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tv   News  RT  July 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the washington, germany policy has not changed for texas the actions of the united states and is how it hindered international cooperation in the building of a more trusted world. the dispute from russia is 4 minutes our calls at washington to hawkish foreign policy that he says, holding back the emergence of loyalty full. i already also have 3 of the from the box. young people are the duties by the crowd that i got that dramatic images from the heart of the canyon and capital over k. us. a rob says proud on president william rooted to resign over the spiraling economic crisis. plus the
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days after surviving and assassination attempt, donald trump officially becomes the republican party presidential nominees. he's joined at the d. o p convention by his newly picked running majors to any advance he wants to bring an end to the ukraine conflict. i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources and so much attention and so much time to a puerto conflict, 6000 miles away. the live in moscow. you're watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble. recovering the top new stories from around the world hungry will keep pushing for peace and ukraine despite all the opposition from fellow you members. that's the message from the countries top of the diplomat. speaking to our correspondence on the sidelines
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of the un security council session in new york, and it's so obvious that the pro war petitions of the european union are unhappy. what we have been doing because they don't one piece, they want this war to be continued. they don't care about the escalation, but to do so, we'll continue our peace mission review of eric in favor of a peaceful solution of the war in ukraine. and, you know, we are, we are used to such kind of attacks. we gotta do is to such kind of pressure. so we continue once we have started and we will continue to represent the national interest of the hon. gary ann farnham, minister has been sitting down for talks with his russian counterpart at the un headquarters, peter c. r. t o and the 2nd law prop discussed a range of topics behind the closed doors. budapest and moscow say they remain committed to cooperation. despite the strong criticism from russell's and washington. for more on a survey law, prov,
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you an address is cross now to r t correspondent, to kill them off and who joins me from new york. caleb, please take us to the main points of the form minister of speech earlier is sure. well, the united nations security council meeting kicked off with remarks from the russian foreign minister who was in town. and his presentation was wide ranging. he talked about how the united states has works to keep countries around the world in poverty and, and acted policies intended to ensure economic domination, whether it's targeting china and their ability to produce goods. whether it's keeping african countries and latin american countries in a state of impoverishment, whether it's been pushing regime change and d stabilization efforts back in terrorist groups. uh, washington dc is always talking about a rules based global order. but at the same time, they are in an all out drive to suppress the new economy that is rising in the world as countries choose to reject the dominance of what's called the collective
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west and assert their own desire for development. here's some of what we heard from the russian foreign minister when he spoke before the 15 member body that leads the united nations human. you see, but it's a good with washington. germany policy has not changed for dex. you'd scroll through atlantic security schemes were based on enjoying the dominance of the united states, including the subordination of europe and the containment of russian. the main role was assigned to nato, which eventually crossed through the union, didn't seem to have created before you were being used, or c structures have been seamlessly privatized, gross violation of the health and the final that have never puts the actions of the united states and its allies, under international cooperation and the building of a more trusted world we used to be taken to our country center region is hospitalized, prevent peoples from fulfilling that sovereign vide settled in the human charter and distract from much that each one forgets results. conflict in the middle east, africa, shoes, and other weekends we have to reduce global inequality, eliminate contracts of terrorism and drug crime, hunger and disease, which are nice and because of a motion to go. now and he ended his remarks by invoking the
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infamous words of francis fukuyama sang. the fall of the soviet union marked the end of history and he declared that there was no end of history. and he then talked about how it was the duty of countries to step up and work to begin history by creating a multi polar world very powerful words before the un security council chamber. and his presentation was followed up by the foreign minister of hungry who is also in town. and he also addressed his concerns about us foreign policy and the actions of the nato alliance and their efforts against the world peace. which is right, that diplomacy is about talking to everyone, even to those re tool. you don't have to agree on major issues. that's one that you have to tell your colleagues, this is not only unacceptable what's come. douglas, really scandalous, that a country is being stigmatized in the 21st century jobs because arguing in
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favor of a diplomatic solution, we are now being under very heavy attacks. political effects. all of those european politicians were representing a pro board position. but i have to tell you that such kind of of tax, you'll give us a 3rd or encouragement to continue our peace mission. now, those weren't quite strong words in defense of russia and in defense of a diplomatic solution to the conflict. and his remarks came before the conclusion of the meeting from there he had a bilateral meeting with the russian foreign minister. and we understand a surgery lab, rob the russian foreign minister, will be having a number of bilateral meetings with countries represented here at the united nations. he will be here and presiding over another un security council meeting set to take place tomorrow. ah, so it's a white and important visit pat to schedule for the top diplomat of russia while he
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is in town here in new york city at the united nations headquarters corresponding caleb mountains. joining us live from the un. caleb, thank you. of the russian foreign minister has also made a point of how the countries language and culture are being erased in ukraine. a trend he says, started a decade ago, screwed up. but actually i'm cars like one for shingle and then zelinski waste war against their own citizens. and destroyed russian education, russian culture, russian media, and the russian language in general. no one in the west took any note to just the most insignificant that even now when the initiatives for you between the settlement of being brought forward, we see a few people. remember keith, violation of human rights and national minorities dealer, we simply the relevance requirement was formulated within even documents on the starting of today. go search and they've done great succession well, mainly due to the principal suspicion of honey removing. however, the real possibilities and desire and priceless to influence the key for us, you are questioning with those. so when you and you are, what else does
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a person instead i see what is my efforts to reduce the russian presidents that you create in educational service report recently showed less than 40 percent of the countries. students communicate in their native language outside of school. research reveals that after the complex started there was a small spike and the use of the cranium language, but the situation has shown over for so this year. well, the study reason is that the share of students, parents, and teachers who consider ukrainian to be their native language has decreased part of the cost of live now to thomas roper officer and war correspondent and thomas is thanks for joining us on a program. give us some more insight into this. why do you think there's been a decline in the use of ukrainian language, particularly in this past year as well? in fact, it's hard to say, um we have this situation and several cities and in ukraine, the deep so close language police is punishing people who don't speak ukrainian who
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have whatever menus in the restaurant and russian or, and so on. maybe it's, it's connected with the fact that many country people left the country. and so i don't really have an explanation for all this. but in general, it's interesting to see them before that my down the regular a pulse and ukraine above the question, which is why that tongue and before 2014, it was really 40 percent. you great and 40 percent russian. so it was a divided country and all the time. and this is, i think, the most important thing to, and a step distraction ukraine since 2014 at thomas the, the russian foreign minister suggested that ukrainian leaders have been trying to destroy russian culture and language since 2014. so for a decade that why do you think the effort hasn't been more successful? well, it's quite hard to, well, to make people who are living in a country a being different now. so it's, it's hard to people to say,
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store to an english guy in england said, saying, as you have to be a french guy know, you're going to speak french. so this is a process which, which can go very quickly. and of course, when you see the eastern chargers of ukraine and former ukraine visa, in fact, the russian speaking territories and to change the mother tongue of a whole population is nothing very easy. and what, what you can do with just overnight the report goes on to say that fewer people now consider ukrainian to be their native language. why do you think that's the case? as i said, and the 1st question, i don't really know this can be connected with main things like a refugee is leaving the country total all go to europe, to rush or wherever. so the, let's say maybe the population destruction of the probation living in ukraine has changed because of that. that in fact, i don't have route on. so why this happened this year, right now, love, also referred to recently, you documents that talked about human rights in ukraine,
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but questioned whether brussels could really influence the key of the government. how likely do think it is that changes in ukrainian policy to respect the fundamental rights will take place and not at all because of the european union knows all this of the since 10 years and never did anything. the only thing that might change is the attitude of ukraine and government to what's the non gary minority because hungry always makes that as a principle for, for any agreement and as well, which is the you wants to do with p. if so, can you? you create a hungry budapest, oregon always says before the minority, the rights of the green by north in ukraine, not save. i'm not respected. they give a ritual to many questions though. the hon. gary and minority might see changes in the future. but in general, there is no one except for russia who's arguing for that,
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who's fighting for the the west doesn't care. thomas, considering the demographic decline that we're seeing in ukraine, particularly recently what to expect to happen with the ukranian language. and this is a good question um, um, well we have to see how this conflict will and what we see at the moment is that i think the refugee was to left you created by the to you're about to rush up. they will not return the european say that very openly, so they will, some will be integrated in in europe, which means that the ukranian language somehow will disappear. um, what happens to the parts of the country which may remain after the conflict. we don't know who it will be and when we will see. but um, yeah, somehow what, what do we see of what to sort so absorb and all the situation is that key if in fact is doing again aside to his own ukrainian population with its politics. so, um, yeah, we will see, but it's, it's possible that this leg which can disappear. i don't know that. all right,
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we're gonna leave it there. thomas roper author and war. correspondent thomas, thank you. thank you. bye. all right, well turning to canyon, our police have cracked down on protestors who want president william brutal to resign over his failure to sort out the economy. the photo it does seem to day is um, uh, the continuing of the anti government protest and some people are on the street. um, you can see from the box out young people are that the fullest of uh uh, priority. got to despise the crowd that i got that here. uh so what about
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the uh, the target got these types of quotes. uh the exploding could be spot down. people who uh got that. yeah. and uh, maybe it would be budgeted that uh if i bring in uh, one of the goddess. that's why. yeah. to tell us why the out on the street can be. let me uh, loop in the, the young man. uh, tell us, why are they on the street? so it's a lot of value industries deal as why i used to think i did speak with. i think, i mean, to drop the divisive right. nice. these are just the way up because we have been in the swamp. that's why we industry this is a very simple move to just things top corruption in the government. just to put it into perspective, we raised 14000000 that was able to pay the hospital bills of 150 can and the number of the amount of money these people still is start getting. i think we've been accustomed to one be going to be doing and we think it's book attends. that's a lot of money. that's why we're here, but we want to drain the swamp. we want to clean can now think we've been completed for a long time and the sleeping jack is awakening. right. um, so uh,
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as he has put it, uh, by draining the swamp. uh directly. uh, put it what they're saying that they don't want caught up. so fishing was because of what a very long time the government has been drawn by. what obviously shows on what we saw recent. this was the president william brutal dismissing all the members of his cabinet, including um, uh, the attorney general, who is the attorney general uh, who is the legal advice uh to the exec i do what the government. so what the people are saying right now is that uh they want to be drained as well. they don't want in the need to who is caught up and then the chance of continuing, why the thing, the president himself must resign even after dropping the controversial. what not to be the 24 weeks and many claimed that uh, this finance bill uh, diesel. uh if you decide not to bill it was $32.00 mesa. is that what you produced? but are you moved, which are not a city do most of that were meant for lack of good notes on the bike. and so that
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would spot the product is different not to be looked at $24.00, which uh, the kitchens. why that it was coming from am move on. uh, what do i tell we are seeing is young people don't want the government, dudley and the government brought it why they're saying the president himself must also go a group of 63 european parliament lawmakers want hungary stripped of its voting rights as an a new member, they're unhappy that prime minister victor or button has been trying to bring peace to crane through his recent concepts. let him are putting in russia and she jumping in china missed the organ, is actively on demanding coleman you positions. for example, by pushing for assist. fire at any cost, instead of a ceasefire on ukraine stems not only is he exceeding his powers when he pretends to represent the you as a whole. but he is actively pursuing the policy agenda, which is contrary to come on the you positions. he's sick into onto mind existing
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the decisions, the entire decision making process as well as a your unit c on the highly important matches. this cannot be allowed to continue. i want to add insult to injury senior you commission officials want to boycott events hosted by budapest, which currently holds the blocks rotating presidency our to contributor rates on mars and explains how brussels is trying to smear the hun, gary and leader for his peace making efforts so the spokesman for an elected cleaner, some of underlined european commission, president pen picked in the back rooms of brussels, is telling the democratically elected prime minister of hungry, currently serving in the role of the 6 month rotating you presidency. that quote, the college will not be going to the usual rotating presidency, meeting in budapest, set for the end of august. and in which they are set to address any issues related to for an affairs that had been plaguing the european economy,
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its industry, and also the cost of living of europeans. the european establishment noses had been out of joint ever since or bond took over the rotating presidency of the counsel of the european union. not to be confused with the european council president shahan says anyway, the job description for this temporary gig, a bit or bon now has, can basically fit on the back of a postage stamp. so it seems like he's just decided to wing it to make it all about working to achieve peace. guess it seemed that well, no one else was really to into that beyond paying lip service to the idea in order to flush tax their cash and weapons manufacturing. so, and or bon is the only one taking stock of various sides of the store and it is west global complex right now, many global complex traveling to azerbaijan, to china, to the us, to speak with trump. and also to add these at the latest nato summit. and what is
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the european establishment do as a result of all this? try to put a stop to it completely. marginalize, an appeasement will not stop, puts him on the unity and determination level of pays the path to a comprehensive just and the lasting piece in ukraine. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow, vic, to albany no way represents the u. o. the use positions, he's exploiting the presidency position to so confusion. even zelinski has said just reason that russia needs to be at the table for any piece talk so or funds shuttle diplomacy between ukraine and bradshaw in the username is really the closest thing there is right now to that something that zalinski even says is necessary. the german prescott ahold of a letter that oregon sent to shocking me said the president of the european council comprising all of the member states leaders. and in that letter, he warns of an intensification of conflict in ukraine says that there is a need for diplomacy with both russia and china. and also he says there should be
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a new approach to the global south whose face the e. u has lost amid the follow up from the ukraine conflict, but there are reports now in the western press, the chief diplomat use of morales. i'm a formal for an affair summit at the exact same time as or bonds for an affair summit. that way these foreign affairs and ministers of all of the states can completely sidestep the risk of being present in some actual diplomatic, heavy lifting. instead they can just retreat to the safe space of barrels, tranquil e garden. but henry's for minister says that if or mom wasn't doing all of this work, no one else would be ordering to meet with me for the past to improvement is to evict, to open. no penetration could have done it, especially not to european for a card from behind gary and from minnesota. there are no european politicians who could talk to everyone. they could welcome everywhere whom they would accept as
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negotiators our partners for dialog, hungary, you affairs minister has also said that the european commission bureaucracy has no place making political decisions in deciding to boycott congress meeting to quote fine common answers to common european challenges. and that it has a duty to attend events organized by the council presidency. basically what he's saying there is, who have to you guys think you, are you just a bunch of an elective bureaucrats and you really should follow the orders and the direction of people and leaders who are actually selected by the citizens by hey, what does he know right, he said quote, will all commission decisions now be made on a political basis? i'm not sure if he's being facetious. there are ironic or if he's just now tuning into the clown pageants, but the, i'm elected bureaucracy that makes you policy has only ever been driven by politics,
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but precisely whose politics is that they requested here. back in 2022, france made it's you rotating presidency, meaning about digital transition, climate change, and then you wide, military, industrial, complex, otherwise known as the you collective defense. the fact that all of these establishment figures were only too happy to indulge in that particular global as dyad, while the very thought of or bonds piece meeting makes them gag. it really does speak volumes. donald trump are turned into the public eye to send her as applause and cheering. monday, march. the 1st time the former president was seen in public after narrowly surviving an assassination attempt to just 2 days earlier. the, his supporters chanted flights as trumpet steps on stage
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a reference to the 1st words he spoke after being wounded on saturday and public and national congress has now officially chosen him as the parties, presidential nominees, or the following months of speculation. donald trump also finally announced his running made us senator from ohio. j. defense will become vice president of the republicans when the november vote. and presidential biden doesn't like him already . after lengthy delivery sion and thoughts and considering the tremendous talents of many others, i have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of vice president of the united states as senator j. d. vance of the great state of ohio. as vice president j. d. will continue to fight for our constitution, stand with our troops, and we'll do everything he can to help me make america great. again, please. all
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right, let's take a closer look at the republican vice president and waiting enjoyed event and see once served as a combat correspondent during the war in iraq wasn't always a fan of trump. he criticized the republican presidential candidate in 2016, but later made a u turn admitting that his mind was changed by trump's performance and office serving as a senator since 2023 days advanced as a strong opponents of the by the administrator and efforts to keep throwing us taxpayer money at the key of and i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to a border, conflicts 6000 miles away. there was, in fact, a peace deal on the table approximately 18 months ago, and what happened to it, the by the administration, pushed zalinski to set aside the peace agreement and to engage in a disastrous counter offensive. every single objective observer of ukraine more acknowledges today that the war is going worse for ukraine than it was 18 months
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ago. could we have avoided it? yes, we could, mister president, and we should've avoided it. we would've saved a lot of lives. we would've said a lot of american weapons, and we would have had this country in a much, much more stable and much better place if we had a my colleague michael quatrey discussed all the latest controversies of the us presidential race with our to contributor and former senate stafford terra read, as well as veteran american broadcast or steve malls berg in his views on, on ukraine and american, a to ukraine, reflects what the america read of most americans bully moment that ukraine is not going to win this war and force russia to, to it's news that you need to sit down and talk and that's what donald trump has been saying. he said he would do it on day one. he said he would do it before day one. he said he would do it once he's elected before he swore it in your mirror and bring the parties together and put
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a name to this. and i think that's what america wants and i'm sure that's what j. d . vance is sincere. when he, when he makes his comments, she's caught in iraq. but he was very much and illusions and he's talked about how he felt the country, how the government lied about it, about the weapons of mass destruction. so he'd know it more fans acknowledge that. i think he knows the facts, i think he knows that almost $200000000.00 that they're spending is ridiculous. and he's made statements about that. it also put him at odds with, with a lot of the republican members in congress because of his stance consistently. and, and trump have to leave it to the fact that the ukraine more that it should and no more age go from america to, uh, zalinski. so i, i really have hope that he will stand by his word and be consistent with what he has said. we spoke with you hours after the assassination attempt on folded in your
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opinion, how much of a role the mainstream media and it's hackers for trail of trump have in the track until we know what was behind it. i mean, i can't wait in the media rhetoric, but i can differentiate the media rhetoric from when they talk about trump and what they say about trump pounding at home, pounding at home, pounding at home, that democracy is over if, when it's the last election, if he wins, people are going to start digging around up in his enemy to put them in camps every single day. joe biden. he gets a total pass when donald trump was almost as fascinated. they tried to at 1st with the media, tried to downplay it. i think one of the media outlets said he fell on, you know, it was ridiculous. so they were still running cover for job. i'm referring back to find who's comment about the goals. i mean, not rhetoric was so clearly violent,
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and his trump had said that about fighting. there would have been an outcry over and over about that it would have been on a week 247 on cnn. um, just like if they went after him about january 6, you know and misquoted him and took some quotes out of context to try and make it sound like he inside of the crowd. what do you expect, joe biden, and the democrats to do the account of the growing popularity of the republicans? hopefully, the democrats will simply take the path of knowing that they have been defeated. because as you know was stated earlier, there's, there's simply no path to the white house. it's because the democrats have been so tuned. they waited so long, whereas trump is a listening to his constituency by nominating bands as a vice president, that's listening to the american 1st contingency who was wanting him? you know, to do that the way he did happen, the way he stood up, the way he held the weight and the whole situation, the whole sequence of events. i mean it,
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i think it's going to benefit him greatly. again, not that he wished it on himself or anybody wish that don't get me wrong again, but i just think it just it catapulted him and the democrats don't know how to react. what to do. they, they're just totally out of their minds. i don't see how joe biden and comma la harris beat trump in vance. i just don't see it. all right, let's look at the news for now and i'll be back with much more in about 30 minutes . in the meantime. be sure to visit our website. archie. com for the very latest breaking news and updates the acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he
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won't get anywhere else. what could i please or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you i'm comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the which one with it, i have to pull one of those little stuff. well, that's not the only thing, but it's on. so the ground squared amount on this like little here plus really watch the dealer with the windows and it is a, it's a.


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