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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 17, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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in consultations, the responsibility for the situation lies entirely with the united states. a bad thing has also slapped the sanctions on us companies that supply weapons to taiwan is also impose heavy restrictions on those seeking to engage with us defense contractors, american businessmen involved in the trade have even been banned from entering at china. well, undeterred by all of us though, the us state department just approve $360000000.00 worth of drones and missiles for taiwan. all that's part of a security patch. washington has, but the island or the contributor calls or says, america's actions are sewing this trust on all sides. always being the us strategy . i mean, since 2000 know, 9 us that the visit to asia strategy when they're talking about pivot to asia, they're not talking about pivoting the economic investment. they're talking about pivoting military of hardware to asia to contain china. and i,
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one is the bench pin of the us strategy to contain china. you, you, what is tire? one is one of the biggest and the best customer of us arm sales 5. what does a empire one pays quite a lot, which many people on the higher one see that's for to extra money through the us to buy a whole bunch of outdated by expensive tickets items fall us. now, china, i had a nuclear arms control meeting with us last november. this was in the meeting up to the summit between president, she's in pain and pricing by means san francisco. you got an effort to ease tension and, and dispelled this trust. now in this current adam, it's fear when us has ignore repeatedly, china is requests of not selling weapons to tie one. there is no trust me. what's the point of having this arms control consultation? whose sole purpose is to build in twice yet us is saying one thing that they
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respect china sovereignty. that's why when these part of china, us steel, i'll pull one china principal. but at the same time, continually selling weapons to tie one. i do stay with our 2 international up next on cross top peter lavelle and his guests discuss the recent assassination attempts on former president donald trump and how it's flip the scripts of us politics by the the the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle.
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we attempted assassination of donald trump appears to flip the script of american politics trumpet once the unified democrats in divided republicans. now the democrats are in disarray and trouble rule supreme within the g o. p. the debates and the shooting have changed everything. the cross talking trump, i'm joined by my guess in highland beach. we have greg passenger door. he is co host of the condo couch, and in san francisco we crossed to scott bennett. he is a former us army officer. alright gentlemen, costs up rules and effect. that means he can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate pasta. one of the most interesting things that we've seen over the last couple of weeks, particularly the assassination attempt on trump, is that everything has changed. and who do you trust? those are the 2 things i've drawn so far? go ahead. okay, well i mean everything has changed, right? i mean, he is a saying if he was once jesus on earth,
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he is now god and heaven. i mean, everybody is just flocking to him every single time they tried to indict him or, you know, arrest him for something. he just raised his numbers. so you can just imagine with this assassination attempt is doing for him. i mean, everybody is continuously flocking to them now, so it really has changed the landscape. but the, i mean, after yesterday, seeing him come out at the r n. c with the tape on his ear coming out to seeing proud to be an american. i mean, this is going to be really hard to beat him if this was a fair election. so, i mean, the states have risen. it seems like he's gotten everybody to come to his side. but for me, that makes me scared about what will happen moving forward if he does become elected well past the same with you here we're here. we seen when it comes to trump, his opponents go up the escalation ladder and the the highest point we've read. so far, is this assassination, but there are still many wrongs in that latter as we go up i,
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i'm afraid to say we're in a very dangerous, unstable time. that's scott, you know, how we get in, except what happens here is the secret service is going to tell us what happened the f b i is gonna tell us what happened. so i'm a person in the d o j. i mean, really? i mean, these are the people, or at least the d o j have been going after trump. now since he left off is, are you waiting argue video j? when after him, when he was in office here, we can't believe these people. they've lost all credibility and legitimacy. yeah, you're exactly right theater. they have lost all legitimacy. they've lost all trust . of course. these are the agencies that betrayed the american public. by hiding the hunter, by the laptop story and inventing the propaganda of russian hopes and the election process. and the american people know this and the american people despise these agencies and also the nazi merit garland,
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department of justice going after the trumps reporters of january 6th and going after women, you know, who challenge school boards because they don't want the l g b agenda ramrod at down their children's throats, all of the american public for the most part that has a brain, has taken a position against these agencies for their to, for their tyranny. and now we're seeing once again the department of secret service do a kennedy potential assassination setup. there's 2 possibilities, either their drug test playing confident because of their diversity equity and inclusion montoya, or it's worse, or they actually conspired to assassinate donald trump. and we'll see if the congress has any integrity by mentioning that word, did you do to trump what you did to kennedy or, or try to, if they don't mention the kennedy assassination and the parallels, then of course, we know the congress a suspect to, but you're right, peter, this is elevated and advanced donald trump in to
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a position to victory. you're also right that the democrats or like drowning man. and i have predicted for a long time that they were going to assassinate joe biden, to create a martyr card, and then move in, galvan newsome. but i think now with trumps, near assassination, they are probably, and i hope i'm wrong, but i do believe they're going to assassinate kamala harris and then move in gavin newsom into that position. and then he automatically becomes president before the election. and if they due to assassinations and blame it on a trump supporter who is of course, a deep state agent, then they can do some sort of a suspension of the election like so well, hold on. okay, but you know, that type, you know, considering what scott just said, they're part past to the, if we don't get the truth from these authorities, then any kind of conspiracy theory is going to, i mean, they're all over the place right now. it's not because they were invented out if in there of course some people will. but it's because if we're not told the truth
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about something that's, we're left alone to decide ourselves. okay. it is, you know, either the malice or the nig. negligence of the authorities. you're going to get conspiracy theories passed up and it was the problem is really when you look right down at it is, that is the fact that both parties, democrats and republicans, even the trunk, people don't want to get rid of the c i a, the f b, i where the d o j, they just want to reform it, right? but when they say reform it, it's the same old, same all these agencies cannot be reformed and they will never, ever change. they need to be a bowers, like k j f k said that would be, but i think people are 3 camps right now. peter, i think some people believe in the marketing. that's what's told to them what they see on m. s i b c. what they see on the television, and then you have those true, there's out there, the conspiracy theory, right? that they're called cruisers. now because they see the truth and ever since epstein and a little bit with 911, they now believe that most conspiracy theories are kind of true out there and they
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are coming true. it is especially with the victoria northern situation when it came to the bio labs in russia. i mean, before she committed to that, i mean what we're saying is, it's just a bunch of conspiracy theories. but i think most people are in the 3rd camp from that is they believe their government is lying to them and they don't know what to believe. so that's where we're standing right now. and nobody's going to be able to tell us anything because it's like a triangle in our discussion right now. if anything's up for grabs, it's interesting, scott, i mean, the reason why the conic imagery, i know you and everyone knows what picture i'm referring to. but the importance of, you know, you can, you know, it's another, you will jima image and all that. that's fine. i agree with that here, but you know what it is, scott and pasta is that it was on filtered. nobody had to explain to me what's going on. i don't have to listen to pundents that are at the listen to spin for nano 2nd, we all saw clearly what's going on. and this is what puts the establishment in
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a bind because it can't lie to me about what i just saw. go ahead. scott: a brilliant observation. peter, it was wrong, it was media. it was very simple. it resonated with historical significance. it resonated with present animosity which the media and the democrats have constantly sniped at donald trump since 2016, which is given the american public a political indigestion, if not nauseated them. and now this was the fruit of all of that hatred and victory, all in predatory, rhetorical slander. and we know the democrat lunatic leftists do this. we see them making their tick tock, videos. the american people are appalled by it. their, their center const, right conservative. that it's not a liberal left his country. uh and, and what you describe is exactly the shock moment of people going down the roller
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coaster and they're adrenalin kicks in. and now, and it's still not over peter, this is, you know, it's a combat situation. this takes a week to process out of your system. so we're sir, we're still going to see the evolution of this and the public's minds and trump wearing the band is, like i said, as a brilliant prop. now he's pick j, the vance, a former marine, another brilliant choice that sets the long term control of conservatives, not g o, p establishment, conservative exact arriving the american public. you know, plus the, i, i, you know, you, you have to be careful with the kind of words oversight lee and then we're in a very unstable, dangerous time. but i really just wanted to like see joe scarborough of basically say hitler has been shot, but we hope he has a quick recovery because that's the, the did the, the narrative mode that they're in right now. and i don't feel sorry for them. go
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ahead past. well i, i don't, peter, i don't want to listen. i don't want to get away from what possibly could be going on. hi, in the scenes. right. i mean, i think what your other guest is alluded to is what they want people to think that this is a left versus right battle. isn't that a possibility that trump can be a mature in manchurian candidate of sorts? i mean, when you sit down and you look at the policies, especially when it comes to foreign policy, they're not that far off. it's trump is not going to pull out of nato. he definitely is. we've been saber rattling with the chinese. and when you bring a guy like ged vance and yeah, he looks good on, on the surface. but when you dig deep, this is a guy who's been funded by peter c o. m power and tier. and it trump kits into the, into office right now with everything that's taking place. let's not forget about the patriot act. right. i mean, conservative didn't care about your freedom of speech and your privacy when it was, you know, arrows attacking us or mugs was attacking us. they let them just run a mock. that's the conservatives in office. so a trunk gets in the office like that and everybody wants to do whatever he says,
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we can look to move towards your digital ideas, credit scores, those whole things. so we have to be careful when we see what's going on over here . we'll pass that. i'm going to stay with you here. i absolutely agree with you. when big money likes you. there's always a quade pro, quote. okay, let's be honest. everybody. alright. i mean that's, this is the way he's unified. the party is unified, the billionaire class, to at least part of it in his favor right here. so i agree. what's not, you know, it's not jump up and down and do cart wheels. okay. i mean, but scott, a bit more to your point and then, and you know, this is where we have to kind of distill it down. it is, it's also this cultural more the civil war that we're involved in right now. and this is where lines are being drawn. and that's exactly why the american public, they're going to choose donald trump, is they want their attention and energy and tax dollars focused on the restraining of government and the resurrection of the american 1956 these renaissance, they're not interested in war against russia, through the proxy ukraine,
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i don't think neither. donald trump is interesting and interested in israel waging war against iran and turkey and syria and jordan and malaysian saudi arabia and every other muslim country, i don't think donald trump is. and, and that really is going to uh, take over the, the, the orientation of the compass. donald trump made a lot of mistakes. and his 1st term, he hired a lot of the foods and traders like tom, john bolton, and mike pump ale and the key aly who pushed him into assassinating solemn money. how does it feel now when you're in the early assassinated? uh, how would your daughter feel? uh mr. trump. i know i met general saw him on his daughter when i was in a ron, and i had been very critical of trump on a lot of different material. but moving forward, i think his evidence, that is, if this was more a commentary, i think on the failure of the left and the liberals here, we're going to continue with that discussion. when we go back, we're going to go to a short break right now. and after that short break,
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we'll continue our discussion on donald john trump, to stay with our team. the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best and i'll send send up the same assistance to progress be the one else calls question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rushes to day and split the ortiz steven our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say a request, which is the
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welcome that's across stuff? were all things are considered computer la bell to remind you were discussing donald trump? the okay, is this one of the program? i'd like to bring in clayton morris. he is in colorado. he is the host of the redacted news podcast, and he's a former fox news anchor. welcome to the program i played and you know, in the 1st part of the project, we were obviously talking about the reactions to the assassination attempt. but i'd like to kind of stress, again with you a part of the discussion is that i can you think of a, another moment in recent history may be 911. but this was a moment that we all experienced collectively. and i think it was a very visceral experience, it was expected. but what do you think of donald trump?
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but seeing this is part of our po, very violent, political culture are very violent foreign policy. it was kind of a, a window into ourselves and it wasn't pretty go ahead. clayton. yeah. and i was speaking to friends who live in other countries and we're trying to understand and wrap their heads around. exactly why there was this sort of catalytic moment. why were so many people sort of rallying around him, whether you were a supporter or not? it seemed that there was this uh, there was this unifying moment over, at least for, for 24 hour period over the past few days. and there's this sort of cowboy bravado, i mean, that's what exists in the united states. there's this cowboy bravado you get knocked down, you stand up, you bet blood on your face. i'm going to fight for you, regardless of the wants, a policy regardless of the nuance of what he failed to do in his 1st turn, draining the swamp. all of those things there was this unifying moment. i can't think of another moment in recent history. you go back to 911 when flags suddenly popped up on every house in america after the 911 attacks,
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regardless of how that unfolded. regardless of the foreign policy of george w bush, seems like americans were able to look past that and come together and seeing the neighbor to neighbor down each street. and i think you're absolutely right about that. unfortunately, that moment have come, rod returned into the war on terror, which was the exact last year for it least though not those that were earning money from it, but what people are in the other end of it, um it positive. one of the interesting things is we, when we were finishing the 1st part of the program is that, you know, looking at what donald trump thinks, what he wants to do with his past mistakes. but i'm not gonna let how we got here off the hook and it is the, the liberal media, the democrats. i mean, they're, they're, they're being punished. you know, they played the victim for so long. and then we saw an image of a victim, and they just don't know how to handle it. okay. and also the image imagery is everything right now. look at j. d vance and look at joe biden. i mean, it's
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a split screen right now. go ahead. pasta, i still believe what we're seeing, what we're witnessing is cookie theater. mean clayton mentioned what happened in iraq and a whole, you know, a 911 situation, but i think the people remember what happened and they, when you look at the statistics, when you look at poles, how many people now believe that there was something funny going on and $911.00, that number increases every single year. so i think what we're seeing right in front of us right now is nothing more than kabuki theater. and at the end of the day, i reject this kind of notion that donald trump is an anti war candidate. absorbed every year, the military budget went up and it was still stuff going on in syria. and yet he didn't started any new wars, but he didn't the end of the old wars. so i mean, i think people are starting to get their, their finger on the pulse about what's going on. um, but the unfortunate thing is that the majority of the people, the people when we aren't in our political echo chamber, they bought this everything that clayton said as far as the bouncing back up. i mean him coming out yesterday to proud to be an american. i heard the other choice
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was the guy of the tiger, but people just said yesterday that was one of the most startling moments they've seen in politics in quite some time. yeah, i mean it's for me i'm, i think it again, this moment of kind of clarity of being sober of seeing something on filters and all of that. and it's got that says a lot more about our political society. we need to be shocked into sobriety. yes, in a military sense, you have a call to action. you have uh attention and men stand up and i think this was the call to attention moment. and the most interesting and potentially positive thing was when trump shook his fist and said, fight fight on the podium. well, those can be translated into every soccer mom. fight the pushing of the transgender agenda in your schools by going and making speeches every uh, you know, an ordinary citizen fight any kind of oppression through diplomatic means through
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political means through the balance through running for office through legal maneuvers, not through guns or weapons. that's what the liberal left is, lunatics do, not conservative republicans. so the fight fight fight can be reached or checked her eyes towards orienting people to become more, engage, more learned, more studious, more aware that uh, everything that has been said so far about, you know, the criticisms is accurate. but what's most important? and the only thing that matters is moving forward. how does america move forward in the light of the bricks world and the reorientation of, of, of the dollar? the world is not going to tolerate anymore american militarism. so donald trump has no card to play on that. and the american people don't have an appetite for it, but they do have an appetite for reformation of their own country. and the fight fight fight slogan can be a very positive thing to get people really engaged and,
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and fighting the media by watching alternative media and watching other programs that they actually are nourished by and not turned into skits of frantic spy. it quite and did we, with, with the assassination attempt that we see the latest chapter of the political civil war, cultural civil war in the united states in the west, in general? i think so, but i think i what you're talking about here is a, is a fight against past 3 years. seems like we have a short, we have a short memory. and i think in the united states right now, over the past 4 years, we've seen a massive cultural shift to what you guys were just talking about. you're seeing, i cannot remember a time, you go into a public library in the united states. you're seeing books on transgender isn't. absolutely right. and so this fight fight, fight mullen, for the soccer moms. these individuals who are in these crowd these hard working americans, they might not have that respected understanding of
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a deep foreign policy connection from president from how much money has been spent yet, you know, in, in ukraine and a funneling of, of billions of dollars into ukraine but they do understand the cost of milk, they do understand the cost of bags. and the sticker shock in america right now is absolutely staggering when they go to the pump and they go to fill up their car. and so i think you're, you're seeing this mass of awareness and the saying, yes, we need to go back to where we were 4 years ago in the united states of america. and of trump represents that, that i'm with that sadly, foreign policy in america for voters is always lower down the list. yep. it's always those the kitchen table issues. it's always what it costs to put dinner on the table in america. it's always how much money am i making in my job? it's those wallet issues. it's the morning and america moments is ronald reagan's ad. so famously talked about waking up waving to your neighbor, seeing a neighbor who's friendly to you, not worrying if you can even unlock your door in the middle of the morning to walk your dog. are you going to see some massive a, you know,
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influx of illegal immigrants in your neighborhood snell? intent encampments down the street in your local parks. so those are the things that really resonate with americans. i think, and i think those moments now, or there's a reminder of where we were 3 to 4 years ago. and, and so i think there is a massive civil war. there's a massive cultural civil war in the united states. and i think americans want to get back to where they were, they remember that sort of morning in america, and i wish i really wish those foreign policy moments. those foreign policy discussions were much higher on that list. and i hope that a trump administration would pull back that money, but again, i am not, not positive in that. right? well i have to take a really base force. i have to lock those separately on our shows, you know, score. so now we can spend billions of dollars more in space again, china. i mean, come on, i hope the people that are surrounding president trump this time around are or smarter. and now part of this, this swamp a moment that we've had. but yeah, but passive again, you know, we, how do we interpret what we saw,
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what we saw was what, one of the fundamental problems with what's wrong in america. but it's a given, are they, there are collective discussion here. it doesn't necessarily point us in the right direction. we know something's wrong, but we will. we go in the right direction because we, you know, we're all the demon ization of donald trump. he was president for 40 years. okay. and i was less than satisfied with his administration, for reasons that have already been mentioned here. and i guess all, all of us here today are far more concerned about foreign policy, then you would get in the mainstream media and, you know, average person go ahead positive because we understand how much money is spent on foreign policy in the death and destruction. it brings right people are starting to understand that when the soldiers american soldiers, when they go overseas, even though a lot of them might not die, they come back and they're mentally torn apart. they are addicted to drugs, they're constantly committing suicide on a regular basis. so people do see that,
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you know, but it was at once again. i mean, this fact is progress that you know, donald trump and you've got to give it up peter, to the social engineers out there, the people who are really running things behind the scenes, they understand what, what's on americans mind. a lot of the things that clayton mentioned that's what's on their mind. so they understand they only have to move people on a surface level right now, what's in front of them and show them what's going on and get them in the right direction. and i think they've been very successful at that, but at the end of the day, there's a lot of us like us, we're sitting back, i mean, tom's kid, a trump presidency, ride me a lot of brock obama's presidency. he said all these things before he got it, but once he got in yeah, the leads were driving the bus. scott were rapidly run out running out of time. it seems to me looking at the reaction, is that when the sniper's bullet grays, the trumps year, his followers felt the same pain. i think that's why it was so this rule for so many people, they feel the per, the prosecution,
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the persecution. and it's in body than him and they, that's why it was a, a moment that we're all going to remember for the rest of our lives. go ahead. scott, very poetic. and very true peter and, and trump is in a moment, the obama was that when he made all these promises, he is at a martin luther king moment. he is at a john f kennedy moment. ask not what your you can do for your ass and all where your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country trunk can now set the narrative and elevate the conversation in the character of americans and all americans want to feel and think sophisticated and elevated and positive and happy and smiling. and trump can do that by shaping the narrative and the vision and, and not getting into the rank or, and the weeds in the phil would. that symbolizes the democrat left just inc. and there's, there's no way for and trump, there's no revenge and he can infect that into the rest of the population. and the
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buoyancy of his open optimism with ronald reagan. animating a lot of his thoughts carry them through to victory, and that will carry americans above the carbon monoxide of the mainstream media and the anger. well, it's really all, it's got, it's out there is i agree with you, but there's one caviar when you have a conversation. you have to have 2 people talking and listening and i don't know if we're there yet. i know what horrifies us, but how we move forward. big question, mark sale. and so all the time we have gentlemen, i want to thank my guest in colorado. i wouldn't beach and in san francisco. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our to see you next time. and remember across on the the
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new media research deployed here near to nancy kim's in the book. and that's just me very, the young showcase use the so i'm just going into the, by the ways that the boys, the, the most noun, that will be quoted on the imagery of assess florida doesn't want that text
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them. but adults appears that the ukraine's re branded as of battalion prepares to tour you're about for one of the neo nazi eunice members. poses with a hitler close at the i wish with some death camper. memorial and german magazine is banned after publishing an interview with russian foreign ministry spokeswoman maria's, the heart of a journalist says the band reflects how free speech is being attacked in germany. freedom of speech, something one of the history has been exterminated. nothing more. it's part of history and the freedom of speech anymore in germany we are ready for negotiations, but given the sad experience of conway.


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