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tv   News  RT  July 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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are we just to look for common ground the the job was to, to manage the ends of 2 days in a week. what part of the culture of spots on the planet are to use that senior correspondent and spend the time at the front line? hot sector where russian troops are pushing back to the premium, the courses and exclusive comments to our tea that i was supposed to museum promises to bring the scandalous photos of the ukrainian militant was playing a similar quote at the former desktop to the attention of polish and ukrainian authority, the republican senators are on the hunt for answers following the assassination attempt on donald trump,
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leaving the secret service had running from the growing mountain of washington the live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching our t international. amid the advance of russian troops on the front line, our 2 senior correspondent rod guys the up was among the 1st rush and media to visit that part of the front line and has filed an exclusive report from the location before moving on to safety. the place is yes, we are now and i to the agent of one of the quotes of spots on the planet and monument to the soldiers is accompanying the high rise buildings around. over the past hour and a half, we have been walking slowly from the outskirts to the very centre. we've counted 20 success tv drone since we came in. we are the 1st year and the survivors to and i get it. and that is, there's no guarantee of safety getting in here to the north of the russian troops.
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apo, she's about to come home with a pause. i'll kind of get, get to the north west of me. russian troops are pushing into too much, save. go to the west of me. russian troops are pushing into progress to the south. west russian troops are pushing into the shoulders. trudy off to the collapse of update the hip and the capture of budgets. and when you create in forces sled from virginia to the credit lines began to crumble the problem for ukraine. and this is something, well, the commodity of told me isn't that they don't have enough people. states that they don't have enough sold you. the situation here in the, in that you did tune up as well as further north c, a. baltimore, in the, in the kotik of region, isn't good for ukraine. it isn't looking promising for you credit, and there is no break for your grade. on the horizon. russia has
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warned that it will be forced to respond after the us announced it will apply long range missiles in germany in 2026. if german representatives consider it just to fight to start some kind of escalation measures under the pretext that we have something in this region, then we'll respond in terms of compensator. we measures in the way that we consider the most acceptable to the american. this has come, potentially be used to launch the countries, atomic weapons from german soil around to 20 such bombs are a part of the stations they're under nato's nuclear sharing program for land claims . the upcoming missile department is all about the turns what the united states will do in germany from 2026 is nothing more than countering the threat from russia in connection with the deployment of his counters and the collusion grad region. then deterrence will work again. but the timing of the move doesn't quite add up russian deployed. it's a short range of scanner, missiles and the x play of clinton grad region in 2016. it's unclear what took nato,
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so long to respond. meanwhile, germany's influential spiegel magazine reports for man is covertly preparing to relocate thousands of troops to the countries of eastern border, allegedly to prepare for confrontation with russia limit. the tensions are a little longer. lion is one a 2nd term as they are pen commission, president chicago. altogether a large majority from the force centrist parties, and ahead of the vote continued to urge you members to spend more on defense and in particular, ukraine. a work in the next 5 years will be focused on building a true european defense union member states hello was retained responsibility for their own trips, from doctrine to deployment. but there is a lot to europe can do to support and colds, and they efforts to strengthen the defense industrial base. so what really just happened here is that the leaders decided in the bathrooms and brussels not to pull a palace coup against ursula undermine and to keep her in place as european
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commission president and defacto queen of europe. so that the senator in the parliament where she had to go through this sort of shaming ritual of sitting there . while the parade of elected officials got out one by one and told her how much success was still on a visit to europe. and should tell you what the europeans really think of you, and that we regret that we elected you for the last time and a still hung over from this terrible mistake. you should go to prison, not the european commission. you are the face of the european economy and agriculture, which is destroying both. you are the face of the you climate craziness which leads to europeans becoming poor and poor of should keep it on to madame van der lion. i ask, what have the europeans done to you that you treat them with such contempt? then one's lawmakers got all of that out of the system, the newly elected you parliament held the confirmation vote. $401.00 law makers agreed to take what was dropped in front of them being clean ursula,
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but $284.00 of them were like, isn't there maybe an empty chair somewhere around here that we could pick instead? so yeah, nice election there guys, a real cliff hanger, queen are so reacted like she just beat no meryl streep and nicole kidman for an academy award though and judging by the enthusiasm of her reaction, maybe she could actually be some fun for an oscars. pretty good actress if she really wanted to run 1st something old party in germany, the christian democrats tried to get her to run for an actual seat to give her a, a bit of democratic legitimacy. but she was like, me know, thanks so no hard to understand why she might be against that idea when a pull last month put her up against some hypothetical high profile names for the job. and so she actually had real opponents and she didn't do very well,
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only getting 45 percent approval in her native germany and 29 percent in france against a make believe opponents. a romanian law maker was also haul out of the room during the proceedings for making a scene over cleaners. who is controversial, a role in the common fiasco the top you're paying for just room this week, that cleaners what was less than transparent. you can say on her dealings with drug companies over the coven job contracts, actually in criticism from you, law makers going back at least a couple of years now. what's the underlying,
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must immediately and unconditionally design from water position as president of the it'll be the owner of the inclination due to the fact that her actions are cor, i'm pretty clean. now the investigated by date will be and probably prosecutor's office. po just announced few days ago that is investigating the way the contracts were signed between the european commission and the producers of vaccines. and this is a lot to the quote of auditors just a let me pull the last few days ago when i quote the commission i signed up to november 20 2171 1000000000 would utilize the worth of contracts on behalf of the member states to purchase up to 4600000000. colby, my not being vaccine goals is. that means that you purchased 10, those as well, vaccines forever to you, citizen, based on contracts that were never released to the public business of the contract
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that she signed with this one of my so to go companies, what do you use with the public? how is this possibility that you would appear union that is called to be transparent with the way using people's money cleaner. so a blue, all that right off men took center stage on her big day regarding the crowd instead with her favorite to the one everyone already knows the words to ukraine. our answer has to be just as clear. no one wants peace, small then the people of ukraine adjust and lasting peace for free and independent country and europe of stand with your queen, full as long as it takes. this is our message. peter, who has also been testing a new virtue signaling tune in the run up to her big re coordination bang on about an e u defense union, which totally is not going to be of
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a washing tax payer cash into the military industrial complex because her anti russian sanctions have hit all of the other productive economic and industrial sectors that don't just crank the weapons. an alternative title for that one might be banana republic. hey, if she needs an album cover or she can maybe use one of the glamour shots taking in front of all the shiny military hardware is german defense minister, the same photos that were floating around when the german army was using rooms instead of guns for their military exercises because she boxed the budget so badly bruised that may or may not have been from her own personal stash any way after this whole charade is the use top joke or an accidental to median is definitely back in the driver seat of the clamor bill. a german politician and former m a t good are back says the western military block should look in the mirror to find out
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who's really driving the escalation. we are expected to be getting back to the cold war. far as i'm aware, russia hasn't really moved. it's nuclear arsenal, we all know. ready is the us increasing files at long range missiles in germany? these could be with nuclear warheads. consequently, while ebony is a much more precarious situation, because it's a country that's effective, may allowed on how to uh uh, station a tech weapons on a tow territory. it does need to have control over the use of those rapids. i think that misleading the european population, if they take a, a rushing military stretch that simply is of the, uh, but this is all delivered. obviously,
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there is an intention to provoke and to make that a time or to make this and to justify that intention, especially to russian military aggression for the hood of europe is created simply not backed up by the fact of the european nations a load of spending roughly 5 times as much on the track as rest are is i do not see a russian stretch to the hold of your as veterans, any cranes, neo nazi. as our battalion prepare to, to our european cities, there's been reaction from the irish woods museum in poland. after our team broke the story here on air, they exclusively sent us their response to our recent social media post. where are you, craney and militant brandished a hitler quote while visiting the former death count in promoting content and
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symbols associated with nazi ideology in this unique place violates the memory of the victims, which is an unacceptable and morally reprehensible act. we will inform both the polish prosecutor's office and the embassy of ukraine in warsaw about this painful incident related to hate speech. and shocking posts on instagram from april, the as veterans stood at alice woods wearing a t shirt with a quote attributed to adolf hitler. the current in the girlfriend re enacted and a famous internet name about a burning house and another image on the scene and added an audio tried titled, baby on fire on public access to the post was shut down by the after our to raise awareness about the story and our report on wednesday, you take political strategist and commentator anthony webber, says the ukrainian government encourages this type of behavior as if pushes an antagonistic agenda toward russia. the trouble is members of the household mother tr units. i've been bugging like this, right?
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seen the stalls over the phone switch, where it could have been stopped if the american governments have told be. so i'm just sitting here. i'm a result of the behavior is on that sensible. but they seem to think that you can guess of why you before, but i want very, very no, no, i'm not sort of of the only along with the so i'm just a hard government ivy. so gonna just kick off. i'm doing the, the american government as i said, anybody can use without any one or who will support that agenda and you probably remember, it doesn't matter sort of how it stream by all, so hopefully some action will be taken on this night out very, you credit and drop my was the denied that is, i mean, if you started with his official fafsa, jade. but the reality is probably the job i should be put up with this sort of thing. and well, nice to encourage it. because uh very, i have, honestly,
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russian propaganda. i don't see it often rhetoric that they're trying to pronounce that actually the russian language, there's always sort of thing which is i'm target mistake. there is republican party is demanding answers and accountability. you know, it's after the secret service chief refused to resign and failed to explain why her agency, the protective donald trump from being a shot at a rally director at kimberly. tito was filmed, fleeing from a group of senators who grilled her outside the republican convention. the, on the answer a lot of people are coming down on the chief of the secret service, specifically center blackburn who's calling for her resignation after she completely dropped the ball in terms of security at this rally were donald trump
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was nearly assassinated because the secret service essentially knew that there was a security threat before it actually took place and still decided not to secure the rooftop where the shooter ended up taking up his position. why? the chief of the secret service says that this roof was too sloped in scary to send agents up to. the building in particular has a slow proof edits highest point. and so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there, that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a slope truth. and so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside. i know it's obviously an engineer, but i'm pretty sure that i've seen st quits office agents on for example, the white house roof. i mean, it seems that that almost makes in front of the public here at this stage. right. and i mean, if you can also look at videos and see snipers that were also located around that area during the rally, also located on what looks to be sloped rooms as well. but that wasn't really the
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even the only reason, according to the real clear politics, media outlets the security detail, there was not at full strength during trumps riley. apparently some of their resources were diverted to protect the 1st lady who was also campaigning and pennsylvania. at that time, this is the problem that my secret sources have cited secret services resources were diverted to jill biden's, events and away from trumps because they followed agency protocol applying to trump as a former president, according to 2 sources within the secret service community. but the trump is not just a former president, he's the 1st in modern history to have run for president again. and he has been the focus of several prosecutions and controversies under statement intentional to make the decision to divert the resources to jill biden's event. for its part, the secret service is chief of communications, has denied that claim altogether, but that still does not change the fact that there was a complete security failure that should not have happened in terms of the suspicious individuals up the scene was secure with the secure services aware of
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that, get this the a secret service apparently saw the gunman in his position on the rooftop a whole 20 minutes before he actually started shooting at donald trump and according to one center from wyoming. he says that he was told that the secret service had identified the would be assassin as a suspicious individual, a whole hour before the shooting took place. he was identified as a character of suspicion because he had a rangefinder as well as a backpack. and this was over an hour before the shooting actually occurred. so you would think over the course of that hour, you shouldn't lose sight of the individual. so the secret service had so much time, so many warnings to suggest that something bad was going down at that time. and that's not even to mention the fact that the shooter actually made a post before the trump rally on the computer gaming platforms. theme saying that july 13th would be his so called premier, so the secret service has
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a lot of explaining to do as to why it completely failed in investigating all of this really of the 3, the recreation of the shot trajectory that appeared on lines just how close, donald trump was to death by turning his head to look at the monitor and leaning into the microphone. he somehow dodge 2 bullets and managed to come away with only the injury to his ear, simply remarkable to all right, let's cross live now to steve, gil, former director of the intern governmental affairs, to the us trade representative. steve, good to have you on the program with us. so we, we've seen that video of the secret service director running away from republican senators asking questions about how the agencies handled the event it's. it's incredible to to see her refusing to answer questions. how do you expect the follow to play out? do you think that there will be an investigation into what went wrong? i think there will be and should be a complete investigation. by the way. one of those 2 senators is one of my to is
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these editors, martha blackbird who was having to chase the him, the secret service at down in the hallway to try and give answers to, to the questions. and the more we are learning about this whole disastrous, catastrophic, nearly more tragic episode. the worse it gets. this kid's parents called the police an hour or 2 before the shooting to say they were worried about their missing 20 year old, who had left the house with a gun. what did they know about his intentions that we should have no or that the police should have followed up. and again, when you look at the lack of security here, violating every protocol imaginable. as you pointed out to this loved group, i was joking with some friends that you know, don't probably just put up some of those handicapped wraps around our log at the f . b. i could never got in and confiscated the documents that model log in. yeah. is the return parts of the secret service and i for teams making all sorts of excuses from a tree, prevented them from spotting the sniper. and then of course, the slopes roof, who's to blame to the local police teams,
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also on duty. the scene largely ignored. witness claims it's getting really fringed at this point. i mean, how bad are they at their jobs as well? i think, you know, people, you have suspicions and see conspiracy that are the best of the cases. but when it looks like the security was pulled for this event, it was outside. you have mainstream media that never covers for bradley's covering this one. what did pay, though you had secret service, detail that were clearly not in position to protect the president because they've been pulled the $18.00 between pull to cover and event that the joe biden was doing it. kamala harris was doing across the state and they had all these 5 foot 2 women protecting donald trump, the women to be secret service agents and be protect these of the, the person that needs to be protected. but if he's 63, i don't want a 5 to die and i don't want a 5 to woman who cannot block the body of the person. they are protected. there are
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plenty of women in the w, n, b a that when they retire to be 62 and 6 for secret service agents. and, and if you're going to have women have those that have the street the capability and certainly the attempt to protect the president regardless of what their political party may be. yeah, you know, that's really all just pointing to a huge failure of security services. do you think it's likely that those responsible for the negligence will be held accountable? well, they haven't been. yeah. the secret service you'd have already been fired and probably prosecuted. ah, she is not quit. she's saying she's digging reveals them. and again, it's the conspiracy after the fact to try and cover their rearrange, they started off trying to, you know, blank the local police force. so the local police forces are wait a minute, hour. all detail was 7 officers who were charged with traffic duty, not protecting the president, dr. setting the security guard or. and again, this shooter was only about a 130150 meters from the president. that is extremely close. if you haven't
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a rainy and threat that the secret service, as they were aware of, they could have put somebody 500 yards to do nearly half of a mile away. and with a real cyber could have taken the shock was much more deadly intense. nothing that they are saying adds up and it needs to be a full and complete the investigation on. what does everybody know, and when did they know it? hey, you mentioned that a rainy and threats of cnn had reported that iran allegedly had a trump assassination plan in the works. um, but uh, supposedly the events are unrelated. but what, what do you think about the timing of that report? i think it's usually good again, is the secret service trying to imply that this this is more important than that just some 20 year old that it seemed to be operating as a lone wolf. they made a lot of judgments and determinations literally within minutes after the shooting, without doing a full investigation. there are indications, there may have been a 2nd shooter. they towed the shooters car away and then they towed another van
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away, whose band was it. they are not answering questions and congress and us senate need to demand answers and the media needs to be a lot more aggressive in pushing for the truth. in this case, not allowing this cover up this obvious cover up to continue speaking of the would be assessed and we really don't know much about him. it was 20 years old. he didn't really have any kind of social media presence. does that strike you as odd the extremely odd. i mean in america the day he's got to be the only 20 year old in the, in the country. that doesn't have a social media. status doesn't have a tattoo and his phone was encrypted and the f b i saying they still can't get into the communications he was making. with somebody. again, they can track down all the january 6. uh uh, you know, so called insurrection as with their cell phones, but they couldn't figure out where this guy, where he is walking around for about an hour before the shooting took place. the snipers had him in their sites. and the ones that we said pictured on the roof on
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that more severely slope. the roof were apparently the ones that didn't take the shot. who took the shot for the secret service. why was the flinch by the secret service agent on the top of that very severely sloped through there's there's reports that they were shot at by this guy before he started firing a truck and he got off like 8 or 9 shots before the secret service returned. fire, right, we're going to leave it there. steve gal, somewhere in our governmental affairs director to the us trade representative c. thank you. thank you for more than 15 delegations from french overseas territories have gathered. and as are by john representatives from a range of political parties and deliberation movements are there to discuss how to advance their struggle for independence. from france, the 2 dutch caribbean territories of saint martin and the bonaire also attended the congress as a by john is an active participant in the so called non aligned movement. that has organized conferences against french colonialism in recent years. harris and the
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boss who has been exchanging accusations during this period 1st over the armenian, as or by john in conflict. and lately, over as or by john alleged support for protest in new caledonia boss who has denied any responsibility and reminded parents about crimes against locals under french colonial policies. it has committed. we spoke with john and jacob to say, a high ranking official from guadalupe who explains the importance of the congress to all of his former colonies have to date, you should have final declaration welcoming the creation of an international funds for the liberation of the last french colonies, and now we have a new perspective before us. we now have international instrument illustration fund that will be able to go to international bodies to the un, to the, on the line movement to condemn frances colonial tribes. to show that even though fonts pretends to be a country, defendant, human rights remains a colonial state. that not only commits colonial crimes, but even blunders to wealth africa, through new colonial french methods,
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and wants to condemn all this. because in order to gain independence, we must hold the attention of the international community to our situation. at troy, our countries have been wage initial impression, struggles, embarrassed, was more than 50 years. we see the funds as a member of the human security council with this considerable notes or forces symptomatic power, always managers to make an international community forget that it's to has calling these attic mysteries. their inhabitants grew one full sovereignty. alright, just stay with our to international. i'll be back with lunch for news and just over half an hour from now i'll see you then bye the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, in the early 1880 brands decided to subjugate madagascar. however, the malagasy king refused to submit it $1883.00. during the 1st franco malagasy wars, the friend sent a punitive expedition to for submission on the island, the aggressors ships brutally bombarded the coastal settlements. the invaders managed to forcefully impose control over and madagascar his external affairs, but the french wanted more of you. years later they started a full scale village area invasion ended 18. 95 captured the capital tent and other evil, the commonest exiled queen, run of all on the 3rd, and our prime minister, rieney a letter of une abroad. then the invaders began to clear the island from the malcontents, with iron and blood in 18. $96.00 france declared a protector at over mad, a gas guard,
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and in $1897.00 annex the island. the suppression of the liberation movement erupted the merciless massacre. the capture of madagascar are led to tragic consequences. natural resources were in the hands of french corporations. all local schools were closed and the french language was imposed on the population there last in 15 years and resulted in the death of at least 100000 mile. a gasp of the colonial regime left an open wound in the history of man, a gas car, but violence was never able to suppress the valid gas key striving for freedom. the. this is 2 things we love in this country, its cache and freedom. but anybody that's ever been poor here can tell you that in
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america, if you ain't got no cash, you ain't got no freedom shackle jack, i'll do a job that exploits you shackle to get interest right. this apps, you drag, shackled to medical bills for ailments. so they could have their own student loans, their default, they know it's an oppressive in this heart and the state of affairs that lays people doing whatever they can just describe by because they don't have any other choice and that's not freedom, but a universal basic income can give you afraid of lots of free freedom to go back to school to learn new skills, freedom to take care of and aging parents. the freedom to start a small business, the freedom to leave an abusive relationship. the freedom to just not have to worry about money every single 2nd of every day. the


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