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tv   Documentary  RT  July 20, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

10:30 am
in the line while i'm in love on that are for us to fill over the loop all the most of the food all entirely . i know that means and based off of my record of on this one, the, the boss, you know, somebody that's why. yeah, the, the thought did you send me and i have done most of it do me the vin to go out through the, me like what the did you check was always say i, i mean as you for them, you didn't present that in my, you know, i'm going to is going assume, but it is it, you know, so, uh no, yeah, i know, but i, you, that probably have done most english so mean, but i don't see that god doesn't exist even see on was you so so say need of go into the video to him to
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the joyce the other way. let's look at i lost the sl deep and assign your so many kids that don't maybe ship. it doesn't really if you knew of it the out of the move and what not. but i'm old enough to the metal has to be off as you want me back. i feel like i've been going on. we've got a whole lot of that's the list of the end. okay, good. i little the load of course time would sort of go,
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but i don't know the genius you mean? yes, you like in the middle of a just because i go to the order of the most of the blame of is it that it tends to be over to the highest. i can go to the and then on the field, maybe that was what i mean. they just didn't get the
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the actual eagle in today, maybe say age or get on a middle initial may 1st load off. they kind of feel as load or 15 call. give me your thoughts live on an email, not as an in your theirs told you. i like to leave in the mean been requested. oh no, no, let me know case up. i want that. and now the and the whole much that i'm with dr. edwards is the, the tools, there's the look at all that i will, i'll pull the mass sizes symbol or as far as the one. well, what are your values? and i'm of course they're not given me,
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i'm of them. we left for the law as some of the maybe equally yeah, you might just have the natal method, the local into that almost from my little kim prep us how the boss scale up for. so i'll ask him what's going on for you, they'll send something to them, which are they about elizabeth? i like, oh, i just, i don't know. ok, no, not in the i mean don't most of them, but they call it out of me. and given the most it up for the internet as you have it now that you, that you by me and you can set under food, you would have done was on the, on the most the most that i would probably have done most scale. it will by she really is going to be so good. ok. you're asked closing board under that? i got on it. i see all of the and then moved at the end of the
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incoming learning task. more than i model was us to be a fairly good x to you guys. i think it was the collection did seem to get a little by someone. one of us tell us, you get invested in the industry again. say this lovely man of his, you're welcome one though. so the not that i want a better the media to go, you don't mind that you, you lost the homeless. the, the best thing i mean,
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even though not for me is make of those does not against our, our folks, and they will not be, will be as i can go in and do nothing yet single 09. i'm from the flat off on this to get a set of questions one of the most common soon mission of miles, some of yours. and just concerning that good. i lost a foot on the, on the 1st, but i mean, some of these out of months from now, from the, the, the, the most of the time, you know, is that the better some, uh, some of this thing noticed on the, on the lovely. so of, and based on the deals they have more time, very of okay. okay. just tell you. and then we got those and then move into the movies. is there still going off? no, no, i just bought. i bought this part on in the dining. oh boy. oh i find the the name
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from the the official vehicle, but at least i think one of the i get ones that you'll get by. so that was, that was one of those 10 minutes just because you guys are looking to pull with the most that has been was done as part of the, the
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me like, i don't want them to, but she's the one that got to wanna go beyond that. to do me the queen did she? but at the she was was the same thing with the rough. we're going to be unloaded us, but to get you into the saw. and when it goes back to the photograph homeless bitterly, they have combined. you know, they don't different she's the is because i'm, we're looking at google for a 2nd, but it just seems a little bit of the task, but i'm going to let us and that will give us a ghost. i'm was like to see that no response was going to the little gear button and the don't look at a is i still the response i, the sophia indies. go get k y uh by sourcing. because you might want to finalize the lounge and then i'll get back to you at the present time and leave it alone for you to sleep. but the people are going to lose the energy they put a check id. that's what i mean already. a pretty full do it. i'm. i'm old. yeah.
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and you do my duty on a bit? yes. yeah, i need to go to one and see what she saw around within the same folder for somebody like test to what's the name of the, of any, from the other libra. now the, when tonya 20th all the going to the me live at all. that's one of the like, i don't want to give a, she saw the, i mean, they know, surveys it with all of us buying your financial june. my name by easy, kindly mean together compared, i mean tell me more. yeah. but what about at least the littlest when uh, when i do any kind of a, this all you gotta, you know, they, they get it like i need the, i guess because that's play most of the but it doesn't weigh that. it was a c o. what's the value of the, the money that yeah, they, they know read that in those, in the news along of the, the most id like integrate that without you without, you go to dilute all the mostly soto and i was going to send a, like a give you all know that because i want to get behind done. so yeah, it gets down to is, i know it was almost 3 weeks ago about sort of level of difficulty must be an idea
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either must i get off the bottom and the, and i gave the flu most welcome. and i can see all the young people was ready to go and dialogue using political against disease. they need to know the bus a bicycle as it is wherever. so i'm just even see. so i guess that's the reason that they don't mind when i get the i've been viewed as the other one this um the, the issue uh, keep them in mind giving me that a lot of good stuff on the sand, but i got to, uh, the other one is sort of the zip the
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the after the nazis bower in italy, seeds, foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito mussolini needed glorious victory. he decided to achieve his ambitions in africa. despite the fact that formally libya had become an italian colony back in 1912. the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this, but assumed the religious order of the senate side stood in their way. the arabs did not want to submit to for and power and put up fierce resistance. dividers against colonialism were led by the seats of the senate side order. omar l move star was nicknamed the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite the
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violent, bombardments and voice and gas usage, mass deportations, and the imprisonment of the local population in concentration camps, the invaders could not cope with the arrow patriots for a decade. in 1931, omar l move star was captured and sentenced to hanging at the trial. the hero of the libyan people behaved very bravely and rejected. pardon? pursuing a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress libya, 18th of the entire population, more than 100000 people fell victim to terror. however, just a few years later, the entail ian rule collapsed. in 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence. the position, the deep sword for the west of the west on was death is deceptive.
10:43 am
not to be brought the books to be the only delegates of good and just the the center for sponsor, for as long as setting the school committee up at the combined the percentage soon i me to return you to finish up with. it's just, it would be due to the same. yeah. i've got more figures to that. you seem to have lips, some of those things. do you need to look into that? you just put it into more real quick you through friday and we'll put that on with them. so it wouldn't even look name in the doctor's office or any of us mostly to prose me and say, doing this stuff. the one you upside with me, at least the persistence, but some of us to do me to this, to scare you put the blood pressure on the part of the plane was we used to born in the religious you believe the truth, even the key to,
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to you to be lost. most has to look at the result of putting a to the customer for the adults told them, you know, somebody comes to go the guy and then because he doesn't, is buying the version of the charlotte, what zip code customer she lives in. the rest of the position with this and she left the police agreement without leaving your speech therapist is continued at the door she had going on limits of us the delayed. well did i go to? one of them is beautiful. you're going to shoot on the nearly money bit since your needs be so it on down could have been yeah, the letter was just for the monday. are they going is good. they will gasket monday . did you want to go to some community dock? a petition by law got a warranty, but she's hoping to shoot them out. you can get it. i got the news,
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the news my i've been a lot of interest in the line, but the scene is it really sitting there like, i don't want to see if she's interested. i want to but i'm a last class. last might as well named as imagine what on this slate in it, uh, a might. when i to go buy this thing, this could be best for me and he is trying to call michael. but again, unless he doesn't let me address if i'm in the scene, no bombard failing this this, cuz there's a lot of the most money that i started to look at on a shot. and then dedicate a f one off. i know for the industrial gases that i bought for them by so essentially that the end of life. you know, let's say you've got on the
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nice 1000000 by you me, um, but it this often a teen center. i left while i did this book, i am the less g e and a for alpha saves so much as a, as a 200 mother. it's loudly thought pretty of on the dash center. huh. the smoke video, blah, blah, blah, who's the height on the front of the image? it says what is made? know how not by the deviation, but i saw the old far, the been a how to of how do it by this nothing so me on the and will. so he is so that using non bit so we hung up. he was how it, in the low for less than the input. i scanned them a point where the it will get a look at the head of the was coming love. here's some of them inside and live and
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done this time you owe when this little bit on the and i'm to find the mean less than 5. she is madness in the middle of the rosalie, and there's nothing nice on the one that if none of the still know why the police will do us a lot less, the a lot of out assures filed them last month by system. and so that so limited to you kind of in this one that he might have falls right? the small or the zeros. while drug deal, the is the and i, because i know she on the us the feel i know is the she of kind of to show the house initial initial couple of seemed to throw a heavy wilson had a look at his job to discover sometime in the lab and most of your
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a so if you've got a they've had all the possible but it should check in the form off that all the swipe munition of the fee. uh. go ahead that. yep. i see the on the side, the color, vic doable side the side that the my dear beside the come on looking at all the stuff on them. i'll go with this while a fun table sad beside the you haven't issue to do you like us a little bit missed as you know, because you know, the how does your skim on the have you done on my the a o is supposed to succeed in this med shaddick. if i dial with betty from on the
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2nd demo in the bus, he'll be going combine. you'll be like, i don't want to be screaming no me. excuse me, leo. daddy. can you be bossy to work it but they would get you know, that photo apple of goshen travels immediate goal is it allows everyone of it. so now what do you know? we could even do it though. normally the 3 is you in the front of the all of you know, made as far as the load audio or jordan. no, it got lost and i didn't know the numbers to go new, new blue. me like what sort of issue the
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those new got the most of the day as the legal spice of the woods on that because i don't even down most i say this, i guess that i have no because they utilize a really, you know, my well in this they actually, there's always most of it, like, i mean obviously only me for the want to find that the, the, the, the only the i see a little mucho gonna be for the me now. so the made up phone but i lot on page. now the email i have is i don't know if the files are bad, it was a good that's good. bear with me. but i need based on evidence. seems like i will, i will say i will go through believe, rather if i lost them, i shall fix to hello miss line is not that. how is that one of those? okay,
10:51 am
this is like how they won't be come back there is. so there's so much it's the, the, the a lot of the subject call and no, that's a, there's only one of them. what are those for those in the deep south to take a nose line on a scale. so they know with the i was fine with the last one. just say that right? yeah. i think that's like i said also in the context of nest players and that they are. and they literally as the got a and my last off last science decided to one just perform. i spoke one just the last 4 digits and they are going to be, i mean, typically the average and that's what it was. no. so, i mean was that are most likely in this is how far they have for facebook,
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you know, silencing i lost the mustang best thing on. well heres actually already leaving here. so got cable, you'll have your when you have the yes. so what i think there's somebody some way more about this for phase of the ice, the are man. ok. social cultural, mental politics sauce. the say it was the most out of state and they not on any honest i don't even know. i was that a little nice. there's a, there's a yes. you're familiar with the apartment they know me or anybody aerospace. see, you know, as i said, but on the on wait patients or the finish. but we also see real crowds in other media english. and by me,
10:53 am
but i see my my go to yeah. use it or something. i feel that was unfair. stay on the one with the is like the last the actually a my they the,
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i must say account. what do i have a middle will get i will go vision multiplex globally from blog as the last one moment though, i loved the muddy at the cables for each task. a group on a part of you'll see the voters by the name that will fail. but as a community style phone preferable, if at all place i go, i don't, i just, you know, those seattle's or, but i sort of gave me a buzz goes yeah, so the, and then of who is your, the, the buyers come in. so for a few months, and it's always been yours, a little while can do there for the future, for the 5 digit, the middle frontier, them all through, for the one that goes down and they love the little bundles and memo the guy is up on these best means that's good allows are part of it allows us fun. yeah . let's choose to use them though, and then it'll be, they'll be on the bus and its all. now one old place, although not uh, do you mean?
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do you think the uh, the uh, the only well i saw the uh they were so by the memo area. them. yeah. well, let me familiar the that the little little its all in it. but i live on top of kind of what i figured, well, if this list all like in your home or not like, you know. busy just almost like if the got the
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the, the, the, the, what day that you think he said the thing. yes ma'am. so facade, indeed,
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he would do it assuming that the, to look into intermedia cairo is the dimensions of the photo i'm seen. send the most of it to the, to the, the motion of the the one with the for loop of those little and so forth. us national, move the images on. so grand squared ma'am, that's why little do you plus really watch the dealer words which isn't going to do with me as well. when i go in store and liberal stuff, you just send them
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a thumbs here in a field box. and you will have in here when you push the issue of the of them box and move up to move. it'll miss this. and when you go ahead and send them to do is make up the music. they will fell out of your post the by gives you a so, but i use the obvious thing and then use twice, but i mean 58 and i maybe cause it please go ahead and i'll just communicate that. maybe we can go up national minds, but it just those we have the we have such all push mojitos to eulu. what was the deal in space, but i don't think he will definitely stays for little each of the but you move you want to spend is nice, pretty big news. the i'm saying is that, but then you've got thrown images to be one and the other will be missing the guns thing and some list of course the movies vis. organizing is not old on the side of me, things like that. but now the
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41 percent of you have to build have a non savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical. then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . the simplest way, like explain the basic income, is that it's like social security. for the rest of us. a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month. no strings attached. use i have, i would like them maybe. i don't know. i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then
11:00 am
just by virtue of these are being here, the at least uh to 7 people are killed. an idea strikes on golf with babies and a pregnant woman among the repeated victim out sizes don't, does that sound the law moves? israel accused of devastating westland, again, civilians. i have seen countless children with their bodies. riddles, instructional injuries. they have shrapnel all over their body in the head and neck and this or acts in the abdomen. the buttons attach, deployed the army and imposes a nationwide car to one of the 12 student protests. often at least a 100 people are being killed this week.


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