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tv   News  RT  July 18, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve and then suggested that virtue of your being here the republican senators are on the, on the, on the phone like donald trump, the sacks, the nation, a tab leaving the u. s. secret service had running from the growing mountain of what most of all, and that might respond in kind. often, washington announces the deployment of new collect capable missiles in germany, e officials from off the roof on going west. right? canyon police ban protested, and i wrote me one month off to a way for demonstrations against, by a matter fact, tax type which left the
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problem most go to have a will. joining us from this out to international. it's great to see if i could keep me company. well, it has been less than a week since they attend to on donald trump slide some questions for the incident. multiply by the day, trying to get those on since our republican senators who have been pressing the u. s. secret service. but the heads of the inforcement agency has proven a bit camera shot on the answer. well, a lot of people are coming down on the chief of the secret service, specifically center blackburn who's calling for her resignation after she completely dropped the ball. busy in terms of security as riley were,
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donald trump was nearly assassinated because the sick, the secret service essentially knew that there was a security threat before it actually took place and still decided not to secure the rooftop where the shooter ended up taking up his position. why the chief of the secret service says that this roof was too slope and scary to send agents up to that building in particular has a slope roof at its highest point. and so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there, that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a slope roof. and so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside. i'm not obviously an engineer, but i, i'm pretty sure that i've seen a secret service agents on, for example, the white house roof. i mean, it seems that that almost makes in front of the public here at this stage. right. and i mean, if you can also look at videos and see snipers that were also located around that area during the raleigh, also located on what looks to be sloped rooms as well. but that wasn't really the
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even the only reason, according to the real clear politics, media outlets the security detail, there was not had full strings during trumps rally apparently some of the resources were diverted to protect the 1st lady who was also campaigning and pennsylvania. at that time, this is the problem that my secret sources have cited secret services resources were diverted to jo biden's events and away from trumps because they followed agency protocol applying to trump as a former president, according to 2 sources within the secret service community. but the trump is not just the former president, he's the 1st in modern history to have run for present. and again, and he has been the focus of several prosecutions and controversies under statement intentional. who made the decision to divert the resources to jill biden's event. now for its part, the secret service, his chief of communications has denied that claim altogether, but that still does not change the fact that there was a complete security failure that should not have happened in terms of the
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suspicious individuals up the scene was secure with the secure services aware of that? well, get this. the a secret service apparently saw the gunman in his position on the rooftop a whole 20 minutes before he actually started shooting. at donald trump, and according to one senator from wyoming, he says that he was told that the secret service had identified the would be assassin as a suspicious individual, a whole hour before the shooting took place. he was identified as a character of suspicion because he had a rangefinder as well as a backpack, and this was over an hour before the shooting actually occurred. so you would think over the course of that hour, you shouldn't lose sight of the individual. so the secret service had so much time, so many warnings to suggest that something bad was going down at that time. and that's not even to mention the fact that the shooter actually made a post before the trump rally on the computer gaming pro programs platforms. theme
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saying that july 13th would be his so called premier. so the secret service has a lot of explaining to do as to why it completely failed in investigating all of this. really, russia has warned that it will be false to respond of to the us announced it will deploy at long range missiles in germany in 2026. if german representatives consider it just to fight to start some kind of escalation measures under the projects that we have, something in this region, then we'll respond in terms of compensatory measures in the way that we consider the most acceptable. so the american missiles could potentially be used to launch the countries, atomic weapons from job and foil around 20, sought to problems all report to the station, but not on tomatoes, new to the showering program. but lynn claims at the upcoming miss solve deployment is all about deterrence. what the united states will do in germany from 2026
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is nothing more than countering the threat from russia in connection with the deployment of his calendars and the collision grad region. then deterrence will work again. meanwhile, gemini is influential, should people magazine report, step 11 is covered a lot, a preparing to relocate thousands of troops to the country's eastern volta allegedly to prepare for confrontation with russia. this commons, as european commission president, sort of on demand, has arched you members to spend more on defense on you create a work in the next 5 years will be focused on building a true european defense. union. member states for law was retained responsibility for their own trips, from doctrine to deployment. but there is a lot to europe can do to support and colds, and they efforts to strengthen the defense industrial base. you should hear those pictures that these kind of films to the general attitude. so here of pain states submitted to rise ation tension built in confrontation and reliance on
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controversial methods provided for him policy adverse. and he's quite of this here . the russian federation has not paused and does not pose any threat to anyone in the european union for dr. treacher units. however, some europeans oppose this escalation and a full of problem installed. the check for the public, for example, says the incumbent need to solve the nato new member states of, of preoccupied with weapons, and ignoring the citizens of the current prime minister. c l. government dreams award with russia. possibly using the f. 30 fives, which are due in about 11 years. but mainly if y'all, a government is responsible for an unprecedented dropping living standards and the highest techs increasing modern history. while joining us now from powers, this old brick i'm on the phone, but professor at the university of nevada. and thank you very much for your time, joel. um, maybe the 1st thing i want to ask you was saying this minute tries ation
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of european countries with the us very heavily involved. why a european nation sacrificing that's sold for and t for washington? because it's because they are being densely involved exist. i think they, but i found these i doing if you up with thing to avoid, can you help the body cl, skeptical. as soon as she goes to, i mean diplomat, she wouldn't get 5 percent of the 5 percent of you healthy and even in the stone, you help launch abuse mental deacon. and that is where shes. she's is, that's a whole session but it's not ours. so it seemed to me that you tell me because you hope you saw it, they democratic even more than the rest of the democracy in dial. the defense of the monday to have and see the mobility, i think, and we have a lead the do, i don't think they're leading to you see, if i make the payment of cookies,
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what are they going to do? they're not going to send troops engaging the osha and then the interest and mutual width and again frustrated because the, the best asian would be one to them. they're going to defend himself against russian aggression. because the versions of the contributors, the only 6 couple of the suggestion came to the hold of him up with them. sure. and i'm sure that you already that most of, i mean that, you know, he's not going to innovate any major categories of the boat. the state, the boat under anything that that goes as a country, can you train but i don't think they're going to send to the new train. they're scared of the level there. so just a new train me the same day because my new came and style ready to the keep of any weapons, but the weapons almost making these friends. so it seemed to me that there is a chance that the sojourns finally goes to the 2nd set. the they do the trainings i realize in the world, and so as you go up in the world and you have to go to refrain, to set the highs,
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you go to, to, to the feet. that's how we see things and looked at them very much by the deployment of troops. i think the cd, i think is a waste of money. i think the way leaning are a gallery. that's and yes, i don't think they are going to invade her shell. no hush, there's nothing during the vigilant and so there's not going to be a hotel except by accident, and there is a hardware of causing a pain, but that's i hope we'd be said to soon. and i think the oceans have to push for the decisive victory, so that to be set the sooner, rather than taking on. so yes, but i mean, so it's like you said, i completely agree. no one believes that russia is going to attack your pin soil, not even the europeans. i think, believe that. so what is the point of this minute tries ation? is it saber rattling? is it stay among going all the trying to make your a pin citizen scat? who benefits? well it's, it's a good agent is a, is an idea of g. i mean they,
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they have to decide usually that they need to wait till the me and then i've got to meet that we have also a hold of me the industrial complex and village and information complex, which is devoted to, you know, getting all the data woke up i go there, they've done that in every war, and the deal with the dna split into new heat and so forth. so that, you know, take the whole and i don't think and they're on, i good you, judging isn't fed up so the people go to the list and then they're complete the, the present, the idea is she and then it keeps good and that's how we hope that these functioning that to us, every count says that the whole trustees of eugene or the little trustee and, and then address a beating is also the sort of believing in the function. and i got the function and that, and that's the way you are being this function when interviewing. is it, those are, these are so many people where hope that the elbows are the busy, don't have any, but need to go to even for the to go to alternative. so that's,
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that's a problem. you know, we've all been shipping told him a lot about donald trump. he's now and now it's his vice presidential pick. people agree, but they are a strong take to, especially when you compact to joe biden. he's got some particularly, we cut the motor mud. do you think that is consign within the european log about a potential donald trump return to the white house and what that would mean for your a pin? well quote unquote security and defense spending. so nato, the right thing, if he goes back to the white house, i'm sure that the help inside going to say, oh, we need to. um, i said we were all alone facing the oceans and we have to spend more of them, which is going to need to have a good let me fill the, i mean it's all going to protect us because we don't have to be protected against them. that doesn't exist. now what we, what we tell them do i think he really does the white house, but what do we do?
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that's a to, to the open question. you see, i don't 1st but additions to do what they promised to do during the campaign. now it looks nice, he's going to end the world, but how is it going to end to is already made the language is acceptable by the to the hush. and so he's going to say where the discussion of accept my plans and i'm going to be older, weapons need to be trained for them. do we need to try to lot so fast. that was the adult, the temp as a piece plan. and that's, you know, and it was a major exactly the opposite of what you did when he was an act in 2016. he was going to be a totally different. but assuming that was around him says they knew conservative in the lives of us. and he continued the policy that was done before and was the last don't want to, i don't test and all. and i don't impressed the events either. i mean, well, you know, i forget which what additional see the problem is only engage people believing that
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to me. so i want to ask you, why do average your pin citizens? i'm back opinion feature here. i mean we so obviously the or a pin parliament elections. we for search of the quote fall, right, well, you are in front. so obviously they what the elections recently, and i think people were quite clear that they didn't like the pro rhetoric that was coming out of a manual, my crowns mouse. so i think the average, you're a pen system probably, maybe i'm wrong, wouldn't and vote for more and you can a will, has this the political elite just not kat about what best systems or i'll say they don't care though, because why would they care? how many days will it print from the on they like to have because look to take the example offense. okay. there is what you so going from, right? i mean, they are the one that is as being for right and being put up with you and what do
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they do to be put within nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. the the saying that we should say an older weapon, as you can age me, lead to defend defense of the i think these are exactly the same, discuss us as my call. in fact, if you listen to about that, and that's what the says, visa means westgate from during the 1st the us pay us thinking sanctions again are saying they're sending to, we have been to train. but then with the official being put 15 minutes of the within the friends of the data, i see the, the dates of the game, but, you know, they, they do the pressure, you source phone and the weakness of the body addition to his use, the pressure of the media is so extraordinary that there is no here, the position, i don't to people who voted for the national gallery and the speed, the one piece of goods, but the blue and the the that's the for lucy, the, the body's not going to the indented piece but you see that they do it because they don't see any of the, this is even longer. and then the right the, there's going,
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sorry i missed and then this move is moved, right? this is a big, huge center due to the diesel. did you have been, you know, the united states or make any zation lead to is visions of a complete mess? i don't of a, of the account please. the least on the of, of maybe in the so that i can have there is, will be different of the d as in mike l. c. because envisioning so those are the same thing there. so there is no error position because the special form they just couldn't pressure easy through the absolute, the numbers and the dog walk through z to pass. well to being that the force of i'm not the person that piece, that's different me. well, i don't, i think we're all pro peace. we very much appreciate your comments that were shown for a quote from a professor at the university of new phone. thanks for your time. thank you very much for having me. and his really parliamentary session to send the didn't 12 violin to boil house to the national security minister about it tomorrow,
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but there could be attending arab m p's, terrorist what's uh, what's going on and i believe so. no, no hey, i don't answer the say respond to advise is talking the minnesota who continued to to mom, but the, our representatives be excluded from the meeting. but that's it. secure to try to, to calm the politicians as members of the who in the could talk to join the fray. now, this is about the past such incidents fall right? is ready. officials have proven to have a pattern of accusing that our counter calls of terrorism over the support for the palestinian people. the canyon. the police have found pre agreed upon demonstrations in the country is capital for security reasons. it
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comes as a series of anti government protests. oh, but i don't talk to a tax hike. bill ton find that with thousands killed and hundreds more injured over the past month. auntie is not a boy, couldn't guy is across the story. a statement has been issued, i hate to of another round of coaches to, to be held on thursday. the statement to was released by the police. we explained that the lack of fix the lead among the protesters has made it a very challenging for them to enforce safety protocols that in that same statement to the acting inspector general of police has also disclose that intended to this report indicates the organized criminal groups padding to exploit the ongoing protest to carry out attacks and routing. and since the 18th of june, thousands of young kidneys have march, the cities and towns are protesting against a proposed taxable that has since been withdrawn. and tuesday's pro,
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to which has been the latest in the series of 50 demonstrations business own is the ad. the 3 the suck with significant losses as the looting continues forcing operations to come to a stand still needed between 2 counties. and the police say already kenya has lost so much in the past 30 days, so no demonstrations would be permitted until further notice. since the public demonstrations by kenyan news began in june, this year, a country has experienced enormous losses. people have been injured, lawyers lost property, and businesses destroyed unlikely hoods last. criminals have continued to infiltrate the protesting groups resulting in a troubling trend of disorderly and destructive conduct. as a result, no demonstrations will be permitted into no robi central business, district and surroundings until further notice to ensure public safety. this has been done before the government and police of bad demonstrations became yeah, but such as its own ways to fight those orders and things turn quite violent of 11 does a for the same will happen even this time. what does it mean by at the high talk,
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the demonstrations of parliament was scammed and some of his buildings was set on fire. in the days the following was that hundreds were wristed and interrogated. if something happens to be used, as is would charge to port swallow according to kenya's, the national commission on human rights need is 60 protests to the remain missing. also understands that more than 50 people have died out of the po to stuff and more than 4 hundreds with others have been injured. now the recent images of seeing all of protesters once again out in the streets of marching singing songs, mocking the president austin to resign. also save the one just as for those people that have been killed, they won police to reveal the whereabouts. often the thousands was missing, but most important to the primary demands that include government accountability and good governance. and that's the spot to the police, a lobbying t,
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a guess on them. and they say that will not stop until the to month. i mean, the, i a move from the why, the bus out of here to pick up. i learned i am here quite a lot less than the light vision of mine. run to justice, which must been for the people who are, must go to work. one big blue must be with the president paper thing we had a budgeting full is in the public domain. don't call us will. they are no. you know what is the right for us? it's what, who to he's i'm only get the yes to leave office. you the media to fix? yeah, yes. to stay until we can see like really onto this gums. so if the president thinks we are going anywhere, we are on maybe things we are going to sit down and talk with you. we are not going to do that because i, and even if it means possibly the me, i'm going to do the, the president has made positions, he has withdrawal, and the original text proposals that sparked the protest of his also sat to use
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entire cabinets. the chief of police have even designed, but still the protest continues already. experts and the advocacy internationally kenya was that it'd be handling off to protest risk continue back to the doctor, space of the $92.00. this is a 9 now to bangladesh. what a wave old student protests have taken over the streets of dock cut off as the capital suffers several days of passions. the hundreds of demonstrate to the demanding the new po, to the government told the 10 sold please 5 to gas and rubber bullets into the crowds. just a day of classes, left, 6 people dead on schools injured recent protests over similar places in the public
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sector. so far tease shop to university campuses across the country. the buns, especially prime minister, has announced an official investigation into the new jelly is back chain or public halls. marissa senate bid for nearby cha, go silence. archipelago admitted snow standing dispute with none. the statement came from the indian form at his spell on his visit to the nation. a foreign minister i would like to again assure you today, thought on the issue of travelers. india will continue. it's consistent support motors just in line, but that's a principle stand on the colonized session and support for sovereignty and digital the integrity of nations. while marissa, as has been contesting the purchase, occupational photography, elizabeth over half a century london detach the archipelago from versus 3 years before here, shaddick nation gained independence in the sixty's. this model of dismemberment of
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play, no territories is seen as a violation of un agreements. one of the chuckle, silence as car has been used as an anglo american minute treat based with about food styles and personnel station that the local population was forced to leave to make were allowed to discuss in the spa, the less cos live, to a no trick or not yet, for the indian on boss said to georgia in libya, it's a pleasure to have you on the program. thank you very much. you're the 1st thing i want to ask you. why has india decided at this point in time to get involved in the territorial dispute? that's obviously been around for decades? well, it is not from now and years after india's own independence, india has always been consistent, do fighting against globalism and fought for the liberation of various countries.
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but what are the bondage, and that's how the non like member meant to begin and accept from the india has all of the supported body issues and the bulk of what it shows and this territory integrity. it does not desktop to today. it is just a vacation, no protest fence, and we support the decal or negligence would be complete now. and that's precisely the case. and of course, the district and beyond is strictly with job to. and then you also mentioned that the u. n. g a head and shoulders alicia, clearly saying stating that this to check off pilots belong to motors and they are part of the motors. and so that's what india has been supporting it in the last record of just as a sexual. the $31.00 with the right mind would be doing so. however, through colonial countries have still got that appendages and they want to continue to maintain their. the last be heard was that the british just wanted to talk to the prime minister there. and there is some kind of discussion going on,
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but this said that we will release it when it is no longer needed for the defense purposes. now that is something in district because the u. k. u was based there, which is the what, which is why it is not being seated back to motors. but as far as it is concerned, we have a principal or to stand on these issues. and we have all of a supported body system this. i want to get back to the base and just a moment, but i do want to 1st get your take on how, what the read or he think the new lease reiteration of its position now will affect this debate. do you think the box will provide an input to us for more nations, to recognize chuckles as part of marcia's, the you, in ga, if you see in the 2021 bear with a one year as alicia. and richard was very clearly made. sure that uh they had to prove this and as far as, uh, india is concerned that you'd be perhaps
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a member that voters, johnson, the them, the prime minister of u. k. has invested in there too. i have a, some kind of an understanding between mortgage those who can tell us whether this issue after i seem to begin. so i think that they understand that india does have influence. secondly, the 2 people who changed all the speaking, they were also offered in origin. they were taking them to 17 hundreds of by the french and the 1st place to check off and 2 more dishes. and eventually the larger communities. and both these countries are around them, but it just ended up taking our mainly in origin people. so that is why we have but it started relations resisting religious with this country and these islands and the depend on india. that's why and there was called to this. well, i mean, like i said, i wants to return to that military base to design the american base on the chaco
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side is which for of course, nowhere near neither not didn't know washington, but they all very strategic kayla k. it's not that you've got the african continent within spitting distance. you've got the middle east if you go, no, it's difficult. obviously been doing stuff on the southeast asia, australasia also to the east is that where you think is really driving london's reluctance to relinquish its power. the thing in the dark in the hands of the u. k is barely does also the united states, as long as i'm spits and you're right, definitely looking this up, i need to try to get guidance and seeing what is happening in the bed. something today this i know you have conversations. i think that there's going to be a little delay in this matter. we do not know how it's going to eventually take what, but these, that is trying to get a sense of fund the united states and for the u. k. and that is why they're promoting it, and they've clearly mentioned that very little english them. they know it depends requirement by the u. k. and the us of that,
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do you think that this somehow plays into what we had the russian for administered, for example, yesterday it un security council talking about this minute troy is ation of the asia pacific and about a facility really being cemented if we're talking about a china specifically, do you think that that base is potentially seen as something that could be useful in any further escalation? is actually there is a bigger escalation than all that said. so you will start with that as the with a minute please. and that is the way that strategy, the decisions are made. so every single base rent you have anywhere is basically made for the very purpose. so i don't see that this of these are just for sure, are merely canadians. they are to start to dig requirements, and that's the reason that the delay is happening. i think one has to be this to come up. and i want to ask you about, like you referred to you a bit earlier,
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one of your questions, this idea of this in, during colonialist mindset, you would think in 2024 not just thought the last couple of years have really seen a huge acceleration of the emergence of a multi po to wall daughter. but you would think that nations who still pursued colonialists policies would understand that there is no place in the world left for them. but it seems about mentality continues to enjoy. but it is very difficult. in fact, the tool will say that what kind of interest to continue to have they have what we have seen in africa. you have seen the above the times that is done against the africans, vasquez and debbie at all. so the best thing that the mindset is something that doesn't bully usually it takes time for people to adjust to the other things, but and 21st century. at this time the world is changing very fast,
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may not be but it positively.


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