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tv   News  RT  July 15, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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the, the waiting game is in full swing photo in your fascination attendance on you as presidential candidate and donald trump many say the main c media feel the narrative that is put out there about trump, by the liberals that oppose in these it's cited. all state is set on personal and i think it was in coverage so all of these again, as proud as opposed to citizens. yeah. the aiming all the money went into all the victims of the world. soon. one in my band of the input and i asked for a slab just pulling it loose. stupid man. the roll i'm is hands into the
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poles, elect a new president, choosing the 2 in incumbent lead up for the government. knows as mister africa kindly opposition says the country leading to a new face in power and as low seen polar sentences of power, a mug in the world of the living side with the front of the nations of vital importance. last and more on the back in our exclusive interview form is these things. first world countries are fed up with the uter a lateral policies of the west. that is why our stride towards multilateralism has been extensively and widely welcomed across the globe. the hey, very well, welcome to you from the in the international news to look up and see live from the
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scope. let's take a look at that for me. so is this all? this is the story for the pause. so these things i was the attempted assassination of donald phone, but a riley in pennsylvania, left one by signed the killed and 2 others wounded. the day after the blame game has begun with the media now in the cross as inciting violence. the cries and from a simple writing saying that i am the main c media. blaming them for inciting, hating food and violence, says from the 1st through his highest in the written to be done present back in 2016, the years of assessments published and diming headlines against him. demonizing headline, repaying policies. performing phase noises arises, some choice to those who he feels are behind the antique from rhetoric main
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street media narrative. i mean, i'm afraid, is very, very one side is, are we thought mr. a lot of it you does programs already and. ready recently said, the best way for the democrats to do with trump is having shop. now he says now that was a joke, but so i do think mainstream media or i do think liberal intolerance is increasing . the a paul of this problem in a narrative that is put out there about from by these liberals that oppose him is, is 2nd. allstate is someone pleasant, but i think it was encourages this type of iris following. so it's actually, it's a, it's in a sort of media and finds the same phase, suggesting not to confuse rhetoric with action. and the following is sky news presents are basically the school bite funds for my deputy and presidential aid. but there's still quite a gap between rest rich and action. i appreciate your question. now you're saying
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these are facts, but in reality you'll spacing an opinion that seems to connect one thing to another . we and by the way, we done this, the best thing we don't know. we do not know the motivation of the person responsible is is mind pounds irrelevant to the grace or the 3rd right is does copy tile in the communist manifesto, all those just totally equal tools or do they lead to the death of a 100000000 people in the last 100 years don't be up to whatever you all rhetoric leads to action. if you deny that you weren't in it, caught in the sales. meanwhile, lie the faithful officer, 18 rawlings across america, supporters in new york and california have binders and show the smugglers. for the republican presidential candidate known as gathered near its on tower and the big apple claiming democratic and deep state hind couldn't be behind the attack.
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the the, i remember when obama used to come to the city, you cannot see obama's face or body anywhere. come into the city, these to have like tunnels and you would never a truck comes out of that building every time you've never seen his face in new york city in those 4 years. so i know that the secret service, i know some secret service agents personally, and i know they don't like the fact that trump pick so many forces around to kill val drop. i almost got lucky yesterday the same warmongers there warmongers war during
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the shouldn't. campaign is a little shifted. i removed promos that were all brushing from well. joe biden sat in the oval office. he suggested that political differences need to be settled with was unknown, was checking out opponents. politics must never be a little battle from a god from good. can we feel, i believe politics ought to be in a read for peaceful debate? well, we as the i is investigating the assassination of a title turned on by the possible incident of domestic terrorism. and we discussed this with radio and see, we told show this garland nixon. you suggest the f b, i isn't really up to the task. hey, there was an article i recently share with people from 1997 where the c i a said that basically they did an investigation and found that the c i a was not in any
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way involved in the cocaine trade in the 1980s. the in the reality is this, if you look at the f, b, i and the, the, the department of justice and the, the, you know, the period of time the donald trump was in office and after he was in office they constantly pursued him. they constantly drummed up cases against him. they were actually more members of the department of justice who were prosecuted for taking any legal actions in their pursuit of donald trump. so the idea that the api i is going to look into an assassination of the attempt of donald trump and that, you know, americans are going to look at that as a responsible, reasonable and unbiased investigation is laughable. that the, you know, a, at a minimal while a sort of suggestive the s y is not the best agency to conduct an investigation. americas commander in chief realized off of the shooting, refuse to call. it wasn't clear and it was
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i don't know enough to i, i'll tell you, but i don't have any fax. so i want to make sure we have all the facts before i make some comment. any more comments? thank you. to witness an assassination attempt nelson assassination attempts, it seems that many western leaders of struggling to youth would despond to clear attempt on former us president donald trump's life when he was shot out during the campaign, ruddy on us news organizations performed logical some results when describing the attack across and the guy use of the world's media sign and it wasn't an option. but many western leaders, it should similar identical statements as if they had cooled. the nice that responses you foreign policy chief joseph bureau was among i just moved to comment shocked. by the news of the attack on president trump, which i strongly condemn. once again, we are witnessing unacceptable acts of violence against political representatives.
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and what was essentially a copy and paste job books, the identical to his condemnation of the recent attempt to assassinate slugs that prime minister robot feet to so halted response. but when it comes to admission from cab, that's the plan several assassination attempts, like a russian president, vladimir, please, and they have been a times to assassinate puts in. but as you can see, that had been unsuccessful so far. well, his controls a function didn't seem to work, i mean, suddenly signed it from the west. last year for the irish need at le, veronica went as far as the site and it wouldn't even offer condolences. it proved him with the dye. in fact, as american social media posts, not as a jackson hankle pointed out, many of those who advocate for peace and ukraine, find themselves with the targets on that back. something which started being president, alexander boot judge agrees with the assassination attempt on fits. so, and the assassination attempt on trump, what a surprise,
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it's always those who were accused of alleged violence and who knows what else. this is a pure act of hatred, freedom loving movements around the world, and their struggle for their position and opinion will prevail in the future. more and more freedom loving leaders who oppose the narrative and attempts to make a world that's in unison without differences, will become targets. when someone has their own different position, it is better that he does not exist. my niece is facing himself, also reacted saying the assassination attempt was a bit to silence. trump. donald trump's opponents are trying to shut him down when they don't succeed. they inferior the public so much that some low life picks up a gun. and now we will witness speeches about the need for reconciliation, appeasement and forgiveness. and also his recent paste mission, which drew a hysterical reaction from the west. and gabriel prime minister victor oberon must surely be one of those i'm just looking over his shoulder. now no one can doubt
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that we leave in a cool world peace solving politicians on all facing assassination because of the opinions and positions. this is a warning sign from however, remains defined as vile to far i told him to victory trunk intends to withdraw the united states on nato, and the trump intends to bring the war and you bring it to an end. trump intends to pursue reconciliation with russia. so now on top of this, he did his attempt to improve relation of the russia. trump has made a lot of promises interest because they, that these characters of the, of the i see how a, the deep say the old intelligence abroad, just because they are afraid the trump is going to do all of those things. that doesn't mean trump will actually do them, but there's none. the less awhile, the irrational tara, the trump, is going to shake up the, the foreign policy making when it comes to other assassinations or attempted kennings. the wisdom responds, has been no less restrained in saying some political violence for them is okay. as
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long as it targets opponents of the west form of us secretary of state, hillary clinton famously celebrated the demise of libyan leader. move them, i'll get duffy. we came, we saw, died the killing of a rainy and general cousins through demonte in a drug strike at baghdad. international apple was met with a lack of sympathy from western leaders and condolences. the united states and the europeans have a rich history assassinating iranian leaders of murdering iranian science test. and the, when things happen in the united states, such as the current apparent attack on a trump, no one has any sympathy for trump, no one has any sympathy for bite. and either here it doesn't really make a difference to you. ronnie ends whether it's from biden or harris. the problem is that the regime in washington is an aggressive and dangerous regime that has been
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threatening us and has destroyed so much of our region. numerous attempts to kelvin is white and president nicholas, i'm a do right. well met with one consolidate from the west. pupil tried him as a brutal dictator, refused to recognize him as a complete, legitimate president, the parker c to so many leaders were extending their condolences to donald trump, but they never extended condolences to nickel out some of the little. it's a hugo chavez. how many assess and is 8 assessment agent attempts today? survive? if we were to look at from patrice limone, but uh, how many different leaders who the united states has organized cruise again as an assassin aided for more of those double standards, we're becoming accustomed to from the west. if not happens to be my last week on guns in the us, in the way that the short, you know, statements of windham needs to stay on bus 12. and they will know they've been selected sanctions. i goodness, the particular country might go, for example,
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you replace the one, bradley election of the us. it's thinking sanctions on anybody. luckily, enjoying the actions insomnia, with many questions on onset, and a lot of finger pointing, though just pursuing a different line from the west and war machine will be watching developments with interest. but i saw it says that the claim compared to the russian lives and now is that is a full says have come to a strategically important settlement in a dentist republic over now to all seen towards the density of who has the details of the russian ministry of defense has announced officially the capture of what i'm trying to, which is uh, a relatively small village of about a 1000 situated machine that he hits and zap are always you regions along a bar to attacks. and he violates the capture of rush. i nay's important because it
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opens up a pathway for russian forces to push to push private specially important because this was an avenue 4 to 5 area by you credit in troops. postage, we've seen from the by, for showed show russian forces opening up with a tremendous bar. osh protection potentially moving a 100 rockets impacting the china almost simultaneously with those then so a so troops on the bikes, as well as an infantry infant, you fighting vehicles storming through what else are in their jobs, where ukrainian position, seemingly unopposed, perhaps because they'll be off as i mentioned bars, but again without sign that was one of the locations the ukraine captain during its failed counter offensive last year made a big show that he was one of the few few things that you created had to show of the expenditure for the waste all for the depths of tens of thousands of its troops
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during that counts were offensive. but again, the loss of what i was writing is a double blow for you. okay. they made a huge show of capturing it. one of the few successes of it failed 2022 towns were offensive and now with its losses along with the loss of villages and settlements. right and left. it is going to be much more difficult for ukraine to show or to, to, to, to convince even its own population. but the boy is going well. a poland has a rent and said a money lend up to the business. it was a low ball in mistake that the same tens of thousands of publish lives in world war 2. however, the president of the putting the store in powder and wasted no time in slamming the move. ukraine currently has no time for arguments about history because they're
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much more important dishes, this monument will be considered yet another example of polished affinity. all right, incomes just 3 days off, as opposed to national day, i remember and solve the massacre. the kidding came of the has the vehicle in service that had linked up with his front against the red all me and allied forces . opponents for the isn't a, has cooled for national response to the statement made by the lead. the planning community important brazen words from the president of the union of ukraine in poland. for him. the memory and historical truth expressed in pitching, skis, touching, fall and massacre monument about hundreds of thousands of muddied poles for whom ukraine does not apologize, is one more example of polish stupidity. those brazen woods should be met with a reaction from meals ortiz, where you slide, who is a former person judge about the significance of the monument on the statement that
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was made. he says that publish officials were actually reluctant to commemorate the mascot in the 1st place. it is because your folks go as far as the polish authorities are concerned, there was no initiative on the part of the government to commemorate this historical event. and it was a very important event when the band or it's the ukranian nationalist killed very many civilians. polls women, children, they massacred them in a very brutal way. and this memory, the national memory, should be preserved. the initiative to open, to create this monument came from below. it was a public initiative. it was blocked by the authorities, both at the national and local level. such an attitude is probably not found in any other country, only in poland. can it happen that the government, that the authorities do not contribute to the preservation of the memory of such historical events, to the preservation of the historical memory of their people. so this is
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a very important event for all polish patriots. the last of those carried out by including the surgeon forces a not only in poland, but in other areas with a mix pole issue planning population. one of the middle east and alicia where the lives of up to 40000 pulse will last was more we heard from the former police just tools about losing. so with the new tory, if you put any set time about data in the 2nd world war. so guys can report sheet, it is stupid of the training inside to put monuments, to ben dera into haven. it is enough to go to western ukraine where i have been many times. there is a monument to issue a bitch and been there in almost every large city, their streets, named after to have it. and then there are, for every polish patriot, these people, the bandwidth or war criminals. they are criminals who collaborated with the fascist and for historical memory. everyone is entitled to note that ukraine has
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still not agreed to resume the civilian victims of the whole in massacre. and it was just a matter of picking up the remains from these nameless pits and burying them. do ukrainian authorities have still not agreed to this? the question is why? because everyone would see the landscape and the band or it's perverted history, if their lives were exposed, it would turn out that they are common war criminals. if they started digging up thousands of bones of people, women and children, so they do it on purpose. why, let's move now to them at least the idea f as once again hate a number of refugee camps across central gauze. and now they both say the you and the school in central god. it was also a type of kidding, 17 people. and the no, i'm the south other slide, some fame, the lives of over a $114.00. and that's just in the last 24 hours. however,
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the idea says installed as well as the infrastructure in the okay, well, we'll know that's not true. that over to the west banks where patterson is uh, winding up behind the balls the local media reporting. so see people were arrested that's just over this last weekend. but as while these areas held protests against the, is there any attacks on glosser? but what about the numbers? let's say you can look at the figure is of the policy and it's all behind. is there any balls these days now over $9600.00 detain with only about a 3rd of them. so i'm not even being toss it with a crime. you can see the numbers. so it's a $3300.00 no charges that $200.00 kids know. so the women will be hind bava, last old, according to the passing prisoners club, a non governmental watch though. what would i say should also report that prison is
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being mistreats is something we heard about when we spoke to a recently friend, prisoner. let's take a look. a health i'm the i was arrested on november 16th that a security check point. there were no security charges against me. i was just an ordinary citizen walking with my family. my daughter even fainted from the crowd. so i had to layer on the ground while carrying her. she's 12 years old. they called out to me, took me along with 2 of my brothers stripped a silver close until we were completely naked. they made us turn around a couple times before dressing this up in boxers and taking a stand for interrogation. they can kept our hands behind our backs and blindfolded us. they took us to the interrogation room and used the most brutal techniques. the 1st method to involve bringing in the person and firing 3 shots. they fired 3 shots, and one of them made a sound pretending the person had been killed. they said, all right, he didn't confess, we killed them. next. they brought me and made me sit down, asked me
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a few questions like where the resistance members were or how moss was where the prisoners were. i told them, how would i know i'm a citizen and a farmer. i told them you called me to come to the security checkpoint in the south to the safe area. you take me to the safe area in prison, me and treat me like this. they used gunshots, putting a bullet next to my ear, causing my ear drum to rupture and bleed. i still can't hear from that a year. after that we were arrested and transferred to the barracks as to the 2 man . we stayed there for a while. the conditions were horrific with complete neglect of health. people who were brought in injure from the sheath, a hospital, and left to die in front of us without any medical intervention. when you ask about the torture, i'll tell you it's the most brutal in the world. they would set you on a chair, cuff, your hands and feet to it, strip you naked, and then beat you with a plastic strap about a meter or a meter and a half long. i'm sensitive areas. i have loads and scars on my sensitive areas that
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are still visible. a silent goes up. i've seen that a rough time and see is do i bypass in diplomats? i'm a former bosses', the u. k. f. 5th fear in the latest episode. ok. on the bottom, they discussed the washington support or the idea of a tax on garza and how american elections kind of state relations with is the full episode coming up later in the day here on all day. but for now, here's a short clip. the new york is now taking place has turned into a fox and nothing happens. many pretty thing. everybody. and everybody is the who is that where? that's nothing. yeah. always maintained. and this, i'm the assistant adults and he goes to congress in defiance by the way to, by doing and the democratic a distinction. every time anyone talks about the genocide in gaza or at the state department press briefings, the statesman does say to bob and spokes person or how do they blink?
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and we'll say, you know, we can, i desperately about the children of guys whose heads up being sliced off, of course by the thousands with these u. s. weapons and british weapons by they did withdrawal a shipment of a 2000 pound m k. a before bomb shipment to famously used to mass kill civilians. it'd be at now. why do you think he paused one shipment of 2000 pound bombs used to mass slaughter people in terms of personnel missed to make it look good for the administration responsible for the genocide taking place in front of our eyes. they in and they out as i really do that by doing it has already paid the price because he was shown to be extremely vulnerable if he must dance his candidacy because he has ropes, many supporters within the youth. and my not, it is in the u. s a, so they are unaware that the ability in the global south is at its lowest and
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that's because of their position. and as you choose, these are the disruptive and the kind of and seeking please the right of that. so i feel good now with 5 people being killed at least 20 wounded in one thing called a pair of ball. my plaque in the capital of somalia, big size and a good near a restaurant where the euro 2020 whole final mileage was being broad cost. local police revolt into the punk car was parks with explosives outside to have the new government, other on a is on his way to be officially. yes, but i boost we had a charles is the, with the countries pharmacies suppose. but as an exclusive interview hand is causes nations form policy relations with russia on the west, and to highlighted the new powers of the multi potable nice,
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fully into the will be coming up later in the day. but for now, i'm going to send to a short clip a what was that? the. this will be at the you see the responsibility for the current state of affairs in around us relations rest with the us administration. ever since the victory of the economic revolution in the atlantic republic about on the united states, governments have not sped any effort to take on a hostile, an interventionist approach towards iran. they did not even live up to a commitment an international agreement resulting from multi lot for diplomacy, mainly the joint comprehensive plan of action. and they all know for the and illegally withdrew from it. i trust that around us relations will undergo shifts only when the united states of america decides to make a change. and it's hostile policies toward around. even if a new government is in place, if there's in front of the united states of america, that will have to take on a new approach improve to the region and to
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a wrong that they are willing to retreat from the pos wrong behavior. and that they are committed to writing the rooms, they have festival committed. needless to say, it is no certainly the stomach republic of around that is subjected to the wrong policies of the united states. in fact, the very many regional countries that the discontent with a room hostile and intervention is policies of the united states to was and well, countries are fed up with the unilateral policies of the west. that is why i would joint stride towards multiculturalism, and the creation of what environments for the development of well, countries has been extensively and why the welcome to buying well countries. the well by rows of disney is either was going to have your company here or on the international rick sanchez is on direct impact by something. next we will be back in about 30 minutes. the
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power body of rick sanchez and this as you come to expect is the weekend review that we just shut down all the rows. mr. president, you're gonna lose all the votes. if you don't get it for the last 3 and a half years, house republicans and the american people have been demanding details about jo biden's mental and physical decline. who dokie just to the hit that we're going to play for you. mr. barton continues to stumble and bolt republicans just can't seem to leave well enough alone and now. yes, the whole world is watching. i'm rick sanchez and this is direct impact. what do you say? we do it the okay, let's get started by introducing you to our panel. we've been dealing with these
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topics themselves. they're going to share their unbridled perspective with us here . they are, the hosts of the critical our on radio. sputnik white show. yep. for it. dr. wilmer li, um and gone. and nixon both good enough to join us so. all right, gentlemen it's, it's, it's, it's, it's gotten so bad. it's gotten so bad because it seems that right now for the president there is simply just no place to hide. now that a cat side of the bag cameras are constantly on him. he's now stumbled his way through a debate, a very public july, 4th independence day event, and the latest, the nato summit of all things. gotta show on to you. here's the low lights. one last thing, you know, i used to think when i was a senator was there were always, could you.


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