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tv   News  RT  July 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the the, the people are on the street from the, from the young people, the police of the, i got to be the crowd that i got that the provide take images from the heart of the canyon top until what tails? their rock says, proud. pull it on, the president, william were told to reside over us by running helmet christ. that has the donald trump is back in the business office surviving. and it's estimation a tab as his name's the republican party. presidential nominate trump is joined to
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pick on getting to the construction by his newly page 20 mates changing vaughn that wants to stop washington if you would like to print one side of the search for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to a border conflict, 6000 miles away, submitted an escalating libation campaign, a pro, framed to make her class i have a presidential election that was brought by documents the lens paid. cleaning. powell is common officially the costs around the world to bring you forth at all. there's like no, this is all to international. it's great. you're welcome to program a while we also. 1 thing without breaking news from 10. yeah,
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police have cracked down on protests who want president william rich so to resign over his pay of $0.20 out the economy? no coach on this kind of some one day reports from the state of events and not very p. what you're witnessing today is, um, uh, the continuing all the onto gum in protests and people are on the street. um, you can see from the box out young people the fullest uh uh friday. um the i got to despise the crowd that i got that. yeah. uh so what about um uh they just got a sense of quotes uh the exploding could be spot down. people who uh got that. yeah . and uh maybe it would be budgeted that at least i bring in, uh, one of the distance away here to tell us uh why they out on the streets. uh, kindly let me uh, loop in the the young man, uh,
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tell us why are they on the street? so tell us, are you this, are you still as why are you is the big i did speak with isaac, i mean to drop the front of i to very nice to these additional as well. yeah. because we have pending the sub that's where we industry, this is a very simple move to just things stop corruption in the government. just to put it into perspective, we raised 14000000 that was able to pay the hospital bills of 150 can. and the number, the amount of money these people still is getting, i think we've been accustomed to one be going to be and we think it's buckets, and that's a lot of money. that's what we're here. but we want to drain the swamp. we want to clean can now think we've been completed for a long time and the sleeping jack is awakening. right. um, so uh, as he has put it, uh, by draining this one. but right, please. what do you, what they're saying that they don't want to caught up coefficients because uh, for a very long time the government has been drawn by court up to see shows. and what we saw recently was the president william, brutal um,
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dismissing all the members of his cabinet, including um, uh the attorney general who is uh, delta dental. uh, who is the legal advice uh to the exec i do what the government. so what them because the thing right now is that, what did they validate this? well, they don't want a need need to who is good up and then the child sort of see to continue. why the thing the president himself must resign even after dropping the controversial off, but not to be the $24.00 weeks. many claimed that this finance be diesel up either point not to be in the whole city to most of that what he'd produce. but are you move which are not a city too much that were meant for a lot of good notes on biking. so that's what spot the product is different, not to be looked into, the full which uh, negations. why that it was coming from. i move on. uh, what do i tell we are seeing is young people don't want the government do so the government brought it. why they're saying the president himself must also go. one
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of the aspect of this president berto has a chance to us based on the foundation of an n g o, of financing the protests. he wants to open eyes ation checked out of the east african nation. we have no use to pay on the key and violence and destruction of property and loss of life wildly on board. one of those points that your balance is it to me now i tour and i want to pull out both water behind today. i'm not in kenya, both a lot of behind the sponsoring the kill thing, the republic of kenya, someone them? because they are both southern violence. i've been in our democratic mission name and i think i know what are the ford foundation, what, what would be the best? so why not the one, not the funding of food your job. but if i have done as we are going to pull them out and they're going to tell them if they are not invested in democracy and can know if that will dispose of violence. if they are going to sponsor on the key,
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we are going to pull them out and they are going to tell them they the fed up, or they did a lot now to all, to you south ask a correspondent and then if a couldn't go visit great to see you, i mean, it's confusing a couple of weeks ago of this me, washington designates, can you imagine no nato ally today, we're hearing those allegations from william roots are just help us make sense. what's the accusation? how significant to this, just put this for most of the present to them who to really live building some serious accusations against the ford foundation. the yes. so it's that certain parties have read significant benefits from the demonstrations and also it ages that these entities have been funded in funds to on specified groups with in kenya, office rates. i'm protest a to add to the stabilizing the country. and just shortly after he's
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a public address, the president read it to rated. he's a conditions on he's official x account. i'm challenging the, the full foundation to clarify his involvement in the recent protest of the country has not put to the ford foundation supports for governance ad democracy under the microscope. because already many argue that the foundations focus in promoting certain democratic practices and policies that can be seen as interfering in the countries in turn, in the phase. but the foundation has denied the indications of all for interfering in 10 years. democracy, seeing that if knowledge is kenya is to peacefully protest, an advocate for a beta country, as was the motive behind the protest. but it did not find a sense of the protest have listen to this. while we acknowledge the rights of canyon was too peacefully, advocates for a just and equitable country. we repudiate any actions or speech that are hateful
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or advocate violence against any institution, individual or community. we do not fund or sponsor the reasons protests against the finance bill and heavy strictly non partisan policy of all our grant making. now at this point, it is said that to the president such as ation is likely to mark a significant turn in the relations between 10. yeah, and one of his key wisdom allies, in fact, reports already said that to present to has escalated to the matching tenses with the united states by making this accusation. and these accusations come at a time when americans die being asked because as they could severe, not as the u. s. a seeks to come to balance the influence of russia and china across the continent. it made sure that is partnership with ken. yeah. becomes even stronger by naming can yeah. as amazed, non nato ally,
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making it the 1st steps to hire an applicant country to receive that designation. and even though the visit to by president would we talk to the u. s. was interpreted by mindy as part of if it's a supervisor you is to pull back a ground last to ask because it was also a very surprising locally. when prism brutal. i sent it to the long delayed 2013 public benefits organizations act, which qualifies global best practices for civil um society um protects it. and it just mentioned that had been enrolled by his tooth, uh, pre deceased as the previous presidency in kenya. but this is what prison di didn't have to say at that time. i also want to thank you, mr. president, for taking action. implement the long way to public benefits organization, which provides a story, protections for civil society, and n g o all across ken. like you, i believe the future is going to be won by countries, at least the full potential for the full potential population, including civil society, women and young. i look forward to working together to implement the sack and
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jumpstarting, a corruption from reforms, democratic brothers, and finer nations. not like any waste and foundation, the ford foundation, which has long, which has a long history of supporting social justice, is ad ca, tubs of global, including in kenya, has also faced previous accusations off. um, the stabilizing nation has a, through all to the continental report suggest that it did the same thing in uganda . middling in the phase of funding activities and was also a gaze to call the side values of the country in nigeria as well would face the same criticism even in so that we've got the foundation as also because the subjects also backlash. it seems like the foundation might have a political agenda, one that is not aligned with the interest of african countries. well, certainly wouldn't be the 1st on the west and, and jerry was pausing a bit of may have some was very big accusations. indeed,
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that was all to postpone getting rid of it. couldn't bring us the very latest. i'm not scandal coming out of kenya. thank you. well, big story, donald trump has stepped back into the public. all i to thunderous applause and cheering. monday mocked me fast on the former president was seen in public, often narrow a surviving and assassination attempt just 2 days ago. the, as the proof is trying to fight, as trump stepped on stage, a reference to the past was he himself, by the off included on saturday republican national congress has now officially chosen him as the policies and the presidential nominee. before the winter months of speculation, donald trump has finally announced his running mate. oh, higher states senator j t fobs will become vice president if the republicans when the know if i'm the folks
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and find him while he doesn't like him right. after lengthy deliberation and thoughts and considering the tremendous talents of many others, i have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of vice president of the united states is senator j. d. vance. of the great state of ohio. as vice president, j. d will continue to fight for our constitution, stand with our troops, and we'll do everything he can to help me make america great again. well, let's take a look at the republican vice president in waiting. j. d. von once saw the as a come back correspondent during the war in iraq was, wasn't actually was a found of trump. he actually criticized the republican presidential candidate back in 2016. but later that made a utah,
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i've mentioned that his mind was changed by trump performance and office solving as incentive since 2023 inch 80 ponce is a strong opponent of the by just administration's assets to keep throwing us tax pass money. i kids and i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to a border, conflicts 6000 miles away. there was in fact, a peace deal on the table approximately 18 months ago. and what happened to it, the by the administration pushed zalinski to set aside the peace agreement and to engage in a disastrous counter offensive. every single objective observer of ukraine more acknowledges today that the war is going worse for ukraine than it was 18 months ago. could we have avoided it? yes, we could, mister president, and we should have avoided it. we would have saved a lot of lives. we would've said a lot of american weapons. and we would have had this country in a much,
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much more stable and much better place if we had my colleagues michael question, i discussed all the latest control. this is all the b u. s. presidential race with auntie it contributed on for my son. that stuff at tara reed was one is about to an american, both cost us people's book, in his views on, on ukraine and american aid to ukraine, reflects what the america read of most americans believe that ukraine is not going to win this war and force russia to, to it's news is that you need to sit down and talk and that's what donald trump has been saying. he said he would do it on day one. he said he would do it before day one. who said he would do it? well once he's elected before he swore an engineer and bring the parties together and put a name to this. and i think that's what america watson. i'm sure that's what j. d. vance is sincere. when he, when he makes his comments, she's taught in iraq, but he was very much of just illusions and he's talked about how he felt the
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country, how the government lied about it, about the weapons of mass destruction. so he acknowledged more fans. acknowledge that. i think he knows the facts, i think he knows that almost $200000000.00 that they're spending is ridiculous. and he's made statements about that. it also put him at odds with, with a lot of the republican members in congress because of his stance consistently. um and, and trump have to leave it to the fact that the ukraine more that it should and no more age should go from america to zalinski. so i, i really have hope that he will stand by his word and be consistent with what he has said. we spoke with you hours after the assassination attempt on folded in your opinion, how much of a role the mainstream media and it's hackers for toil of trump have in the track until we know what was behind it. i mean, i can't wait in the media rhetoric,
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but i can differentiate the media rhetoric from when they talk about trump and what they say about trump pounding at home, pounding at home, pounding at home, that democracy is over. if he, when it's the last election, if he wins, people are going to start digging around up is a, his enemy to put them in camps every single day. joe biden, he gets a total pass when donald trump was almost as fascinated. they tried to at 1st with the media, tried to downplay it. i think one of the media outlets that he fell on, you know, it was ridiculous. so they were still running cover for joe by referring back to vitamins, comment about the polls. i mean, that rhetoric was so clearly violent and his trump had said that about by you there would have been an outcry over and over about that it would have been on a week 247 on cnn. um, just like if they went after him about january 6, you know and misquoted him and took some quotes out of context to try and make it
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sound like he inside of the crowd. what do you expect to abide and then the democrats to do the account of the growing popularity of the republicans? hopefully, the democrats will simply take the path of knowing that they have been defeated. because as you know was stated earlier, there's, there's simply no path to to the white house. it's because the democrats have been so tuned. they waited so long, whereas trump is a listening to his constituency by nominating bands as a vice president, that's listening to the american 1st contingency. who was wanting him? you know, to do that the way he, it happened the way he stood up the way he held his way in the whole situation. the whole sequence of events. i mean it, i think it's going to benefit him gravely. again, not that he wished it on himself or anybody wished it. don't get me wrong again, but i just think it just, it kind of pulls it him and the democrats don't know how to react. what to do. they,
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they're just totally out of their minds. i don't see how joe biden and come a lot higher as beat trump advanced. i just don't see it. meanwhile, the whole house it not a to a then a tory us like pro has reveals a link to the mind. it tries to kill. it turns out the once the assassin was featured in an ad campaign for the new york based for 2 years ago, 12 and 12 and all the details on that, on our website oxy, it'll come to ukraine. and now what child lo make looks on just have been state, has been slammed by speller parliamentarians and that was off the he of them to schedule a presidential election to meet the oncoming marshall know the vote was scrapped earlier this year. 5, not him, is the landscape in my claim to the supreme court. i demanded that the rod at a point presidential elections as the constitution directly requires,
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as they say in the desa. there's a big difference between a point and carry out martial law prohibits caring out to elections, but not to their appointment was the last day as repairs can be pulse to save and off to his 5 year tom officially expired in may. he said that there is no time to hold elections in the country and that the military conflict, the west continues, continues to see him in the meantime, to be the legitimate president of new crane. moscow disagree so as not in a pitch and has pointed to the ukranian constitution that. a nothing about a presidential tom being extended under martial, know, it does however allow for the ukrainian parliament and it's chad pawsman to stay in power as well. this comes as kids, full smart blogs, ation campaign at games, momentum and one of the latest public cases. and on to team foss drive, i was whisked away 5 military recruiters at 27 men would detain 12 in maybe
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trying to cross into neighboring, moved over apparently, to escape the trough. and now the incident, so ukrainian trial while trying to swim across ukrainian women all so guessing words that they might be 1st pretty conscripted off to the idea was pitched by nova will make up the move past up into 5 motion for themselves. the us talk different lot has pledged additional funds, specifically the female troops and ukraine too often you're creating one of the fighters don't have the equipment that they need to meet their unique needs, forcing money to buy and even design their own kits. today we're taking a step to fix that by announcing the nato allies, for it will provide more than $7000000.00 purchase equipment for women, ukraine's armed forces, including more than $10000.00 bullet proof vests uniforms, boots,
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or to anyway hand security. now is the time her correspond to it and try to change a. i mean andrea, it's always really great to get your perspective because you'll have someone who just looks from a fall, your fame that you've seen with your ro noise. so you've got pro tough experience very well them seem to discuss things like this. i mean, we obviously have to talk about this. we're not pretends to hold elections. then steve anonymous down or ask you about that late. so, but the opinion parliament, why is it no saying the, nor is the know the constitutions, the constitution? it's time for an election. there's a good question, and maybe we need to search the reason of this politics in the west partner of keys . because the knowledge zalinski is very, very um, useful for a full for the west. uh and of course, uh, the west on parking lots of keys cannot meet a change of power in ukraine. so maybe the following month, that is
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a under pressure bias on force for some extending of force that it's uh, it's interesting to a, to, to, to stay with the 7th to practically. and the elf course and electron now can be very dangerous for us to ask you because we know very well that does that landscapes not popular between the people that he's proprieties under 2025 percent. so like this and the a lot of people are trying to save and then satisfy from the mobilization. it's very important. announcements get as orientation for these reasons may be difficult . you can and parliament that you cannot or either cannot uh, quote, for a new election. the west practically cannot permit. i mean, the us to talking about about the merchandise ation, men being mobilized up full screen mobilized,
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obviously tragic images. the images that we use to we expect men to be sent to fight. seeing women being mobilized, not jaws a bit more. i mean, we told that or about how the us sex to state has promised $7000000.00 in ukraine cmo flights for equipment to a to, to the, to quitting in women. i mean, that will make us discussing women being mobilized. it really seems like it's a flight to the last you're pregnant, of course, and this is also a nice pick up problem because like you say, it's a normal. we can expect that the a man can saturday for a calm 3 in the army bought for one minus on other things. and the, the necessity for monet from the us for my equipment for room on. that's means 2 things. first, you can, i'm at force are not ready for guaranteed the safety of the room on the concern
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for them. second, the service, the mind that the service of whom i can be on the west side in the future. and it's not the 1st find that the we can see such a needle where uh we see the women that are working the 1st line on the front line . it's not, not the 1st time. so that's means the ukranian politicians video can policy. you can, i mean, as far as that also are you printing out my for so are planning to recruiting for one and about that to come problem i would like to that's why now, if now the armis force of ukraine, army, the one that means that there's a situation, it's not very good and may be paid for in this moment. so you can force the 40 patients and ukraine to start speaking about these. because if a company, the woman, let's mean that the man i finish, i don't,
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they don't want to fight. and in the future, what's a can follow with this process in the future? there is a demographic of problem for the future in ukraine, the pollution, it's all going on. and these, the women are obligate to serve in the army and obligate to die a down me for we can come the last for the future of the people. i mean, you mentioned that of the safest i to of case very under. so i don't know if you've noticed something that's caught my eye in recent weeks. discussions about negotiation, about case, about compromise, about ukraine, understanding that territory. it's not going to know the way that it looked and twins, $22.00. these things are starting to be talked about opening by politicians and by the media. even it's not him, is a landscape himself say, you know, if that's going to be another piece on that, it makes sense to a representative of russia to visa. i mean,
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what do you make about that is it seems like it's a bit of a utah and quite entwined for the community. i think the zalinski is sending the, the different the messages to the work because there is moments when he is available to speak about this moment. so when she are a start this uh to the right, correct. don't worry about the final victoria or the impossibility to disclose a both of these why everybody, me put in say, the president of russia. so i think it's depending a lot from who is controlling the heads of ukraine now, because in my opinion is that unscathed smoke on an independent president. and there is some power, some forces from the west, of course that are controlling and the we so that for example, hard bundle before the thought, our bundle present, i mean instead of a younger, make this 3 for or in ukraine and our friend,
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china. and speaking about is about the necessity to or the stars to the meeting for peace. and this conflict bought the landscape and also the european union on this important also the european union. uh, are speaking with this or authority about the uh, the title for extra from the new territories and the fine of the 3 of you paying that the without the i completely the 3 of you can add, these can be a very big danger for you real for the west general, so may be now someone in the ukranian government that are starting to understand that it's needed to to so to begin some fashion for us to have the piece locked and i skipped smell through the end, the west also, it's not ready for start this process was what i wants to oscar. i mean, you're told firefox,
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house and landscape doesn't seem to be the one in control. so the question is, if the west is, i mean, it's not a question. the west is on pissing financially, politically on every single level of military involved in the context. at what point does the west and now cube to negotiate, and what would be the trigger? do you think it's us elections, for example? this can be a very good point, the u. s. select from, in my opinion, are, can be the light to see so far into, for the policy that we see through this moment. if, if the support that i need, when i say support the military economically and political support from us can be stopped. but after the new presidential election up in the us, maybe the rest of the west, the you that mean you're up on your opinion. on april can, can begin to change their points. this can be a point for general,
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a change in the situation, of course, for, for kids and for uh they are, you printing them for the defense that are seeing washington like a reference for, for, for the future. the opinion of the white house is very, very important. so if the new president in the us are saying, okay guys you, we are so part of you will do now, but if you are not able to. so i think these 3030, so you need to speak about this and maybe at this point you can start serious the process of nicholas here from what i definitely feels like the next few months will be formative one way or another. whether that's the pressure coming from without america west, in fact as well, that's the pressure from within the content underestimated post civil discontent. touch keeping the store, the brakes. uh the camel's back. as always we appreciate that was unfair that you do. that's how the and requests on to thank you very much. well not, no,
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we all came to me. that's how things are shape not this tuesday so far, but of course the story is on so much more. besides that one on to dot com, just a quick way to check it out and we'll see you soon the the the which one was around for one of those little stuff. one that's not something that is on. so the.


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