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tv   News  RT  July 20, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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deserve it, and that's just by virtue absorbing here the 20 full of people are killed and the idea strikes on a refugee camp in garza, with babies and a pregnant woman upon the reported victim. i call them says don't the sound villamore the israel's use of highly controversial, so called trump. what i have seen countless children with their bodies riddled instructional injuries. they have shrapnel all over their body in their head and neck, and that's or x in the abdomen. the find glitch asked employees the all me and oppose as a nationwide. you would have been to quote, student protests of brittany. hundreds of people are reported to kill this point. infectious with police. humphries told to come up in depth of the western,
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she went by and watched on foot ignoring how you prayed nancy big round it up from an escalating pool. mobilize ation of these very interesting that those who used to talk about human rights and now silent shame. it's a shame that human rights organizations don't speak out the the treaty. i'm here in the russian capital. the fact today the 20th of july, thanks for choosing auntie. it's national with appreciate helping you with us. well, this all, we're all gonna start off in golf. dozens of palestinians have been killed in the latest wave of is re strikes all across the enclave. taking the report, a total death toll since october, 7th, to over $48800.00 people with the ideas heavily buttons several locations in
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central casa, encouraging the new se, rodman, a huge accounts, play me in the lives of at least 24 people that us according to local magics, to say the babies and the pregnant women, well, among the casualties. meanwhile, visiting adult does have deprived the use of so called trump know weapons munitions that scott to projectiles when they strike cool thing. catastrophic injuries. local reports a romulan gary tells us more as we are now about races. theater, avail off so much as hospitals incense out of the threat where there are many cases being treated by this task. doctors this 9 year old boy did, as he said, the ac is now facing a life threatening situation and conditioning. this boy is going to to die at any time because of the lack of equipment, the lack of cab, a citizen to deal with such case. this is among the cases that have flick shirts
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or region of fragments into own over there. but is the concern is getting high for the life of disease and the lives of many other children. and that tells us where we are going now to be joined by one of the leading this task doctors who is an american iraq, a cosmo. how much i have carrying out operations during this. it was time across the gaza strip in the last few days in particular, we've had school attack of the school attack off the refugee camp attack. i have seen countless children where the, the bodies are riddled instructional injuries. they have shrapnel all over the body in the head, in the neck, and it's, or acts in the abdomen. they've read through the news as well. to me, if you use shopping, those type of explosives around children,
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be prepared to cause a maximum time age. and this is exactly what we're saying. we are overwhelmed and every time we try to we try to put out a file. we have a even greater fire it, there are, there is no capacity to treat these patients. this is the problem. the problem is because of a, a numbers issue. so you, if the patients come in and they exhaust all the blood products and exhaust all the supply, so what do we do for the patients to come off to them? and how do this stuff msd prepare for wave after wave after wave of mother children of killed a women killed? it's really something quite bob barrick, but of course as you can see here, this poor boy behind me, he needs to be in and i see you in any other place in the world. he would be an ice you on the strict observation would pop up fluid balance management. and he would even pice potentially be in to base it because he's go to the buttons to the face.
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and he has most likely inhalation or injury as well. but the side situation is that the, the as a direct result of, of lack of access to pop of health care. this is one of many children who will die of life or condemnation knows it as well as accidents and golf and might be growing . but washington support remain steadfast with prime minister netanyahu even being invited to address us congress next week on the latest episode of coming underground showed on all t today actually, and is joined by the national director of the onset piece co edition brian backup plans to welcome the is really need to, with protests, for the 1st time that netanyahu his address both houses of congress when president obama was pursuing the around nuclear arms deal so called netanyahu came to both houses of congress and basically trashed the most important foreign policy
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objective of the then sitting president of the united states and again he received standing ovations from both sides of the aisle. it's even more disgraceful though this time much more disgraceful because the whole world has watched in real time. in real time, a genocide carried out by netanyahu orchestrated by netanyahu. netanyahu is a singular person who has done the most to prevent the ceasefire from taking place, and for netanyahu to come at this moment to speak before both houses of congress to receive a hero's welcome heroes. welcome from both of the establishment parties. it's a real disgrace prior to his address to congress, he will be meeting with buying in the white house on july 22nd. so we have protests going on for all 3 days, but on july 24th, when he speaks before both houses are congress, tens of thousands of americans, of all walks of life will be surrounding the capital, se,
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note of genocide and sane. yes. now, you know, who should be arrested. as a matter of fact, we're going to have a giant arrest warrant, which people can not only observe and whole, but sign on to. and again, this is a mass movement that exists in the united states and something really different for palestine. it's been going on since october 8th. the day when the is really massacre is really began. and we see a see change in consciousness at the grass roots in america. but in congress is the same old congress, the same old, polluted credit congress tied and they have a to the is really war machine. the dash it is all knocked out, the country's army has been deployed and a nationwide cost to impose. after week old dudley student protests which also support hundreds of inmates escaped from present labor. 100 people have reported dead off the plazas with both parties.
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the disputants initially took to the streets to riley against quotas for government jobs, and who gets to fill them up to protest is refused to back down to authorities or the pleasure of you to pass the change. they will have found public gatherings and disrupted 10 communications, cutting the country of 170000000 people off from the rest of the world. all to postpone the origin sharma takes the place to look now at the pools of the right of the same weeks. now they tell him violently already this week when call from deacons, broke off between the protesting students and the security forces on the ground. many have lost a nice many of these classes. now, these statements, all the government job protons, basically the decision of the government back in 2080 to
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a bond issue that's 20 percent off the job zoo bars for family members. feed them $5.00. that's the bottom of the stock in 1971. but the job corps task system in the bottom of this looks like this house, all the jobs, more than half the jobs are under the system 20 percent for children and grandchildren. old they'll feed them 5 dollars and 10 percent for women. another 10 percent for the full job. that is basically what the street, so 5 percent for ethnic minorities is one percent for those with physical disabilities. now the students who are protesting the, the model of the school to go and except for ethnic minorities on, for those with physical disabilities, providence to shape as he does, the sponsor, tommy, the protest of the car hasn't, has macros. that's basically a d, c,
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offensive stone, which was used back in the d. c to basically for those were collaborating with the sun during the 1971 war. now, after that she can see not has basically a be used for com and off to lose weight to the matter this 100 and supreme court in august. but it looks like for now the products and go to selling the a crowd of indian students. meanwhile, gathered in new delhi and to show solidarity with pro testers across the bull test page onto the slo, goodness, assign songs and full models, or condemning cause attempts to pub riley knob was advised that we are here to express us on the dougherty with students. and to cool out the failure of the bangladesh, the government, and that club down on protest as part of the nation. the i salute the unity of the student protesters in bangladesh. and if we look closely,
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the voices of students are oppressed across many countries. we really feel bad, the shame on the west, and that's the damage message from the hung, gary and foreign minister who's last it allies for turning a blind eye to cubes, violent mobilization techniques, if you just you all to well, so of course size not him is a landscape who tried to discredit the hog, gary and leadership for raising the issue in the fall space. i'm go through, you can all see the videos of the ukrainians lining up. it is very interesting that the west is not outraged by the fact that the n g always have not beaten the table yet only have the cash i guess, which is very interesting that those who used to talk about human rights and now silent shane. but it's a shame that human rights organizations don't speak up. and here we all those who are willing and brave enough to talk about the need to create a sense. and then the president of ukraine addresses the hon. gary and prime minister with set you on qualified. what science has,
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what kind of this is very difficult for me to accept mean process and restrain myself from using harsh expressions. me and all those comments came off the lensky arch, the west of just disregard to fix, to open the peace initiative form and the following. the hungarian peons visits to both kids and must go on the home on the, on the is brewing and mounting in ukraine. increasingly widespread forced mobilization. social media has been flooded with the videos of public resistance to the minute treat dropped. so in this video, we can see a number of women trying to fight 12 recruits that were attempting to snatch a mom off the street. the scene unfold to pay the entrance to a residential. no. of course significant a audio. it's not to move. the landscape backtracked on his categorical refusal to negotiate with russia, such a quote from plastic pressure to be put on most co, fearful, seemingly, but american men at trade could be cut off. if donald trump returns to the oval
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office, it doesn't mean that o territories are one back by force. i think the power of diplomacy can help by putting pressure on russia. i think it is possible to agree to a diplomatic settlement. we built the opinion of american human rights lloyd down, cuz i look, he's of the view that despite washington's protestations to the country, the us is using ukraine to wage war against russia and the real decisions. well, that all made and g f, the ukraine is quickly losing, this war is losing more territory. many soldiers are going a wall. some are even, you know, surrendering to the russians. so there's an objective reality here he's dealing with, but you know, it has to be pointed out. of course, this is not zelinski is where this is nato's war against russian. it's really the us is more so when asked to ask for the americans changing their to is the wine out
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now say thinking new itself that this thing needs to be, you know, ended through settlement that that's a question that asked to be asked. ukraine is not in a position now to wage war that it's been late in june. so and i think that's been rushed. his goal is to destroy the premiums ability to, to wage war. and that's been lower. she does. and so that is probably the only guarantee that has been peaceful would come at all to a nationalist. a ukrainian politician has died from a gunshot wound to the head that was in the west, ukrainian city of wolf. a party was quick to blame russia, the killing of despite the politician being involved in a very public spot, with a senior member of the infamous extremist as of battalion archie, contributor rachel mazda, and picks up the story. just a warning, you may find some of the images to stopping according to local media in the fall of
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sighting eye witnesses, former ukrainian m p easy enough audio and was shot in the head of cider home in the bulls at around 7 30 pm on friday. by an unidentified gunman described to me as a man in his twenties and whose whereabouts are currently unknown. the m p who served in ukrainian parliament from 2012 to 2014 was the altar nationalist for both the party was taken to hospital, but later died. as a result of her injuries. laval, of the town was described by the bbc as a stronghold of that school board, the party back in 2012 citing party officials even back then who liberally quoted high profile. nazis like propaganda, chief, joseph gerbils, and even back then they were demanding that estimate to be marked on ukrainian passports and that ukrainian government supposed to be given out in proportion to estimates the russians and russet phones and ukraine were a and perhaps even the main perpetual target with
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a party routinely calling for bands on the russian language. but even among this particular crowd, you could say that sadie owns throughout demanding for example, that even ukrainian kindergarteners get busy doing the parties dirty work by straight up clocking their russian counterparts. little kids in the face need me winehoff my grandson, meet tree. who's 3 years old? i see a boy named great shot when he out of kindergarten and gracious speaks to human russian. my grandson has to teach him ukraine in with his little feast because he comes home anxious and tells his grandmother this you must call in the kindergarten . and his grandmother tells him that the most call needs to be destroyed and meet, treat destroys the most. com. okay, so you might say that it would be hard for study on to do herself in the even more radical than that, but you'd be wrong,
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or fedex or so still claims some kind of rice for us and speakers. so we do not have a russian speaking population. there are the slaves. ok, part is that so therefore these people should not receive education and should not automatically get a job to speak is the most to watch. people deserve only one thing, complete and absolute disposal. go to sleep, take off your shoes and give them a slap in the face. don't talk to these people. nothing gets through to them. they're marginalized, that's thrown out. they have the marginal part of the society. they've brought one into the country. they have the oil says of the war of the some point she apparently was like, i wonder, is there any other groups left that i can purchase the russian language now that i've capital toddlers? oh hey, i know i was off battalion neo nazis. yeah, because nazis are totally known for their ramp and diversity. she literally started
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accusing a group of neo nazis of not being peer enough going on tv last year and demanding that they better be speaking ukrainian only know, indulging yourselves in the russian language in your super diverse and tolerant little neo nazi groups. they're well, um, killing russians, the positive of your friends, your mind communicates in russian, including in the bachelor and they categorically do not accept this. i can call them ukrainians if they do not speak ukrainian, then let them call themselves the russians. why ave so crazy? even to have such great petras then show your pet rent is death to every stone dross and busted death to russian speaking traitors from us of battalion. while she was busy assessing over as of neo nazis being to inclusive, she apparently figures that since she was tackling all the things as of well hey, she may as well also tell the residence of the actual town as of what to do to
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demanding that they be dropped, kicked over to siberia. it didn't take long for as all the targets. the battalion fighters just fired back on social media. 7. no one gave her the right to open your mouth nor direction or any other unit of the ukrainian army. so just off, if you think there are none of our supporters involved, then you are deeply mistaken. so think about it. in response to my message, you can contact the one or the white house imagining to intolerant and to ethnically and linguistically rigid for a bunch of about of neo nazis. just a few days ago, he straight up said that russian speaking citizens of ukraine should be put up against the wall. fabulous. as all remarks, we're also a bridge too far for our lives of polytechnic university, which fires are over the comments, but a ukrainian port disagreed and she went back to work there. this past may. so friday on a ceilings remains at large. if only the pool of potential suspects and bad guys,
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she kicked off or as limited as a rule, do investigators might have an easier time with that. well, if you're traveling yesterday, this may look familiar. the biggest tech outage reports and the other scene has been affecting millions around the world. well fridays meltdown started with the fluids update by americans cyber security. so i'm proud stripe for microsoft windows. so us lines council, in flights for hours with maps. today's reported worldwide. meanwhile, in the u. k, scar news channel is full of that in japan. mcdonald's have to play was around a 3rd or 5th restaurants. now, crowd strikes, who says, watch me, plus and spyware is 20 percent plain to bug in that update for microsoft operating systems. and rolled out any foul play this is not a secure with the incidental cyber attack. the issue is being identified isolated and the fix is being deployed. this is not just about the, you know,
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money or finance. yeah. but this is a box for us. the reason that people have all over the world. yeah. basically cost i pro fine, what they call as a m boy in the back. shouldn't my m? uh, you know, endpoint detection is basically an agent that you put into a computers or any devices that you actually the back any process. so basically, this agent that basically with it a model is windows or microsoft windows, uh and uh, accidentally they actually, they most likely be just actually passed it before they put it into production. otherwise, you know this, this will not happen. so i mean these, these, these probably because there is a major problem in the best thing in that way so that they actually didn't make it to the final production. and that's why they, they, you know, this,
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this thing actually causes a using but are you surprised that cried strike the firm that caused all this? i was enjoying the virtual monopoly on the us cyber security market. just to remind our viewers at leading figures in the company have former ties to american intelligence. the firm was at the center of the at bogus russia gate conspiracy in 2016. what was the old up together? how damaging for the firms reputation. could yesterday's defense be, you know, of course this is actually at the 3 because john sure. yeah. i mean, people know, you know, people never probably heard of girls like before, you know, they, they, they, they probably only now know, this isn't cross that i problems. i'm surprised that you know all these uh, because as you know that the more company i to least have position itself. obviously they have these up there for a little bit of love use the government. and so it's obvious that they have
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this kind of our, you won't be the government that because we, you know, every deal, you know, for goods are losing face and democracy. and that's according to a report by the go on a base a for aroma to research group. it says that economic was plus, corruption, have triggered disillusionment, and people went across the continent, all surveys and $3000.00 country. so the public backings, the democratically elected government, has been following over the past decade. many ask and say they just no longer trust politicians who have failed time and again to deliver on that touches. in south africa, for instance, support for democracy is nearly hopped with a similar sense. sentiment echoed, and molly malawi, choose yeah, i'm book you know fast. so a veteran south ask them politician told us that the western model of democracy just hasn't walked out for the people of the continent. a
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decision does not weekends and i come my safety because demo, because this was important to us is continued to make us if i saw the speeds that continued to meet the width of each, let him pull that issue to us. i mean, look it, yes the that's the move in doubts, country meeting it on weiss, but look at with the pull east right now. i mean go to lisa all over the woods, trying to get a better life that's not in the country. so i think that concept for me, that's why we even part of the community, the meal cooling anderson clicked the continuation of communion this in just in may not that is in a plastic kind of what i mean by that. these are, there's no spending colonial defense was this little quintanilla ministry top you the i usually not government see, look to me. the dates can pass, which is exactly what and you live at me that list and see that the government is a post office between the people incomplete. so i think a for me, that dissolution when his comes to cost, if you look at the $60.00 as a full,
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you should have decent losing half. we mock to this being level 50 is a whole bunch. sleet is better than it may have. so i'm happy with the sage that's the eclipse and these on to democrats. the concept nigeria has a highest number of mal norris, children in africa, and is facing an unprecedented younger crisis of the so brain confusion of a new report published by the un children's charity unit stuff. and a bit to come about this issue, the nigerian national nutrition council has approve a series of meshes, but ex spots out of whole stairs most affected say that more rapid action is needed . you know, it's on the wrong children sometimes don't even look like human beings and the child is sick all the time. as molly, you don't have peace of mind. you take him to the hospital and adults. i will tell
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you that he's sicknesses hungering. just the same for me is i'll quit out for 3 square moves. most of them the company cannot afford even to square meals waiver to the market tomorrow. something is $250.00 on the next. these already 500. so you can see when, when you have to like change, you feel like it changes on the content for the to you have to go for something less for you. so you will, the,
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i think the government is mostly set to this, of the, know the captain in the spend the money in agriculture, llc. so call us called nation. keep getting these at the, the, the, the easy so online as a matter of fact,
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by pecans or let me see 9 years. you know, when it comes to a secure, it's a lot of people have to lift, you know, finding secure. people find difficult to ask, can you look like it's statics, turn it on auto funding. sorry, most competitive going population. we have totally yes. off the car, the
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fall. that is all around off of today's news. so far we do have a documentary lined up to you now to put it in the mind here, but time to each of the years. what changes just to see what stories, how about coming away now the, [000:00:00;00] the
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the, the, the, the estimates of the sofa and ottoman. okay. well, for him to know and do you uh, it would be one the see guess would be uh, i've sent that aside and a must have a good a good deal. i see you in columbus for most schools because of for the am can it's cool, inclusive to fit on the on the length of the


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