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tv   News  RT  July 15, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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because it is this idea that everybody does deserve it. and then suggesting that virtue absorbing here the, you can see it right there. the plain games in full swing following the assassination attendant on us presidential candidate. donald trump. many saying the main stream media is to blame for fueling pictures. the narrative that is put out there about from why these liberals that oppose and is cited allstate. to sell a pleasant coverages to find a waltz or are at odds again. crowds of polish citizens gather for the unveiling of a monument to honor the victims of the world war 2 of our lead and massacre. the head of the ukrainian diaspora slams it according it quotes,
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polish stupidity and many as over london is heading to the pole to elect a new president for choosing between incumbent late at polk academy, known as mister africa. and the opposition, which says the country needs a new pace in power and as multi polos, 10 to the power. imagine the world developing tide with friendly nation. so it will be most important that i'm more on top in our exclusive interview with iran as foreign ministry support world countries are fed up with the either a lateral policies of the west. that is why our stride towards multilateralism has been extensively and widely welcomed across the globe the about guess the correspondence dining by it's going to be a busy, our hero analogy international. it's so good of you to join us. well, just been on top story now for the past 36 hours, but let's analyze it all because the attempted assassination of donald trump with
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a riley and pennsylvania did leave one by stand the killed and 2 others wounded. the day after the blame game began with the media now and across, says friends, citing by the right that trump support has been thing there. i'm during the main stream media blaming them for an sizing hatred and violence. so since trump 1st through his house, into the ring to become the president, back in 2016, the usual suspects published and diving headlines against and demonizing the form of president and ripping as policies and reform u. k. is nigel for raj? has some choice words for those who he feels that behind the n t. trump rhetoric, mainstream media narrative i, i'm afraid, is very, very one side is are we thought mr. brockovich,
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who does programs already and. ready recently said, the best way for the democrats to do with trump is to have him shot. and he says, now that was a job, but so i do think mainstream media or i do think liberally intolerance is increasing. the a paul of this problem in a narrative that is put out there about from, by these liberals that oppose him is the 2nd. allstate is someone pleasant. i think it always encourages this type of iris. well, following such accusations as a media outlets are trying to save face, suggesting not to confuse, quote, rhetoric with action the following sky news present to basically go school to buy trumps for my deputy presidential. there's still quite a gap between rest rich and action. i appreciate your questionnaire. you're saying these are facts, but in reality, you'll stating an opinion that seems to connect one thing to another. we oh and by
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the way we've done this of us and we don't know. we do not know the motivation of the person responsible. this is, is mine, toms. you're relevant to the grace of the said right? is does the copy tile in the communist manifesto? all those just totally equal tools or do they lead to the death of a 100000000 people in the last 100 years? don't be up to whoever you all rhetoric leads to action. if you deny that you weren't in a co imbeciles. meanwhile, the maga faithful, the staging, riley, is across america. suppose in new york and california holding dinos and shouting slogans for the republican presidential candidates. and those who gathered mid trump tower in the big awful claim, a quote, democratic and the state had, could be behind the the note down the, the
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i remember when obama used to come to the city, you cannot see obama's face or body anywhere. used to come into the city these to have like tunnels. you would never comes out of that building every time you wait a bomb. you've never seen his face in new york city in those 4 years. so i know that the secret service, i know some secret service agents personally, and i know they don't like the fact that trump pick so many forces around to kill valve drugs. i always got lucky, i've seen a ha warmongers warmongers or doors with abiding the election campaign is even shifted and remove pro most of all about bashing trump. it certainly seems that we're afraid to go off to him right now. and walter abided inside of the oval office. he suggested that
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political differences need to be settled with words and not with fine. the politics must never be a little balanced. i'm a god from goods. can we feel? i believe politics ought to be, and i read it for a peaceful debate. well, that is a bit closer to reality. are you following the president's earlier address when he failed to coal, the assassination attempt exactly what it was. i don't know enough to i, i've seen you, but i don't have any facts. so i want to make sure we have all the facts before i make some comment. any more comments? thank you. to witness an assassination attempt nelson assassination attempts. it seems that many western leaders are struggling to use the word just want to clear over time on form us president donald trump's life when he was shopped out during the campaign, ruddy on us, the news organizations performed logical some results when describing the attack. a cool thing, the guy use of the world's media finance wasn't an option,
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but many western leaders. it should similar identical statements as if they had called the nice that responses. you foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, was among he's moved to comment. shocked by the news of the attack on president trump, which i strongly condemn. once again, we are witnessing unacceptable acts of violence against political representatives. and what was essentially a copy and paste job books, the identical to his condemnation of the recent attempt to assassinate slugs that prime minister robot fates a. so halted response. but when it comes to admission from cab, that's the plan several assassination attempts to get it from russian. president vladimir post and have been attempts to assassinate puts in. but as you can see, that had been unsuccessful so far. well, his control will say function didn't seem to work, i mean, it's totally signed. and so in the west last year form iris, nita le veronica went as far as the site and it wouldn't even offer condolences. it
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proved him was to die. in fact, as american social media post, and i would say, jackson hankle pointed out many of those who advocate for peace and ukraine, find themselves with a targets on their back. something which sort of being president, alexander viewed judge agrees with the assassination attempt on fits. so, and the assassination attempt on trump, what a surprise, it's always those who were accused of alleged violence and who knows what else. this is a pure act of hatred, freedom loving movements around the world, and their struggle for their position and opinion will prevail in the future. more and more freedom loving leaders who oppose the narrative and attempts to make a world that's in unison without differences, will become targets. when someone has their own different position, it is better that he does not exist. for you said himself also reacted saying the assassination attempt was a bit to silence. trump. donald trump's opponents are trying to shut him down when
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they don't succeed. they inferior the public so much that some low life picks up a gun. and now we will witness speeches about the need for reconciliation, appeasement and forgiveness. and also his recent paste mission, which drew a hysterical reaction from the west. i'm davy and prime minister victor hold on. must surely be one of those. i'm just looking over his shoulder. now. no one can doubt that we leave in the cool world peace, solving politicians on all facing assassination because of the opinions and positions. this is a warning sign from however, remains defined as vile to far i told him to victory from intends to withdraw the united states and nato, and the trump intends to bring the war in your brain to an end. trump intends to pursue reconciliation with russia. so now on top of this is his attempt to improve relation of the russia. trump has made a lot of promises interest because they, that these characters of the, of the i see how, hey,
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the deep said the old intelligence abroad. just because they are afraid, the trump is going to do all of those things. that doesn't mean trump will actually do them. but there's none the less. while irrational, tara trump is going to shake up the uh, the, the foreign policy making when it comes to other assassinations or attempted kennings. the wisdom responds, has been no less restrained in saying some political violence for them is okay. as long as it targets opponents of the west, former us secretary of state, hillary clinton famously celebrate to the demise of libyan leader. moving my good afternoon. we came, we saw, died the killing of a rainy and general cousins through demonte in a drug store. i could find that international apple was met with a lack of sympathy from western leaders and condolences. the united states and the europeans have a rich history assassinating iranian leaders of murdering iranian science test.
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and the, when things happen in the united states, such as the current apparent attack on a trump, no one has any sympathy for trump, no one has any sympathy for bite. and either here it doesn't really make a difference to you. ronnie ends whether it's from biden or harris. the problem is that the regime in washington is an aggressive and dangerous regime that has been threatening us and has destroyed so much of our region. numerous attempts to kelvin is white and president nicholas, i'm a do right. well met with blankets on it from the west to portrayed him as a brutal dictator, refused to recognize him as a complete, legitimate president, the parker c to so many leaders or extending their condolences to donald trump. but they never extended condolences to nickel out some of the little. it's a hugo chavez. how many assess and is 8 assessing agent attempts today? survive if we were to look at from patrice limone, but uh,
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how many different leaders who the united states has organized cruise again as an assassin aided for more of those double standards we're becoming accustomed to from the west. if not happens to be my last week on country, the resumed back to the way the issue, you know, statements up on the same bus one to know they've been selected sanctions. i do this, the particular country, like the place i'm going to replace the one, bradley to make sure that the us is waiting social's on anybody. luckily, enjoying the actions amazon get with many questions on onset, lots of finger pointing there is pursuing a different line from the west and war machine will be watching developments with interest. let's say this conversation for the right now, of course a lot to alex on a coverage, a member of the national assembly of the republic of serbia who's just putting his phone down. now i saw that alex on the 9th of joining us there. all right, right. oh, got it. so right now you're going to check the latest headlines. i listen. it's
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great to get you on the show here. and i see that, you know, the, the playing games in full swing. right? you know, they made it off the mouth of the attempted assassination on donald tron. some people are blaming the circle, deep state. others are blaming the main stream media summit blaming the american government. who do you think? oh, should i say, where do you think alexander, the blame should lie? low. i know is that whoever supports you know, the total cost of war, whatever supports the war and ukraine, escalation, expansion of nato. i don't remember their lives being in danger. it's always these other guy score for peace, who wants some sort of uh, negotiations. you know, they always wind up. they always wind up blowing either threatens or actually being killed. and we, we actually had a real assassination uh 21 years ago. here in serbia,
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the serbian prime minister's daughter in kansas was killed on uh, march 12th, 2003 and uh, to this was the story and well about change it. so draw your own conclusions. i mean, he will, he came at one and he was a very popular figure, even in the west as some sort of a new democratic hope after the so called autocratic milosevic. but what happened a couple of months before the assassination gee, just started taking notice of the fact that the western powers, d, d, u s. b, u k, especially germany, they were actually working on secession of cost of all and that they were actually weren't interested in talking about that anymore. they were pushing towards independence which happened a few years later, 5 years later here. and so he just started talking about it uh,
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in public. and he said, no, this is not, this can happen without the serbia. we have to talk about this, you know, otherwise we have to reconsider our relations with everyone. so what happened? he was assassinated and of course the blame was put on somebody else. yeah. let me tell you the jewelry of to serve you is that it was what is now called a deep state. yeah, yeah. i'll say when seats one seats, so it was a shot at we we, we made immediately a parallel with the others, like, uh, you know, like even what changes you know, to feed. so there's a guest warrant. ukraine is a gas. this a military industrial complex. there's just gotta keep this it and it just, it, i'm so glad you've jumped in on this and i apologize for interrupting you may but, but you know, it seems to me that generally speaking, if you are a politician or even a world leader, if you'll pro peace,
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an anti war and ukraine you, you're going to get a bull's eye on you real quick because we're seeing what you know, whether it's a, whether it's, you know, still be as spiritual, think to or to find all the slovak feet. so because when feet start with shot, i heard the order but and butchered had also been told run for cover. you might be next. you need to boost off your protection because you guys might be next in the firing line. so, you know, i think, i think you may get a good point to alexander if i can just just bring up, bring you up to my next question because, you know, talking about the assassination attempt on donald trump, the new york times it morning, off to the shooting around the story headlined, quote, trumpet failed, the tests of leadership, i'm betrayed america. voters must reject him in november, the new york times. well, the morning off of the shooting publishers with the article basically saying, trump trade america, what are your thoughts alex? well, you know, it's just, it's the i applied 1st thought is that they're laying the groundwork for the next
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assassination attempt. yeah. because you know, they are, they, they've been busy a morally disqualifying and discredit thing. trump, not just for months, but for years. we can go back to 2016. you know, this didn't start yesterday. this didn't start with this uh, with this selection campaign, this started in 2016 when they invented the entire narrative. uh, yeah. uh, from being uh to, to is the vision there. he was installed questions and you know, this is not, this is on the nation. we have to totally put an inquiry inspired impeachment against him. the man has been demonized. yeah. and then saying it cannot be, was humanized, you know, and which allowed, which made it legitimate for hillary clinton to say, do this posting thing that she said, you know, when he was killed. yeah. yeah. how, how such examples you know me last year which was the demonized good news,
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demonized for those and agree with the warmongers in washington is the new hibler. yeah. yeah. wrong is exactly how they do. i mean obviously the campaign people they were big yeah. yeah. missing as that from you a hitler, i mean, come off. yeah. so what do you looking at more of a say yeah, i mean, i think you make a really good point there. alex, because at the end of the day, you know, you know, they know they, no country wants to pick a fight with america. no country wants to pick a fight with nato. so these guys have to create problem to scenarios and then create the solution. and this is part of what you're looking to, and i appreciate you saying that here, but look, going back to trump. you survived. he took a ne stripe on the air from that a r 50 in call by an automatic rifle. but how do you think this is going to affect these challenges for re election because the former russian president, unemployment estimate here that came out and said, trump has already won the election. that is, if he's not assassinated 1st a yeah,
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i survey the survey and tv i, i think you're saying the same thing. i mean, he's guaranteed when i'm left in peace a lot. i can't see him. the thing is, you know, he is now a victim. and it's going to be much harder for him buying and campaign to demonize him. they've already given up on some of these ads that were making him into, i don't know, a new monster or you know, stickler etc. so it's going to be very hard unless the election is totally stolen and even more than 2020 or less. the next thing they really do get from, i can't see him losing. so what, how is a deep statement react? how is the liberal camp point to react? how is the democratic party going to re up, i think, and then maybe start a more into uh, dislike to try to re gain some of the presidential authority that buying and still
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has, you know, we're not out of the woods yet, but i will play a lot yeah, so yeah, it's going to be really date and the next ones. yeah, i mean let somebody, i mean, you're not alone with that sentiment, alex. i mean, to be honest with you, i've actually been saying it for months now with november looming on the rise, and we could have a hot war bite and has a fatal fold down the stairs trunk gets assassinated. i've, i've been saying this for ages. something's gonna go pump because the ruling establishment, them united states will do anything to stop trump from getting back into the office and just quickly, alexander, i'll go to wrap this up. but um, do you think the assassination attempt on trump 36 plus hours ago is potentially just the beginning. you, you think that might be more problems between now and november too? yeah, i anticipate more problems. uh, absolutely. because they, you know, whoever wanted to do that or why to eliminate dropped and get it didn't get the job done. and i can't see them reconciling themselves with the truck being present. and
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again, you're the only thing that could happen that could, you know, maybe change things is truck makes some sort of compromise, which we may not know about. and which may not be visible until after he becomes president. let's hold people that doesn't happen. you know, otherwise i expect a more even more turbulent sort of the next few months until november, who knows? yeah, yeah, yeah. and basically that sentiment seems to be the broad of sentiment as well. and i'll join you on that too. i these other packages member of the national assembly of their public himself. yeah, it's a good to get you on the program. thank you so much for joining us. of. thanks. sorry for long time. no. see hope to see you again. real soon looking forward to talking settings on to the, to the training and conflict out with the russian military. analyse that as forces have a captive strategically important settlement in the gwinnett republic over now, as well as senior correspondent with detail the russian ministry of defense has announced officially the capture of what i was writing, that which is
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a relatively small village of about a 1000 situated between the nets and zap are always you regions along a bar to attacks. if you put in violet, the capture of what i was trying to is important because it opens up a password for russian forces to push to push further specially important because this was an avenue 4 to 5 area by you credit in troops. postage. we've seen from the by, for showed show russian forces opening up with a tremendous bar. osh protection potentially moving a 100 rockets impacting the china almost simultaneously with those then. so a sole troops on the bikes, as well as an infantry infantry fighting vehicles storming through what i was trying to job through ukrainian position, seemingly unopposed, perhaps because they'll be off as i mentioned bars. but again,
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without sign that was one of the locations the ukraine captain during its failed counter offensive loss, did made a big show that he was one of the few few things that you great have to show of the expenditure for the waste all for the depths of tens of thousands of his troops during that counter offensive. but again, the loss of what i was writing is a double blow for you. okay. they made a huge show of capturing it. one of the few successes of it failed. 2022 towns were offensive. and now with its last long with the last as a villages and settlements right and left, it is going to be much more difficult for your credit and to show or to, to, to, to convince even its own population. that the boy is going well. a potent has erected a monument to the victims of the ball in mexico, which claim tens of thousands of published lines in world war 2. however,
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the president of the crating diaspora and poland wasted no time in slamming of them that ukraine currently has no time for arguments about history because there are much more important issues this monument will be considered. yet another example of polish stability or the opening comments are 3 days off of the publish national day of remembrance. all diagnostic of the killing came with the hands of ukrainian troops that had linked up with hitler's front against the red army and allied forces. opponents politician has called for a national response to the statement made by the leader of ukrainian community and bona. brazen woods from the president of the union of ukraine in poland for him, the memory and historical truth expressed in pensions. these touching, folded masika, monuments about hundreds of thousands of moded poles for whom ukraine does not apologize, is one more example of polish stupidity. those brazen was,
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should be met with a reaction from the old ortiz. we spoke with a former published judge about the significance of the monument and the statement that was made. now he says the publish officials will actually reluctant to commemorate the massacre in the 1st place just because your post colon as far as the polish authorities are concerned. there was no initiative on the part of the government to commemorate this historical event. and it was a very important event when the band or it's the ukranian nationalists killed very many civilians, paused women children, they massacred them in a very brutal way. and this memory, the national memory, should be preserved, the initiative to open to create this monument came from below. it was a public initiative. it was blocked by the authorities, both at the national and local level. such an attitude is probably not found in any other country, only in poland. can it happen that the government, that the authorities do not contribute to the preservation of the memory of such
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historical events, to the preservation of the historical memory of their people. so this is a very important event for all polish patriots. domestic, who is the car at all by ukrainian and sojourn forces occurred not only in poland, but in other areas with a mixed polish ukrainian population. and one of them is eastern galaxy with allies of up to 40000 polls will last. once again, we heard, i'm all from the for my publish judge, you notate that every polish patriot considers those who served with the notorious ukrainian, the step on button data. well, they will will criminal. so basically we're pushing it is stupid of ukrainian side to put monuments to bend era into haven. it is enough to go to western new cream where i have been many times. there is a monument to issue a bitch and been there in almost every large city, their streets, named after a few hibbits and been there for every polish patriot. these people, the bandwidth or war criminals. they are criminals who collaborated with the
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fascist and for historical memory. everyone is entitled to note that ukraine is still not agreed to resume the civilian victims of the whole in massacre. and it was just a matter of digging up the remains from these nameless pits and burying them. the ukrainian authorities have still not agreed to this. the question is why? because everyone would see that the landscape and the banter it's perverted histories, it's their lives were exposed. it would turn out that they are common war criminals . if they started digging up thousands of bones of people, women and children, so they do it on purpose. the idea of how once again hit a number of refuge he comes across gaza reports also saying that a un school was attacked, killing 17 in the middle, and the south of the stripes came with the lives of, of a $140.00 gardens and just the last 24 hours. however, the idea of says that only targets military infrastructure in the, in clay, but,
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well, we'll know a bit better of the by that, by now i guess i should say, what else are the best buying? so the story is the palestinians continue to get round it up and pump in his ready prisons. local media reporting 30 arrested just over the weekend. and that's why all these areas help protests against the is rarely a tax on costs are well, the show you some numbers here, for example of how many palestinians are winding up behind the bars. that is really prisons. well, over $90000.00 policy needs to be in jail just since october last year, with nearly a 3rd of those still not charged with any crime which what kind of a $200.00 kids and a lot of women are also behind boss. so according to the palestinian prisoners club is a non governmental watched on the organization. those are reports. the prisoners are being mistreated as something we heard about when we spoke to the next man was recently released in my house. amelia was arrested on november 16th at the security checkpoint. there were no security charges against me. i was just an ordinary citizen walking with my
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family. my daughter even fainted from the crowd. so i had a layer on the ground while carrying her. she's 12 years old, they called out to me, took me along with 2 of my brothers stripped a silver close until we were completely naked. they made us turn around a couple times before dressing this up and boxers and taking a stand for interrogation. they can kept our hands behind our backs and blindfolded us. they took us to the interrogation room and use the most brutal techniques, the 1st method to involve bringing in the person and firing 3 shots. they fired 3 shots, and one of them made a sound pretending the person had been killed. they said, all right, he didn't confess. we killed them. next. they brought me and made me sit down, asked me a few questions like where the resistance members were or how mosse was where the prisoners were. i told them, how would i know i'm a citizen in a farmer. i told him, you called me to come to the security check point in the self to the safe area. you take me to the safe area in prison, me and treat me like this. they used gunshots,
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putting a bullet next to my ear, causing my ear drum to rupture and bleed. i still can't hear from that a year. after that we were arrested and transferred to the barracks that said that to man, we stayed there for a while. the conditions were horrific with complete neglect of health. people who are brought in injure from the sheath, a hospital, and left to die in front of us without any medical intervention. when you ask about the torture, i'll tell you it's the most brutal in the world. they would set you on a chair, cuff, your hands and feet to it, strip you naked, and then beat you with a plastic strap about a meter or a meter and a half long. i'm sensitive areas, i have wounds and scars on my sensitive areas that are still visible over to africa . now we have 5 people killed and 20 wounded in what's being called a tyra bomb attack in the capitol of somalia. the explosion occurring there are restaurant where the euro 2024 final match was being broadcast. local police reported the.


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