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tv   News  RT  July 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the, the the last 48 hours off the, his rush with the full value as president donald trump is heading to the national convention line. yeah. in a full swing for the fascination of 10, don't you and for the candidate and donald trump many say the main c media field trip, the narrative that is put out there about from the bodies please. the side of the house is settled as how it is this talk. brands over a lot of heads up to the polls like a new president gives you an incumbent, lead a poor could government known as africa, the old position,
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which says the country needs a new faith in power. the most difficult time getting the assaults and approves to ukrainian positions upon the ruffin foods that involves along the front and they've done as a public out cause for the records from one of the c'mon posts, i looked into the technical side of the good. the company today for the link to global news out of i'm motor on some money and this is obsolete international back to business less than 48 hours off. so a wouldn't be assessing past donald trump's air with a bonus campaign. roddy,
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the former us president is headed to wisconsin. but what set to be i hear wrong. welcome. the republican national convention. a southern down on is a south named jack full one, the my, the savings of recovered well from the fact that the one my son that killed and 2 others wounded here. now is that, so they had sent him to the assassination? would not delay his plans. i'm practice to stick to the dates. this monday i'm show up with move was welcomed by thousands of his supporters that i'm gathering for the upcoming event. but in terms of still running a high as the question of who's to blame for the on the inside of the scenes of wording both, i made some supporters on his die hard hate is the media is now in the cross hes, for inciting. the violence is just one of the latest examples of the trump bashing
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narrative, the new york times the money off of the shooting. ronald with the sort of headlines he failed the test of leadership and betrayed america both as must reject him in november. well, they've almost pulled out the paper saying those who was that are talis and despicable human beings reform a case. and nigel for rod, it goes the sense of that saying the media demonizes trump, the mainstream media narrative, i, i'm afraid is very, very one sided. like we've got mr. brockovich who does programs already. and. ready recently said, the best way for the democrats to do with trump is to have him shop. now he says now that was a joke, but so i do think mainstream media or i do think liberally intolerance is increasing the a paul of this problem in a narrative that is put out that about from by these liberals that oppose him is
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2nd. allstate is something pleasant, and i think it always encourages this type of iris. whoever supports you know, uh, total cost of war. well supports, uh, warrant ukraine, uh, escalation expansion of nato. i don't remember their lives being in danger. it's always these other guys for peace want some sort of uh, negotiations. you know, they always wind up. they're always wanting to plow, either threatened or actually being killed, gaping, dizzy, morally disqualifying and discredit. in trump, not just for months, but for years. this is on the nation. we have to totally put inquiry inspired impeachment against the pan has been demonized, is now a victim. and it's going to be much harder for the buying and campaign to demonize
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. and they've already given up on some of these ads that were making him into, i don't know, a new monster, you know, stickler etc. so it's going to be very hard unless the election is totally stolen even more than 2020 or less. next time they really do get trump, i can't see him losing. so this is a several of the earlier examples of how the media is covered. trump couldn't even publications of non side away from comparing him directly to his. as i'm all to look a little further in the accusations on, in sizing, hate and ultimately leading up to the assessment agents. sudden media. trying to save face, suggesting not to confuse rhetoric with action and the following. the sky news present the basically going to school, doing his own narrative by tubs full and the deputy presidential aid.
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there's still quite a gap between rhetoric and action. i appreciate your questionnaire. you'll saying these are facts, but in reality you'll spacing an opinion that seems to connect one thing to another . we oh and by the way we've done this of us and we don't know. we did not know the motivation of the person responsible. this is, is mine, toms relevant to the grace of the said right? is does copied tile in the communist manifesto. all those just totally equal tools or do they lead to the death of a 100000000 people in the last 100 years? don't be up to whoever you are. rhetoric leads to action. if you deny that you are in a co, imbeciles. meanwhile, the my, the faith, fuller staging, riley is across the america. so what was the new york and california how 5 isn't chavez looms? the republican presidential candidate, they also believe is the i haven't seen from the rhetoric, but it's to blame that we can try to tone everything down. you know,
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we know that kind of zillow, feel it from us, and they're going to do whatever they can to get rid of trump. and so they have to do they try. and so we're here to learn whether or not that are going to happen when i get that happen. we're all we know is we see what's happening and it's not going to have it under our watch. it's terrible that they keep everybody on terms of the arrival sitting in the oval office is also looking to save face in the off them off of the events. joe biden suggested that the lexical differences need to be settled in words and there's no place to escalate the rhetoric in pausing is that while his election campaign, provo videos are all about bashing from want to speak to tonight
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about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics. remember, or may disagree, we are not enemies. we're neighbors. we're friends. politics must never be a little battle from a god from good. can we feel, as i believe politics ought to be in a read for peace from the bank. in the court room, we see donald trump for who he is. he's been convicted of 34 felonies found liable for sexual assault. there is nothing more sacred than our democracy, but donald trump ready to burn it all down on jo bye and i approve this message. wow, that's a bit so is that the president's earlier dress when he failed to pull it? what it clearly was i don't know enough to i, i'll tell you, but i don't have any fax. so i want to make sure we have all the facts before i
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make some comment, any more comments? thank to witness an assassination attempt nelson assassination attempts. it seems that many western leaders are struggling to use the word. despite to clear up attempt on forming us president donald trump's life, when he was shot out during your campaign, ruddy on us news organizations performed logical some results. when describing the attack, a cool thing, the guy use of the world's media science wasn't an option. but many western leaders . it should similar identical statements as if they had called the nice that responses. a you foreign policy, chief joseph bureau was among those move to comment. shocked by the news of the attack on president trump, which i strongly condemn. once again, we are witnessing unacceptable acts of violence against political representatives. and what was essentially a copy and paste job virtually identical to his condemnation of the recent attempt to assassinate slaves that prime minister robot feats. uh, so
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a hall faulted response. but when it comes to admission from cab, that's the plan several assassination attempts, like a russian president vladimir purse and they have been attempts to assassinate puts in. but as you can see, that had been unsuccessful so far. well, his control will say function didn't seem to work, i mean, suddenly signed from the west. last year for the irish needed la veronica went as far as the site and it wouldn't even offer condolences. it proved him was to die. in fact, as american social media posts, not as a jackson hankle pointed out, many of those who advocate for peace and ukraine, find themselves with a targets on their back. something which started being president, alexander boot church agrees with the assassination attempt on fits. so, and the assassination attempt on trump, what a surprise, it's always those who were accused of alleged violence and who knows what else. this is a pure act of hatred, freedom loving movements around the world, and their struggle for their position and opinion will prevail in the future. more
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and more freedom loving leaders who oppose the narrative and attempts to make a world that's in unison without differences, will become targets. when someone has their own different position, it is better that he does not exist. my niece has a pretty say himself also reacted saying the assassination attempt was a bit to silence. trump. donald trump's opponents are trying to shut him down and then when they don't succeed, they inferior the public so much that some low life picks up a gun. and now we will witness speeches about the need for reconciliation, appeasement and forgiveness. and also his recent paste mission, which drew a hysterical reaction from the west. i'm davy and prime minister victor oberon must surely be one of those i'm just looking over his shoulder. now, no one can doubt that we leave in a cool world peace, solving politicians on all facing assassination because of the opinions and positions. this is a warning sign from however,
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remains defined as vile to far i told him to victory from intends to withdraw the united states and nato, and the trump intends to bring the war in your brain to an end. trump intends to pursue reconciliation with russia. so now on top of this is his attempt to improve relation of the russia. trump has made a lot of promises interest because they that these characters of the v, i c, i a, the deep said the old intelligence abroad just because they are afraid the trump is going to do all of those things. that doesn't mean trump will actually do them, but there's none the less. while irrational tara trump is going to shake up the of the foreign policy making when it comes to other assassinations or attempted kennings. the wisdom responds, has been no less restrained in saying some political violence for them is okay. as long as it targets opponents of the west. former us secretary of state, hillary clinton famously celebrate to the demise of libyan leader moving my good
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afternoon. we came, we saw, died the killing of a rainy and general cousins through demonte in a drug store. i could find that international. apple was met with a lack of sympathy from western leaders and condolences. the united states and the europeans have a rich history assassinating iranian leaders of murdering iranian science test. and the, when things happen in the united states, such as the current apparent attack on a trump, no one has any sympathy for trump, no one has any sympathy for bite. and either here it doesn't really make a difference to you. ronnie ends whether it's from biden or harris. the problem is that the regime in washington is an aggressive and dangerous regime that has been threatening us and has destroyed so much of our region. numerous attempts to kelvin is white and president nicholas, i'm a do right. well met with one consolidate from the west, portrayed him as
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a brutal dictator, refused to recognize him as a complete, legitimate president. did parker say to have so many leaders or extending their condolences to donald trump, but they never extended condolences to nickel out some of the little. it's a hugo chavez. how many assess and is 8 assessment agent attempts today? survive if we were to look at from patrice limone, but uh, how many different leaders who the united states has organized cruise again, it's an assassin aided for more of those double standards we're becoming accustomed to from the west. if not happens to be my last week on guns in the us in the way that the short, you know, statements up on the same bus one to they will know they've been selected sanctions . i do this, the particular country, like the place i'm going with the one, bradley election is the us. it's waiting socials on anybody. luckily, enjoying the actions insomnia, with many questions on onset,
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lots of finger pointing. those pursuing a different line from the west and war machine will be watching developments with interest. but as soon as it is now a trade in men who dogs the draw off to may lose the housing by supporting to a new little man who don't, we knew that person days that a as a result with offices will be signed. and if they don't pay the fine, the apartments or houses will be taken away. the 5 foot draw off evasion can be issued and unlimited amounts of times. but it was the risk of losing everything done and certain people from trying to evade the draw. ford escape from the country by any means possible. on monday you could institute these services detained. $27.00 men who tried to cross border into neighboring mold does look those when had paid several $1000.00 in an attempt to escape being drafted in the army. on the
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same day a dead body was found, but as it was also apparently trying to cross the river into moldova, ukraine needs to mobilize, man and power. this is a war being fought by 40 year olds. no other war in history has been fought by 40 year olds. you need to get 18 year olds, and you need to get 20 year olds, which is what every army in the rest of the world relies on me while that was submitted as being show you how billboards in game promoted, the all me as part of a strategy into a recruitment more peeling problem is it, as he has insisted that the national mobilization is going according to plan and the better off the one in the training grounds for new recruits. however, a mid to come on the, on the ground has a different opinion that not to be a problem. i know that all the people who were forced onto the boss and brought to me, well,
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i want to have some like one for you out of town with these 9 boulevards refuse also looked for some reasons to go to the hospital and leave for a long time those who arrived on, excuse me, a complete express in terms of quality or training an overall healthy now well, keep struggles to recruit more tubes for is counter offensive. the cleaning all made last about $600.00 soldiers in one day in an area with the rushes southern group is located, including the don't ask republic now that's according to the russian defense smith the all the same course on the on gov. the. so does this report from 18 come on post on the outskirts of lots of lots scanned to russian infancy fighting vehicles and the feedback apc packed with a soul to scream towards the enemy. we are ready to come on post directing
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the assault fools. i never received by today's standards ukrainians move this via sold to link the bud expecting it and also it's 5 o'clock in the evening and i sort of the status of the objective is another tree line. since the landscape doesn't allow for an assault on foot, who is decided we would use armored vehicles. they have metal and rubber cages and electronic warfare to protect them from god willing. it'll go good. finally, to the trade in lines before the village of loss of odd square, it is vital. the thesis sold succeeds by far the most difficult pause. the video itself is getting the assault troops up close to ukrainian positions in queens,
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wayne defense here. and this area outside of dave is keeping russian forces away, preventing them from getting up troops. because if they get up close to say, for example, 30 fresh moved evasive, the rest of the soul troops against ukrainian troops to that. who being that potentially for weeks when the battle is over before it begins with tension is pop up. so come on this issue, orders to the assault vehicles, direct and guide. the 1st one reaches the enemy and the premiums of brewing desperate chief is, of course he gets the same place to the image
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. fortunately the onto the refund goes. why? the 2nd, if it's the fighting vehicle approaches, no problem of the the the says his record of the pain in defenders most immediately a retreat does not seem tod 3 yards with us and flies. yamma is job done. they need to get away the everything seems to plot with in who is read in a few hours. believe the come on the,
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the 1st vehicle during his pull off the period he was he had all, i don't know they've been enough to the there were close cons. cluster munitions, hit us for time. right over our headland as we were returning right near return. we stopped and something exploded right before us. some of the, the system did it one thing. but the problem is we thoughts each, you know, it was just ahead of us. again, this is paid off an assault as 5 o'clock in the evening when new when expected it, which was the point for, for some of us because we missed the problem is we become predictable. it's the same school, they do it. so we do it. sandra stood that we always a salt at 4 or 5 in the morning, but after lunch, things wind down and munition to please. they weren't expecting us at 5 in the evening. now we'll have to come up with a new time. they've got to be coming. and so it repeats, they,
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they out the bottle of width, springs and above who and your runs a bottle. did you praise? is using more, i guess the 30th region. right, that's the real one than our many is costing bottles. i like for the next president, 3 days of voting. wrap this up inside the next 24 hours with the fire results to be announced later this month. thing come the lead up of the east african nation, pull gama is contested by the same opponents. he defeated back in 2017. um correspondence to go as one of the things a closer look as the one that is the heading to the poles relates a new present incumbents. polk, i've been considered the fact to one that since the end of the 1994 genocide was
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supposed to meet it as the cab since president in 2000 and we'll face the same rivals he did 7 years ago. the need to offer you a position, democratic cream party, frank, happiness, and full much, and it is fully paid by money is running as an independent. got me is why can you create a took for steering the country to recreate the economy, growth in recent years? it has improves the countries infrastructure and is turn the country into regional business hub. some see him as the greatest living african leader has goals, a sign in which really corruption for the nation of proud citizens from the ashes of the 199014 assigned. but right now, critics a, the success of companies who have come at the expense of human rights in the country and a to see of being in the latest, a long line off of your children who lives in africa. so they say, and you need is needed. i think that there has been for over 20 years has done it up to what, what we think that uh, it's 10, know for me pressing the button to the integration and then the one that sales
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would be the function of the political hutchins with the 12 volt that a gentleman visited makes me who wasted in criticism. it goes back to off the opposition because i'm is extend it to me. i for example, splits opinion both at home and in the west. the all those we insist that he should have step down when he's thinking to expired in 2017, and others to say the last single one to leave is divisive politics and a no hold on. grab of paula. some a claims him as west africa articulating and implementing the country and entire continents desires. but over the years i've gotten that has, i'm apologetically put wisdom authorities and the place did for speak, quoting alt injustices a days africa were claiming that the west and those little balls the continent. the idea of the sometimes this is wonderful to chose us, human service wants to move on to the put in what would you find you
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want to, to this case, those from the noise or to is a suit with the the c comes from florida is see the face of the risk, i would prefer you to make a mistake. smoke. we have lasers. we have seen one, the one that has long been favored by the eastern part because of washington. felt guilty for looking the other way to bring the 9 to mind for genocide, latrice and things that have 2 sons. that divided administration is wanting that one president to stop supporting the in between the city and apple group, a small u, as in previous his as even put to hold an american a to, to the one that the united states condemns. one does support for the am to 9 to 3 on through append calls on rhonda to immediately withdrawal on the defense force
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personnel from the d. i see the company is provoked, a backlash from the one does that repeatedly said that the c was financing is fine . 2 days a for to rebel group. the democratic forces for the liberation of for one day saying it was conflict 6 in the 1994 genocide presidents off the d. s. the felix to security, as compared to got me to adult peach law. and i'll give that to the one of them president has expansionist aids, and that he has his eyes suits on the middle of a wealth of the d. c. and forgotten me up. he is determined to protect one that it's people and the games made over the past 2 years. so much so that she has made of clear that she's country is really to go to what is called that he's the but if somebody saying that and in this kind of situation, what was going on, you may think this person isn't blessing or he has nothing else to say other than that. but at the same time, given the only situation and experience and the history,
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we're going to take anything for granted. we added that. we are not afraid of renaissance monday's elections. we'll see what people are for one to one to change and hold for the position candidates a promising. oh, was the advocate familiar? stable with an iron fist? on sunday, for a while and citizens living abroad were able to cost that boat, the kindest diplomatic missions, the nation's high commission to south africa told us a bit more the one the values, devices of our citizens, whatever. yeah. and of course we know that every citizen, wanda dissolves a chance to custody on for so we make sure that uh, what about one of them. so i mean, we put together the oldest logistics needed uh for them to access any other sporting search for something as vital as national reduction. we have as we speak
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um 6 sporting stations. uh we have 3 in south africa in pretoria here in cape town and given i'm in another country is definitely of a serial. so house in masula, we have a forwarding station in marshes and on another one you might ask the tunnel is quite impressed. seems to be honest and to restart the video in the morning at 7 in . then the numbers are still growing and we will be causing elections by 3 pm. but whoever would be affording session where the soft, not the cutoff may cost it gets a 3 gym, but everybody who is i can be solved until the last person as volunteer. but that's the thing, is that in the middle east gauze in 5 the idea f as a once again hit a number of refugee camps all the way over gauze on a look at. look at these just just so many results. say that
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a you and school incentive god, that was also a type kidding. 17. in the north, i'm the south of the size of the lives of over a $114.00, and that's just in the last 24 hours. however, the idea says is only target someone in san posada in the old way. well, new old. no, that's not the case. let's move on now. what about the west plank? we know the past is all winding up in jail behind balls. i mean local media reposing, such the people were arrested, that is just this last weekend. but while these areas help protest against these are the attacks on the goals, what about the numbers that take a look at the numbers? how many are we talking about? 9600. 0, so as a positive being jailed of good haven't even being charged with
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a crime. 200 minus females. it doesn't matter. now, all these numbers are coming in according to the passing and prisons club, a non governmental watch. so now the overdose agent also reveals that presence of being mistreated, something we've heard about. so when we spoke to a recently free prison, a take a look, my health, i'm the i was arrested on november 16th that a security check point. there were no security charges against me. it was just an ordinary citizen walking with my family. my daughter even fainted from the crowd, so i had to layer on the ground while carrying her. she's 12 years old. they called out to me, took me along with 2 of my brothers stripped a silver close until we were completely naked. they made us turn around a couple times before dressing this up in boxers and taking a stand for interrogation. they can kept our hands behind our backs and blindfolded us and then they took us to the.


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