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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  July 15, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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deductible, it's the same school, they do it, we do it. they understood that we always assault at 4 or 5 in the morning. but after lunch, things wind down and munition to please. they weren't expecting us at 5 in the evening. now we'll have to come up with a new time. they've got to be coming. and so it repeats the, they out, the bottle of widths, springs and above who, and your runs. a bottle. did you praise? is using more, i guess, the 30th region now to the united states, before we go news i was reaching us. donald trump has just been down his running mate, j. d funds as the vice presidential candidate bonds has also received the republic on parties nomination. here are some of mr. advances, possessions about the creating conflict that he has expressed doubts that ukraine could defeat russia,
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and that's spoken out against providing for the us military 8 to key. if he has said that ukraine would have to make territorial concessions, the russia to restore peace. also, he had suggested that the us focus on competition with china saying that the chinese ministry could surpass that to the us within 2 decades. was that they bring new updates as be on fold that you can get for the details of all the stories were following on our tea does come. i see you again. that's up. i'll be out by them. the and welcome to most of full board is here. we discuss them. we'll you know, energy is a fundamental indicator of highway our economy is doing probably when this does
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vision of india is waiting for it in a very ambitious roofing. i think the more the government things back up today, we've all become victims of fire stick. politics brings a logic kind of us. that's all russian federation. cooperation is an exceptionally important. you said you're buying a so much. i said, when i bought it from whoever sends me at the most competitive price. why does it bother the? i don't think it does the to hello and welcome my name is unable to make them do my show better for the next half an hour. we will discuss all the things in the motto to be the very special guest is a season diplomat and a prominent politician who served as india as permanent, the representative to united nations and had 4 administrative positions today. subbing of india minnes dropped petroleum and natural gas become part of the police
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. are the party was born in delhi in 1952. he got his master's in history from delhi university in joint and used for in service in 1974. during his remarkable diplomatic career, she has served his joint secretary to the government of india in the ministry of external affairs and ambassador to brazil. pardeep corey also served as india's permanent representative to the you and in geneva. and in new york, he joined the bgp in 2013 and was 1st appointed minister of housing and urban affairs in just 4 years time. from 2019 to 2021. he held 3 ministerial positions at the same time. he is currently serving, administered petroleum and natural gas. thank you. it's an honor to speak to a i 1st i met to new york and now we had, here's chatting about life. you come from a diploma family depot disability, not to a joyce that to me to get into this. i don't think i ever exercise
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a choice as a 12 in terms of career. and i wanted to be a diplomatic because my father was in the ministry of extending the 1st. so that's a life i was born in to me. as a 4 year old child. i accompanied my father when he went on his 1st boasting to born in germany me. when i was 16 years old and joined the university. i was it's both those students politics. i flirted with both the left and the item as we understand the normal language, and yes, i was elected student leader in 1971. so after i finished my diploma, it could be a of 39 years. it's not that i exercise a choice. it was almost a natural word lift been to the next phase of my life,
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which was the visa p. i had made my intentions very clear. there was in fact an instance in 2008 when i just come back from brazil. but i was invited to and i was secretary and daily, and i wanted to consider joining politics even then. i remember i went to the then leadership of the 5 d and expressed an interest in uh, contesting the 2009 elections from bailey, the party, for whatever reason. very difficult to say with the benefit of hens. hindsight, they decided not to give me a ticket. that was a good thing. then i went on to new york where i became permanent representative. and i had the privilege of presiding over the security council because then there was elected to the council of in 2011 and 12. and i remember when you and women was
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established, my very distinguished host was one of the 1st he fought. she's yeah, who was appointed time of the point of the brand and most of the bags are there also. so it was a very fulfilling nearly 5 years in new york. but when i came back in 2013, uh, what i had wanted to do, i almost fell into a slot again in 2014. i wanted a little extra, a ticket to fight the looks of my election. a lot of pocket did not find it where they didn't didn't give me a ticket, but i didn't also know before that i just expressed that comes up. but then before i knew what was happening, i was pointed to the council of ministers in 2017. and it's been nearly 70 s plus the main difference between being a deployment and a politician. bigger parameters, the more the and as a cabinet, as unbelievable. lee, brilliant diplomats done into ministers. and it speaks about his acumen also to choose such a loan as people. but what is the difference between that i,
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i don't know and i perhaps have not been able to find the answer. i, i get nice about this. ready usually get nice carefully, you know, just into the, i agonize about it, what mix a bus and able to navigate a diploma. i to use just the kind of thought i ition. but i think a lot of civil servant audio and an academic audio. or if i made respectfully submit a highly successful person in the world of and the clear if there was a cinema this on the street the which is a fundamental requirement which has to be able to get on with people. but your point of view across set the narrative, reach out to your audience. that's part of the problem is what that's also part of what it takes. i mean, i was reminded when i was very young as a 77, and we last of the senior civil 7. and he said, you know,
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that my knew how to navigate when he sideboards, politicians. he couldn't use his skills as a civil servant done as a diplomat to talk to them. and yet when he was with the dye had bureaucrats, he could also use his skills as a politician to navigate to. so i think these are interchangeable. these are the other facets of the same personality as to some people and never make the tons of the time seeing, you know, somebody. but i think if you've been in any profession for 39 years, i was shortly. there must have been something you've got to learn by way of knowing how to relate to people knowing how that and the wonderful politics brings a logic kind of us. that's all i mean is a diploma to other credited from one country to another. or if you want them to you and you are dealing with the member states, but political gotten was much larger. so i think it also provides good training now . but i'm going to some movies in the i can become energy independent by 2047. how
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do we get there? i think the problem is does vision of india. it is an easy exhibiting board and a very ambitious grouping because he also wants india to we are developed country by 2047. so what do you, what you're talking about is india with an economy of $25000000.00 as against or fortunately into our, fortunately and all that. now, no energy is a fundamental indicator of how well you are going to be doing a nobody. if you ask anyone a question on any countries, consumption goes on, energy rising, either declining, either stable. if you give you a fairly good idea of how the economies in india today are in this is show rapid consumption, please. i don't want to stop early with the facts, but we are today consuming 5000000 barrels of crude oil in a day,
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which is going into other science, 5000000 bottles in a day. this was a good thing about a few days ago, yesterday or day before i had to appear on actual like this. and i did my homework and the figured has come up to 5330000. that is, you know, it's, it's a mass of what we're going to in the next few years to look at them in the, in google consumption of $6000000.00 barrels per day, plus us in the next to tickets next 20 s 25 percent of the increase in global demand is going to come from india. so your question is a very specific pointed question, and i apologize, we're giving you a long way and it on so it will come from several things. one, a massive increase in explanation and production. what happened is, for. busy long period, we just taught that if crude oil is available at reasonable rates all over the
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world, why do you want to know explanation and production? even when i joined this one is 33 years ago. a lot of people in well place that the why do want to import? oh, i do want to spend money on prospecting, but no, i think the more the government thinks that up and we have released out of the $3500000.00 square kilometres of supplementary basing would be at $1000000.00 square. com. it does, which was noble area, has been released for prospecting. we've taken all the data and put it on a repository in the university of texas. all the major oil companies in the world are now coming, wanting to invest here in the earlier george was, you know, a new government invest and if you find the oil and then we have so to solve and right. this is us. so the investor would say, why should i come in reason? now we are willing to incentivize the invest upcoming and we are willing to even go
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finance the the, the, the, you know, the operation to look for it. we're going into biofuels and a very big list of all the assumed responsibility to, to biofuel blending in our energy mix was 1.4 percent or that about today we are doing 15 percent last month. really 50 percent. we're to thought of april 20 percent by 2030. we're going to do it by 2025. we're going to go to green hydrogen in a big way. but having said all this, it's my understanding that at least for 20 years from now, you will also be dependent on fossil fuels, which is, i mean, they got got into if you're doing 5 and 5000005 point $33000000.00 bottles, and then it will go up to even save and all that about is it going to be all done domestically? domestic production will go up. the rest will be bought it and they are limited, but the self sufficiency is that you will not be dependent on external sources.
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now one good thing that has happened is that because you're allowed to buy, it also gives you some leverage in terms of how much you buy at what price you buy, et cetera. i think the 2047 and the do self sufficiency coming from solar . a big with green hydrogen, like i think green hydrogen is the fuel of the future. now what do you need for? what do you need to get green hydrogen? you need to be able to use clean energy at a reasonable price that is sold up. we've already demonstrated that from $0.25 a unit, we brought the price of solar down to $0.03 a unit. then you need an electrolytes that we put that on the p a light scheme. so today i would say that all out estimates of re nitrogen for the next 5 years, success rate to put the under the estimates i see green hydrogen exploding. i see biofuels with
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a 20 percent target. i see that going to put the part to percent 40 percent in mall . so your energy will be interesting. you will be able to solve the exit good for a problem of 12 and with a 10 percent blending. we give off almost 41400 cross because he saved that money due to impulse. now when you do 20 percent blending, depending on the global price, it will give you a promise more. today the biofuels at the low feed is coming from sugar. okay. and it's coming from is it's coming from broken for green, it's coming from agricultural waste. so be self sufficient energy in yeah, part of that, the prime minister. and besides this, it's a large gun was including all this. what is it that you think is right now happening in bottom? that is making audits or why, but i think what is happening in part of this is something which is a combination. if i'm it's submit of 3 factors. we have gone from being apologetic
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about our development. the space we will under develop. bieber wondered, looked at devices for and there's something remarkable that this happened is that the boss, the honorable prime ministers ensued in us a pride in our historical and civilizational boxed as a thing to say. and i think he believes that it's only countries which have free 10 bride in them says japan being a case and find out have the ability to grow. and i was severely and strongly believing that because, you know, if you are going to buy into the wisdom that at the one that's an additive, i was brought up on a new budget. and i, when i went to school, when i went anywhere, you know, they were locating the, as is as a country, which is, you know, maybe to be with the different art despise and the other long way to go. maybe we had people who were displaying in just as a snake country upside smith,
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i'm as in elephant and absolutely buyers or people buy them up in the high position . absolutely. so then came along, mr. adobe, how do you watch? why do you mind that? i'm a great respect, i had the privilege of knowing it for a long time and we couldn't get it out the nuclear tests, which gave you a sudden edge in terms of on to have a new, clear detectives before they just like me. mostly it has been, but then the last 10 years have been remarkable in terms of the kind of economic product, the forces which have been unleashed is a government can only provide a small catalyst. they can provide some ideas. i don't, no matter which way you would add, what used to happen is there is to say that that i 7, i'm in the as out there that is the a fluent india, which is um, you know, very way to do. and then that is a very poor and i, it would be more deep than yours have succeeded in doing. and this realization is we have not been able to get that negative across is that he has said that good
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governance is also good politics. so side of all that to until guy, and he's taken to develop the fruits of development or the benefits of development to the buddhist to the farthest by which was by the way, the agenda of the sustainable development goes 2030, which came into being, i think the 2016, but more than you'd already started in 2014. which means what ford could order for the 13 of us who is not. and i was saying version another 3 cro. if paper didn't have cooking guys, he would give them cylinder. would you like 10 grow or 28 black cylinders given under that? would you want a scheme? the metro system. know india is a country on the moon to day on metro system is guiding one drawer people, passengers per day. but today are urban population is just over 30 percent. and we had 1400000 people, so 30 percent. by the time we do 50 percent of and population that will be
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800000000 people living in india. so you would need an open transport system. so the metro system in the next few years wouldn't be the 2nd largest in the world a little bit. take to south korea, japan and the united states, which is that $1560.00 of them. and the point i'm making is it's not one thing you bring an ecosystem. and today look at this digital evolution, financial inclusion, and we can list, go us all segments of society. i mean, look at the legal depend to me in and of itself. we have one country in the world which declared the loved them quickly. also, because if it's a choice between life and livelihood, your con, the end of it will save lively, will do congress life. and then we came out of it all to quickly, but it was like, all indigent is to be manufactured vaccines. not only provided what something like 220 or the vaccine, those as do people in india motor most feet. but you also supply to 100 other
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countries. so today you're not only doing this, but what you're doing yet. i know, but g is a replica both on a larger scale in the global south, in south africa and latin america, even in parts of central ashad said to us and central europe also. so india has come up, you look at the automobile and do the. but more than that, i would say you come to the cutting edge technologies when it comes to green nitrogen, we don't need it because so in all these areas, these other 3 things, civilizational boss, they think development now and then embracing technology, digital, and all that with a religious, well, i'm facing. do you feel that in the see the list and the word from a huge economic model known in 2022? absolutely. how you see when the military operations took place. so if you're talking about 5 of the 22, let's look at the hard facts and the hot facts that these i shouldn't regulation
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for news, 13000000 bottles off accrued light in a day. if you what i'm gonna say, hoping hypothetically, if you were to pick the position that a little bit annoying boards or purchases from the shop, then it's done. so he's been thought of putting wheeling bottles which was being produced and consumed. whatever we purchased from somewhere else, where was it would have been purchased from, from the other supplies. so just imagine if the doors were supplying the global total was about a $120000000.00 bottles of it would take $13000000.00 barrels off. it is the other matter. they will be at more pressure on that, which means the price went up short up to $25300.00. so one popular misconception was that the, you know, people have said that you cannot buy a oil from russia. so i was one of those upfront, but i say that with great a price, i question doesn't wait a minute, wait a minute. what are we discussing? the oil, which comes to a pipeline from the russian federation to hungry is exempt from any such. talk. the
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oil, which goes in a pipeline from the russian federation to china, is exempt sales from the cycling to japan and the parties that exam. so why this intended again then slowly everybody said no, no, it's not that it's that said, usually by then they impose the price gap. i have been saying to a lot of my friends all over the world, i don't want to name any country. you said go buying a so much. i said i bought it from whoever sends me at the most competitive price because my or marketing companies. so they provide 19 percent of the country store revenue. so they will be short and, and they will say, we want to disagree or divide. anyone wants to compete can complete them, but then the in february, the 22, our purchase is of a good argument. russia literally 0.2 percent only 0.2 percent from today. last month it was well worth $35.00, nearly 40 percent. so why does it bother the i don't think it does the rest. it
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doesn't bother on the bank for the $1000000.00 in the us. how come nobody mentions that please the political limited move or is that is i it's, i really need best more. i have been saying, if you have a large farm and let them know medic, a large oil farm and who have suddenly find all that we know. and if you can provide a cheap, we will so know these things will go up and down. power the imports were largely from. so the it'd be, uh, the image go with it out. what i think that keeps coming up and down, i don't think is really bothering anyone what they have their problem solved. i. they would say that i want us to buy an oil at the competitive rates, but that's an entirely different discussion. and i know the construction is under before the new reactors in contact with them. how important is this cooperation that i show any reading i can tell you, we've been to a very fascinating phase in our approach to energy doing them. one more
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thing is we had the, you know, this design because new euclid energy ideally shouldn't be a science source of providing a very significant portion of your requirements. we signed an india specific safeguards agreement, we did all these things, etc. but then it's always never took off and then or not, but idea of the russian federation cooperation is an exceptionally important of cooperation with the side soviet union. in many fields. i'm in defense, the, you know, energy now the nuclear etc is extremely important. then we critically evaluate. so what are the key objectives, what it's engagement in the articulation, in terms of energy, energy, as defined in the broadest possible outcomes, broad as possible. and i mean, new look forward, whatever energy you can get, we can all but today, you know, the new and new mexico going to be looking at rather some of those, all that. so like any country, but you know, this is
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a game in which some country is going off the mark earlier, but i certainly believe that there's enough around everywhere. and we've actually dietitian production and supply lines with industrialized and countries which have large markets. whoever has the, the saw so, and also need to say no buttons and even be able to stop by and say, what? 5 or 6000000 barrels a day. you don't how much while it would be, and we wouldn't be the organ advised me. i mean, you are all lodge biased or the china and india any of others. but, you know, with the advent of electric vehicles coming in would be able to take advantage of either the hybrids biofuels coming in, green hydrogen, etc. the one that's changing. but i still think for the fuel foreseeable future, this kind of energy mix is something we wouldn't need to be anchored in photo wise . how does, how do they put a, relax, a very good question. the question may have some really of oh, why doesn't have the ability to relax? so i mean i've, i've, no, i, i'd be late,
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i go to the next person when i relaxed otherwise, but the know by relaxed i think you had a very positive construct under like some is the switch off switch off today we've all become victims of the technology before you sleep with prototype in one at night, you're looking at the messages when you get up in the morning. first thing is you're looking at amazon. so i think taking a time off, well that's not going to happen this now because you have a boss was completely dedicated to work and i don't think he is bigger than a 100. and did you want, does it task master done that's up to you. i mean, he has a lot of lot lot, a lot of people working for him. i don't think everyone shows what drives to respond to that lucas or letting me i don't think i've heard him take a holiday and see what else do you want us to read or how does it out and i received him in the and in geneva when i was loan and representative, but the point is that, um, i think its gwen has progressive with the last few months has been particularly
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hectic because it's a lot of 85 b election campaign. actually we were working in that election more. the one for 6 months earlier. so i think that does it, but i hope to slow down. i think what needs to before. i don't to use, you know, i but i, i think it is, it's always a noble intent. so do you read your watch affairs and or do you listen to poetry or do you listen to music? i listen to music throughout the day. okay. i mean by that i'm in the car or even during meetings i have music playing and all the i'll go to terms that have on that, that's playing all the time. when it actually was here, i would invariably watch netflix also what a lot of movie and, and uh for both of us and both of us reads quite a bit. thank you. of the 1980 and it gives you mike and thank you for watching you join me next week. as we uncolored a new list and yet another debate and let's stuff out of i'm one of them kid, goodbye.
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the only 41 percent of us adults have a non savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical. then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . the simplest way to like explain the basic income is that is like social security . for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached. use i have i like the main i don't know. i just wanna go crazy. the reason that i am
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a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve, and that's just by virtue of your being here. of the, in 1881 began to expand its property in north africa, france decided to attack and easy. the invasion began with a bomb bartman of the french fleet on coastal cities and was followed by standing in the ground through the french easily occupied one of the key city. please eric and the bay of doing this bomb at the 3rd us deep agreed to humiliating negotiations. the bartow trade, he concluded with a colonialist, establishing a project to rid of france, overton easier. however, the people up to an easy,
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i would not surrender to the enemy. at the call of the as alignment clergy, the do easy is rose to a holy war against the invaders. the soldiers of the bays army also joined the resistance. the french troops did not get an easy walk. vieira patriots bought desperately, but failed to defeat a huge and well armed army, which was supported by the strongest sleep. within a year, the rebels where defeated. this turned out to be a real tragedy for the country. about one 7th of the population together with the fighters left for neighboring libya. thousands of people died during the warfare. the french flag was raised over to an easy. the colonial authorities tried to deprive the country of its air of identity and populated with european settling. such an easy instead now brought up with the loss of freedom era. patriots had been fighting against french colonialism for decades until to an easier game. the
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independence in 1956 the, the donald sons' names his big poor vice president in the upcoming election sen janie yvonne and outspoken critic of us support for the crate. i think it was more focused on this border and ukraine. i don't get to be honest with you, i don't really care what happens to print one way or another. and from what comes a dismissal of a case against him by a florida the court in the quote for an add to the quote which hans against him as it for pass to address the republican national convention and millions of lawanda and head to the polls to elect a new president choosing between the company, lead a polk, a guy made known as mister africa and the opposition which says of the country and needs a new.


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