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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 17, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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are ad i so eddie and c because he is a businessman, ccs, everything us transactional. so it's conceivable. if you might actually make a dps be a, we try to over tie one in return for a concession from china on other front. so this is something actually national security policy. us are deathly afraid of was this will be interest, i think tried the chinese leadership. i was waiting to see how this election say pop in the us will wait and see how it shapes out those all to continue to cause always bringing wonderful shots to i was sitting that was caused. so i was having use of shaping up this wednesday punch most stories of pools over on on t dot com. in the meantime, crestwood is up next to enjoy the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle. we attempted assassination of donald trump appears to put the script of american politics. trump, once unified democrats and divided republicans. now the democrats are in disarray and trouble rule supreme within the g o pete. the debate and the shooting have changed everything. the cross talking trump, i'm joined by my guess in high when beach we have greg passenger door. he is co host of the congo couch and in san francisco we crossed to scott bennett. he is a former us army officer. all right, gentlemen,
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costs up rules and effect. that means he can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate pasta. one of the most interesting things that we've seen over the last couple of weeks, particularly the assassination attempt on trump, is that everything has changed. and who do you trust? those are the 2 things i've drawn so far. go ahead. okay, well, i mean everything has changed, right? i mean he is saying if he was once jesus on earth, he is now god in heaven. i mean, everybody is just flocking to him every single time they try to indict him or, you know, arrest him for something. he just raised his numbers. so you can just imagine with this assassination attempt is doing for him. i mean, everybody is continuously flocking to him now, so it really has changed the landscape. but the, i mean, after yesterday, seeing him come out at the r n. c with the tape on his ear. coming out to see him. proud to be an american. i mean, this is going to be really hard to beat him if this was a fair election. so, i mean,
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the states have risen. it seems like he's gotten everybody to come to his side. but for me, that makes me skip 3rd about what will happen moving forward if he does become elected well, pump past the same with you here with you. we seen when it comes to trump, his opponents go up the escalation ladder and the, the, the highest point we've read so far, is this assassination. but there's still many runs in that latter as we go up. i, i'm afraid to say we're in a very dangerous, unstable time. scott, you know how we get in? except what happens here is the secret service is going to tell us what happened the f b i is going to tell us what happened. so i'm a person in the d o j, i mean really? i mean these are the people or at least the d o. j had been going after trump. now since he left office, are you waiting argue video j went after him, when he was in office here,
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we can't believe these people. they've lost all credibility and legitimacy. yeah, you're exactly right peter. they have lost all legitimacy. they've lost all trust. of course, these are the agencies that betrayed the american public by hiding the hunter, by the laptop story and inventing the propaganda of a russian hoax and the election process. and the american people know this and the american people despise these agencies and also the nazi merit garland, department of justice going after the trump supporters of january 6th and going after women, you know, who challenge school boards because they don't want the l g b, p agenda ramrod, it down, their children's throats, all of the american public for the most part that has a brain, has taken a position against these agencies for their, for their charity. and now we're seeing once again the department of secret service do a kennedy potential assassination setup. there's 2 possibilities, either their drug test playing confident because of their diversity equity and inclusion montoya, or it's worse,
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or they actually conspired to assassinate donald trump. and we'll see if the congress has any integrity by mentioning that word, did you do to trump what you did to kennedy or, or try to, if they don't mention the kennedy assassination and the parallels, then of course, we know the congress, the suspect to, but you're right, peter, this is elevated and advanced donald trump into a position of victory. you're also right, that the democrats are like drowning man. and i have predicted for a long time that they were going to assassinate joe biden, to create a murder card, and then move in gavin newsom. but i think now with trumps, near assassination, they are probably, and i hope i'm wrong, but i do believe they're going to assassinate kamala harris and then move in gavin newsom into that position. and then he automatically becomes president before the election. and if they due to assassinations and blame it on a trump supporter who is of course, a deep state agent,
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then they can do some sort of a suspension of the election like some, well, hold on. okay. but you know, that type, you know, considering what scott just said, their part pos, to the, if we don't get the truth from these authorities, then any kind of conspiracy theory is going to, i mean, they're all over the place right now. it's not because they were invented out of been there. of course some people will, but it's because if we're not told the truth about something that's, we're left alone to decide ourselves, okay. it is, you know, either the malice or the negligence of the authorities. you're going to get conspiracy theories passed up and it was, the problem is really when you look right down at it isn't, that is the fact that both parties, democrats and republicans, even the trump, people don't want to get rid of the c i a, the f b, i where the d o j, they just want to reform it, right? but when they say reform it, it's the same old, same all these agencies cannot be reformed and they will never, ever change. they need to be a bowers, like can j f k said that would be, but i think people are 3 camps right now. peter,
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i think some people believe in the marketing. that's what's told to them what they see on m. s i b c. what they see on the television, and then you have those true, there's out there, the conspiracy theory, right? that they're called cruisers. now because they see the truth and ever since epstein and a little bit with 911, they now believe that most conspiracy theories are kind of true out there and they are coming true. it is especially with the victoria northern situation when it came to the bio labs in russia. i mean, before she committed to that, that'd be what we're saying. is it just a bunch of conspiracy theories? but i think most people are in the 3rd camp, and that is, they believe their government is lying to them and they don't know what to believe . so that's where we're standing right now. and nobody's going to be able to tell us anything because it's like a triangle in our discussion right now. if anything's up for grabs, it's interesting, scott, that means the reason why the comic imagery every, i know you and everyone knows what picture i'm referring to. but the importance of,
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you know, you can, you know, it's another huge g my image and all that, that's fine. i, i agree with that here, but you know, what it is, scott and pasta is that it was on filtered. nobody had to explain to me what's going on. i don't have to listen to pundents. i don't want to listen to spin for nano 2nd, we all saw clearly what's going on. and this is what puts the establishment in a bind because you can't lie to me about what i just saw. go ahead scott: a really and observation. peter, it was wrong. it was media. it was very simple. it resonated with historical significance. it resonated with present animosity which the media and the democrats have constantly sniped at donald trump since 2016, which is given the american public a political end to just gen, if not nauseated them. and now this was the fruit of all of that hatred and victory,
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all in predatory, rhetorical slander. and we know the democrat lunatic leftists do this. we see them making their tick tock, videos. the american people are appalled by it. their, their center const, right conservative. that it's not a liberal left his country. and, and what you describe is exactly the shock moment of people going down the roller coaster and they're adrenalin kicks in. and now, and it's still not over peter, this is, you know, it's a combat situation. this takes a week to process out of your system. so we're sir, we're still going to see the evolution of this and the public's minds and trump wearing the band is, like i said, as a brilliant prop. now he's pick j, the vance, a former marine, another brilliant choice that sets the long term control of conservatives, not g o, p establishment. conservatives exact arriving the american public. you know,
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past the i, i, you know, you have to be careful with the kind of words oversight lee and then we're in a very unstable, dangerous time. but i really just wanted to like see joe scarborough of basically say hitler has been shot, but we hope he has a quick recovery because that's the, the did the narrative mode that they're in right now. and i don't feel sorry for them. go ahead past well i, i repeat it, i don't wanna listen. i don't want to get away from what possibly could be going on kind the scenes, right. i mean, i think what your other guest is alluded to is what they want people to think that this is a left versus right battle. isn't that a possibility that trump can be a mature in mandatory and candidly of sorts? i mean, when you sit down and you look at the policies, especially when it comes to foreign policy, they're not that far off. it's trump is not going to pull out of nato. he definitely is. we've been saber rattling with the chinese. and when you bring a guy like ged vance and yeah, he looks good on, on the surface. but when you dig deep, this is
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a guy who's been funded by peter steele empower and tier. and if trump gets into the, into office right now with everything that's taking place, let's not forget about the patriot act, right. i mean, conservative didn't care about your freedom of speech and your privacy when it was, you know, airbags attacking us or muslims attacking us. they let them just run a mock, that's the conservatives in office. so a trunk gets in the office like that and everybody wants to do whatever he says, we can look to move towards your digital ideas, credit scores, those whole things. so we have to be careful when we see what's going on over here . we'll pass that. i'm going to stay with you here. i absolutely agree with you when big money likes you. there's always a quid pro, quote, okay, let's be honest, everybody. alright? i mean that's, this is the way he's unified, the party is unified, the building, their class to at least part of it in his favor right here. so i agree. what's not, you know, it's not jump up and down and do cart wheels. okay. i mean, but scott, a bit more to your point and then, and you know, this is where we have to kind of distill it down. it is,
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it's also this cultural more the civil war that we're involved in right now. and this is where lines are being drawn. and that's exactly why the american public are going to choose donald trump is they want their attention and energy and tax dollars focused on the restraining of government and the resurrection of the american 1956 these renaissance. they are not interested in war against russia through the proxy ukraine. i don't think neither. donald trump is interesting and interested in israel waging war against iran and turkey and syria and jordan and malaysians, audi ray b and every other muslim country. i don't think donald trump is and, and that really is going to uh, take over the, the, the orientation of the compass. donald trump made a lot of mistakes in his 1st term. he hired a lot of the foods and traders like tom, john bolton, and mike pump ale and nikki haley who pushed him and it was fascinating, sullen money. how does it feel now when you're in the early assassinated?
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how would your daughter feel? mr. trump? i know i met general saw him on his daughter when i was in a ron, and i had been very critical of trump on a lot of different material. but moving forward, i think his evidence, that is, if this was more a commentary, i think on the failure of the left and the liberals here, we're going to continue with that discussion. when we go back, we're going to go to a short break right now. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on donald jones trump to stay with arkansas the they are probably her, my little sister store because the model girl that i got you, no problem seem to them out of the know nothings arguments us out in the drive i showed my brother through, he was sudden to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well,
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i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be again, yes, because it's like you get for the police, you lose your life, the crime, say another i could have been a doctor or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here.
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the the, the, me, this one more to personalities. been the honey. this is the most of us displayed on the 2nd, but to pull it out and give them the, uh, the most value of what we have done. the scale it will by she really easy to look and we have one of the we like what the issue the most the i will give you the thought, the a little guy know are you the diagnostic a way of people throw both of them. good. please. the the level of again, the, there's going, there's the guys that, that sheet of going to get the same resume will be,
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i mean they've been dealing with nearly money if it's a to only space. so it on down could have been yeah, the letter was just for the monday. are they going is, could they will gasket on monday? did you want to go to some community dock? a petition by law. got a warranty, but she's the committee goes empty. i'm the, i mean the must have gone through i'm, we a multi danielle and she be the be i one of all the go on beyond what he did not turn on. but kick was it, give him a go down to see what will be the valley her my little sister store because the model girl that i got you, no problem seeing it on the out of the know nothing. 30 minutes us out in the drive . i showed my brother through he was sudden too big of for a lo so now i never look at searches as being the same. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of and that's
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kind of least it'd be gang chicago is like, you'd be a photo of that police. you really think your life as another crime scene. the could have been a doctor or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here. the welcome back. across the top were all things are considered computer lavelle to remind you were discussing donald trump the okay, is this one of the program? i'd like to bring in clayton morris. he is in colorado. he is the host of the redacted news podcast, and he's a former fox news anchor. welcome to the program. clayton. you know, in the 1st part of the project, we were obviously talking about the reactions to the assassination attempt. but i'd like to kind of stress, again with you
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a part of the discussion is that i can you think of a, another moment in recent history may be 911. but this was a moment that we all experienced collectively. and i the load briefly into regular programming because uh, 5 minutes to so okay, no problem. now speaking out un security council rush. so any recent, it seemed the rotating month long presidency. and today's session is focused on the crisis invitation with pod representative to protest on as well that system to what the russian department staff to say you got. so you don't want to, okay. usually of especially to just go through with the middle east and region as a facing unprecedented risks for security, the wellbeing and the security of its peoples. the waves of violence spread far beyond the era best real conflict. this explains that the stabilizing the gulf, the red and the mediterranean seas,
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and north africa. she has the we need for the midland, frank, and honest dialogue on how to stop the blood shed. and suffering of civilians is a spend 2 stops and long term supplements of the old and relatively new conflicts. a country has us as soon as historically sustained friendly relations with all countries in the region. so this is the us a saw was the 1st states to recognize israel de facto in the, your, a time to establish diplomatic relations with israel as soon as the declared independence and main 1949 when use me. and that was for, for most cases has consistently advocated for the creation of an independent and viable palestinian state for the implementation of the law firm that fundamental rights of palestinians to self determination. so. so in 1949 we supported israel's use. what are you shipping, the application for membership and the sequence at the un,
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but you're still doing this which repeated within the assembly. a plugin is deal with police dealing with the condition that the resolution. so the general assembly on the rise of palestinian refugees and return and the 2nd resolution of g c would be implemented, but that was the condition back then. and today we also support membership of how the stein and the organization. and so the facade stopped posting palestine solvency. the system computer has now been recognized by almost 150 so that we must united nations member states. we stand for resolution, there's a little more international law based is approach to settling the israel palestine and more broadly, the least in conflict between the one we a stand for deal to it is imperative character of the 1st to united nations resolutions and the key security council resolutions bring people to punch in your system. you move to
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a 102 and 238. those are adopted to cost of the was and the resolutions of 478, and the 497 on the status of jerusalem at the golden heights, virginia. we estimates for them. so she tries the dialogue with the arab countries and the neighbors around and talking with them. we have appreciated the constructive potential of saudi arabia's 2002 era piece initiative that was made this. it was at the same time as you know, we have respectfully, that's definitely should consider the proposals by arab states to normalize relations with israel. even before the palestine issue settled. we stood for the inclusion of pan arab and islamic organizations such as some of the collateral states as lemme cut them corp organization the quartet products into efforts including lot of the concept of international mediators, which was sadly buried under the ruins of the so called the deal of the century has to consider the colonial
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a monday to north africa is still engraved. legacy for countries in the region. a little upset, but food and the state is closed. raymond city was all for decoration of the youth people to those age circle patients. but all of those, so those have been taking time dumps which keeps putting me on investigating the situation, the new and geo political experiments by the west making the situation worse. we think that the countries in the region must suddenly strengthened that process to southern, to an independence by themselves replaceable. and for the good of the peoples, this will allow to a free up for the great historical and civilizational religious. but these new ones, cultural meaning to the middle of the middle east and north africa and the interest of peace and stability. she wouldn't assembly with me today was me, but i believe my goodness was the most pressing. so it is a problem is the palestinian problem. this is to the security council is a holding a 4th meeting and the can these 9 months with invitation ministers,
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we've adults and full resolutions. but the blood shed that continues in the occupied palestinian territories confirms that all those decisions were left on tape us due to the river supply in russia has consistently stood against terrorism . in all this forms each screw up the we condemned the terrace attack against israel on the sand, but the victor palostio without any reservations, which is great. but what's happening in gas it today is an unacceptable form of collective punishment against the civilian population. does not live with the city, for those are almost 300 days. some of the military operations to vote in the most densely populated air in the plaza on the planet is continuing. it is being cold, the presidents in prison, an open at present. the unprecedented scale of the operation carried out by israel and its american allies has led to, to use, but not the horrifying statistics of death and destruction. this increases over
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these 10 months, almost 40000 people died, but it's 90000 people wanted to go to those or civilians and mostly women and children as well as the boards. this is double that is just look at us them. steves, the number of civilian casualties on both sides. over 10 years of the conflict in the southeast of ukraine. just this extra 10 months, of course is that led to double gym visa civilian victims spent 10 years of the conflict in ukraine. so got off at the state cruise, a tape and what happened did february 2014. and then you said you assuming there's model because according to what has the international loading, the investigating commission on the, on violations of international humanitarian law was just the homelessness. huff, let's should assume that's to do all the population. gaza is, did you lease people under 18 years old? which means that they have grown up. i mean,
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they were born skilled under totaled located. and in addition to the current escalation of violence, they saw the summer summer rains and autumn clouds operations homes with issues you got the hot total is the winter and looking for the low level, you'll assume the cloud pillows from sort of 2012. this is regarding the was of 2021 because it is a 3 all of these operations. 6 today guys lives in ruins, squarely, but the houses are almost all destroyed. the hospitals are destroyed. the key facilities in the civilian infrastructure have been destroyed. so it was, you was asked for your child there at the democrats. these are present, hung up with a true, committed tearing of some disaster stories for those i should be reduced is approaching and the next 3 minutes is a lacking. so some of the basic necessities are ex, accepts, the zip is similar to the united nations and other international organizations have
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sustained casualties and some of almost 300 people. that's the largest such lawson history. so many committed tearing work is what killed together with the family. somebody is released. we are boy, so i can dollars this to the families, relatives, and the colleagues of those who died. she's beautiful on the same 7th of made up the, the operation and stuff on that was started on so which is the last refuge for palestinians . trump all around guys, advocacy. the rough uh check point was closed and the set to became again and we need is like quotes the only conflicts out in the world where people can not even flee from here. they're disagree. pest said by the secretary general, antonio gutierrez, and from the 2009, when he was the, when the high commissar on the refugee's, new mexico, it's nothing has changed since then. the situation is only deteriorating from the border. crossing on things fairly side is stupid. operating with disruptions and
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limitations, as a means less condos are allowed. then the during a digital is tons of confrontations up in the video. and some of us pushing the moodle said to situation the west bank and east jerusalem is also where you in a very difficult or i see a raised by israeli military aggression by settlers. and all of that is leading to victims on both sides of it. despite the requirements of resolution 2334, israel is not facility stopping, but throughout the expanding its illegal settlements. in addition to the expropriation of inclusive palestine and homes and their destruction, there is a retrospectively glamorization is the 2 of the buildings for which gives the intend batteries, which have been declared illegals even according to, is rarely longer. but i'm assuming these actions of, of creating a fax on the ground disaggregation, that little shaded in which mr. at trace spoke about the executive picture of
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a breach of violations or a breach of obligations by israel. se, okay, buying power, which then from the geneva convention, which was adult in 75 ago 75 years ago. and so i'm sure you're going to a large extent, ready to protect the federal jews, suffered unspeakable suffering during the 2nd world war, and to prevent any or certainly a persecution based on the s nicole criteria in the future. i suppose the groups, the unprecedented to just break of violence has in the middle east has been the lead consequence of the policies of the united states. all of the just diplomacy and democracy, which we have heard about 4 months, which is a person to see when the united states a call for a something to work, the security council, anthony blinking hasn't been to your account about the spoken fibers such an idea. jesus, the resolutions on that to the, to, to explicit the calls are for sci fi is also do
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a consumer that's what denied the when the resolution on what the ceasefire for remo done was adopted. so shut the united states, we need the deserts of stated that it is not legally binding for you to put this level loan. so as a result, we go to and that it's of the was an inviting plan. you should do public. instead of that, is that a symbolism which you good to me of course. so what was the need to adopt that even despite the new, the response of israel, which they didn't even wait for? because it was clear that it would be negative. and i wanted to ask the distinguished representative of the united states to me, but it's signature. that's when listening to the representative of israel actually with the teacher have the feeling that to you missed the room that you came into to the wrong room. and i was listening to the wrong discussion. i hope you understand what i'm talking about, given the play through preaching and with what was the various people. so, and this was the reason it's nice to announce that why we obtained on resolution
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2735, knowing that it's a diploma. this is rejected by israel as the a priority which and so on this supplying weapons in the future, munitions subject to israel, washington became a direct participant in the conflict. like with ukraine. support stops the bloodshed necessarily. but he said willoughby, but the united states did not want to war. i'm unable to do that. so it seems that it's not saving people's lives that matters about making maneuvers to gain the most points during the electoral campaign that it's not assess me and read traits rushes approach. we condemn the terrorist attack of october, the 7th. and what was that? this was the, what's a good which of then you can not these be used. however, you'd have to justify the current actions by israel and to undermine the very idea of creating a palestinian state. so you'll need to see where we stand for consistent and universal cx 5. so basically this which will allow the illusion to lubricate these


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