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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 16, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

7:30 am
the the and here we go again. hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct in fact, and this is what as you would have expected, i guess, right? what we're going to be talking about. look what happened. it was only 4 or 5 shots, but really it's a 72 hours that seems to change every thing and we're going to take you through it . i'm rick sanchez, get ready for direct impact. let's do this the so let's start with that. as you would imagine, the whole world seems to still be talking about this. donald trump just came out and said that by all measures he is supposed to be dead. he's supposed to be that
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those are his words. now, if you're thinking that mr. trump has a tendency to exaggerate and overstate things. yes, you would be right. he does, but not in this case. absolutely not. in this case, he is 100 percent correct. when he says that, right, in fact, i'm going to let you play. i'm gonna play this video for you again. now that the whole world has been watching it, and you'll see what i mean 1st, let's take a look at these 30 seconds of what happened together go and, you know, that's a little bit all that chart that she likes a couple of months old. and if you want to really see something this said, take a look, what happens of the
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no, i don't know if you're able to see that there, but i think it's, it's, it's, it's remarkable to see the former president essentially turns his head right there at the very moment the bullets were fired. now he's, he's look into the side because he's looking at the screen. see right there. he's looking at the screen. he had the screen up talking about immigration as he often does. and as he turns his head, the way i'm doing it right now, this way, that's when he got that. that's when the bullet. well, what would likely have killed him if he had not turned his head? think about that. if he's looking straight ahead, he's further back and there's a real good chance that he would be, well, we would have left them critically injured worse, right? but instead, because he turns his head, it goes through his ear. a lot of people thought, well, maybe it's a fragment, it wasn't a fragment, it wasn't something the bullet hit and then bounced up and he had him. it wasn't
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him hurting himself when he went to the ground, as some people had suggested. how do we notice, how do we know the book actually hit his ear when it was going by his head? well, somebody in the audience happened to have a very sophisticated camera right with an amazing shutter speed. and they happen to take this photo at the precise moment. i don't know if you can see it there. if not, get a little closer to your tv and you will. there it is. see, that's the trajectory. that's the bullet. having gone right through his ear, and that is now turned toward a, as he is turned toward the screen, looking at the immigration numbers on the screen. that's amazing because if you think about it, he's turning right. so he does this. when he does that bullet goes there, if he still like this, the bullet goes there it's, it's fascinating to look at it as, as, as, as,
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as we're talking about the story now. and of course, all the questions about what would have happened if the other situation would have occurred. well, here's another important question. by the way, that's being asked right now as we speak by many people. how did this 20 year old would be assassin, get close enough to be able to fire an a r 15 at the former president. so to do this, i also want to illustrate it for you. so let me show you a map of the location where the incident occurred. there it is, put it up and you can back there and, and see it. okay. now, look at the distance here. all right. you see that red box on the left red box on the left of your screen, that little red box, it's rectangular, or whatever there. that's where the shooter was crouched. when he took the shot. and that's roughly about a 100 yards. essentially a football field. from where the president was, which is that blue line we have for you there. that's essentially
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a football field from where the guy shot from where the president was right there and that other red box. see that other red box at the bottom. that's where the president was speaking from. now keep that number a 100 yards in your head. why? because now i'm going to tell you another number, 600 yards. that's the range of an a r 15600 yards according to military technical technicians test. right? 6 times the distance, so why then the secret service not evacuate that building, where that red little box is over there? why didn't they evacuate that building? where the shooter was? if he was only $16.00 the distance of what his gun could shoot at. here's another thing. why wasn't the would be assassin crawling in broad daylight with a rifle on top of the only building that was near the stage spotted? how could they not see him? why didn't they see him? and i'm not trying to be
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a conspiracy theorist here. okay. i'm just pointing out facts. but actually the do, the shooter that would be assassin was see what, see, listen to what several trumps or porters were in the audience. say they saw go and were like, hey man, this guy on the roof with a rifle in the police like how weren't you know, like, like any, know what's going on, you know, where like a ratio and what we can see it from right here. we see him there is he's calling. and next thing you know, i'm like, i'm thinking of myself. i'm like, why is trump still speaking? why have they not pulled him up the stage? i'm standing there pointing at him for, you know, 2 or 3 minutes secret service was looking at us from the top of the barn. i'm pointing out that roof. just stand there like this. and next thing, you know, by transferring out, i mean, you do have to ask yourself, i know part of is maybe strategy weaponry has changed when they instituted these secret service rules and probably 10 or 30 years ago,
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they didn't have weapons that can go 600 yards, but here's, here's another important point. i think this is relevant. there's going to be a lot of attention on the trump shooting as well. there should be. but guess what? what happened to mr. trump is not unusual. not unusual. a lot of you are watching us right now from different parts of the world may not know this, but if you live in america, you're 26 times more likely to be shot and killed then the citizen of any other develop country in the world. a 26 times more up to be killed if you live in the united states as a citizen. every day in the us, 327 people are shot. and of those $327.00, a $117.00 of those die. and for every 100 people live in this country, there are a 121 firearms. for every 100 people or a 121 firms. and if you ask them, they all say they need to. in fact, statistically speaking,
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you're more apt to be shot in the united states. this may be a more dangerous place, statistically speaking, your more have to be shot here. then you wouldn't be if you lived in most war zones, including afghanistan for 20 years, and now ukraine. you're literally safer there, then you are here, statistically speaking. think about that. now let's talk politics. and don't think for one minute. this attempted assassination of donald trump is not going to skew this election his way by the way, even further. first of all, the optics of mr. trump are nothing short of phenomenal. i mean, here's this guy who withstood this attack and then with blood running down his face in the like a rocky like moment, holding his fist in the air, he raises it up and yells, fight, flight flight. i mean, there's nobody in hollywood who could have written something like this as good,
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right. as his followers are all chanting usa usa mean need, i say more, you've seen it with your own eyes. those are optics that's messaging. now let's compare that to his opponent. president biden said that the nato summit would be his crowding moment, that he, he was going to show the entire world that he is indeed strong. and that he is capable. this was going to be a baby. he was going to do it. and that is the message that the, that the whole world would take away from this summit instead instead, this is what came out of this summit. i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president. i think she's not qualified to be president. and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination bases. i'm a president,
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he's a big president present lose the crowning moment. the piece de resistance for the president of the united states showing the whole world that he's in control, that he can leave the world. and he calls the lensky pool and he calls his vice president, president, vice president, trump. couple of harris became trump. so let's get became put in his mind the difference folks is night and day right now between one man and the other because of those 2 incidents that occurred during the past 72 hours in that 72 hours span messaging optics. there everything in american politics, and this will give mr. trump a huge advantage. going into the republican primary, the republican convention, i should say, no question, no question. and i guarantee you that the public opinion polls which,
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which are going to be coming out in the next 2 or 3 days. sometimes it takes a week after an event like this to really be able to measure what an audience thinks. i guarantee you they will follow, so they will stay the same as i have just said. so when we come back, what's this all me? we're going to be talking to an expert about what this means and how it's being seen internationally as well as domestically don't go away. we're going to be right back of the the 1st 3rd of the 19th century was marked by the aggressive expansion of the united states. the american sought to seize as much territory for settlement as
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possible. ignoring the sovereignty of the neighboring states and the interests of the indigenous peoples. in 1845, washington announced the annexation of mexican texas. and in march, 1846. american troops invaded mexico. however, mexico itself did not have enough means to effectively confront the enemy. besides, it was being torn apart by internal conflicts. the americans manage to turn the tide of the war in their favor. in september 18, 47, the us army captured mexico city. mexico was horse designed a humiliating peace treaty according to wait to get lost 55 percent of its territory. vieques asian of the lands to the united states elected terrible consequences. legit, genocide was committed against the indians in california during the 1st half century of the american ruled the number of the indigenous people in the region
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decrease from 150216000 people. slavery, which had been abolished in mexico long before the united states attacked was restored on the occupied territories. this will later become one of the reasons for the civil war in the united states themselves. nations like individuals are punished for their transgressions. we got our punishment. american president ulysses grant rode about the consequences of aggression against mexico several decades later. the are okay with all that said, with the tables set as we like to say, i want to welcome you back. i'm rick sanchez. joining us now from cairo a turkey is dr. hassan, now he is a renowned scholar and professor there of political science. uh dr. hassan. thank you so much for joining us, sir. well,
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that's my pleasure. thank you very much for you. mind to me. so here's the situation and it's pretty weird, right? that within these past 72 hour period, from like friday through the weekend, suddenly we have a nato that is so damaged because they had this important message they wanted to get out in their 75th annual celebration or commemoration. and it was not even most people, if you ask people around the world about nato, they don't even know what happened. they have no idea what their messages. instead, they came away with. god bless them, a president of the united states who was our president. but that fumbled and mumbled, then forgot everything, and basically became a humiliating man, and was a bit of a laughing stock. so that's that. and you'll have the other side where you have the candidate for present united states. and donald trump,
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who during that assassination attempt has never looked stronger. so if you're nato right, professor, you're looking up. know messaging the candidate you like, because here's your nato cheerleader looking horrible. and the candidate you don't like because he's not been kind to nato looking like an absolute hero. and a man is about to win the election. what do you do? and did i get it right? or start to the i mean, so that was about putting aside trumps by don't belong to or is r j or ways some bullying and mumbling, i've pushed uh when you go into the need to agree to the details of the neg told meeting and a nato a decoration summit, the declaration and all that. mm hm. um, why just see basically is a declaration saying that data getting off for
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a world war or it is, you can say the nato is getting ready to basically to, to, to exc escalate the conflict in, in, in ukraine up to a certain point. but we don't know what that's for the starting point is, and when you start did the whole text, which i have, then you don't see annual $3.00 and $4.00 diplomacy forgot say, you know, during the course of the 1962 tripling the 5 crisis, when the united states had a certain edge over the new flat weapons. uh, you know, in comparison with the soviet union and then, um, the, uh, the, the, the minute, the crisis uh, broke out there and uh, the diplomacy basically went into action. but seems the outbreak of the conflict in
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ukraine as being no diploma to copeland, despite the fact that the russian side has been making all the gestures. and also putting out a solution proposal is it's like and or, you know, but not least the fact that, um, you know, they agree bad. uh, overall uh, an actual motion of the crisis just a couple of months after it broke out. when they agree to the stumble deal um, when to attack these couple of months basically stitched things together for the pregnancy and the russians to talk to each other. and so and what happens? oh, don't start does not stop there. that's important. the, as to me, deal fell apart. why? who was responsible for killing go? because because uh, johnson, you know, the bar is johnson of the united uh, united kingdom at the time it was a prime minister on the advice from biden came by then it just flew over to
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g. have and it basically told zalinski that there's no time for diplomacy. no deal. nothing on panel off the uh, the premium side on the west side, of course. uh why. uh, you know, they inflict strategic the people are russia. this is option a mind blowing. uh, yeah. soccer like you all, are you going to inflict a strategic defeat on that nuclear power, which is not more powerful than the united states pretend upfront was put together in terms of nuclear power and if you have them, yeah, yeah, no problem. all right? yeah, well, that's why this is so interesting to speak to you because you probably can grasp the turkish perspective for us. and what is the turkish perspective? because you're an insider, you're
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a part of nato. you're part of the guys who say they're, they're the good guys, right? nato supposed to be the good guys and all the other countries rush up, pad, china, bad india, bad iran, bad. all these other countries are supposed to be, you know, south africa, bad jerry, a bad brazil bad. this is the perspective that you as a turkish citizen, is supposed to have if you represent the country that is representative of nato. do you feel that way or do you find that a frustrating perspective a while it is the 2nd? do you upset basic deb frustrating perspective. it has actually and there's no perspective for a 4 piece and i can see ation. so what does that mean? you can't basically inflict a strategic defeat on russia. if you try, then you would be promoting a new classroom and you grad clash would mean perhaps the end of the whole.
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well, it's not, or, you know, and then uh, what are you basically doing? okay, that would be a lot of ways to start negotiations. a piece deals and secret behind the card can uh, deal as far as those. this is what i learned when i start the, the breakdown, you know, diplomacy is something very important and it is normally conducted behind the cart . okay. now we have a british government eh, which is on the tie horse. doesn't want to deal with anybody including gosh, up fulton, anybody including even, i mean, they're not even dealing with the chinese either. yeah, from tuckers perspective. no, such, i teach you like this one can be actually controlled and support that. so the talk is government did the right thing as the conflict broke out, basically it said ok, you can go on with your sanction,
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read your blah blah. but if i'm not part of it, i'm out of natal. how do you read it? let me ask you this question. i think this is a fascinating question. i can't wait to hear your answer. it's now looking more and more, perhaps more than ever today. like the next president, united states will again be donald trump. do you believe that donald trump's policies from the standpoint of nato deal, politics will be superior to those of biden's? or do you think that the so called deep stay in quotations will do with him? the same thing they have done with but well let me 1st part in type one thing i today in my old pads and which i applied for. ready the photo and news and analysis for tom uh once or twice a week. and i predict that the us estimation attempt. and i clearly said was that the deep state of the united states might actually engineer something of that sort
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to prevent from taking over one way or the out there that, you know, they've got to do whatever they can and to prevent him from basically being elected and yeah, i think that they just as the association took place or the um their their, their assistance and. ready part time i called them out and said. ready that they were putting together all my yeah. at these x church from right. my writings and i shifted on my and that with her side i was in yesterday or the day before. yeah, so, so i expect that this, i expect that this because i'm trump, is it someone who is out to basically bring down the whole deep state and what ever that deep state basically represents. he's a gaze the,
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the economy policies that has been persecuted by tonight to states governments without any questioning, although in many aspects the economy, policies are bringing in their welfare, out of bringing and what the people actually expect in the united states or in europe as well. as in tucking, but more importantly in terms of the, in terms of the us foreign policy, trump is completely different from the old administration that has been basically an impoverished overtake, but, but that's what the but the, but let me stop you just for a moment. then uh, but that wasn't the case when he was president. he had pompei over there. i mean, come on, palm pale. i don't think there's anybody in this world today who can maybe bolt and his words. but these are people were near cons and who believe wholeheartedly in everything that biden has been doing. so ha ha, how can you be so sure that those guys won't get in there again and control him
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like they did the last time? well, none of us can basically say anything with any certainty about that. so that are all the deep state, the elements all over the place and actually try to manipulate them and stay in uh from uh now and words. what i uh, what other plans do they have in their head? mine, none of us can can tell. yeah. and there's also, and there's also this, i mean, trump for relationship with nathan, yahoo was even more cozy than biden's relationship. but nothing. yeah. i'm not saying a lot because i've never seen any present. united states has been more uh, more in bed with the prime minister of israel than by as well. yes, but then our little so as far as the one, the one hand is, may be more pro, is really and more pro net and yahoo, whatever. mm hm. and then, and all the us present them. but at the same time, he talks about it back,
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creating it. ok, in fact, creating city a and is very, very, and create to come about all these endless boards that the united states page conformant to n. yes. have also brought involved in across the middle east, off brand new style. and don't forget, i mean the off ground deal was she's the that by them seized upon a perhaps right or wrong that, but you know, he was trying to bring all the us. ah women that bad whole yes and, and he results are critical of those wars. endless wars um, uh, on the big he was basically saying that the united states were wasting its resources. no endless war which was up. so looked at right now again on the question of the great new warranty is quite specific. mm hm. and he says, if he being empowered then doubled up in the war,
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then he's going to end able to. yeah, yeah. and now you say, don't forget, after the 9 to a meeting, your, your, your, you know, what happened, a prime minister all hungry went down to see me in my lat goal. and then she said to, or by that teddy on with your piece initiative. and as soon as i basically take cover, i'm going to stop this morning. you great. um. so i was look at all the others, you know? yeah, i know this index or need to come up more fun. and the european ones are going to take a long pin. and so on the one hand, you'll have all these progressive politics. uh, letisha is like by the team and then you'll have the europeans, all of them who are warmongers. and then, you know, you're right. i just said, listen, we're, we're out of time professor, but i will say this to you i, i'm glad i pushed you on that point because i want it there. yeah,
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i wanted to hear, well that's my job. but i wanted to hear your explanation of how a trump presidency would differ, in essence from a bite and presidency. and i think you've given that analysis in a very fair and accurate way. so i appreciate your time. the one. yes, that's all right. well i, we're, i'm ready if you can do it in 10 seconds. good. cuz we're out of time. go ahead. well, leave one on china. he doesn't seem to or come out with a suggestion for role with china, but yeah, folks about shape wars. yes. and that is the well professor were out of the times in other news. thank you so much, sir, for taking time to join us. i look forward to talking to you again. you certainly are astute with these issues and you've helped us very much. thank you again, sir. thank you very much. and that's our show. remember, always uh, try and do everything you can to look outside your own box. that's what we try to do here during the show, cuz they don't live in little boxes,
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they're everywhere. i'm rick sanchez, will be looking for you next time. the what is part of the the employee would posted isn't the, the 1st 2 of us entered in the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without collision. let's go products. the the the me this one more to personalities. been the hardy, like this just isn't,
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you must always displayed the loading on the, on the 2nd, but to pull it out and give them the uh, the most value of what we have done. most scale new wheel by sheila is east in newton. yeah. we'll have to really put the issue the most the i will give you the thought, the g a little guy enough. are you the other day, you know, to go and even throw both of them? good police the the level of again, the subsidies, the guys that sheet are going to get the same rather will be i know here's do me. they've been dealing with nearly money visits to own in space. so it see read down could have been yeah, the letter was just the monday that they go on is could they will gasket on monday? did you want to go to some community dock? a but it is you by law go to one and people. she's the committee goes empty. i'm the, i mean the must have gone through. i'm we a multi danielle and she be the be i one of all the go on beyond what he did not turn on, but kick was it, give him a go down to see what will be the
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the people are on the street. the from the box young people out of it, paid for the uh uh, friday. yeah, that was the crowd that i got an exclusive report of the cables in the heart of the tenure and capital y n t governments protests have call with the a visibly emotional donald trump is greeted by the pool to as, as he makes his foss public appearance following.


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