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tv   News  RT  July 16, 2024 6:00am-6:14am EDT

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us taxpayers to design the regime every single month. it seems to that as to when. the 2nd thing i think he's just got to pull pull by, he's got to try and the house will prove, improve the situation for small to medium sized businesses, which all the, the red box in the united states. they what's happened with a medium sized businesses. and pro hoffman economy, they increase g d p, they increase people's livelihoods, and welding they, they create this thing that americans call the american dream. so we've got to go in and he's got to reinforce those businesses and help them help them survive. essentially be that be it through, through intervening with, with the state. i am very much like what happened during, during the cubic period. well, finding a way in order to deregulate and caught the red tape, which is forcing them to go on to the us treasury secretary chris fears the dollar is set to lose its dominance. as more nations particularly resort to crypto currencies and made sanctions trying to find a way around all that. what does that say though,
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a bi washington's punishment policy by didn't settle this thing with the crypt sites hospitals where he's essentially been going around and pacing of different people that don't agree with his. his policy from the crypto space. i think it's very tenant, meaning that the president at from will be speaking at the largest conference in the well, but just out of the us for the big play covers that receipt. so we can see there really is this kind of, these kind of bottom line to the drawing between the truck side, which is probably the free market pro people using whichever terms they want to pay for goods as they should as a constitution, right? in the us to be able to have the free to choose and as opposed to the, the, the, by them raising the entity wants to shut down any kind of innovation or any kind of use of cryptic arts, easy to bust. essentially, these crazy sciences that i don't think anyone, the police were flexible, anyone in the world actually cares about writing any for write. another story were across today, following the indian prime ministers, recent visit to russia,
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new delhi, as a 9th plans for expanding trade between the countries in defiance of western sanctions against moscow. that we are focusing on different sectors. the unknown tower is barrios which we have aust voss so to look into and there will be another visit to ross so well looking at that's a right to market axis. well, looking at the various sorts of commodities, for example, i would throw on ex engineering and all the products above that can be exports, but also looking at rupee volts, right. so it is a tween strategy on which we are working well since the ukraine conflict broke out, it's almost 2 and a half years ago or less sports from russia to india have rapidly growing according to data from the international energy agency. last year, india imported 1800 percent more russian crude compared to 2021. of the reasons for that as well as multiple offering terms that were more beneficial to indian
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refiners. the 2 countries upset 8 targets to reach a $100000000000.00 in annual trade. within the next 6 years. india is decision to run up or purchases from russia has drawn some criticism from western states who themselves cut their imports impressionable after the start of the ukraine conflict, but other nations, they've signaled their readiness to take those supplies, south africa being one. here's the view, the brief view of the nation's petroleum, and mister rajesh, then guess to be imported. i don't think who i assume go for important because from last year we have members of the brakes. wondering, cruise trade with have, with an ice on his indian counterpart hardy priorities, spoke about the decision to increase energy imports from russia on the latest installment of. let's talk about it. you can watch the full episode today here on our t international. in fact, in less than 10 minutes time,
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you can also find it on a website. here's a snippet. people have said that you cannot buy a oil from russia. so i was one of those upfront, but i see that with great pride. i question doesn't wait a minute, wait a minute. what are we discussing? the oil, which comes through a pipeline from the russian for division to hungry is exempt from any such stock. the oil, which goes in a pipeline from the russian federation to china, is exempt sales from the cycling through japan and the parties that exam. so what is intended? again then slowly everybody said no, no, it's not that it's best that you should buy. then they impose the price gap. i have been saying to a lot of my friends all over the world, i don't want to name any country. you said you're buying a so much i said, do i bought it from whoever sends me at the most competitive price because my or marketing companies. so they provide 19 percent of the country store revenue. so bear with me short and, and they will say,
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we want to disagree with the line. anyone wants to compete, couldn't complete them, but then the in february, the 22, our purchase is of good. i'm from rush, i literally 0.2 percent me only 0.2 percent from today. last month it was well worth $35.00, nearly 40 percent. so why does it bother the i don't think it does the waste. it doesn't bother. oh, maybe a bank, $20000000.00 in the us. how come? nobody mentions that the took, it has issued a high level coal for normalization of its diplomatic links with neighboring syria after relations suffered 13 years ago and made the art break of civil war in the lost. her nation now increased that he's, i'm improvement in ties, could benefit the wider middle eastern region to a suit in regarding syria. dear friends, as you know, all presidents,
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the vision is a vision of peace. this vision has actually long be necessary in the region. we expect to russia and around to play a constructive role. we also discussed this matter with our saw the a ribbon brothers. and they have agreed to play a role in the process of normalizing relations with a syrian regime. well, it's being reacted to positively serious president bashar alice has said. his government would welcome a renewal of its ties with turkey, but cautioned up there is a need to negotiate on the terms. the countries kept their ties a dozen years ago as a multi site and civil wherever up to the in syria, with western by militant groups seeking to overthrow the government. a former a turkish diplomat knock minute or 2 food r t president or the one is a term and to begin negotiations with damascus on restoring relations. a negotiations good starts with the help of mediators. i mean, russia is, it is a strong us making it to reduce we got more credible one,
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but we haven't you wrong also, he works. he's offered fund. got is a venue for organizations done the other day, of course. so do the court minutes. it wasn't each stumbled at the end of the meeting and how come down to the text for me to sit also tend to saying that there will be more than happy to also receive supporting hand. oh, so there would be no relations with celia. too many mediators to many countries washing and brack true in character, syrian relationships and we see that the willingness on the box. okay, correct. i mean, present, done was very, very adamant in the asking for renewal of the talks at the highest level so that both countries can start negotiations. it's not easy. it might take perhaps a year or 2 even long agreeing on the terms of reference of what this talks will be . but we have to start in chrome somewhere. but if we wait another 2 year score preparations, i think we will be losing the one man come. so the idea that
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a sudden underground comes together in a look through territory and a natural kept it to a must go back down to or wherever he might be. and the then, if you me on a, please, a couple of points where progress could be achieved the ukrainians, who don't, the draft may lose their homes. that's according to a newly established national. more men who don't renew their personal data at recruitment offices will be fine. if they don't pay off their apartments or houses could be fixed, the fine for draft evasion can also be issued unlimited amount of times. but even the risk of losing the roof over their heads quite literally house and stop people from trying to evade the dropped or escape from the country by any means possible. on monday, ukrainian security services detained. 27 men who tried to cross the border into neighboring moldova. they've paid several $1000.00 in an attempt to get all it just
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before being drafted into the army. on the same day, a dead body was followed not personal as old, so apparently trying to escape to molto ukrainian seduce, to mobilize mabel. this is a war being 5 by 4 year olds. no other war in history has been taught by 4 year olds. you need to get 18 year old, so you need to get 20 year old. so you need to get 21 year olds, which is what every army and the rest of the world relies on. and you may have come across this western media eclipse betray how billboards in chia promote the military as part of the strategy to make recruitment more appealing. loving here, zalinski has insisted that mobilization is going to plug, and in fact, there aren't even enough training centers for new recruits. however, an army come under on the broad begs to differ said as even a lot of the military says the mobilization campaign is going according to their plan. as for training grounds, there are not even enough of them,
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but expansion is already underway, but not really a problem. i know that all the people who were forced onto the boss and brought to me, well, i will perhaps make one for you out of town with these non bold wise refusals or look for some reasons to go to the hospital and leave for a long time. those who arrive on, excuse me, complete stress in terms of quality of training and overall health. what former lost in the office of the us secretary of defense, michael maloof believes mr. zelinski is taking to promotes an image of absolute control so that his forces don't abundance. this is just the lose. now. he's trying to uh, hold onto the reins of power. he's in desperate times and he knows that he's not going to, even with the influx of arms, that he's gonna be getting of he's, it's not gonna be sufficient. and i think that it's ultimately going to be
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determined on the battlefield. what happens because he refuses to negotiate, he is desperate and, and this is reflected in, in, in terms of his leadership visit. his military commanders are trying to tell him what's, but the reality is on the battlefield. and he refuses to acknowledge that he doesn't . he doesn't want to give up or to, to show weakness east and it is, and it, and it's, and, and they, and the west caesar say they know it is not strong. they also know that he's unable to get to launch a counter offensive. and so even at the end of his troops were never designed for that. and this total reliance now on, on, on the west is it is quick. are you going to come to an end and, and given the political dynamics going on overseas, particularly that in states? i think uh, maybe some changes forthcoming. like a belief wrapping up then you just cast this tuesday,
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but our programs are just getting going. stay close to find out what's showing wherever you are today. good. by the or the only 41 percent of us adults have a non savings to cover
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a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge and having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical. then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . the simplest way, like explain the basic income, is that it's like social security. for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached to use i have i would like them maybe. i don't know. i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then for just that virtue absorbing here,
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no energy is a fundamental indicator of how we're already going to be doing. probably when this does vision of india is a very bored in a very ambitious group. and i think the multi government things back up today. we've all become victims of technology. politics brings a logic, kind of what specs on the russian federation cooperation is an exceptionally important you said go buying a so much i said when i bought it from whoever sends me at the.


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