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tv   News  RT  July 20, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the, the 2000 people are killed in idea of strikes on a central gallons a refugee camp, including pregnant women, unpaid fees, according to health sources. it comes as doctors saw on the alarm of over israel's use of highly controversial truck no way. i have seen countless children with their bodies. riddles, instructional injuries. they have shrapnel all over their body in the head and the neck and it's or acts in the abdomen, the finding a dish, the employees, the army of men who is a nationwide curfew. and it fits to quell student protests for at least a 100 people are reported killed in classes with the whole race comp typical locked
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in dams, western human rights watch dogs for ignoring ukrainians, being rounded up and escalating forces mobilization efforts. it is very interesting that those who used to talk about human rights and now silent shame, it's a shame that human rights organizations don't speak of the wherever you're tuning in from today across the world. welcome to the global use round up right here. on our 2 trips. we beginning gals where dozens of palestinians have been killed in the latest wave of as really strikes across the enclave. reportedly taking the total death toll since october 7th, to rest $38.80 people. the idea of heavily ball the several locations in central cancer, including the new surround refuge account cleaning lives there of at least $24.00
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people according to local networks. they say babies pregnant women were among the casualties. meanwhile, local on visiting doctors are sending the alarm over what appears to be a rise in the use of sodium shop, the weapons in the war, munitions that scouts her projectiles when they strike and cause catastrophic injuries to siblings. local reports around me. oh, montgomery can tell us as we are now about races theater, avail off, so much as hospitality incense of the sweat where there are many cases being treated by this tough doctors. this 9 year old boy i did as these are the ac, is now facing a life threatening situation. i kind of say, this boy is going to, to die at any time because of the lack of equipment, the lack of cab a citizen to deal with such case. this is among the cases that have clicked, shirts, or region of fragments into all over is everybody's the concern is getting high
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for the life of disease and the lives of many other children. and that y'all as to where we are going now to be joined by one of the leading this task doors who is an american iraq, a cosmo. how much higher carrying out operations during this. it was time across the gaza strip in the last few days. in particular. we've had school attack off the school, the tech, off the refugee can protect. i have seen countless children with their bodies are riddled instructional injuries. they have shrapnel all over their body in their head, in the neck and it's, or acts in the abdomen. they've ripped through their lives as well. to me if you use shop, know, uh, type explosives around children. be prepared to cause a maximum time age. and this is exactly what we're saying. we are overwhelmed and
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every time we try to, we try to put out a file. we have a even greater fire it. there are, there is no capacity to treat these patients. this is the problem. the problem is because of a, a numbers issue. so you, if the patients come in and they exhaust all the blood products and exhaust all the supply. so what do we do for the patients to come off to them and how to do this stuff? msd passed full wave after wave after wave of mother children of killed a women killed. it's really something quite bob barrick, but of course as you can see here, this poor boy behind me, he needs to be in and i see you in any other place in the world. he would be an i see you on the strict observation would pop up fluid balance management. and he would even put, potentially be in to base it because he's go to the buttons to the face. and he has most likely in his ational injury as well. but the side situation is that the,
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the as a direct result of, of lack of access to pop of health care. this is one of many children who will die . now despite growing global, come the nation over israel's actions and gas at washington support remain. steadfast with prime minister netanyahu even invited to speak in the us congress next week. now on the latest episode of going underground option is joined by the national director of the answer piece coalition. brian becker and his group funds to hold protests outside the capital building where they is really leader will be delivering his address for the 1st time, the 9. yeah. who is addressed both houses of congress when president obama was pursuing the iran nuclear arms deal so called netanyahu came to both houses of congress and basically trashed the most important foreign policy objective of the den, sitting president of the united states. and again he received standing ovations from
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both sides of the aisle. it's even more disgraceful, though this time much more disgraceful because the whole world has watched in real time. in real time. a genocide carried out by netanyahu orchestrated by netanyahu. netanyahu is a singular person who has done the most to prevent a ceasefire from taking place, and for netanyahu to come at this moment to speak before both houses of congress to receive a hero's welcome heroes. welcome from both of the establishment parties. it's a real disgrace prior to his address to congress, he will be meeting with buying in the white house on july 22nd. so we have protests going on for all 3 days, but on july 24th, when he speaks before both houses are congress, tens of thousands of americans. of all walks of life will be surrounding the capital, say, noted genocide and saying yes, no,
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you know who should be arrested. as a matter of fact, we're going to have a giant arrest warrant, which people can not only observe and whole, but sign on to. and again, this is a mass movement that exists in the united states. it's something really different for palestine. it's been going on since october 8th, the day when the is really massacre is really began. and we see a see change in consciousness at the grass roots in america. but in congress, it's the same old congress, the same old, polluted credit congress tied, and they have a to the is really war machine. the i know it does this look familiar. millions of people have been stuck staring after the dreaded blue screen of death, but not here. in russia, i made a global cascade of digital. i did use the most sanction country in the world has not reported any issues with its services and systems not, not to me, not to be to,
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to most of the so called import substitution strategy, which has made the nation more self sufficient, well, fridays, global. now started started with a florid update by american cyber security firm fried strike that affected microsoft windows users. the western world has been hit the hardest us airlines cancelled oh, flights for hours. european airports reported mass delays with check in speeding. don't manually install the sins of passengers stranded in the u. k. the sky news channel was forced all for a while in japan. mcdonalds was forced to close around the 3rd of its restaurants, in the aftermath cried strike shares. how plunged by all, most of the company c o blamed a bug in their update from microsoft operating systems. really not an excel place. this is not a security incidental cyber attack. the issue has been identified isolated and the fix is being deployed. while we can cross live now to cyber security,
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i'm less than head of the security operation centered indonesia switched german university. dr. charles lin, dr. lin, you're most welcome. perhaps difficult to quanta 5, but in your view, how series, how costly is the impact of what happened yesterday for people and businesses around the world. uh. yeah. first of all, uh, thanks for having major. yeah, i mean this uh, this scale it off uh, updates. yeah, its, uh, its on and think about it because, you know, basically everybody is spend it and the impact is so huge. and of course uh, uh, this is not just about uh, you know, money or finance. yeah. but this is some bucks. restoration that people have all over the world. yeah. impact it. uh not only in, you know, uh, outlines,
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but also in finance and many of the institution. this is a big thing but, and you know that uh, uh, dispatch. yeah, i mean this is my roster. i actually have uh him back there to all the company. yeah. that actually sort of from always uh, outages and the sites actually so huge and uh, you know, i'm, i'm president, that really understanding the yeah and you mentioned cried strike the patch. i think a lot of people, dr. lynn when they heard that was the reason they were thinking watch, that's it. all the hot for just the patch. do you believe that's older was to it or cutting through. the other reason is that we're not hearing about it at the moment . a means for us uh, you know, its, uh,
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you know, that basically costs night pro, find what they call as a and buying the back shipping. my m. uh, you know, endpoint detection is basically an agent that you put into uh, computers or any devices that you actually detect any pets. so basically, these agents that basically fit among these uh, windows or microsoft windows, uh and uh, accidentally they actually, they most likely be then actually best it before they put it into production. otherwise, you know this, this will not happen. hm. so i think this, this, this probably because that is a major problem in the best thing in that way so that they actually didn't make it to the final production. and that's why they, they, you know, this, this thing actually causes a using but how it certainly did, how difficult will it be though to, to deal with the consequences of this?
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i did some experts are saying that it's going to pick at least weeks until things are generally back to normal. your view on that? yes, i agree because uh, as you know, you know, blue screen of death as they call it, b s o b is basically a situation where all this uh, microsoft windows, uh, desktop or laptop or any under devices. basically they, they just stop working and uh, you know, it means that when it stop working you have to go manually into each of this computer. so you can imagine if this is actually going to each from the computer, that's why in main things, not only weeks, it couldn't be months depending on how much computer is actually affected in wow, organization. wow. are you surprised that cried strike the firm that caused all this? i was enjoying the virtual monopoly on the us cyber security market. just to remind
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our viewers at leading figures in the company have former ties to american intelligence. the firm was at the center of the at bogus russia gate conspiracy in 2016. what was the old up together? how damaging for the firms reputation could yesterday's offense be? and yeah, of course this is actually at the 3 because john sure. yeah, i mean, people know, you know, people never probably heard of pearle, like before. you know, they, they, but they, they probably only now know, this isn't called stomach problems, you know, but the probably, but people get annoying. but now do you know that the prospect is actually the one who caused the problem? uh, i think they were stopped the stopping to assess what kind of impact and also what actually into, you know, because uh right now, uh, the end of this illusion. auto look around is a very simple pass. you know,
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uh the file has to be removed and then have to, where do you agree with it? and even though it sounds simple, but the impact is so huge, you know that as you can see around the world, the other news. and so i'm not surprised that you know all these uh, because as you pulled up, the more company actually have position itself. obviously they have these up a little bit of, uh, movies, uh, through the government. and so it's obvious that uh they have this kind of our area to lobby the government that they can we know every deal. you know, it seems so much power though you know it to a lame on like myself. i would assume that, you know, after the events, all of us, bate, other people around the world other companies affected would want to perhaps less than the risk. suppose your to such offense by having maybe local and. busy cyber
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security checks in place, not having to depend on one, you know, half of world the way that is so important in terms of global importance about when one of the glitch goes down. the whole globe is affected. yes, i agree because uh nowadays uh we should be able to beat by locally and also uh be able to actually sort of find an hour or so. and i think we can see that also here in alicia, we uh, the impact is not that high because we don't depend on much of the infrastructure uh, you know, from prospect and, and i think that is also the reason why the impact to english. uh uh, adeline, and also these, uh, uh, airport is not their height. i think this is clearly seen yet in the, in the, in the picture. so, yeah, i'm in the western world,
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particularly at dr. charles in cyber security out of his head of security operation centers faced with durham and university in engine easiest, sir. we thank you for your time. thank you for having me. sure. the right to more world news flashes in bangladesh this week of left at least 100 dead, according to news agencies working on the ground. the country so authority is have deployed the army unimposing nationwide per few offer an attack on the prison by students. protesters led to the escape of hundreds of inmates. 8 and the students initially took to the streets the rally against government job quarters. after protesters refused to bucked on the authorities, ordered the closure of all universities. they also found public gatherings and disrupted tele communications. cutting the country of wal no, hold on for it. then 17000000 people off from the rest of the world party
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correspondence ranging sharma takes a closer look now the cost of the rights to the same weeks now they told him violently already this week when call from nations broke off between the protesting students and the security forces on the ground, many have lost a nice many of these classes. now these dates meant all the governments all quote on basically the decision of the not government back in 2080 to a bond issue that's 20 percent off the job to do boss for family members. feed them $5.00. that's what the issue of these back in 1971. but the job corps task system in the bottom of this looks like this house, all the jobs, most of the jobs are under the system 20 percent for children and grandchildren. old they'll feed them 5 dollars and 10 percent for women. another 10 percent for
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the full job. that is basically what the street. so 5 percent for ethnic minority, there's one percent for those with physical disabilities. now the students who are protesting to the model of the school to go on except for ethnic minorities on, for those with physical disabilities, providence to shape as he does, the spawns and hot domain. the protest of the car hasn't, has micros. that's basically a d, c. offensive stone, which was used back in the d. c. jones, basically for those were collaborating with the sun during the 1971 war. now, after that she can see not has basically a be used for com and all students wage to the method is hutton, the supreme court in august. but it looks like for now the products and go to the
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electronic of indian students. meanwhile, gathered in new delhi and a show of solidarity with protesters across the border when they tell that slogans songs in sip ports are also contending desco's attempts to prefer the robberies. knob are satisfied and we are here to express us on the dougherty with students. and to cool out the failure of the bangladesh, the government, and that club down on protest as part of the nation. the i salute the unity of the student protesters and bangladesh. and if we look closely, the voices of students are oppressed across many countries. we really feel bad. the shame on the west that is the dumbing message from the hung, gary and foreign minister who's blasted allies for ignoring the mobilization techniques, p of is using before sending citizens to the front line. peter a c. r to also condemn loving their zalinski for discrediting congress leadership for raising which you can all see the videos of the ukrainians lining up.
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it is very interesting that the west is not outraged by the fact that the n g always have not beaten the table yet. it is very interesting that those who used to talk about human rights and now silent shame, it's a shame that human rights organizations don't speak up. and here we all those who are willing and brave enough to talk about the need to create peace. and then the president of ukraine addresses the hon, gary and prime minister with set young qualified woods. this is very difficult for me to accept process and restrain myself from using harsh expressions. as the remarks came after, mister zalinski called on the west not to take hungry in prime minister or above his peace initiative into a card. after his recent visit to the key of multiple china as well. well, i think or is munching in ukraine over increasingly widespread forced mobilization social media has been flooded with videos of public resistance to the military
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drops. here's one at such video. a number of women recently seen trying to fight to offer it privilege for attempting to snatch him off the screen. the scene unfolded near the entrance to a residential block, but earlier flooding there's lensky buck tracked on his categorical refusal of any negotiations with russia. he called for further diplomatic pressure to be put on moscow, seemingly, fearing that american military a to ukraine could be cut off if donald trump takes over the white house because it doesn't to mean that's all territories are one back by force. i think the power of diplomacy can help by putting pressure on russia. i think it is possible to agree to a diplomatic settlement with american human labor rights lawyer done call the like is of the view, the ukraine conflict is a us war against russia. the real decisions on its course are not made in q.
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ukraine is quickly losing, this war is losing more territory. many soldiers are going a wall. some are even, you know, surrendering to the russians. so there's an objective reality here is dealing with, but you know, it has to be pointed out. of course, this is not zelinski is where this is nato's war against russian. it's really the us is war. so one asked to ask the far, the americans, changing their thing, is the white house now say thinking new, it's out that this thing needs to be, you know, ended through settlement that that's a question that has to be asked. ukraine is not in a position. now to wage the war that it's been late in june. so and i think that's been russia's goal, is to destroy the ukrainian ability to, to wage war. and that's been largely done. so that is probably the only guarantee that this peaceful would come on. ultra nationalists,
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ukrainian politician, has died from a gunshot wound to the head in the western ukrainian city of levels or party was quick to blame russia for the killing. despite the politician confronting the infamous extreme, this at as off battalion on their use of the russian language with more on not, here's our t contributor, richard larson just the warning. you may find some of the following images. the strip, according to local media, involve citing eye witnesses, former ukrainian m. p, easy enough audio and was shot in the head of cider home, in the vault at around 7 30 pm on friday by an unidentified gunman described to me as a man in his twenties and whose whereabouts are currently unknown. the m p who served in ukrainian parliament from 2012 to 2014 was the altar nationalist for both the party was taken to hospital, but later died. as a result of her injuries. laval, of the town was described by the bbc as a stronghold of that school board,
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the party back in 2012 citing party officials even back then who liberally quoted high profile. nazis like propaganda, chief, joseph gerbils, and even back then they were demanding that estimate to be marked on ukrainian passports and that ukrainian government supposed to be given out in proportion to estimates the russians and russet phones and ukraine were a and perhaps even the main perpetual target with a party routinely calling for bands on the russian language. but even among this particular crowd, you could say that's audio and stood out demanding, for example, that even ukrainian kindergarteners get busy doing the parties dirty work by straight up clocking their russian counterparts. little kids in the face need. why does my grandson meet tree? who's 3 years old? i see a boy named gree shot when he out of kindergarten and russia speaks to human russian . my grandson has to teach him ukraine in with his little fist because he comes
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home anxious and tells his grandmother this you must call in the kindergarten. and his grandmother tells him that the must call needs to be destroyed. and me treat destroys the most call to take off your shoes and you've some slap in the face. don't talk to these people, nothing get through to them. the marginalized that's thrown out, they have the marginal part of the society. they've brought roy into the country. they have the oil says of the war or fedex or so it may still claim some kind of rice, russian speaker. so we do not have a russian speaking population. there are the slaves. ok part is that so therefore these people should not receive education and should not automatically get a job to speak to the people deserve only one thing complete and
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absolute disposal the okay. so you might say that it would be hard for sadie on to do herself in the even more radical than that, but you'd be wrong because at some point she apparently was like, hm, i wonder if there are any other groups left that i can purge at the russian language now that i've tackled toddlers. oh hey, i know as off battalion, neo nazis. yeah, because nazis are totally known for their rapid diversity. she literally started accusing a group of neo nazis of not being peer enough going onto the last year and demanding that they'd better be speaking ukrainian only know, indulging yourselves in the russian language. and you're super diverse and tyler and little neo nazi groups there, while killing russians. part of us will find your mind communicates in russian, including in that so, and they kept a guard currently do not accept this. i can call them ukrainians if they do not speak ukrainian, then let them call themselves the russians. why ave so crazy?
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even they have such great petras then show your pet rent is death to ever stone dross and busted death to russian speaking traitors from us of battalion. and while she was busy assessing over as of neo nazis being to inclusive, she apparently figured that since she was tackling all things as of well hey, she may as well also tell the residence of the actual town as of what to do to demanding that they be dropped, kicked over to siberia. it didn't take long for as all the targets. the battalion fighters just fired back on social media. sorry. and no one gave her the right to open your mouth nor direction or any other unit of the ukrainian army. so just off, if you think there are none of our supporters involved, then you are deeply mistaken. so think about it. in response to my message, you can contact the one or the white house imagining to intolerant and to ethnically and linguistically rigid. for a bunch of of out of neo nazis. just if you did, he's
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a goes you straight up said that russian speaking citizens of ukraine should be put up against the wall. sadie owns as all remarks were also a bridge too far for our lives of polytechnic university, which fired her over the comments. but are you for any import, disagreed, and she went back to work there. this past may. so friday on a ceilings remains at large. if only the pool of potential suspects and bad guys, she kicked off for as limited as or world view. investigators might have an easier time with that. no, not julia, how's the highest number of malnourished children in africa and is facing and unprecedented hunger crisis? so bring remarks from the u. n's, childrens charge, the unicef to also say food and security is making a already dire situation in parts of the country worse. and it been to come about the issue. the nigerian national nutrition council has approve the series of
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measures, but experts on those most effected say more rapid action is needed. yeah, we have the wrong children sometimes. don't even look like human beings and the child is sick all the time. as a molly, you don't have peace of mind. you take him to the hospital and the doctor will tell you that he's sicknesses hungering. just the some families i put out for the screen. most of them the company come out 40 minutes and square meals waiver to the market tomorrow. something is to make these
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or any 500. so you can say, well you have to like change. you feel like you to contact for the to you have to go for something for you to you. the other thing the government is, is the name of the i spend the money in agriculture confirmation the .


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