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tv   News  RT  July 17, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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within the g o p, the debates and the shooting change every the appraiser rebranded as all the time in for pass trip to europe. pop the one of the new nazi unit members who does it with look at the algebra desktop memorial. well, so it has the stuff to award full additions of the european union. the unhappy once we have been doing because they don't want peace, gary and foreign minister on 5th on charge. we'll pull towards the piece on the side lines of the latest. so rushed to latch un security council meeting a 1000 budapest faces being used around the trying to push paste, told in the past 10 days and the ways of keys including the 6th belonging to tundra where i work and the kids coming home and 37000 feet on the steps to the clear and rock communications direct to
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speak to all to following the latest is right. the stripe on a refugee camp is a sub full golf. at 25 people died while shop frank t x, the promo code k y the you'll joining us from this is not transnational. we live from our h. q is always great to have your company. well, top story this, our rebranded members of ukraine's near non c hours of battalion all preparing to take europe by storm. they've announced a tool of several cities across the e. u and a bit to recruit, move flight tests. the thoughts stop is poland, where many thousands of civilians were massacred by the historic, pre to assesses, of as also collaborated with hitler during world war 2. we invite all of our people to meet with the soldiers of the 3rd assault brigade in 9 european cities. you
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wanted to get involved, but didn't know how come and ask the professional military face to face only the truth about service in the brigade stories from the front line and the real military deal. well, the unit now calls itself here, crane's sad assault briefcase. but that hearts and minds all still in the same place. one of the group's members recently posted photos and self posing with the quote, my adult hitler. well visiting the outfits memorial in poland. what over a 1000000 people executed by the nazis during world war 2? and then all the image, the ukrainians girlfriend, the scene reenacting a stainless internet mean about a funding house without food. so it was supplemented by full cheer truck titled, baby on 5. well that's for 5 now to human i labor white fluid down cuz i like to discuss this further done. like i said, to an all sound cheque. i really wish that we would discuss baxa topics, move positive issues, but it seems about slight locking in the world at the moment. i mean,
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i have to ask you, last year russia was not invited to celebrate the 78 down at foster political ration of outsets big canal despite of course it being so get full, says he didn't the liberation. now, as all hitler quotes, welcome, uninvited, i mean help, it makes sense to me to well, in many ways it doesn't make sense except when you see the history of, of the west. and in particular, the us, you know, back in ukrainian nazi's going all the way back to the 1940s. and why didn't they do it to undermine at that time the soviet union and that they're supporting neo nazis now to undermine rushes. so in many ways it's shouldn't be surprising. it's a continuation of long held policies. it must be pointed out by the way that just recently and, and, and kind of ironically, right after abide and got back from normandy,
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celebrating at the university of the day. he actually lifted prohibitions on arming the as of the town. so it's pretty incredible and pretty blake the support of neo nazis and ukraine. but again, there's a long history of that. i mean, i, i do want to ask it from part of the spec to, i mean, what is this? is this a disrespecting of history? is it a lack of self respect? is it a rewriting of history? yes. and again, there's a lot of that going around. i mean, what has been happening, especially in recent years, is a rewriting of history to deny the incredible contribution of russia in the soviet union in defeating the nazis and giving now all credit to the us and the u. k. in particular, for that feet when in fact,
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it was clearly rushing the soviet union that did the heavy lifting to defeat denazi's. and of course, part of the also rewriting of history is to whitewash the z ukrainian, a nazi history, which sadly is being revived within the ukraine. but again, with the help of europe and the united states. i mean, i do want to ask you, not just specifically about the outfits aspect of this, but this your a pin tool that clearly going to be faith. they might not be clued as solve. but as those instagram pose show, the ideology is very much the same. i mean, what does this say about the, the willingness i suppose all the european play is to normalize pretty horrific and disgusting. i do want it to you in the name of 2 political goals. yes . well, again, it says a lot. it says in fact,
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they are very willing to do that. they have for a long time. and let's face it, well, you know, we have to link it to what's happening in gaza right now. where are you, you know, what is yours due to the people who've gaza is frankly nazi, like right. and in the west is always supporting that and trying to justify that. and now it's trying to justify neo nazi as a new crane. and as you say, you've been to the point where they're going to let them go around europe and recruit people. so all the claims the west has to human rights and democracy. it just, it's falling apart right now in, in, in light of, of the facts in the light, in light of true events. i mean, you mentioned that as well, that was one sort of power law that i want to also not power larosa. i mean meta is censoring very active, the palestinian forces. i'm design and it's for he says, it says that it's within the name of combating on to semitism. but then we have material like this. i mean, you would think that
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a quote by agile hit that would be the absolute pinnacle of a anti semitism. and yet these images are out best flow to the route and even was not that being accepted by the political leads in, in brussels. what is this pick and choose approach? yeah, well get now and i semitism is being used as code for pro palestinian right. that's really what is, is the concern is people supporting the palestinians not being and i symmetric and again, it's proven with this that there openly supporting and i semites and not um . so again, the hypocrisy, the double standards, all this is being revealed in these complex and ukraine in gaza. the west is showing it's true color. it reminds me of the question of journalist asked of mahatma gandhi said, what do you think of western civilization?
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and gandhi said, i think it would be a good idea of finding it down. i want to go take, i mean, it seems pretty clear that piece, when it comes to new, creating conflict is hopefully on the horizon discussions around peace conferences with russia's participation. frontline, obviously moving in most of those fav. oh, that's kind of confidence. the fact is, it feels like what building up to the montes occasion? i mean, peace will come either way, whether that's tomorrow, whether that's in a year's time. but these images will remain the font europe allowed as all nazis to visit outfits. the fact that washington gave military support to the household for a date. i mean, surely that will make it difficult for them to stay at one point, but we had no idea that this was the case. and that, that was such a presence of near nazi ideology. or do you think that that uh, kind of hip hop per se will bout, just so you know, be like,
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will trust the adults back, shall be in the west. it will be water off a duck's back because history is rewritten every day. i mean, years ago, years ago, the us, uh, uh, congress passed a law saying, uh, forbidding the us from arming neo nazis. a new great. well obviously that's a dollar gene that there are neo nazis, a new crate. right. and then of course that law itself was repealed, but now you have by it and saying, oh okay, it's okay to arm the point is, the west is acknowledge the existence of the neo nazis over time. and then they deny is this is completely orwellian. but you know where this won't be forgotten in russia. they won't forget this. they won't forget the arming of the neo nazis. and you crank the support of neo nazis, the white washing of nazi history. the russians won't forget, well,
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definitely give them the scale of the loss of the search, get paid for jury the 2nd world war and wanted to stump out the nazi i do want to to, i think that is something that's very difficult to scott 24000000 people of course, you know, thought, well, that was that human and labor, right, so it's on commodity as a waste on it was a pleasure having you all. thank you. thank you. thank you very much. well, let's look at what's happening in golf and now $48.00 people were killed in less than an hour. my idea strikes on chairs fails, according to the enclaves civil defense agency. half of the victims were sheltering out a un run school in the midst a route refugee camp onto the spoke within was communications directed to that to my, who says that a tax on refugees have become cool in that place. it's been coming out of the cohens here at around. we have a record distance in the past 10 days at noon. there's at least 8 schools including 6 belonging to elnora where i work. they seem hits and this is thing becoming
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common place and was absolutely unacceptable. simply because who is make to be protected at all times, including in terms of conflicts, we are reminded on record several times many times. and i in lines of those fighting again, the parties to the conflict must never be, must never use or united nations facilities for me to feel for. i think that this is what we also know according to verify, dumped on that we have collect the data on the raw since the war began. is more than half of our facilities, the vast majority of them used as sort of special interest or, and then half of them where hits doing this for. and as a result, more than 520 people, including women and children who were sheltering in those schools working well for its policy is really the only claims that it was targeting terrorist hiding in the he went to school, but local safety idea, scientists,
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american allies are using all of that as a testing ground for that one, ma'am, and do so without any prior warning, and american is really missile fell on us targeting a school serving as a shelter. what we saw from this missile was something very so real. children had their heads cut off, there are corpses. i swear we were walking on corpses. i can't describe it further due to the horror of the scene and your middle because i present today, these missiles are falling on us for testing. the palestinian people are being used by arms companies to test their weapons. the missiles that fail here just a short while ago were from america the gaza strip, and our children are not a testing field for international arms companies. while office ran the attack phone calls that intensify, providing humanitarian aid is becoming increasingly challenging an age walk as themselves all coming on to far doing re communications director again told us that this conflict has seen the agency and there's the highest number of walkers since
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it's concepts we are on the team, anything, phone lines, we have thousands of of clinics or are there responding to huge and fost needs. on the grounding on fox, we have in vitro span nearly $200.00 critics. and in this worse than the war began . so 200 pictures notices medicaid workers, engineers, they would case this as highest number of age because in the u. n. king, since they united nation started working just after the 2nd world war and the lives of those cliques, mathis and those response have been should be, had to come accountable the warren guns as being one of the most brutal, most vicious in, in recent history. and what we do know is that moore's have rooms and those
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rules were put in place to be respected and the boys lose, or in goss i have to in book, in the past. well, a chance of pushing for pace and ukraine despite all the opposition from fellow you members. as a message from the hungarian foreign minister has been sitting down for talks with his russian accounts positively un headquarters in new york. are these kind of open cool top with pizza? chateau on the sidelines. the it's so obvious that the pro war petitions of the european union are unhappy. what we have been doing because they don't one piece. they want this war to be continued. they don't care about the escalation, but we do. so we'll continue our peace mission review of work in favor of a peaceful solution of the war in ukraine. and, you know, we are used to such kind of attacks. we are used to such kind of pressure. so we continue, once we have started then we will continue to represent the national interest
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commons and did not pull in rustles over the hon, gary and probably ministers, recent visits to both russia and china. they total bonds, spoke with not to get paid on shooting, paying about the ukraine conflict, even late to met with donald trump, who of course says he wants to stop the war if he wins move on this us presidential elections. but one of your top bureaucrats has shut down the very idea of peace. charles michelle says hungry, which courtney holds to rotating your presidency, has no right to speak for the block. the retaining presidency of the council has no role in representing the union on the international stage and receipts no european console mandates to engage on behalf of the union. well, it's helping you with this open out boy called think about it's hosted by a hungry fellow remembers of the block. downgrade that that presence had a meeting in budapest for example. i'm the european commission has repeatedly or didn't that invoice to smell up informal ministers. meetings with hungry,
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while hungry holds the presidency from top to not just trying to play in budapest itself. so the escalade route, we have been very united during the war and ukraine. now disagreements are starting to appear to have seen hunger use position. well, joining us from the hon. gary and capital george. i'm while a senior research find out about the global policy institute. think time, thanks very much for joining us, george. i mean, cindy, may i, for the, be your opinion was all about bringing to get the disparate countries, languages, people, economies. but it seems but some the, the slightest bit of descent. i'm not here to see a full support, but you're just con, tolerate someone coming out on that road. it's like, it's even worse than that. the you won the nobel peace prize just a few years ago. and here's the you absolutely desperate of and for
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rushes in its attack against the members hungary to a lesser extent. slovakia that are trying to bring peace and that's who hunger is doing. hungry is position is that we're not getting in til the rights are rooms of this rule. the only room is to have a war. it's in the interest of one year of bins to bring this conflict to an end as soon as possible because we on gary ends have a very painful history with was we were dragged into 2 world wars in the 20th century as we got absolutely habits of the world, well why we got a terrible beating in world war 2 in itself. it's uh, 40 years of communism as a result of what happened in world war 2. we're not going to do this a so a time and he's basically less hungry. his position, we are being dragged into a war against our will, through our membership of the european union and
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a membership of may. so this is an estimate to the, the european bureaucrats and they are reacting in this really infant uh way by saying, well, we're not going to send any you commissioners to any meetings organized by both of us. i mean, we help us speaking to kind of open pit to show to the hungry and for administer. he sounded pretty defiant. they will continue that piece making efforts. but i suppose the question now is, what are the chances of success? clearly brussels is tightening the news around a through to pass. the pressure is being piled on will open on his team, eventually have to put up that happens as well as this. um, if it's just a matter of the you of us, so sound great. um. well, nato versus thunder range. um the you will win out, i mean the base and basically you've got um, you know,
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26 states on one side to go to one on the other. maybe to the 25 business to well, 25 will always prevail. what's a little different this time is the emergence of the trunk vans team in the united states. i think that's what or bob is counting on. that there's going to be a change of administration really within the next few months, and that the trunk will set as his highest priority to bring this war in ukraine to an end of the war. but we'll play a major role in this because we're, but is trusted by both sides, is built up credit ability on all sides. and the, he could act as a go. but mean for trump, organize some kind of a peace conference. and somehow you know that the baby good or bad himself presiding over such a peace conference. now the, you won't blanket for the or what really have any choice because this war is being
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driven by the united states. and he, you can't possibly wage this fall. so if the united states does change its policy and design, but we really now need to bring this war to an end, then the you will just have to lump it. so i think that's what i think is different now from a few months ago when the, you was easily sourcing a side or bond and telling him, you know, you know, you know, way you can shop it. i mean, you mentioned that of the same problem. he's told about in plastic, trunk and fashion, i'm going to get it done with that and you know, 48 hours of coming into office. and the question, i mean it's pretty obvious. he's against us taxpayers money going towards the conflict. who wants it to be shot down? hungry says the same subject to says same sir. the question is, who wants to keep it going? for what purpose? of course, very powerful interest in the united states want to keep it going. i mean, you have to keep in mind that much of the us congress is
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all in favor of continuing this war. yes, it's true. there are republicans, was trump, ends on mag. a follow is, but they're a minority. most of the us senate is absolutely determined to continue with the war. um, you have the military security up are wrapped in the united states also wants to keep this wall going. um you have the nature of your offer. see what was the keep this will go to the you was a, gave this more of a so they're a very powerful horses, a rage against chrome. and this is no question that if you know, trump may make, i definitely want to bring it to an end. he doesn't want this hanging over. it is administration because he's just going to drag him down in no time. and you know, within 48 hours of his assuming office it will be trumps will. and then everything that happens in your grade will be blamed on trumps as trumpets to get it out of the way. but the as possible forces are raised against them. and so it's by no
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means certain to say the least, the trump will succeed. it may well just absolutely fail and the will will continue . i'm just the final thing i want to get, you'll take on and you mentioned in a previous on. so the hungry always, he doesn't stand to learn within the blog. i assume that you were far no said to say about 2 feet. so a be sleeping very clear on that as well. piece is the only option for everyone involved. i mean, i understand that it's 2 boxes $25.00 like you said, but it's still too and you know, a huge crack start with a fracture. i mean, what does that say kind of about a blog to match it and within a blog does not have serious ramifications in terms of the future. and it's unity. well, it depends really, i mean, you know, yes, i mean there are of forces within the you who do support them or by and fits so, but then all the in power, i mean what, what math is to have believe was of power in your hands. that's why or band and
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fits so have influence because they preside over governments and level they can get things done to a certain extent. but if you're just simply in the opposition, i end up kind of bombing adult position with no chance of getting to pile, which is like what's happening in france with the national rally. well, maybe and with the alternative to the deutschland in the germany and with some of the other kind of, um, nationalist bobbies and you are. yeah, they can form coalitions within the you call them in. but they're ultimately limited in what they can do because this they'll be minorities. and the bureaucracy has been very good over the years in swapping away for put minorities and just simply going ahead irrespective of anything that the public may want. so the key is to win elections and to to wield power, and i think that's why um, airbag is such
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a good, an effective player because he's been, he's very good when he elections and then gives him the kind of the car to a ton of pretty much above his weight and what also it will remain to be seen one piece comes and it will oversee and have become what the victim opened will get the credit being dissolved because otherwise, if i pray, if mom traveling around and defying applause, which obviously provides for me to go for a lot of money. that was jewel josh and what is senior research fellow at the global policy of street? things. right, thank you very much, george. thank you very much. i a fine if this our a tribunal of the hey, co sentenced a full cost of the minutes come on to 18 years in prison for real crimes. it took a quarter of a century to britain, kept to charlotte to account for overseeing the detention torture and mud to open the civilians all to charlotte. and keep asking how investigates how the was to try to turn a blind eye to some of the trustees committed by its proxies. in the full lot you can solve of justice is finally being served, some might say,
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full month kosovo liberation, army come on the beach us. charlotte is one of those. the cost of, of specialist chambers has now sentenced. he's been found guilty over real crimes, including all but 3 detention torture. i'm to move to the victims were predominantly kosovo, albanians, the evidence shows that individuals were apprehended, done detained on vague allegations of being traitors, collaborate as of savvy in the floor. it says, almost sufficient supporters of the kosovo liberation army financially, militarily, or politically. the quote was set up in 2016 also. allegations had begun to surface years earlier. the cost of all is well point. the victims, the west of health paint the my to be a time so of you are poor within 2010. illustrates how following you can solve a war. the west heavily relied on it's the fact the allies,
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the comfortable liberation all me. i mean, doing so crime is that the k a committed, we're essentially swept under the carpet. the western countries that engage themselves in kosovo, has refrain from a direct intervention of the ground preferring recalls to asteroids and had thus taken on the kelley as the indispensible life of ground to duration. the national act as chose to turn the blind eye to the war crimes of the candidate placing the premium instead on achieving some degree of short term stability. the west, in effect, turned a blind eye as anything else didn't fit the narrative. it did sold audiences around the world back in 1998 the united states. i used to consider it a terrorist organization that actually especially oh boy, robert gilbert in, in 1998. he said that there is no doubt this gateway is a terrorist organization. however, already back here,
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the people such as joe biden and christopher hill, who is now the of bassett, or of the united states of boundary, which is a scandal by itself. we're collaborating with the kaylay called in calling them freedom fighters. i drove water for is a sad that the leader ok, like we've also now invited uh add in prison and have crashing dotsie is george washington a possible one? and i should remind that they were evil not only in the pain. and usually the thing people are torturing and killing them, but also an organ harvesting. what makes what's coming to light. now even more disturbing is just how high up the food chain. the perpetrators were. of the $11.00 costs a buzzing donated to a former president, and one is a former lead to appeal position. these are the individuals, the west put its facing men would now on trial for coordinating killings and move sickeningly harvesting the organs of subs and setting them on for profit. that
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includes how soon touchy among the accounts love you were proport says touch and only owed his best an elevation to having secure political and diplomatic endorsement from the united states and other western powers. that she was serving as costs of the president when enjoyment came in, geologist, him with 6 counts of crimes against humanity and full counts of will crimes. the crimes charged with committed from at least mulch 1998 through september 1999. they were allegedly committed by members of the k, a against hundreds of civilians in person is not taking part in hostilities. embarrassingly for the us, the charges came is patchy, was over to washington in 2020 for troops on the feature of the bulk. and this region touchy, who is currently on trial i'm seeing is a he roving cost of i didn't noise the chart says, but it shouldn't have been
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a surprise. it touch. she had a dog past 10 years before he was in the only thing that thompson w report had already named him as a potential suspect. yet he continued to receive the backing. i'm the friendship of european leaders on the display of the bill. and despite the overwhelming evidence costs of those political elite, the noise, the claims and still paint the subs as being the bad guys. well, the cost of those currently does. and i'm pushing the west's agenda on ukraine, suggesting that russia is the new version of the previous enemy, serbia, connected in and belgrade, historically, culturally, politically, but also operationally, historically have been imitating each other. and that's why we are very much for it because it does it in the interest of kremlin to outsource part of the conflicts in europe via its proxy. okay. and certainly not in the balkans is
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a hedge. i'm on the same time, but option books, if they're all critics of the cost of those specialist chambers, quote that has been trying to bring these men to justice. if these hearings were in public, perhaps we would find out the whole truth and not may be unpalatable. for west the need is, as it may expose the fluid narratives that have been good to take it over and of a while we see a similar narrative now playing out regarding ukraine. all that is all sa signing off, over the next up. i'll go too much for team joint forces with the us comedian to travel around the country south from time to our free spots. find out why, why the lat check. so anyway, i will see the .


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