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tv   News  RT  July 19, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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in existence was only exists. the plane grounded with thousands of passengers. the fact that news channels on there and the banks multiplied a huge ip outage, pull the pail to global net walk communication system, west broadway, the developing storage the culprit us cyber security problem. proud stripe fees, it says plummet on spaces for today's the companies, for us, 3 types of intelligence agencies and as approximately, become a member of the laptop office also to come there was blood pouring everywhere and yet in a certain way, i felt very safe because i had god on my side, the divine
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into button, so not what donald trump said, save him from the depth of his supporters, continued to question how the secret service allowed last weekend's assassination attempt to find the a so called suicide drive and strikes a building near the u. s embassy in tennessee for both of the 10 and one person on entering several of the low from most go a lot from my age to here in the russian capital struck 5 pm, lot of stories for this. also a lot less consulting. well, obviously the big one of the day, millions of people stop staring at this, the notorious blue screen,
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all the desks thought i want to play. well here in russia. image of global past skate of digital outages, the most scientists in the country in the world has not reported any issues with its services and systems. well, this resilience has been attributed to the so called import substitution strategy that's made russian will self or not. requirement says every single post to be walking without a hitch, while friday's global problem started with a fluids update by americans, cyber security, from proud strikes that affected microsoft windows use as issue rapidly sniffled. and when i pronounce, that struck many digital systems. so let's take a look at the scale of the problem. the western world has really been hit the hardest, the number of american airlines cancelled all the flights. the london still kicks change has also suffered technical problems. meanwhile, the bridge is gone, news channel interrupted. it's a broad cost ports in berlin. i'm did um,
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prague. madrid have also reported delays as check things have to be done offline. but the total, meanwhile, in israel hospitals and all the health services have been affected, apple oh, across asia, on the pacific region have also faced delays in japan, mcdonalds suspended about the defense restaurants. well, disney land, south of problems and both paris and hong kong was happiest place today as the list of impacted companies keep scrubbing autism. it's joe has been breaking down the chaos from my what unaffected studio here in most now, of course the massive crash has knocked down to windows operating system as well as banks in airports. it's been said that crowds try because the security firm was the one behind it and the c o, the firm came out saying that the issue has been identified and that they are currently working on it. now of course, no one was exempt from this because media outlets were also off air, including,
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for instance, kind use. of course, the european stocks are well made and due to the situation and banks were, are also down according to the bank of israel. they came out with the statement saying that the malfunction, as essentially produce the partial effect on the nation's banking system. so that because biggest bank has also seen issues nationwide, but when it comes to airports, passengers are essentially trending us. airlines have as have halted old flights due to communication issues. roland has also rounded all slides and now airports have gone old school. now they're hand riding where they passes for passengers. whether it be in hong kong or even in india. another point is be reported that the perez lympics committee committee system has also seen issues deals fairly and
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government has called for an emergency meeting as well due to the situation to figure it out. home security internet as well as emergency services are old software and according to danish authorities, they want that fire alarm systems are now unable to transmit uh, a war need to responders. but it's quite interesting because, well, all of these western institutions are suffer and it seems that ross shaw has not had any trouble. russian air travel system as well as the railways have seen no trouble at all. and the major ad bank in russia, which is a bond, has also been working properly. we've heard from the ministry of finance, of russia that came out and stressed the importance of domestic systems. stressing that essentially this shows the importance of not relying on any for for and systems. now the situation is of course,
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developing. so we'll have to keep an eye on what's coming next. crowd strikes as a plunge by almost 20 percent the company see i was blamed a bug in that update that hit microsoft operating systems while rolling out any foul play like cyber attacks. this is not a secure with the incidental cyber attack. the issue has been identified isolated and the fix is being deployed. why remember the crowd? so i previously made international headlines during the 2016 us presidential race. well, the company became the torres for spreading false claims that russian have cuz help secure donald trump victory over hillary clinton. it was hired to investigate the democratic national committee email the. the phone was quick to blame bush and act as but late to admit it. it actually had no proofs in a separate report. in december 2016 crowd strike a ledge. the russians pools losses for the ukrainian men a tree by hacking that out in or out. but that statement was later retracted by the
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american. so when american conservative talk show host and a full advise that to the bush and clinton administrations state go says proud. so i've read it has a lot of questions to answer. after it cools the split up loud, which any time you have something this big and there is no explanation other than we were just doing an update. you know, it raises suspicions and, and concerns about what's really going on in the lack of transparency. the crowd strike operates under in normal situations. i think there needs to be great transparency of what happened, how it happened, and more importantly, how they will prevent this from happening. going forward. one of the issues with crowd strike is not only the cosy relationship with intelligence agencies and with the democratic party, but also the revolving door of people inside and outside government intelligence agencies been with crowd stripe, making big money on the private sector side and then getting the intel and the influence that they need when they go back into a government or,
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or kind of go in and out. i think again the. busy process needs to be examined, not just with crowd stripe, but other defense department agencies, other major companies that are, that are using their inside sources and then profiting from them once they leave the government. a why? that's why it has broken out in the bridge city over needs of to social services. but fortunately, took a number of children into the counsellor close ortiz of the 2 mastic images. so the ultimate, so the crashes during which police was forced to retreat from an on we mall a double decker bus was set on fire police cough flipped over. west yorkshire police said they are dealing with the ongoing situation, but did advise people to stay high.
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donald trump has confirmed that he has accepted the republican nomination for the us presidency on the final day of the parties. national convention. he was speaking days off to survive. and of course, the assassination attempt from discard the moment he was wounded in the joy, no rush. i said to myself, wow, what was that? it can only be a bullet and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. my hand was covered with blood, just absolutely blood all over the place. i immediately knew it was very serious that we were under attack. and the one movement proceeded to drop to the ground low as for continuing to fly, there was blood pouring everywhere and yet in a certain way, i felt very safe because i had god on my side.
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the probably one of the most noteworthy parts of that speech was when trump actually thanks the secret service, even though they have failed to deal with a very, very serious security threat. this is something that has really upset a lot of trump supporters. and as we're going to be able to see now on the screen, you're going to be able to understand why, because it's just incredible that trump walked away from this situation with his life. actually, you can see just how close that bullet comes to essentially killing the former president going through his head. but just basically what trump calls divine intervention essentially is him just happening to move his head at that very time. i mean, so it's really understandable why trump supporters would be upset that the secret
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service wasn't able to deal with that, that threat. and also the fact that according to investigators that are currently working to get down to the details of what exactly happened, the secret service agents at the scene saw the actual shooter on his rooftop position about 20 minutes before he started shooting at trump and another wyoming senator says that he was told that the secret service had identified this would be assassin has a suspicious person around one hour before the shooting took place. so there are a lot of questions that still need to be answered in terms of why was there a failure to investigate? all right, he spoke for 90 minutes at last night didn't hey, it was based quickly a campaign we launched for him. it appeared like what he was speaking about, domestic issues, to the for, but in terms of venture nationally under crisis, what's erupt, thing across europe, for instance. what says if you, how is it going to solve the?
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well, trump, of course, promise that he himself would be the solution. he talked a little bit about us interventions into situations around the world, primarily against russia, that took place under different administrations, the georgia conflict, ukraine when crimea decided to have a referendum and become part of the russian federation from said that the us isn't going to get involved in any of that kind of stuff under another trump administration. i will end every single agent national crisis that's occurred. the administration has created including the horrible war with russia and ukraine, which would have never happened to vice president under president bush. russia invaded or georgia and the president obama. russia took the crimea under the current administration. russia is after all of ukraine under president trouble. russia took nothing. a couple of things that trump mentioned
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there should be clarified like the war in georgia where this started after the us back president of the country decided to attack the republic of south bassetti, of one of the country's former territories. that declared independence. and there were a number of russian peacekeepers in that area. and as a result of this attack, a lot of people were injured and killed as well. of course, we also know about the 2014 euro, my don, who dates all that took place and ukraine, that was backed by the united states. it ended up causing a number of ukrainian territories at that time to declare independence. and then they were attacked by the neo fascist, got back to governments that was in power. after here on my don took place, of course, after russia launched its military operation, 2 of those regions decided to vote to become part of the russian federation. done yet in lou guns, along with another 2 former ukrainian territories is up at osha and careful on. so
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of course the ukraine conflict as a whole continues to go on. but trump is promising that in the 1st 24 hours of another, trump presidency, he would resolve that entire situation. and what about the other global actors? he's going to have to deal with some of the, the friends, photos, etc. if he takes power without touch the pump. well yeah, he came down very hard on around and his speech accusing them of trying to continue to develop nuclear weapons. even though we have to remember that it was under trump presidency for that the 2015 and around nuclear deal was actually scrapped. right. and it's only after that that to run began to enrich uranium. but of course, according to the iranian government that's only for peaceful purposes, not for the development of nuclear weapons. another part of his speech had to do with north korea. he said that it was an accomplishment of his that he was the 1st us president to set foot on north korean soil during the time of the tons,
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with the leader of the dpr. take him john own and from said that that's part of an overall policy. he has that the us needs to be friends with any country that has nuclear weapons. i got along very well. north korea came, jo no, and i got along very well with them depressed, aided when i said that, how could you get along with it? well, you know, it's nice to get along with somebody has a lot of nuclear weapons or otherwise is to the old days, you say that's a wonderful thing. now they say, how could you possibly do that? so now i got along with them and we stopped the missile launches from north korea. now north korea is acting up again, but when we get back, i get along with them. if you'd like to see me back to, i think he misses me if you want to know the truth, of course raises another question about something that trump has been public about for a very long time that he views china as an opponent, a competitor of the united states and that's a country with a lot of nuclear weapons. so donald trump is making a lot of promises along the campaign trail. and if he gets selected,
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we're gonna have to see if he can actually follow up on on my caller id and ill also discussed tom speech with veteran us broad cost of steve mouth, bug and for pennsylvania states. and it's a very small here my credentials. so i'm so very excited about the president's speech tonight and, you know, it was, it was enormously interesting because you're at, he was taking him of the word name, you just hit it right on his head. i'm. it was at the beginning, the beginning. it was some do the introspective, did you and created the impression that donald trump is mostly flat thing about is near death experience that he had because you know, the bullet was just setting meters away from killing him. and i think one of the messages and he was trying to convey is that he wants to unify the country. it would be great if our country could be unified. and so when he gave his re courses
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to what he was thinking when he was almost killed, it wasn't introspective moment and being in the audience, i have to tell you, it was very quiet. it was, every seat was filled in the arena. delegates all the delegates, other people and people were lit, listed with tremendous attachment to see what donald trump was going to say about that. i guess he didn't get it that feels indebted to the agents that's, that rushed to the stage and, and, and, and helped him. and that's a, that's only a natural feeling if you almost died if you came within a centimeter of your life. and these people rushed to you wouldn't have picked you up in queens, you often put carried, you offer help to get all you get a feel it for them. but the, the, the, the, the world isn't happy. both democrats and republicans are really, really critical of the head of the secret service they wanted to testify next week before congress. i don't know if she will. she was confronted by 2 republican
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senators at the convention. she basically didn't answer their questions right away from them. there's a long way to go and finding out what the heck happened here and how, how this guy could be seen with a rifle by every body, and managed to shoot the president 1st, i think as well for the trump vance ticket. as we might expect, it was very jovial, friendly. but do you for see any big differences between the 2? should they take power? i think um center to advance well understands. he's the vice president and his job is to implement some policies in the president. it's in a situation of course of the, you know, advanced didn't support donald trump in 2016 when he ran for president. he said some very negative things about him and his position and i think it's correct is he never thought of donald trump would be the great president that he was and he just came around. um, so i know, i think this and i think one of the reasons i,
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i know donald trump a little bit he's the son. i think one of the reasons that the senator vance was this is a young guy. he's 39 years old. i think donald trump does sees the potential of setting a red spring is legacies. mr. trump focus a lot of attention on at global curren chrisy saying neither the ukraine or gas awards would have started if he was president. what's the main thing trump could have done to stop those conflicts? do think trump doesn't want to keep supplying the, the aid we're giving to ukraine. uh, you know, on account of data over and over and over. we can't afford it, and we don't have enough of munitions quite frankly, from reports. so it's gather everybody around the table and talk and come to an agreement. and that's the only way this ends. i mean the short of world war 3, which we also talked about, probably wouldn't install prices in the way to find it. i think for president trump would have had to happen to have sought to have
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a dialogue with president. we understand, i understand, at least because i have an office in moscow. russia has concerns about the expansion of nato, particularly the ukraine. i think donald trump would have had a sensitive ear that in one would have hope that that would have been a way to avoid a lot of the bloodshed that the current since march of 202212, the republican national convention has wrapped off it still being dice texted around the wild john that sound concept of political commentator talked with calls and spoke up the event and took a mob washington's elite se, ignoring the will of the american public level, the best moments of thought and much more besides had on the box to our website all to, to pump the, the lead to all the ruling communist party has passed away at the age of 18 state. and you did all that say has to come to a period of illness and grand for trone. held that on the highest office from 2011,
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his tenure was mall explained on to corruption campaign that so a number of the country's top officials dismissed. he was also well known for pioneering, so called fam through diplomacy, a time describing vietnam, flexible foreign policy, which has allowed the state to maintain close ties with global plays from the us to russia. and china, you know, to use is roles. defense is not impenetrable. my daughter's mission came from the idea spokes past that he was quick to blame it wrong for the overnight suicide to have an attack near the u. s. embassy, intent of these. i will say that because i want to emphasize that the defense is not impenetrable. iran supports funds and arms, it's proxies in the region from gaza, judea and samaria 11 on syria and yemen, as happened to last night. the
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prize you can see that have been flooded by an explosion, a smoke filled the street, which is characteristic of that type of loitering munition. what is, what is the single fatality 8 people in hospitalized according to is rating media. the idea says it is still investigating the incident, humans, here's the medicine group has claimed responsibility for the attack. those say it used a new drone capable of bypassing intercept assistance, not for the for so for writing in the human the on forces carried out to qualitative military operations, which consisted of targeting one of the important targets in the occupied. yeah. for area so cool. ms. riley televi. the operation was carried out with a new drug named yes, a which is able to bypass the enemy's intercept to systems and re dos on detected. the operation successfully achieve its goals. we have some tyrone universe to professor site mohammed mirandi who says the who's the strike on tell of the pretty
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raises the stakes and the regional conflict. it shows that the, as brand new regime does not have the sort of technology that can prevent such strikes. and it also shows how rapid needs the military capabilities of uh, sort along with the west possibilities since the advance how advanced it it from. yeah, man. now has become a major our and the reason, despite the decade of genocide carried out against the admin. uh, with the help of the west. uh, uh the so what are you using ben moratti's carried out years of, of some really barbaric strikes on the country. and the americans helped impose the star patients each in the red sea. but despite all that we see now, but yeah, man has effectively defeated the us maybe in the red sea ships destined to is
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ready ports are blocked or they're sunk. and ships that want to leave is where the regime for, if they cannot go through the red sea either despite the us and the british attempts to facilitate that movement in yemen, or i'm sorry, a lot has said repeatedly that this will continue until the genocide completely stop, the russian forces have shot down 3 attack. couldn't smith solve which why launched at the city of guns? local authorities say there on no casualties. so 5 minutes found to fit a field outside the city. what experts on now inspecting the wrecked pulse. the guns rationally comes on to the plot of west and made weapons. and these recent successful into deceptions demonstrate how rushing out of fences are adapting to new types of west re he has his bringing to the from. meanwhile, in ukraine, new videos continue to emerge of conscription offices. really using any means
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possible to fully send more men to the front lines. so in this potentially, because a group of women trying to fight tougher creatures to a snatching a mine of the street, not seen on folders near the entrance to a residential lock was key of struggles to so it's ranks ukraine's ontario ministry says that some 42000 man have gone missing since february 22. those who tried to escape the battle field all charged with reports that as many as $1500.00 man has been found guilty of desertion in the past year without wanting to ukrainian peered up. he says he barely escaped being sent to such and death. as always we have to say, but there was a chance that he was speaking on to dress, which told him a good thing. i went to a shop to buy bread in our shop opens at 9 am, was leaving the store and 3 soldiers and a policeman came up to me and took me like this. it was april 25th,
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2024 in the morning. and they took me to a conscription center there. they did not even ask if i was healthy or not. they gave documents with a stamp from the doctor saying healthy. i don't want to go back there to ukraine. even if there is a prisoner swap. i will not agree, there will be no life there were times us on the left hand, connell. a rasmussen believes that the numbers of men feeding the battle field really under school. how unwilling they were to go that in the 1st place. even if you have the equipment, are you still need, man and they uh, they have a huge shortage that would definitely cannot trust the ukrainian numbers and statistics as far as the desks and, and loss of a capability a from a man power perspective. but it during the conflict, and now we're planning another counter offensive. i have no idea why from a strategic perspective, it's not going to make any difference from
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a task goals perspective it's, it's suicide. in order to do that, they need man, they may have to go out and get them in men or not lining a bed. the recruiting offices and they're running away as you know, risking lives in some cases to escape. and so what do you do? you send out basically gains of the, of recruiting gains in to pick people off the streets, even if it gets sent to the front line. they have not had adequate training. they're on the front line. they don't necessarily want to be there. and they see people dying around them and they see no chance or opportunity. so they're willing to take, take the risk they're willing to desert and to potentially live telling me finance also having to extreme lengths to resist keeps fullest mobilization campaign. distressing of footage on social media. so in a woman fetching herself on file outside of port house,
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reportedly to protest her husband's conscription is caught in the details plus plenty more updates on and not assessed on all t dot com and fun a regional russian port. how sentence wolf street and john a report to evan disco that's through 16 years and a maximum security prison. so espionage, the us, john. this was to change in march of 23 and became the fast west and reported to be arrested in russia for spying. since the cold war, prosecutors accused escrow bits of watching for the c. i a and collecting secret information about russian type manufacturers, the quotes, but it has faced shop condemnation from washington, russian foreign ministry, sog a lot for off has commented on the match. the most used, we have to have physical evidence tankers coverage wasn't involved in that spin on the intelligence agencies of the 2 countries aren't contact according to an agreement between the president clinton and button in june, 2021 to see if they can swap someone for someone else,
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this topic doesn't go down well with everyone and periodically americans bring it up in public, which doesn't help, but such content does exist and it has nothing to do with the tech and during those is that what's the book? well for mouse and this to job, it is good by us at this hour, those stores and full. so like i said, sentiment besides everyone off to to come. so take a peek and have a great day the the the
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hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered on peter lavelle. joe biden's, catastrophic debate performance and the attempted assassination of donald trump. i shattered many narrow escapes about american politics bite and it isn't as sharp as attack and trumpet isn't in ex essential threats, officially sanctioned narratives have collapsed the cross talking narratives. i'm joined by my guess, ray mcgovern in raleigh. he was a former c. i a analyst in pittsburgh, we have done college. he is a professor of law, an author of the case for palestine. why it matters and why you should care. and in new york we cross the line or he is a legal and media analyst, or a gentleman called sac rules and effect. that means you can jump any time you want . and i always appreciate, i'd like to ask all 3 of you. essentially the same question, i'll start out with re um the establishment.


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