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tv   News  RT  July 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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thing against french colonialism for decades until to an easy, a game to independence. in 1956, the donald trump named his big poor vice president in the upcoming election senator j need funds and outspoken critic of us support for the crate. i think it was a bit more focused on this border in ukraine. i don't going to be honest with you. i don't really care what happens to print one way or another. and from what comes a dismissal of a case against him by a florida quote in the quote for an add to the quote which hans against him as it for pass to address the republican national convention and millions of lawanda and had to the polls to elect a new president choosing between the company need a polk, a gun, made known as mister africa, and the opposition which sides of the country and needs
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a new phase in power. the most difficult part, the video itself is getting the sole troops up close to ukrainian position. as russian troops heads vans along the front and the next republic call corresponded reports from one of the come on post and looks in to the technical side of the assault operation. the but this is our, the international routine use live from a new center in moscow. i am michael pushed you up with the update. now donald trump has to be know officially nominated as the republican party candidate for president. and he has named his potential vice president, us senator j. d von so vocal opponent of us ministry support for kia,
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after lengthy deliberation and thoughts, and considering the tremendous talents of many others. i have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of vice president of the united states as senator j. d. vance of the great state of ohio. as vice president, j. d will continue to fight for our constitution, stand with our troops, and we'll do everything he can to help me make america great again. all right, where do i buy or to correspond on donald court? a here right in the studio, donald is good to have you drive me now. can you tell us more about that? don't have tons of paper vice president. well j. d vance is now officially trump pick for vice president, and he's taking a firm anti war stance when it comes to ukraine, calling any sort of possibility for a strategic breakthrough by key of to be basically an impossibility. so he's against sending more american pet tax payer dollars into this. i me grinder this
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hopeless me grinder, that is the ukraine conflict. and he says that congress should really be using that money to secure the border instead. but to describe these positions for a really long time, and he's made them more than the public across the media as well. let's take a listen. you them labor. does it get you thinking? was that more focused on this order in ukraine? i don't going to be honest with you, i don't really care what happens to print one way or another on top of that advanced as see thing said ukraine should have a neutral status. the supports this idea and he also says that the territory that it has right now should stay pretty much exactly where it is, because there's no way that keeps going to leave some sort of successful piece negotiation without making any sort of a territorial concessions on the other hand though, it does seem like vance has his own sort of aspirations when it comes to china. a said that the us should be challenging beijing uh to challenge it's growing military power of that. that's a, according to him going to out stretched out in the united states over the next 20
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years. and he also says that the usa to israel should continue in should not be withdrawn. so he's an adult in some areas, a hawk and others. but really, we're only going to be able to see where he actually stands when he gets some power in his hands. and we'll be able to see what actually he can do with that. all right, we set the liberal waiting to see how this could lead to a turn around at the end of the day. dollar porter correspond bringing us up to speed. thank you. right. and also spotlight has remain fixed on donald trump for the past 48 hours. intriguing developments continue to unfold a florida. cortez dismissed the case against the drum for illegal possession of classified documents. and i am thrilled that a judge had the courage and wisdom to do this. this has big, big implications, not just for this case, but for other cases, the special council worked with everybody to try to take me down. this is a big, big deal. it only makes the convention more positive. this will be an amazing week
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. well, donald trump has had the charges against him in federal courts in florida dropped. uh, this was the criminal case that revolved around the miss handling allegedly of classified documents that donald trump took with them from when he was president. the allegation is, the donald trump took those documents to his mar largo estate, and he improperly handled them, not protecting national security. now that led to a raid on mar largo an indictment of donald trump in federal court. but now those charges are dropped. the judge has thrown the case out, alleging, and, and he's ruling that the appointment of special prosecutor jack smith in the case was improper. now donald trump agreed with this ruling, and he saw this as a step forward, arguing that it fits in with a number of different legal cases, leveled against them for political reasons,
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rather than just enforcement of the law. here's what donald trump had to say. as we move forward and uniting our nation after the higher risk of fence on saturday, this dismissal of the lawless indictment in florida should be just the 1st step. followed quickly by the dismissal of all the which hans. the january 6 hopes in washington dc. the men having da signed the case, the new york ag scam said claims about a woman i never met. and the georgia perfect phone call charges. or now that was donald trump, referencing a number of the criminal cases against him as well as his supporters, including the january 6th events. the number of donald trump supporters remain in prison because they participated in the protests on january 6th. arguing that the election of 2020 was unfair, it was a stolen election number of donald trump. supporters remain in prison with very long sentences from that protest. and it remains in question whether donald trump
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intends to pardon the january 6 defendants. when he takes office, if he is victorious in the upcoming election, but it's important to note that in milwaukee right now, the republican national convention has begun. donald trump is that set to is take the stage and accept the nomination of his party as the official republican party candidate in the 2024 presidential election. the conventional and with donald trump formerly accepting the nomination that is set to take place and it will be an important speech on the part of donald trump when he accepts that nomination on behalf of his party, we are heading toward the 2024 presidential election donald trump and his supporters are looking on the fact that he nearly survived that assassination attempt. and now he's had the criminal charges against him dropped as a sign that donald trump is having a bit of a winning streak. and they think that donald trump has victory ahead of him when it comes to the 2024 presidential bouts. now legal on media analysts law and l says
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that with tensions between republicans and democrats already. hi. this court ruling could only deepen the divide. the word right now is law fair, not warfare, but law fair. where do you weaponized the legal system to go after your political opponents? right now you, you have the justice department being basically told you had no jurisdiction to do this. let me make this even more complicated. when a hunter bite in the president's son was prosecuted by in essence, special prosecutors and assigning the prosecutors. his defense team tried the same argument and that judge said, no, i'm not going to follow that. i'm not going to dismiss the case. so interestingly enough, 100, by my use, even though this for the case is not mandatory, might use the same reasoning to have his case dismissed. so how did president biden
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say this is a spacious reasoning is called less, it benefits my son. so do you see this? it's, whoever's ox is gord, that determines your legal one. now was this the, this is the funniest thing, wherever we're saying, where people are suggesting, you know, we, we have to reach out olive branch. we have to, like, rodney king says, can't we just get along? nobody's going to get along. are you kidding me? there to be. these are i'm trying to not, we sound far the same, but i'll just say it's, these democrats have no sense of humor at our level of vindictive once you've ever met in your life. requires as tensions run high among chums supporters and these detractors. so i'm not blaming the main stream media of we're staring up the hostilities. here is just one of the latest examples of the trump bashing narrative, the new york times the morning after the shooting run with the stories headlines,
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who failed the test of leadership and be traded america vote does most reject him in november. well, you don't mock cold out the papers saying those who well, there are colors and despicable human beings reform you k is nigel for all echo the sentiments saying that the media do more noises. drum. so here are some of the early and the examples of how the media has compet drum. clearly the publications have not side away from comparing him directly to a hitler as an evil ultimate evil following give expectations on line citing hate and ultimately leading up to the destination. some media are trying to save face, suggesting not to confuse rhetoric with action. and the following scotty. news present a basically god's hold on his own narrative. and he'd add it by tom's for my deputy presidential aid. but there's still quite a gap between rhetoric and action. i appreciate your question. now you're saying
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these are facts, but in reality you'll stating an opinion that seems to connect one thing to another we, and by the way, we done this, the best thing we don't know. we did not know the motivation of the person responsible is is mind pounds irrelevant to the grace of the 3rd, right. is does the copy tile in the communist manifesto? all those just totally equal tools, or do they lead to the death of a 100000000 people in the last 100 years? don't be up to whatever you all rhetoric leads to action. you deny that you weren't in a co, imbeciles. and to the wanda now where millions are casting ballots to elect the next president, 3 days of voting wraps up inside the next 24 hours with the final results to be announced later this month. i didn't come and leader of the east african nation. polk gummies contested by the same opponents. he defeated back in 2017 arthur
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correspondent, and the vehicle gave takes a closer look. the one that is the heading to the poles relates a new presence incumbents. polk, i've been considered the fact to one that since the end of the 1994 genocide was supposed selected as the pencils present in 2000 and we'll face the same rivals he did 70 years ago. the lead off the opposition democrat to create apologies. frank, happiness and so much in it is freely paid by money is running as an independent. got me is why can you create it? took the steering with the country to recreate the economy, growth in recent years. it has improve the countries infrastructure and is turn the country into regional business hub. some see him as the great living african leader has goals a sign which really corruption for the nation of products. citizens from the ashes of the 199014 assigning. but right now, critics a, the success of companies who have come at the expense of human rights in the country and up to see being in the latest line off the retail who lives in africa.
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so they say, and you need is needed. i think that the student has done the work. what do you think that uh it's 10. know for me, pressing the button to the integration and i'm the one that fails to be noted to the function. we have the police exclusions with the 12 volt that a gentleman is week to move to the next 3 who wasted in criticism. it goes back to off the opposition because i'm is extend it to the a for example, splits opinion both at home and in the waste the, all those we insist that he should have step down, which he's thinking to expired in 2017, and others to say the last single one of the leads is divisive politics and a no holds barred. grab of paula. some claims him as much to africa, articulating and implementing the country and entire continents desires. but over the years i've gotten that has, i'm apologetically put wisdom authorities in the
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a place said false p quoting outing justices a days, apricots were claiming that the waste and those little false, the continents, the difficult about sometimes this is one to talk to the tells us human service wants to move on to the put it in the findings. i want to give you those from the not auto is as you maybe see comes from florida is see the face of the risk of leaving the smoke. we call them letters. we have seen one enough or one that has long been favored by the eastern part because of washington felt guilty for looking the other way to bring the 9 to mind for genocide, latrice and things that have 2 sons. that divided administration is wanting that
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one president to stop supporting the into the city and apple group a small the u, as in previous his as even put to hold an american a to, to the one that the united states condemns. rhonda support for the am to 9 to 3 on through append calls on rhonda to immediately withdrawal on the defense force personnel from the d. i see the company is provoked, a backlash from the one does that repeatedly said that the c was financing assigned to your case a for to rebel group. the democratic forces for the liberation of, for one to see it was complicit in the 1994 genocide president of the d. s. the felix to security as compared to guide me to adult law. and i'll give that to the one them president has expansionist aids, and that he has his i sits on the middle of a wealth of the d. c. and forgotten me up. he is determined to protect one that it's people and the games made over the past 2 years. so much so that he has made it clear that she's country is really to go to what is called that he's the but if
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somebody saying that and in the scale solution what was going on, you may think this person isn't blushing or has nothing is to say of them that, but at the same time, given the only situation and experience of history, we're going to take anything for granted. we added that. we are not afraid of any c . monday's elections. we'll see what people are for one to one to change and hold for the position candidates a promising. oh, was the africa familiar? stable with an iron fist on the way from africa? ukrainian man who does the dropped me lose the housing. and that's according to a new law manual. don't renew the personal data of the recruitment offices will be find that if they don't pay the fine their apartments or houses will be taken away . the fund for dropped evasion can be issued on all limited amount of times, but even the risk of losing everything doesn't stop people. so i'm trying to evade
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the draft to escape from the country by any means possible. on monday, recreating and secure with the services detained 27 men who tried to cross the border into neighboring moldova. those men had paid several $1000.00 in attempt to escape being drafted into the army. on the same day, a dead body was found about pressing was also apparently trying to cross the river in to model the ukraine needs to do is to mobilize, man, this is a war being followed by 40 year olds. no other war in history has been taught by 40 year olds. you need to get 18 year old. so you need to get 20 year olds and you need to get 21 year olds, which is what every army and the rest of the world relies on been while the western media has been showing how billboards in key of promote the all me as part of a strategy to make the equipment more appealing. lot to me is the last key has insisted that the national mobilization is going according to plan and the are in
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people in the now training grounds for new recruits. how about and made a tree commander on the ground has a different opinion. i said, as even a lot of the military says the mobilization campaign is going according to their plans. as for training grounds, there are not even enough of them, but expansion is already underway. but not really a problem. i know that all the people who were forced onto the boss and brought to me, well, i'm going to have to make one for you out of town with these non bold wise refusals or look for some reasons to go to the hospital and leave for a long time, those who arrive on, excuse me, complete stress in terms of quality of training and overall health of the while key of struggles to recruit more troops for its counter offensive. the ukranian army lost about 600 soldiers in one day in an area why the russia solving group is located, including the next republic. and that's according to the russian defense ministry.
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are 2 corresponding moran guys. they have sent us this report from the key command post on the outskirts of lots of lots scanned to russian infancy fighting vehicles and the feedback apc packed with a soul to stream towards the end of the week. or is it come on post directing via sold fools? i never received by today's standards. ukrainian snoop. just be a sold to link the bud expecting it. most of the 5 o'clock in the evening and i sort of the status of the objective is another tree line. since the landscape doesn't allow for an assault on foot,
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who was decided we would use armored vehicles. they have metal and rubber cages and electronic warfare to protect them. god willing, it'll go good. the final to the trade in lines before the village of lots of odd square, it is vital pieces sold succeeds by far the most difficult pause. the video itself is getting the assault troops up close to ukrainian positions in queens lane defense here in this area outside of dave, is keeping russian forces away, preventing them from catching up troops. because if they get up close, say for example, fuzzy, fresh moved evasive. the rest of the sold troops against ukrainian troops who that who being there potentially for weeks where the battle is over before it begins. no excuse me.
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the retention is probably the so to come on this issue orders to the assault vehicles, direct and guide the 1st squad reaches the enemy and the gradients of grown desperate chief is of course to give, sell the same place. and then fortunately the hotel, the re file goes wide. the 2nd infancy fighting vehicle approaches no problem of the the so his record of the opinion defenders most immediately they retreat because you're not seeing todd free. i 1005. yom is job done. they need to get
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away the everything is the plan which in more is read in a few hours read the come on to the 1st vehicle during his pull off the period he was he had all, i don't know they've been enough to that. there were close calls, cluster munitions, hit us 4 times, right over our heads and as we were returning right in the return, we stopped and something exploded right before us. some of this is so it is one thing. but the problem is we thoughts each you to know it was just ahead of us. the gamble is paid off and the salt has 5 o'clock in the evening when new, when it's fixed to this, which was the point for,
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for some of us because we missed the problem is we'd become predictable. it's the same school, they do it, it's a we do it standard stood that we always a saw at 4 or 5 in the morning, but after lunch, things wind down and munition to please they weren't expecting us at 5 in the evening. now we'll have to come up with a new time. you've got to be coming into it repeats they, they out a bottle of widths, springs and above who, and you're in a bottle that you pray is losing more, i guess. do you have any of the region after the middle east now to key it has issue the high level coal for a normalization of its diplomatic ties with neighboring syria also relations. victoria aged, 15 years ago, i made the devastating syrian civil war. that's a curious as improving their relations could benefit the broader middle east and
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region shooting in regard to syria. dear friends, as you know, all precedence vision is a vision of peace. this vision has actually long be necessary in the region. we expect vasa and the volume to play a constructive role. we also discussed this matchup with also the right be embroiled us. and they have agreed to play a role in the process of normalizing relations with the syrian regina. because there's a serious president on the side has side hayes government was welcome to renew all of expires with neighboring to key. but he course on that varies a need to negotiate on the tubs. the country is called the ties in 2012 us and multi sided civil. ready erupted in syria with west and back to middleton groups seeking to over through all the sides. government that we spoke with for my tech is diplomats mann middle, which is a he said, the president added on really wants to begin negotiations with the a serious all the side to restore the ties. negotiations good starts with the help
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of mediators. i mean, russia is, it is a strong this may be entered into this, we got more credible one, but we haven't you wrong also, he works. he's offered fund got as a venue for when he gets relations done the other day, of course. so the important minutes it was, if you stumble at the end of the meeting and how come down to the text for me to sit also tank to saying that there will be more than happy to also receive supporting hand. oh, so there will be no relations with celia. they're going to many mediators to many countries washing and brack true in character syria relationship. and we see that the willingness on the box. okay. correct. i mean, present to them was very, very adamant in the asking for renewal of the talks at the highest level so that both countries can start negotiations. it's not easy. it might take, perhaps a year or 2 even long agreeing on the terms of reference of what this talks will be
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. but we have to start in chrome somewhere. but if we wait another 2 years for preparations, i think we will be losing the momentum. so the idea that a sudden underground comes together to look through territory and a natural capital a must go back down to or wherever it might be. and then a, me on a, please, a couple of points where progress could be changed and that's as they update that this time. let's see you again with most or reset top of the i see again the the
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as a, how are you guys today? you see here because they kept the scroll, so i did that and then use their email here, which is great if in to the urls the non c theory of racial superiority, finished style 4 years of coverage. and it says, all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war,
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labor comes 10 prisons. pretty well, you know, think she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the chest is the leading enrollment you're looking for. the beatles going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff dumbly level if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just, it's not due to stuff. so you have the congress that, i mean, you know what the found in disease forced labor to which you have by the word. so formulas. what was the last it also need you to do was to take it to you that it's a deep, it almost human off with those who put in his name, pushing these things up to give you what you want to do it because he doesn't to the rules, thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more when you've got here, you know, wanted to do to speak loudly and the did i tell you?
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yeah, for the good i see it are really supplements they decided to discuss with you. please don't keep it, but there is danielle, that was put in the middle of the the the, the, the one with the pool. wonderful. those little stuff. well, that's not the only thing that is on. so the ground squared amount on this, like little, you much roy, what's the dealer, what you're telling which isn't it is a, it's a nice one of the windshield and liberal stuff. you assume the function was told by you more than you're going to push the issue of the sky warming up. so i need to ensure the good, the more books than my dynamo for i need to store,
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not the use of we nearby. we have so don't know little but not based on the unless i use that i know the number of the model and move up this to move 0, you as mysterious. and when, when you go out in front of the deal is make a convicted of bell. i don't yeah. post the budget was low, but i used to. yeah, i'm just thinking and then use wise. but i mean, we'll see a good i maybe cause a quick note and i'll just communicate that. and you may think couple of motion explained. police are still the other you have such alters mojitos thing and you will lose a deal with his face. but i think he will definitely stay as a little each of the spectrum is a one year a spell is pretty big. lucy, everything is up, but then it goes through, let me just do one and then the other will be listed here and see some list of worst of movies.


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