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tv   Documentary  RT  July 20, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

12:30 pm
the cause of the young tenants calling because of what to sit on the on the length of. ready the, the sicilian, the, the, the government blended at lee is on the move from the young. a young man, my sort of fee is to set up for services and attend the ruse. mine the 10 the time did that. it gives me does fees, and i'll be well if it was sufficient love in smith to in washington, i looked outside for just the most frequently asked in the most, for the committee. and that's pretty cool of the lesson. tatiana, when it says, send the send, the can send it several,
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16 i to somebody to some of those 15 down the oh and facility fee for the. ringback sooner the sooner leo, when uh was sent to most of the film, some of us that i was familiar with the somebody in the 8 the the motors. and then if we guess what was the 11th, maybe the 11th school guys. mistyped him for fun in the house and in no said of course the 31 that i for the students list at the most, welcome my the
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from soon send the most that of the the most. and that's the that's so said the men give you need to, but the of the, the, the, the cookie of the so they become bad in their mouth. clearly forget the video to better. i'm included the, the limit can attempt to model for am as in the last month in the 5th period. so if i added some, i'm not really is the higher for most of the luminous lives in the high end.
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because when the consumer is alone, noon danielle on the highway on the name of his product is being made and i'm not one of the bill was here all during the not. i mean the, as a muslim village, resident news lives in me a gun father or the house, and i want to get the news. the news, the different one i'm let us may have some muscle mckenzie fee on do some the items to,
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to show you a little better than that. i'm at 20 percent from invite this the must have decreased or less that $1530.00 for the dresser may have done this of her painting and hold on for a month by submitting a but one hour. if in the south, a lot of my been funded the billy i've given it for most of them,
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the head of the lifting them to see off getting to know when i come a definitely ftp of if that's a hyped or are you the most the hey, not too much for the actual studies muscle muscle. and so not enough for them to you, the same benefits. i'm on the list them on how to do it. the less frequently going about the 4 bedroom adoptive missile. much have to be of the, the telephone interview. my hand must be very at the i'm
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the senior, the, i'm a gaze here much buddha. i'm the mother of the, the c. as in the, at the city what, what are the most center for kenneth on us it, it will sit, the camera did submit the race. so that's done. boosted off and see whom in fucking, fucking be in front of you said the heavy duty, but it's a film to the quote the most and the city your money. and we're going to look for in the guy in the by the come soon, 70 for the phillips to man. man, i'm a 0 for mcdonough. save side of the the 3 of on for so the best uh, some of the eyes of why the, somebody in gun it says in the about the quadrant one,
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the seeing that it's getting in and that's where you lay all the way. my god, they are being my, the, my go heinrich. i lay on the bottom, the bottom, the back to us and it and tell them to say i lose didn't bag in know, larry, i'm getting the old one of the my them of the my the the 100 fault. good. such a map or live that it wouldn't affect the site to go after the 1st. and the more am it's got the and the bottom left click on the new phone bill. so it's a month to the, you know, kinda when the heads up for the sites and the city f as in, well i am the
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lead time with us monday. that's to let you see that then. yeah. an affective ma'am. so facade, the new fruit, the 2 in america here. what do i have seen in the, in the sun and the most of getting the website or a go for the image, man, this is a 100 and the for them. and i'm assuming, you know, let's do this for you and then this, i had the for them as a and the data. so the 2 bits now gives us a send us a new id. the civilian government was hurting. and in the city of the fighting home,
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i'm watching the drums when i due to some indeed i am the man ken this model for the day shutters the today at the my move from us. yes, i did send a team to normally. i mean, we're sitting so most in the federal to hear more about the so i uh give them the best to send the most of the me and the substitute to being able to open up a can lawyer to do that. to tell of it was was own a unless something so security. the other thing is about the system and send it to somebody. yeah, well, there was a volume for one hour in the city of the soviet really can know,
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3 more minutes. i might have some um, i mean how come at the cost of go in as early as the to, to the so that might have done that. how do i do? i have a but i'm a subdivision of in a groove in a, i'm a little go to the tub, the tub, the father groceries. and i said, i've lived in the queen forbade saint lou at the and i grew up the is the that the, i know they want to know with the set of can be really the sort of hers. she was shut off. lena yvonne and his saves enough to let fast so a my that's the solar and associates and how soon is
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nana for, for based on the beside us. so going to nick a who, the victim and the can live sort of and then a a going by on my part in the pilot, putting them a whole logan national product in making i would almost pause. oh, so my pleasure would fall, pause a full head washing with that. i thought i should in a cool as long as i'm a diet, that the layer sort of and then the the, the center. and i'm going to act as live in the center. and i'm going to get above as 10 to one of the scale intently as sort of the most of the above in front of me for our 12 model to go. we're kind of global it on the line itself. not been about been mostly, mig. why do i should he was at the phantom that the heart of the civilian gen for savannah? would that be gentle heart of behavior yet when the let them edit the z as polo
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basic to fail to read? and i need boom sided and i was a little while i was to look at, lucy met them, a lot of civilian. ready ready the in 1881 thinking to expand its property in north africa, france decided to attack and easy. the invasion began with a bomb barred man of the french fleet on coastal cities. and was followed by sending in the ground through the french easily occupied one of the key city, please eric and the bay of doing this bomb. at the 3rd us deep agreed to humiliating negotiation. the bartow 3 d concluded is that the lo neil is establishing a project rate of france over to an easy. however,
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the people up to an easy, i would not surrender to the enemy. at the call of the as alignment clergy, the do easy is rose, do a holy war against the invaders. the soldiers of the bays army also joined the resistance. the branch groups did not get an easy walk. vieira patriots bought desperately, but failed to defeat a huge and well armed army, which was supported by the strongest fleet. within a year the rebels were defeated. this turned out to be a real tragedy for the country. about one 7th of the population together with the fighters left for neighboring libya. thousands of people died during the warfare. the french flag was raised over to an easy colonial authorities, tried to deprive the country of its arrow by identity and populated with european settling such an easy instead now brought up with the loss of freedom era. patriots
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had been fighting against french colonialism for decades until june. easy a game, the independence in 1956. the yeah. they said 50 due to a new 5. so, and you gave me the, the bought the item and sort of and me go ahead was shooting and they had the that the, and the phone number of law tab on the heart of october 25th october. the had been washed dean out of the i should my outside of my nice to mom without the when the benet's just some of them opened up in a lot of with the lender, have to be within the media. and i'm good. include unless you give me
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the a to next tuesday to share with you can see that he was safe and then a going to the school. so what are the both of us will and there are, there are you may go ahead was shooting. busy then the last and i'm and pulls with us with, well hey, i'm going to to imagine the mob on the kind of deliberate and that is one of the how the layer. so when i measure it only to the, to the end, we had many attempts just in the new i go, we are those who can live with me. uh comes out. the pin fee genetically is the home. so the $10.00 fee come with the same vendor. so if she was hello, my name is diana. i'm in austin, and my name is diana mean, go ahead,
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go use it in hannibal will horrible. i most are you. i'm young to the team. you knew young collecting. you looked at them and homes to send this to become a wireless device. my home is good to go into. so really and the houses send me some sort of little for your typical way uncle, of putting the stuff in. as i said, that's out of time i would you me a list of, of them or would you me the you know, what is the comfortability of the month? is it the only thing that i need no more than that. so i need a sort of like a demonstration of maintenance i'd be who is, who will be resolved with the mostly what i mean. and mostly more of an intimacy that several guys may be mount with the model for mazda set. the kaufman said, think sad to me comes those of you look at the title is the title is
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going to 2 homeless loves lead the one that was the man at the left at the end of the village to let them us in the team. can you tell us of the may come site age of friday, the homework kind of a sudden balloon mug to sit down, you know, to fit this in. yeah. the thing and then the to so we talk settlement to lead to become such of us as a med dining room there. there has a little more dislike the one that says hook the fee literacy. generally in both on the beat, ask him those but a mix. what sort of lena? when those you, them a with and then a highly in make the sellers you need to montela where the lam, a, with a highly in will smith's and mccain. when of some with on and then the height of domino ok list off in the issue with the the a while to you. i shouldn't,
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he is the calamity unless i have been them go as feet and um in my data. so call me, i'll goes call and the set up the color to send him a bunch of modification by the side and get it home or doing it and sees it, dean menu and chub, most of the stuff to send them some sort of bane from the didn't have to deal with the most was a new go you get then, then the consent, most of the for you to the very next up to the well that i live in the more lead, sliding and home i. she'll let them know much of them and then the cause i attempt with them spending more into the system. you presently put them was the is, will a mr. so yes, give me way in the midst facilities to me. he started thinking we have this induced,
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that seems to fit them. these things don't go as a bonus to could never look somebody in the near the glucose opinion for somebody else who typically scheme of you reduce it goes out to somebody. and with a brush that it has done yet, so just give us a label of this. you do a search set. the solution that we need to is the 600 review list. most pages i had on and i was thinking said robin black was through enough this to do it. so it's not somebody is silver us to attempt that i'm not sure that i send the c g the signature to me that the us because the sons instructions can subordinate son j. as in sam e, a c d on instead of the, the
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sisters issue if you could just doing that just sheets and did it on june cuz she was doing the eastern part of the end of the year. so can i get the closer to them? and do that, i'm just a projection you to just simply a pastor to job leadership for cutting the mission sensitive someone from wood. it's cheaper to do anything. i just use it. so just to say it was, gosh, we've done school. evaluate the school gymnastic is just going through the slides. assume you used action division concerns is doing some psychiatrist school for the piano school in japan. if it's in a vice and national this coincidence wasn't the most of just put the groups,
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i teach you conflicts on video, but they don't sit down so that i sent you, especially for continuum of the new semester due to the if i did it before the intent is where you've done it, which it was gives, it goes quickly to face those claims to stay on the chipset. just a bit, you should see the scene just being in the city of t. jackson guy, which is the, the photo gallery. i was the, you know, legal bullshit was the mileage, the good wireless who the deal with pretty a whole for the front of the day or for the next guys. what else do you like the what level? much always a chance to out of the area that was $250.00. it was kind of those numbers since
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the corporate to get to personal, present frontier and how good it is a give them the rest of you will have to also live in a lot of people get a little bit of receipt from the supposed to pay the amount of i have been having them just low monthly because some of some of the others kind of always out of school. so i kind of, i mean i can move from cisco number. so i don't mean which one can argue that little bit out of the best way to have enough to say that the hotel sutherland was oh my you. oh, let me, let me, let me just a how do i deal with them? how in and look into this type of point in the shape. fairly telling me i came up to the higher and higher and more of a lot of these from a way of to misplaced me 1st on the that's something that was the, the guy with an open minded as long as they want to have that. definitely,
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i'm gonna see the literacy instead of till i get to those a lot of a sudden that ever got hey, i'm the little that was a little bit for the other fee is i get my media, but when it has the dental x, x institution, the land that the company is to do because they are so savvy, the a cool to scan that a be with this aspect of it. what and i thought of i can use it and ties and i do certainly i do. i don't see that. uh, there was a lot acreage on it, i'll be back going to i was indeed the most i tell you i had best man, i definitely call you often to the side of the beat was a temper and the different
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a society they get them and then this fund commitment the just kind of just so you know, truckers on political and sell them the money is due to. ready you to miss the port of guns uh, shopping most of it. so its huh. what is the item? who is the printer to lift a man? the hey, i am the so i'm the receipts for me to listen to the
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sub in my through a sub. and that'll be in the asymptote. josh criminal. i use the shop beauty deal to talk to for the high school. if you see on the,
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the, to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really one say better wills. and is it just as a chosen for you? right, shared images presented is 1st. can you see through their illusion going underground again?
1:00 pm
the breaking news, humans defense, miniature reports, and as rarely fighter jet track on the countries read the port city of all who data of following yesterday lucy's row and attacked on tel aviv also ahead. the alley 37 people are killed in the idea of strikes on gaza with babies and a pregnant woman among the reported that says doctors down the alarm over israel's use of devastating weapons against the village. i have seen countless children with their bodies riddled instructional injuries. they have shrapnel all over their


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