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tv   Documentary  RT  July 19, 2024 12:30am-12:55am EDT

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the crime, say another i could have been a doctor, a nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing our people out here, the the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered on peter lavelle. jo biden's, catastrophic debate performance and the attempted assassination of donald trump. i shattered many narrow escapes about american politics. vitally isn't as sharp as attack and trumpet isn't an ex essential for us. officially sanctioned narratives have collapsed the
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cross talking narratives. i'm joined by my guess, ray mcgovern in raleigh. he is a former c. i a analyst in pittsburgh. we have done cuz alex, he is a professor of law, an author of the case for palestine. why it matters in why you should care. and in new york we cross the line or he is a legal and media analyst or a gentleman cross type roles and the fact that means you can jump anytime you want . and i always appreciate, i'd like to ask all 3 of you. essentially the same question, i'll start out with re, um, the establishment more broadly, more specifically, the liberal ecosphere. they have all forfeited the right to be believed. correct. you know, the big one people, when, when people tell the truth, they are immediately branded. you know, what conspiracy theorist now i welcome being call that because turns
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out the, the conspiracies that i pointed out on weapons of mass destruction on hacking of the d. n. c on hunter biden's laptop on said rich, they've all turned out to be not conspiracy theories. are really interesting puzzles and probably true the abuse of the range. so right where you want to go that way which you throw in the attempted assassination attempt considering what we know at the moment. ready well, peter, one, 0, it has to look for motive. yes. if you don't look at these folks that the disabled truck, the 1st time it made, it made it possible for him to do the things he said he wanted to do with respect to russia and other places. uh, they not only have that on their record where they have all kinds of other things which safe self to empower to do as call me should the has a,
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we are at the time i was working in an environment where we were sure that hillary clinton was going to win, haha. so you do extra legal things? well, you know, doesn't really matter because you're going to get praised for that, you're doing it promoted. you're not going to go to indict it. now that is come quinn's, you know, he's got the goods on these guys. so incentive motive opportunity. my god, just a couple days before they are and save the folk, your version your time was running out. it seems to me that if you need to, so look at most of which you should. then you see that the very, very real people are very danger of losing the freedom if the trump becomes electric. yeah, because um with the same question to you, dan and black like to throw in again, looking at the assassination attempt uh, negligence or malice or malicious negligence. yeah,
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we certainly don't lease negligence. slept or what, what's been coming out is that they, they knew that this guy was posing a threat at least what 20 minutes before he started shooting mate, and they knew he was there. and he was there with the, the scope, right to take that could tell helpful, you know, they could read how far away he was from donald trump. they knew that for at least our people were pointing to the room, saying there's a shooter up there, long and short of it is minimally, this is the greatest uh, you know, act of negligence that we've seen on the part of the secret service. since the candidate is dan, i, are you being generous here? well, i am at a certain way. i mean, look, i don't have any theory, okay, at all. it just it. one of the things that i find really remarkable about this is that nobody needs to explain what i saw, okay? you don't need filters anymore, okay?
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they filter, you know, biden's health condition from us. okay? so they, you know, they've hitler or donald trump was the next hitler. then you turn around and say, i hope you get better how. who wants hitler to get better? i mean, none of these people make any sense. and none of these scenarios make sense. i'm sorry to interrupt, keep going down. no, i mean, you're right. i mean, look, we have to ask questions. and the problem is, one of the questions are asked. the secret service director answers gives responses that just raise more questions. the idea they didn't, they have a government on the roof because it was too slow. with this one trying guy gets there and is a fire shot saw fit, pretty good ones too. and he's even tell that he doesn't fall through one's gotta ask what's going through the minds of the secret service that they did not have that room cupboard when again, when you know jan,
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but you know why they didn't have it covered? well, maybe they weren't covered lionel because cnn started saying there was a shooting incident. shots were fired again, this passive voice. they always use this little predicate. okay. you know, why should we believe these people they have forfeited that right line? oh, the 1st of all i've had a double data my ends the olympics because i, i can't believe what i'm seeing. i, this is the most exciting thing 1st of all, very quickly as gorb, and i'll said, i'm not a conspiracy theorist. i'm a conspiracy analyst. and number joe, speaking of which isn't, it's funny how all of these people. oh, who all of a sudden called me a conspiracy theorist. parentheses the truth. now i heard something and i don't want to mention by name, but her initials are joy, read on m. s. b, i see who said and i quote, listen to this one who said, you know, what's interesting, how can we compare and 81 year old man who contracts co vid they with their cpr to
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as well. but who, who has cobit with somebody who, who miraculously had 9 minutes to i guess for jord, create some photo op. i'm thinking, you know, that's good. and also they said, i think maybe the year might have been a tele prompt or that smash or maybe and i'm thinking you're calling me a conspiracy very at least minus the just by the side kotik. i mean, get, well, i mean, live, oh, i want to be the absurdity of it is let me throw it back to re the absurdity of that is that people actually died during the event. so, i mean, if you want to say, you know, you know, it was a, a rate, a cut that he got shaving and, but there are dead bodies. i mean, these people, they think were fools re, oh yeah, i know sometimes you can answer very briefly. yes. they take us for fools because
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they have a they have most of the media repeating whatever needs to be said initially. and finally, how long did it take, or that'd be m d to be a to be revealed? well, we said 2 months before i was reveal 6 years after when they couldn't find that one weapon of mass destruction. how about this? how about russian hacking of the d and c? that was the f b. i looked into that. all right. it was revealed on december 5 and almost congressional testimony, december 5, 2017. and most americans, though no one worried about that there was no hacking at the end, so you'd have to pay that versus not by anybody else. so all these things take a little bit of time to, to flush out. unfortunately, we only have a couple of months now with binding saying on wednesday, or that you know, all a,
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a sickness or an illness, could you make them 3 think? and then on, on thursday saying, i covered that, i can't really walk romo even worse than before. you know, you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist says, hey, well, maybe he got the word on wednesday. it may be some good. somebody was breathing near uh, nearby, you know, who had the virus you know, and biting typically had no mask on for god's sake. so what all the other people on that plane, you know, they gotta get tested right away because they probably could attractive. it is really bizarre. i'm not seeing the like of it been around a quite a while. you know, dan, you know, they, the line on i had a bit, a bit of a heated discussion on the x spaces yesterday about, you know, how this is going to sit with people and how, what kind of self life it has the, the re, towards what mistakes were made. that's not gonna hold water. it doesn't know that's not gonna hold water this time. go ahead den as well. how can it, i mean,
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they had one job, you know, the line you had one job to do, right? you had one job and they blew it up. heads have to roll. i mean, they had, the secret service will have to resign or be fired. but this was an incredible, again, minimally minimally and incredible lapse in a, in doing their job to the point that again, it raises the question, was their attention behind? and obviously those are the questions that are being asked and they have to be asked. they should be asked because everything that has happened leads to that question. uh, no matter how you look at it again, as was mentioned, it doesn't matter what the press says, it doesn't matter. they're attempts to, uh, you know, sugar coat is. everyone is saying the video they're hearing the testimony of that ain't got a b, b c. who said he saw the guy in the room. he told the cops about
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um, what has been seen to not be on saying and thank god we have things like twitter, a care, but, i mean, but, but then again, you know, i'm not a ballistics expert. i'm not a gun person at all, but i mean i, i just can't get my head around it. so they're watching the guy on a roof with a gun. he a start shooting and then they shoot him. okay. well, you know, i, i don't think it's a civil rights matter at this point. you know, i mean, you've got to take the guy out, the guy's got a gun. is that a roof? what can you explain to me in any rational universe? why that sequence works? that way. no, i can't, and i can't either because they didn't station any one on the roof, somebody. no, it wasn't there guy. right? i mean, no, you would shouldn't be there. and then now for a matter of again,
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it sounds like that. it's certainly, yeah, but my, i mean it's what it's like you're trying to convince is a guy on a roof with a gun. well, that's not our priority. that's their bill. it's somebody else is because, i mean, that's what it sounds like. we're gonna leave it to the butler police. the guys who put least the fair grounds. i mean it's, it's in comprehend the court. what people are saying is they knew long enough of the problem that they shouldn't have been even let trunk take just a job. that's what they want to do. they want it, they want to shut them down. alright gentlemen, and we're going to go to a hard break and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on changing narrative. stay with our team, the the,
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i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we have such orders at conflict with the 1st law show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than to the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the theme in the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the
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welcome back to across like were all things are considered. i'm peter roosevelt, to mind you were discussing changing narratives. the, you know, line. oh, it, one of the things i have come across it was someone i don't remember because it was so i've been watching so many podcasts and watch and whatnot. but the phrase accusations turned into confessions, which is something that is very interesting. i wish i could quote the person that said it, but that's exactly every accusation that we've been. we've heard against the enemies of the narrative, the by the normative narrative, you know, it ends up being itself a confession. by the way, whenever you don't know the source, you say, saw a lensky. people say, oh yes, very. even though they have no idea who is, you know, in our particular cuz the rhetorical are ago,
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a lot happened my hop. let it happen on purpose or make it happen on purpose. are perfect. and gentlemen, what i want you to understand in the peter, you and i talked about this all the time. i was 5 years old for kennedy. i didn't see it as a prude or film until night, the 75 or so when when hernando came along, we now have we have remember yeah, i don't need and immediately by virtue, god bless eli mosque. i'm a trial lawyer by profession. i've got a 1000 expert witnesses like that? retired c, i a free tire secret service. so don't re, mcgovern you at people who come out of the woodwork, snipers from every conceivable country, immediately and meanwhile, some poor schmuck at 7 o'clock isn't cable news. that's what am i going to do? it's already been done. we know more now than ever. and what information is
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a pretty pretty goal? is that information is the currency is not really quick, though it's information and data you can pull the will override any more. and yet the heritage legacy media still believe this is the age of, of, of, of cronkite this ted baxter. they honestly think that by changing some ridiculous narrative that nobody believe we're already on the next page. everything is changed . peter, you what i talked about all the time. every biggest change up is down, left is right. people that i never even liked before and quote of social media platforms. now i'm going to end the people who i thought. yep, to me, what pretty good are hacks are nothing but show there's a reversal and what we are doing a right now gentlemen, it's so revolutionary because we're not, we're not impeded by the usual interruptus from people trying to say don't don't,
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but the fact that i agree with you line and let me throw now back to ray 5 days by reason the these people still have power. okay. this is the, the secret service is still quote, involve protecting donald trump. they work for the regime. um, you know, and then they, they come out with always different stories and or what's true and what's not true . it seems like they're trying to flood the field right now. i think it's try to confusing people. because in, in my position hosting this program, i want to be careful what i want when i say, okay, i'm not just going to repeat anything i heard. so it makes me very careful. go ahead, right? well, you put your, your finger on it. who's in charge? who's running this mess? who is giving orders to the secret service? my god. there are so many anomalies, so many deficiencies, too many accumulated from my taste. now,
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lionel just mentioned the, the twitter guy must, okay. he was interviewed yesterday and somebody said, well, you know, i, it sounds like its conspiracy. there is pretty very and mustang, well, you know, there are a lot of conspiracy theories that come come true. like for example, hunters laptop. yep. about just a little more than for less than 4 years ago that the i had the laptop for years. okay. they, they had the back up to you for a whole year. okay. now did any of those $51.00 former intelligence directors check with the of the i before the issue is they have the facts or 8 or bar, but they always do their bark. they always pull the credentials. oh, but these people have credentials. okay. you know? yeah. they, they're, they're um, regina approved, okay, that's what they're trying to do was the, to us all the time. you know,
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they are then, you know, one of the problems that, you know, i, if you look at this on the 30000 feet in the air, there's an enormous amount of institutional rocks going on. it says, not these people in the media. they get paid well to be the say what they say, but i mean, the secret service falling apart. i mean, you know, none of us are young on this program. i will remember the f, b i the series tv series, you know, i mean, likely that was something you looked up to. it's something that i'm afraid of now. then. yeah, no, it seems like, you know, the secret service is now turned into the keystone cops. yes. but you know, is the, is the russian say that they had rots from the fish rods from the head? right. and of course we got the highest did our commander and she, we serious cognitive deficiencies, which again maybe is tried denied for months and for years. and again, despite what we see and what we're big for us. oh,
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easy. yeah. he's fine. he's a star and here in ages you're the one i really live a little bit if you question is cognitive abilities. but then finally again, it's now impossible to deny. now the media is trying to back track and this is what happens all the time. you know, ray, of course, benches the weapons of mass destruction. you had the new york times, judith miller, the new york times. who pushed that line in the course that came out. she was just repeating c, i a talking points and, but it took a long time for the new york times to finally kind of sheepishly say, well, i guess maybe there weren't weapons of mass destruction, you know, 1000000 lives later or whatever. and by the way, judith miller, i think, is now working with cnn. i was on some sort of panel, right. i know she made appearances on fox. i stopped watching fox when they fired tucker, but um, she was on fox now. she's on cnn. great. okay,
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great. now let's put that back. i was on a panel they introduced, here's jude pulitzer prize winning judith miller from cnn thinking. oh, she did some other things to didn't, you know, but it doesn't matter. doesn't matter, right. uh, she has the credentials that you say no matter what she did. so now the washington is assess full. the main stream price is assessed for and the people are saying that they, they know line of the, you know, again, i don't want to do it on this program to attempt to defend definitive understanding of the assassination attempt. but these people are still in power, and trump is still a candidate and we have much time ahead. i mean, if he is an ex essential threat, there's so many of his enemies claim then he's, he's fair game. i mean by their very definition. lionel to peter, i'm a,
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i told you i'm, i'm a trial lawyer and, and i go to juries and i have them sometimes rule on whether a neuro surgery was mistaken or whether there was a drug interaction, you know, common sense is, is really the key or an ordinary people, if you present them, the facts can make a variety of, of, of decisions. i'm going to tell you something as an aside here. you know, it's funny how we live in, in these, these names and the semiotics and imagery. remember the young girl in vietnam who was running down the road, it covered a nape. um and, and there was the, the, the monk who was on fire just john john saluting his father. in this latest incarnation of the mima which is completely just just remove the part of the cartoon. is this melissa mccarthy butterball, the secret service barbie who was trying to get this whole stir her weapon who
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was too short to even protect anybody. and out of i remember she might have been an angel every person, but it doesn't matter just like to follow a gentleman square. when we log on to something else, there is, there is something right now which may not make sense to most people. but this is the end of d, e i and d, i was the, the metal studied version of affirmative action and quotas. and with the i, a lot of people are saying, well, wait a minute. if the e i is wrong. what about b l m? i well line all final pol pot practice the form a bit also. okay. with a different name. but you know, the, this is the kind of mentality uh, uh that we have to face rate were on uh, in uncharted waters right now. are you worried between now and november? i am who's who still in charge?
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you know. there are 2 hopeful signs as i see them. one is that as my good friend, joe, now are you from consortium news rights? there are hundreds of separative homes and then that suppression for years. okay, that's one thing. the other thing, as elan must says, look about this conspiracy. there is look at hunter's laptop there that was suppressed by x by, by twitter at the time suppressed by all of these other people. it was suppressed longer enough for joe biden to win the election. okay. that's so i kind of half of them are watches a lot of much, so you have those to help pull science. but you're right peter, to come back to reality and say, who's still in charge? well, we know how it schumer and racial matter. i'll warn the president would be 3 weeks papers and all you're reading say, look, you don't mess around with the intelligence community have because they have 6 ways
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to sunday. the gift bag catcher, they'll be foolish. and trump what's polish they did. then we have one minute left and we, we often talked about the october surprise was the october surprise in july, or we still waiting for october 1 minute. go ahead. i mean, yeah, there is a lot of time for more october surprises to come on. fortunately and when i, i hope it does, it manifest itself in, in, in increased conflict in the world, you know, because.


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