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tv   News  RT  July 19, 2024 2:00am-2:26am EDT

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all's well, that ends well. yeah. but the heads of the secret service they are, they are still in the firing line, aren't they? he was panting at individual guards to don't, which was interesting. he didn't quite go into the, the big issue, their international relations. what about that? well, i would say that the major chunk of his speech was focused on domestic relations like policies connected to border control, cutting taxes and oil extraction as well. but he did talk about international relations. he basically characterized the current international political situation as being in a serious crisis. okay. nobody can believe what's happening. wars now raging in europe in the middle is a growing specter of conflict hangs over taiwan, korea. the philippines and all of asia and our planet is teetering. on the edge of world war 3, and this will be a war like no other war because of weapon raise a weapons are no longer our me tanks going back and forth, shooting at each other. these weapons are obliteration, it's time for
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a change. this administration can't come close to solving the problems we're dealing with. very tough, very fierce people, the fierce people. and we don't have fears payable. we have people that are a lot less than fierce except when it comes to cheating on elections and a couple of other things in their fierce send their face. well, how i translate, that is all the crisis taking part across the world. there's one answer to it and that's donald trump himself. that's right. i mean according to trump. busy all of these situations in which the us has gotten involved, we could say specifically against russia like the george and conflict of the situation in which crimea held a referendum to join the russian federation, ukraine. all of these situations trump says none of that's going to happen. and
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then under another trump administration a, a hi will end every single agent national crisis that's occurred. the administration has created including the horrible war with russia and ukraine, which would have never happened to vice president under president bush. russia invaded or georgia on the president obama. russia took crimea under the current administration. russia is after all of ukraine under president trump. russia took nothing now, a number of things that trump mentioned there should be clarified. first of all, the george and conflict that was mentioned there. this war began after the us fact president of georgia, attacked the republic of south of city a, where a number of russian peacekeepers were located. actually this is this result of the number of deaths and injuries. and of course, we know that in 2014, there was
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a us backed qu, day top, the government and key. i've called euro my dawn after which a number of former ukranian regions began to declare independence. and after russell launched its military operation in the region, 2 of those and the former territories of ukraine, they've gone to combine yet they became part of the russian federation along with have so on and is up our osha. so this is a situation that according to trump, i mean, he says he's going to be able to resolve within 24 hours of him becoming the next president of the united states. while he will have a busy in tray, won't say because what about the other global actors, global players, he's going to have to engage with? was that spoken about? i was actually, he was pretty tough on a ran a saying that the to the iranian government is trying to get nuclear weapons. but
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he didn't mention that it was his administration that actually pulled out of the 2015 around nuclear deal that was supposed to prevent that from happening on a sort of mutually beneficial basis both for washington and to run. and that's why it's run ended up renewing the uranium enrichment. of course, the reigning government says it's not for weapons, but for the development of peaceful nuclear energy. but another thing, another accomplishment that truck mentioned was the fact that he was the 1st us president to set foot on north korean territory back when he was having a sort of did tons period with the leader there came john i got along very well. north korea came jo, knowing i got along very well with them depressed, aided when i said that, how could you get along with it? well, you know, it's nice to get along with somebody has a lot of nuclear weapons or otherwise, as to the old days, you say that's a wonderful thing. now they say, how could you possibly do that? but now i got along with them and we stopped the missile launchers from north korea
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. now north careers acting up again. but when we get back, i get along with them. if you'd like to see me back to, i think you mentioned you may if you want to know the truth. so if trump comes to power, i mean he's going to be inheriting a government that has some pretty tense relations with both russia and the dpr k, which the former president mentioned there. so we're gonna have to see if he'll be able to fulfill those promises or if it's going to be another election disappointment for the american people. indeed we, we haven't see our teeth donald quarter taking us through all that. well, you can watch mr. drums full speech on r t dot com, and also an ortiz rumble shovel. earlier i discussed what was talked about with veteran us broadcast or steve ellsberg and former member of the pennsylvania state center lawyer, bruce marx here, my credentials. so i'm so very excited about the president's speech tonight
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and, you know, it was, it was enormously interesting because you're at, he was taking him by the word name, it just sent it right on his head. and it was at the beginning, the beginning. it was subdued, introspective. it's good, created the impression that donald trump is, was reflecting about is near definitely experienced that he had cause, you know, the bullet was just a set of meters away from killing him. and i think one of the messages and he was trying to convey is that he wants to unify the country. that would be great if our country could be unified. and so when he gave his re courses to what he was thinking when he was almost killed, that it was an interest specter moment and being in the audience, i have to tell you it was very quiet of it was, every seat was filled in the arena delegates all the delegates, other people and people were lit, listed with tremendous attachment to see what donald trump was going to say about
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that drop also said this is the only time that he was going to talk about it because it's too painful for him to talk about so we'll see if he, you know, if that's the case, i guess he's indebted and feels indebted to the agents that's, that rushed to the stage and, and, and, and helped him. and i, that's only a natural feeling if you almost died if you came within a centimeter of your life and these people rushed to, you wouldn't have picked you up in queens. you often put, carried you off or pray help to get off. you get a feel it for them, but the, the, the, the, the world isn't happy. both democrats and republicans are, are really, really critical of the head of the secret service they wanted to testify next week before congress. i don't know if she will. she was confronted by 2 republican senators at the convention. she basically didn't answer their questions right away from them. there's a long way to go and finding out what the heck happened here and how, how this guy could be seen with a rifle by every body. and managed to shoot the president 1st,
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i think as well for the trump defense ticket. as we might expect. it was very jovial, friendly. but do you see any big differences between the 2? should they take power? i think um, senator vance. well understands. he's the vice president and his job is the implement the policies and the president. it's in a situation of course, of the, you know, the advanced didn't support donald trump in 2016 when he ran for president. he said some very negative things about him. and his position and i think is correct, is he never papa donald trump would be the great president that he was and he just came around. um, so i know i think that and i think one of the reasons i, i know donald trump a little bit he's the son. i think one of the reasons that the senator vance was this is a young guy. he's 39 years old. i think donald trump stuff sees us the part the potential of sooner to read spring his legacy. mr. trump focus
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a lot of attention on at global curren chrisy saying neither the ukraine or a gas awards would have started if he was president. what's the main thing from could have done to stop those conflicts? do you think those conflicts didn't exist when he was president? and i think there's, there's good reason. i think donald trump gets a lot of respect that joe biden does not get as far as ukraine. he thinks he has a relationship with bruton, and he doesn't think that we would have done that on when he was here. either. he thinks that he could solve it and one day, and i think it may take a lot more than one day, but i think it, it is solvable with him. trump doesn't want to keep supplying the, the aid we're giving to ukraine. uh, you know, on account of data over and over and over, we can't afford it and we don't have enough of munitions quite frankly, from reports. so it's gather everybody around the table and talk and come to an agreement. that's the only way this ends. i mean the short of world war 3,
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which he also talked about. so i think um, when it comes to to and they talked about how was running from afghanistan, resulting in the depths of our soldiers leaving our equipment behind was a disaster. and the he thinks that encouraged some of the foreign countries that are now involved the conflicts including russia, he said to do what they did. so trump is completely different than buying the world . use them is completely different than buying. and i think if, if you are in power, it would be different. and if he gets back into the office, things will be different. and i think the conflicts that are going on now that ukraine and russia couldn't really, and trump talked about that certain things wouldn't happen if you weren't president . and i think there are 2 reasons for that. i think people think that donald trump, the stress strong and joe but there's another thing donald trump wouldn't insult president for the way to find it. i think president trump would have had to have it sought to have a dialogue with president. we understand, i understand,
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at least because i have an office in moscow. russia has concerns about the expansion of nato, particularly the ukraine. i think donald trump would have had a sensitive ear of that and one would have hoped that would have been a way to avoid a lot of the bloodshed that the colonel since march of 2022 the moving the program on the one person that was reportedly been killed and several wounded as a sodium suicide drone hit that building near the u. s. embassy in tel aviv earlier the pull after the strike, an explosion erupted in smoke was seen filling the street characteristic of the large ring munition 8 people are in hospital following the attack. according to this really media, the idea said it is investigating the incidence. the human based who to militant group has since claim that they carried out the operation targeting tell me
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more demonstrators how they again flooded the streets of jewish calling for a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu to resign. they say his government has repeatedly failed to secure the return of age. really hostages and harmless captivity ortiz, middle east correspondent marie if an option to watch the protest on foot every week. now every thursday in such a day, crowds gather in front of nissan. yeah. who's residence in jerusalem to month and he's resignation. people say they are frustrated, but almost 300 say thing to the worried guys. $120.00 hostages are still held captive somewhere in the street with many of them dad, and the end of the war is nowhere inside. we spoke to someone with a protest or is here earlier. let's take him to study because hardly 5. so kind of similar read jim government. he doesn't even, you know, about the people about the cost of just here's the best for you. this demonstration
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is to enforce our, convince our government, and particularly our prime minister to make a deal to bring the kid most people back. this is our people that are about 5 minutes and he only deals with himself on this. it's lauren balls. the hostages were called phoebe to bring them back because we think now there is a good deal and look at my shirt. i mean, it's in here what it says, that's all the hostages must come back home now. and now it was 9 months ago. it's now and now again and again, every day. less and less hostages, our lives progress towards hostages. they will face a set back last week when is real targeted? a key mass bigger mohammad, the day and guys and my was the head area packed with displaced people. talks
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paused for awhile and review later, thanks to the efforts of mediators, experts now indicates that her mazda is still open to the deal. shifting the responsibility to israel to take action. we hear from agents though, that's a militant groups still didn't provide any information on hostages who is alive, how many of them a dad? and that creates a your obstacle to were simply hang private discussions with hostage families. these really defense minister highlighted favorable conditions for an agreement and urge increased pressure on nation yahoo to finalize the bills you for his upcoming trip to the us. this sunday. there is also a strong public outcry now for a thorough investigation into why these really government security forces and military were unable to save gar, say, of citizens on october 7th, many including days behind me. no place personal blame on newton yahoo for these tragic oversight. however, the prime minister believes that now is not the right time for such an inquiry,
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claiming 1st i must defeat thomas. here is the official statement from the attorney whose office right now people don't want us to go into a dramatic internal investigation. well, our hostages are still being held, and so many soldiers have lost their lives to protect the country. of course, there will be an investigation, but right now we are focused on winning this war. meanwhile, earlier on says a thing is really holloman's passed a resolution rejecting the establishment of a palestinian state of symbolic events experts say, meant to send the message to washington, the head of the trip to the united states of america. that clearly will have a negative effect on the hosp still and see why a talk. the connected of israel firmly opposes the establishment of a palestinian state west of jordan. the stablish mint of a palestinian state in the heart of the land of israel will pose and existential danger to the state of israel and its citizens. perpetuate these really palestinian
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conflict and destabilize the region and these world there are forces strongly opposing the dale with the country's national security administer being one of the leading voices against that on says they've been greed, have far ride settler politician visits at the temple. mount holy sites for but is jews and muslims including the ok. so most the said, holy as place and as long to pray for the return of his really hostages quote. without making a reckless deal or so rendering he also v before mo, military pressure on her must. just our is often is really the negation arrived in egypt for further talks. it sparked strong reactions from palestinians. the visit was deemed as dangerous escalation with warnings assured that data is playing with fire. recalls have been made for a road and mobilization to counties. really assaults on the palestinian foreign
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ministry, denounced vendors of visits as a provocative intrusion. it's important to notice that similar moves have previously repeatedly treated escalations the fact that some ice cold beer pulver 7 attacks on these real operational ok so flawed speaks volumes about the sensitivity or face issue and band or can not not understand that well, we spoke to a former member of these really parliament for the left wing had dashed party who sees the countries leader does not want an investigation into his cabinets action since the outbreak of war because he's trying to avoid responsibility. nothing. yeah. oh no. you. what do you need on yahoo? it does not want to be held accountable. he has been trying since october 7th to evade responsibility and shifted for these deep strategic failure and unprecedented crisis in these rules history. he wants to sheep the blame to the military so that he doesn't bear responsibility. especially since there was
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a wide spread and comprehensive popular demands for an official investigation committee lighted by supreme court judge. this requires the prime minister and all the officials to appear before the court and give testimony that may lead to penalties if they try to conceal effect at evidence. so need on yeah, has 5 is to save himself, not to say feasible at this stage. and this is part of the predicament israel has gotten itself into, usually the prime minister benefits from the results of the war. because usually is really a wins and makes that you've meant. and b, 's was she would then collect all the metals. but in this case, you don't, you all have a, just a catastrophic failure predicament, an unprecedented crisis. and he wants to escape this responsibility and avoid being held accountable for what happened tough to october 7th. but he has a big case to escape because it has previous trials from before october 7th. he's
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supposed to appear in corruption trials. he wants to save his scheme. that's his main concern. and therefore, the right tween is trying to save me, turn you off from paying the price for his crimes. now, on the front lines of the ukraine conflict ortiz, senior correspondent, has become one of the 1st your list to visit the in buffalo time of october. gretchen, in the den, yes. republic which russian fritz entered 2 months ago. the fighting. there is fierce american custody of knowledge to file a brief report from the hotspot before moving on to safety. the place is yes, we are now and i to the agent of one of the hotels spots on the planet monument to the soldiers is accompanying the high rise buildings around over the past hour and a half. we have been walking slowly from the outskirts to the very centre. we've counted 20 success tv drones since we came in. we are the 1st joining us about us to enter. i today to know there's, there's no guarantee of safety getting in here to the north of me. russian troops
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are pushing about 2 kilometers. pause. i'll kind of get skip to the north west of me. russian troops are pushing into too much. save got to the west of me. russian troops are pushing into progress to the south. west russian troops are pushing into the shoulders. trudy off to the collapse of update the hip and the capture of budgets. and when you create in forces sled from virginia to the credit lines began to crumble the problem for ukraine. and this is something well, the commodity of told me isn't that they don't have enough people. it's that they don't have enough soldiers. the situation here in the, in that she did turn up as well as further north c, a baltimore in, in the conduct of region isn't good for ukraine. it isn't looking promising for you credit, and there is no break for your grade on the horizon. multiple us
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administrations have, as we know, made their support for pro democracy raleigh's around the world. very clear to the tines directly so, but it appears not when it comes to protecting allies in kenya. the american embassy in nairobi has warned, i'm think of them in protesters to relent. calling them provocateur is an opportunist. we're calling for bucket tours and opportunities to avoid blocking roads and eluding businesses. all actors, police and protesters of like truth reputed violence and be held accountable for wrong doing said, call this is the country's high court suspended a bond on protest and i will be leased out earlier for bidding the demonstrations calling them on site saying public safety reasons i thought was ahead of apply the protests in which those rallying were expected to take to the streets over the government's economic policies. the canyon government has appealed to people to stop
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in the community before resident on rest and wrapped it in. can you last month off to the government tried to push through an i. m f. box tax type bill. dozens of people were killed and hungry. it's wounded in several days of violence that saw a crowd storm. the parliament building in nairobi, the chaos force president route. so to suspend the controversial bill on the smith's most of his cabinet. but the country's economy has continued to go down and forcing the government to borrow even more money from foreign creditors. well, chief legal console for 10 years, the opposition meal party, paul, the one the says it's the authorities which are ultimately responsible for the violence of the casualties beings of any kind of embassy adopt the narrative and
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the language of the government in describing what is going on industries is i think we intend to be able to government some license into the brick and that continuing process. and clearly the intention to close the eyes to some extreme may just have to be with the government to adopt to bring this up, possibly to guide that people will be shot by the police. and they have not died because the attack by their fellow citizens, it is that people who have shopped in the o d, a gas still here with the tea. and just kinda just as a director from the police, but those of the casualties that we have. so the government is the one that has put the narrative that there is violence. but what do we have seen is that every time the police have the ability to free it through the protest of the protest from going on very peacefully. and sometimes this purpose i'm going into the night we
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have had protest as in town, we to be nights without any breakages, without any rouse, and to help display going home. and this has already been seen when the police have decided to break up and to prevent any protest from going on. the new boss edition or dispensation that we have says the constitutional 2010 is that you do not need the permission of the police to exercise your rights. and that is what the high court re emphasizes today. that the people have the right to assemble on the article, 37 and o they may need to do these. what they need to do is inform the police of the going to be holding the protest, but they do not meet the pollution from the police. and the question is clear, the traits 5 motor granted by the states they did for the state to recomp nice and protect them. the rest of the young generation, they're worried about the country, but they are going to be living in the country that they are going to retire or the
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want to see the forms that reflect what the concerns. uh uh, the one see, a promise of tribalism is all the nepotism is all about corruption is all the an extravagances and that's pointing very wide. performed measures from the government sofa. the government, i just trust scratched the surface in terms of the deliberate what the purpose of demanding. okay. really interesting insight. next us a translator in the egyptian is really more revisits the scene. 50 years old here at victor stultz and our short talk return to each of the the
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the, the, the estimates of the sofa and ottoman. okay. well for him to know a lot of the one the see guess would be uh, i've sent that aside. i need a more extensive a good, a good deal. i see you in columbus for most of.


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