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tv   News  RT  July 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the, the washington for germany, policies has not changed. for decades. the actions of the united states and its allies hindered international cooperation and the building of a more just the world. for us as foreign minister calls out washington's hawkish foreign policy that he says is holding back the emergence of multiple arity. also a head people are on the street. the from the box, young people are the what is the duties of the crowd that i got that the dramatic images from the heart of the canyon and capital were chaos or roberts, as proud called on president william root. so to resign over the spiraling economic prices. and just these days after
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a fail and assassination attempt to donald trump officially becomes a republican party, as a presidential nominee says, u. s. secret service and local police trade accusations over who's to blame for the inexcusable security lapses the live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international hungry will keep pushing for peace and ukraine despite all the opposition from fellow e. u members. that's the message from the country. stop diplomat. speaking to our correspondent on the side lines of the web security council session in new york. it's so obvious that the pro border political ones uh of the european union are unhappy. what we had been doing because they don't one piece, they want this war to be continued. they don't care about the escalation about to do. so we'll continue our peace mission review of work in favor of a peaceful solution of the war in ukraine. and, you know,
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we are used to such kind of attacks we, i do is to such kind of pressure. so we continue. once we have started, then we will continue to represent the national interest. the top diplomats from hungary and russia have been discussing a range of topics behind the closed doors at un headquarters. the foreign ministers confirmed the importance of implementing agreements, their bosses put an end or bond recently reached, including the supply of russian gas, the hungary, end, or vans visit to moscow would certainly love rob has also met with his swift counterpart in sealed houses. the russian delegation from confirms the meeting was organized on central ends initiative r t corresponding caleb mountain in new york has been listening with russia and it's rotating position as president of the security council for the month of july. we had the foreign minister survey lab, rob, who's in town giving a dynamic presentation before the un security council meeting that began this
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morning in his presentation. he talked about how the united states has worked to undermine global peace, dismantled global security apparatus, or do you stabilize countries, keep countries in poverty, working to force the global economy to remain centered around, but not ballistic corporations based in the united states and britain. it was quite a powerful dynamic presentation. one of the points that the russian foreign minister made was that russia has been open to negotiation from the beginning. and that they would like to see a diplomatic resolution of the conflict in ukraine. and western leaders seem committed to prove that and things such a thing from occurring, even though there is popular sentiment for it in ukraine and around the world. you mean, you see, but it's a good with washington for germany. policy has not changed for decades, most or atlantic security schemes were based on ensuring the dominance of the united states, including the subordination of europe and the containment of russia. the main role was assigned to nato, which eventually crossed,
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everything's union that seemed to have created for europeans or c. structures have been seamlessly privatized in girls, violation of the helsinki final act. the actions of the united states and its allies hindered international cooperation and the building of a more trusting world has to be taken to our countries and the region is costing you prevent peoples from fulfilling that solver invites that out in the you and charter and distract from much of the joint work to resolve conflicts in the middle east, africa, and other regions to reduce global inequality, eliminate the threats of terrorism and drug crime, hunger and disease which united somebody hung gary and foreign minister who was also in town, took the floor to emphasize that his country has been pursuing peace in ukraine, does not want to join the global efforts to isolate russia. and the response of the international community, including the european union, has been reprehensible and it is really shown a buyer's and lack of will to move forward. toward better solutions on the part of some leading countries. this is the hon gary and for administer before the un
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security council. interest of diplomacy is about talking to everyone even to those between you do not agree on major issues. that's one that you have to tell your colleagues, this is not only unacceptable what's come, dallas really scandalous, that a country is being stigmatized in the 21st century jobs because arguing in favor of a diplomatic solution, we are now being under very heavy attacks. political effects of those european politicians who are presenting april bar position. but i have to tell you that such kind of effects to give us a 3rd ink cartridge meant to continue our peace mission. he did not limit his want remarks to ukraine or to issues directly related to russia. he went over how the united states has been trying to tell china what goods they can produce and limiting their ability to produce computer chips and other high tech technology
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simply for their own market gain. he talked about the various cues and regime change operations. the united states has carried out in different parts of the world, and he presented it all as very much an effort to hold back the new economy that is rising. he talked about the bricks. he talked about the economic development that russia and its partners have engaged in. and he argued that the united states is trying to prevent a new world from emerging. but it gives you, when you, what i see for the sake of containing russia, china and other countries whose independent policies are perceived as a challenge to germany's, the west by its aggressive actions, breaks the system of globalization that originally developed according to its patterns. the north atlantic alliance is no longer satisfied with the war that is unleashed against russia at the hands of the legal authorities in kia. and the entire o. s. c. space is not enough for it. having almost completely destroyed the fundamental agreements in the field of arms control, the united states continues to escalate confrontation should i see what would be an
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issue of the russian foreign minister involved to the infamous words of francis fukuyama about the end of history and said that the end of history never came, and then he called on the international community to begin the history by embracing the multi polar world working to eradicate poverty and create peace between nation was very dynamic presentation from the foreign minister. very all encompassing, many different aspects of what he was talking about were touched on many different corners of the world. now china took to the floor of the security council and they called out the united states and it's constant in voting of this rules based global order. when they themselves don't feel, feel obligated to follow international norms or rules and have no problem blatantly violating the sovereignty of some countries. this is what china said before the 15 member body that leads the united nations. when you would you to see the color we
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often hear talk about the rules based international old on this is the opinion of individual countries. what rules are we talking about? who makes these rules and so far, no one has given us an exact clear answer to this question. the so called international order is based on rules which individual countries talk about. well, in fact, it is aimed at creating another system that would operate separately from the system of international law. this is an attempt to justify double standards and exceptions. i mean, i would like to emphasize that there was only one order in the world, and that is the international order, which is based on international law. there was only one set of rules, and these are, in fact, the basic rules on which international relations move, which i've been trying to in the un charter. there is no ambiguity here. it cannot be strong build one of the points that the russian foreign minister made in his remarks was about the lopsided and s and the over representation of the united states. britain and their allies in the international institutions. how it seems
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like what is commonly called the collective west is given an inflated role in the world, and inflated ability to affect international policies, treaties, and agreements. uh, and there were a number of countries that agreed with the russian foreign minister on this point. and when they spoke before the council, they emphasized that there is a need to restructure the united nations and other international bodies to give adequate representation to countries that are in the process of development and being picked up. and i'm assuming that we must acknowledge is the existence of a pending debt with regard to reforming the security council equity or continues to support or, and i'm vicious and realistic reform without any new vito's or privileges in perpetuity reform. there was confined to model of democracy based on the principles of rotation. accountability that reflects the reality and diversity of contents of the contemporary world. in the context of building gun
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effective multilateral is mozambique, right? that is the call on the need for the security council reform reforms that must take into account the for kind of coming position based on these leading the consensus. and to see that the declaration as this will allow the counsel to be more inclusive. fam, adjusting democratic in the deep charge of each seduce another chapter after the service of the entire human kites. when the meeting took place, it was pretty obvious that western leaders did not approve 5. there was a kind of a statement given by the representative of ukraine prior to the meeting, and they made clear they did not approve of what russia what had to say and how
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russia was planning to conduct this meeting of the security council. but that did not stop russia from as the acting president and their rotating role of the security council. going ahead with this important meeting and enabling the russian foreign minister to make this dynamic presentation. calling out the way. there is an effort to hold back history on the part of the western countries, and this dynamic speech was given by the russian foreign minister. countries around the world reacted to it. a lot of troops that are hidden and concealed in mainstream media. and the rhetoric of western politicians were highlighted before the world. it was certainly an important day at the united nations security council, the un headquarters in manhattan recruit of the russian foreign minister has also made a point of how the country's language and culture are being erased and new crane a trend he says, started a decade ago, so go to the production because like one for single and then zelinski wish to war
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against their own citizens. this one russian education, russian culture and russian media and the russian language in general. no one in the west took any notice of unless it is significant that even now when initiatives for ukraine settlement of being put forwards, few people remember keeps violation of human rights and national minorities. only recently, the relevance requirement was formulated in the documents on the start of negotiations on the credit succession, mainly due to the principal physician of hungry. however, the real possibilities and desire of brussels to influence the key for us, you are questionable though. so when you knew what it was, because i personally, despite efforts to reduce the russian present and so you create in educational service report recently showed less than 40 percent of the country students communicate in their native language. outside of school. research reveals that after the complex started, there was a small spike in the use of ukrainian language, but the trend has shown over verse of this year. the study reasons, the share of students, parents, and teachers who consider ukrainian to be their native language has decreased
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author and war. correspondence. thomas roper reviewed the report and shared his thoughts before that my down the regular a bowls and ukraine about the question, which is why that turned in before 2014 it was really 40 percent dual credit of 40 percent russian. so it was a divided country all the time. and this is, i think the most important thing to understand is traveling ukraine since 2014, which we see and what is saw so absorbed in all the situation is that key, if in fact is doing again aside to his own ukrainian population with its politics so um yeah, we will see but it's possible that this thing which can disappear. the only thing that might change is the attitude of, of you training government towards the non gary and minority because hungry always makes that as a principal for, for any agreement. and as well, which is the you wants to do with keys. so can you create a hungry,
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budapest or bump? always says this time before the minority, the rights of the green, my nor to in ukraine, not save. i'm not respected. they get for richard to many questions though. the how and gary and minority might see changes in the future. but in general, there is no one except for russia who was arguing for that who was fighting for the the west. that doesn't care. and now to east africa, where canyon police upfront down on protesters to want president william rooted to resign over his failure or to sort out the economy. the what you're witnessing today is um the continuing of the anti government protests
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and people are on this re um you can see from the box young people, the bullets of, uh, uh, friday. um the i got to despise the crowd that i got that here. uh so what about the uh, the tech got got these types of quotes. uh the exploding could be spot down. people who uh got that. yeah. and uh maybe it would be budgeted that uh, lease i bring in. uh, one of the 2 i here to tell us uh why it out on the streets. uh kindly let me uh, loop in the, the young man, uh, tell us why are they on the street? so it's a lot of value industries. that is why i use the feet with i think, i mean to drop the front divided by nice these additional as well because we have pinning the some. that's why we industry. this is a very simple method. just think stop corruption in the government. just to put it into perspective with a 40000000 that was able to pay the hospital bills of 150 can and the number but
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the amount of money these people still is getting. i think we've been accustomed to 1000000000 to be done and we think it's book attend. that's a lot of money. that's why we're here and the seats. we want to drain the swamp. we want to clean care. now i think we've been complacent for a long time and the sleeping dantes awakening. right? um, so uh, as he has put it, uh, by draining that swamp. uh, directly uh, put it what they're saying that they don't want to caught up coefficients because uh for a very long time the government has been drawn by what pro, fee shows and what we so recent, this was the president william brutal dismissing all the members of his cabinet including um uh, the attorney general, who is the attorney general uh, who is the legal advice uh to the exec i do what the government. so what them because the thing right now is that uh they want to be drained as well. they don't want in the lead the who is cut off and then the chance of continuing what they
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think the president himself must resign even after dropping the controversial up. but not to be the 24 weeks. many claimed that uh, this finance bill uh diesel. uh, if you decide not to bill, it was $32.00 mesa, is that what he'd produced? but are you move which are not a city too much that were meant for lots of good notes on the bike. and so that's what spot the product is different, not to be looked into the for which the kitchens. why that it was coming from. i m move on. uh, what do i tell we are seeing is young people don't want the government data on the, on the government brought to why they're saying the president himself must close. of course there has been calls from. but if you just organization had been quotes from different organizations do monday and calling, and i think the young people to adopt any other means of one particular lucian means that we bring that down. but the youth of the month saying that they do not want, they do not want any form of data what they want. is there any discipline minimums?
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that's even if the government was the song, even if they did the company that was a phone, they still don't have faith that they don't to task. they handle states. most people have something to do to my school. the president must go. that's of the i've been to meet a call in the streets to day. the products have been witnessed in different parts of the country. it's in different cities in mombasa, in my poodle in india, and can't reach all we over seen the young people on the ground for testing. and what i've seen so far, even if the protest continues, a number of people have lost lives over 40 people have been the 4. hundreds of people i see in hospitals must see injuries, nothing indians that they, that was that inflicted on them during the year. and the couple of days the metal be the unrest are wrapped it in kenya late last month after the government tried to push through. and i am as fast as i can bill. this is
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a people were killed in several days of violence so, so crowds storm the parliament building, and i robi, the chaos for us to president ratio to suspend to the controversial bill and dismissed. most of the cabinets of the country's economy has continued to plunge, forcing the government to borrow even more money from foreign predators. we spoke with steven and we'll go on 0, a high for of kenya. advocates who says the route, positive in protest is not the i am asking ppos finance bill, but the nation's loss of trust. and the president me goes on thing is i'll be having a platform issue that's really good for the nice people. yes. a that to get a issue like the, the, i'd rather like issues we just because the, the issue of a high cost of lead the level, the local employment associated for the youth. what governance at the local, the hold ability lead does what be not squandering publicly, co fuss using the money to maintain the hopefully it's late. so when that they used
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to be moving that on the street sale made will be in across the country. i've been protesting, mainly again as to what going on. so it'd be monday. the president's need to acknowledge they own going. this is a police file where we have a weakness, save it. ok young's that we do them, people have lost their lives. you will see that people's a being abducted in other disappearing in the president or even in the community. so companies, if you tell the only possible home to go, i mean it's 80 days, but the general police are not even acknowledge this is susan. just meet the truck, the with the knoxville or even the solving the company is more mobile going on the issue. and they think i can use how gross the load of trust to be the president. the. the secret service has denied blaming local police for the trump rally, shooting and expressed of gratitude for their actions. last, despite the director, assuming to point the finger at local security following the assassination attempt
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. in this particular instance, we did share support for that particular site. and the secret service was responsible for the in a perimeter. and then we sold the assistance from our local counterparts for the outer perimeter. there was local police in that building that was local police in the area that were responsible for the out to perimeter of the building. take a look what happened as more details about the shooting a merge more questions are being raised. one report has local police allegedly notifying the secret service about a suspicious person before the attack. another suggest the local officer encountered the government on the roof of the building before the dudley shooting. a former republican state senator from virginia says regardless, it was either security services, negligence, or criminal, intense the secret service is responsible. above all other agencies for the safety of security, the president and candidates for president united states. the fact that they are
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pointing fingers at local police departments who simply never deal with anything that this magnitude is embarrassing for the secret service. the secret service had a kind of incredible failure of security. the location where the government was had been identified as a prime security risk, and yet nothing was done about it on the secret services now. so i know we're just responsible for this little area. 6. the area where the gun was fired was a 130 meters to the side. it was very close. the secret service was totally inept. totally disorganized. there were really 2 possible. the one is that this was road haskal, a negligent on the part of the secret service. and the other is that it was something
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more sinister. and that perhaps there were people who were very much hoping that the cell would carry out his medicine and a soft tonight to present us. donald trump has stepped back into the public eye to surrender as applause and cheering. monday, march, the 1st time the former president was seen in public after nearly surviving that assassination attempt as 2 days earlier, as a porter's chanted, fights as trumpet stepped on stage, a reference to the 1st words he spoke out for being wounded on saturday. the republican national congress has now officially chosen him as the parties, presidential nominee or the washington post is been criticized for report about pro trump billionaires magnifying, the shooting narrative to promote trumps heroism after the shooting. meanwhile, the media seems to be overlooking the inappropriate way. democrats are advancing
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a counter narrative using language that places trump in a bull's eye. he has said many, many times after having been questioned many times about this, but he's not stuffing down and he's going to be the nominator. so at some point, democrats have to decide that they want to try to win this election and turn their fire on donald trump. i think there is, i should've said turn their fire, i apologize. but that was not the phrase, but i meant they need to turn their focus on donald trump. so and the jedi vans has become trump, vice presidential nominee, a former combat correspondent during the iraq war. vance wasn't always a trump fan. he criticized the republican presidential candidate in 2016, but later made a u turn admitting he changed his mind because of chance performance in office. the v p nominee has been a senator since 2023 and a strong opponent of the binding administration. continued use of us taxpayer money in new crane vans even officially asked the state department, the body ukrainian n g o that published an enemy's list. labeling americans that consider the trumpets
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and communists. i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources. so much attention and so much time to a border conflict, 6000 miles away. there was in fact, a peace deal on the table approximately 18 months ago. and what happened to it, the by the administration, pushed zalinski to set aside the peace agreement and to engage in a disastrous counter offensive. every single objective observer of ukraine mor acknowledges today that the war is going worse for ukraine than it was 18 months ago. could we have avoided it? yes, we could, mister president, and we should have avoided it. we would have saved a lot of lives. we would've saved a lot of american weapons. and we would have had this country in a much, much more stable and much better place if we had we discussed this with farmer virginia state senator richard black, who says the probability advanced becoming the new vice president is high and deep range and secret reconciliation with russia before trump's administration takes
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office. what you have at this point is president trump has expressed a great deal of skepticism towards our support for ukraine represent. now your selection vice president reside who is going to be in his very power for lice. product would be dr. j advanced moments notice has been on a quarter to a man, and uh, he said he should, i voted for the people who is the lease or segment of our senators will be span, blocking the 6060000000000 dollars. a package for ukraine says, managed to hold it up for months and he said, quote, i voted against this package and the signing of them remained opposed to virtually . and he's us, uh, continued funding for this more single if you locate this was with smaller trucks flooding and he's going to end the war. the day he comes in the office j
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d van saying he has no support for it. he said, manson, i don't really care what happens to ukraine one way or the other. i think the ukraine government worse more. they were peace talks with russia immediately and try to get whatever advantage they can be for the next administration this morning. and before we let you go, i wanna let you know about reports coming in about a shooting and do the security permit or at the republican national convention, where a police officer has reported. they killed an individual to stay with us as we're bringing more details as they come to us here at our tea. and this, it was our to international up next on perspective. what comes next to for recently, for you to we can expand her julian, like the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground, can the beyond excited to 24 hours. it's hard to describe. we've been
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waiting for this for so long. did you ever think this day would come? yes or no? free at last, free at last. delete assigned is free at last. well, physically for now. it is surprising yet deserve move. the british government released julian from his jail so well, what happens next week? you weeks founder, and what price did he and the rest of the world have to pay for his freedom? i'm sky now. hughes, and this is prospective the after spending a 1901 day is in prison. would you expander julian assigned walked out of a prison and was able to run off a plane to embrace his wife and his father. now he gets to head back to his
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homeland. i'm australia and what seems to be the conclusion to a decade long legal battle. a legal battle will start in 2011. when the swedish government accused assigned of sexual assault and issued a warrant for his arrest. not only due to sondra denied the allegations, but it became apparent jolena saunders being targeted because of his work on his website wiki leeks and the work it was doing to expose the lies being told by the american government to its people. in 2009 chelsea manning who is previously known as bradley manning before here transitioning and a military intelligence analyst disclosed a wiki leaks hundreds of thousands of documents regarding the detainees at the us detention camp at guantanamo bay. as was never before seen documents regarding the warner rack. now eventually us government charged assigned with 18 accounts of espionage.


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