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tv   Documentary  RT  July 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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it has been showing you how bill boys in key of promote the all me as part of a strategy to make recruitment more appealing. lot to me is the lens key has insisted that the national mobilization is going on according to plan. and there are and even enough training grounds for new recruits. but however, a military commander on the ground has a different opinion about naturally a problem. i know that all the people who were forced onto the boss and brought to me, well, i also have seen like one for you out of town with the see if if the for non gold wise refusals will look for some reasons to go to the hospital and leave for a long time, those square rice law, excuse me, a complex ross in terms of quality or training an overall healthy uh, now international affairs and security analysts box still bad. i said that's the spot. the 4th mobilization campaign kia is unable to compensate for its losses on the battlefield. i don't think it's just um the uh,
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camera james generals at this point. but commanders, politicians, and even the western main stream media has reported on the fact that in order to put more troops into the conflict, the cambridge team has had to resort to a campaign of violence for the mass constriction. we've press gains, newly empowered under legislation passed by the king of regimes or rod. it's parliament and signed by zalinski with new powers, enabling them to seize people as possible. but of course, the man does targeted don't want to fight increasingly. 3 ukrainians do not want to fight and die for this regime. the regime is,
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is essentially trapped in its own propaganda feedback loop. insisting that the conscription is going fine while it is on able to sustain a troop levels. it's not able to conscript people fast enough to make up for the losses on the battlefield. and while key of struggles to recruit more troops for its counter offensive, and the ukrainian army lost it by 600 soldiers in one day in an area where they rushed to south and group is located, including the den, yes for public. and that's according to the russian defense ministry. r t correspondent, more odd guys. do you have sent us this report from the key come on post on the outskirts of lots of lots scanned to russian infancy fighting vehicles and the feedback. apc packed with a soul to stream towards the enemy. we are asked to come on post directing
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the assault fools but never received by today's standards gradients move this via sold to link the bud expects to meet and also to 5 o'clock in the evening. and i sort of the status of the objective is another tree line. since the landscape doesn't allow for an assault on foot, who was decided we would use armored vehicles if they have metal in rubber cages or something an electronic warfare to protect the importance of god willing to sudden it'll go good. finally, to rephrase the lines, the pool, the village of loved ones do these vital pieces. so succeeds by far
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the most difficult pause. the video itself is getting the assault troops up close to ukrainian positions in queens lane defense here. and this area outside of, of dave is keeping russian forces away, preventing them from getting up troops. because if they get up close, say for example, fuzzy, fresh moved evasive. the rest of the soul troops against ukrainian troops who that who being there potentially for weeks when the battle is over before it begins the 10 most popular. so stick him on this issue, orders to the assault vehicles, director and guide the 1st one, reaches the end of the radius of boons desperate cheeses. of course he gets the
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same place in the field to the, to the on till the refund goes. why? the 2nd, if it's the fighting diesel approved, has no problem of the the says his record of the pain in defend this most immediately a retreat. giving up the tod free, i was also flies. yamma is job done. they need to get away the everything is the
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plot which in who is read in a few hours, read the come on the vehicle. during his pull off. the periods he was, he had all, don't know the meaning of, of the there were close cons, cluster munitions could assume more time for them right over our headline for that as we will return in writing the return, we stopped and something exploded right before us. some of this is the difficulty, but the problem is we thoughts each, you know, it was just ahead of us. again, this is paid off. so it's 5 o'clock in the evening with new when it's fixed. it was the point for to move up is because we understand that the problem is we become predictable. it's the same school, they do it to we do, it understood that we always assault at 4 or 5 in the morning or but after lunch, things wind down and munition to please somebody, and they weren't expecting us at 5 in the evening. so now we'll have to come up
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with a new time. they've got to be coming in, so it repeats the they out of the bottle of width springs and above who runs the bottle pitcher. crazy news more, i guess the 30th region after the middle east, now it's a key. it has issued a high level coal for normalization of its diplomatic ties with neighboring syria author relations. victor, a rated 15 years ago, i meant the devastating syria and civil war to key it says improving their relations could benefit the broad, the middle east and region shooting in regard to syria. dear friends, as you know, all precedence vision is a vision of pieces. this vision has actually long be necessary in the region. we expect also and evolved to play a constructive role. we also discussed just to match up with all so there may be
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and for all this, they have agreed to play a role in the process of normalizing relations with the city and visit him on the call this it is that a serious president. allah saw it has said that his government will welcome a renewal of its size with neighboring as a key. but he course and that varies a need to negotiate on the terms of the country is called the type in 2012. why is the multi cited civil war opted in the syria with west and back to the militant groups seeking to over throw all the sides government now we say this is spoken with a former tough case, diplomatic name, that's a good fit. he said, the president added on really wants to begin negotiations with serious all the side to restore the ties a negotiations good starts with the help of mediators. i mean, russia is, it is a strong this may be entered into this, we got more credible one. but here we have the wrong also, iraqis, open,
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i've got is a venue for when it gets relations will be done the other day, of course. so the import minutes, so wasn't the stumble at the end of the meeting and how come see done to text for minutes and also tend to not saying that there will be more than happy to be made to also receive supporting hands. oh, so there will be no relations with celia. they're going to many mediators to many countries, machine and brand to, to syria relationship. and we see that the willingness on the box. okay. and correct. i mean, present to them was very, very adamant in their asking for renewal of the tullocks at the highest level. so that's what countries can start negotiations. it's not easy. it might take, perhaps a year or 2, even long agreeing on the terms of reference of what this talks will be. but we have to start from somewhere. but if we wait another 2 year score preparations, i think we will be losing the one man come. so the idea that
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a sudden underground comes together to look through territory and a natural capital a must go back down to or wherever it might be. and then a me on a, please, a couple of points where focus could be changed. now off the new government to view ron is on its way to the offer, solely established, we have a chance to speak with the countries foreign ministries books passing in an exclusive interview. he does cost his nations a foreign policy of relations with russia. the west and the highlights of the new powers of the multi paula welled. are these tests get tails wide ranging tools with nasa. kanadi is next. i'll see you at the top of the, the, the missed enough economy. thanks very much for your time. oh, interesting. so of course, the head of the center of public diplomacy, but also the spokes tossing of the foreign ministry of the islamic republic of
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around me. appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule. the 1st thing i have to ask you last week be a radians elected a new president performance masoud possessed john. if you could just give us an insight into what changes if any, a weight the country onto this new leadership. and also maybe outline any time with her on foreign policy in the coming years. this in the, on the human have been the name of god, the most benefits and the most, most of them allow me 1st and foremost to also thank you for having provided me this opportunity to be able to talk to the viewers of your channel during the nation almost 50 days into the death of the late president and his companions in a place of ation. accent elected the next president. the organization of a nationwide election in the matter of 50 days, reflects the depth of democracy and commitments of public participation in the political administration of the islamic public of iran and its commitment to the
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right. so is people to self determination through popular voting. the new governments, which is due to assume office in about a months time, will constitute the 14th governments of the islamic republic of a wrong author. the victory of this nomic revolution and the general policies of a runs foreign policy, followed closely off to the general policies of the establishment. the stipulations and principles of the republic of around constitutions on the fundamental approaches are set forth by the supreme leader of the economic republic of a run. the general fundamental policies are unchanging. however, the approach is the programs on the top takes might differ from government to government. we have on site to the development of times with all countries that are also equally waiting to establish relations with the wrong, based on the principles of to respect equality on equal grounds. this means we look forward to the further roads of constructive relations and strengthening of friend the tied to it all countries in all space running the gamut from the political, from to the economy, trade, culture and even people to people,
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relations into notes that were published in the writing, the media is excellent, so you don't serve as i scan. these, allow me republicans around president elect elaborated on his views of onset, runs foreign policy, and communicate to them to the writing and people until own world countries and peoples. i have no intention on speaking on behalf of the incoming governments of the islamic republic of a run. that being said, i am convinced that the incoming governments will continue to develop its relations with other countries. premised upon the principle of creating a better world rule. constructive co operation for collective security within the same framework given priority to relations with neighboring and regional countries . undoubtedly the region will constitute a serious and effective part of the 14th government when it comes to the agenda. that what she's doing valence regional and international security. i'll bring about development for the eval. um you mentioned the dialogue on constructive cooperation
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with numerous countries. can we expect any shifts when it comes to us? iran relations, especially of course, considering that the american presidential administration might change off to the news on the elections with donald trump potentially returning to the white house. maybe this will be at the you see the responsibility for the coverage, the state of affairs in around us relations rest with the us administration. ever since the victory of the economic revolution in the stomach republic about on the united states, governments have not sped any effort to take on a hostile to an intervention. this approach towards the wrong. they did not even live up to a commitment, an international agreement resulting from moulton not for diplomacy, mainly the joint comprehensive plan of sions, and they are locally and illegally withdrew from it. i trust that around us relations will undergo shifts only when the united states of america desires to make a change and its hostile policies toward around the even if a new government is in place, if there's in front of the united states of america,
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that will have to take on a new approach, improve to the region and to a wrong that they are willing to retreat from the pos wrong behavior. and that they are committed to writing the rooms. they have festival committed. needless to say, it is no certainly the stomach republic of around that is subjected to the wrong policies of the united states. in fact, the very many regional countries that a discontent with a room hostile on intervention is policies of the united states. to was that the 45 year long history of this allow me republic of iran has very well proven that the wrong will not yield to pressure. rather, it will propulsion the respond to the correct and respectful behavior. before anything, the incumbent us administration will still the incoming us administration, is expected to prove that practical commitment to the joint comprehensive plan of action by returning to it and by implementing their commitments under the deal. you raised audio, of course, the very untimely and tragic task of present, right?
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you see, while millions of arabians took to the streets morning that to say, so we need to. we saw at the same time, west of media outlets on to officials alike actually celebrates and it was a very sharp contrast. what was your reaction to about the maybe need the gc that make president of the economic republic around was highly popular. this level of popularity inside the country was one attested by millions taken to the streets to participate in his funeral procession. but this was no to even the regional and international level. he was also a very well respected figure out in the approximately 3 years. the late president rise, he was president, we went this great progress and now relations with neighboring countries and other countries in the room for outputs of 60 countries participated in the ceremonial paying tribute to the right president and his companions, intent on at different levels. kings presidents, prime ministers speak to the apartments foreign ministers,
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as well as other various ministers. we receive hundreds of messages of sympathy and condolences from different countries. in the often mazda of his desk, among them were a number of messages from you are paying countries, expressing sympathy with the republican around his government. and people are united nations general assembly meeting, as well as other international meetings observed to minutes of silence to pay tribute to the right president and service. by chance, there are a number of official was a foreign countries, so number of which does not exceed the fingers on one hand. and certain media outlets have expressed pleasure in the policy of the president. this should prove nothing but the moral decline of the official was a media or in question. given we all of a see here in moscow, i have to ask you, if you could share your view on relations with russia, what direction all day moving on? ties going to deepen father the, the, the, you see russia around relations as we speak are also historic best. we have found
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a constructive, a mutually beneficial cooperation, both by naturally and regionally. the 2 sides have chosen to join the cooperative in order to create much better circumstances across the region. what was the name of this region is in need of constructive cooperation between iran and russia for the strengthening of bilateral relations and political economic, concise way, as we'll, without a shred of doubt, being the interest of those peoples, the 13th government, putting focus, the furtherance of relations with neighboring countries on this will without a doubt continue into the 14th government. the russian federation is a very important neighbor in the region. over the course of recent years, we have seen a friend in need of one another. in order for us to further our economic relations, we haven't thought and the number of joints strategic projects that will have to continue into the future in order to come to regional terrorism around and must have cooperated unengaging strategic partnerships in order to secure peace and stability in the region, the region continues to meet
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a runs and rushes co operation on strategic partnership. this is reflected in the statements made by the supreme leader of the slumber revolution officer, the death of the like president and the iran russian relations were robustly continue into the future. do you remember this in the media? they emphasized at the possibility of relations with neighbors. it's one of the main priorities of the government. the president elect in the notes that he published in the media, wrote the strengthening the relations with neighboring countries, will constitute a major priority of the faulty government. and the school that around russia relations will continue to concrete the into the future. therefore, i believe that in the face of new opportunities we on the rush, it will strengthen bilateral relations to show the wellbeing of the people, support the development of the region and promote peace and security. and so i'm convinced that we will still have a world of opportunities before us for strengthening our relations for the benefit of securing the mutual interests of iran and russia to bring about regional
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development and to ensure the consolidation of peace, stability, and security across the region. in fact, the 1st 10 of phone conversation is excellence dr. possessed young. the presidents elect receive from a formal thorazine, was that telephone conversation with his excellency mister vladimir putin. the owner will president of the russian federation. this alone is attending signal that the constructive and friendly relations between iran and russia will continue into the future on the issues of mutually beneficial events as in russian rating and cooperation. a financial agreement was recently signed and shortly afterwards, tyrone proposed into connecting the national payment systems of bricks, countries, could you just total costs through how you think this could affect both economic and political ties within the blog. but of course, globally, what kind of impact could that have to be need the told me home with us. so if you
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see, distressing as it is over the course of long years and even goal. so in recent years, the united states, as instrumental as the daughter in order to exert a g laughter with gemini on nations of the world. this totalitarianism, unimed payment is an exercise for the united states. and the pressure that they applied on silver and independent states using the us dollar as an instrument to leave was pressure on them. in fact, led to the solver and independent states of the world to turn to the local national covered seas and use that men cross board of trade within the framework of the existing co operation on further run. so they couldn't make trade on financial transaction, co operation around, and russia rates a good new agreement stipulation so use of national currencies for trade. the economic republic of iran has propose that it same mechanism be remote over to the level of the brick streets of nation for trade, financial banking relations. and transactions to bricks has a very potent potential to be able to advance multilateralism versus the oppressive unilateralism of the west. i make sure that multilateralism will prevail and also
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need in the region. but it will say throughout the world to choose be told. well, countries are fed up with a unilateral policies of the west. that is why i would joint stride towards multilateralism and the creation of it environments for the development of well, countries has been extensively in why the welcome to buying well countries around in russia are both members of the brakes. and this to provide an opportunity for further and so by left through on multi lateral cooperation this year, the russian federation is the president of the brakes. and they have organized and implemented a large number of 250 pulse programs within the framework of the brakes. this is commendable and con, consolidate the constructive multilateral cooperation between the brakes members, just expanding or not abuse of the us dollar in the name of washington's 2 political goals. russia and iran, or 2 of the most heavily sanctioned nations in the world. and yet they both
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continue to grow economically and innovative technology military too. of course, what does that say about the west attempts to isolate the to mean the p. c. imposing a price? if you look through a functions is full most of place in violation of the you and charles and international rule. more than the government's unilateral sanctions effect people. and this is a violation of breach of human rights. the people have around in the last 45 years, how cents to the boat, and the effect of the united states you last through an oppressive sanctions. these functions have even effected the importation of procurement of medicines used for the treatment of how to cure illnesses and hands. there was no doubt that they have severely and harshly violated human rights. how did the international community react to the sanctions? they turn to a multi last word as examples of which all breaks and the shanghai co operation
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organization. well, countries decided to move away from unit actual oppressive functions. instead promote multilateralism. seems to be told, well, countries hate us pressure and functions more than ever before. i am of the conviction that it is true that the unit actual sanctions imposed by the united states have relievers pressure on the site to the states and created all deals of the people. they are, in fact sparing and encouraging world states to move towards national self sufficiency, national development, promoting multiculturalism, and fostering regional, a multicultural corporation. at the end of the day, it will be the us government that will be at a loss. we are of the conviction that there is no longer any place for unilateralism and there is no going back plus county. thank you very much again. once again, feel time and i hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in. i think i should say to thank you for this interview and for the opportunity that you have provided
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the the hello and welcome to the cost of full force. here we discuss the wheel in the cars. they already see here because they kept the store for ideas and then use familiar email futures. great if and then to the rules, the non c theory of racial superiority. if any style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war labor comes
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10 prisons, a well, you know, think she's going to be a new venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest is really to get over the fields. i'm assuming people's going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupant to go and finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff, dudley level. it's a shift you to do and i give you my id. i'm not sure it's just the size of the stuff. so the youngest, i'm in here what simon disease forced labor to which it by the word is formulas. what was the last it also need? you know, what's the tape it to you that the city variables you're off with, those who put in these 9 push these things up to give you what feeling do to create the thousands of customers of crimes and the impunity of criminals. when you look on here, you know, wanted to do to speeds 90 and i did actually of yeah for the good i see it or released upon me. they decided to do that. so you can just you because you put it
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as being yet that was put in the word along the to hi, i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the
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the what is part of is it that the employee would post good. isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word part? is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop. without cases let's go part of or the to get will have chevy image shows the patient unix. but then you put the just the
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couple of those. appreciate what are you doing your task, but then you would just give them a one shot. the beloved slowing, so got you. so that's where you know you have them step this just a little bit slow. so i'm not controlling the sensor only is a visual i'm losing in, but i do have to make sure that all of the middle is really so frustrated with as much. it's gonna get to play the show you a different level may assist you more. and when you do it, i'm good insurance and which the technology you can pull it up with a lot of sponsor, it's just me just go out. i don't know if it was a go or you've been of course to just go in and put in the see a good thing is done with this or fix it on this was was if the control so sort of the, the,
2:00 pm
the trump low comes the dismissal of a case against him by a florida, quote, quote, for an end to the quote which count against him as a professed to address the republican national convention. the blame game is in full swing following this fascination, attend and many say that the main stream media of fuel, the hatred to the narrative that is put out there without trouble by the liberals that oppose in peace is cited us so on, pleasant using how to use this website, how many ends of rwandan had to the poles to re elect a new president's choosing between incumbent lead a full could government and know, and that's, that's to africa. and they all petition.


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