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tv   News  RT  July 16, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the, the, the people are holding the street the from the box. young people, the police. uh, uh. yeah, that was the crowd that i got that the drum ass. i gave it to us from the heart of the canyon capital. what tails it rocked. those crowds before them president william roots hope to resign over us department of economic crisis. also, i have the job. today's office of the only thing i'm assassination attempt and donald trump's, his name's the republican policies presidential no, many. he's joined at the chair at the convention by his new pet running may j. d
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fobs. who wants to talk the conflict in new grade? i think we did a search for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to afford or conflict. 6000 miles with the official sinks to punish hungry for its assets to bring the case to ukraine. what i'm prime minister of actual bounds me saying with a lot of my boots and the most go off his visit to the china, the fly for almost coming or try to bring you source and maybe others don't. this is all to international and stuff. keeping me company this, when i start sofa in kenya, police have cracked down on protest as kalonde or president we're told to resign or is it his failure to where he slipped out the economy onto corresponded and kinda so i'm one day reports from this take off events and i wrote what you're witnessing
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today is um, uh, the continuing also the anti government protests and people are on the street. um, you can see from the box around young people the fullest uh, uh friday. um the i got to despise the crowd that i got that. yeah. uh so what about the uh, the tech got got these types of quotes. uh, the exploding could be spot down. people who uh got that. yeah. and uh maybe it would be budgeted that at least i bring in uh, one of the 2 i here to tell us uh why the out on the street. uh, kindly let me uh, loop in the the young man uh, tell us why are they on the street to do a lot of value industries tell us, why are you and i did speak with isaac, i mean, to drop the phone to budget for a night to these additional as well because we have pending the summer. that's why
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we industry this is a very simple method. you're just doing stuff corruption in the government. just to put it into perspective, we raised 14000000 that was able to pay the hospital bills of 150 can and the number of the amount of money these people still is getting. i think we've been accustomed to one be going to be on and we think it's pockets and that's a lot of money. that's what we're here, but we want to drain the swamp. we want to clean china think we've been complacent for a long time. and the sleeping dantes awakening. right? um, so uh, as he has put it, uh, by draining the swamp. uh, drive please. what do you, what they're saying that they don't want to caught up coefficients because of what a very long time the government has been drawn by court up. you'll see shows on what we saw recently was the president william brutal um, dismissing all the members of his cabinet including um uh the attorney general who is uh, delta dental. uh, who is the legal advice uh to the exec i do what the government. so what them
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because thing right now, if that, what did they say in this? well, they don't want any need to who is good up and then they can sort of see to continue, why the thing the president himself must resign. even after dropping the cont device shows up, but not to be the $24.00 weeks. many claimed that this finance be these 2 of you decide not to be the was city to most of that. what you produce, but are you may have which are not a city too much that were meant for a lot of good notes on biking. so that's what spot the product is different, not to be the $24.00, which i negations. why that it was coming from item move and uh, what do i tell we are seeing is young people don't want the government? they don't do. so the government brought to why they're saying the president himself must also go on rest, erupt in time. yeah. late last month off the government tried to push through and find massive fact type fil thousands of people were told and several days and find them. so crowds store and the parliament building in library be the cash flows
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present, which are to suspend the controversial bill. and dismiss most office terms of the for the countries economy has continued to plunge those in the government for even more money from foreign additive live. now to see them go out. one, cherry. yeah. hi. port of kenya after cutting human society of kenya, council members. steven, thank you very much for taking the time to speak to us. i'm the pricing. i have to ask you, i mean, we're times already fact contract on the finance bill. so there's on popular tax hikes are not going to come into play. it's at least not in the for sale for future . so why, despite these recent actions to appease the people, why the crowd is still coming out and falls. thank you very much in the fall, even that inviting me for this opportunity to address you. but let me close on getting as i've been having a but from the issue of tax, i think that the fight announced below is just a that's see getting issue. but the other like issues which is which of the,
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the issue of the cost of leaving local, the local employment associated for the use. what governance of the local local ability. well, he does well being the squandering publicly, the co fuss. indeed, he's using the money to maintain the obedience life. so when that that you would say, well, i'll be moving that on the street sale and it will be in, across the country. i've been protesting, mainly again, is that what go by times it'd be monday. the presidents need to acknowledge they are going to be, sees a police blah blah where we are witnessed say that ok young's. i appreciated the people have lost their lives. we want to see that people's a being abducted in us because of being in the president or even in really so it could be the secretary oh in the parcel from the government for 60 days. but the general police have not even acknowledge these issues. so the call ended up like
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moving. oh that is being a call that goes the country is mainly for better can yeah, that is a has a comfortable he does in be cool. well, the corruption see nbc auction as we say to young people misusing public funds being taken. and so it's not just mainly the truck team that the knoxville or even the serving the company is more of a good one on the issue. and they think a canyon's have lost the lot of trust to be the president for him to gain the trust . they want to see him taking deliberate commissioners to the store. oh i think we might have i think we might have lost you got steve steven that will not stephen. can you hear us? this is a can that can help me? well you're a weight loss. yes, we lost the connection for a little bit. you know? and steve and i did want to ask, here is the time we had the president roberto made quite
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a sensational accusation that the us food foundation and n t o is responsible to kind of started caring. some of the final, i mean the, the food foundation is had a presence in the why the east african region since the 1960 that claims that it's one about promoting human. well sir, what's your take? do you think this could be true? i think about these a noteworthy collection of issues where you find it because they're not and they're going to have in the dressing. you're not going to know who's funding the birthday is who's trying to fight the war and remove them from power. you know, time being that, i mean what the, uh, the flips where these opposed to us and so what are you not doing, right? what are the things that we haven't done for the people? what are the concerns, a vedic engine, so as the prostrate, when the purpose begun, the walk is issue and that the was blaming the former president. they're eligible.
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what do we get? and yet, then you and i had to blame the position. then now the civil society including and that looked at you, can you know that in my medical records on this so the small but bleeding given which is it not a new one. i sent it. i sent it upside. we've lost uh steve and icons dot com said that we didn't try, but that was just for a few minutes. at least stephen, i'm good one too high for of can you also put notes aside to uh, old kind of counsel my board. try and get him back home with it. that's for him and assess. okay, not a problem has the address being un security council. why russia recently assumed month long rotating presidency, the russian officials stated that the west saxons, him during international co operation, a human you see, but it's a glitch implement even though it's washington. germany policy has not changed for
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decorations has upholstery, atlantic security schemes were based on a true in the dominance of the united states, including the subordination of europe and the containment of russia. the main role was assigned to nato, which eventually crossed to your thing union that seemed to have created for your opinions or see structures have been stream is they probably type in gross violation of the helsinki final act of the actions of the united states and its allies hindered international cooperation and the building of a more just the world they taking tart. countries in the region is cost that you can prevent peoples from fulfilling that sovereign rights. settled in the human charter and distract from watching the joint work to resolve conflicts in the middle east, africa, and other regions to reduce global inequality, eliminate the threats of terrorism and drug crime, hunger and disease. 121 or one of the best. i'm joined now by all c correspondent and kind of open in new york. i'm not mistaken. inside things un itself. i mean, kind of, we were listening in here and it definitely seemed the suck a lot. pulse, no missing is wides. he went through very concrete examples of what he felt was confused of the international rules based or to pay one child so,
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but really just brings the highlights what was said as well the russian foreign minister his visiting and there was a meeting of the security council that's the 15 member body that leads the united nations and which the visiting russian foreign minister took to the floor of the meeting and gave a very thorough speech going over the crimes of the united states and the so called collective west in their efforts to dominate the world, he described economic monopolist and the abandonment of principles of free trade and free competition in order to maintain the dominance of american corporations. he talked about countries kept in poverty in africa and in latin america as a result of us policies. he went over the various attempts to overthrow governments and destabilize countries, the funding of sectarian war and division to carry out
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u. s. foreign policy goals of maintaining dominance. there was quite a powerful presentation which he called for multilateralism and multi polarity in the world. towards the end of his remarks, the reference to the infamous words of francis fukuyama, who talked about the fall of the soviet union succeeding the end of history. and he said, the end of history did not happen, that the trampling claims of the west that they would always sit at the center of the world and the world would always be subservient to them, just didn't match reality. and then he called on the international community to begin building history and the future together to begin the history and moving toward the multilateralism that is needed in order to eliminate poverty in the world, eliminate on stability, eliminate terrorism. it was a very powerful presentation. now the un security council meeting is continuing in the chamber with various other members of the security council of both the permanent members and the rotating members. reacting to the russian foreign ministers, remarks,
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and the meeting continues. now we understand that the russian foreign minister has some important bilateral meetings scheduled for today, which different different heads of state, different foreign ministers and different, different diplomats that are in town. we also understand there will be a meeting taking place regarding the, the middle east situation. so there is quite a bit on the schedule for the russian foreign minister as he's here in new york at the united nations headquarters. making some very, very important points as russia holds its position in the presidency of the security council during the month of july. well, definitely the question remains, of course, whether all the countries that he's referring to will he has cool us more equality and of course representation about economic institutions due on itself. how is the all to you? is caleb open reporting from the you on monday? thanks, caleb. well, donald trump has stepped back into the public high to thunderous applause and
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cheering monday, march. the 1st time before the president was seen in public, often narr release of only thing an assassination attempt just 2 days ago. the y, as opposed to as shown to the fight as trump stepped on stage, a reference to the fuss was he spoke off to being wounded on saturday. the republican national congress has now officially chosen him as the parties. presidential nominees, well following months of speculation, donald trump has finally announced his running mate, ohio state senator j. d phones will become vice president if the republicans when they move on to the site and try to find in walter by doesn't really like him read . after lengthy deliberation and thoughts and considering the tremendous talents of many others, i have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of vice president
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of the united states as senator j. d. vance of the great state of ohio. as vice president, j. d will continue to fight for our constitution, stand with our troops and will do everything he can to help me make america great. again, please take a closer look at the republican vice president in waiting gigi vaughn, who was one subbed as a combat correspondent during the war in iraq, wasn't always pop surprisingly. a fan of trun junction to criticize the republican presidential candidate back in 2016. but late to did a utah admitting that his mind was changed by trump performance in office, solving as a senator, since 2023 von says, a strong opponent of the fight isn't mister ations efforts to keep throwing us
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taxpayers money i q. i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to a border conflict, 6000 miles away. there was in fact, a peace deal on the table approximately 18 months ago. and what happened to it, the by the administration pushed zalinski to set aside the peace agreement and to engage in a disastrous counter offensive. every single objective observer of ukraine more acknowledges today that the war is going worse for ukraine than it was 18 months ago. could we have avoided it? yes, we could, mr. president and we should've avoided it. we would've saved a lot of lives. we would've saved a lot of american weapons. and we would have had this country in a much, much more stable and much better place if we had my clinic. michael could to discuss the latest control the scenes of the us presidential race with all to contribute time for my son to stop the tower. read as one is veteran american food
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costs to steve miles book. his views are on, on ukraine and american a to ukraine, reflects what the america read of most americans believe moment that ukraine is not going to win this war. and force russia to, to it's news is that you need to sit down and talk. and that's what donald trump has been saying. he said he would do it on day one. he said he would do it before day one. who said he would do it well once he's elected before he swore it in your mirror and bring the parties together. and put a name to this, and i think that's what america wants and i'm sure that's what j. d. vance is sincere when he, when he makes his comments, she's caught in iraq. but he was very much of illusions, and he's talked about how he felt the country, how the government lied about it, about the weapons of mass destruction. so he knowledge fans, acknowledge that. i think he knows the facts. i think he knows that almost $200000000.00 that they're spending is ridiculous,
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and he's made statements about that. it also put him at odds with, with a lot of the republican members in congress because of his stance consistently. um and, and trump have to leave it to the fact that the ukraine more that it should end, no more age should go from america to zalinski. so i, i really have hope that he will stand by his word and be consistent with what he has said. we spoke with you hours after the assassination attempt on folded in your opinion, how much of a role the mainstream media and it's hackers for toil of trump have in the track until we know what was behind it. i mean, i can't blame the media rhetoric, but i can differentiate the media rhetoric from when they talk about trump and what they say about trump pounding at home, pounding at home, pounding at home, that democracy is over. if he, when it's the last election, if he wins, people are going to start digging around up is a,
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his enemies to put them in camps every single day. joe biden, he gets a total pass when donald trump was almost as fascinated. they tried to at 1st with the media, tried to downplay it. i think one of the media outlets that he fell on, you know, it was ridiculous. so they were still running cover for joe by referring back to find who's comment about the goals. i mean that rhetoric was so clearly violent, and if trump had said that about the bible, there would have been an outcry over and over about that it would have been on a week 247 on cnn. um, just like if they went after him about january 6, you know and misquoted him and took some quotes out of context to try and make it sound like he inside of the crowd. what do you expect to abide and then the democrats to do the account of the growing popularity of the republicans? hopefully, the democrats will simply take the path of knowing that they have been defeated.
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because as you know was stated earlier, there's, there's simply no path to to the white house. it's because the democrats have been so tongue do. they waited so long, whereas trump is a listening to his constituency by nominating vamps as a vice president. that's listening to the american 1st contingency who was wanting him? you know, to do that, the way he it happened the way he stood up, the way he held his wife waved his hand, the whole situation, the whole sequence of events. i mean it, i think it's going to benefit him gravely again, not that he wished it on himself or anybody wished it. don't get me wrong again, but i just think it just it catapulted him and the democrats don't know how to react. what to do. they, they're just totally out of their minds. i don't see how joe biden and comma la hours beat trump advanced. i just don't see it. meanwhile, the world's top asset, not a to a, then a torres black crawl, cause revealed
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a link to the mazda, tried to tell trump, it turns out that there would be assassin was featured in an ad campaign for the new york based from 2 years ago. while the photo, the details on not on our website. ok, you don't. com and find me a group of 63 european, a parliament roommate, because one hungry strip to visit voting rights as an a member there on happy that prime minister victor by has been trying to bring peace to crane through his recent pool. so it's not meant to attend in russia and she's in pain. in china. miss the organ is actively on demanding coleman you positions, for example, by pushing for assist fire at any cost. instead of a ceasefire on ukraine, stems. not only is he exceeding his powers when he pretends to represent the you as a whole, but he's actively pursuing the policy agenda, which is contrary to come on the you positions. he's sick into the on demand exist
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and the decisions the entire decision making process as well as in your unit see on highly important matches. this cannot be allowed to continue. well, to add insult to injury senior, you commission officials want to boycott events hosting 5 through the past, which currently holds the blocks rotating presidency onto contributor rachel mazda and explains how brussels is trying to smear. the hungarian need us to his piece making assets. so the spokesman for elected cleaners, so the bunker line, european commission, president handpicked in the back rooms of brussels is telling the democratically elected prime minister of hungry, currently serving in the role of the 6 month rotating you presidency. that quote, the college will not be going to the usual rotating presidency, meeting in budapest, set for the end of august. and in which they are set to address that you don't have any issues related to for an affairs that had been plaguing the european economy,
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its industry, and also the cost of living of europeans. european establishment noses had been either joint ever since or bond took over the rotating presidency of the council of the european union. not to be confused with the european council president shahan says anyway, the job description for this temporary gig, a bit or bon now has, can basically fit on the back of a postage stamp. so it seems like he's just decided to wing it to make it all about working to achieve peace gets. it seemed that, well, no one else was really to into that beyond paying lip service to the idea in order to flush tax their cash and weapons manufacturing. so and for bon is the only one taking stock of various sides of the store. and it is wes global, complex right now, many global complex traveling to azerbaijan, to china, to the us, to speak with trump, and also to add these at the latest nato summit. and why does the european stablish
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mon do as a result of all this? try to put a stop to it completely. marginalize in a basement will not stop, put them on the unity and determination of what pays the path to a comprehensive just and the lasting piece in ukraine. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow, vic, to albany no way represents the u. o. the use positions, he's exploiting the presidency position to so confusion. even zelinski has said just recently that russia needs to be at the table for any piece talk so or funds shuttle diplomacy between ukraine in russia, in the username is really the closest thing there is right now to that something that zalinski even says is necessary. the german prescott ahold of a letter that oregon sent to shocking me said the president of the european council comprising all of the member states leaders. and in that letter, he warns of an intensification of conflict in ukraine says that there is a need for diplomacy with both russia and china. and also he says there should be
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a new approach to the global self whose face the e. u has lost amid the follow up from the you create conflict, but there are reports now in the western press, the chief diplomat use of morales. i'm a formal for an affair summit at the exact same time as or bonds for an affair summit. that way these foreign affairs and ministers of all of the states can completely sidestep the risk of being presented some actual diplomatic, heavy lifting. instead they can just retreat to the safe space of. busy wells tranquil e garden, but henry's farm is recessive. therefore, bon wasn't doing all of this work. no one else would be about to meet with me for the pot from prime minister, big to open, not put edition who'd have done it. so especially not to european for you know, the costs from behind gathering from minnesota to words. there are no european petitions who could talk to everyone. they could welcome everywhere whom they would
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except as negotiators, our partners would die like hungry. you affairs minister has also said that the european commission bureaucracy has no place making political decisions in deciding to boycott congress meeting to quote, find common answers to common european challenges and that it has a duty to attend events organized by the council presidency. basically what he's saying there is, who the heck do you guys think you, are you just a bunch of an elective bureaucrats and you really should follow the orders and the direction of people and leaders who are actually selected by the citizens. by hey, what does he know, right? he said quote, will all commission decisions now be made on a political basis? i'm not sure if he's being facetious. there are ironic or if he's just now tuning into the clown pageants. but the, i'm elected bureaucracy that makes you policy has only ever been driven by politics
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. but precisely whose politics is the big question here. back in 2022, france made it's you rotating presidency, meaning about digital transition, climate change. and in a, you wide, military, industrial complex, otherwise known as the you collective defense. the fact that all of these establishment figures were only too happy to indulge in that particular global as dyad while they're very thought of or bonds, piece meeting makes them gag. it really does speak volumes. well for myself on the team here and we'll start just from this out. it is combine. we're going to hand over to hard. it's a rick sanchez. you guessed it, the right impact has come your way. now. enjoy the
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only 41 percent of us adults have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. if we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system you have to prove to the government that you truly need help. the simplest way, like explain the basic income, is that is like social security. for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached to use. okay, well i would like them maybe. i don't know. i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then just by virtue of your being here
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the and here we go again. hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what as you would have expected, i guess, right, what we're going to be talking about. yeah, look what happened. there was only 4 or 5 shots, but really it's a 72 hours that seems to change every thing. and we're going to take you through it, i'm rick sanchez, get ready for direct impact. let's do this. the . so let's start with that. as you would imagine, the whole world seems to still be talking about this. donald trump just came out and said that by all measures he is supposed to be dead. that is supposed to be that those are his words. now, if you're thinking that mr. trump has
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a tendency to exaggerate and over state things, yes, you would be right. he does, but not in this case. absolutely not. in this case, he is 100 percent correct. when he says that, right, in fact, i'm going to let you play. i'm gonna play this video for you again. now that the whole world has been watching it, and you'll see what i mean 1st, let's take a look at these 30 seconds of what happened together go and, you know, that's a little bit all that chart that just a couple of months old. and if you want to really see something like this said, take a look what happens the .


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