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tv   Documentary  RT  July 20, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT

8:30 pm
so much for the cooling. that's pretty just cool though the less than that you on the when it says send the send, it can send it several was $1500.00 to somebody is somebody sitting down the o facility fee for the roof. ringback the sooner the sooner leo, when uh, side to must see you on some of this. and i was familiar with the somebody in the 8th to the computers. and then if we get to see the info left us, maybe 11 to go get his most tides relay him or him for her son in the house. and
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in no said of course the cleveland that i for the food is listed then. yeah, that was one of my what was the uh the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the from soon send the most of the, the the most and that's the that's so said the men give you a bunch of a, of the people that the cookie of the so they become
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bad and they're not going to forget the whole better. i'm included the, the limit contempt to model for hey, i'm missing or less a month in the $50.00 to $2.00. if i added i'm not even in the fire for most of them. and then this one is the hand being this one, and then we have a noun, consumers alone, noun, danielle, on the highway and the name of his product is being made them not one of the zeros. yeah, well the not, i mean, the name of the residents in the news news
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lives in me. i've gotten so far the house and i want to get the news. the news, the, [000:00:00;00] the different ones and let us may have some muscle my cancer fee on do i assume that the modem sooner feeling better than that? i'm at 20 percent from in the very best the most some deals store cooler. does he have that he couldn't the heart of the dresser man,
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doesn't the show her pain in the little hold on for the same by her sibling to have the one what if in the sucks i lot of my, the funded the really i've given it from us that i'm the head of the lifting them to see off that if didn't the, when i come a definitely, if could be of, if that the headboard i, you are the most, the hey, not too much for that up. actual studies must mean must have in front are in the new the new domain in the waiting list. since i'm on the list,
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i'm on the board. how to do it? the less frequently i go worried about the 4 bedroom adoptive mess of my productivity. if the telephone must be very at the i'm the i'm on a game here. i'm a student, i'm the mother of the the c as in the, at the city what, what are the most center for kenneth on us. it is to the camera. it didn't meet the race so that jen guns was turned off and see the gentleman that's a fucking beauty of products. you said the heavy duty, but it's a fee and that will probably look what the most of the,
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the city or even will consume excel or in the guy in the, by the ask them to come soon, 70 to defend them. i'm in the 0 for the gun to save the side of the the 3 of them for started as soon as the eyes, the somebody. why the, somebody and get it they have in and talk a bit about the quadrant. one of the seeing the last getting in and assuming you know, the way that they are being my, the my go highly, highly and above the by the back to us. and it says, tell them the say i lose didn't bag in know larry, i'm getting the homeowner will come. uh madame ivy, my the, the 100 folk such a map or live that it's going to affect the size of what the 1st uh and the more
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him its got the and the bottom uh i left the cabinet in the front those. so in my did the, you know, kinda, when the heads up for the sides and the city f, as in william, uh, the, the, the, the time with us monday. that's it. let you see that then you know, if i can move them soon. facade, the new foot, the allowed to in america here. what do i have seen in
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the, in the sun, and the, some of them getting the website or a go for them, a demand. this is a 100, a month for them. and i'm assuming you to hug necessarily the title in the let's do this for you and the other side. definitely on the, on the data. so the 2 bits that are getting a sooner fluid from the civilian cameras. what are you, i'm doing this is a on a city if we're fighting home, i'm watching the drums when i due to some indeed i am the man ken this model for another shot. the rooms. ready the today is in mind more from us, the list 117 can nominate. mean we're sitting so most in the more but this way uh to move us to send the most of in the and the substitute to being
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able to open up a 10 minute video to do that to tell of it was was own uh, unless something is the 2nd year, the same thing and he is about the familiar one door. somebody mom for one hour, the most, the city of the soviet really can know 3 more met her lab. so mom must have been the how get mad, the cause of joy lives earlier the the over to, to the so the have done that. how do i do hi, be i'm a sub, a victim fan of the vin. i am a so the 12, the 12,
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the father groceries. and i said, i for the config, said lou at the i grew up the is still that the, i know they want to know with the set of can be of the shut off as she was shut off, lena yvonne and his saves enough and fast so of my that's the disorder and associates and has them is in uh for the for, for based on the beside us. so could i make a, who a vig store like a live sort of and then a, a go and buy on the button, the pilot, putting them a whole logan national of 10 megs and i would almost thought, oh so my pleasure would fall, pause a full head washington with that i thought i should in, because of that along z m a die that the sort of and then the, the, the center. and i'm of the 2 actors live in the center. and i'm going to get
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a $10.00 to $1.00 of the scale. intel is sort of the most of the above event them for up to a lot of to go with and a global it on the line itself. not been about been mostly, mig liability was the phantom that the heart of but that also vain gen pennsylvania. would that be gentle heart of behavior? yet when the let them edit the z as polo by z to fail to read and i need but besides that, and i just pulled it up while i was still at lucy math, i'm a to let those have
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a. ready ready the the the, [000:00:00;00] the the number you need use visa, typically for hip. nancy,
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nancy kim's, in the book, the national shifts me very the it's the only showcase is use the so i'm just going to the, by the ways that the boys the, the most new and that'll be for them. imagery of us to florida doesn't want that extra them put the notes up under that position. the deep sort of the west of the west on was death is
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deceptive. not to be got the books to be the only delegates of good and just the get a sense of to do with the new phone. so in the community, the bottom of the argument sort of and me go ahead do i should in the heavy that the and the phone level of law tab on the i'm a 100 volts till the 25th of october. and then the head, big wash team thought of the i should my of them. and i was phenomenology when the benet's just some of them opened up in a lot of with the lender, have to be with you and then a to be a pretty good include in the share and give me a to next tuesday to share with you can see that he was safe and then a going to the school,
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the sort of the both of us will and that it may go ahead to us. you mean linda ashton eggman pulls with us with well, hey i'm, i'm going to imagine the mob on the kennedy livid memphis of the how the layer. so when i measure it only to the, to the end, we had many attempts just in the new i go, we it'll, so you can live with me. uh, comes out the pin, feed your net, lease your new home. so the 10 fi come with the same a vendor. so a foreclosure was hello. my name is diana. i'm in austin. and my name is diana. mean, go ahead. do i sit in huddle or horrible? i most are. you're young to the team. you are young 13, you looked at the men homes to see the 50 bucks a wireless device, my phone,
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and good to go into. so really and the house has some, some sort of little for your typical way of putting the stuff in. as i said, the would you mean for list above the income or would you me a little bit of it. you know what it is like, but the comfortability of the one month is the only thing that i need no more than that. so i need a sort of like a demonstration of maintenance. i'll be who is, who will lose all of the mostly what i mean. and mostly more of an intimacy does. little guys may be mounted with us, most of the sales the 1st time because the ship actually had to me come so as of you, look at the title is the title is going to to lose love the, the one of the man at the village at the us in the team, can you tell us of the may come side easier for the the more kind of
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a sudden balloon much 50 down yuma to fit this in. yeah. that the thing and that the so we of settlement to lead to become such however as a med dining room, this has a little more dislike. the one that says hook the fee literacy, generally uh middle button. uh the ask him those. the mig was sort of lena mendoza them or would and then the hell in make. the sellers should be in montana where the hell in will smith's in mccain, when of sudden with on and then the height of domino will, can live sort of in the rush of a bad idea of wild feet. shouldn't he is a calamity unless i have been them go as feet and um in my dentist little co me it was called and the sale of the color to suddenly
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a bunch of them. i gave the side and you did all my doing it. among the 16 videos shipped most of the doctors and there's some sort of bane from that that have to do with the most was a new go you good then then the consent most lives. definitely look, i'm done a for you. ringback to that, try next october. we'll get, i live in the molly slide in the home or how she'll let them know much of them. and then the there was an attempt with i'm spending more into the system, new president, but then was the is, will mr. so yes, give me way in the midst facilities to me. he started thinking me of this hinges, that seems to fit them. these things don't go e visible and you're still could never look somebody. and then you have to google stuff in it for somebody else who can help you with this. it goes out to the movie and with a brush that it has done yet. so just give us the label of to should do it. search
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something because of the solution that we need to is the $600.00. you left a message, but he just got out on and it doesn't sound like was thanks instead bothering us through enough this to do it. so it's not this silver us to attempt that i'm not sure that i send the cd. the mentioned to me that the us for the sons instructions can subordinate as to son j. as in sam e a c d on instead of the the sisters issue. if you could just dealing that is,
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she just did it on the defendant in case you were doing the eastern part of the year. so i could get some through the closer to the details was that i'm so projection, mutual, disability across to job uber. she's currently in the mission center of some sort of wood. it's such as this is just to say it was because the carwash each time school evaluate the school gymnastic is just going through the slides, pursuing the section position. so this is doing some psychiatrist in the schools of the younger school in japan and then nevada national, just put groups, i teach you conflicts on video, but they don't sit down as of today certain, especially for continuum of the new semester due to the if i did it before the year
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into this we get done. we wish it was gives it goes to it will suffice. who is the length of stay on the to for just just a positional seatbelt. assuming just being a city in the city of t. jackson guy, which is she was the showed in the photo gallery i was you know, the mileage, the good wireless, the here with pretty a whole. what are you from the other 2? that's kind of what else do you like to me? what level and much of these are chance to out of t j. that was 250. it was kind of those numbers since the corporate to get the partial for them for to wrench the 100 and say and give them the heads of you on your cell. so the living lot of people get a little bit of a, c k, the amount of a higher power. let me just slow my that is some of some of the other is kind of
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always kind of violent activities. incentive phone number. so i don't mean which one can argue that a little bit out of the best way to even that is to say that the senior and then i'll tell somebody that was, oh my you oh, let me, let me, let me just to how do i deal with them how in and look into this type according to shape. fairly telling me i can. that's all the higher and higher and more of a lot of these from a way of some science meeting for sunroof the that's something that somebody was the guy with a no one seems to have that. definitely. i'm gonna see the literacy instead of till i get to, to is a lot of a sudden that i ever got, hey,
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i'm the little bit was a little bit from the how get me in the house. very, very lovely. but i was a lot of the exist seduce and the land that there is the company that i do for society. the a cool to scan that a the, with the south side of it was an ice. i thought of my good way is to ice and i do certainly i do. i don't see. uh uh there was the daycare we want to, i'll be back going to i was indeed the most and i had best man, i guess nicole often to the, the civic was temperament, the different
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a society they get them and then this fund commitment the just kind of just so you just unplug the political and sell them. the money is due to you to miss the port of a gunshot, the sub. so it's how well the i am homeless. look at the left and in a little bit. see the in the so i'm going to receive
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less or to the shop in my through a sub and i'll be here for the odd in the us criminal. i you as job
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beauty deal talk to for the high school. if you see on the or the the have games, dan has attracted conquerors attention from time immemorial, in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view, the ap can lands as the northern gateway to india,
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and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to protect independence. the mere of a dentist in the us to homage turned for help, the russia waste. the british considered their deal political adversary. this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half gans in august 18, 39. the invaders occupied couple and brought their hands been to bower. the invaders brutally suppressed. any resistance, thus, is telly. they slaughtered all i have gan man who had reached the delta and raped hundreds of women seeking to humiliate the muslims of 18. 41 general uprising against the british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone, laughed campbell, and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from couple made it to
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the british position. we seemed jello about the defeat of the royal army caused enormous damage to the prestige of the british empire throughout the world. the victory of the afghan people became the most important event in the history of the oppressed peoples resistance to the colonial list. it just failed the races. smith of the european invincibility, the, the breaking museum in defense ministry confirms it is rarely fine to judge. striking the country's red seat out of the day of the report to the last 18 casualties. also has the fires of these cards, the burning in the m at the center because the middle east peace has been made clear in the lab and on in gaza. in human and the other places they will dare to


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