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tv   News  RT  July 18, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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the, the, the judy balance is officially named does donald trump pick for vice president in his acceptance speech, the ohio senator for almost a whole hundreds for foreign allies. but stop short of mentioning you crate. instead, putting the spotlight directly on china, we will protect the wages of american workers and stop the chinese communist party from building their middle class on the backs of american citizens. now they repeat it like a montrose. we will support ukraine for as long as it takes, i wonder how long it will take in afghanistan. it took 20 years to realize that you lost pressure as far administer warren's western states against the prolongation of the ukraine. conflict and immediate briefing at un headquarters in new york stressing moscow is open to peace talks about the term most insensible thing.
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on canyon police bomb protests in nairobi, one month after a wave of demonstrations against the i am asked, fox talk side, so it doesn't kill us because the live from or international and you center here in moscow. welcome to our team. our top story, this thursday. donald trump's running mate for the upcoming us presidential election has been a non i'm, it's g defense. the senator from ohio himself confirmed the use while speaking of the ongoing republican party convention focusing on the need to put clean up the mess left by the current administration. dubai has been a politician in washington for longer than i've been alive. 39 years, a couple of harris is not much further behind for half a century,
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he's been the champion of every major policy initiative to make america weaker and poor. beloved joining me here in the studio, as ortiz, donal quarter morning to you, don. so the tickets being said, it's from vance, enter the white house in november. what's expected? what's come from the convention so far? why i think one of the interesting points is that the vance is quite young. of course, he's only 39 years old, but it wouldn't be the 1st time that something like this has happened, right. i mean, richard nixon when he became the vice presidential candidate before he went on to become president, he was only 39 as well as the are same thing, but he was even younger. he was 38. so both of those people went on to become president. so i think it's important to understand that we shouldn't probably disregard anything that the van says at the or has said already at the speech because of his age, for example, his statements about no free rights for allies abroad,
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and also avoiding the need list deployment of troops abroad as well, us together, we will make sure our allies share in the burden of securing world peace, no more free rides for nations that betray the generosity of the american taxpayer . together, we will send our kids to war only when we must. but as president trump showed with the elimination devices and so much more when we punch, we're going to punch hard on the last point there about ice as though it should be pointed out that isis and syria was mainly just defeated as a result of russia's military operation there, while on the other hand, washington is widely blamed for the actual emergence devices send for destabilizing the region itself. so we are seeing some holes and some of the points the advance is trying to make some on there. something else. he said there an i catch remark
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was about no more free writing on the us, but i didn't hear any country specifically name. that's right. i mean, the, the thing is vance has taken a pretty open position in the past against sending more aid and more weapons to ukraine. but at this speech wasn't mentioned once, and i think that has a lot to do with the fact that his entire audience essentially were a republican party, a big wigs that are a we're pretty much. busy active supporters of as a wednesdays regime and key of and that it actually looks to be exactly why that, that faction of the republican party actually seems to be so on popular. but the american people, n y. trump's message along with vance, as seems to be accelerating in terms of popularity of them at a, at a very fast rate, to fight for americans. even it is absurd for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to a border conflict,
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6000 miles away. there was in fact, a peace deal on the table approximately 18 months ago. and what happened to it, the by the administration is pushed zalinski to set aside the peace agreement and to engage in a disastrous counter offensive. every single objective observer of ukraine more acknowledges today that the war is going worse for ukraine than it was 18 months ago. could we have avoided it? yes, we could, mister president, and we should have avoided it. we would have saved a lot of lives. we would have said a lot of american weapons and we would have had this country in a much, much more stable and much better place if we had so you can see that this freshman sen turned vice presidential candidate has made a track record of having you know a number of the controversial positions in the american political sphere with regard to ukraine. but at the speech that he gave at the republican national convention, know, keep about it. very interesting to see if. if he does take power, that it keeps the theme going or whether he is silent,
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some $11.00 country was in the firing line though, specifically, explicitly at name when it comes to protecting us interest. that's right. he mentioned china, specifically as washington's primary competitor, and he kind of just reiterated the, i would say main stream republican position accusing beijing of getting rich off the backs of americans. we will protect the wages of american workers and stop the chinese communist party from building their middle class on the backs of american citizens. that was one day left of the republican national convention. and donald trump is expected to give a speech on that day as well. but, you know, with vance seemingly shying away from some of his more controversial positions with regard to ukraine in the face of all of these important republican staffers and the people that obviously support your brain. we're gonna have to see if the trump fans
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ticket is going to be able to actually stick to some of this more controversial stuff that had stood for in the past in american politics. or if it's going to be another election disappointment for the american people. a lot of questions raise this. there's the more thing by donald the quarter dental. thank you so much. right . another notable moment from the republican national convention i want to bring, you know, a congressman from florida vista se drive of course under barton harris . inflation has gotten so bad. you can no longer bribe democrats senators with cash, or will you have to use pay bowers just sort of brought so value. the congressman there was referring to the guilty verdict issued to us. democrats send her a ball. but menendez, who's being convicted on charges of corruption and bribery of foreign governments
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during a search of his home searching gold bars were found along with half a $1000000.00 in cash. menendez dismissed a judgment, calling himself a patriot, and a choose. the jury putting members of the senate risk and i have never violated myself . i have never been any risk a thing on the spike proclaiming his innocence and patriotism the law. america was convicted of 16 different kinds related to bribery and extortion. menendez was known for his outspoken support for further aid to keep on punishing russia while accusing donald trump of acting as
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a foreign agent from us. europe's latest effort that they hopefully will consolidate this week of having a oil and gas embargo against russia will be a huge blow moving forward. we must do more to focus this tool on russia. the primary source of so much of the corruption we see around the world uh at a time that ukraine is having a day of national, remember. and for all of those lives that have been lost, we get a message that the president seeking to cut off $250000000.00, something that we haven't been advised of at the senate foreign relations committee . so the president here is, it's totally up. i can't understand, it's not there is no good policy reason. this isn't about money. we gave a record amount of money to the administration in this past deal. but we heard from new york based legal and media analysts line all who saves them and, and as corruption very will negatively impact the democratic party in the coming
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months. and it's pro key of funding policy of the problems that many, many people had with the notion of funding. ukraine was accountability. is there an accounting? where does the money go? how do we know which actually getting to wherever it's supposed to? uh, to go do ukrainian people get this is a part of the military industrial complex. this is precisely one of the reasons that people showed concern is who account for money? cool. okay. where, where do funds go out with all that is going on. the democratic party doesn't know what they're doing and what you're going to see. brace for impact, you're not going to recognize this democratic party and what you have, you are not going to believe what you're going to see the next a year or 2 for years. rushes foreign minister has fielded questions from the global media and after his speech. witness these un security
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console session on the middle east. the news conference covered regional on global security issues with surgical of ralph, comparing washington's policy in ukraine with us actions enough gave us the a seizure. so go to the now they repeat it like a montrose. we will support ukraine for as long as it takes, i wonder how long it will take in afghanistan. it took 20 years to realize that you lost, or is it true that in iraq, which you also a band and they are now trying to stay despite the decision of the rocky parliament, that the united states should withdraw its troops and a particular senior. there will be the same approach to ukraine as they took in libya for the state to collapse. and now everyone is gluing pods together for them as to the russian foreign ministers spoke about how the recent events in switzerland were not serious. and then how russia has been willing to negotiate from the beginning. but these negotiations have to be realistic. negotiations that
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are not just aim to pounding the podium and demonizing russia. but actually, amd at the escalating tensions and getting the conflict toward a ceasefire and resolution. zip schools, not but i w and a course has been taken to push through the so called zalinski plan at any cost which has a pronounced form of an ultimatum. we are ready for negotiations, but given the sad experience of conversations and consultations with the west and ukrainians, when it comes to an agreement that i hope will be reached at some stage of european securities. and in this context, the ukraine crisis will be resolved. then we will of course, look very carefully at the wording, and we'll put safe guards in this document against repeated unscrupulous non negotiable interpretations. in his remarks, he reflected on us efforts to crush the economy of china and tell china what products they can produce. in addition to that, he talked about how the use of sanctions by the united states, and starting to backfire with new channels of global trade,
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emerging countries trading with each other without the united states or the western banking system functioning as the middle man and how all of this in the long term is not really going to benefit the united states and its people. uh, the world seems to be shifting. now he's specifically address the rise of india on the global stage. and us efforts to stop india from asserting itself as a regional and global power. this usually populated country with a very big economy, zillions zelinski or someone from his team took offense to render, embodies visit to russia, calling it a step in the back to all peacekeeping efforts. the indian ministry of external affairs invited the ukrainian ambassador and explained to him how to behave. i think india is very dignified, but the fact that the west makes claims even to such powers as china and india means firstly shows a lack of culture, an inability to engage in diplomacy at all. and secondly, it is a failure of political analysts. she went into detail describing the humanitarian
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catastrophe, and also talking about how the united nation seems to be talking out of both sides of its mouth condemning the bombing of hospitals and is rarely atrocities, but not really holding israel accountable for crimes against the palestinian people . now he emphasized that russia would like to see a ceasefire and gaza a ceasefire that can paved the way to negotiations the returning of the hostages, etc. and then ultimately, russia would like to see the military operation being carried out by israel brought to a close and from there they could then resume negotiations toward the establishment and international full recognition of a palestinian state. and that is what russia would like. but at the same time that russia and the overwhelming majority of the international community, more or less ones, there's, there are very clearly forces that are trying to escalate the conflict in gaza to a whole nother level that involves the entire region. here are some very insightful
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comments he gave about the situation in the middle east and the efforts to expand it beyond the gaza strip. showing you the goal is to use it feels like there's a will to provoke hezbollah as experts believe in order to ensure the us enters the conflict directly. i hope the west will do everything. make sure these thoughts, if israel ever has them, will remain no more than thoughts or better yet these will be forgotten. we're doing everything to suit the situation. some politicians clearly want to utilize regional factors to kindle a bigger war here. this is a short sighted and blind alley policy. we actively stand against it with our allies like arrow countries and the islamic world. it must not be allowed to happen in all of his remarks and emphasize the fact that russia seeks peace and international development and does not seek to inflame tensions in any regions. he emphasized multi polarity, the new world that's rising, the new economy that is taking place and emerging in the developing world with russia in china, the center of it,
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and why western leaders should give up this superior already complex. they seem to have this notion that they will always sit at the center of the global economy and always have the right to dictate the countries around the world. how they should conduct themselves, how their governments should function and who they should trade with and how their economies should be set up. the canyon publics have bottomed plant demonstrations in the countries capital for security reasons. know it comes as a series of i'm think of them and protests over an unpopular tax hike. bill turned violent with dozens pills and hundreds injured over the past month. but it's not across to ortiz miller. you couldn't gay for more of a period. the police have cracked on with a complete pro test fund. while i have the dalton that i'm the wire, people seeking to take to the streets again, despite the finance bill actually being upon the of the well, you know,
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in fact a statement has been issued a head off another round of protest to be held on thursday the statement was released by the police, we explained that the lack of it could lead to among the protesters has made it a very challenging for them to enforce safety protocols in that same statement to the acting inspector general of police has also disclose that intelligence report indicates the organized criminal groups padding to exploit the ongoing protest to carry out attacks and routing. and since the 18th of june, thousands of young kidneys have marched to cities and towns of protesting against a proposed tax bull that has since been withdrawn or not. and tuesday's pro chase, in fact yesterday, which has been the latest in the series of deadly demonstrations of business own is the ad 3 does suffer significant losses as the newton continues forcing operations to come to a stand still needed between 2 counties and the police. they already came yeah,
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has lost so much in the past 30 days, so no demonstrations would be submitted until further notice. since the public demonstrations by kenyan news began in june, this year, a country has experienced enormous losses. people have been injured, lawyers lost property, and businesses destroyed unlikely hoods last. criminals have continued to infiltrate the protesting groups resulting in a troubling trend of disorderly and destructive conduct. as a result, no demonstrations will be permitted into no robi central business district and surroundings until further notice to ensure public safety. now this has been done before the government and police of bad demonstrations became yeah. but citizens always defy those orders and things to and quite violent of 11 does a for the same will happen even this time the, what does it mean by at the high talk the demonstrations of parliament was stormed and some of its buildings was set on fire in the days of following that hundreds
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were arrested and interrogated. some have been released as is with charles, do cool to well according to kenya as the national commission on human rights and the 60 protesters remain missing. also understand that more than 50 people have died out of the protest and more than 400 as have been injured. now the recent images we all seeing, all of protesters once again out in the streets of marching singing songs, mocking the president austin him to resign. also saying the one, just as for those people that have been killed, the one police to reveal the whereabouts. often the thousands was missing. but most importantly, the primary demands that include government, accountability and good governance. and that's the spot to the police lobbying t, a guess on them. and they say that will not stop until they to moans. i mean, excuse me, on that in the mid from the bunch out of here to pick up. i learned i
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am here quite a lot less than the light vision of mind and the justice which must been for the people who are must you go to work once richard, the blue must be with the president. paper thing we are fighting for is in the public domain. don't call us well, there are no. you know what is the right for us? it's for to to he's i'm only get the yes to leave office. the media to fix. yeah, yes. to stay until we can see like really i'm to this done. so if the president thinks we are going anywhere, we don't know maybe things we are going to sit down and talk with you. we're not going to do that because i didn't even need it to me and possibly the me i'm going to do the the president has made positions, he has withdrawal and the original text proposals that spock to the pro,
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to is to his also staff to use entire cabinets, the chief of police have even designed, but still the protest continues under radius experts and the amnesty international, the kenya war. and that it'd be handling off to protest risk taking, taking a back to the doctor space of the 19th, which is a 9 to yes, thanks for being an old job for us this morning. number for you couldn't go r t correspond as well. that's returned to our top story this our j div balance has not been confirmed as the republican nominate for vice presidents in his acceptance speech of the parties. national convention. he slum joe biden, china a more straight, but avoided mentioning the ukraine conflict despite having been for the i'd spoken on his opposition to further aid to key have previously with joining us from the r n. c venue in milwaukee is bruce marx, former member of the pennsylvania state center. we appreciate your time today,
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mr. marks. just firstly, this week's convention at big down of course, with the backdrop of the failed assassination attempt on donald trump just days before. so how does that, i'm interested. how does that less? the most fear there will have for you. i have to miss here is electrified the atmosphere here in milwaukee. people think, but for the grace of god, the donald trump survives the attempted assassination. there were obviously a serious problems with security around it that allowed the shooter to get so close to him. but the amount of energy in brett for donald trump and the gratitude that he was able to survive, that is just amazing how you think. you know that he talked about feeling energy in a crowd and sometimes that seems like years advocating. but i hear i'm in milwaukee
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and it's just amazing. there's just tremendous energy for republicans to support donald trump. and that obviously we're very excited to have changed to katie. advanced as the vice president domini. yeah. why was he chosen? why did donald trump plump for j d funds as his running mate in, in your opinion? well, it's only my opinion because i wasn't in the room when he decided it. but i think that there are 2 reasons. one is that uh, let's not forget, j. d. vance was not a trump fan in 2016. so he became convinced to support donald trump because of his tremendous achievements as president. so one reason is it. j. d. vance. is that what we call a mag a make america? great. republican. he is completely endorsed the trump agenda. i think the donald trump wanted somebody who supported his agenda. i think the 2nd reason is that the
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j. d. vance because he's, he's like me. i'm from west virginia, he's from southern ohio. we're from what's called apple, let the appellation, it's a 4 areas of the country, j. d van to somebody who came up from nothing. he came up from poverty. i can't say that that was my background. that in and we have some very key states, pennsylvania which, which is next to ohio, wisconsin, mich, michigan. and i think the president trump believes that j. d bass will be a tremendous addition to the ticket there. he's charlene, either working class credentials, disney, he and his wife, you know, attempting to appeal to i per as you're laying out his people enough. felicia, but you've also got joe biden doing that too. and he said he's sick of billionaires like a most trying to buy election. so, you know, the working class vote appears to be front and center in this election. how are
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these messages, these essentially the same on both sides? how is it going to resonate with america's but i just want to add one other thing to the 3rd reason. and probably the most important reason that trump shows 80 pounds is that he thought that he would be if there was a need, that he would be a capable and successor president and up. and i think that he thinks also j, the bass, because of his age is only 39 that he will continue. this trump movement after trump finishes his 2nd term list a j. d. vance is a working class. somebody who came up from the, you know, from poverty and became a, became a success. donald trump is somebody that of course, he didn't come to poverty far from it. but he is somebody who is employed thousands and thousands of workers in the construction trade in the casinos and so forth. joe biden has and created a single job and his entire tire career with the possible exception of hunter by
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didn't because he got paid millions of dollars because it was joe biden, son from very smart and ukraine. so i think that the american working public, i think the union people i of the working class, i think that they recognize that the, that they trump, uh, dance ticket is going to be a very strong ticket. okay. for working people, particularly because they want us to current the border. you don't have rush, you can't even understand that. you can't understand people are legally crossing the border. we'd have 15000000 illegal people come to the united states during the 3 and a half years to jo biden's been president. it's crazy. and that's why do the funds . that's why he previously said he strongly oppose sending military aid abroad, particularly to ukraine because we have our own issues. he said. busy on the board or at so why is tax payer dollars going abroad? but you may have noticed he didn't mention the ukraine conflict during his speech
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at the r n c instead focusing on china. what's that? what's the prob, straightens to? i think you're slightly overstating. j. vance is position. so j. d vance does support that. a for our allies or our critical allies in the world of his real would be one of them. enjoy the vance as, as well as donald trump, that his nose are very strong supporter of this is of israel, which 80 vans to set about ukraine. and he said the same day that he was his, it, his, his, the trump selected. his daddy is a, he's a very profitable pers, these america 1st and what he's saying is, what are we doing now? why can't we gotta find a way to resolve this situation? ukraine and not spend, you know, hundreds of billions of dollars in a war where it's not helping russia for, for you crate. and so i think that that's the match that she's sending, that we need to find the present and present crumply become the president, again,
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needs to find a way to have meaningful discussions with president posing for a little bit of pressure on presidents or landscape. and let's not forget, pressing put the trump had a good relationship with positive foods, and i think that that's very important. joe biden went out of his way to insult president to me. and i don't think that that's a way to, to, to reach a diplomatic solution. on the thoughts on, on the issues that affect russia and ukraine. yeah. he's being pretty and solid on aid to israel, saying that, you know, that it's perhaps one of the main allies globally for the us. but he did say this is, you know what he, i said it's not the only. yeah. like in the, in the middle east because of donald trump. and because of donald trump reaching out to saudi arabia and guitar. and he had words like the bridges. yeah. he also said the to the fonts that the trump administration wasn't a lot of free writing by us allies. another interesting comment who do believe he
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was referring to? oh, there's no data back. who is referring to? that was always a big thing with donald trump, and we're talking about the nato allies. we're talking about the fact that some of the nato allies, you know, part of nato, you have to commit to certain defense spending that you get a number of nato allies. canada would be one of course, but germany was another where they weren't, you know, paying their fair share and use. i think that the tech package, if i had a guess and i don't think i'm guessing, i think the j d of dance was the following. the donald trump position that the, the members of nato have to pay a fair share just interesting as wellness, martin, the general atmosphere. you know, even away from the convention because mr. funds said that said donald trump's opponents are resorting to quote, abuse and persecution. given the court cases, he's be no longer, of course the assassination attempt against mister todd. how different it do you
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see the political climate right now compared to elections? of the past? it's been called on the knife edge is not how you see it. there's tremendous divisions in the country, but i don't think that you just haven't seen, we call it law fair it's, it's almost like, you know, there's some of these countries in south america of that you have the democrats and the biden administration catching freshman and try.


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