reason being it just goes to uh, your skepticism, understanding button for whatever. yeah. anyway, just to the you, nations recognizing palestine in name only a little bit with rhetoric. i notice whether it be that or i'm talking about the i c, c, d who is the 2nd largest i'm supply to israel. so what do you think there's a lot of opposing around? because they know that populations are seeing these images of all sorts of children beheaded babies by the british g. u. and us weapons,
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that these politicians say will recognize palestine as a state. and on the under the table pouring into weapons to kill the children. is that what's going on in europe where you we have been getting the europeans that it's is role that has reduce the potential enrolled in the middle east. europe, as wanted to be a play or they were and out by is, are on the to be pay or, and i kept telling the europeans that you, as europe asked, is an expert in search for a role. and, and the individual needs to have a little research for the next to but yes, up to now, europe has been disappointing. but several other countries have had to put it to go to the city of recognizing the state of palestine to the displeasure of mister. nothing. yeah. who? it's a different magic, but the undertaking a u, as in general, just to kind of use as to be taught to discrepancy,
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could be as with the credit of maybe 10. so we need to be optimistic or the hope can, will be nice people and not skepticism. and pessimism and just finding very briefly given even generation if i left any and survivors will eventually retaliate against those who have armed israel to carry out the genocide we're seeing on a phones every hour. i mean, i hope that diplomacy will prevail and i hope that the international community would succeed in it has been the not for the digital part is by pass bypass the scope like ration and the i prefer not to enter on these terms. should we be reached at the, in the future? yes, there is. a lot of anger i keep getting is raid is that we try to play with you when or when are you still want to play with us loser, win or lose, or no society on earth accepts and want to be the $800.00 user. and
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then you would have the subsystem complex by saying if i am from them to be the toner boozer to head with the temper and done with the fingers, i am still in senior. so a winter winter. and as a thank you. and that's it for the show of continued condolences to those very even by u. k. u. s. u of them. genocide will be back with the brand new episode on saturday until then keep in touch by the social media. if it's not sense in your country and job title going on, the tv on mobile, don't com. to watch new and old episodes of going underground seas added the the
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now you need your research deployed here to nancy, you know, look, terms in the book, is that probably the national shifts, newbury, the, it's gonna be only a showcase in genes. nathaniel. so who's going to the boys at the boys? the probably the most name that will be for them. i'm not sure if this slaughter doesn't want that. i faxed them. but i noticed that
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the, the blame game was in full swing, the following, the summation of territory to us presidential candidates. donald trump, with many saying the main street media is responsible for the narrative that is put out there about from, by the liberals. that of housing is, is cited officers. several pleasant coverages assigned to louis or organs. again, with crowds and publish citizens gather for the unavailing of the monument to order the victims of the world war 2 of or leon massacre the head of the ukrainians. i asked for us the flat was at pull to get put.
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