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tv   Going Underground  RT  July 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the breaking museum in defense ministry confirms is raised following subjects, palm the countries red st. paul city of allison data, killing 3 and injuring schools of move, also ahead reply with these kinds of burden you haven't sent across the middle east . peace has been made clear in labinata in gaza, in human, and in other places they will dare to attack us. the result will be identical as well. says this attack on. yep. and who is the director to yesterday is throwing strike on tele bead given the ccs have vowed to retaliate israel's by bits bypass the, the across the region. this is as the idea of hits targets in southern lebanon,
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in response to the countries attacked opponents folder on hundreds gathering the streets of power as boosting, as opposed to the people of gauze with the raleigh's organize on nelson mandela's grandson says, protest, i don't want to see is where the content is represented. feel in full but k t of the same in the idea tend to have been participating in the genocide ethnic cleansing, won't crimes and primes are going to manage the are bringing a news and analysis and comment. this is all t international, just going to find them here in most go and also in our data, and yet many, well we're going to stop this our. so we've got about breaking news. if you have any authorities reporting now that's 3 people were killed in schools,
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of others have been injured. this is officer and his radio strike on the red sea port of alpha data. at least 12 f 35 point the jets. the sets have taken pause in the attack. a dozens of rockets targeted fuel death. those at the port setting all stopped massive places. you can see that on your screen is damaging also, heavily a city power plant. now the idea of his claim that the strikes over tele ations, numerous attacks from the state, the rebels authors, correspondent jamal our oswell brings us this report from the many capital son the kenneth, the race will vile into the city of the whole day. the specifically on the ports device talks to oil storage facilities seem to pull to file for data, as well as the diesel storage facilities. we slide to launch flies acknowledging the fuel tanks. they all have data seated power station was also targeted according
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to the ministry of health and the governments and so now has concern that the casualties they will vote. and the people who fail as a result of this is bailey rate. that was consummation by may serve this house. the best way to vote is bailey and board to me. dollars based, barely aircraft. so not a problem is this. it will not remain silence about the space and the response will be more violent than these valley attack. well, i'm the, i'm at the many armed forces confirm that they will respond to this blade integration at that with the help of god almighty. they will not hesitate to strike the vital targets of the israel enemy, the many armed forces, and with them all the science of the free pro. yeah. many people will not stop their operations in support of our brother, st guys. we are preparing for a long war with his enemy until the aggression stops, the seats is lifted and all his crimes committed against the pals team and people in the gather street are stopped. as for the pool, it's a file for data. it is a commercial facility inside the pool. it's
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a file for data. del hundreds and perhaps thousands of workers was working the ports, the exact amount of data or when that and the places where the stats, the kids have not being determined. but the statement concerned that that one desk and one judge and they'll increase it to station in all her data was also targeted . also data depends greatly on it's, it's presidents depend greatly on it and therefore the city will be affected significantly if the power station that was cut off was disruptive is always prime minister benjamin netanyahu is called the strike on the admin, a direct response to yesterday's driving attack on telling me that killed one person an injured at least 10 others. that's according to reports. and the most comfortable the porch we attacked is not the innocent pause. it was a useful military purposes. it was used as a nancy point for the punch supply to the crew with these by wrong,
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they use the swap and to talk to israel to attack the counts. we sold the region to talking to international shipping lane. one of the most important seeping lights in the world, the tech came in direct response to the drone attack in which in this valley citizen was killed and all the civilians were injured. it also follow the press and they'll be sure to face against the state of as well since the beginning of the war . i have a message for israel's animation don't mislead us. we will protect ourselves in every way on every front. anyone who hall themselves will pay a very heavy price for the russian is rarely prime minister, has been saying it's from the beginning of the war in gaza and has said it again in regard to the strikes on yemen. israel would harm anyone who harms a 0, so for israel, it is at 100 percent justified attack. so israel makes it clear the attack is a response to fridays. drones strikes that the many armed forces took
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responsibility for they were full drones. fire and 3 were down by the us forces while to force one heat, a building near the american embassy in tel aviv killing one is really mad and injuring 10 other people. the message is clear and to restore some kind of deterrence and to retaliate. and here is, is really defense minister hold. so speaking let's take a listen. that's up to guide me to fire that is currently burning. indiana is sent across the middle east, who is these attacked us over 200 times the 1st time that they harmed. and these royal citizen was struck them and we'll do these in any place which may be required, the blood of israel, the citizens, has a price. this has been made clear in lamina in gaza, in human, and in other places. if they will dare to attack us, the results will be identical. while a few words about the attack itself, the operation that has been called a long arm heavily on such a day's roll struck. yeah, i'm and, and by the way, for the 1st time we see the idea of and the political leadership quickly confirming
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the attack, the army says if he'd several targets, both civilian and what they call tara targets in the whole day or a port stating some 6 hours away from him and he capital son on homeless, 2000 kilometers away from israel. repulsively. 10 strides were carried out by 18. f 15 and f. 35 fights and jets. more than 10 tons of explosives were used as ro, size, 80 percent of all weapons deliveries from iran to you. how many come through the 4th? this is why they started was chosen estimates are that it will take up to a year for you. i meant to recover from the time electricity stations and oil refinery money, the targets. this is why on the footage we received from the ground, receive the legs smoke, go it off or we hear from is really military officials also that the idea of has been on high alert for months, anticipating serious attacks from the who says since the beginning of the war and gaza game and base,
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milton groove attacked israel 220 times with drones and myself. so it didn't come as a surprise for israel. they have been preparing. and this is why these really responds was very quick. it came just about 45 hours after the hope these drones blended in tel aviv on friday hoses. how ready, reacted saying they will respond adding that's quote, israel's dream to see i'm in stopping it's support for god will not come true. and that means we weakness a cycle of escalation, a highly dangerous turn for the entire region of only for israel and government. and you have to remember those things half being and remain boiling and as well as north, where i am right now way. the idea of has been engaging with his bottle of 4 months . so that is indeed a very dangerous moments and a very dangerous escalation, as well as your hearing. now not report summary of an ocean attention seem to be escalating pretty quickly across the region. are she's fine,
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has wrapped it in selves in lap and own. this is ways where the forces carried out in a rate so far, no casualties have been reported that the emergency services are trying to put out that far. the strike on lab and then came of the is was newest, was hit leaving several, i've yeah, soldiers injured, the constant is escalate and the problem to solve and not been on testable, announced today that they just carry now the series of attacks against the positions and concentrations of sol just solve these rarely ami, specifically in zora. it denounced in a statement that it had talked to the position, so soul, just an offices with a swarm of sold montrose, artillery positions, and missiles, as well as the sides of the island. don't talk phones as boys just sit on targeting these several months to send a message to these very side that if it's a tax and bomb similarly on villages, that will be response. the sonata also received right reactions from these fairly
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side. there are ongoing bites on seldom dublin on, specifically on the tone of low, but also frightening, sees from the targeted side as the sound of explosions, a sea of widely herds, flies of aging, and miss sauls full from the sky. well, facing in the face of escalation in the confrontation between hezbollah and these railways side. well, meanwhile, iran has condemned, as well as the tax owned b, m in port the writing in foreign ministry spokesperson describing them as an expression of the aggressive nature of these rarely regime. sit on it's holding is, well, i'm the us director responsible for the consequences of the attacks. and they all take spoke with tut on university professor said mohammed tamani who says weston support comp keep as well as well. campaign going in definitely the regime is a rope. rashid and it will be supported by the west because the west supports
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katniss. the premises of just like the west supported the parts of south africa just like the west, supported with dishes. just like to west build colonies across the globe in the 18th, the 19th century and preserved them in the 20th century. they will allow, that is rarely rushing to behave as they behaved 1st entries. but the region has changed. they, the region will not accept an apartheid regime in west asia. and in the long term, there's really regime will continue to go down the hill. the world despises the reading. the world despises what they've done to the palestinians, and the world sees it as a place which is not stable and therefore the destiny of the regime is collapse. and i think that ultimately, within a few years we're going to see a palestine where jews, christians, muslims, all have equal rights. something that the west doesn't want,
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but something that the rest of the world will impose upon the west. meanwhile, hundreds of people taken to the streets of paris in fonts to express the support for gauls ins as the acts of a small hutch with pallets and flags and chanted and see who slogans. of course would be paris and fixed just a few days away. protesters were also urging them back home government to fully quote as well, from the games. well, we've been hearing about the reasoning behind this particular riley from nelson mandela's grandson, who organized that demonstration. he also has been commenting on the developing situation. any admin fee. uh yeah, he terrace today uh to make a call to move the entire uh, global community. thing done right now, so you got it through mid month end all across the which one is brent to call florida. then no football drive from the paris olympic games. yesterday we were
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waiting last one at the headquarters of the i o. c. calling on the slip of the i o . c to ben design is does that bring entity from participating in the olympics? in terms of the process of growing each day, we are getting hundreds and thousands of people into the streets. that's all supporting the policy and struggle. we already know a sales for the biggest protest in front of the opening ceremony of the olympic games, which will be on the 26th off for july next through friday. we are therefore calling one o civil society rick. i am label formations, faith based organizations, and goal brussel, which is 2 contreras, the on the opening ceremony. we support the policy and much of those that are
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being silent. we know that we have over 400 policy me and i have been my kid will depart, dissipate this on people. they are claiming stuff and quotes is that also being lots of the sports facilities that have been destroyed? we therefore call on the i o. c, i to ben the zion is deputy mtv from participating. particularly is in the lives of dogs over 30 of the auditors served in the i d. f, and have been participating in the genocide mclennan saying war crimes and crimes are things to manage. the re, i've had the off for the latest developments, as led by our comrades and brothers, the newman, the what is the word say in the into, and there's no, it's only daughter, the movement across the roads, most men,
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deductibles will tease. mazda remains that falls, and the 10th is why the flights in liberating our brothers and sisters in law and on all was occupied part is fine. almost 2 weeks have pulse since indian prime minister and not under moody, visited moscow hun. it seems that washington just cannot get over it. us national security advisor jake sullivan says washington is taking issue still with the fact that the indian needa hug lot may a person. we never want to see countries that we care about who are partners and friends of ours shop in moscow. and i put them in india has a historic relationship with russia that they're not going to cut off. but we do believe that we want to continue to have a deep dialogue within the about the specifics and the nature of that relationship and whether intervals over time. i'm not into
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a moody arrived in moscow at the beginning of july. it was his 1st born by lot to visit i since his re election. the russian and indian need is discussed many things, including energy and defense, corporation, trade and space development. moody also received. you can see in those images that russia's highest state owed to love. the indian prime minister was in moscow. us state department spokesman, matthew miller didn't hold by calling about, expressing his concerns, moving you down. these close ties with russia. india is a strategic partner with whom we engage in a full and frank dialogue. and that includes our concerns about the relationship with russia. i will look to punish remotest by with march to, to see what he talked about. but as i said, we made quite clear directly with india are concerns about their relationship with the restaurant. and so we would hope india, any other country when they engage with russia,
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would make clear that russia should respect to you in charge. the respect you credit sovereignty and territorial integrity. when you deli, is responding to these statements by saying the us on india are allowed to disagree on certain things in this foreign ministry space space and also noting that new daily value is its own strategic. oh, totally me, foreign policy expert. so for come out do test says the us must understand that india will not just blindly follow commands. i think of me here, the name job on the business that does not need armies have a good night that states of america as to who you should check and send me sample me to you know it's it's, it's totally up to you about the only thing i'm going to stop by and see, and you said you at the office creation has to be totally shoot me an email in relation to family room. these are not a not relationship. yes,
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we do have already on the inside of the relationship with the united states government, eco invest pain, maybe have a family funds, you say a man of any relationship and the time, the relationship with the russian federation and business, not the united states of america has to understand that these 3, nbc, and so not be un office, you understand the app, it'd be, it's going to be better property into yahoo. less relationship spectrum is like they've been feeling better due to the about they've, if the, they need to address the concept in diplomacy. there is a tom called, you know, be an inside speak, choose to be said 3 on add 3. and it seems to me on the same logic applies here, that i think the rest has to come off of it. you know, be a rock c, r o b a n b, a test to accept the relationship for india in independent of interest to you. and i think that is better and better as we've been better,
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better to cray now, where police have started arresting men of military service age right on the streets. this is will not updating the data at the enlistment offices. these are to coding and rules that have just come into force this week and the kids need move along stations strategy. the regulations especially say that it will entail a file for those fine for those who failed to update that data on time. however, there is plenty of which is circulating online uh, or social media showing police offices forcibly snatching men of the streets instead. now this comes as the printing military takes mountain losses on the battlefield, i made a steady russian at phones. in the meanwhile, a hungry which is being criss crossing the world and promoting its peace mission
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for ukraine, has accused the other western powers of turning a blind dying to key as forced mobilization tactics. the hon gary in foreign minister has also hit the back of let them is the light in ski off the heat tried this may be the past over. it's diplomatic efforts. on the control panel, you can all see the videos of the ukrainians lining up. it is very interesting that the west is not outraged by the fact that the n g o we have not beaten the table yet. it is very interesting that those who used to talk about human rights are now silent shame. it is a shame that human rights organizations don't speak up and here we are. those who are willing and brave enough to talk about the needs to create peace. and then the president of ukraine addresses the him, gary and prime minister with such unqualified words. this is very difficult for me to accept process and restrain myself from using harsh expressions. it
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was highly nasty, best of being playing 1st angels, the fullest mobilization of ukrainians on the rules of a genuine church passes by was seen gathering around this video projection that was designed, the people behind it say to view it 1st about the man hunt in ukraine. that's what we're seeing, the population they say to dive and nato's interests. we've been speaking to one of the active best. this is lee and all of the sudden he got lia, who organized the event. and he says that protests has received support from ukrainians who are living in this in a and we decided to organize that the, the heavens because the, the government, these, the activities participating in the, in the meantime, the super support for the key evidence, even the so we think that the new guardian government that is a, that is possible to afford the, the tragedies that is happening to give kenyan citizen at workforce it is 5, the 4 need to,
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and the for the so called the european values and against it they and they brought as rush, they finish the, the more it you don't, you pay most of a to the soldiers if you send that to the front office or now they have to and they have to use the the train. yeah. and people that maybe don't want the events side door and don't see a rush on that as an enemy. they have to resort the to the was able to do with the deal affected people. and the so these, these, the logic goes into a logical conclusion of the, the nature of war against the russian. people that don't want to fight the force of the fight to afford it and the rest, the on foot. what street and washington many and many more to bring and citizen. so i'm starting to move in to see the 2 of the year in june about the for example, the many of you bring us citizens to the show. so for the, for our action and this to the be size of positive doing good,
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the evidence of the state, the africans are losing faith in democracy. this is according to a report by the gone, based for parole, much a research group. it says academic what was on corruption of true good disillusionment across the continent. the surveys in 3 dozen country show the public backing for the democratically elected governments has been fooling over the past decades with many africans now saying that they just simply no longer trust the politicians who have failed to deliver on the pledges. this includes in south africa, for instance, where support for democracy is nearly hauled. and there's a similar trend that's being seen in mali, malawi, new z, a, and between are fast so well. a veteran sized african politician has been telling all the fee that the western level of democracy just hasn't worked for the people of the continent. yes,
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this illusion does not weekends and i come my safety. the costs demo because the, as was important to us, is continued to make us, if i saw the speeds that continued to meet the width of each, but didn't pull that issue to us. i mean, look it, yes me. that's what it moves in dallas country meeting it on wise. but look at where the problem is right now. i mean go use the old over the way it's trying to get a better life that's not in the country. so i think that concept for me, that's why we even part of the community bid on these when neil calling anderson. what's the continuation of communion this in just a minute. that is an a plus, it comes in what i mean by that is there's no spending colonial defense was this little quintanilla ministry top you the, i usually not government, you know, to me that the can past, which is exactly what and you live at me that list and see that the government is a post office between the people in tempe time. so i think a for me that the solution meant his company to find. because if you get gotten a sense of a 60 is apple,
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you should definitely do you say losing half we mock to this, the level 50 is a whole bunch of latest beta then it never. so i'm happy with the sage that's slipping through the eclipse and these on to democrats. the concept nigeria has the highest number of mountain nurse children in africa and is facing an unprecedented hunger causes. that is a so bring conclusion of a new report that's just been published by the u. n's, children's charity unicef in a bit to come might be issue the nigerian national nutrition council has approve the series of meshes. but experts and the most effective say that more rapid action is needed. yeah, based on the children sometimes don't even look like human beings and the child is sick all the time. as a mother, you don't have peace of mind. you take him to the hospital and the doctor will tell you that he's sicknesses,
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hunger engaged. the some time is up to about $43.00 square meals. most of them being cocked me cut out for the winter square meals. we go to the market tomorrow, something is still if you see on the next these already 500. so you can see when, when you have to like change. if you feel like it changes on content for the to, you have to go for something less. for you to you
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the, i think the government is lost as yet, so they know they kept it in the spend the money in agriculture. that little seemed a difficult task because people told me that the search bar above nation deep joy t d d 's at killers. the, the, the, the optical communication be so
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a lack of some of the refund back becomes all, let me see 9 journals, you know, by huge weekly when it comes to and security. a lot of people have left, you know, find me, you know, because on a security lots, i don't know, got secure. people find it difficult to ask, can't evaluate the fits for photoshop. we look like it's statics to tell you a number of people that are going auto funding for the most competitive population we have. so we have stuff because we need to have our sales. the pleasure is always to have your company will be back,
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but another look at the news that you need to know in around half an hour. it has the deep position. the deep sort of the west of the west on this death is deceptive. not to be got the books to be the only delegates of good and just the
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the i'm action or time say welcome back to going under the rule. gusting all around the world from you a limits the ongoing u. k. u s e u. um, because of genocide, it's been a week since the likely next president of the usa. so if i just show up to the head in suspicious circumstances, the pennsylvania assassination attempt on trump came off the years of u. s. military industrial media censorship. complex attacks on him for being an unpredictable 7th. i've only got a power, as opposed to the faithful demented lap dog biden will either make any difference to the slaughter of ukrainians in palestinians in the us proxy was, or in the streets of protest rather than the elections. they owned the peaceful means, open to americans, one thing an end, the us international was on the pool. a reason why i supreme court decision is defective band political protest in louisiana, mississippi,


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