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tv   News  RT  July 18, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the same center with most of the, the, the, most of the young, the republican senators on the hunt, the on says following donald trump the attempted assassination. giving us the flip side of the had to run it from the thriving mountain of west. it must go on, say, a light to respond in kind of to washington announces the deployment of new select hateful missiles in germany for you this whole drum up the room on going match, right? the kenyan police found protest in library. it's a one month off for a wave of demonstrations against i m. s. and fact type type. which that does that
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the odd shape helps me a busy new say here and all to international things stop by the right time. like to join else that this last a while taking things off, the u. s. republican party is demanding on says accountability. i talked to the secret solve his chief refuse to resign and failed to explain why ha agency didn't protect donald trump from being shocked out. at a raleigh direct kimberly, chico was filmed freeing from a group of sentences grilled high outside the republican convention. on the answer, a lot of people are coming down on the chief of the secret service, specifically center blackburn who's calling for her resignation after she
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completely dropped the ball in terms of security at this rally were donald trump was nearly assassinated because the secret service essentially knew that there was a security threat before it actually took place and still decided not to secure the rooftop where the shooter ended up taking up his position. why? the chief of the secret service says that this roof was too sloped in scary to send agents up to. the building in particular has a slow proof edits highest point. and so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there, that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a slope truth. and so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside. i know it's obviously an engineer, but i'm pretty sure that i've seen st quits office agents on for example, the white house roof. i mean, it seems that that almost makes in front of the public here at this stage. right. and i mean, if you can also look at videos and see snipers that were also located around that area during the rally, also located on what looks to be sloped rooms as well. but that wasn't really the
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even the only reason, according to the real clear politics, media outlets the security detail, there was not had full strings during trumps riley. apparently some of the resources were diverted to protect the 1st lady who was also campaigning and pennsylvania. at that time, this is the problem that my secret sources have cited secret services resources were diverted to jill biden's, events and away from trumps because they followed agency protocol applying to trump as a former president, according to 2 sources within the secret service community. but trump is not just the former president, he is the 1st in modern history to have run for president to again. and he has been the focus of several prosecutions and controversies under statement intentional. who made the decision to divert the resources to jo biden's event for its part the secret service. his chief of communications has denied that claim altogether, but that still does not change the fact that there was a complete security failure that should not have happened in terms of uh,
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suspicious individuals at the scene. oh, was secure with the secure services aware of that. get this, the a secret service apparently saw the gunman in his position on the rooftop a whole 20 minutes before he actually started shooting. at donald trump, and according to one senator from wyoming, he says that he was told that the secret service had identified the would be assassin as a suspicious individual, a whole hour before the shooting took place. he was identified as a character of suspicion because he had a rangefinder as well as a backpack, and this was over an hour before the shooting actually occurred. so you would think over the course of that hour, you shouldn't lose sight of the individual. so the secret service had so much time, so many warnings to suggest that something bad was going down at that time. and that's not even to mention the fact that the shooter actually made a post before the trump rally on the computer gaming platforms. theme saying that
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july 13th would be his so called premier, so the secret service has a lot of explaining to do as to why it completely failed in investigating all of this really? well, donald trump is running late to the upcoming us presidential election, has been officially decided and it is j defaults. the are high, a senate to himself consult and he as well as speaking of the ongoing republican party convention focusing on the need. he says to resolve the damage done by the current administration. dubai has been a politician in washington for longer than i've been alive. 39 years, a total harris is not much further behind. for half a century, he's been to the champion of every major policy initiative to make america weaker and poor. full. i'm a member of the pennsylvania state center. that's pretty small ox. he's currently out. the public convention told all to you why he believes gigi vons is the chosen
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one. for one reason is it j. d. vance. is that what we call a mega make america? great. republican. he is completely endorsed the trop agenda. and i think that donald trump wanted somebody who supported his agenda. i think the 2nd reason is that it's a j. d. vance because he's, he's like me. i'm from west virginia and he's from southern ohio. we're from what's called apple, what the appellation. it's a 4 areas of the country, j. d van to somebody who came up from nothing. he came up from poverty. i can't say that that was my background and, and we have some very key states brought pennsylvania, which is next to ohio, wisconsin, mich, michigan. and i think the president trump believes that j. d bass will be, uh, tremendous of that uh, addition to the ticket there for a reason. and probably the most important reason the trump church id pads is that he thought that he would be if there was a need, that he would be
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a capable of the successor president and up. and i think that he thinks also j d bands because it was ages only 39, that he will continue this trump movement after trump finishes his. his 2nd term lesson j. d vance is a working class. somebody who came up from the, you know, from poverty and became a, became a success. donald trump is somebody that, of course, he didn't come to poverty far from it. but he is somebody who's employed thousands and thousands of workers in the construction trade in the casinos. and so forth. joe biden has and created a single job and his entire tire career with the possible exception of 100 by didn't because he got paid millions of dollars because it was joe biden, son from very smart and ukraine, please. so i think that the american working public, i think the union people i of the working class, i think that they recognize that the, that they trump dance ticket is going to be
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a very strong tickets for working people, particularly because they want to secure the border that's why he previously said he's strongly oppose sending military aid abroad, particularly to ukraine, because we have our own issues. he said on the board or at so why is tax payer dollars going abroad? but you may have noticed, he didn't mention the ukraine conflict during his speech at the r n c. instead focusing on china was that's was the prop straightens to. he's a very practical pers, these america 1st and what he's saying is, what are we doing now? why can't we kind of find a way to resolve this situation? ukraine and not spin, you know, hundreds of billions of dollars in a war where it's not helping russia for, for you, craig. and so i think that that's the magic she's sending that we need to find the present, present company become present again, needs to find
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a way to have meaningful discussions with president posing for a little bit of pressure on president so landscape. and let's not forget, present to the trump had a good relationship with president susan. i think that that's very important, joe biden. what had of his way to insult present it to me. and i don't think that that's a way to, to, to reach a diplomatic solution on the, on the issues that affect russia and ukraine. russia has one that will be forced to respond off to the us, announced it will deploy a long range missiles in germany in 2026. if german representatives consider it justified to start some kind of escalation measures under the pretext that we have something in this region, then we'll respond in terms of compensatory measures in the way that we consider the most acceptable. well, the america and missiles could potentially be used to launch the countries, atomic weapons from job and soil around 20 such palms are reportedly stationed that underneath as nicholas showering program now, but lyn plains,
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at the upcoming miss sol deployment is one about deterrence. what the united states will do in germany from 2026. there's nothing more than countering the threat from russia in connection with the deployment of his counters and the collision grad region. then deterrence will work again. but the timing of the moves doesn't quite add up. now russia deployed desired short range is kind of missiles and the, and k cleaning grad region back in 2016. and it's on to what took nato parking so long to respond. meanwhile, germany's influence to speak with magazine reports that fell in his co botany preparing to relocate thousands of troops to the countries east and folder, and that just need a pass for confrontation with russia. this comes as the european commission president has arched you members to spend more on defense. and of course, you create a work in the next 5 years will be focused on building
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a true european defense. union member states for low was retained responsibility for their own trips, from doctrine to deployment. but there is a lot to europe can do to support and colds, and they assets to strengthen the defense, industrial base. your standards, patricia, that will these kind of films to the general attitude. so here up in stage 2 minutes arise ation tension built in the confrontation and reliance on controversial methods provide for in the policy address. and he's quite of this here. the russian federation has not paused and does not pose any threat to anyone in the european union for treachery. however, some europeans oppose the escalation. a full, a prime minister of the check for public, for example, says that the incumbent need to solve the nato, a new member states, all over preoccupied with weapons, and ignoring the citizens. the current prime ministers, c, l, a government dreams award with russia possibly using the f 30 fives,
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which are due in about 11 years. but mainly the seattle or government is responsible for an unprecedented drop and living standards and the highest techs increased in modern history. for joining us from paris now is going to back full your pen, palling about nothing but from the alternative for job many paul to i'm going to thank you very much for speaking to us. i mean, the 1st thing i have to ask you as a job button, do you feel safe or knowing the us long range missiles we're going to be protecting you from those russian tanks apparently ready to roll across the border at any moment? well, you say that was a pattern, so i'm up, i'm not on the, the image a stretch, but i have to correct that this will go off a job, a date i haven't yet sold refuge and from so on. i am a job a day. i from the news, and i see a distinctly more in the uh, we are expected to be getting back to the cold war. the job government is arguing
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that it's not responding to a scratch by russia. but as far as i'm aware, russia hasn't really moved. it's the playoffs. no we all know. ready the us are increasing stuff falls at long range. besides the germany, these could be with nuclear warheads. consequently, while ebony is a much more precarious situation, because it's a country that's effectively allowed on how to uh, uh, station that tech weapons on a tow territory. it does need to have control over the use of those weapons. so in a sense, allowing other countries to station nuclear weapons or at any rate long range of tech weapons which of these territories it could be regarded as a more aggressive move. then somebody herself developed such rapids with those
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germany would at least have control me well the was places to take refuge in the power. so i apologize about mix up. um, what i do want to ask you is that the european commission present was sort of on demand re elected public freedom quite trial, and she's pledged to create a true european defendants union over the next 5 years. i suppose a one could also question. i mean, look, these countries have national armies. you've also got the nato alliance. why not? does the, you need a not the minute truthful mrs. from the line you are quite right is just be re elected. she's been the most n t russian commission president. that's ever bead that she's a case of ally of a d. c, a cottage us administration, and regard so self as a kind,
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distasteful sub. and she's also personally profiting from pop. they come back with us on a very grand scale and this is fund denied, obviously once to align you for and defense policy with the objectives of the uh, the us at least as us foreign policies kind of play formulates a. and i agree, europe's a countries have their own defense full sized. and let me give you one finger, which is vastly in nature as a whole, is spending something like 16 or 17 times 17 times as much money on its millet tray. then rough shy is the european wiggles beta, consisting of movies,
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not or you countries is spending about 5 times as much on the tray as restaurants. so i'm asking, where is that correct? i mean, i, i want to ask you that you took that about the lens alignment with washington's current policies. i mean, the european continent since the war and ukraine broke out has found itself. i think it's fair to say economic to spend minutes how really spent as well. now it's ready to host job many specifically more american missiles. in your opinion, do people in brussels realize, but europe is being perhaps used by the us. full. uh, let me ask you to verify, are you suggesting that the other is little more than a set of knives and economically uh do well good. no. i could not
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lot of such a need to in question on this program, but since you've talked about them, please do continue as well as i'm beginning to think it is at about to answer your question directly. i think people in brussels are realizing that, but they don't mind it. i think that misleading the european population, the boot k, a, a russian military threats that simply isn't bad. but this is all deliberate. obviously, there isn't an intention to prevent and to make that a plan for him to make this and to justify that intention,
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especially to russian military aggression for the hood of europe is created simply not backed up by the facts. as i said before, the european nations of low, i'll spend the roughly 5 times as much on the track as rest are is. i do not see a russian stretch to the hold of you. i'm fine if i could. uh, gonna ask you to briefly, i mean, to comment. and i always wonder about this when i went to the average citizens come into this. i mean, i've been wasting collections. what bought some from the web that there's, you're a pin, parliamentary elections of showed that people generally are quite frustrated with the establishment them you, establishment and recent years has been pro whether that some ukraine was about some at least um do you think the about frustration is building on people don't feel that actually the best investments in your pin security is for example,
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spending money on g is the best it best. but the other periods security will be good for the controls to prevent unqualified migration in toyota. a i think you're slightly exaggerated in your case. i think it is to say that there is a growing discontent, discontent. i agree with the attitude of a base e e. u, and may stupid spend the states in relation to the conflict ukraine. there's rising discontent to with the conditions, a climate rescue policies with the migration which is out out of control in europe, lots of economic competitiveness. e actually is rising discontent. but i think we coffee too optimistic because although the rights we and some of the last week
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parties made some limited progress in the lodge last year to be in elections. the majority, misled by propaganda has still endorsed the establishment policies and i expected 5 via to funded, lied eh, the next funded line, the 5 year to be pretty much like the last one. there will be consultation with russia that will be grading economic difficulties. ordinary people will get a quote uh it is gradually, don't, don't make upon them that the policies implemented the d u, a national levels. i'm not serving the interests, but i'm afraid european public is reacting to hesitant there too late. they may just be, find themselves boiling, like the, uh, uh, like the floor in the, in the box, you know, bidding gradually,
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the temperature is increased by the tide before realize, realizes its being boiled and that he's done for, oh is good enough that for me you're a pay and part of it, i'm from the time to for jeremy potty space themselves in this adult. regardless of those is found to missiles pointed apparently directly out him thank you very much going to the best on the frame very soon. thank you and is rarely parliamentary session defended in 12 violent, improve, lost, and national security in minnesota. it's not been there who'd be attending our them peas. terrace. what's uh, what's going on and i believe i would say, oh no, no. hey, i don't answer the phone too, by attaching the administer who didn't laptop continuing to them on, but they are a representative of excluded message here to try to come from the sessions. members
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of the ruling records party also joins afraid, is not the fast such incident in the past for right. that's right. officials have resulted to labeling our lawmakers terrorist over that support for the palestinian people. canyon police have a bond pre agreed upon demonstrations in the countries capital for security reasons . it comes as a series of anti government protests. so it's an unpopular tax hike. bill ton violent with thousands killed and hundreds more injured over the past month on the he's not about to go is across the story. a statement has been issued a head off, another round of protest to be held on thursday. the statement to was released by the police. we explained that the lack of fits the lead among the protesters has made it a very challenging for them to enforce safety protocols in that same statement to the acting inspector general of police has also disclose that intended to this
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report indicates the organized criminal groups padding to exploit the ongoing protest to carry out attacks and routing. and since the 18th of june, thousands of young k news have marched the cities and towns of protesting against a proposed i'm taxable that has since been withdrawn. and tuesday's pro, to which has been the basis in the series of the demonstrations business own is the ad, the 3, the stuff with significant losses. as the looting continues of posting operations to come to a stand still needed between 2 counties. and the police say already kenya has lost so much in the past 30 days, so no demonstrations would be permitted until further notice. since the public demonstrations by kenyan news began in june, this year, our country has experienced enormous losses. people have been injured, lawyers lost property, and businesses destroyed unlikely hoods last. criminals have continued to infiltrate the protesting groups resulting in
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a troubling trend of disorderly and destructive comes up. as a result, no demonstrations will be permitted into no robi central business district and surroundings until further notice to ensure public safety. this has been done before the government and police of bad demonstrations became yeah. but citizens always defy those orders and things to and quite violent. 11 does a for the same will happen even this time. what does it mean by at the high talk, the demonstrations of parliament was scammed. some of its buildings was set on fire in the days the following that hundreds were wristed and interrogated. some have been the least at these were charged in court swallow, according to kenya's, the national commission on human rights need is 60 protests to the remain missing. also understands that more than 50 people have died out of the protest and more than 400 others have been injured. now the recent images of seeing all of protesters once again out to the streets of marching singing songs,
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mocking the president austin to resign. also save the one just as for those people that have been killed, they won police to reveal the whereabouts. often the thousands were still missing. but most important to the primary demands that include government accountability and good governance. and that's the spot to the police. lobbying t, a guess on them, and they say that will not stop until they to moans. i mean, i live on the bus out of here to pick up a learn. i am in the quite a lot less than a light vision of mine. and the justice, which must been for the people who are, must you go to work once you must be with the president papers and we had a question for is in the public domain. don't call us well they, i know, you know, what is the right for us? here's what, who to he's i'm only get the yes to leave office. the media to fix. yes. has
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to stay until we can see like really onto this comes. so if the president thinks we are going anywhere, we don't know maybe things we are going to sit down and talk with you. we are not going to do that because i and even if it means to possibly be me, i'm going to do the. the president has made positions, he has withdrawal and the original text proposals that sparked the po to stuff his also sacked, cheese and tire cabinets. the chief of police have even designed, but school. the protest continues already, experts and the amnesty international, the kenya war, and that it'd be handling off to protest risk. it can take you back to the doctor stage of the 92. this is a 9 to the one that's a look what's happening and find the task because the streets of data have been taken over by wave of the student protests. and this is only the latest and several days of classes in the capsule. the
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hundreds of demonstrate tests, altamont in the new quotas for government jobs become sold. the system could see states, employees save up freedom fighters, family members, as well as the indigenous and disabled people. students onto the quote as will shrink the number of government jobs available to them. please find, take ass and rubber bullets into the crowds. just a day of the class has left 6 people injured. and pete, 6 people dead, and schools injured. recent protests are of a similar quotas in the public successful socrates shop to university campuses across the country. to find the best you prime minister has an out official investigation into the death and find the new tele is backing the republic of maricia as it looks to return the nearby chuckle a silence courtney onto you k rule. now the indian foreign minister has cool, best show of support a stand on the colonization. prime minister,
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i would like to, again assure you today, thought on the issue of job us. india will continue. it's consistent support motors just in line, but that's principal stand on the call night session and support for sovereignty and digital. the integrity of nations. slumber says how is contested the best occupational photography miles for over half a century london, detached the archipelago from russia's 3 years before the oceanic nation gained independence. that was back in the sixty's. and what was why they recognized as a violation of un agreements? one of the toggle silence is courtney thank use as an anglo american military base . what about 4000 personnel station by the local population was forced to leave to make room for my indian envoy. i know took and i to shed his perspective on the issue in india has always been consistent. do fighting against globalism and
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fought for the liberation of various countries. spect what under the bondage and that's how the non alignment meant to begin. and it's not from the india has all of the supported bodies, is the pause of what it shows and this territory integrity. it does not add just started today. it is just the rate on each of the products fence and we support the d color. negligence would be complete now, and that's precisely the case. and of course the, the district and the oldest suspect the will, the job to the u. n. g, a head and shoulders illusion. clearly saying if they think that this to check all thailand belong to motors and they are part of the motors. so that's what india has been supporting it and don't actually board of just as a central to everyone who isn't the right mind would be doing. so however, due to the countries have still got that appendages and they want to continue to maintain their the last 300 was that the british just wanted to talk to the prime
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minister there. and there is some kind of discussion going on. but they said that we will release it when it is no longer needed for the defense purposes. now that is something industrial because the u. k. u was based there, which is the what, which is why it has not been exceeded back to what issues. but as far as it is concerned, we have a principal or to stand on these issues. and we have all of a supported body systems as well. that is catching sound for the sale of their stories. and of course can take more besides this one off to you to call them. so take a peek and have a great day. the
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most people.


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