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tv   News  RT  July 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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the, the one you see, but it took us to washington. germany policy has not changed. for texas, the actions of the united states and the satellites hindered international cooperation in the building of a more just foreign minister calls out washington hawkish, a foreign policy that he says is holding back. the emergence of multi polarity justice finally catches up with a coast of a war criminal who attended to 18 years by a hague tribunal for atrocities committed in the late 1990. 1 days after surviving and assassination attempts to donald trump officially becomes the republican party's presidential nominates disjoined at the g. o p convention by his nearly picked running. mate, said he vance,
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who wants to bring an end to the ukraine comp. i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to a border conflict, 6000 miles away. the live in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. this is archie international hungry we'll keep pushing for peace and ukraine. despite all the opposition from fella you members, that is the message from the country. stop diplomat. speaking to our correspondent on the sidelines of the un security council session in new york, it's so obvious that the pro war petitions of the european union are unhappy. what we have been doing because they don't want peace, they want this war to be continued. they don't care about the escalation, but we do. so we'll continue our peace mission review of work in favor of a peaceful solution of the war in ukraine. and you know,
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we are used to such kind of a tax, we are used to such kind of pressure. so we continue once we have started and we will continue to represent the national interest. so the top diplomats from hungary and russia have been discussing a range of topics behind closed doors at un headquarters. the foreign minister has confirmed the importance of implementing agreements. their bosses put an end or bond recently reached, including the supply of russian gas, the hungary, and or bonds of business to moscow are to correspond that kid of mountain is in new york and has been listening in the united nations security council meeting kicked off with remarks from the russian foreign minister who was in town and his presentation was wide ranging. he talked about how the united states has works to keep countries around the world in poverty and, and acted policies intended to ensure economic domination, whether it's targeting china and their ability to produce goods. whether it's
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keeping african countries and latin american countries in a state of impoverishment, whether it's been pushing regime change and d stabilization efforts back in terrorist groups. washington dc is always talking about a rules based global order, but at the same time, they are in all out drive to suppress the new economy that is rising in the world as countries choose to reject the dominance of what's called the collective west and assert their own desire for development, here's some of what we heard from the russian foreign minister when he spoke before the 15 member body that leads to the united nation democratic human. you see, but it's a good with washington for germany. policy has not changed for decades, most or atlantic security schemes were based on ensuring the dominance of the united states, including the subordination of europe and the containment of russia. the main role was assigned to nato, which eventually crossed to your union that seemed to have created for europeans or see structures have been seamlessly privatizing girls violation of the helsinki final act. the actions of the united states and its allies under international
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cooperation and the building of a more just world has to be taken to our country center, regents costs billions, prevent peoples from fulfilling that solving vide settled in the u and charter and distract from much of the joint work to resolve conflicts in the middle east, african in other regions, we have to reduce global inequality, eliminate the threats of terrorism and trust, crime, hunger, and disease. he ended his remarks by invoking the infamous words of francis fukuyama sang. the fall of the soviet union marked the end of history and he declared that there was no end of history. and he then talked about how it was the duty of countries to step up and work to begin history by creating a multi polar world very powerful words before the un security council chamber. and his presentation was followed up by the foreign minister of hungry who is also in town. and he also addressed his concerns about u. s. foreign policy and the actions of the nato alliance and their efforts against the world peace diplomacy is about talking to everyone,
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even to those be 2. you do not agree on major issues. that's one that you have to tell your colleagues. this is not only unacceptable what's come, dallas really scandalous. the country is being stigmatized in the 21st century jobs because arguing in favor of a diplomatic solution, we are now being under very heavy attacks. political attacks, one of those european politicians who are representing a pro board position. but i have to tell you that such kind of a tax will give us a 3rd the ink cartridge meant to continue our peace mission. his remarks came before the conclusion of the meeting from there he had a bilateral meeting with the russian foreign minister. and we understand that sir gay lab or off the russian foreign minister will be having a number of bilateral meetings with countries represented here at the united nations. he will be here and presiding over another un security council meeting set
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to take place tomorrow. so it's a wide and important visit packed schedule for the top diplomat of russia while he is in town here in new york city at the united nations headquarters. hague tribunal has sentenced a former coast of old militant commander to 18 years in prison for war crimes. committed in the late 19 ninety's, just rolled that theatre shallow was responsible for cases of arbitrary detention torture and murder, charlotte who plaited innocent and round and make shift to prison for the kosovo liberation army. during the war, a total of 18 victims were identified by the court. they were held and abused for allegedly collaborating with belgrave. the coast of a specialist chambers was set up in 2015 to handle cases, specifically against former cal a fighters. it is separate from a u. n. type, you know, at the hague, that has prosecuted mostly serves. all right,
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let's cost now live to serve on diets. a researcher at the bel great institute of european studies, so on 18 years in prison, for 18 lives destroyed under the cause of a war criminals command. what do you make of that sentence? of course this sometimes is too low, but it's uh, at least uh he was sentenced. i mean the court itself is very problematic. its establishment. i mean, however, what does it more interesting to me is the status of the so called k and later the cost of only ration r b, because a back in find to 98 the united states. i used to consider it a terrorist organization that actually especially oh boy, robert gilbert. in 1958. he says that there is no doubts as kaylee is a terrorist organization. however, already that here. uh people such as joe biden. uh and uh, christopher hill, who is now the bassett, or of the united states of valerie, which is
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a scandal by itself. uh, we're collaborating with occasionally called and calling them freedom fighters and they support is kaylay in there. there's a back all against the serbian police and a guest. they'll be of themselves who are not going to collaborate with the terrorist methods of the so called customer liberation army. so back then, you know, in again, uh, 1999 officer right after the war ended. i drove water versus said that the leader of k lake was also now indicted and in prison. haig crashing topsy, is george washington across the he also said the scale a should be incorporated in. may the troops in a inc also, whether or not? yeah. so um the, the or issue is what is the stands of the united states and 2 days of registration is the direct successor being the same. people are basically in the office and in
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the state department and in other parts of the government who decided that this was not the terrorist organization. and i should remind that they were evil, not only in the pain, and usually the thing people are torturing and killing them, but also in oregon har listing. and it was a very interesting scene when bernard questionnaire laser became the the uh for administer of friends. uh he started going last when uh somebody, when a girl is the aust about oregon harvesting and he was uh for years before that in the doctors without borders. so. but these people who are still in power uh in the west uh, especially united states, uh, are directly involved in a stablish thing. uh kaylay and uh they supported their with their war crimes while they were happening in terms of this specific case. uh, these crimes took place um during the 90s, of course. uh,
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why do you think it took so long to bring charlotte to justice for precisely for political reasons, because it was the k away that actually took power in, in the cost of them at the cost of nato came and bought. i'm talking about the, the circle these, the fusions that are not recognized because this is not a country. they were praising the west, they built monuments to bill clinton. tony blair, uh, hillary clinton modeling old. right. uh, so, uh, they were always considered good guys. so there were crimes that were really terrific were overlooked for years. eventually, this was that too big of, of allison's in the room. so they had to be indicted. but of course, uh now it is done when there is no real political consequences for what's happening because for the west, for natal, because of the war was long time ago. and we should not talk about it. is it for doctor war because of their comfortably saying very, that's when, when uh,
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when they're looking at the case in eastern europe, they're saying that russia is invading the defendants internationally recognized country and so on. but the nature of it, the exec, every one of the art, is friday, described in 1999 when they supported the terrace organization that they themselves called the terrace or guys ation. it was okay. so i think that is why the case is such a sign of case took so long, and that is why a lot of these people are still at large. they are still not brought to justice and many of them even died in freedom. uh so i don't think that the cost itself, which i said is the. 2 to begin with will bring justice over. oh yeah. it, it took the creation of a separate court because of a specialist chambers to bring kale, a war criminals to account. why wasn't that done by the you and tribe, you know,
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on the former yugoslavia as they wanted to say, that's the cost of what is a separate survey. so uh that uh they didn't even call it suite gen ed is because of course it was. 1 for symbol, that is a precedent like this was made that the a, a coalition of nate are basically natal without any kind of a printing from the security council of united nations. can attack a country that's, this is a precedent which was later on we, we saw the same thing happening in yemen with across from country attacking it. then got this, this part of the hordes over. uh so that is why they wanted to make it a separate case also and there were attempts to establish this warranty in cost of the itself and. busy shouldn't be an alternate or to buy products. however, this was impossible because the witnesses were being costs of being murdered by
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a former daylight members who happened to be president and prime minister. of course, the whole sort of you uh at the time. so because she thought she was indicted for, but i'm trying to, the lake was free. who is a man who personally member people and they were read the says that there probably still are some but a hiding. a lot of witnesses were killed or died under very strange circumstances. i'm talking about the thousands or more people precisely because of the were willing to testify and that is why this chord has to be transferred to have a so that there is more security. 1 in order to do to have some kind of of. 1 normal hearings, all right, we're gonna leave it. there is different guy as a researcher at the bell. great institute of the european studies. thank you. thank you for all right, to kenyan, our place have cross down on protestors who want president william rito to resign
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over his failure to sort out the economy. the the photo witnessing today is um, uh, the continuing of the anti government protest and some people are on the street. um, you can see from the box young people, the fullest uh, uh priority. got to despise the crowd that i got that. yeah. uh so what about the the um, uh they just got a sense of course uh the exploding could be spot down. people who uh, got that. yeah. and uh, maybe it would be budgeted that at least i bring in, uh,
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one of the distance away here to tell us, uh why they out on this street. uh, kindly let me uh, loop in the, the young man. uh, tell us, why are they on the street? so tell us value on this, are you still as why are you with isaac, i mean, to drop the underwriter for an additional as well because we have pending the sump . that's what we industry. this is a very simple method, you're just seeing stuff corruption in the government. just to put it into perspective, we raised 14000000 that was able to pay the hospital bills of 150 can and the number of the amount of money these people still is start getting. i think we've been accustomed to 1000000000 to be done and we think it's bulk attuned. that's a lot of money. that's what we're here. the street we want to drain the swamp. we want to clean cannot think we've been complacent for a long time. and the sleeping jack is awakening. right? um, so uh, as he has put it, uh, by draining the swamp. uh, drive, please. uh, what do you, what they're saying that they don't want caught up coefficients because uh, for
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a very long time the government has been drawn by court up to see shows on what we saw a recent, this was the president william, brutal um, dismissing all the members of each cabinet including attorney general who is uh, delta dental. uh who is the legal advice uh to the exec i do what the government. so what the thing right now is that, uh they, what did they bring this? well, they don't one in the lead the who is caught up and then the child sort of see the continued, why the thing the president himself must resign, even after dropping the controversial off, but not to be the $24.00 weeks. many claimed that this finance be due to a different not to be the was city to make sure that what you produce, but are you move which are not a city too much that were meant for a lot of good notes on biking. so that what spot they protest different not to be the $24.00, which i negations. why that it was coming from. i move and uh,
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what do i tell we are seeing is young people don't want the government do so tightly and the government brought it. why they're saying the president himself must close? of course there has been calls for him. but if you just open edition, that has been quotes from different organizations. demanding and calling. and i think the young people to adopt any other means of conflict resolution means that we bring it down to what the youth at of the month said that they do not want. they do not one in the form of the what they want is the minimum that's even if the government wants the song, even if they did the company that was the song, they still don't have faith that they don't to trust. they handle states. most people have something to do to my school, the president must go. that's of the i've been to meet that goal in the streets to day. the products have been witnessed in different parts of the country. it's in different cities in mombasa, in makoto, in and go to it and can't reach all we ever seen the young people on the ground for testing on what you've seen so far. even us to protest continue. a number of people
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have lost lines over 40 people have been defaulted on hundreds of people as seen in hospitals. nothing injuries, not sinking. there is that they that was on the lifted on them duty. uh the piano in a couple of days. the metal b united states secret service has denied blaming local police for the trump raleigh shooting and expressed gratitude for their actions. thus, despite the director seeming to point the finger at local security following the assassination attempt. in this particular instance, we did share support for that particular site and the secret service was responsible for the in a perimeter. and then we sold the assistance from our local counterparts for the outer perimeter. there was local police in that building that was local police in the area that were responsible for the outer perimeter of the building. as more
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details about the shooting a merge more questions are being raised, one report has local police, allegedly notifying the secret service about a suspicious person before the attack. another suggests a local officer encountered the gunman on the roof of the building before the deadly shooting. meanwhile, donald trump has stepped back into the public, di to sanders applause and cheering monday, march. the 1st time the former president was seen in public after narrowly surviving that assassination attempt to 2 days earlier, his supporters chanted 5 inches from his stepped on stage a reference to his 1st words that he spoke after being wounded on saturday. the republican national congress has now officially chosen him as the parties, presidential nominee and judy vance has become trumps of vice presidential nominee. a former combat correspondent during the iraq war vans wasn't always a trump fan. he criticized the republican presidential candidate in 2016,
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but later made a u turn admitting. he changed his mind because of trump's performance and office the vietnam. and he has been a senator since 2023, and the strong opponents of the by the administrative sions continued use of us tax payers money in ukraine. and i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources so much attention. and so much time to a border conflict, 6000 miles away, there was, in fact, a peace deal on the table approximately 18 months ago. and what happened to it, the by the administration pushed zalinski to set aside the peace agreement and to engage in a disastrous counter offensive. every single objective observer of ukraine more acknowledges today that the war is going worse for ukraine than it was 18 months ago. could we have avoided it? yes, we could, mister president, and we should have avoided it. we would have saved a lot of lives. we would have said a lot of american weapons, and we would have had this country in a much, much more stable and much better place if we had all right,
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let's cost live now. the former republican virginia state senator richard a block to discuss this further center to get to have you on the program with us. i'd like to hear your thoughts about the u. s. secret service being at odds with local police. after the failure to locate the shooter at the trump rally before he opened fire, what, what do you think is the point of this blamed game? the secret service is responsible. above all other agencies for the safety of security, the president and candidates for president the united states. the fact that they are pointing fingers at local police departments who ship way, never dear. what time do you think of this? magnitude? is it, it's embarassing for the secret service. the secret service had a had incredible failure of security. the location where the gunman wise had been identified as
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a prime of security risk. and yet nothing was done about it. the, the secret service was del cycle. we're just responsible for this little area, the, the area where the gun was fired was a 130 meters to the side. it was very close. and so it would be a secret service was totally inept, totally disorganized. and the fact is that uh, the to the shooter was detected a half an hour before the assassination attempt. and somehow the local police lost track of him. a policeman. actually quoting duffel wire onto the roof and confronted the the shooter and assured or turned his rifle toward the police
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officer who then wipe out the the latter without firing his weapon or doing anything. there were really 2 possibilities. one is that this was wrote haskal, a negligence on the part of the secret service. and the other is that it was something more sinister. and that perhaps there were people who are very much hoping that these so it would carry out as mentioned. and so i have to make the present, i don't know which it is, but i do know that the head of the secret service should be immediately fired and reprimanded at the same time. and the secret service agent in charge of the same to the fire. the police officers fly back down. the latter most likely should be fired for he did. but it was quite an amazing thing. and only the fact that the
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president happened to turn to look towards a uh, a chart that was near him. that was the only thing that kept the boy from hitting him squarely in the side of the head. and it was just, it was a miracle. the boy did actually ways by and uh and pierce is, is here. um and had that happen that the political chaos that forward would have been unimaginable. now in the after now, very shortly after the decision was made for trump to name is vice presidential nominee, which was j. d. vance. and i think in part the, the calculus was lar, if something happens if, if they were able to kill donald trump. and there are many, many mirror pro more and leaders to people, the nature of people who,
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who want this war to expand into world war 3. there are many people like the warranty and there. and i think the feeling is, let's put someone in place who is a powerful young later who can step in and carry out the programs of donald trump immediately if something happens to me at to present trucks credit. this was done. and j d williams is one of the harshest critics of the, the european, the leads and sen um to your point about the secret service and law enforcement being made aware of this suspicious activity as much as half an hour before the shooting took place. and that i've seen the videos as i'm sure you have of, of people there actually pointing it to the shooter on the roof and telling police there's a man up there with a gun. i just don't understand how the secret service and even the local police could have ignored this because this is their job. they're highly trained to
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protect the president, the former president of the united states. it just as a bulk of mind to imagine that they allowed this lapse in security to stay on inside the of the building where they should require to see something. this was take a look what happened the headquarters of the local police. so the police were actually operating out of the building and the shooter who had been identified a half an hour early was able to climb up on the building and, and crow on the top of it and aimed his rifle before. one of the police inside decide to go up the ladder and see what was going on. and when he saw him to the shooter, thomas court crow turned the rifle on the on the police office and police officer did not fire a weapon. asked him, did not do anything to interfere with him and just ran down the ladder. it is the
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most daunting sign it is. it almost stretches the limits of the imagination to believe the skin after 2 or so profound, has to not be something more than mere ineptitude. how do you think this reflects overall on american law enforcement? because it really, you know, brings springs to mind the, of all the school shooting in texas where police could have gone in and, and taken out the shooter earlier, but yet did nothing. i mean, what does this, how does this, what does this reflect poorly overall on, on long foresman as well? i would say this law enforcement is always at the mercy of politics. when, when uh, president obama, our president, eventually president barton,
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dealt with what was going on with, with the black lives matter revolution that swept america. they attach law enforcement, there were dozens of police officers killed all across the country. and yet this democratic leads came out and they say, well this, this is mostly peaceful pro, chest. and yet there were dozens of police officers being killed. there were people being chased through the streets, beaten senseless. there were buildings that i mean, whole areas of cities were, were in flames. there. the mob was, were coming in and robbing stores. and all of the criticism was not towards the, the revolutionaries or were coming up the b o. m group. it was always focused on the police officers. there was constant criticism. it was so bad that in webster,
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massachusetts, a little factory time i once worked in one, i was a boy. the police chief was forced by the mob to lay face down with his nose pressed against the concrete for 8 minutes, which was supposedly to find the police so held george ford down. so we have, we have an administration to bind in ministration. that has been the, our ally of crime, they've released massive numbers of a felons dangerous killers. right? to release them onto the streets of america. and so what, what you see is a result of that is the, the police departments are demoralized and it's very difficult for them to recruit the brightest and best people. and as a consequence,
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you see there's committed to you and this fear among the employees that if they do something wrong, they're going to be so far as happened with the drawers, the 4 chairs, the officer who helped him down in that neck holes of which did not hurt his neck. the george floyd died of a severe overdose of fat and all that he had taken before him. but because of the way it was portrayed in the media, the officer on the shoulder and i think is his name. he is in wife for prison or in prison for life by the name of a man who was totally innocent, who was actually a cordon or according to police procedures. but he were just ramrod by this, this narrative that somehow he had crushed this man, jeanette. the autopsy showed.


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