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tv   News  RT  July 16, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the physically emotional donald trump is greeted by the applause of supporters house. he makes its 1st public appearance following the attempts on his life newly appointed as the republican presidential nominee, mr. trump of names his running mate, says senator, known for as open opposition to us involvement in the ukraine conflict. i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to a border conflict, 6000 miles away. and also
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a head on the program, india and nice has plans to accelerate trade with russia and rump orland ports this 5 pressure from the way the wherever you're watching us from today across the world. welcome to moscow and the global news roundup. on our t international donald trump house and once again stepped into the public eye to thunderous applause and cheering. after surviving an assassination attempt. busy on him just 2 days ago, the republican national of congress has now officially chosen mister kemp to be the parties. presidential candidate the the
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yeah, wisconsin, milwaukee was the scene all that trump supporters shutting fights fight fox as their candidates stepped on the stage surrounded by other politicians on family members referencing the 1st words he spoke after being shot less, cross live now to california and speak to attorney, an overseer of the stanford hoover institute, john jordan, mr. don't you're most welcome to the program. we're just being looking at images there of donald trump making his 1st public appearance after the attempt on his life showing up to the national convention with a bondage to your how. how does the attack the, the after mouth as well so soon after the attempt on his life coming out to greet his supporters? how will this have impacted on this political something of what you use the perfect,
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the word there? image rate of the image rate of donald trump being rushed off the stage with his fist up in the early american flag above him with blood coming down his cheek. it is going to be one of the most iconic pictures in american history. even democrats are admitting as much now why this is so important, especially now, although it would be important any time, is the contrast with joe by the that we saw during the debate, the collapse of credibility of the american media, which worked to cover up a jo biden's infirmities to which is being charitable, and now you're seeing strength versus weakness in a period of uncertainty for america as the world burns. i'm so this could not have come at a more powerful moment, politically. and the imagery could not have been more compelling. and this is going to re task the race, the races. now, i mean, the imagery is always dominated politics throughout the world. but now it's almost difficult to see the bye didn't ministration, which was in a whole,
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even before the debate. how they overcome this, just to pick up from that point, trump and biden's health particularly has been at the forefront as you say, of the current us political at the bait cycle, new york magazine. the latest cover, in fact, shows both leaders at being weighed side by side alluding to a medical checkup. who comes out on top in the medical comparison. and why is health right now? why is it such a big issue in the context? a well to great, fantastic question. so why is health so important? because the american public is aware that you have one presidential candidate, president trump, who, 78, who wouldn't be one of the on the 2nd oldest person around to take off as if it's in a 2nd term. and joe biden, who's the oldest person ever shipped to us, it's a zip bar, is in the oval office. so it is a top of american mines in poll after poll shows is now who would come up on top and respond to your 2nd question. well,
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i think america dot is answer. i'm excited to answer june 27th. when you saw joe biden struggling to stand there for 90 minutes or looking, lost and confused. compare that with president trump. right after getting shot, being knocked down and in the moment of demands of danger and the spur of the moment having presence of mind to stand up and wave, it says it's your honest supporters. that kind of tells of what story and a very visceral personal way that no pundit or doctor a good ever can be with or just put that in mind. joe biden was already in a whole. it wasn't a by not just people, perhaps on the fence, but his own party as well as seeking to to change him for the next election cycle. now they say, mentioned donald trump with his hand triumphantly in the air after being shot that survive. does that make jo biden's position on hand the bill on who replaces it to?
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well, you'd think right, the political discourse prior to the assassination attempt was, it was all about, will they or won't, that given right in the democrats were fine with joe biden, even though they knew, including tomlin harris and the american media, knew that he wasn't up to they knew everything american song on june 27th. the debate is just about june 27 american site for themselves. and the media couldn't cover it up, and the democrats couldn't keep up the pretense any longer. so what happened to the assassination attempt was, is that now it's, they've taken away, they can't use the threat to democracy. now the democrats have to watch their language because they've been using so much hyperbole and you know, an incendiary language and talking about trump, comparing them to hitler, murdered millions of people and all of their successes up now they really can't do that as much. and so now what you're seeing is actually this make a little news here, is that the push to get bite and out is actually going to fizzle. if not, it's going to go away. mm. because you see a lot of democrats realize on capitol hill that this may be
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a last clause. now. and a lot of democrats, you may have hopes for the future. like gavin newsom or american whittemore, the, you know, in, in, in michigan they, they know that they, they, this the ship, they don't want to go down and they want to preserve their futures as they're only in their fifties. so they're gonna want to see that bite and take one for the team here and try to save the senate in the house. and that's not just me is a republican operatives locking. that's what you hear. democrats are talk you back in the media. very interesting. nelson, can i put a another point you though, just knowing perhaps donald trump, as we do after all these years, with the confidence gained no from what was happening, not just to, to bite him, but no, with the assassination attempt on, on surviving it. on seeing his numbers, most probably go through the roof. will that perhaps do the officer could not move him over confidence not go to those buffalo drawn states, perhaps thinking he's already wanted. there's people within his own party. there's all fads in american media saying it's a, it's
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a daunting deal cuz this affects his race. you know, it was weird as you point out. we'll have to see in the coming days exactly how much of a polling bump for a president truck gets. it will be either a little bit or a lot. the race hasn't moved. it's been a favoring drop. it's been fairly solid. but if it goes up a couple of points you looking at electro landslide now with regard to complacency, that's not who trump is, dropped to somebody who i actually know a little bit. and it does talk to from time to time. and you know, you've given them the belief on the republican side, how the democrats will do anything to win, whether it's lothair or changing boating laws, republicans or gun shy about them, especially the trumps and the trump campaign. so they will run through the tape on this because they fear last minute, that democrat, dirty tricks. but also the fact that he was shot to ask could delta effect his confidence to because he is brash, we know that,
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but it's something that that has never happened to with the site. we just don't know how he's going to react to a really, you know, i, i've a sense of the guy personally, i think that this will change him in the extent that this will make him up. he realize that the, this. busy but in time he needs to up, it went over to lock down the election. he needs to kind of give a lot of voters that don't like bite and give them a permit. psychological term is a permission structure to vote for you to vote for him. and so you can actually see him kind of dial down a little bit of the rhetoric and you're gonna so that's why he said today that he's going to rewrite this speech. now there, it's all about getting people are on the fence of permission structure to vote. for him that might have some sympathy, but his don't hesitate. so you're going to see and we saw this tonight, the 1st night of the convention and the all inclusive uh, type type of closing out of the campaign, trying to invite people in. and because the trump doesn't have to demonstrate toughness anymore, after withstanding all the didn't court room and being shot at. so you're going to
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see a pivot here and is most likely going to be pretty effective. don't you see many election races you've seen? i suppose the, the, the fury that some people have at, on both sides of the divide. when somebody as defies of figures, bellowed from at, gets into, into power or running. essentially he was not killed. but if he had of being that, that night on the way that the, the country is so divided right now i politically cut it up, push some sections of, of the nation over the edge. like are we seeing right? no country more divided than any time you've seen it as well. you know, is always tempting an election years to say that. but if you look at the last, you know, going back to elections, you know, since, you know, the eighty's american election has always been decided within 34 or 5 points. and
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if you look at headlines, going back to reagan in the eighty's, the democrats were accusing, i'm about to start nuclear war. there's always a lot of hyper belief and accusations and acrimony, political campaigning in american politics. and that is just the, the nature of it. if trump had been killed you, i think they would have been a civil war. no, there would have been a lot of upset and dislocation. but this, but american politics has always been a consensus of air. going back to a reg is at reagan, you look at the bush, the really important business. if you look at the, you know, coal bid for example, i mean there's always some side of the other accusing the other being an existential threat. and always sharpens closer to electricity election. and just last question. so 4 months side or so is donald trump, the overwhelming fear, but if he does not win in november, would it be an opposite shop to? yeah, i think it'd be natalie. he doesn't want to november, it wouldn't not only just be a shock to me, it'd be as low shock do a lot of democrat pundits. you're out now coming out of a meeting right now. um,
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well for example, you have one guy who's quoted and the little girl in the new york times and we are beyond asked we meaning the democrats right now. so it's kind of getting the expectation that trump is going to when you're seeing wall street rally on this because you're starting to see the country was what the election looks like. so the probabilities are the trump wins. outstanding questions i mean are in the winds, is by how much and how many senators and congressmen doesn't grab drive over the finish line. because every has a strong majority in the house of represent. ready is able to drag across and have a net gain of between 3 and maybe even 6 seats in the senate. that's a, that's decisive. and that's a mandate brand to up to implement his agenda. we didn't even get into to the funds, but i'm sure you will at some stage in the future. very interesting development and very interesting and all it says from former us naval intelligence officer and the column is john at jordan many thanks, mr. jordan. my pleasure. while i had all of the and just as mentioned, it's donald trump confirmed ohio state senator j. d fence says picket for vice
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president should he wouldn't be election after lengthy deliberation and thoughts and considering the tremendous talents of many others. i have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of vice president of the united states as senator j. d. vance of the great state of ohio. as vice president, j. d will continue to fight for our constitution, stand with our troops, and we'll do everything he can to help me make america great. again. let's take a closer look then donald trump's new running mate defense is known for the non sing. in fact, donald trump, back in 2016 when the former president was a le dade, but later the republican party's new vice presidential nominee admitted that after
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seeing his performance of the nation's leader, he changed his mind. serving as a senator since 2022 to the funds as harshly criticized the binding administration's constant support of the ukraine. and i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to a border conflict. 6000 miles away, there was in fact, a peace deal on the table approximately 18 months ago. and what happened to it, the by the administration, pushed zalinski to set aside the peace agreement and to engage in a disastrous counter offensive. every single objective observer of ukraine more acknowledges today that the war is going worse for ukraine than it was 18 months ago. could we have avoided it? yes, we could, mister president and we should have avoided it. we would have saved a lot of lives. we would've saved a lot of american weapons and we would have had this country in a much, much more stable and much better place if we had,
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as well as questions for about what motivated the assassination attempt on donald trump up the weekend. some say be conservative, so in project 2025 plan, some are alleging that cut of spur the attack this set of reforms is believed to be the blueprint for a new trump presidency. breaking the valve in our taste. all a miraculous escape from death says the bullet intended for former president donald trump fell short of its target, only clipping his ear. now everyone's wondering how did it get to this point, and some are blaming the democrats. the central premise of the binding contain is that president donald trump easily authoritarian fastest who must be stopped at all costs. that's rhetoric lead, directed to present trumps attempted assassination. democrats in the hacks and media seem to be green lighting and assassination of president trump. they're trying to justify violence against him and his supporters. it's sickening in the
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american. that's what actually motivated the would be assessed and we still don't know. but it could have been conditioned by hysteria surrounding a collection of hard line conservative policy proposals called project 2025 barrett edge. foundation began the 1st draft early last year, including executive orders and regulations that are ported to be launched. if donald trump were to retake the white house, participated in project 2025, or even apparently assembling lists of potential appointees for an upcoming trump administration. on the other end, liberals have apocalyptic predictions for a future in which these conservatives get their way, and they're laying all the blame on trump. he's trying to hide his connections to his l. i. 63, and project 2025 agenda. the only problem it was written for him by those closest to him. project 2025 should get every single american project 2025. it'd be extreme
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policy and personnel playbook for trump 2nd term that should scale the hell out of the american people. no doubt bite and then his buddies in the deep state are seriously paranoid when it comes to project 2025, especially when a number of its authors have close ties to trump. but for his part, the former us president says he doesn't have anything to do with any of it. i know nothing about project 2020 to 5. i have no idea who is behind it. i disagree with some of the things they're saying, and some of the things are saying or absolutely ridiculous and abysmal anything they do. i wish them luck, but i have nothing to do with them. and you have some of his most fervent opponents seem to have cross the line between promoting a political agenda and supporting violence. last year, the crime and inflation crises largely evaporated. so did the leading theories about what had caused them? what the hell is the message you'll sending by posting
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a bullet hole next to $47.00, and the article is filled with total would be 47 dollars in cash is a reference to the $0.40 president of the united states of america. donald trump, i like soros is conveying that the silver bullet for $47.00 is death and that's a financial award to be paid to the pass. and who does it? this is a threat against the life of president trump. the ballot box doesn't look like it's going to work for the liberals this time around. now they're looking desperate. the democrats are on the back foot with trump. they're led by joe biden, who's clearly lost his marbles. and they know they're in trouble. well, in full wars, host commentator alex joe sais project 2025 is a plan to correct what he calls washington's deep state failures. project 25 is the boiler plate, republican party establishment platform. they put out for 40 years, and then the media grab
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a few points that about social security and said it was promised plan from his plan agenda. 47. it's been up for a year. how does it run from, from budget to a lot 20.5 years. he just said that it's not my baby. you hear most of us good on read the whole 900 pages. the social security is bankrupt. no one wants to admit that to try boss, keep going, whatever it is, they'll just deal with it and place it. so it is what it is, it's, it's all just a big canard. the lapse pulled out and there's nothing and there's nothing to do with from any. in fact, the fact that it's so popular right wing shows how much the heritage foundation has woken up. because it does sound like something. a lot of that i would write, they're just not asian was not saying that 5 years ago. so it's, it's just one more point. i mean, there's probably a 100 republican groups or more that have written their ideas with republican point . if you look at all the other pieces and the timing, all the evidence points towards the deep state,
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directly winding the sky up and putting in there to do, there's a totally standing down administratively. so all the evidence is to uh, to protect drop out because everything with the state is doing is failing. and so i'm not going to sit back even debate whether or not the deep state drive the field from. i've experienced the deep state. i know all about the state and i and, and i grew up around the, the state side family. it was of all the plan as an operations around world because so i know all about it. so that's what the fuck knows. they kill him when they don't kill him when he is committed and is doing what he's doing. i have advised him, he's to go digital, very limited. public events should move to a bunker because he's already one and just digitally be on your tv every night. he said, no, i'm not doing that. that's his thing. i respected and i'm pray for him. but i mean trumps a real deal. now as the economy stalls in the us, it's small and medium sized businesses who are particularly feeling the pinch,
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some $346.00. such enterprises have filed for bankruptcy in the 1st 6 months of this year. that's the highest level for the past. 13 years us congressman byron dollars saves it's policies emerging from the white house which are to blame a during my 1st term in congress. i serve on the budget committee and a small business committee. we told joe biden, that his so called american rescue plan was going to cause inflation to bite on habits. administration told us not to worry, but i knew better. i have nearly 2 decades of experience as a financial professional. and the evidence is in gold and a grocery store by this, by be, by mill. even housing prices have skyrocketed. all americans deserve a shot at the americans read. but under jo biden's,
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debilitating economic policies that many americans far too many, for far too many of them, that 3 pets slipped away. well, that's welcome on to the program our to contribute our chris evans for is a chris good to see you. big numbers, i would say, he thought was just shy of $350.00 american s emmy's a filing for bankruptcy this year. so far something's clearly wrong here. why are businesses failing and such numbers? a lot of things union is a really great question that, that there are multiple reasons. i think the 1st is probably this fail, promises the bite in raising my when i, when joe biden came to office, he promised this massive infrastructure bill where he would, in american government and invest billions upon billions of dollars into improving the infrastructure around america, which is just basically, company, you know, for small to medium sized businesses,
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the most important thing is really supply chains and logistics. being able to ship that goods around, around the united states and the world as a whole, that's been completed and actually pulled back instead of the binding regime decided that they would give that money to you. right. and not only by doing not did they close. huge problems in the united states and suddenly they also the stabilize the wells as food supply, you know, between ukraine in russia. they're the united. these are 2 of the largest nitrous providing suits security to the well that on top of that they, they disrupted the where the gas flows from russia, which, which again are supplying the entire world including the united states itself. and by doing that, essentially they close the massive inflation, not just in the wrong country, but across the board, which is affected. and we can single households within the us. i'm the world itself . what is the picture going to be rude here? because some on the list are projecting that a trump victory november could actually exacerbate the country's economic decline,
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saying he inherited a very different economy in 2016. how do you see and you trump presidency, actually dealing with the brewing crisis as well? yeah, you did nothing and you trump presidency has to do one of the things that has to end the conflict and you've crime this call, keep going on cuz it's just hard to say, hudson, everyone now it's not hudson box should we live there? we can a test to that's fine, it hurts and the rest of the well and america particularly itself, just due to the amount of money that he's given, given by us, the tax price to visit let's the regime every single month. it seems so that i have to end. and the 2nd thing i think he's just got to pull pull by, he's got to try and look at how to improve, improve the situation for small to medium sized businesses, which all the, the right boss through the united states. they what's happened with a medium sized businesses profile and economy. they increase g d p, they increase people's livelihoods, and welding they,
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they create this thing that americans through the american dream. so we've got to go in and he's got to read the full sized businesses and help them help them to survive, essentially be that be it through, through intervening with, with the state. i am very much like what happened during, during the kind of period will finding a way in order to deregulate and cut the read type, which is forcing him to go on to the us treasury secretary chris fears the dollar is set to lose its dominance as more nations particularly resort to crypto currencies and made sanctions trying to find a way around all that. what does that say the bi washington's punishment policy as well? yeah, i mean, uh, you know, this is close to my heart and see how you did. i mean the bye didn't set up this thing with the crypt side top rules where he's essentially been going around and pacing off different people that don't agree with his his policy from the crypto space. i think it's very tenant, meaning that uh, president trump will be speaking at the largest conference in the world,
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which is how the us, the big play covers that receipt. so we can see there really is this kind of, these kind of bottom line, the being drawing between the truck side, which is that price fremont pro people using which have a term. so they wants to pay for goods as they should as a constitution, right? in the us to be able to have the free to choose and as opposed to the, the, the, by them regime of the entity wants to shut down any kind of innovation or any kind of use of crypts. i've heard cc too fast, essentially these crazy sciences that i think anyone the police were flexible. anyone in the world actually cares about writing any it just the final point to briefly, if we can, chris because rushes central bank has encouraged using digital offsets for transactions with foreign partners in order to overcome western sanction. or such systems are they secure enough? will people businesses, particularly will they get on board? absolutely you to a block so you can only use the most secure technology. it's immutable. what that
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means is you cannot delete the data. so there was type of transparency and total trust instead of the transaction. i think you need anymore already saying that was saying the amounts of critic permanency transactions happening at keep increasing the volume of the marketing creasing. specifically, we looked at the stable points such as tempo, which is essentially a $1.00 to $1.00 from the us dollar. and you'll see that the exponentially week week day, once a month, a month, those transactions increasing. so if we can see businesses, we can see the documents themselves, we can see individuals, adults, and this is a new form of payment and and just like that's our ti calculator, chris adams is finished. chris, thank you so much. not following the indian prime minister's recent visit to russia, who deli house, the launch plans for expanding trade between the countries in defiance of something we've just been speaking about their western sanctions against possible. we are
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focusing on different sectors, the unknown towers, barriers which we have oscar ross so to look into and there will be another visit to ross so well looking at that's a right to market access. well, looking at the various sorts of commodities, for example, i would sonics engineering and all the products of, of the can be exports, but also looking at through p volts. right. so it is that we in strategy on which we are working well, the devil's in the details here since the ukraine conflict began to years go up or elect sports from russia to india. have rapidly growing according to the data from the international energy agency last year, india and ported 1800 percent more russian crude compared with, out of in 2021. 1 of the reasons for that was multiple offering terms that were more beneficial to india and refiners.
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the countries have said targets have to reach a $100000000000.00 in annual trade within the next 6 years. and d as decision to ramp up or purchases from russia hospital and some criticism from western states which cut their imports of russian or after the start of the ukraine conflict. but it's a big world that there other nations are still ready to purchase. russian resorts says so the offer is petroleum minister has expressed a desire to import even more russian gas despite the foreign impression actually in gas to being bored there. i don't think who i same go for important because from last year we have members of pigs. one to increase trade with have, with an ice as well, india as petroleum and natural gas minister, a hard, deep prairie has spoken about the decision to increase the energy imports from russia on the latest installment of. let's talk about it. you can watch the full episode today here on our t international a r t dot com as well. here's
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a snippet. the people have said that you cannot buy a oil from russia. so i was one of those upfront, but i see that with great pride, i question doesn't wait a minute, wait a minute. what are we discussing? the oil, which comes through a pipeline from the russian federation to hungry is exempt from any such. talk. the oil, which goes in a pipeline from the russian federation to china, is exempt sales from the cycling through japan and the parties that exam. so what is intended again then slowly everybody's that? no, no, it's not that it's best that you should buy. then they impose the price gap. i have been saying to a lot of my friends all over the world, i don't want to name any country. is it a go buying a so much i so do i bought it from whoever sends me at the most competitive price, because my or marketing companies. so they provide 19 percent of the country store to revenue so they will be short and up and they will say we.


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