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tv   Documentary  RT  July 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

4:30 pm
s sunday is the lowest, the middle east on a couple 100, but off a 104 who you have on the inside on the so i was thinking of most of those a lot my lady, this is a lot of the because i was in english but i sent all the savings listening to sonia's video center, so that the job title was on the bus and all
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bustle successful. and that, like i said, us because of all this out of the month to come and didn't support them much. how much nadia? they showed me the them and at least mall lucelle bought the people about the human to get the beast task the whole time. and sales were based on the people of the month ahead. sort of build up the boss, get out of that one of the should be the 1st the stuff they said it's ok now and all these are the no, not these but involves this. and if i don't have for the model will be das double your eyes on bus, fun things, a little box and an acknowledgement or the but i live in the love i'm that are faulty as the, the room for the most of the,
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for all entirely. i don't, i'm in and based off of my record on this one, the, the bus you know, somebody that's why. yeah, the, the, the most of the way the thought did you send me and i have done most of it the way the vin, to go out through the thought. did you check what was all it say i, i mean, easy for them. you didn't present the boat in my you know, i'm going to is going to assume busy this to you know, so i know. yeah. what are you that probably have done most english the will mean to it. oh see i thought god this even see on was you so so say need and go in the video to the
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joyce the other way. let's look it up. i lost the actual date and assign your so many kids that don't maybe ship. it doesn't mean if you knew of it the out on the move and what not. but i'm old enough to in the middle of the office. you know me back. i feel like i've been going somebody, the whole lot of that's the list of the didn't okay. okay. i low live, but if you don't have to be of them that the, all the loan, of course i would sort of go, but i'm not the
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a genius you mean? yes. can i can the media to love it just because i go to the order of the most of the blame of is it that offense over the over the past i actually had to go to the intent on the field. maybe that was you know, they just in get the and one of the pictures each one thing that he said, all i get on
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a middle is so make us lot, i'll say kind of feel as load or 15 call. give me not those little in email, not there's an in your there's the clearly and the mean because oh no, no, let me know case i want that. i'm not going to the whole not that i'm with doctor. we have to with us as part of the, of the look at out, then i will, i'll pull the mass sizes symbol as, as far as the one. well, what are your values? and i'm, of course, they're not given me, i'm of them. we live close by you. uh, there's some of the maybe cool, you know, you might just have the natal method the local into that almost a mental kim prep us how the boss scale up for. so i'll ask him,
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what's going on for you. they'll send something to the winter. they about elizabeth la hopes, either that or not. ok. no, no one. yeah, i mean the most, i, commodity clearly out of me and given the most it up for the internet's, your knowledge that you, that a, by me and you can start under for the most. and even though most of the, most of the, of the have done most scale, it will by she really cheap be so good. ok. you asked crossing board under that i got on it. i see all of the and there's a new dentist tells me that he has moved us. how do i add another zoomed in doubles on each of the more than i, grandma, those are style the co good extra. yeah. is your singles the you have to get
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a hand, it seemed to get a little by some one just tell us you get in this couldn't the end of me again say this lovely made of is welcome one though. so the not then i, one of the not been able to hear me, i think, oh, you don't mind that. he was going to know how much the, the biggest thing, i mean, even though none of them for me is it allows me to get those done against our starter girlfriend. they will not be abused. so i can go in and do nothing yet. the little 9 from one of them, this would be, i think it, it said, of course,
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the front of the most soon, mr. miles, some of yours is concerning that good. i lost a foot on the, on the 1st list, but i need somebody from 9 off from me the, the, the most of it pulled up over by last time. yeah. is that, let's see what was going on with them. yeah. the that's the lowest on the on the lovely, so of, and based on the deals they have more time, very of okay. okay. just tell you that we've got those and that may be into this phase. there's still more loss noon. i just bought, i bought the spot on in the diet. we'll, i'll send the the name from the, the official vehicle, but it least hasn't gone down. yankee collins that we'll get by. so that was,
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that was one of those 10 minutes. this because he goes there, live, compose the most that has been, was done as part of the by the me like, i don't want to give a, she saw the going to go on a be all about the queen dishes. but at the she was was the same thing with the rough. we're going to be in my notice, but to get you into the saw and one of those people in the photo going to homeless
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bitterly. they're combined. you'll be lucky for she's the is because i'm, we're looking at google for cycling, but you see what a little bit of the cost, but i'm going to let us and that will give us a goose double check to see if there's no reason what's going to tell you that ok button and the don't look at a is i still the response or the sophia indoors. go get k one. yeah. so, so now because you measure them on the, on the lines, but really the laotian didn't get past so now do you have the present time in the bit of room for you to sleep? but the people are going to handle is i've done everything in energy, they put a check id. that's what i mean already. a pretty full and i'm, i'm old. yeah. and you do my duty on a bit? yes. yeah, i need to go to one and see what she saw around within the same folder for somebody like the test to what's the name of the, of any, from the other libra. now the,
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when starting from 20th all the going to the me live at all. that's funny that i got to run and see what she saw. the, i mean, they know, surveys it with all of us buying your financial engine. my name by easy, cannot even think of the one for them in the area. but what about at least the littlest when uh, when i 20 got a this all you gotta, you know, they, they get sent that think i need the, i guess because that's play most of the but it doesn't weigh that. it was so was just like, i guess, i guess the, the money that yeah they, they know read that in the, in the news along of the, the much i need a hand degrade the value of the ego because dilute all the boxes on those uh, windows analogy, you have your own on it uh when it, cuz i want to get behind done. so yeah. it gets down to is i know it was just uh, almost 3 weeks ago about sort of the bundle of just putting must be an idea. either must i give you the bundle and the i gave the flu most welcome, but i can see, okay, yeah,
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it was ready to go and dial using particular again to see if they need the new a new mazda bicycles. it is webinar. so let me just even see so i guess that's the reason i don't mind when i saw a video and i said, oh, the other one this um the, the issue uh, keep them in mind giving me that allow me see what i got to uh the other one is sort of the zip the the rushing states never. i've side as i'm sort of the most sense unity,
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the saw something, some of the consumer must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russia to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say stephen twist, which is the the, what is part of the blog
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post that isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without glitches. let's go out of the joe biden catastrophic debate performance and the attempted assassination of donald trump. i shuddered. many narratives about american politics binding isn't sharp is attacks. and trump is an ex essential threat, officially sanctioned narratives of collapse the shape going on. limits of us the allotted the land. well, did i go to? one of them is beautiful. you're gonna shoot them on
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the really money bit since you own use based solely on the way down could have been yeah, the letter was just monday or they go on is could they will gasket on monday? did you want to go to some community dock? a part of this you by law got a warranty, but she's hoping to shoot them out. yeah, keep getting it. i got the news and they told me that i needed one knowing my i've been hooked up at peaches and, but i can't think of nobody's seen. is it really sitting there like i don't want to see if she's interested. i want to, but i'm a less cause my, my zoning does immersion, but about this for it and it, uh, a my, when i to go buy this thing that could be best for me and us aesthetic home michael. but again, unless it doesn't let me address if i'm in the scene, no bombarded mailing, guess this covers love,
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and i thought of the most money that i started to market on a shot and ended okay. i know all this stuff, industrial gas you, there's just that of all of them buy. so essentially that end of life, you know, let's say you've got the, the, the nice millions by you, me only to soften a teen center. i left while i did to smoke, i am the less g e and a for alpha saves so much as a as attended mother. deed suddenly thought to leave on the dash center. huh. the smells that he looked like, who's the height on the front of the
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and the she says what is made. know how not by the deviation, but a sub output. the been a how to of how do it by this nothing. so me, on the, i know fairly young is that using non bit so we hung up here with how it in the low for less than the input i scanned them a please put it in. we're going to look at the that was coming up in some of the inside and live and done this time. you owe with this little bit on the line, define the meanness. in fact, she is madness in the middle of the eventually, unless nobody nice of the one that you know, they don't know why the police will do us. what the last month i shifted and so that, so limited to you, you've got to be this guy that he might have falls right. come on either in the small or the is your while drug deal,
4:48 pm
the is the but i guess i stuff she on the us or feel i know it's like the she had kind of some show the hash, initial conditions, couple of seemed to throw a heavy roof and had a look at his job. so if it's kind of a fun time he'd been living most of the day it shows it's nice and done just because you've got a fit that they've had all the possible. but it showed up, i can know by full opted old swipe ignition of the fee got. go ahead that. yep. i see the on the side, the got a vic doable side, the side that the my d a which either come on look at it or the, i'll go with this while a fun table, sad beside the thought already you have an issue. do you like us a little bit missed as you know, because you know,
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the how docs just came on the how just dump on my the a o is supposed to succeed in the flood shaddick. if i dial with betty from on the 2nd demo in the bus, he'll be going combine. you'll be like, i don't wanna be screaming. no me. excuse me, leo. daddy, can you be bossy so they want to get, but they would get, you know, that so thoughtful going. shouldn't that out those in the middle, the goal is it allows everyone of it. so now, you know, we could even do normally that idea 3 is you know, front of the, all of you know, made in for us to load audio or jordan. no, it got lost and i went to the numbers to go nowhere near me like what sort of issue the,
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the, the, the most that they use the legal spice of which i'm it because i don't even down most i say this, i guess that i have nothing to say utilize or a, you know, my well, industry, the effort is always nice. i love, i mean, obviously i only need for the job. i want to find that the, the, the, the only the i see a little want to kind of each one of the of them now. so you know, the phone,
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but i lot. okay. now they have to have it in like i was, i don't know if the person who has who they are, but i need a baby. so i have a dentist thing she got oh, i was and i was going through believe rather if i was the last time i shall fix hold on. let me fire. one is not that how one of the papers is like i found it. it won't be back there. so there's so much. is the, the, the a lot of the subject go, i know that's a, there's only one of them. what are those that goes in the deep talk to the big a nose line on the scale today? you know, with the i was fine with just the
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last one jack set up. right? yeah. i think lastly i social negligence and that's why isn't that there in may. oh joyce, the got a and my last off last lines decided on going just from i spoke one just the last 4 digits and they are going to be, i mean probably the product and that's why just let us know. so don't even worse than our most likely in this is how far they've offered the assignments, unless the agent mustang best and, well, i guess i should already leaving here. so got cable, you'll have your n e f, as in the yes. so what i seen for somebody's on way more about this book, there's a manual ice b r man of some social cultural mental model, x dot us us better say it was the most out of state and they not on a on
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a saturday when all of that a little nice. there's a, here's an us use the menu, the apartment they know me or it'd be the aerospace field. you know, as i said, but no one is working on weight and they, they should, sorry, finish the wheels and the single column. you know the media in the english and bobby, but i see by using something by the way, i feel this excess not wasn't there. the i'm the one with there's a few of the ca, my they the,
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i don't count on what i'm gonna look at. i'll go present the ballot plus globally from blog as the last one moment though, i loved the muddy at the cables for each task, i keep on it for the all see you bought it by the name that will fail, but as a community style phone preferable if at all, where is that going on? let's just, you know, those a few of those old, but as of gave me a does go see
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a said the name of what was your to say a biased come instead of for the month and like, dollars by yours a little while can do there for the future for love by said the middle part of the more beautiful, the one that goes down and they love the little bundles and the guy the front these past me and that's good allows are part of that allows us by yeah, what seems to your bundle and that would be the, the, the bus, you know, it's all in one place or another being in the like that is the only, well i saw the, uh, there was somebody in the area them. yeah. will let me familiar the that the task was kind of frustrating. well, as this list of like in your home, and i feel like, you know,
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as i was just almost like if you're the the 1935 fast is easily led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial
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empire in africa and take over the opium by that time, ethiopia was the only fully independent states on the continent. back in 1896, its inhabitants were able to defeat the italian colonies and defend their independence. since then, rome craved for revenge for the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october, 3, 1935. without any announcement. the foxes attacked e b o. p a and bombarded it most severely. d. d o. b. an armed forces bod, courageously. but the roots have a d, a b, a tell you and knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also chemical weapons. toxic gas is this james the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia,
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by the fastest 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval. britain and france recognize the annexation, giving the green light to a further fast expansion in the world and baby and the way for the outbreak of world war to take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify all confused who really wants a better wells, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented is 1st. can you see through their illusion going underground can the,
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the analysis, but they, that's it, letting you to the effect that then you can put them in. so facade, indeed, and therefore, he would do it assuming that the to the and again, i am in the title is the dimensions of the photo i'm seeing send the most of the
5:00 pm
yet it could be the motion of the the breaking news, ukrainian politician arena far and has died after being shot in the head and the western ukrainian city of laval. the far right nationalist was known for slamming neo nazi as of battalion fighters for using the russian language. israel has the fact to and next to they occupied westbank in violation of the international law. that's the damming verdict from the on the top chord at the have an unprecedented i. t outage, we have a digital systems and worldwide the corporate american cyber security firm, proud to try to move towards the link to us intelligence. also a has there was blood turing everywhere and yet in a certain way.


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