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tv   News  RT  July 18, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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the going underground again. the ticket stumped. j. d pounces name does donald trump pick for the vice president and his acceptance speech still higher was sen promises to hold hundreds for foreign highlights, but stop short of mentioning ukraine. instead of putting this spotlight directly on china. we will protect the wages of american workers and stop the chinese communist party from building their middle class on the backs of american citizens. now they repeated like a montrose. we will support ukraine for as long as it takes. i wonder how long it will take in afghanistan. it took 20 years to realize that you lost russia's foreign minister at warren's western states against that prolongation of the
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ukraine. conflict in and media briefing un headquarters, new york stressing that most school is open to big stalks, but say the terms must be sent on canyon police file, new pro, testing nairobi, one the most popular wave of demonstrations against the i am a tax. i saw it doesn't feel that across the beach. not for the . this is your are change. it are still. my name's you to know neil of 30 minutes of music news starts not double shops, running mates for the upcoming us presidential election has been announced. it is will j d that the senator from ohio himself confirmed the news while speaking of the ongoing republican party convention, focusing on the need to reverse the damage don't and by the current administration in dubai has been a politician in washington for longer than i've been alive,
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39 years, a couple of harris is not much further behind for half a century, he's been the champion of every major policy initiative to make america weaker and poor. what are 2 corresponding double quarter told me more about the selected republican vice presidential pick the vance is only 39 years old. i mean that's quite a young age for a vice presidential candidate. but that wouldn't be the 1st time that this has happened. actually, i mean if we go back to richard nixon, he was the same age when he became a vice presidential candidate himself. and when f d r became a vice presidential candidate, he was even a year younger. so both those people even went on to become president the so this obviously could be something uh, potential for advanced and his future. of course, we don't know at this point, so it's important not to disregard the statements that he's making right now. i think, especially when it comes to his statements,
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like not allowing us allies free rides abroad and actually trying to prevent needless deployments of american troops there. together. we will make sure our allies share in the burden of securing world peace. no more free rides for nations that betray the generosity of the american taxpayer. together we will send our kids to war only when we must. but as president trump showed with the elimination devices and so much more when we punch, we're going to punch hard. now on that last part of his statement, actually, i think it's important understand that, i mean, isis was defeated mainly by russia's military operation in syria. and on the other hand, washington is largely blamed for being responsible for the emergence of isis, and just generally destabilizing the region pretty composite. for marx, the, the new free writing on the us comments that we just sold there don't as well was anyone mentioned specifically?
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well no, actually, and that is sort of big surprise that came out of his speech because he's been making all of the statements about withdrawing aid from ukraine, saying that new craney and war effort is pretty much helpless at this point. but there was no mention of that at his speech to the republican national convention, and that kind of makes sense when you think about it, because obviously the majority of his audience, there were a republicans who support actively zalinski is received in c as but that's one of the main reasons also why they're so unpopular and why vans has established a track record of opposing these supportive policies towards ukraine throughout the past. and he's also rising through the ranks of the republican party as a result. i think that it is absurd for us to devote so many resources so much attention and so much time to a border, conflicts 6000 miles away. there was in fact, a peace deal on the table approximately 18 months ago. and what happened to it,
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the by the administration pushed zalinski to set aside the peace agreement and to engage in a disastrous counter offensive. every single objective observer of ukraine more acknowledges today that the war is going worse for ukraine than it was 18 months ago. could we have avoided it? yes, we could, mister president, and we should have avoided it. we would have saved a lot of lives. we would have saved a lot of american weapons. and we would have had this country in a much, much more stable and much better place if we had. so this freshman sen turned vice presidential candidate is obviously taking some firm positions on ukraine, which are generally considered controversial in the american political sphere. but at this speech, not a peep about it, not a part of one country was explicitly mentioned when it comes to protecting us interest abroad. correct? that's right. of course, he pointed the finger at china saying that it was washington's main competitor in the world stage. but he also pretty much reiterated the main stream republican
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position of accusing beijing of getting rich off of the backs of americans. we will protect the wages of american workers and stop the chinese communist party from building their middle class on the backs of american citizens. there's one day left of the republican national convention and we're expected to hear a speech from presidential candidate donald trump as well. but with vance sort of shying away from his more controversial positions on ukraine. we're gonna have to see if this do, oh, between trump and vance, if they come to power, if they are actually gonna follow up on what they were talking about on the campaign trail, or if it's going to be another election disappointment for the american people. well, i also discussed why the junior, senator from ohio got the vice presidential not with former member of the pennsylvania state senate, bruce marx, who's also attending this week's r n. c. for one reason is it j. d. vance? is that what we call a mega make america?
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great. republican. he is completely endorsed the trop agenda. i think the donald trump wanted somebody who support his agenda. i think the 2nd reason is that it's a j. d. vance because he's, he's like me. i'm from west virginia and he's from southern ohio. we're from what's called a half of what the appellation. it's a 4 areas of the country, j. d van to somebody who came up from nothing. he came up from poverty. i can't say that that was my background and, and we have some very key states. pennsylvania which is next to ohio, wisconsin, mich, michigan. and i think the president trump believes that j, the vance will be, uh, tremendous. uh that, uh, addition to the ticket there. and the 3rd reason and probably the most important reason, the trump church id pads is that he thought that he would be if there was a need that he would be capable of success for president and up. and i think that
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he thinks also j. d. parents, because of his age is only 39 that he will continue this trump movement after trump finishes his. his 2nd term lesson j. d. vance is a working class. somebody who came up from the, you know, from poverty and became a, became a success. donald trump is somebody that of course, he didn't come to poverty far from it, but he is somebody who's employed thousands and thousands of workers in the construction trade in the casinos and so forth. joe biden has and created a single job and his entire tire career with the possible exception of 100 by didn't because he got paid millions of dollars because it was joe bite. and son from bereavement and ukraine, please. so i think that the american working public, i think the union people i of the working class, i think that they recognize that the, that they trump dance ticket is going to be a very strong tickets movies for working people, particularly because they want to secure the border that's why he previously said
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he strongly oppose sending military aid abroad, particularly to ukraine because we have our own issues. he said. busy on the board or at so why is tax payer dollars going abroad? but you may have noticed, he didn't mention the ukraine conflict during his speech at the r n c. instead focusing on china was that's was the prop straightens to. he's a very practical, pers, these america 1st and what he's saying is, what are we doing now? why can't we kind of find a way to resolve this situation? ukraine and not spin, you know, hundreds of billions of dollars in a war where it's not helping russia for, for you, craig. and so i think that that's the magic she's sending, that we need to find the present and present crumply become present, again, needs to find a way to have meaningful discussions with present improvement, but a little bit of pressure on presidents. so lensky and let's not forget,
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president trump had a good relationship with president susan. i think that that's very important, joe biden. what had of his way to insult present it to me. and i don't think that that's a way to, to, to reach a diplomatic solution on the issues that affect russia and ukraine on it to be risk mark speaking to r t earlier know in another note of all moments from the republican convention, a congressman from florida have this to say about his rival party under barton harris. inflation has gotten so bad. you can no longer bribe democrats senators with cash alone. you have to use pay bowers just sort of brought to the well the congressman was referring to the guilty verdict. come to done this week to us democrats, senator bob menendez, who's being convicted on charges of corruption on taking bribes from foreign
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governments. katara allegedly being one that during a search of his home searching google bars were falling together with half a $1000000.00 in cash mister minute, and this dismissed the judgement calling himself a patriot under choosing the jury of putting members of the senate risk. i have never violated myself. i have never been able to pay for this risk a thing despite proclaiming his innocence of patriotism, the politician who had represented new jersey since 2006 was convicted of 16 different guns relating to bribery, unexplored, and menendez was known for his. i'd spoken support for further a ticket on publishing russia while accusing donald trump of acting as a foreign agent for multiple to europe's latest effort that they
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hopefully will consolidate this week of having a oil and gas and bar go against russia will be a huge blow moving for. busy word, we must do more to focus this tool on russia. the primary source of so much of the corruption we see around the world. uh, at a time that ukraine is having a day of national, remember, and for all of those lives that had been lost, we get a message that the president seeking to cut off 250000000 dollars. something that we haven't been advised of at the senate foreign relations committee. so the president here is, it's totally up. i can't understand is not there is no good policy reason. this isn't about money. we gave a record amount of money to the administration in this past deal, but we heard from york based legal and media. i'm on this line all who say you sent menendez bribery vertically to many questions over just how widespread corruption
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among us lawmakers maybe. and i'm curious as to his reason, you know, i'm a lawyer by professional who is a former prosecutor in a trial lawyer now. and i always want to find out what is the defense. you know, what do you claim when the f b, i seizes a series of gold bars, serial numbers and then about a half a 1000000, maybe 400000 plus in cash, bundled in shoes. so created a mercedes benz. what i find fascinating use the uh is people who are asked ok if he's such a bad guy. why didn't you just get rid of him like you did congress. me. george santos expelled him. well, maybe we, it seems to me maybe the translation is, the democrats are a little busy right now, but i must bring up this. there's always cases of corruption, especially you'll hear it. the president trump is russell. they never me say
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exactly what it is. this is corruption, durban, and boom, that is on gold bar stacks of cash and a jury. so say we all guilty of all charges. this is as corrupt as you get. and by the way, you had a prior charge. similar to this, where the jury was unable to reach a verdict. so that was a hung jury, or what does it show you? so little cover up here, but here's the best one. he said this is going to impair. this is going to in p senators ability to do their job, to serve as clients. there was this crazy thing, years ago of foreign agents. you know, are you registered as a foreign agent? everybody's had to be a foreign agent. this was during the initial parts of the barbara. well now the very, i guess charge forced by his own per charge is, is being, in essence an actual for an agent. so it's very delicious. this turn of events of the rushes far administrative has fielded questions from the global media. now
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after his speech of witness, these un security console session on the middle east. the news conference cover, regional and global security issues with circular proff comparing washington's policy in ukraine with us actions enough going just to go to the now they repeat it like a montrose that we will support ukraine for as long as it takes. i wonder how long it will take in afghanistan. it took 20 years to realize that you last week, or is it true that in iraq, which you also a band and they are now trying to stay despite the decision of the iraqi parliament, that the united states should withdraw its troops of a particular senior. there will be the same approach to ukraine as they took in libya for the state to collapse. and now everyone is gluing parts together for them . so the russian foreign ministers spoke about how the recent events in switzerland were not serious. and then how russia has been willing to negotiate from the beginning. but these negotiations have to be realistic. negotiations that are not
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just aim to pounding the podium and demonizing russia. but actually, amd at the escalating tensions and getting the conflict toward a ceasefire and resolution. zip codes not but i w and a course has been taken to push through the so called zalinski plan at any cost which has a pronounced form of an ultimatum. we are ready for negotiations, but given the sad experience of conversations and consultations with the west and ukrainians, when it comes to an agreement that i hope will be reached at some stage of european security. and in this context, the ukraine crisis will be resolved. then we will of course, look very carefully at the wording, and we'll put safe guards in this document against repeated unscrupulous non negotiable interpretations. and his remarks, he reflected on us efforts to crush the economy of china and tell china what products they can produce. in addition to that, he talked about how the use of sanctions by the united states is starting to backfire with new channels of global trade. emerging countries trading with each
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other without the united states or the western banking system functioning as the middle man. and how all of this in the long term is not really going to benefit the united states and its people. uh, the world seems to be shifting. now he's specifically address the rise of india on the global stage and us efforts to stop india from asserting itself as a regional and global power. this usually populated country with a very big economy. zalinski, zelinski, or someone from his team took offense to render, embodies visit to russia, calling it a stab in the back to all peacekeeping efforts. the indian ministry of external affairs invited the ukrainian ambassador and explained to him how to behave. i think india is very dignified, but the fact that the west makes claims even to such powers as china and india means firstly shows a lack of culture and inability to engage in diplomacy at all. and secondly, it is a failure of political analysts. she went into detail describing that humanitarian
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catastrophe, and also talking about how the united nation seems to be talking out of both sides of its mouth condemning the bombing of hospitals and has rarely atrocities but not really holding israel accountable for crimes against the palestinian people. now he emphasized that russia would like to see a ceasefire in gaza, a ceasefire that can pave the way to negotiations the returning of the hostages, etc. and ultimately, russia would like to see the military operation being carried out by israel brought to a close and from there they could then resume negotiations toward the establishment and international full recognition of a palestinian state. and that is what russia would like. but at the same time that russia and the overwhelming majority of the international community, more or less ones, there's, there are very clearly forces that are trying to escalate the conflict in gaza to a whole nother level that involves the entire region. here are some very insightful
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comments. he gave about the situation in the middle east and the efforts to expand it beyond the gaza strip. as you're shooting you the course believe it feels like there's a will to provoke, has the law as experts believe in order to ensure the us enters the conflict directly. i hope the west will do everything to make sure these thoughts, if israel ever has them, will remain no more than thoughts or better yet will be forgotten. we're doing everything to suit the situation. some politicians clearly want to utilize regional factors to kendall a bigger war here. this is a short sighted and blind alley policy. we actively stand against it with our allies like arrow countries and the islamic world. it must not be allowed to happen in all of his remarks and emphasize the fact that russia seeks peace and international development and does not seek to inflame tensions in any regions. he emphasized multi polarity, the new world that's rising, the new economy that is taking place and emerging in the developing world with russia in china, the center of it,
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and why western leaders should give up this superior already complex. they seem to have this notion that they will always sit at the center of the global economy and always have the right to dictate the countries around the world. how they should conduct themselves, how their governments should function and who they should trade with, and how their economies should be set up. a young married couple have been killed in a ukrainian drilling strike, and rushes border region of belgrade. according to local authorities, they were in their car, some 10 kilometers from the frontier with ukraine when the vehicle was hit. the couple of died in the spots reportedly leaving 2 children orphaned for residential areas, rolled some palm by, keeps trips. some of the latest footage here shows civilian buildings that were had since the break up the ukraine conflict. in february 2022 more than 200 civilians have been killed at 1100 injured as a result of u premium strikes on belgrade alone. local officials recently restricted access to
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14 border times the regions governor nights. the check points are to be set up with public transport from entering those zones to the measures are expected to come into force next week. the what are the are we spoke with us, army veterans, scott bennett, who recently returned from the belgrade region. he is on the view, the us is committing acts of terror against russian civilians which amounts to a declaration of war. i was, i was in belgrade because i was so horrified that the united states had declared war against russia by attacking these russian regions. i evidenced a documented, i took photographs, i did the interviews. the united states is committing acts of terrorism against the innocent russian civilians and beller bella rod and share a bank. and that it must immediately cease and desist, as well as investigate the military personnel and the political personnel,
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and the by the administration who are giving these orders. this is a declaration of war against russia. it is only because of russia's enormous patients in character and wisdom. that they're not reacting to this as a, as a declaration of war, which divided administration wants canyon police have bond pre agreed upon demonstrations in the countries capital for security reasons. it comes as a series of government protests over on, on popular tax psych bill turn violence with thousands killed and hundreds injured over the past. month. ortiz, new liver yukon gate is across the store. a statement has been issued. i hate to of another round of approaches to, to be held on thursday. the statement to was released by the police. we explained that the lack of the lead among the protesters has made it a very challenging for them to enforce safety protocols. in that same statement to
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the acting inspector general of police has also disclose that intended to this report indicates the organized criminal groups padding to exploit the ongoing protest to carry out attacks and routing. and since the 18th of june, thousands of young kidneys have march the cities and towns the protesting against a proposed taxable that has since been withdrawn. and tuesday's pro, to which has been the basis in the series of 50 demonstrations business own, is add a 3 to suck with significant losses. as the looting continues forcing operations to come to a stand still needed between 2 counties. and the police say already kenya has lost so much in the past 30 days, so no demonstrations would be permitted until further notice. since the public demonstrations by kenyan news began in june, this year, a country has experienced enormous losses. people have been injured, lawyers lost property, and businesses destroyed unlikely hoods last. criminals have continued to
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infiltrate the protesting groups resulting in a troubling trend of disorderly and destructive conduct. as a result, no demonstrations will be permitted into no robi central business, district and surroundings until further notice to ensure public safety. this has been done before the government and police of bad demonstrations became yeah. but citizens always defy those orders and things turn quite violent of 11 does a for the same will happen even this time. what does it mean by at the high talk, the demonstrations of parliament was scammed. some of its buildings was set on fire in the days the following is that hundreds were wristed and interrogated. some have to use the as is with charging port swallow, according to kenya's. the national commission on human rights need is 60 protesters to remain missing. also understands that more than 50 people have died out of the protest and more than 4 hundreds with others have been injured. now the recent images of seeing all of protesters once again out to the streets of marching
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singing songs, mocking the president austin to resign. also save the one just as for those people that have been killed, the one police to reveal the whereabouts all the thousands was missing. but most important to the primary demands that include government accountability and good governance. and that's the spot to the police. lobbying t, a guess on them, and they say that will not stop until they to moans. i mean, i live on the bus, out of here, jacob, i learned i am here to quite a lot less than the light vision of my friend of justice, which must been for the people who are a must have got those was one big blue must be with the president papers and we had a budgeting full is in the public domain. don't call us well they, i know you know, what is the right for us?
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here's what, who to he's i'm only get the yes to leave both the media to fix your yes to stay until we can see like we belong to this country. so if the president thinks we are going anywhere, we don't know. maybe he thinks we are going to sit down and talk with you. we are not going to do that because i and even if it's a means awesome leaving me, i'm going to do the, the president has made some decisions. he has withdrawal and the original text proposals that spock the po to is to his also south cheese and tire cabinets. the chief of police have even resigned, but still the protest continues already. experts and the amnesty international, the kenya war, and that it'd be handling off to protest risk continue back to the doctor. space of the 19, this is a 9 to k. i want to leave you with this final a story. 11 must cause a 9. he will move the hate to a both x for me, twitter and space x from california to texas. the move comes after california
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governor galvin, you some sign. the law prohibits things, schools from informing parents about their child's decision to change gender, the tech entrepreneur, how strongly condemn the legislation versus the finals tool. because of the slow and many of us that precipitate at tech, in both families and companies, space x will now move its headquarters from whole southern california to star bass, texas. an ex headquarters will move to austin. while the law in question prohibits schools from disclosing a student, so name, gender identity or sexual orientation to their family, with the child's permission, supporters of the bill say it will help protect l g b t. students who live in on welcoming families. but others argue with the private parents of the right to know about potentially irreversible gender transition surgeries, leaving children to suffer the effects for the rest of their life. we heard the
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view of us conservative commentator jewels. we have radical systems that are developed by for the election systems in the united states that are fraudulent in california is the benchmark behind fraudulent elections with male in ballots and a rock of transparency. and so they can, they feel like they can do whatever they want. they put these radical demons in those positions. so they can strip away the american people of their basic dignity and basic rice, a, projector, children, we face a, a, a different type of pandemic. one that you've always before in the day, across our country and in california, specifically, they have done so much harm to the people in california and that they don't have a choice. they, if you leave, where they stay there and capitulate to these people that are grooming and indoctrinating children, and causing them to do an immense amount of hardened cells that is going to leave a lot of bone or bone children and for them to do whatever they want 2 of those that remain in the state or to for,
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to leave the state. i don't believe that that there's a right out there that you have to change your personal sexual preferences or how you see yourself and push back on to either other children or into our environment . i think this is complete nonsense, and frankly what they're doing to the parents flies in the face of just basic decency and allowing them to savvy the rights to raise their children the way they think they should. we were and raised their, their in essence saying that they own the children in california. and given an inverted commas, free money to citizens, to talk of wealth in a quality um swelling. economic anxiety is that socialism of steroids or ranking ideas needed develop the brakes on rump and capitalism joining freight tried our on our journey through the american side seat tries to find me, answer the
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there's 2 things we love in this country. it's cash and freedom. but anybody that's ever been poor here can tell you that in america, if you ain't got no cash, you ain't got no freedom shackle jack, i'll do a job that exp. busy what you shackled to get interest, right? this apps you drag shackled to medical bills for ailments, so they could have their own student loans, their default, they know it's an oppressive in this heart. and then state of affairs that leaves people doing whatever they can just describe by because they don't have any other choice and that's not freedom. but the universal bicycle income can give you afraid of lots of free freedom to go back.


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