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tv   Documentary  RT  July 19, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

2:30 am
[000:00:00;00] the the the, the, the estimates of the sofa and ottoman. okay. that one for him to know a diesel. that would be one the see guess would be uh, i've sent that aside to you the must have
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a good deal. i see you in columbus for most schools because of for the young and it's cool, inclusive to fit on the the deluxe. ready ready the, the sicilian, the, the, the gamut. lyndgren lee is on the move from the young. a young man, my sort of fee is to set up for the fees and attend the ruse mine the tenants and did that. it gives me the desk to fill out of it. or if it was, have sent over this, samantha, i'm in washington. i live outside for just the most frequently asked in, in the most for me. and that's pretty
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just cool though, the lesson don't know when it says send the send, it can send it several as a team or just somebody, somebody sitting down the o for phillip fee slipped through the the sooner the sooner. leo, one uh, site. the muscle fee, the on some of this that i was familiar with the somebody in the 80 the motors and then you from guess, oh, see the 11 just maybe 11 school because he was tied to him for her son in the house. and in most of the eclipse for 3, when the 30th, when this is the most one that's going to my of
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the, from soon send the most of the year to the most. and that's a, that's so said the deeds, but they'll be of the hell. but at the, the cookie of the so they become bad in their mouth. clearly forget to say you had a little bit of them included the, the limit contempt to model for am as the us in my, in the 50 to 2. if i added the new
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the for most of them as well as the handling this one. and then we have a new consumer zillow and i'm in general of the highways and the name of his product is being made. and i'm not one of the pillows here or bring them out. i mean, the name of the investigative news loves me a gun so far, the house and i want to get the news. the news, the
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different one and let us may have some muscle. my cancer fee on do us on the for the muslims, seriously, a little better than that. i'm at 20 percent from anybody this the must have decreased or does he have that he couldn't the heart of the dresser may have done this with her being in the little hold on front of the month by her sibling a. but when i was in the south, a lot of my, the funded the,
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the delay i've given it for most of them, the head of the boy lifting them to see off their if didn't the come a dash of could be of if that the heads or are you are the most the hey, not too much for that up. actual studies must mean must have in front of you the in the benefits i'm on the list. i'm on board. how to do it? the less frequently going about the 4 bedroom at the mess. so much have to be of the
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telephone interview man must be in the area to the city of atlanta. i'm a gauge here. i'm a student on the 5th and i wanted to try the c as in uh the city we're moving. what are the most center for dennis on us? it is the camera, the addendum, it's a little race so that can boost it off and see whom in fucking, fucking, be in front of that. you said the heavy duty, but it's a fee and that will probably look what the most of the, the, the, your, what and we're going to look for in the guy in the, by the come soon, 70. the defendants there. ma'am. in the 0 for the gun, it save side of the the 3 of on for started as soon as the eyes,
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this a new idea of somebody. and again, it says in the about the quadrant one, the same that allows getting in and i'm assuming, you know, the way that they are being my, the, my go highly, highly and above was bugged in the back to us. and it does tell them to say i lived in bed in the living room in the old world. come uh, madame ivy, my death, the 100 folk, the section that was living in it couldn't defer, decided to go up to the 1st and the more am it's got the and the volume. i left the cabinet room for those sort of a my did the, you know, kinda when the heads up for the size of the city,
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if it is even want him the, the time with us monday. that's it. let you see that then. yeah, i don't know if i can move them soon. facade the new foot, the allowed to in america here. what do i have seen in my. ready son and some of them get in the mid federal government mandates of a 100 a month for them. and i'm assuming you had my husband was the 30 and the other side of the for them is a and that, that a so the tribute now getting
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a center fluids from the mean and the civilian cameras. and in the city of the fighting home, i'm watching the drums when i due to some indeed i am the man kenneth model for the day shuttles. ready the today is in my move from us, east 117 can normally, i mean we're sitting so most in the federal more. but the, so i, uh give them the best to send the most and then the, and the substitute to being able to open up a can boil to without do that to tell of it was, was own uh, unless something for, for can e the same thing in
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the v is about the southern times, it's a familiar one, or somebody from the city, those 3, it is a kennel family. i met her lab somehow. most of the main argument was of joy, eliza alia the, the over to, to the, so the, the, how do i do? hi, be i'm a sub, a victim of in a groove in a i'm a so the 12, the 12, the father groceries, the set of living and the config, said lou at the, i grew up the estimate that the, i know they want to know with the set of can be the sort of hers she was shut off in the, in the item and has saved enough in the fast. so and my that's
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the solar and associates and how soon is nana for over, for based on the result of the. so can i make a, who a big store, look at this sort of and then a, a good buy on my part in the pilot, putting them a whole logan national product in making i would almost pause. oh, so my pleasure would fall, pause a full head, was she and with that at the should in because a lot of them a die that overlay as sort of and then the the, the center. and i'm of the 2 actors live in the center. and i'm going to get a $10.00 scale tell this sort of and then i was the bottle and above in front of me for up to a lot of to go with and a global with on the line itself. not been about been mostly, mig. why do i should he was at the frontal that the how to but that those are being
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done for savannah. would that be kenneth and hadn't been here yet when the met them at the z of polo, but is it to fail to read? and i need boom sided a little while i was to look at lucy math, i'm a to let those of 8. ready ready ready the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best and i'll send some of the same assistance to father speedy. what else calls question about this? even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube. the the question, did you say it's a request to check the, the, what is part of the employee would post that isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present to that stop without collision? is that still part of the to
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get a sense of to do with the new phone. so in the community the bought the eggman, sort of the big go ahead was shooting in the heavy body meant according to the level of law to on the heart of both to the 25th, october the the had big wash team out of the i should my ultima nice to mom loyalty when the benet's just some of them opened up in a lot of with the lender head of to be with you live at the blue m good. include in the share and give me the a to next tuesday to share with you can see that he was safe and then a going to the school. the sort of the, the sort of, it is a big why do i should in the ass and admin pulls with us with, well, hey i'm, i'm going to imagine the mob on the kennedy live at memphis,
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hold off the hell, but layer. so when i measure it only to the, to the end, we had the menu items just in the new a go we arrow so you can live with me. uh, comes out the pin feature on that, please. uh your new home. so the 10 fi come with the same a vendor. so if she was holding the money in toyota, i'm in austin. i don't know. my name is diana. mean, go ahead. do i sit in huddle horrible and those are your number. you want me to the team, your new young collecting, you look at them and host us in the system, but my oldest about my home and good to go into. so really on the of the houses for some reason, some sort of little boy, your typically uncle, a little bit of stuff here. as i said, the, would you me a full list of,
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of them or would you me the, the, the comfortability of the one month. is it the only thing that i need no more than that. so i need a sort of like a demonstration of a maintenance i'll be who is, who will be resolved with the mostly one of in and mostly more of an intimacy that several guys may be mon with us. why the form of the fact that the cost to ship x i had a come so as of you look at the chiral is the cut off is can the tool is love the the let me see man at the left with the let them us in the team, can you tell us out of the come side age of friday, the homework and the vista and the mug to take down, you know, to fit this in. yeah, that's the thing. and then the to so we look them into lad and become science
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of the med, tiny little. yeah. have you learn more to fly? the one that says the fee literacy generally um, in both on the matter of him, those but a mix. what sort of lena? mendoza, them a would and then a highly and make the sellers shooting in montela, where the lam a, with the hell in will smith's and mccain when of some with on and then the height of domino ok list off in the issue with the, the a while to you, i said that he is a calamity unless i have been them go as feet. and um, in my dentist, they will call me, it was called and they say i have to collect the front of the bus and might of go by the side and get it on my doing it. i'm on the 16 videos shed, but most of the doctor send them some sort of bane fund that they have to do with
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the multiples of the go you get them in the and send most of the content for you to the very next october. we'll get either in the more lead, sliding and home or how shield the dental more to them. and then the label is cuz i template them spending more into the system you presently with them, which day is will miss to. so you have, give me way in the midst of finished to me, you started thinking move addition just that seems to fit them. the things that don't go as a bonus to could never look somebody in the near the glucose opinion for somebody else who typically just give money with decent, goes out to the movie and with the nurse that it has done yet. so you just give us the label of this and you can switch something of the solution as we need to is the 600. you left a message, but he just got out on and it doesn't sound like
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a sense instead bother left us through enough. this to do it, so it's not, i'm busy this. so for us to attempt that i'm not sure that i send the cd. the check to me that the us for the sons instructions can subordinate as beside j. e, a, c, d on instead of the, the just to do she gets, is doing this sheet and did it on the side is inclusive of buddhism and he's doing the eastern part of the end of the 600, some through the quarter of them and be to or was that i'm so projection is just simply
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a process of job leadership. we're kind of in the incentive so it's essentially just just to say it was closed because we've done school evaluate the score domesticated 1530 slides pursuing the section division inclusive. doing some psychiatrist school for the piano school in japan, and if it's in nevada and national just to put the groups i teach cynical physics on video, but they don't sit down as of today but and especially in your submission due to the if i did it before the intent is where you've done it, which of those gives it goes quickly to face. what's the length of stay on the to for the chips, the just the positions and see sort of seem interesting to be in the city of t. jackson guy, which is much,
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was the showed in the photo gallery, i was the, you know, the mileage, the good wireless, the here with pretty a whole over the, from the other chip that scheduling. what else do you like the, what level? much, always a chance to out of t j. that was 250 hoops. kind of those numbers since the corporate digital partial by them for to lunch and give them the rest of you on your cell. so leaving them a lot of people getting the letter from the supposed to pay the amount of i have been having them just low my that is some of some of the other is kind of always the side kind of early as the census on the other side of the and was not going to argue the lower level of the best way to even that's to say that
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the senior i need to some of the home are you. oh, let me, let me, let me just a how do i deal with them? how in, in the end of this type of point, industry standard 10, what, 10 bucks, that's all the higher and more of a lot of these, some of the way up to misfire 1st on the road. the that's something that was the most the most i have that available to you, the literacy instead of till i get to those a lot of a sudden that hey, i'm the little that was a little bit from the how get my me and the same
2:55 am
the house, very, very lovely. the x, the x institution around the committee there's to do because there are so savvy, the, a cool to scan that a be with this aspect of it. why? and the eyes are thought of market way is ice. and there was certainly a go out to see uh uh there was a lot acreage on, i'll be back on to i was in the demo girlfriend by bus 19. i guess nicole often to the survey was talking to a different society. they get them and then this fund commitment the i was going to just say this. unplug the drums,
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probably going to sell them the 2 month bill to. ready you to miss the port of guns uh, shopping. most of it. so its huh. well, the ship looked at the lift and in a, uh, a little bit to get a, hey, uh, and the, so i'm gonna receive this order in to the shop with my through a sub. and that'll be in the yard, in the asymptote. josh criminal, i use the shop beauty deal to talk to for the high school if you see on the. busy
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the the on the move when i would show the wrong just to save house and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look so common ground, the
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job items catastrophic database performance. and the attempted assassination of donald trump. i shuddered. many narrow escapes about american politics fighting isn't sharp is attacks. and trump is an ex essential threat, officially sanctioned narratives of collapse the blood pouring everywhere. and yet in a certain way, i felt very safe because i had god on my side the divine intervention. that's what donald trump say, say you, tim, from the desktop, supporters of that former president though, continue to question how the secret service allowed last week ends. a suff and nation attempt to happen in the 1st place to
3:01 am
a head the


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